
  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar dive into Hinduism, a fluid belief system that has absorbed various ideas over time. Flourishing in the 60s and 70s, it has become more visible in modern times. Many people believe in reincarnation, rooted in Hinduism, which starkly contrasts Christian doctrines. Hindus often revere Jesus but see Him as one among many gods. To bridge this gap, it’s important to emphasize the Christian doctrine of creation, distinguishing between the Creator and the creature, and focusing on Jesus as the Lord of all. Repentance and putting away the worship of other gods is central to understanding the Christian message of salvation. Using stories like that of Hosea may help Hindus grasp the exclusivity of Christ’s saving work.

    Hinduism doesn’t have a single set of rules, leading to a relativistic view of truth. However, contradictions arise, such as the persecution of Christians by Hindus. Despite this, Hinduism remains appealing to many because of its focus on self-purification. It is often considered true due to its antiquity, believed to trace back to the earliest human religions, all of which seem to seek ways to avoid death. As Christians, we understand that fear of death exists in all people, whether Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim, until they come to know the Lord.

    Belief in many gods leads to worship of creation rather than the Creator. This focus on self can distort one’s view of God, yet God desires a personal relationship with us. When sharing the gospel with Hindus, it’s essential to communicate God’s love for us and His desire to be known. Christians don't need to master Hinduism; they need to be grounded in scripture. There’s much uncertainty in Hinduism, but Jesus spoke with absolute authority. Hinduism, which often involves idolatry, can hold real power, but that power is demonic.

    The caste system in Hinduism is linked to reincarnation, as one’s karma determines their place in society. Those outside the caste system, deemed untouchable, are denied dignity, a concept opposed to God’s word. Christianity elevates all people, teaching that each person is worthy of respect because they are made in God’s image. Jesus stood against inequity, elevating women and respecting children in ways that were revolutionary at the time. When advocating for justice and equality, one is essentially upholding Christian beliefs. Jesus brought freedom from the bonds of deception, offering truth that sets people free from inequity and spiritual bondage.

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    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Navigating relationships with adult children requires allowing space for growth while upholding biblical values. Parents must continue to guide their children with respect, responsibility, and love, even as their roles evolve.

    Navigating relationships with adult children is a unique stage in life. Ray, E.Z., Mark., and Oscar share their perspectives on this issue, starting with the fact that you no longer have the same authority but still play a vital role. Mark, having heard a preacher’s advice, tells his adult children they are always welcome home for holidays and special occasions but are not expected to come. The absence of expectations can sometimes draw people closer. Putting pressure on relationships can make things awkward. Oscar, who isn’t quite there with his own children but mentors young adults, often hears their hesitation in stepping into adulthood. He encourages them to recognize the blessing of having Christian parents that care, noting that honoring your parents is commanded by God. He emphasizes that respecting parents isn’t about their perfection but rather honoring the office of parenthood.

    Getting children to value honoring their parents begins with early teachings of the fear of the Lord. When children grow in their love for God, they will honor their parents out of obedience to His word. For young children, parents should be diligent in correcting disrespect right away, ensuring their kids understand that rebellion is a serious matter. Disciplining with focus ensures children learn the importance of obedience and respect. As children grow older and make choices you may not like but aren’t sinful, trusting God’s plan becomes crucial. Parents should learn to let go if it’s not sinful and recognize that their children are being sanctified in the image of God. The goal of parenting is to raise young adults who are equipped to be salt and light in the world. This often means stepping back and letting them be adults, allowing them to make mistakes and grow.

    If the relationship with adult children has deteriorated, humility is essential. Be willing to admit mistakes and seek reconciliation. At the end of the day, young adults make their own choices, and sometimes they pull away. Oscar shares a story of a friend whose parents want to reconnect, and though it feels awkward, Oscar reminds him that his parents are meeting him where he is in life like they did when he was younger. This continued love mirrors how God pursues us. For those with adult children still living at home, maintaining respect, responsibility, and righteousness is key. Parents should continue to honor the Lord and set boundaries while acknowledging that thei

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    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

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  • While the world was captivated by the Olympics, the Living Waters team saw an opportunity to share the gospel. Despite the controversy surrounding the event, particularly the mocking portrayal of The Last Supper in the opening ceremony amongst other things, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar focused on evangelism. Thousands joined in handing out tracts, seizing the moment when the world gathered in one place.

    The French Olympic organizers claimed to celebrate unity, diversity, and neutrality, yet their actions, like banning the hijab, mocking Christianity, and injecting the LGBT agenda, contradicted this message. This reflects a broader issue: mankind's attempts to create a utopia on earth always fail when God is excluded. True unity and a world without discrimination cannot exist without God at the center.

    Ray observed the blasphemy in Paris from the United States, noting the hypocrisy in how neutrality was claimed while promoting specific agendas, such as homosexuality, without anyone speaking out. This fear of standing against popular opinions highlights an important value that is hard to put into practice. When we fear God, we don’t need to fear man. The double standard is clear—if a church mocked the LGBT community, it would be labeled hatred. This raises questions about the true meaning of tolerance. Genuine tolerance, as a gift from God, allows for disagreement while respecting the image of God in every person. However, in today’s world, tolerance is often confused with acceptance and celebration, where disagreement is not allowed.

    A video produced by Mark’s sons in Paris garnered millions of views, showing the incredible reach of the gospel message. The team's like-mindedness and spontaneity in sharing the gospel demonstrated their unity, a gift from God. Despite the overwhelming support for the controversial Last Supper performance, some people were open to discussing the hypocrisy it represented, showing that even in a world desensitized to numbers, individual hearts can still be reached. The guys share some of their personal experiences with the outreach.

    As Christians, we must capitalize on current events to share the gospel, responding not with outrage but with truth and love. The world expects Christians to be offended and outraged, but our response should be marked by righteous indignation, which stems from love for the lost, not hate. We must be humble, advocating for beauty and goodness because we serve the God of truth. Even when evil seems to prevail, we trust that God has a plan, and the gospel will not return void.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • To avoid distractions and focus on living for the Lord, Christians should practice discipline by managing their time and immersing themselves with scripture and prayer. By doing so, believers can stay present with loved ones and prioritize sharing the gospel.

    Distraction from focusing on the things of the Lord is a common issue. Christians aim for eternity, and to live with such focus, we must practice discipline and time management. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar agree that society today was designed to distract us. While apps promise to save time, social media is designed to keep us engaged, often leading to wasted hours. Though taking breaks is fine and sometimes needed, being defined by activities like watching movies can be problematic. Your attention is valuable; what you focus on shapes you. Those who devote their attention to the Lord and live for Him benefit greatly.

    Many things can distract us across different areas of life. The root of distraction is often problems with delayed gratification. Our brains seek dopamine hits, which we used to be commonly obtained through hard work. Nowadays, our phones provide a quicker source of this satisfaction and tend to seek it out more since it’s easier. To help combat this, we can give ourselves rewards after hard work to train our brains. We must be determined to deny immediate gratification for the greater good, much like following Jesus' example of determination toward the cross. We are called to present our bodies as living sacrifices and prioritize sharing the gospel.

    In the light of eternity, a distraction-free life leads to no regrets. We must fully commit to living without distraction and be wholehearted in our efforts. This applies to evangelism and managing distractions. Being present is a gift from God, and distractions can rob us of this gift. They not only affect us but also those around us. On the other hand, being present with loved ones sends a powerful message to unbelievers and opens opportunities for sharing the gospel.

    Practically, start by turning off most notifications. You should decide when to engage with your apps, not the other way around. You could designate a specific place in your home for phone use to minimize distractions and remind yourself of your purpose. Discipline yourself not to make your phone the first thing you check in the morning. Instead, begin your day with scripture and prayer, immersing yourself in God’s word. This practice sets a positive example for your children and reinforces the importance of living in the moment. Discipline involves avoiding distractions from tasks you are not called to do, helping you stay focused on your God-given purp

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • It's crucial to discern emotions through the foundation of God's word rather than letting feelings dictate actions. The guys encourage Christians to renew their minds with God's truth, letting the reality of eternity motivate their actions.

    As a new believer, introspection becomes an essential action. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about the difference between unbelievers, who ride their feelings like a wave, and believers, who have a foundation with which to discern their emotions. Emotions and feelings are self-centered and unreliable. This is why Christians have to be careful not to approach the word of God without letting feelings dictate actions. A solid foundation in God’s word prevents being led astray. Understanding your emotions in their proper context is crucial.

    Today’s culture emphasizes feelings. This has led to a false belief among believers that if you can’t feel God, He isn’t there. The cultural narrative that feelings should be validated, and that others must conform to them, is flawed. The guys contend that emotions are God-given gauges of our heart’s condition and should inform, not control, us. Christians might have irrational fears that don't align with truth. Being governed by feelings leads to self-prioritization, but as Christians, we are guided by God’s law.

    Society dictates which feelings are valid, leading to destruction. Only God knows our true selves. The world celebrates all feelings, making heroes out of those who feel they are different from their biological sex, leading to serious consequences. Many young people tragically turn to homosexuality because they’re told to celebrate all feelings. Without God as our truth, we live by lies. Renewing our minds and discerning what is good and perfect is essential. Meditate on God’s word to resist temptation. The guys recognize that men and women are both emotional beings, but they express emotions in different ways. Women are perceived to be more emotional, but we see in Psalms and other places in the Old Testament that men are also expressive of their emotions.

    For believers struggling with feelings, self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. Christians possess this quality and should examine themselves to grow in sanctification. Don’t feed wrong thoughts and feelings; ignore them. What if you don’t feel like sharing the gospel? The reality of hell should motivate you, and you’ll rejoice in sharing the gospel. Often, we don’t feel like doing profitable things, but the fruit of our labor is worth it. Don’t let feelings dictate actions; use them to identify areas needing submission to the Lord. The guys share stories of pushing past their feelings of hesitation

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • It's becoming more common to hear about pastors falling into sexual immorality, which should grieve believers for their families and the false leadership that misled many. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar remind believers that every public failure stems from numerous private sins. God desires purity and will not allow His name to be marred, reflecting His jealousy and concern for His glory. He wants His bride to remain holy and will remove any stains.

    What if a pastor falls into sexual immorality? Pastors can fall from various sins, not just sexual immorality. God instructs us to respect our calls and take them seriously. The fall of a trusted pastor can impact people for a lifetime. Some excuse the pastor’s behavior out of loyalty, while others discredit them entirely. As Christians, we need to separate the virtue of theology from the virtue of the theologian. The good a fallen pastor did isn't negated by their sin. Our ultimate Shepherd is the Lord, and we should look to Jesus for guidance.

    Understanding God's gifts and callings to repentance is crucial. A pastor can be a great teacher but still fall into sin. Ray shares an experience where his pastor, despite being a great teacher, had an inappropriate relationship with his secretary. This pastor's fall caused chaos, highlighting that sins have widespread consequences, affecting the testimony of the gospel. To pastors on the brink of sin: humble yourself. The Bible should be more than a teaching tool. Honestly assess yourself and seek the Lord's guidance. Confess your sins and let Him cleanse you. Prioritize your relationship with the Lord and avoid identifying in your vocation. A pastor can be restored to the Lord and to his family, but restoration to the pulpit should not be made an idol.

    Church leaders must uphold God’s standard. Christians are called to be blameless. Sexual sin can linger in minds for years, so leaders must be blameless before the Lord. How do we handle information about a leader’s sin? Sinning leaders need their sins exposed for church discipline. Be impartial and exhort your brother.

    The guys express love for these brothers and desire their restoration. Pastoring is hard work and can lead to sin due to exhaustion. If you’ve fallen, remember you are God’s child, and He offers true spiritual freedom. Like David in Psalm 51, recognize your sin, repent, and accept the gift of freedom. If you are hiding sin, humble yourself. Confessing and forsaking your sin brings compassion and grace from the Lord and others. The Lord wants you to come to Him.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar are talking to Rachel Zwayne (Ray’s daughter and E.Z.’s wife), founder of Joyful Mothers on Facebook and Instagram, who created the platform to offer encouragement through various life seasons. Her passion is to support women in spiritual growth, echoing the historical reliance on older generations for guidance. She notes that today's social media often exacerbates loneliness and anxiety. Rachel suggests unfollowing unhelpful accounts or leaving social media altogether and emphasizes the importance of being involved in the church.

    Daily engagement with God’s word is crucial. Prioritizing scripture allows for fulfilling roles and ministries God assigns. Trust in the Lord grows from feeding on His word, leading to a sense of fulfillment and security. Rachel acknowledges the challenges of maintaining devotional time, especially with young children, but stresses that investing in scripture nourishes the soul. She advises against rigid expectations for devotionals and encourages moms to remember their identity in Christ, which brings confidence and peace. Comparing oneself to others is unfruitful as it ignores the full picture. Walking in truth ensures security in the Lord.

    Rachel highlights that parents can't impart an identity in Christ to their kids without having it themselves. Demonstrating a genuine fear of the Lord at home influences children profoundly, as they can see through facades. Speaking truth to oneself, especially in weakness, and continually returning to scripture reinforces identity in Christ. While resting in His grace, believers must still take sin seriously, maintaining conviction to honor God in private. The fear of God leads to living for Him, and modeling a righteous life for children involves humility and faithfulness, recognizing the importance of each day.

    Rachel and E.Z. share insights on growing within marriage. Wives should understand and prioritize what is important to their husbands, frequently refocusing and reflecting on their roles. Rachel shares personal experiences from their early marriage, emphasizing the ease of making amends and the importance of apologizing if communication goes awry. She advocates for connecting with other women and church involvement, which may vary through different seasons but should remain transparent. Rachel advises smiling and laughing often, even amid life’s challenges. Scripture provides the encouragement needed to find joy. She also stresses the importance of self-care for moms who are constantly caring for others.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Many believe that Christianity and science are fundamentally at odds, but historically they have not been in conflict. The core difference often lies in how Christians and non-Christians approach evidence. Christians believe God created the world, while others subscribe to the Big Bang theory. To think that order could emerge from chaos without a guiding force seems unscientific. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how in today’s world, ideas are often repeated without deeper thought, and this pattern applies to the supposed conflict between science and faith as well.

    Early scientists were frequently Christians who sought to understand nature in the light of their faith. They believed that science would reveal how God’s creation worked. Studying nature was a way to glorify God and align scientific discoveries with the Bible. Even today, many leading scientists believe in God or at least a higher power. Research indicates that around 50% of scientists hold some form of belief in God. The idea that all scientists are anti-religion is a stereotype that doesn’t reflect reality. Many recognize the complexity of the universe as pointing to some kind of design, even if they don't fully adhere to religious teachings.

    Ray often engages non-believers by keeping his discussions simple and grounded in basic principles. The uniformity of nature, the laws of mathematics, and the predictable patterns of the world all suggest a Creator. Secular scientists struggle to explain these constants because they point to something beyond nature—a God who is constant and unchanging. These laws, which have existed since the beginning of time, are foundational for understanding the natural world, yet science alone cannot account for them. While intellectual debates and scientific explanations can be valuable, they do not lead to a deeper change of heart and an awareness of sin. God works in people’s hearts in ways that go beyond human arguments and persuasion.

    Critics of Christianity often raise objections that are inconsistent with their own positions. For example, many secular thinkers struggle to explain the origins of the universe or moral laws, yet they criticize Christianity for its perceived inconsistencies. When engaging with non-believers, it’s often more effective to appeal to their conscience rather than get stuck in endless debates over Bible verses or scientific facts. People reject Christianity not necessarily due to a lack of intelligence but because of deeper issues of the heart. Faith bridges the gap between human understanding and divine knowledge, providing a worldview that accounts for both the physical and the spiritual realities of li

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar recognize that when discussing the sovereignty of God, it's often seen as a high brow doctrine, but it's truly the foundation of maintaining our Christian walk. God's control allows us to rejoice in all circumstances. Even if prayers are answered with no, we can be thankful because He is sovereign and rules justly. God knows everything, down to the smallest detail. He has the final word because He is the Word. We can't fully grasp His splendor; even Moses couldn't see all His glory.

    Systematic theology, while valuable, can sometimes oversimplify the sovereignty of God. Scripture shows God reconciling the world to Himself. He is the king over the cosmos, and we are the rebels against a good king. Misunderstanding God's character or our position can lead to a wrong view of His sovereignty. When we recognize His character as right and true, we can celebrate it. Our discomfort often comes from realizing we are the rebels, not the king. God, in His love, seeks out His rebellious people to bring them back to Himself.

    God's sovereignty is paired with His righteousness. Even bad things can serve His purposes. Trust in God's sovereignty is crucial; without it, we rely on ourselves and fall short. Both believers and unbelievers face suffering, but believers have the Lord's support. Christians can take comfort in knowing that God understands deep loss, having been separated from Jesus on the cross. He could have saved His innocent Son but chose not to, showing that even suffering is under God's control. God's sovereignty is constant. The guys discuss how the Lord holds the cosmos together, yet we often try to take control of our lives. If we don’t repent, God may let us follow our destructive desires. Like deep-sea fish thriving under pressure, we are designed to flourish under Christ's lordship but unravel without it.

    A common misconception about God's sovereignty is that He doesn't care about the tiny details, but scripture shows He does. Trusting in God's sovereignty alleviates our worries. A child trusts their loving parents on a trip; similarly, we can trust God’s character and rest in Him. God cares about the minutiae of our lives, even when others don’t. The guys talk about how anger and bitterness often indicate a lack of trust in God's sovereignty. Like Job, we must recognize God's compassion amidst suffering. Believers and unbelievers alike face hardships, but we all have a choice: become bitter or better. Trusting in Christ allows us to rely and rest on Him and submitting to His sovereignty brings peace and assurance.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Pornography is a big problem, destroying lives across the globe. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about E.Z. 's new book which dives into this topic, with Oscar pointing out that it discusses biblical manhood before addressing pornography. But why is understanding manhood so crucial first? Our culture has distorted the concepts of manhood and womanhood, leading to a catastrophic impact. Men in the Bible fought for their families and the gospel on many levels, not just physically.

    Men must confront this issue head-on. It's easy to think you're the only one facing this struggle, but it's a battle that finds many. Sin is like a lion seeking to destroy, and it’s crucial to be vigilant and proactive in resisting temptation. Some young men have never encountered this struggle, but once you step into that arena, it can be overwhelming. The average Christian doesn’t desire to fall into sin, but you can’t hesitate to resist temptation. Lust is a serious issue, a bedfellow of death, with the wages of sin being death and damnation. Falling into pornography betrays your wife, friends, and the Lord. The example of Joseph is powerful; he had the opportunity to indulge in sin but chose to resist and physically run away.

    Realize that God isn’t fighting against your joy, but for it. He created sex as a gift within marriage, a built-in protection. Understanding God’s will and choosing to live it out is crucial in this battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. The enemy uses tactics like discontent, but walking in the Spirit is key. The world often talks about pornography's destructiveness, but it’s more than that—it’s a sin against God. Recognizing God’s love for you can ignite a renewed passion for the Lord. For the young man living a double life, remember that the power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside you. Value the gospel, meditate on God’s greatness, and remember you will stand before the Lord. Jesus paid for your sin so run to Him and obey Him.

    Today, pornography is more accessible than ever. Men are constantly in the crosshairs. Don’t believe the lie that you can’t quit. If you were promised 100 million dollars for six months without looking at pornography, you’d find a way. The issue isn’t that you can’t stop; it’s that you won’t. We are called to a pure relationship with the Lord. Engage with God—read your Bible, use your spiritual gifts, witness to others, and cry out to the Lord in prayer. God is our source of help. This is a cancer destroying the glory of God. As you distance yourself from these things, you will grow in holiness.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • The Christian walk involves moving from sympathy to empathy, as exemplified by Christ's compassionate suffering and sacrifice. By actively listening, showing care, and trusting in God's presence, believers can better support and connect with others.

    The word sympathy originates from a Greek word meaning a shared feeling or a willingness to help because of shared feelings. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar share how the Christian walk involves fellowshipping with God first and then with others. In fellowship, we often move from sympathy to empathy. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone's situation, whereas empathy is about experiencing their emotions because you've been through similar situations yourself. No one wants to go through pain, but enduring it can strengthen your spiritual muscles. Everyone has faced tough times, enabling us to relate to others' pain and emotions.

    1 Peter 3:8 speaks to this topic, emphasizing that being like-minded and sympathetic fosters compassion. Christ is our ultimate example—He did not stand above human suffering but willingly stepped into it. Jesus endured complete separation from God so that we would not have to experience that separation. Through His sympathy, we are saved, and this empowers us to sympathize with others. Sympathy naturally leads to action. It’s about trying to understand and entering into someone’s world, even if you haven't experienced their exact circumstances.

    The guys speak about how sympathy is the Lord opening your eyes to the people around you. Believers often become self-centered, forgetting the precious souls bearing the image of Christ surrounding us. Romans 12:15 encourages us to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. It is essential to actively listen and slow down. Overpowering conversations can make others feel undervalued. Listening to bless others can also be a learning experience. Jealousy can sometimes hinder our ability to rejoice with others, but love focuses on the well-being of other people.

    It all comes back to remembering the sympathy that God has towards us. To grow in sympathy, ask thoughtful questions and be mindful of the environment and the people around you. Engage in actions that show you care. Be patient with those who are suffering and encourage them to move forward and actively walk with the Lord. The guys encourage Christians to remember that there is value in your suffering beyond what God may be doing in you. Affliction serves to convince us of our own insufficiency and dependence on God. Even if you feel isolated, remember that God sees your struggles. Continue to move forward, trusting in God's presence and support.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • "Judge not, lest you be judged" is often misunderstood. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about the criteria Jesus provided for judging by emphasizing the concept of being "measured." In ancient times, people used scales to measure grain, but tax collectors and Romans often tampered with these scales, leading to unjust measurements. Jesus warned against using unbalanced scales to judge others, implying we must hold ourselves to the same standard. It is impossible to make judgments without evaluating actions.

    When the guys talk about judging, they mean assessing someone's actions, not their motives. While it's essential to make judgment calls, Christians should be righteous and grounded in God's word. It's wrong to assume we know someone's internal motives, but believers can lovingly point out clear sins. Twisting scripture to avoid accountability is misguided. Chrisitains understand their own shortcomings and invite others to receive grace, rather than condemning them.

    Jesus clarified, rather than abolished, the law. God knows our hearts completely, and both believers and unbelievers must judge themselves before they stand in front of God. The Bible encourages us to discern good fruit from bad. Judging isn't about deciding someone’s eternal fate but evaluating their actions. This helps individuals recognize and correct their sins, fostering spiritual growth. Believers benefit from mutual accountability, as it helps produce good fruit. Spiritual stagnation often results from a lack of honest feedback. It's crucial to welcome constructive criticism and avoid hypocrisy, which requires an outside perspective to identify.

    Romans 10 illustrates improper judgment, advising against a judgmental spirit. Everyone's sanctification journey is unique, and non-sinful personal choices should be respected. Instead of criticizing, the guys encourage believers to ask questions and seek understanding. Judgmental attitudes are ugly and unproductive; we lack full knowledge and should mind our own business. There's only one true judge, and expecting others to conform to our standards is hypocritical.

    To close, the guys talk about some practical ways to avoid a judgeful spirit. Community provides counsel and support. Share opinions with humility and graciousness when asked, but avoid interfering in non-sin issues. Respect areas of liberty unless they lead to sin or stunt growth. Focus on your own sanctification and celebrate others’ strengths. Addressing personal shortcomings can keep us from meddling in others’ lives.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • We can learn from anyone—our enemies, kids, friends, and many others. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about having opportunities to learn from the people God places in our lives, but if we aren’t actively looking for these opportunities, we miss out on valuable lessons. If a person isn't worshiping the true and living God, they often end up worshiping themselves. A significant reason leaders fall is that they don’t believe they can. Believers often treat sin lightly but we should treat it with seriousness.

    One major obstacle to being teachable is the self-perception that we cannot be wrong, especially on topics we know well. How wise it would be to stop, hear, and truly listen. The Bible is the word of the living God, and meditating and praying on the scripture can bring new insights. When it comes to seeking counsel, many Christians hesitate because of their image. This is why leaders especially need trusted advisors. The less we know, the more arrogant we can become; conversely, the more we know, the more humble we should be. The guys share personal experiences of being humbled after feeling overly confident. A good question to ask yourself is, "What do I not know?" Look for opportunities to gain wisdom and be a collector of it.

    For those who realize they lack wisdom, there are practical steps to become more teachable. With today's access to information, there's no excuse for not finding what you need—be diligent with your time. Look at where you spend your time and who you surround yourself with. Walk with the wise to raise your own wisdom. We tend to focus on things like social media instead of the Bible. Reorient your life to seek wisdom from the Bible first. Even if you can't find a one-on-one mentor, you can still surround yourself with people who are where you want to be. It might not be full-blown discipleship, but even a conversation over coffee can be beneficial. If personal mentorship isn’t feasible, be discipled by books. Solid, sound books can be reread, highlighted, and memorized.

    Approach the Bible with curiosity and ask questions. Cry out to the Lord, asking Him to give you a teachable heart and to provide the resources you need. Pride is a destroyer that misleads; being open to instruction and maintaining a teachable spirit is crucial. Fellowship with other believers facilitates mutual learning and growth. Encourage and pray for one another, and it will transform your life. By cultivating a teachable spirit and seeking wisdom, you set yourself on a path to becoming wiser and more humble in your latter years.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar know through personal experience that having children is a profound blessing, despite societal messages that often portray them as inconveniences. Many people today grant children excessive freedom when they are young, which can lead to poor decision-making in adulthood. It’s essential for parents to appreciate the sweetness of raising children in the Lord, giving guidance when children are young so when they are older they love the Lord.

    To prepare children for the world, they need a spiritual foundation and a grasp of the basics. This is achieved through knowing the scripture, praying, and attending church. The trend of worshiping online, exacerbated by Covid, needs to be reconsidered; physical attendance and active service in church are vital. From day one, parents are preparing to send their children out into the world. Oscar mentions not shielding his kids but discussing and dissecting the lies the world presents so they can discern truth as they grow.

    Parents must remind their children why they exist and cultivate their hearts for the gospel. Demonstrating the gospel shows children they don’t measure up on their own. Parents are called to imitate Christ and impart that to their kids. It's important to patiently teach them the words of Jesus. When they feel the power of sin, it will bring them back to the foot of the cross. Teach children to be open to direction and instruction. Ignoring correction leads to destruction. We should reflect on criticism rather than react impulsively. Sin is rooted in idolatry, and when our idols are challenged, it reveals the true state of our hearts.

    The guys talk through some of the key things Christian parents need to instill in their children. Christians should know that work is sacred and they must be hard workers. Encourage children to immerse themselves in Proverbs. Teach them financial literacy, as schools often neglect practical skills like budgeting and balancing a checkbook. Open, honest discussions about money are crucial. Parents often feel uncomfortable discussing sex with their children, but it's essential to seize moments to speak life into them and address the heart of the matter. Emphasize the importance of keeping their word; if they commit to something, they must follow through.

    Lastly, parents should avoid treating their children as sanctifying trophies. Psalm 127 states that unless the Lord does the work, it is in vain. God is the one who raises children and sends them out for His purposes. Remember that ultimately salvation is in the Lord’s hands.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Dreams have a profound impact on many people, and the Bible offers numerous examples of dreams being used for guidance and prophecy. In the Old Testament, dreams were often a medium through which God conveyed wisdom and direction. Today, we still experience various types of dreams, but their nature and significance can differ greatly from biblical times.

    One common type of dream involves subconscious processing. Our brains process repressed thoughts and experiences, with imagination taking over as the rational part of our brain rests. These dreams are influenced by cultural factors and personal experiences; however, in His sovereignty, God can use these dreams for His purposes as illustrated by stories of people being reminded of His laws through dreams. There is a danger in seeking guidance solely through dreams. Relying on dreams for advice outside of God’s Word can lead us astray. The Bible provides all the guidance we need, and looking for extra-biblical sources of authority, including dreams, can be risky. It's crucial to keep these dreams in context and not give them undue authority.

    Some dreams can have positive effects, setting individuals on a better path. For example, one might experience a troubling dream that leads to positive changes in their life. Medications affecting the central nervous system can also create vivid dreams.

    When dealing with impure dreams, it’s important not to dwell on them excessively. If a dream makes you feel guilty, confess it to God and move on. The enemy seeks to use guilt to keep us focused on our sin, but we should be quick to repent and continue our walk with God. God understands our hearts and desires and provides consolation in our fallen nature and spiritual struggles. Reflecting on what we focus on during the day is wise; consuming impure content can lead to impure dreams. To influence our dreams positively, we can prepare our minds and hearts before sleep by focusing on the Lord. Reading about missionaries, praying, or studying the Bible can fill our hearts, minds, and souls with godly content.

    God uses dreams to advance His kingdom and glory. Recognize that His work through dreams always aims at furthering His kingdom. By focusing on God and His Word, we can better understand and respond to our dreams in a way that aligns with His purposes.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • The biggest problem in America isn't that people are overly healthy. The guys talk about how only a small percentage of Americans meet ideal standards for a healthy lifestyle. Most Americans live sedentary lives, but God designed us to be active. Historically, humans walked everywhere and engaged in physical labor, but modern conveniences mean we can meet our needs without leaving our homes, resulting in neglect of physical health.

    Health isn't just about weight, it's about the well-being of the body. Sometimes, society swings too far, suggesting that weight doesn't matter at all. Many theologians emphasize being embodied—caring for the body, mind, and soul to the glory of God. This holistic approach is part of our walk with the Lord. Our motives for physical activity also matter. We should aim to be our healthiest selves to bring glory to God. Our mental and physical well-being are interconnected; often, those struggling with mental illness are advised to get outside and exercise.

    E.Z. shares his personal experience of maintaining fitness into grandparenthood, highlighting the numerous benefits of exercise. Gluttony, which is a forgotten sin, is one that contributes to many health problems in America. If you know you need to improve your habits, start small. A morning walk, perhaps inviting your spouse to join, can significantly impact your health. Exercise helps prevent many medical conditions and offers stress relief. Oscar shares that he uses working out as a form of spiritual and mental therapy, focusing on the Lord during his sessions.

    Engaging in regular physical activity isn't just about personal gain; it enables us to fulfill our roles more effectively and live out our faith more fully. The connection between body, mind, and spirit underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health. Physical fitness enhances our ability to serve others and glorify God in all aspects of our lives.

    In conclusion, the pursuit of physical health is deeply intertwined with spiritual well-being. By recognizing our bodies as temples and taking steps to care for them, we honor the Creator and improve our quality of life. Simple changes, like choosing to be more active daily, can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being. Let's embrace a balanced approach to health, recognizing the profound connection between our physical and spiritual lives.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • In today’s ever-turbulent political climate, the intersection of faith and politics has become a topic of intense debate. Today’s conversation delves deep into this complex interplay, combining humor and heartfelt reflections to offer listeners a comprehensive exploration of how spirituality can thrive even in the most chaotic times.

    Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar address political violence in light of the recent attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The hosts share personal anecdotes and scriptural references to emphasize the importance of maintaining a biblical worldview and trusting in God’s sovereignty during such tumultuous events. This discussion is not only timely but also crucial for understanding how Christians can navigate political chaos without losing their spiritual grounding.

    The role of Christians in politics is another key topic explored. Drawing on historical and biblical examples like Daniel in Babylon and Joseph in Egypt, the guys argue that believers have a responsibility to promote righteousness and justice in the political sphere. However, they also caution against placing ultimate hope in political systems, urging listeners to keep their faith firmly rooted in God.

    One of the most compelling parts of the episode is the discussion on the emotional allure of political fervor and its dangerous intertwining with faith and power. Reflecting on early Christian history, the hosts note how the church’s initial growth through hospitality and generosity eventually gave way to aggression and control. This serves as a cautionary tale, reminding Christians to balance their political engagement with a steadfast trust in God’s sovereignty.

    Finally, the discussion concludes with a powerful call to action, urging Christians to seek the welfare of their cities as encouraged by Jeremiah 29:7. While trusting in God’s sovereignty is essential, it is equally important to take action and influence policies in alignment with Christian values. This balanced approach serves as a guide for listeners seeking to navigate the complex relationship between faith and politics in a way that honors God and promotes justice.

    Whether you’re grappling with how to respond to political violence, considering the role of Christians in politics, or seeking to balance your spiritual and political lives, this episode offers valuable insights and practical guidance. Don’t miss this enriching conversation that blends humor, sincerity, and deep reflection.

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    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • In today's society, we rarely talk to our neighbors, missing opportunities to show warmth and kindness. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar talk about how God has placed us where we are to be intentional in our kindness. The early church thrived in a corrupt society by living amongst their neighbors and being intentional about their community. Christians today should emulate this, combating the modern issue of loneliness by reaching out to their neighbors.

    Many aspire to be missionaries abroad but overlook their local community. We often don’t realize the value acts of kindness within our own neighborhoods. Building relationships with those around us fosters openness to sharing the gospel. To be spiritually effective neighbors, we must be physically present and kind. Simple gestures, like sharing homemade brownies, can make a significant difference.

    Hospitality extends beyond inviting people into our homes; it includes engaging with them in our community spaces. For example, Oscar organizes block parties with potlucks, distributing candy and gospel tracts. Such events allow neighbors to see Christianity in action, leading parents to inquire about faith, and witnessing the gospel lived out in the homes of believers. Living a Christian life publicly has a powerful impact on others.

    We must recognize our call to reach out to our neighbors. Often, we justify our inaction with busyness or fear of judgment. The guys highlight the parable of the Good Samaritan, which teaches us to love our neighbors regardless of their background. Dealing with difficult neighbors requires us to show love, understanding, and grace. Putting others before ourselves and going the extra mile with courtesy and consideration demonstrates our faith in a profound way.

    Our ideological differences should not hinder our witness. Political views can become idols, overshadowing the gospel. We must prioritize witnessing for Christ over promoting political ideals. 1 Peter 2:15-17 urges us to do good and love our neighbors, regardless of their actions toward us. Man-made ideas should be set aside for the sake of the gospel.

    In essence, being intentional in our kindness and hospitality, living out our faith openly, and prioritizing the gospel over ideological differences are crucial in reaching and loving our neighbors effectively. This approach allows us to be a light in our communities, fulfilling God's call to live in fellowship with those around us and sharing the message of Christ through our actions and relationships.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • It's tiring to constantly get worked up about other people's lives, trying to control their actions and beliefs. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar encourage believers to become disciplined in knowing when to keep quiet. The concept of leading a quiet life, minding our own business, and working with our hands serves as a witness to the gospel.

    Increasing knowledge can lead to sorrow, as Solomon experienced, surrounded by less wise people. When our children don't heed our advice, they often learn through hardships rather than through guidance. It's crucial to lay a foundation of what God calls us to be stewards of. A quiet life focuses on family, church, and neighbors, avoiding unnecessary anxiety. God didn't create us to be all-knowing, as our phones make us.

    E.Z. mentions Ray as an example of not meddling in people’s business. When E.Z. married Ray's daughter, Ray understood that they were their own family unit and refrained from interfering. A common issue for married couples involves handling holidays. Mark addresses this by giving his kids and their families the freedom to make their own choices without pressure, fostering closeness. Crowding someone only pushes them away.

    When we see people in our circle going through difficulties, do we wait for them to come to us? This depends on our hearts. A genuine desire to mind our own business naturally shows through. Being discerning is essential, but checking up on one another is good. It’s how we approach the person that matters. 1 Peter 4:15 highlights the seriousness of being a busybody, as it can destroy a family. The sin that causes us to meddle is often comparison, leading to legalism, pride, and hatred, making us feel more righteous than others.

    Ultimately, meddling violates love. Have we prayed for the person before talking about them? Have we earnestly prayed for their well-being? Convictions can be a challenging area. Some believers may struggle with listening to secular music but need to let others have their own experiences. However, if someone listens to vulgar music, it might be worth discussing. Our experiences differ, so we should give ourselves to prayer and encouragement. When approaching others, do so with a humble, gentle spirit, being a breath of fresh air to them.

    In summary, a quiet life that focuses on family, church, and neighbors helps us avoid unnecessary anxiety and meddling in others' affairs. By praying for others and approaching them with humility and gentleness, we can foster stronger relationships and live in a way that honors God.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro

  • Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar jump into the nuances of perfectionism and negligence. Perfectionism can be a challenging hurdle to overcome. Conversely, negligence can be equally harmful. There's a false doctrine of sinless perfectionism where a person craves holiness, beats themselves up over sin, and misinterprets scriptures, missing the full picture of what sin truly is. Sinless perfectionism suggests that one is no longer in need of God's grace, but striving for excellence is essential. Ray shares that many successes come amidst failures, illustrating the power of not being afraid to fail.

    Perfectionism can be inherently selfish, demanding unrealistic standards from others. This is particularly damaging to children, creating an environment where nothing feels good enough. E.Z. shares his personal experience of handling perfectionism with his children by focusing on rewarding their efforts instead of outcomes. The demand for perfection places pressure on young people, leading to widespread anxiety. Young women, in particular, compare themselves to a false perception of perfection, questioning God's creation in the process.

    Both perfectionism and negligence are dangerous. God calls us to be more like Him, but we need His grace to meet His perfect standards. While pursuing excellence, stumbling is part of the journey. Christians should strive for excellence, moving forward even after failures. Let your light shine before men, as it is a testimony to God’s work in you.

    Accepting our human frailty shifts our reliance from ourselves to God. Oscar shares his journey of trusting God while writing a book, emphasizing that God uses flawed individuals to accomplish His purposes. 2 Corinthians 5:10 encourages diligence against negligence, reminding us that we will give an account to God. It’s vital to examine our souls intensely to ensure that Christ is central in our lives. Being connected to God’s church is crucial. Loving God’s people requires being with them and engaging in the community. We often fail in our duty to study God’s word because it requires effort. If you believe that the Bible is the living word of God, you should be deeply engaged with it.

    In summary, both perfectionism and negligence are pitfalls to avoid. Embrace excellence with the understanding that grace covers our imperfections. Work hard, strive for the best, and allow room for God’s grace to shine through your efforts. This balance will enable you to live a life that honors God, encourages those around you, and fulfills your divine purpose.

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    You can find helpful counseling resources at biblicalcounseling.com.
    Check out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.

    You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!
    Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.
    Ray Comfort
    Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne
    Mark Spence
    Oscar Navarro