Lietuvos banko tinklalaidė
Deciphering the most contested topics of our times straight from the South Side Banlieue of Paris. Join French human rights advocate Yasser Louati for his uncompromising takedowns of the headlines, what's behind them and who's on the other side.
This is Change Makers – the podcast bringing you ideas, life lessons and amazing stories from those making a difference in extraordinary times.
Powered by campaigns firm Seven Hills and hosted by Michael Hayman, this interview series delves into what makes leaders tick and looks at the contribution this empowers them to bring to the world.
This is the podcast for those who want to hear the optimism that comes from challenging the status quo.
Find your mission. -
Kiek valstybės mokesčių politika verslą skatina veikti, o kiek trukdo? Kaip politikų sprendimai keičia kasdienius gyventojų piniginius reikalus? Kodėl mums turi rūpėti, kai kyla ar smunka kitų šalių ūkiai? Apie tai laida „Aukso amžius“ – antradieniais 18.12 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Laidą veda žurnalistė Irma Janauskaitė.
Η πρώτη φορά της Έλενας Ακρίτα στον κόσμο των Podcasts μέσα από το . Η ιδέα προέκυψε από την επιθυμία της να επικοινωνήσει με τους φίλους της και με έναν άλλο τρόπο. Θα μιλάει για τα πάντα: την πολιτική, την κοινωνία, όσα συμβαίνουν γύρω μας, όσα μας αγχώνουν, μας στεναχωρούν, μας εκνευρίζουν, αλλά και όσα μας κάνουν να χαμογελάμε, να νιώθουμε ζεστασιά, όσα μας ψυχαγωγούν. Για τα δικαιώματά μας ως πολίτες και για τρόπους και τρικ ώστε να γίνει καλύτερη έστω και λίγο η ζωή μας. Το βασικό μυστικό της ευτυχίας είναι να μοιράζεσαι.
Podcasts about magazines and the people who made (and make) them.
Unbiased news and insights about Israel from an American who has worked within the Israeli Parliament. World news and international relations from an American conservative commentator.
Лучшие интервьюеры Радио «Комсомольская правда» беседуют с теми, кому есть что сказать. Понравилась программа? Подписывайтесь на новые выпуски и слушайте, когда удобно!
Politikų veiksmai, keičiantys verslo aplinką, verslininkų požiūris į šalies aktualijas ir sprendimai, turintys įtakos kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenimui. Dešimt minučių svarbiausios informacijos apie verslą ir ekonomiką: dinamiškai, aiškiai ir koncentruotai. Rubrika „Verslo laikas“ transliuojama kiekvieną darbo dieną 7val. 45 minutės.
Mike Slater is a graduate of Yale University where he majored in history. He hosts of “The Mike Slater Show” and "True Story with Mike Slater" on The First TV Network. On his shows, Mike speaks to the Conservative heart by focusing on the five values that most inspire a virtuous life: curiosity, gratitude, hope, zest, and love. Where other talk hosts may use anger, frustration, and hopelessness to talk about current events, Slater tells stories that connect to eternal principles and conservative values. Hear The Mike Slater Show ON DEMAND with this podcast from San Diego's TALK, AM 760.
We cover emerging and prominent trends in political risk analysis. Run by international, fresh perspectives, we explore the landscape-changing developments needed in the business, civic, and governmental arenas.
London Politica is a unique political risk advisory run by international, fresh perspectives. Rooted in the London School of Economics, we have access to some of the world's best talent, tools, and talks. -
Whether it’s Arizona's housing market, car buying tips, cheap family vacations, how to avoid scams, or just saving money, Gary Harper, Susan Campbell, and the Arizona’s Family On Your Side team are here to make you a more savvy consumer.
ACAPS is an independent analytical voice helping humanitarian workers, influencers, fundraisers, and donors make better-informed decisions and respond more effectively to disasters. The original publications of these audio reports can be found at
Saving lives at sea is not a crime
But for the past few years, European states have treated those brave enough to save refugees from drowning in the Mediterranean as if they were breaking the law.
Welcome to The Civil Fleet, a podcast by that focuses on the NGO refugee rescuers in the central Mediterranean and beyond. -
This podcast explores the intersection of youth, social media, and participatory journalism through three social movements: the Arab Spring, #YoSoy132, and Black Lives Matter.
He’s Prime Time 99, he’s the pimp on a blimp, the troll the Left fears more than any other, and he may or may not be Tucker Carlson’s biological son. Alex Stein will take you on an unscripted roller coaster ride that mocks political correctness and takes on the liberal world order with courage and humor. Stein became an overnight sensation with his outrageous and over-the-top trolling of the Left — like when he crashed a woke city council meeting while wearing a woman’s one-piece bathing suit to demand that he be allowed to compete against female swimmers. When it comes to politics these days, sometimes you gotta laugh to keep from crying — and “Prime Time with Alex Stein” will leave you in stitches.
Įdomiausi naujienų agentūros BNS žurnalistų pokalbiai apie Lietuvos verslo aktualijas.
Sir Harry Evans was arguably the greatest newspaper editor of the 20th century. The Sir Harry Evans Global Summit in Investigative Journalism brings together the biggest names in journalism to continue his legacy, and debate the future of speaking truth to power.
In this series we bring you conversations from the inaugural summit, which was held in London on 10th May 2023.
From Tortoise Media, in partnership with the Sir Harry Evans Global Summit for Investigative Journalism, Tina Brown Media, Reuters and Durham University.
Tortoise is an independent newsroom dedicated to making sense of the world and the stories that matter. This summer, we're launching the Tortoise Journalism School, an intensive week-long programme in our newsroom in London devoted to workshops about journalism and work on a shared editorial project. Click here to find out more and to apply.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Каждую среду обсуждаем избранные материалы из западных медиа. Культура, общество, политика, психология, безумные кейсы, мнения самых респектабельных авторов мира и дружелюбная атмосфера: здесь мы думскроллим вместе с вами, дискутируем и бережем ваши нервы от безумия мира.