
  • Moonbase gets all biblical, and all wife swap, as the four main characters go down to the surface of a new Earth to be New Adam's and New Eve's. Lucky them, but not quite car keys in the bowl at a 70's party. There's God who was also Merlin too - handy that, who despite claiming to be the most wonderful sorcerer ever, can't even make animals out of balloons. Charlatan.

    Yasko has loads of lines, again, Alan doesn't even launch an Eagle never mind crash one, John keeps refusing wine (much to Katie's disgust), Colin can't get over the amount of innuendo in this episode and there is the most basic of traps to lair the bad guy. He's behind you!

    We also have a fun quiz on Italian voice actors which probably stretches the bounds of what is possible with our set up. Oh well at least no-one can say we didn't try.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Oh no! What have we done! We promised Katie's parents a nice cuddly episode with Bernard Cribbins and all they get is a murderous robot with a stupid sense of humour and a God complex. That's the last time we get invited for Sunday Dinner.

    In another "meet the parents" special, we visit Brian the Brain, a psychotic robot hell bent on living forever, or at least to the end of Act 2. There's a tender moment with John and Helena that Colin doesn't talk over, no home brew and Maya turning into zombie Bernard. What would the Doctor say?

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

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  • Our noteable guest star this week is something who is most famous for having one scene as a dead person with pebbles over his eyes. And he's a Sir. Although we haven't a clue why. He's also dressed as an egyptian/roman/pagan person with a boy son thing with a dreadful haircut. Basil and Connie have their work cut out with the dot-to-dot eye makeup, and Veronica turns up as both his dead wife and his future. Alan plays rugby, there's a strange extra in "Bluey" and the episode zips along lovely as we don't have John shouting at everyone.

    We then turn our attentions to Christen Anholt, the son of Tony (who plays Tony) in the show. For pod research purposes we watched his popular show Relic Hunter, specifically the episode where he film his one and only piece of TV with his dad around the year 2000. Sadly Tony died shortly after, and we are so happy they got the chance to do this. So please enjoy our little moment discussing Tia Carrera, Boyzone and how the 90's loved over-saturated colours.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Quite possibly the worst episode of Year 2 (although there's plenty to choose from), we re-enact the Gorn episode of Star Trek for the delight of the viewers. It's actually a hoot, with a lovely tender scene for Maya and John. Do you know any Psychon jokes?

    We have the Lion, Scarecrow and Tin Man from Wizard of Oz, John obsessed with a stick, mutinuous trees, shaved Winnie the Pooh, a hedgehog declaring war on Sybil Danning, Tony's homebrew three sodding times and Colin talking right over John pouring his heart out.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • We are back to normal after Christmas Yorkshire TV and Meet the Parents Specials with a fun episode, full of strange accents and bad science. Earth from the future finds Moonbase Alpha and promises to neutrino teleport them home. Will it happen? What could possibly go wrong? And why does Freddie Jones have a rubbish American accent? Post-pod we do a fun little quiz working through all the badges worn on the uniforms of Year 2. Whilst LSRO was easy, we had no chance with VJC.

    So in this episode we had Isla Blair wearing Mozart's wig, the stupidity of building a science station on an exploding earthquake fault zones, Scottish dark age natives speaking perfect English, and Space 1999 predicting both the Apple Watch and how useless a device it really is. Freddie Jones takes a snack pill that definitely isn't drugs, Helena both catches and cures Pneumonia in the space of about 4 hours, Alan correctly identifies a big standy-up green thing as a tree and Yasko has loads of lines.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • It's very exciting for us in Mackem and the Manc land as we have a Meet the Parents special! Not only did we record this episode with Katie's parents (who also don't really have much of a clue about the world of Space: 1999 and they were there at the time) we also recorded it actually in Sunderland, home of the Mackems. If anything, it's notable for Terry (dad of Katie) coming up with the alternate title for the episode: Tony of the Dead.

    So if you've enjoyed the show because it's someone experiencing this show for the first, you are going to love 2 people watching it for the first time with someone who's seen a few episodes with someone who is a Space: 1999 geek. Got it so far? Well done you.

    So whilst Terry and Sue try to catch up on WTF nature of the show, we settle down and watch the four main heroes plus a very strangely cast Patrick Mower (or Rodney from Emmerdale as Sue calls him) be annoying as KFC as an Irish Cowboy Geologist. When he's normally cast as a suave English gent type. We have a rock that's alive, changes colour to indicate if it is going to kill you or not, a very very angry Koenig and Helena not being able to duck.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • It's a mad time this week as a fusion of light jazz, Lionel Blair, bare chested men and cockroaches confuse the life out of both of us. Colin, even though he's watched it a million times, still doesn't quite get what this episode is about. Indeed, this would have fit in well within the body of Year One. We would have loved to see Victor dancing.

    Katie can't remember seeing Quills (2000) and Colin has a hard time with the androids being human and the humans being android. Glenda Allen is in it as someone different, as is Laraine Humphrys. It's very hard work keeping with the '99 extras.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Welcome to the Christmas Special* Space: 1999 Mackem and the Manc Podcast.

    Now, we at TMATM love a spurious link and this is a doozy. For some reason Yorkshire TV in the UK, in 1977, the announced the Year 2 episode The Taybor as a Christmas special - despite the fact that apart from them being a big lad with a beard giving gifts, on the surface this has nothing to do with the big day.

    Not one to shirk a challenge, we try to see if we can feel the St. Nick in this episode. Also the observant amongst you will not that this is episode 6 of the season and we should be doing One Moment of Humanity, but we won't get another chance to do a Christmas special as we'll run out of episodes.

    After the fun and games of Taybor - and boy is this full of things to talk about - we then take the Space: 1999 Christmas Toy Challenge!

    Pretend it's Christmas, Christmas 1977 to be precise and you have to choose which three toys you want off the big man (Santa, not The Taybor). You're not allowed an Eagle or a dinky toy as you already have them all, so you are left with the following options:

    1 - Moonbase Alpha and 3 figures

    2 - Colorform Vinyl Sticker Book

    3 - Viewmaster

    4 - Chest Radio Pack

    5 - Wrist Radio

    6 - Walking Spaceman

    7 - Cardboard Eagle

    8 - Book & Record

    9 - Halloween Costume

    10 - School Diary

    Lets see what we chose to go for and enjoy at least until Boxing Day when they inevitably break/run out of batteries. I'll give you a clue, Katie did not like the Costume one bit!

    Big shout out to the Catacombs website where most of the research went! https://catacombs.space1999.net/main/merc/vmm.html for more toyly goodeness.

    *Only in Yorkshire TV, December 22nd 1977

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • A really fun, tight episode sees a couple of young whipper snappers with red spots and lycra circus outfits terrorise Moonbase Alpha with plans of revenge on their wise elders. Peter Duncan is in it, although with a terrible voice over. His ageing 100 years in a minute is well worth it though. Kids programme remember...

    The rule book goes straight out of the window with the Health and Safety boys as they open nerf gun-looking craft without a care in the world. But the scariest thing is just how calm John is when faced with the prospect of a Helena-Maya threesome. He was far too calm about it all.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • So it's Season 2! How will Katie react to the massive changes to the Year 2 crew, cast, sets and storylines? Badly I'd imagine seeing as Victor was her favourite character. Colin sits back and tries to answer 18 questions a minute. The actual episode is quite a good one, there's Brian Blessed back for a second time, the introduction of Maya the wow-factor, BDSM nappy-wearing aliens, roofie brain sucking machines, green blobs, fainting wives and mento volcanos. See, Season 2 isn't that bad after all.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Strap yourselves in Big Boys for the ride of your life. Yes, it's Bonus Pod time and Sybil Danning shows you a whole new meaning to The Big Bang Theory.

    Having done all 24 episodes of Year 1 of Space: 1999, we discover there is enough in the can to do a bonus pod. Split into three, we first of all enjoy Sybil Danning and her wonderful introductions to the Space: 1999 movies as part of the Adventure Video series.

    Moving on to the movies themselves, we chop up Alien Attack and Journey Through The Black Sun and lick our lips at the extra scenes including Patrick Allen's amazing turtle neck and the wonderful sounds of Disco Dynamite.

    We then go all 90's and create our own Friends-style "The One With..." titles for each episode, so if you meet a casual fan and they can't remember what was what, you can help them remember the one with Mr. Bronson, or the one with the parrots.

    Finally, we have a chat about the whole point of the podcast, to discuss Katie's feelings on the show, how it has changed her view (or not) on a classic sci-fi programme, and how it stands up in 2024.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • It's the last episode of Season One, and it ends and a gentle meander through well trodden Sci-Fi territory. All the good and not so good shows have a "life on Earth began out there" panspermia episode and Space: 1999 is no exception. But the Mackem and the Manc not being your average podcast, we go one stage further and discuss the MUF - the thing that does (or doesn't) tie all the Season One episodes together. Is there an over-arching entity looking after the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha, or was it just coincidence? Listen to the pod to find out.

    It's also our last Italian episode, there's pub beer garden skeletons, a leaf, lots of silver jackets and the job prospects discussed for the protein store security guards.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Nothing shouts the most popular episode of Space: 1999 of either seasons as much as Mr. Bronson from Grange Hill being eaten by a glowing tentacle bumhole monster. This one has the lot - Earth-based flashbacks, foxy brunettes bringing cups of tea, backstory of why Bergman was grounded and a wonder take on the old myth of George and the Dragon. It's top of the pile for many very good reasons.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Mutants! We have our last colossal guest star episode, and without it being an out-and-out horror episode, it certainly has the overtones of one.

    We have cannibalism, Aubrey Morris being mad, Joan Collins and her legs, Barbara and her jealousy and Colin trying to be politically correct about little people. The main male guest star is a cross between Zeus and Oliver Reed, Big Ron is a sort of BDSM caveman, and the ship is either 5 or 50 miles wide. Who knows?

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on

    [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)#ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast


  • It's Gwent, the wig, amazing sets and immortality for about the 100th time in a quiet colossal guest star episode. Leo McKern I hope got paid twice for playing 2 different characters. Or did he?

    Koenig never got his rest, put at least in real life Paul/Prentis was alright.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)

    #ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • So we are now into Episode 20 and it's a foam party! Before it became all the rage, the population of Moonbase Alpha are gearing up for a night of disco lights and foam party goodness. Somewhere along the lines there is a serious plot about macro space beings and the moon being a virus, but it all goes to shit in the last 10 minutes when Her Majesty's Fire and Rescue dump 16 million kilos of soap into Stage L at Pinewood.

    This is also an Italian episode, where Katie decides "Rent-a-Yank" Shane is punching above his weight snagging the Italian hottie Carla. There is a rock weighing 380 tonnes (slightly less than John's ego), silly string, Helena treating patients in a welding mask and Alan in charge of a raft of nuclear charges. What could possibly go wrong?

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)

    #ClassicSciFi #PodcastDebut #Space1999 #GeekyCouples #Podcasters #PodcastNewbies #SciFiClassic #70sTV #Space1999Fans #RetroSciFi #VintageTV #70sNostalgia #SciFiGeek #MoonBaseAlpha #Space1999Podcast

  • Katie has the joy of the first Horror Space:1999 episode - her favourite genre - and also her first Italian one, Mamma Mia! Colin makes references to sitars far too many times that are strictly required.

    We enjoy the leading man having three nipples, yet another posh foxy brunette, pyschic plants and Bergman's hair getting longer by each episode. On a serious note, this is one of the best and is pure gothic joy and pleasure. And Basil did the stunning make-up - hurrah!

    Post-pod, Katie must have been plugged into our houseplants as she's absoutely aces the post-pod Victor Berman quiz. I didn't know our fuschia knew so much about 70's sci-fi.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)

  • Oh dear, it's a bad science episode. Will a bunch of Suzi Quatro's beat the planet of the single middle-aged man who can't open his eyes? And will they work out the basics of newtonian gravity? Katie likes one of the girls hair and Colin thinks he is Brian Cox (the science dude, not the actor).

    We work out why you can people from Alpha, Beta and Delta (but not Gamma) and Katie really wants Dionne's dress.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)

  • It's a pod from a pod! The Manc and Mackem are on holiday, but that doesn't stop them recording a special episode of the pod(cast) from a pod(glamping) in sunny Scotland.

    The most expensive episode of British TV ever made - even though it wasn't even the most expensive episode of Space: 1999. Colin's going with this one regardless of things like facts. Back to the episode it's a real two-parter. The first half sees Moonbase Alpha and half the cast blown up, the second half sees alien coneheads in boxes, shreiking Helena, John being the useless hero and it all being a wast of time. Still, the Hawk IX models were cool.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)

  • We have a complete cast-against-type episode and a colossal guest star in this fab story about an immortal alien who loves nothing more to torture us mere humans by throwing us around Big Daddy style and strangling foxy nurses. What a catch. Today's epsiode is trope-central, from undead vampires to a bit of Alien airlock action. There's an update on Sherlock Dog and a kinky story involving today's guest star: Peter Bowles.

    What happens when someone who's never seen classic 70s sci-fi watches it with their other half who's a total geek for it? Will they love it, hate it, or ask for a divorce on the spot? The Mackem (Katie) and the Manc (Colin) from England are watching all 48 episodes and, for you the wonderful listener, we hope there's some humor and fun comments. You can also listen and watch at the same time, or just enjoy the banter. Warning - there's a few rude words! You can email us on [email protected] or find us on socials @mancmakempodcast (mancmakempod on Twitter, damn you character limit)