In this episode I will be talking about the difference between Banishment and cleansing, when is each one required and I will share some techniques for both cleansing and Banishment. Book mentioned Wicca Candle Magic by Lisa Chamberlain.
Happy full moon witches. In this episode I will be talking about activities and associations related to Mabon. The second haversting festival. A cornucopia of joys.
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The last part of the major Arcana. In this episode you will learn about the star, the moon, the sun, the judgment and the world. This will end the Major Arcana tarot studies series.
This Episode is a bit long, but it's because we are going to study the most painful cards of the deck. STAY TUNED
In this Episode I will be talking about decks,cleansing and the second part of tarot studies.
This new series of tarot studies. A little crash course for learning the tarot cards. In this episode I'm taking about Tarot History and the first 6 cards of the Major Arcana.
In this episode I will be talking about Deities and answer a few common questions regarding Deities Magick
In this Podcast I will be talking about my top 5 herbs, plant spirit, tintuctures, spiritual baths, oils and books recommendations.
In this episode you will learn all about candles and how to observe your flames. The books mentioned in this episode are Wicca Candle Magic by Lisa Chamberlain and Practical Candle Burning Rituals by Raymound Buckland.
In this episode you will learn about crystals and gems, how to cleanse your crystals, how to charge it and much more.
In this episode you will learn a bit about this amazing festival, origins, traditions and what can you do to make this sabbath extra special.
In this episode I will be talking about the dif styles of divination, tarot carts, oracle and lenormand cards.
In this episode I will talk about magical paths in witchcraft, altar and books recommendation for beginners.
In this episode I will be talking about the moon phases, the influences of the star signs in the energies of the moon, moonology, moon water and charging crystals.
A brief introduction of myself and what is the aim of this podcast.