In this episode, Mark guest co-hosts with Luella Martin from Property Legals.
Luella chats with Mark about buying property as a first home buyer. They go over what to look out for and what you don't get told as a new buyer, the duties of a buyer's agent as compared to a seller's agent, if you should work with a buyer's agent, how to choose your agent if you do, changes in the market due to COVID-19, and how to best prepare for and navigate transactions.
Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
In this episode, Mark welcomes guest co-host Peter Chatteris to the Property Ventures Real Estate team in the Eastern Bays of Auckland Central.
Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
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In this webinar turned podcast, Mark Honeybone and Pete Chatteris, are joined by Jarrod Kerr the Kiwibank Chief Economist and Kris Pedersen of Kris Pedersen Mortgages, who discuss Lessons Learnt from Lockdowns 2020.
Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
Today's episode is a must-watch podcast if you've ever wanted to change the world (or at least New Zealand!).
In our last episode, Mark was interviewed by the NZ Initiative and today he's reciprocating by interviewing Oliver Hartwich! They talk about how the NZ Initiative endeavours to help New Zealanders with no hidden agenda at all. They are the organisation to sketch pathways towards a better future. Their mission is to help create a competitive, open and dynamic economy and a free, prosperous, fair, and cohesive society. As New Zealand’s leading think tank, they work closely with its members, policymakers across the political spectrum, the wider business community, the media, academics and the general public.
Mark has access to this group so have a listen if you really have some strong feelings about how any sort of policy in the country would benefit New Zealanders and have a chat with him sometime. By the way, if you want to join their weekly newsletter, click here.
Oliver then talks about the main topic which is what a local Government could and maybe should look like, as it does successfully in places like Switzerland and Germany. We found this extremely informative and interesting and we hope you do too.
Happy listening!
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
In this webinar turned podcast, Mark Honeybone and our Off-the-Plan Investment Strategist, Kieran Jones, are joined by Kris Pedersen of Kris Pedersen Mortgages, who explains how pre-approval works for off-plan purchases and touches upon the new ASB 'Back My Build' variable rate.
Property Ventures Real Estate also launches an off-the-plan, ground-level opportunity in Auckland. This new development consists of 3 stages with construction for Stage 1 expected to commence in January 2022 and completion due for October 2022. This is your opportunity to get in first! We have 10 townhouses at a discounted price that won't be offered again, so it's first in, first served.
If you don’t want to talk finance, and want to just find out about the opportunity go straight to the 38-minute mark of the video.
Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
Mark is interviewed by fellow podcaster Shane Rohde from Lateral Lawyers.
Amongst talking properties and its pitfalls and the advantages/disadvantages of new builds, Mark discusses his highs and lows of property and life and working through adversity.
Mark and Shane both give tips on handling stress and getting through hard times and how they keep positive in life and business.
Whether you’re into property investment or are having a hard time in life we hope you get something out of this podcast.
Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
Mark & Miles Stratford from Meth Solutions and Safe and Healthy Homes Solutions discuss meth testing, the history of it in the property market and where things are today.
This is an invaluable conversation to listen to if you are a property investor, things to be aware of with insurance and other associated risks. Miles is one of the authorities that the experts go to and has strong opinions on it.
Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
Mark interviews long-time listener of the New Zealand Property Podcast and investor Ryan Keogh from Queenstown. He is only in his early 30s and has built up a multi-millionaire portfolio by following simple rules and is focused on what he is trying to achieve.
Ryan is in the commercial property world but invests in residential property. He gives many tips and experience re starting out, building your portfolio, setting goals and where he sees the property market and moving forward. We discuss building your team of experts and how you should select them. Also discussions on where the Queenstown property market is at.
A great watch for all investors, old and new. Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
There is a strong chance that by the end of November the Reserve Bank will have announced the return of loan-to-value ratio restrictions. They initially removed these in May this year for a 12 month period as they, and every other major economist, predicted significant price drops on the back of Covid-19. This hasn’t eventuated and instead, we are in the middle of a runaway housing market. The facts have changed and perhaps so have the Reserve Bank’s views on the LVR restrictions.
In this podcast Mark and Kris discuss:
What you need to consider if the LVR restrictions return Why you need to split bank nowTo get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
In Episode 113 of the NZ Property Podcast, join Mark Honeybone as he delivers a presentation to the Auckland Property Investor’s Association on the advantages and disadvantages of buying off-the-plan properties vs. existing properties. Happy listening!
To get episodes direct to your device of choice, follow us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Spotify.
Disclaimer: Property Ventures Real Estate Limited is a Licensed Agent under the REAA 2008. The New Zealand Property Podcast does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. Any opinions expressed in this podcast may not match the opinion of Property Ventures Real Estate. No person should act in reliance on any statement made within this podcast without first obtaining professional advice.
In Episode 112 of the NZ Property Podcast, join Mark Honeybone as he delivers a presentation to the Auckland Property Investor's Association on the advantages and disadvantages of buying off-the-plan properties vs. existing properties.
Happy listening!
This week is a podcast with a difference. Mark interviews Shane Rhode, owner of Lateral Lawyers. They start discussing the importance of shareholders agreements, disputes and of getting it right at the start of looking at a joint venture of any sorts. The central part of the podcast is talking about mental health. Shane tells his story of being near the top of his chosen sport, living the good life after an excellent education and then hitting rock bottom before bouncing back to having his own successful business. Shane's story is a great listen; we hope you enjoy and can get something out of it.
Join Kieran Jones asking the questions to Mark Honeybone about the Auckland market and why now is the time to consider buying property or investing in off the plan Pre-construction Property. There are many myths about buying off the plans, some are true and some are nonsense. Hear it from Mark who lost almost his life savings in this type of investing and now thats all he is doing. His reasoning on the whys and what to look out for are crucial for anyone considering buying off the plans, or those that are unsure but would like to. Mark will discuss some ways on how you can still buy discount and discuss some other ideas that can help educate you on your decisions. And a reason to watch this webinar? There will be a couple specials for the night where the developer has slashed the prices just for this night. Why wouldn't you watch this. Take an hour out, listen to the man doing it, ask your questions, and get your pen ready to sign for some discount.
This is a webinar done on Tuesday 26th May 2020 where Mark Honeybone and Campbell Venning discuss the Christ Church market and why now is the time to consider buying property or investing in a new build. During the webinar we ran through some info that can help educate your decisions. After words we discuss three current properties and two that are already completed that Property Ventures have for sale. We truly believe these are great properties for investors, with future capital growth predicted.
Mark speaks with Campbell Venning about why he sees Christchurch as one of the best places in New Zealand to invest in right now.
Campbell and Mark also discuss how new builds in some areas of Christchurch are the way of the future and are probably the cheapest you will ever see them again in the country.
With many years of property investment and ‘new build’ experience around the country, Campbell has a wealth of knowledge to share.
If you’re wondering “Where do I invest now?”, take a listen to this podcast!
If you are wondering, where do I invest now? Take a listen to this.
We kicked off our live online events with two of New Zealand's top real estate agents, Shane Coote from Central Realty & Mark Honeybone from Property Ventures, on how they’re seeing the market at the moment during the lock down.
Join us in our latest Podcast, were Mark interviews Jarrod Kerr, the Chief Economist at Kiwi Bank.
Mark interviews Reed Goossen, an Australian living in the US. He not only runs his own Property Podcast but also runs a successful property business with syndications for investors. A few tips for wannabe investors on how to get going and some tips on syndication. Feel free to ask Mark any questions on syndication here in NZ or in the USA. mark@propertyventures.co.nz
In this Podcast Sarina Gibbon and Mark Honeybone discuss the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. The below is from APIA.
The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill proposes to introduce sweeping changes that will, in our view, significantly impact the business of landlording. In fact, according to the REINZ, 82% of New Zealanders oppose the Bill's signature proposal to abolish the landlord's ability to terminate a tenancy with a 90-day notice. The public has until 25th of March 2020 to submit against the Bill. In addition to being simply bad law, the Auckland Property Investors' Association is also incredibly concerned by the staggering level of misinformation that is being repeated about this Bill. It is in this vein that we have partnered up with Property Ventures to bring you this podcast and supplementary information to help you understand the proposed changes and showing you what you can do to push back against them. (to the podcast) -
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