
  • Today's podcast episode is about the season 2 finale of The lifepurpose.com Podcast because the time to 10x our life purpose has come.

    10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Letting Go

    10x-ing your life purpose is about letting go.

    It doesn't matter if it's a job, a business, or a lifestyle you built for yourself: if you're unhappy or unsatisfied with it, let go and be 100% committed to your life's purpose.

    You might be holding on to the familiar (habits, patterns, beliefs, etc.), but until you let go of what's no longer serving you, you'll always be in a 2x state of living.

    10x is about doing only what's in your zone of genius, working less, and having a team of passionate people helping you achieve something BIG for your purpose.

    2x is about doing everything yourself, "hard work," and being busy.

    To 10x, you can't think 2x.

    To 10x, you can't have 2x goals.

    To 10x, you can't have 2x habits.

    Letting go is a fundamental principle of 10x.

    10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

    10x-ing your life purpose is about getting out of your comfort zone and doing 10x things to live your purpose.

    It's easy to live in one's comfort zone and be comfortable, yet true growth and fulfillment are beyond what's familiar to us.

    To 10x your purpose, you must embrace discomfort as a catalyst for transformation. Embracing discomfort is a necessary part of one's journey to 10x-ing themselves because it requires one to become the person they were meant to be.

    10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Building Value

    To manifest the BIG vision for your purpose, you need to amplify your value by 10x-ing yourself. You can't achieve this if you're thinking only 2x. 10x-ing your purpose isn't solely about personal success or fulfillment; it's about making a meaningful impact and leaving a lasting legacy.

    Building value starts with introspection and self-awareness. It involves identifying your unique strengths, passions, and values, and using them to make a positive difference in the world. Whether through your work, relationships, or contributions to society, every action you take should align with your core purpose and enrich the lives of others.

    10x-ing Your Life Purpose Is About Taking Massive Action

    To truly 10x our life purpose, we must embrace the essence of our masculine energy, which means stepping into our power, being unapologetically bold, and taking massive action toward our goals.

    The Time To 10x Our Life Purpose Has Come

    To propel ourselves to the next stage of our journey, we must let go, step out of our comfort zones, and create value by taking massive action.

    🎯 Subscribe to The lifepurpose.com Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about when you know yourself, you'll know your purpose.

    When you know yourself, you'll know your purpose in life. To know yourself, you must become aware of who you are and the meaning of your life.

    Your Life's Purpose Is An Extension Of Your Authentic Self

    Your purpose is an extension of your authentic self. However, to truly understand and embrace your authentic self, self-awareness is crucial. Knowing various key aspects of yourself through introspection and self-discovery connects you deeper to your life's purpose.

    Your Life Purpose Evolves When You Know More About Yourself

    As you know more about yourself, your purpose will evolve.

    The more self-aware you become, the more you deepen your understanding of yourself—your values, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and beliefs, helping you to gain more clarity and insight about your purpose. As you remember the core of your true identity, you'll learn more of your truth and discover what truly inspires you.

    Self-awareness encompasses both introspection and self-reflection. It involves being conscious of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and how they influence your actions.

    Accept Yourself And You'll Accept Your True Purpose

    Accepting your true purpose requires you to accept yourself.

    Accepting yourself is not merely an act of self-love; it is the gateway to unlocking your true purpose in life. When you embrace who you are and accept yourself completely, you'll receive guidance from the Divine on what you must do to live your purpose.

    When You Know Yourself, You'll Know Your Purpose

    Knowing yourself is both an act of self-acceptance and self-awareness, which is key to knowing your purpose.

    Self-awareness is fundamental when it comes to knowing who you are because when you know yourself you'll know your purpose.

    When you accept yourself unconditionally, you gain clarity about your values, passions, and desires, empowering you to make choices that lead to a more purposeful and meaningful life. Although achieving self-acceptance may require effort and self-reflection, therapeutic techniques such as mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy can aid in this process.

    🎯 Subscribe to The lifepurpose.com Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about why nice guys will NEVER live their life's purpose.

    "Nice guys" will NEVER live their life's purpose because they would rather get approval from the outer world and avoid conflict at all costs instead of doing what God needs them to do to fulfill their purpose.

    A "nice guy" has been programmed to behave according to society's conditioning, causing them to be passive out of fear of confrontation.

    "Nice Guys" Will Always Struggle To Live Their Life's Purpose

    "Nice guys" will always struggle to live their life's purpose because they have an internal psychological conflict known as the nice guy syndrome.

    The behavioral pattern of being fake nice at one's expense is likely a shadow (a term coined by Carl Jung to describe the repressed aspects of oneself), stemming from a deep-seated psychological need for approval or fear of rejection.

    "Nice Guys" Do What They Think Others Want Them To Do

    "Nice guys" do what they think others want them to do not because they want to be nice and genuinely do something for someone else: their underlying intention (consciously or unconsciously) might be to get something in return.

    Without a strong sense of self, a "nice guy" will continue to overextend themselves, do for others, and neglect themselves in the process. While doing for others is not necessarily "bad," it becomes problematic when a "nice guy" feels obligated to do things that they don't really want to do because it insinuates they can easily be controlled or manipulated.

    "Nice Guys" Will Avoid Confrontation At All Costs, Even If It Means NOT Living Their Life's Purpose

    A "nice guy" will never become their true self if they are acting on an artificial behavioral pattern to please others. The "nice guy" persona would fundamentally be a shadow that originated in fear of rejection, leaving the "nice guy" to hide who they truly are in exchange for being something they're not, thus gaining the conditional approval of others in the process.

    "Nice Guys" Will Always Pretend When It's Time To Do Uncomfortable Things To Fulfill Their Life's Purpose

    "Nice guys" will always pretend when it's time to do uncomfortable things to fulfill their purpose.

    The "nice guy" persona, what is being presented to the outer world, is in direct conflict when the "nice guy" may need to do things that are out of character for the "nice guy."

    "Nice Guys" Will NEVER Live Their Life's Purpose

    The "nice guy" must confront their shadows and address the root cause of their persona to be authentic and live their purpose.

    A "nice guy" must accept themselves for who they are, regardless of others' approval. The "nice guy" will never live their purpose until they accept themselves and their truth.

    🎯 Subscribe to The lifepurpose.com Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about reclaiming your sexual energy to live your life's purpose.

    Reclaiming your sexual energy requires you to acknowledge and embrace your sexual energy, which can help you live your life's purpose.

    Your Sexual Energy's Role In Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose

    Your sexual energy plays a BIG role in living and fulfilling your life's purpose.

    Think of your sexual energy as a special type of rocket fuel 🚀.

    This rocket fuel 🚀 powers your creativity, ambition, and overall well-being.

    Therefore, understanding how to harness and use your sexual energy constructively can help you manifest the BIG vision God gifted you by empowering you to take massive action as a BIG ONE and fulfill your BIG purpose.

    Research from Brody and Costa cites that the actual act of sexual intercourse can improve one's overall well-being and help one reach self-actualization (2009). This is also resonant with Diamond's assertion that one's sexual energy, when harnessed effectively is a catalyst for creativity, motivation, and personal growth (2010).

    The Power Of Flow State In Living A Purposeful Life

    Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's work revolved heavily around the "flow state," (being "in the zone") which is a state of deep focus, effortless action, heightened creativity, and a deep sense of enjoyment during the performance of an activity (Oppland, 2016).

    Flow state is a complete immersion in the present moment, where you're fully absorbed in what you're doing, which makes you lose track of time and self-consciousness.

    It's theorized that accessing and staying in this flow state is important for helping us reach our full potential and live our purpose.

    The Connection Between Flow State, Purpose, and Sexual Energy

    What do flow state, sexual energy, and your purpose have to do with one another?


    The flow state is the state when you're "in the zone" and achieving that state seems to happen when you're doing what you enjoy (living your purpose), which enables you to do it at a high level.

    Your sexual energy motivates you to do things that increase your chances of getting sex with the person you're attracted to, but when that energy is harnessed for your life purpose, it helps you access higher levels of creativity, action, and accomplishment.

    Your sexual energy enables you to access the flow state when that energy is used to live your life's purpose.

    Sexual energy and flow can work in unison to help you effortlessly fulfill your life's purpose, however, it will require you to integrate your shadows and acknowledge whatever you've denied, disliked, or repressed about yourself.

    🎯 Subscribe to The lifepurpose.com Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about discovering wholeness for your life's purpose

    Discovering your wholeness is a BIG part of finding and living your life's purpose because, from a place of wholeness, you're not seeking validation or other external assurance of your BIGNESS: you own and express who you truly are.

    What Is 'Wholeness'?

    There's an innate completeness within each of us and when you remember this truth for yourself, it'll free you from being needy and help you focus on being content. When you're free of neediness, living from that place of consciousness will allow you to express your life's purpose without needing anyone's approval or validation since you're being true to yourself and knowing your purpose is enough.

    Lack Of Wholeness Disconnects You From Your Purpose

    The outer world has conditioned you to feel disconnected from yourself. The disconnection from self contributes to a disconnection from wholeness, which disconnects you from your purpose.

    When there's a lack of inner wholeness, you might be likely to do nonmeaningful work that sucks the life out of you and causes you to experience mental health issues like anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, or burnout.

    Your purpose isn't necessarily about achieving a goal, instead, it's about answering a deep inner calling that aligns with your unique talents, values, and passions, which expands your sense of wholeness.

    Achieving 'Wholeness' To Fulfil Your Life's Purpose

    Achieving wholeness to fulfill your life's purpose starts with remembering you're connected to all that is and that you're already whole. You must live in that state of consciousness and project that thought 24/7.

    Only when you embrace your wholeness can you reconnect with your authentic self and align with your true purpose in life.

    Integrating Your Shadows and Embodying Your 'Wholeness'

    As Carl Jung described, our shadows are the ignored or repressed aspects of ourselves that we've pushed away because we believe that the outer world does not accept who we are.

    So we hide ourselves. What does that do though? It creates a shadow.

    The shadow isn't going to disappear though: it's still part of us and comes out at certain moments that might seem like self-sabotage, criticism, judgment, defensiveness, anger, or other shadow-like tendencies that shadows do.

    However, by integrating these shadows, we can begin to embody our wholeness and unlock our true potential, which will help us fulfill our purpose.

    Discovering Wholeness For Your Life's Purpose

    Living in a state of wholeness entails transcending the ego and realizing the interconnectedness of all existence, which is already a part of you.

    By integrating all aspects of ourselves, including our shadows, and living from a place of wholeness, we'll be equipped to live authentically and fulfill our true purpose.

    🎯 Subscribe to The lifepurpose.com Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about your life purpose and the golden shadow.

    The golden shadow is the best version of yourself that you have the potential to become and when consciously integrated, your golden shadow will help you to unleash the BIGness of your life's purpose.

    What Is The Golden Shadow?

    The golden shadow is the buried part of your psyche that holds your untapped potential and is key to fulfilling your BIG purpose.

    As we hide or hold back from expressing the parts of ourselves we dislike or reject, those parts eventually become lost in our unconscious psyches, causing us to lose vital aspects of our identities, our authentic selves.

    It is through the formation of our shadows, however, that creates a BIG treasure for us to access if we're willing to do our shadow work.

    Integrate Your Golden Shadow To Fulfill Your Life Purpose

    Integrating your golden shadow first begins by integrating your shadow, or the lost parts of yourself that you've repressed, either to accept yourself consciously or to be accepted by the outer world.

    The lost parts of yourself that you've repressed are still a part of who you are and once integrated, will signal to your subconscious mind that you're whole and complete.

    The benefits of doing shadow work to integrate your golden shadow (the best traits of who you are) enable you to rediscover your hidden talents, improve self-awareness, overcome self-limiting beliefs or patterns, and most importantly, fulfill your life's purpose.

    Shadow Work Leads To Your Golden Shadow

    Shadow work leads to your golden shadow because you're actively engaging your conscious and subconscious mind to look within yourself for self-love and self-acceptance.

    To grasp the significance of shadow work, it's important to understand that our shadows are the parts of ourselves that we don't accept or want, which often originate from our childhood experiences, societal conditioning, or traumatic events. These shadows manifest as negative traits, unresolved emotions, or patterns of behavior that sabotage our growth and well-being.

    The process of doing shadow work involves shining a light on these hidden aspects, acknowledging them without judgment, and integrating them into our conscious awareness.

    Doing 'The Work' And Living Your Life Purpose Is A Choice

    On your journey to living your life's purpose, one of the most profound realizations is understanding that doing 'the work' and embracing your purpose is ultimately a conscious choice. This choice is not just acknowledgment of your shadows, but an active decision to take control of your thoughts, words, and actions and do something more with your life.

    We can accept ourselves for who we are, regardless of how others perceive us because how others perceive us is a reflection of an unacknowledged shadow within them.

    🎯 Subscribe to The lifepurpose.com Podcast for inspiring stories, mentorship, and practical methods to find, live, and unleash YOUR life's purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about ascending from your shadows to your life's purpose.

    To ascend from your shadows to your life's purpose, you must successfully integrate the aspects of yourself that you've repressed because that will be the key 🔑 to assisting you in becoming the BIG ONE you were destined to be and fulfilling your special mission.

    Your Shadow Wants You To Fulfill Your Purpose

    Our shadows serve as gatekeepers to our true potential and are the key to helping us fulfill our life's purpose. Understanding and embracing our shadows is not only about accepting ourselves but is also a BIG step toward fulfilling what we came here to do.

    A BIG step each of us can take today is to do our shadow work and integrate our golden shadow so that we may fulfill our purpose to the greatest capacity that we're capable of and collectively ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

    Integrate Your Shadows To Express Your Life's Purpose

    Ascending from our shadows to our life's purpose requires a willingness to integrate the parts of ourselves we've rejected. Through the process of integrating our shadows, we can reclaim a BIG aspect of ourselves that enables us to express who we are, honestly and authentically.

    The Conscious Choice To Fulfill Your Life Purpose

    By consciously acknowledging our shadows and understanding their role in shaping our behavior and beliefs, we open ourselves to profound inner healing and self-realization.

    Explore the idea of owning and embracing your shadow, integrating both the light and dark aspects of yourselves. Who could you become and how could you express your life's purpose differently once you've tapped into the complete spectrum of who you are when you embrace your shadow?

    Ascending From Your Shadows To Your Life's Purpose

    Ascending from your shadows to your life's purpose requires integrating repressed aspects of yourself. By integrating your shadows, you can access your golden shadow, where your hidden talents are, which will help you fulfill your unique mission, and ascend to a new level of consciousness.

    🎯 Subscribe To The lifepurpose.com Newsletter

    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about finding the treasures for your purpose in the shadows.

    What Time Tells You About Your Purpose

    Time, according to Dr. Helmenstine, "is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage" (Helmenstine, 2019), and because it's a unit of measurement between one event to another, why does time fly when we're having fun?

    Dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, influences our perception of time. Scientific research discovered increases in dopamine when engaged in enjoyable activities and decreases in dopamine when engaged in non-enjoyable activities (Saplakoglu, 2019). So basically, when you're having fun, your brain gets more dopamine, which makes time feel like it's going faster than it is.

    This is important to highlight because if we're going to spend the majority of our lives doing things, then the things we do should be enjoyable to us. Our perception of time gives us a BIG insight into what we find enjoyable or boring. Adding onto this, living our purpose (whatever that is) should be enjoyable to us and distort our sense of time because we're getting a dopamine release by doing it.

    What are you spending your time on and why?

    If you find that you're spending your time doing things you don't enjoy, why?

    Are you living your life or are you living someone else's?

    Your limitation is your shadow.

    Your Limitation Is Your Shadow

    We all have a shadow.

    Shadows aren't necessarily a bad thing, they're more like aspects of ourselves we've ignored or repressed.

    Jung emphasized that acknowledging our shadows is important because when we acknowledge and integrate our shadows can we remember the truth of who we truly are. Jung believed that by reconnecting to the positive side of our shadow, we'll become whole (Academy Of Ideas, 2023).

    The wholeness concept Jung theorized is necessary for owning yourself so you can be the BIG ONE you know you were destined to be and fulfill your life's purpose.

    The Cultural Shadow Stifling Your Life's Purpose

    In today's podcast episode, Hemma talked about her experiences working in the nightclub industry, the expectations placed on women, and the psychological consequences they had on their sense of self.

    Cultural expectations create shadows when not met and keep us mind-controlled if we continue giving our power to them. Acknowledging cultural shadows allows each of us to see the outer world for what it is and regain our sovereignty.

    Most people conform and that's their choice, BUT if your choice is to be a BIG ONE and live your BIG purpose, at some point you have to look at the shadows like we did, see where you've been mind-controlled and unstifle yourself so you can do what you came here to do.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about your shadow's messages for your purpose.

    Understanding Shadow's Role In Your Life Purpose

    Your shadow's role is to help you fulfill your life's purpose. Your shadow wants you to acknowledge it so that you can be fully yourself because when you are just being yourself, your true uniqueness can come forward and you're able to use your gifts and talents in a way that is unique to you.

    By acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects, one can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life purpose. Therapists and coaches specializing in shadow work often use journaling, meditation, and inner-child work to integrate one's shadow.

    The Influence of Masculine Shadows On Your Purpose

    Masculine shadows, as explored by shadow work therapists, coaches, shamans, and renowned psychologist Carl Jung, exert a significant influence on your life purpose. These shadows represent suppressed or disowned aspects of the masculine psyche, often stemming from societal conditioning, cultural norms, and personal experiences.

    By acknowledging the masculine shadow and what triggers you, you free yourself and allow the integration of the balanced masculine energy within you.

    The Importance of Shadow Work For Your Purpose

    Shadow work is important for fulfilling your life purpose because when you live your purpose from a healed and balanced mental state, you'll be in full alignment with how to be of service and can authentically fulfill that service.

    What Are Shadow's Messages For Your Purpose?

    Your shadow is trying to get your attention for a BIG reason. Confronting your shadow is not just about addressing the 'bad' or 'darkness' in you, it's about embracing the totality of who you are so you can reclaim your power and live your life's purpose in your most authentically unique way.

    Pay attention to what triggers you, repetitive memories, unexplainable thoughts that might disturb you, or any physical pains in your body as these may be signals from the subconscious mind indicating unresolved shadows.

    Journal, meditate, work with a therapist, or do any form of shadow work that feels right for you so that you can integrate the parts of yourself that are now asking for your love and attention.

    🎯 Subscribe To The lifepurpose.com Newsletter

    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

    Subscribe here: https://www.lifepurpose.com/newsletter/

  • Today's podcast episode is about the life purpose of the human ego.

    What Is The Life Purpose Of The Human Ego?

    The life purpose of the human ego is to assist you, the human, to experience life from an individual state of consciousness. According to Deepak Chopra, the ego allows us to experience life through singularity, to be focused on the self, the "I" within us (Chopra, 2019).

    Understanding Ego And Shadow's Impact On Your Life's Purpose

    The ego and the shadow self are both concepts from psychology and spiritual philosophy, but they represent different aspects of the human psyche:

    While the ego deals with our conscious identity and perceptions, the shadow-self resides in the unconscious and contains elements of ourselves that we may not readily recognize or accept. Integrating the shadow self involves acknowledging and accepting these suppressed aspects of our personality, which can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and wholeness.

    The Ego's Influence On Your Life Purpose

    The ego plays a significant role in shaping our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. When the ego is healthy, we're likely to have a strong sense of self-worth and purpose, but when unhealthy, the ego can distort our perceptions of reality.

    The Shadows' Influence On Your Life Purpose

    To truly thrive with your life's purpose, you must step into your BIGNESS. This means confronting your shadows, owning your desires, and pursuing your purpose with unwavering determination. Despite external criticism or self-doubt, you must have a strong sense of self, be grounded in your truth, and prioritize self-acceptance over external validation. Only then will you be able to live up to your true potential and create a meaningful impact with your purpose.

    Integrating Ego And Shadow To Realize Your Life's Purpose

    Acknowledging and accepting what we've repressed frees up mental and emotional baggage so that we can integrate that shadow aspect of ourselves and recalibrate our psyche to be more in alignment with the truth of who we truly are (Spiritual Mate, 2023).

    Playing BIG For Your Life Purpose

    The life purpose of the ego lies in harmonizing its relationship with the shadow self. By embracing both aspects of your psyche, you embark on a journey toward self-realization and authenticity. This integration allows you to harness your BIGNESS and fulfill your purpose in life.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about the path to 10X-ing your life's purpose.

    Get Your Time Back To 10X Your Life Purpose

    If you're currently living your life in such a way where you have no time and you're since about living your life purpose, your priority must be to get your time back.

    You get your time back by letting go of activities that suck up your time.

    Let go of relationships, jobs, activities, habits, and everything else that doesn't serve you so you can get your time back and 10x your life purpose.

    Your Life Purpose Is Your Zone Of Genius

    The key is to focus solely on tasks within your zone of genius and delegate everything else that's not in your zone of genius to someone else who specializes in doing the outsourced task. By adopting this approach, you not only make better use of your time, you're living in a state of psychophysiological coherence.

    Leverage Money To 10X Your Life Purpose

    Financial literacy is the foundation to 10X-ing your life purpose because when you are financially literate and have access to financial resources, you can do a lot of things to nurture and develop your purpose.

    Learning how to leverage money is essential to 10X-ing your life purpose.

    What is one constructive habit you can build starting today that will help you become financially literate and leverage financial resources to fulfill your life's purpose?

    By taking control of your financial situation, you afford yourself the freedom to fulfill your purpose at the highest level.

    10X How You Think

    To 10x how you think is to think in terms of effortless simplicity.

    10x thinking is thinking about how you can 10x your life's purpose or any category of your life that needs 10X-ing without any wasted action or complexity.

    But to 10x how you think, you need to become the full embodiment of 10x.

    You have to become the 10x version of yourself and to become the 10x version of yourself, you have to create a 10x identity, which requires time to think about.

    Embrace The 10X Growth Process

    In your pursuit of 10X-ing your life's purpose, start by getting your time back and letting go of activities that don't align with your purpose.

    Focus solely on tasks within your zone of genius, and outsource non-essential activities. Operating within your zone of genius not only optimizes your time but also puts you in psychophysiological coherence, which improves your overall well-being.

    Learn to leverage money efficiently and outsource so you can focus on your purpose.

    Simplify and streamline your thoughts, 10x your mindset.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

    Say YES to YOUR Life Purpose and subscribe to the lifepurpose.com newsletter.

    Subscribe here: https://www.lifepurpose.com/newsletter/

  • Today's podcast episode is about a fresh perspective on purpose.

    The New Perspective We Have About Living Our Life Purpose

    The past three years involved a shift from lifepurpose.com to trading for financial stability. Despite recognizing the need for a team to manifest the website's vision, financial constraints led to personal involvement in various tasks, resulting in burnout by the end of 2023. Now, the focus is on outsourcing 90% of tasks to achieve growth, allowing for a more balanced life and the pursuit of enjoyable activities beyond lifepurpose.com.

    You Might Need To Change How You've Been Living Your Life Purpose And That's OK

    When it comes to living your life purpose, you might have received a vision and taken the first steps and that's fantastic. At some point, however, maybe things change. Be OK with that.

    Do Not Think More Is More For Your Life Purpose

    Reflecting on it, the work we produced for lifepurpose.com was an inefficient use of our time and a waste of our most productive hours.

    We share a commonality: we both have been gifted 24 hours in a day to spend how we choose. Will we use those 24 hours wisely, or will we try to fill our time with things that exert more effort on our end without maximum results?

    Taking the approach of trying to do more by ourselves and not having a team assist us may lead to burnout, and burnout will likely result in mental health issues that we will need to address at some point.

    Take Less Action On Your Life Purpose

    During my break, I gained insights from the audiobook "10x is Easier than 2x" by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, emphasizing the importance of taking substantial time off to enhance productivity and strategic thinking. The book narrates Sullivan's success in doubling his income annually while enjoying 150 days of rest, highlighting the necessity of stepping back from daily operations to envision and achieve significant goals. Recognizing the need to implement a similar approach, we at lifepurpose.com are prioritizing strategic thinking over constant action, aiming to outsource operational tasks to realize our ambitious vision.

    Take More Time To Think About How You'll 10X Your Life Purpose

    If you want to 10x your purpose, you need to upgrade your mindset. You need to take action efficiently: focus on the 20% of things that give you 80% of your desired outcomes. That's going to require you to give up control, outsource, work with other people, and increase your cash flow.

    God gave you a BIG vision for a reason and I don't believe for one second that the vision you received was meant to stay as a vision, but for you to find a way to manifest the vision.

    Reconsider how you've been approaching your life purpose, collaborate with a team, acquire the financial resources necessary, and 10x your life purpose.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about what 2023 taught us about our life purpose.

    There are a few things 2023 taught us about our life purpose: personal power, mindset, rest, balance, focus, holy work and so much more. While I can't list everything living our purpose taught Hemma and me this year, I've narrowed down the essential wisdom I squeezed out of this year so I could share it with you. Hoping this helps you find, live, and unleash YOUR life purpose in 2024 and beyond.

    Take Breaks When You Feel Burned Out So You Can Come Back To Your Life Purpose Refreshed

    Every December 21st is like the end of the season for us to live our life purpose. From December 21 - January 21 of the new year, we take a break to rest, reflect, process, plan, integrate, and get ready to do it all over again.

    It's a time for reflection, rest, and self-care—balancing work, play, and recovery. It's a chance to reset and realign, acknowledging the year and ourselves. I think this introspection has helped me to come back wiser and sharper for the year to come.

    December 21 marks the beginning of the winter season, which is symbolic of going within and preparing for a rebirth. Winter is like an invitation just to be, rest deeply, and restore yourself. This time is more than a pause; it's an opportunity for personal reinvention and self-actualization.

    Find The Balance Between Your Life AND Your Life Purpose

    It took me a long time to understand what the term balance meant for me.

    When I think about finding balance, I think about being able to not only manage all my outer world responsibilities but also manage myself at the same time.

    If you've lived a life up to this point that you feel is out of balance, what must you do to find your balance with everything?

    Balance brings a sense of inner peace and well-being, and gifts you the ability to cherish each moment.

    It's easy to take for granted the things in your life until it's gone.

    Every day is a gift, celebrate it and take in each moment.

    Shit Will Happen, But Stay Laser Focused On Your Life Purpose

    Shit's going to happen, but stay laser-focused on your life purpose.

    Circumstances will never be quite right and there's never going to be the perfect moment if you wait for the outer world, instead, the perfect moment has to come from you and your focused energy.

    Consistency Always Beats 'I'll do it when I feel like it' For Your Life Purpose

    Consistency ALWAYS beats 'I'll do it when I feel like it' when it comes to your life purpose.

    In the blog post, "Applying The Compound Effect To Live Your Life’s Purpose", I wrote the power of atomic habits and the compound effect. Living my life purpose with powerful daily habits and knowing that my actions are going to compound into something extraordinary in a few years has given me the mental edge to keep playing my game by being consistent.

    Consistency to your long-term goals is a BIG part of having a vision. You need to do the same thing every single day without seeing immediate results and yet trust that each task is a positive step towards fulfilling your life purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about how self-pity kills your life purpose.

    Self-pity is The Story In Your Mind That Kills Your Life Purpose

    Self-pity is only a story in our heads that we've conjured up, which keeps us limited.

    Part of stepping into your life purpose and becoming a BIG ONE is breaking out of the mental limitations you've created for yourself and you do that by doing things that put you out of your comfort zone.

    When you have moments where you feel sorry for yourself, analyze your thoughts and the words you speak to yourself. Analyze if you're being self-absorbed and inflating your sense of self rather than focusing on being useful and contributing to a service that enriches the lives of others.

    Understanding Self-Pity's Impact On Your Life's Purpose

    Self-pity will sabotage your life and limit your true potential. It doesn't just hold you back; it practically kills your chances of living out your purpose.

    Wallowing in self-pity might hinder not just your ability to live your life purpose, but can also negatively impact your physical health. Living in the past and feeling regret for your life decisions can greatly reduce your quality of life and lifespan.

    The Breaking Point of Self-Pity

    The breaking point of self-pity is when you're suffering becomes so great, that you can't tolerate living a mediocre life any more. It's a mental construct we create for comfort, but it limits us from discovering our life's purpose. Escaping this limit means embracing discomfort, much like David Goggins did. He transformed himself by challenging his physical and mental boundaries, showing that pushing through discomfort leads to personal growth. His raw approach highlights the inner dialogue needed to conquer challenges, leading to our greatest good despite the struggle.

    Overcoming Self-Pity To Live Your Life Purpose

    Do you ever feel held back by an ingrained "victim" mindset that was passed down to you through your family? It's time to break free from the grip of self-pity. Recognize its power to shape your thoughts and actions, hindering you from discovering your true life's purpose.

    To truly evolve and grow, you need to overcome those mental barriers. Consider reevaluating what you consume daily—whether it's food or media. By aligning your choices with a more empowering lifestyle, you pave the way for personal growth.

    How To End Self-Pity And Fulfill Your Life Purpose

    The first step to ending the destructive cycle of self-pity is to change your state of mind and you do that by breaking all mental limitations that you've operated on.

    You have to change your thoughts and the way you think about yourself.

    How Self-Pity Affects Your Life's Purpose

    Self-pity is a destructive mental narrative we tell ourselves when we're feeling sorry for ourselves and can paralyze us from doing what we need to do to live our life purpose.

    Overcoming self-pity demands a shift in your mindset and actions.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about breaking your mind to live your life purpose.

    Break Your Mind to Live Your Life Purpose

    In the pursuit of living your life purpose, you'll often have to confront yourself and the limitations of your mind. Breaking your mind requires you to make BIG changes to your subconscious and conscious. The core of who you think you are must change.

    Breaking your mind to live your purpose also requires you to break free of toxic relationships, dead-end jobs, soul-sucking businesses, poor habits, and destructive thinking patterns.

    Your Life Purpose Is Outside Of Your Comfort Zone

    Living your life purpose can be highly rewarding and fulfilling, but you have to be ready to do whatever it takes to fulfill your purpose, which means going outside of your comfort zone.

    You have to get out of your comfort zone and go beyond your limits to find out who you truly are and what you're truly capable of.

    If you're 'comfortable,' you need to get uncomfortable and take massive action, which means letting go of the relationships, work, food, distractions, thoughts, behaviors, and habits that have kept you small.

    Break Your Old Identity And Reinvent Yourself To Fulfill Your Life Purpose

    In his book "Can't Hurt Me," David Goggins, a retired NAVY SEAL turned motivational speaker, wrote about his past identity before joining the NAVY SEALs. Goggins reflects on being overweight, overworked, and deeply unhappy. He realized that to evolve, he needed to forge a new persona - 'Goggins.' This identity became pivotal for David Goggins as he transformed himself into a NAVY SEAL, striving to become someone he could truly admire. Goggins was a persona he had to invent.

    Goggins would go on to accomplish seemingly impossible feats of strength, shattering his mental barriers and going beyond his limitations. His story reflects the power of breaking beyond perceived limitations and exploring untapped potential.

    David Goggins' mental transformation highlights the capability we all have within ourselves to shed our limitations and become the BIG ONES that we were destined to be.

    Your Life Purpose Requires You To Expand Your Consciousness

    Finding your life's purpose requires you to expand your consciousness and focus on serving others instead of yourself.

    When you're in alignment with your soul purpose and you become the version of yourself that's capable of handling the responsibility of fulfilling your purpose, you'll shift from a survival-based mindset into a broader-minded way of thinking.

    Breaking your mind opens doors to altering reality and transforming your life. Stepping out of your comfort zone and evolving into a different version of yourself is pivotal.

    How To Break Your Mind And Live Your Life Purpose

    To fulfill your purpose, you must expand your consciousness, shifting from survival-focused thinking to a broader, service-oriented mindset. Your reality is a result of your mind. Breaking the mind constructs a new reality. Your perception of reality is limited by your thoughts. You're only living a fraction of what is truly possible for you. The ability to change reality involves shifting your focus and transcending mental constraints.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about the choice points in time that lead up to your life purpose.

    The Choice Points On The Path To Your Life Purpose

    A choice point is a moment in your life where one decision can radically alter the course of your life. Think of a choice point like transferring from a slow train to an express train, enabling you to get to your destination more efficiently.

    You'll be faced with many choice points on the path of your life purpose and if you want to take full advantage of the choice points, become aware of when the choice points appear and decide appropriately.

    The Ripple Effect Your Choices Have On Your Life Purpose

    Your choices create a profound ripple effect on your life, the lives of others, and your purpose. Even though you might think one choice doesn't matter and yet one choice is all it takes to reshape your destiny and change your entire life.

    However, not all choices will lead you to your life purpose. To walk the path of your purpose, you must take decisive and divinely guided action.

    Every choice, however small, has a compound effect and the power to redirect the trajectory of your life.

    Recognize When You're At A Choice Point For Your Life Purpose

    Recognize when you're at a choice point for your life purpose. Perhaps you've already experienced it before and aware of this concept, but if not, become aware and recognize the key moments when you're habits have compounded to create a choice point. There will come a moment, similar to a fork in the road, where deciding which direction to go and committing to that direction will propel you toward your next reality and along your timeline.

    The most significant changes in your life will happen at these choice points.

    There's a saying that goes "God works in mysterious ways" and yet it is these moments that are when the choice points occur. When you become aware of God working and creating the choice point for you, if you're ready to shift into the next phase of your journey, it is this moment where you must have the courage to choose.

    Be Something Radically Different To Change The Course Of Your Life Purpose

    If you want to live a different life, you must become something radically different from who you are now. You must change yourself internally to create great changes in your external reality.

    If you've ever received a divinely inspired vision for who you could become or a new life you could live, the person you are now is NOT the same person who is capable of manifesting that divinely inspired vision. You must become the person that can manifest the divinely inspired vision you've received and you accomplish that by becoming something radically different from who you are now.

    Explore The New Path For Your Life Purpose And Reflect On The Old

    As you shift reality through the choice point, you'll find yourself on a new path that may be starkly different than what you've ever experienced.

    The shift of one reality to when you decide at a choice point leaves missed opportunities and an unexplored path, which is why you must be 100% committed to your path. You can't successfully live two realities at the same time, therefore you must decide where you'll commit your time and focus.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about becoming the purest version of yourself to live your life purpose.

    Purify Yourself Of All The Things That Are NOT For Your Greatest And Highest Good

    What you consume plays a BIG role in how pure of a conduit you are to receive and maintain a clear relationship with the Divine.

    When you consume food, content, information, etc.) and spend time around people or environments that aren't for your greatest and highest good, that can negatively affect your level of clarity.

    Clarity is key to living your life purpose. You must purify yourself so you can fulfill your mission.

    Build A Clear And Connected Relationship With God

    After you've purified yourself of all the things that aren't for your greatest and highest good, your energy is now clear to build and connect with God and the Divine.

    You need to be in a high vibrational state to connect with the Divine and be in resonance with those frequencies so that you can receive clear instructions on what to do for your life purpose.

    Two voices are constantly communicating with you: the Divine voice and the human voice (the ego). Both voices are communicating with you, however, when you are living in a higher vibrational state of consciousness, the Divine voice can more effectively communicate with you.

    Disassociate Yourself From The Programs That Want To Keep You Small

    When you decide to embrace yourself as a BIG ONE and fulfill your life purpose, you might have a circle of influence that wants to keep you small.

    If you find yourself in situations where your BIGNESS makes others uncomfortable, you will need to decide if dissociating yourself is wise.

    Sometimes even your parents will have difficulty understanding that you are a unique person on a special path and may get uncomfortable as you break their perceptions about you.

    To align with your life purpose, you must break parental imprints, and familial and societal programs, and dissociate yourself from the programs that want to keep you small.

    What You Feed Will Grow And What You Starve Will Die

    What you let into your life has a profound impact on who you become. Just like how eating healthy fuels your body, feeding your mind and spirit with positive, growth-oriented things can truly shape the path of your purpose.

    Feed yourself the right things that will encourage your growth and starve yourself of the things that want to keep you small. Surround yourself with people, thoughts, and habits that resonate with your inner purpose, and starve those patterns that hold you back.

    It's not just about what you eat or watch, it's about choosing high-vibe elements—positive thoughts, nurturing relationships, and actions aligned with your true self. This intentional consumption leads to a clear mind, helping you make decisions that truly resonate with your life purpose.

    Align your actions with your intentions. Act in harmony with what keeps you feeling vibrant and mentally sharp.

    Create a life that's in sync with your life purpose, people who support your dreams, and an environment in which you can thrive.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about your life's purpose roadmap.

    Have A Roadmap For Your Life Purpose

    Before you came into this world, your soul knew the purpose of coming to Earth and the contribution you needed to make by living your life's purpose. However, when you incarnate and go through life, you might forget the purpose of your life, which is why having a roadmap for your life purpose is essential because it keeps you on track with where you truly want to be.

    By creating a roadmap for your life purpose, you'll keep yourself accountable and on track with where you'd like to be 10 years from now. For example: if you want to build a media company because you believe that's your life's purpose, 10 years from now you want to be as aligned to that initial vision as possible. You wouldn't want to build a media company and then 10 years from now, the outer world mistakes you for a coaching company.

    Therefore, having a roadmap for your life purpose and staying focused on your vision as you journey to your 10-year destination is important because it keeps. you focused on where you choose to go.

    You might consider using a vision board or. a VTO (vision traction organizer) to use as a map for your life purpose and where you want to be 10 years from now.

    Getting Back On Track With Your Life Purpose When You Lose Your Way

    If you don't have a roadmap for your life purpose and lose your way, get back on track by coming back to the original plan and vision when you first started your journey.

    Create your roadmap and review your roadmap daily so that you get back on track and stay on track with your life's purpose.

    There may be times when the outer world tries to get you off track again, but you have to build enough willpower to hold yourself responsible for fulfilling your life purpose.

    Sustaining Positive Emotions Will Fuel Your Life Purpose

    Positive emotions are vital cues that signal when you're out of alignment with your life purpose or when you're in alignment with your purpose. If you can manage to keep feeling those positive emotions and you can sustain that feeling of excitement for your life purpose over weeks, months, and years, that energy will be the fuel source that helps you reach your destination.

    Staying Focused On Your Life's Purpose

    Staying focused on your life's purpose will be vital to long-term success. On your journey, you might encounter periods where you go off track with your life purpose and forget the original intention of fulfilling your life's purpose. Remember to check in with your intuition: if you don't feel a sense of expansiveness or alignment with what you're doing, it might be time to review your roadmap and where you're going with your life.

    Using a vision board Vision Traction Organizer (VTO) will keep you focused and maintain alignment with the envisioned path over the next decade. This tool serves as a guide to prevent distractions and keeps you committed to your destination.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about transcending suppression to unleash your life's purpose.

    Your Perceptions Suppress or Express Your Life's Purpose

    Your state of consciousness dictates how you perceive yourself and the world around you. If you believe you're suppressed, you cannot express the BIGNESS of who you truly are. If you can't express the BIGNESS of who you are (because you're suppressed), then the BIGNESS of your life purpose can't come to fruition.

    The Consequence Of Suppressing Your Life's Purpose

    Les Brown said that the graveyard is the richest place on Earth because that's where many people's hopes, dreams, and potential are buried. To suppress your BIGNESS is to suppress others. You have something very special to offer with your life purpose that others will need for theirs and the consequence of your suppressing yourself is going to be a detriment to others.

    Growing Up The Suppressed Aspects Of You

    Within each of us lies a childhood wound that still affects us in the present moment. It is this aspect of us that feels unheard, unseen and disempowered to make a positive change in our lives and the lives of others. Acknowledge the aspects of your psychology that are still suppressed and believe it is still a victim of circumstance.

    The Two Voices That Dictate The Direction For Our Life Purpose

    Two inner voices dictate the direction of our life purpose: the bitch and the badass. The bitch is the disempowered inner voice that wants to keep you small and in your comfort zone while the badass is the unstoppable inner voice that wants you to be the BIG ONE that you were destined to be.

    Transcending Suppression To Unleash Your Life's Purpose

    To transcend all forms of environmental and psychological suppression, you need to grow up the aspects of you that are still suppressed, change your mindset, and change your story to believe you have the power to do something about your life and unleash your life's purpose.

    What is the decision I need to make to be on my highest timeline and fulfill my life's purpose?

    Your highest timeline might not be the fastest timeline. your highest timeline might be the timeline where you have to play the long game.

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  • Today's podcast episode is about applying the compound effect to live your life's purpose.

    Understanding the Compound Effect on Your Life Purpose

    The compound effect is a powerful idea that suggests when an activity is performed consistently for the long term, small actions will gradually lead to significant outcomes. Books like "The Atomic Habit" by James Clear and "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy write about this understanding at length.

    If you're committed to living your life's purpose, it is vital to understand that daily consistent action is key to your success. You must treat your life's purpose as a habit because the results of what you do today, the next day, and the day after that, will return a compounded outcome.

    Unleash Your Life's Purpose With Atomic Habits

    To unleash your life's purpose, you'll need to develop atomic habits (actions or tasks) you can do daily because those habits will compound over time and return incredible results.

    An atomic habit is a habit that is performed consistently in the same way and over time, leads to unfathomable results.

    Daily habits for your life's purpose may include daily learning, writing, reading, or creation and when performed consistently, will return BIG results through the power of the compound effect.

    Stop Craving Variety, Dedicate Yourself To One Thing (Your Life Purpose)

    There's a time and a place when you're figuring out your path in life and your life's purpose, but at some point, you have to let go of variety and dedicate yourself to one thing. The one thing is YOUR life's purpose. Although variety can be beneficial for gathering feedback, the inconsistency of variety means you don't make consistent progress.

    The Power of the Compound Effect On Your Life's Purpose

    Whatever your life's purpose is, the compound effect compounds results when actions are repeated consistently over time.

    Initially, results may not show or be minimal, yet as you continue to act, slow progress will eventually transform into substantial growth through consistency and focused effort.

    Your embrace of discipline and routine will produce substantial growth.

    Applying The Compound Effect To Live Your Life's Purpose (TCFA)

    Now that you know the compound effect is nothing more than the results of your habits, applying the compound effect to live your life's purpose requires taking consistent and focused action.

    Start with visualizing your outcome for your life's purpose after a given amount of time.

    Think about what you'd have to do to achieve that outcome. If your life's purpose is to change mainstream consciousness on a particular topic and you decide you will make YouTube videos to achieve this result, what would you have to do starting from today to achieve the outcome you've envisioned in the future?

    Keep in mind, that although you may not see results in the beginning, if you just commit yourself to taking focused and consistent action, slow progress will lead to significant results in the future.

    Your life purpose will be the result of the transformative power of consistency and the compound effect. It'll be a testament to the life-changing impact of embracing focused daily habits and persistently nurturing your purpose.

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    If you're a BIG ONE with a BIG purpose and want fresh perspectives on fulfilling what you came here to do, we got you.

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