以上5期长节目欢迎关注“反派影评”公众号收听,公号内另可听到30分钟行业类谈话节目“反派马后炮”及短语音评电影的“电影耳旁风”,另外还可获取节目中提及的电影片单及其它延展信息。 -
Podcast by La Cinémathèque française
Alex Jones Show Podcast.
Rob is a Marvel Comic Book Fan of over 30 years - Will is a MCU Fan who has never read a Marvel Comic! Together they’re re-watching Marvel movies & TV shows and comparing the original comic books to the movies that become a global phenomenon!
In this podcast you’ll got lots of fun, lots of laughs, and more Marvel trivia than you’ll know what to do with! -
Words of War was an anthology of war stories, "told by the men and women who have seen them happen." It was produced in cooperation with the Council on Books in Wartime, promising "stories of the battlefronts, of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, of underground warfare, of the home front, of action on the seas." Each show was to be "a living record of this war and things for which we fought."
"Exposed" is an interview series that focuses on prominent voices in the LGBT world from drag queens, actors, musicians, comedians, and more. It is not the traditional over the top style interview. Instead, it is more of a one-on-one style interview where guests are given the platform to talk about their career, how far they've come, struggles, successes, and more.
≪毎週 月~金 更新!≫「大阪人二人寄れば漫才師」果たしてそれは本当なのか大阪市のワンルームからお送りするたぶんエンターテイメント!!!これが、浪速のポッドキャストやで!!
Examining ER is a podcast dedicated to the classic TV medical drama, 'ER'. We'll discuss anything and everything to do with the show, reviewing key episodes and storylines, exploring the characters and debating the various issues and themes that arise throughout.
オタク芸人 サンキュータツオ Presents 二次元を哲学するトークバラエティ音声マガジン『熱量と文字数』のブログです。
Each week we discuss events and happenings in the history of the Walt Disney Company. From Walt Disney's Birthday, to the opening day of Splash Mountain, to the World Premiere of Treasure Planet, we are chatting about it! Join us!
Elmo is the star of Sesame Street and The Furchester Hotel! He's three and a half years old and loves being tickled!
For anyone interested in living their best Disney life, join us each week as we explore themes on Disney pop culture and lore. Disness hours are every Sunday!
Welcome one, welcome all, to the only place where you can get your Disney fix!
Join self-proclaimed Disney addicts, Greg and Chris, as they talk about everything and anything Disney...from the theme parks to the movies, from the music to the history...and more!
Subscribe and become a fellow Disney addict, and you might end up on our podcast! Tune in to learn how :) -
A Weekly Star Trek podcast focusing on the past, present, and future of Trek. Live every week on YouTube at 9:30 PM ET.
Opinionated & informative with a taste of humor: join nationally syndicated film critic, Richard Roeper, for a weekly show covering today’s most popular topics in the film and entertainment industry. The show offers a unique spin on movies, streamed shows, news of the day, pop culture, and more.
Follow The Richard Roeper Show on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up to date. -
SciFi Friday takes you back to the early days of science fiction. Each week we explore the programs that layed the foundation for science fiction of today.
Welcome to The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Podcast - a show devoted to revisiting and honoring the world's greatest portrayal of the world's greatest detective.
From 1984 to 1994, Granada Television produced what is arguably the best (and most complete) depiction of the legendary detective’s Adventures, Memoirs, Case-Books and many Returns. Spanning 36 episodes and 5 movies, producer Michael Cox created a Sherlockian experience like no other. This podcast will examine that timeless series with a specific eye on Jeremy Brett in the role he was destined to immortalize. -