
  • In this episode, Susie interviews Marsha Derevianko, on all things Dark Feminine, Sacred Rage, and working with the energy of Goddess Lilith.

    We speak into:

    Marshas upbringing and the Rites of Passage she moved through The birthing of @wildwomancircles during the pandemic The important of Sacred Rage practises The Dark Feminine A self facilitated mushroom journey, where both Marsha and Susie moved through initiations with Goddess Lilith The deep medicine that Lilith brings to women Marshas most spiritual experiences

    About Marsha:

    Marsha is a medicine woman, mystic, feminine embodiment mentor, sacred rage facilitator, photographer, healer, grid worker and so so much more!

    Her work is in devotion to the many shades of the feminine. Through her unique soul medicine, she supports women to liberate and come homes to themselves.

    Listen to the full episode on Spotify, Apple and YouTube

    Check out Marshas offerings here: https://stan.store/marshavictorovna

    You can find Marsha via the below instagram accounts:





  • In todays episode, Susie shares some of her own personal experiences of working with psilocybin, a sacred plant medicine.

    She shares:

    Her first ever ceremony with Psilocybin What psilocybin taught Susie about trauma release Womb healing Connection & experiencing Goddess Kali The deep healing she experienced for her ancestors Physical purges How the medicine communicates with you Advice that Susie has for anyone feeling called to take a psilocybin journey

    Working with plant medicine is a process that should be sacred, intentional and deeply respected. If you feel any kind of plant medicine calling you, I recommend finding a facilitator that you trust, to hold you through your journey. Reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions.

    How to connect with Susie:

    Connect with Susie on Instagram here

    Book an energy healing session or 90 minute mentoring session with Susie here.

    Join Susie’s monthly spiritual membership here

    Find out more about Susie’s other offerings here

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  • In todays episode, Susie is joined by Psychic Intutive Channel, Healer and Medicine Facilitator, Julia McCarthy.

    Julia is a psychedelic medicine facilitator and intuitive channel. She specializes in helping people navigate major life transitions (break ups, divorces, new careers, moving homes, death of a loved one, etc.) find deep meaning and purpose in their life, and heal emotional wounds. She is deeply passionate about helping people connect to their gifts, intuition, and power so that they can experience a life full of purpose, abundance, and meaning.

    When she isn't facilitating a medicine ceremony or channeling someone's higher self, you can find her in her home state of Oregon connecting with all of the wisdom and teachings that mother nature has to offer.

    In this episode we dive into:

    Julia's first spiritual awakening and how working with psycadelics helped to bring her gifts online Reasons why people choose to do a psilocybin journey and what you can experience Where the spirit of the mushroom comes from and how the medicine affects the body An experience Julia had where the psilocybin's intelligence discovered a heart condition in a client she was facilitating for, and how it communicated this information to her through her own medicine journey When 'nothing happens' on a psilocybin journey and what it means What to expect when preparing for your own psilocybin journey Advice Julia has for anyone feeling called to take a psilocybin journey Julia's most spiritual experience where she took a Vision Quest in Colorado and the profound magic that came from this journey

    How to connect with Julia:

    Connect with Julia on Instagram here.

    Book an intuitive reading or medicine preparation session here.

    How to connect with Susie

    Connect with Susie on Instagram here.

    Check out Susie's offerings via her website here.

  • In todays episode, Susie is joined by Psychic Medium & Energy Healer, Charlotte Rowland.

    At the early age of sixteen Charlotte became aware that she was an intuitive empath who could work with pranic light and the energy body. Then at 19 yrs old she started her spiritual business KC Spirit, with her mum and started sharing her gifts with the world.

    This episode was recorded live from Glastonbury, the heart chakra of the world, whilst Susie and Charlotte were on a sacred pilgrimage together. We feel blessed & incredibly grateful to have recorded this interview on this sacred land.

    In this episode we dive into:

    The initiations, fears and excitement of starting a spiritual business at the tender age of 19 years old. How Charlotte channels and works with energy and supports her clients The adaptations she made in her channeling system, in her work as a psychic medium who can connect to the spirit realm Channeling spirit babies before they arrive earthside The equal importance of energetically prepping the womb pre pregnancy AND having support + stability (a safe masculine container) for when the sacred child arrives on earth Charlottes deep connection to India and the moment she received the first soul call to visit Codes received from pilgrimaging in Glastonbury, specifically around the Glastonbury Ley Lines The importance of giving yourself permission to accept new Key codes and upgrades. The importance of integration whilst walking the spiritual path Charlottes advice as a Psychic Medium, on how to connect with your loved ones who have crossed over Asking / and receiving signs from your loved ones Charlottes most spiritual experience in India with Kali and a group of angels (so profound and beautiful!)

    How to connect with Charlotte:

    Connect with Charlotte on Instagram here

    Check out Charlottes 1:1 sessions and community via her website here

    How to connect with Susie

    Connect with Susie on Instagram here

    Check out Susie's offerings via her website here

    Tyler Henry

  • In this episode, Susie shares her personal journey of the past 3 years of building her soul-led, online business. No stone is left unturned as she shares the deep initations, the bold moves, the scary investments, the massive wins, and everything else in between.

    Coaching and Mentorship has been a massive part of Susie's journey. She shares why close promixity mentorship is powerful for entrepreners to meet their edges, expand their consciouness and grow their business.

    Tune in to hear all about:

    🔮 When everything 'fell apart' in 2020

    🔮 The ushering of the Universe and clear signs to start her online business

    🔮 The initations she moved through as she invested in her first ever high ticket/investment Mastermind

    🔮 Personal examples of what happens when you trust the soul call and 'take the leap'

    🔮 The unseen magic that happens within group mentorship spaces

    🔮 Why Mastermind spaces are so powerful for business growth

    🔮 The courage it takes to be an entrepreneur

    Applications for The Visionary Mastermind are offically open, apply here:


    Private business mentorship with Susie, apply here:


    Learn more about Susie Hemsted ans Jess Colvin's group mentorship programme 'Art of Holding Sapce' here: https://susiehemsted.com/aohs

  • In this episode, Susie interviews Quantum Healer and DNA Activator Phoebe Marie.

    We speak into:

    🔮 Phoebe’s mass awakening in first pregnancy when all gifts came online at once

    🔮 Moving through a 3 month miscarriage, in 2020

    🔮 The feeling of deeply knowing you are here on the planet for deeply purposeful is this incarnation

    🔮 What are DNA activations?

    🔮 How Phoebe communicates and works with spirit babies that want to arrive earth-side

    🔮 Advice to women who are desiring for a spirit baby to come into their wombs

    Phoebe Marie is Quantum Healer & Body Shaman, whose mission here on earth is to guide souls back to their divinity, power, magic, and true soul essence.

    Find Phoebe on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/hello.phoebemarie/

    Sign up to Catalyst using SUSIE11 at checkout here: https://phoebemarie.mykajabi.com/catalyst

  • In this episode, Susie interviews Renee Star about what it's like to experience two 'walk ins' in this incarnation, the shifts that occur when a 'walk in' takes place, and how to support yourself or loved ones, through this very rare experience.

    Renee Star is a High Frequency Channel, a Guide, a Healer, an Ancient Soul Master and Keycode Activator, here to guide souls to open and free themseleves from anything that is no longer serving their soul’s highest and fullest potential.

    We dive into:

    What it was like to experience two ‘walk ins’ in this incarnation The shifts that occur when a ‘walk in’ occurs and how to support yourself or loved ones through this experience Who is Thoth? Advice to souls who feel connected to Lumuria and Atlantis What are the Halls of Amenti What light language is, and a transmission that channels through Renee How to establish connection to Goddesses and Ascended Masters Mini lesson on Lumuria and Golden Atlantis, Crystal Skulls and Towers of Golden Atlantis The Water codes that are flooding the planet right now How we are here to hold Mother Earth, as she transitions through this shift Personal journal of shining your light and ascension pathway What to do when you are channelling a lot of light frequency through you

    Renee's mission here at this time is to guide as many soul’s and help as many people to raise their frequency as high as possible, so that they can assist with the shift on earth + step into their master gifts and talents with love - walking the beauty way.

    She believes we all have many ancient gifts from past lives, other universes and galaxies, and that we are all key holders here to connect with others so that we can activate their codes from these ancient times.

    You can find Renee Star on Instagram here

    You can find out more about Renee's offering here

  • In this episode, I share some personal snippets from my experience on the Egypt Pilgrimage .

    I speak into:

    Receiving the spirit call to visit Egypt, through a plant medicine experience Astral experiences whilst in Egypt The deep healing I experienced when revisiting the tombs + temples in Luxor, that I had visited during my childhood What happened when we entered the Great Pyramid of Giza

    Egypt was one of the most powerful energetic places I've visited in my time here on planet earth. I know that I will continue to be called to this sacred and special land.

    Enjoy my loves!

  • In this episode, I interview Jessica Colvin, on her experience travelling in Egypt.

    We discuss:

    🔮 The Plant Medicine Ceremony that first planted the seeds for Jess’s journey to Egypt

    🔮 The energetic confirmation from Spirit that Jess was meant to travel to Egypt

    🔮 Make it Rain - The Priestess Abundance Container

    🔮 Our experience inside The Great Pyramid of Giza

    🔮 Making it Rain in Egypt

    🔮 A channeled message from Goddess Isis, that Jess received in Egypt

    Jessica Colvin is a Soul Initiatress and Quantum Healer and Mystic Mentor.

    You can find Jessica Colvin on Instagram here

    Head over to Jessica's webite here

    For all Podcast listeners, you'll recieve 20% off Make it Rain. Use code THEMYSTICSPATH at checkout.

    Learn more about Make it Rain by clicking here

  • In this episode, Susie interviews Sananda Kryst about her experience on the Lions Gate Portal pilgrimage in Greece, August 2022.

    Sananda Kryst is a Galactic Ambassador for the Pleiadians and Telos, an Ambassador for the Galactic Nation as a communication bridge, and an Ambassador of Light.

    We dive into:

    Alien abductions by The Greys What it means to be on the ‘fast track’ of ascension Deconstructing masculine and feminine templates within this lifetime Opening portals and starting up Stargates Bringing the Atlantean and Lemurian energies back together, through travelling the world Dropping your unique Starseed codes around the Earth The ceremony that Sananda lead/facilitated on Delos island for The Lions Gate Pilgrimage What is light language? Sananda shares one her most spiritual experiences!!! And at the end of the episode you’ll receive a very special activation (close your eyes and receive)

    Currently, Sananda’s primary mission is for her enlightenment and as a Galactic Nation's Ambassador as a Communications Officer. She communicates with the Galactic beings via telepathy throughout the multiverse, and this information is generally delivered through light language. She is a gifted multi-channel and works as an advanced energy healer/activator, along with any work asked of her for Earth and humanity.

    Sananda currently resides at 1000 on the David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness and she now holds the frequency of the 8th-9th dimension as a human, which includes having the vibration of an Ascended Master here in the physical.

    Sananda Kryst is a multidimensional Channel, Healer, Starseed Activator, Priestess, Energy Surgeon, and much more.

    Sananda’s company is called Pleiadian Portal. Pleiadian Portal is a multiverse. It is a Starship, Stargate, Portal, and Gateway to your galactic heritage, where you will experience a profound self-discovery and enlightenment through your higher self. Within this relationship, you and the universe will reconnect as one in Consciousness.

    As a Mystery School, you will traverse the multidimensional fields of reality to transform, release, and spread your angelic wings of wisdom and star knowledge. As your frequency accelerates, you will impact the universe on a grand scale.

    This is a Mastery level of pure, high-frequency light; Sananda Kryst will lead you and mentor you, no matter your star origin, to reclaim that which has been forgotten. Remember who you are by awakening your mind and spirit's hidden powers and abilities.

    You can find Sananda on Instagram here

    Sanandas website and current offerings can all be found here

    Find Sananda on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook by searching ‘Pleiadian Portal’

    To access Sananda free recourses and to sign up to her email community click here

  • In this episode, Susie interviews Iris Ra Rhiannon, on her experience of creating the Lions Gate Pilgrimage, in Greece - August 2022.

    When Iris was told to ‘Gather the women in Greece’, she knew Spirit had big plans for her.

    And the Initiation began.

    We speak into:

    Dropping into deep surrender, when Spirit asks us to do big things Trusting the internal and externall guidance The initiations of creating and executing a sacred pilgrimage How we energetically weaved and connected the Greek Cyclades Islands back together Working with Crystals for gridding The Lions Gate Portal Ritual Harmonising of Masculine + Feminine energies (Atlantis and Lemuria) Practical advice for following the Soul Call around the world

    About Iris Ra Rhiannon:

    Iris Ra Rhiannon is a Light Leader empowering Starseeds to remember their soul song - through the language of astrology, akashic records, crystal work, ceremony & sound.

    Iris has a passion for all things galactic including galactic astrology. She works specifically with the Arcturians, Pleiadians and Sirians.

    Since a young age Iris has had a strong connection with the stars and was drawn to study Western Astrology. She also has the memory of studying astrology in many past lives.

    Iris is passionate about sharing this knowledge to empower others to remember their soul mission and true purpose in this lifetime.

    Connect with Iris via Instagram here

    Tune into Iris’s Podcast @becomingirispodcast here

    Iris’s website is here

    Upcoming - UK Lionsgate Pilgrimage August 2023, earlybird investment until June 30.

    The Initiation online course begins July 18, 2022.

  • In this episode, Susie interviews Jessica Colvin to get the low down on her experience at the Lions Gate Portal, Greece Pilgrimage.

    We discuss:

    Soul callings to sacred lands The fall of Atlantis and the seeding of Earth Spiritual Initations What actually happened on the Lions Gate Portal, Delos, August 2022 The Art of Spaceholding

    Jessica Colvin is a Soul Initiatress and Quantum Healer and Mystic Mentor.

    You can find Jessica Colvin on Instagram here

    Head over to Jessica's webite here

    For all Podcast listeners, you'll recieve 20% off both Soul Scribe and Art of Holding Space. Use code THEMYSTICSPATH at checkout.

    Learn more about Soul Scribe (90 days of journal prompts) by clicking here

    Learn more about Art of Holding Space by clicking here

  • In this episode, Susie shares her personal journey, leading up to and including The Lions Gate Pilgrimage in Greece, in August 2022.

    She speaks into:

    recieveing the 'download' to go to Greece the spaceholding initation whilst on pilgrimage the difference between a retreat and a pilgimage guidance for lightworkers who feel called to visit sites around the world

    Enjoy my loves!

    To find Susie Hemsted on Instagram click here

    Visit Susie's website here

  • In this welcome episiode, the host of The Mytics Path podcast, Susie Hemsted welcomes you to the show, sharing what you can expect from this sacred space.

    Where to connect with Susie:

    Website: https://susiehemsted.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susiehemsted/