
  • This week I'm talking to Dan Harary about his book 'My Paranormal Life: Supernatural Stories from A Hollywood Insider'.

    After Dan’s late Grandfather Joseph Harary (1896-1967) began haunting his Beverly Hills apartment during Spring 2003, Dan became convinced that “supernatural stuff” really can happen to normal people in everyday life. The evidence of his grandfather’s presence was so powerful, it could not be denied or simply explained away as his imagination.
    Dan’s beloved dead grandfather had become a Poltergeist!

    About that same time, Dan began to reflect upon the various supernatural, paranormal, truly odd and peculiar events that he had been experiencing since his childhood along the New Jersey Shore starting in the early ‘60s and continuing for decades thereafter.
    In My Paranormal Life, Dan, a renowned Hollywood Publicist, relates tales of what he believes was a Gargoyle creature who saved his life when he was five. Dan also reveals contacts he’s had with ghosts, angelic and disembodied voices, along with mind-reading events and premonitions that came true, extraordinary coincidences, and manifestations of people and things he daydreamed about years earlier. Dan describes his three UFO experiences, his role as a doppelganger in Boston, and the spiritual chills he felt when re-visiting his childhood home 60 years later, not to mention what he believes is evidence of a past-life curse!

    Born and raised just outside of Asbury Park, New Jersey, Dan Harary is a man of many talents. While best known for his 40-plus years of work in Hollywood as an Entertainment Industry Publicist and owner of the boutique Asbury PR Agency in Beverly Hills (www.asburypr.com) Dan is also the author of four books: FLIRTING WITH FAME, AFTER THEY CAME, CARROTS and MY PARANORMAL LIFE: SUPERNATURAL STORIES FROM A HOLLYWOOD INSIDER. In addition, he was a professional drummer as a youngster, and performed stand-up comedy at LA’s top comedy houses during the late ‘90s/early 2000’s. See: www.danhararyauthor.com
    Dan is a longtime UFO Researcher and experienced three UFO sightings during his life, the first, with his father in 1970, remaining highly memorable. He is a longtime member of the MUFON/Los Angeles organization.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/mtsrbwuu





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  • This week I'm reading from Richard Moschella's book 'Facing Spirit: Spirit Art Mediumship & Thinking Outside the Box'.

    In Facing Spirit: Mediumship Spirit Art & Thinking Outside The Box, esteemed mediumship spirit artist and researcher, Richard Moschella, provides an illuminating exploration of the Spirit World and the ways we can connect with our departed loved ones. This work delves into the unique integration of art in mediumship to capture the essence of spirit communicators, offering tangible proof of life's continuity. Through engaging interviews with prominent mediums, the book examines the development of mediumship and strategies for enhancing intuitive abilities. It also demonstrates the significant role of mediumship spirit art in investigating locations and providing a voice for the spirit. Ultimately, Moschella's insights reveal that mediumship extends beyond mere communication with the Spirit World; it serves as a powerful tool for healing the living and emphasizes the importance of innovative thinking and the universal connection that binds us all.

    Richard Moschella is a paranormal investigator, mediumship spirit artist and author at Beyond The Fray Publishing. He has released numerous books on spirit communication and his encounters on his journey in the paranormal research field. Since childhood he has been connected to those on the other side of the veil and it wasn't until adulthood that he fully accepted his queue gift. He has read everything he could get his hands on to expand his knowledge on metaphysics, paranormal and mediumship development. His knowledge transcends all aspects of the paranormal world from cryptid creatures, aliens, UFO's / UAP's and so much more. For over ten years Richard has worked with and trained with incredible lightworkers, healers, intuitives, psychics and mediums. He has worked with and interviewed many distinguished individuals in the field of paranormal research. Through his mediumship he implements the technique of spirit art and not only delivers the evidential messages from the communicators but also sketches their essence. He holds this work sacred to him and takes great pride in the messages he conveys, he says " it's up to us to link and blend with our communicators and bring forth evidence on the continuity of life and that loved ones are only a thought away.


    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/22zy3e79



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  • This week I'm talking to Richard Moschella about his book 'Facing Spirit: Spirit Art Mediumship & Thinking Outside the Box'.

    In Facing Spirit: Mediumship Spirit Art & Thinking Outside The Box, esteemed mediumship spirit artist and researcher, Richard Moschella, provides an illuminating exploration of the Spirit World and the ways we can connect with our departed loved ones. This work delves into the unique integration of art in mediumship to capture the essence of spirit communicators, offering tangible proof of life's continuity. Through engaging interviews with prominent mediums, the book examines the development of mediumship and strategies for enhancing intuitive abilities. It also demonstrates the significant role of mediumship spirit art in investigating locations and providing a voice for the spirit. Ultimately, Moschella's insights reveal that mediumship extends beyond mere communication with the Spirit World; it serves as a powerful tool for healing the living and emphasizes the importance of innovative thinking and the universal connection that binds us all.

    Richard Moschella is a paranormal investigator, mediumship spirit artist and author at Beyond The Fray Publishing. He has released numerous books on spirit communication and his encounters on his journey in the paranormal research field. Since childhood he has been connected to those on the other side of the veil and it wasn't until adulthood that he fully accepted his queue gift. He has read everything he could get his hands on to expand his knowledge on metaphysics, paranormal and mediumship development. His knowledge transcends all aspects of the paranormal world from cryptid creatures, aliens, UFO's / UAP's and so much more. For over ten years Richard has worked with and trained with incredible lightworkers, healers, intuitives, psychics and mediums. He has worked with and interviewed many distinguished individuals in the field of paranormal research. Through his mediumship he implements the technique of spirit art and not only delivers the evidential messages from the communicators but also sketches their essence. He holds this work sacred to him and takes great pride in the messages he conveys, he says " it's up to us to link and blend with our communicators and bring forth evidence on the continuity of life and that loved ones are only a thought away.


    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/22zy3e79



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Ellyn Dye PDF about her Near Death Experience.

    In 1985 I had a Near-Death Experience or, as some of us say, a Death Experience. I was in a car accident, a head-on collision. I was suddenly floating about 12 feet above the ground, looking down at my car. I saw a tunnel filled with bright Light, and I moved through it and arrived at a place of amazing and timeless love and joy. I saw relatives and friends who had died many years before, including my mother, and they were all doing GREAT!

    ELLYN DYE—I am an Intuitive Coach, Public Motivational Speaker, Author, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Photographer, Vibrational Catalyst, and a Practical Mystic. A Near-Death Experience in 1985 expanded my psychic abilities and created an ongoing link with some very loving—and humorous—Guardians of Humanity, who gave me a huge amount of information about life and the evolution of mankind, and who continue to guide me. I bring this knowledge and connection to my clients and audiences, along with over 30 years' accumulated wisdom and understanding of metaphysics, life on earth, and Who We Really Are.
    LION MAGIC—During my Near-Death Experience, those humorous and loving Guardians of Humanity that I met were Lion Beings. It has been a great gift to me that those Lion Beings have stayed in contact with me, and that I brought a bit of their Lion Magic back with me. They continue to give me support, guidance, information, and inspiration, and they help me with my writing, coaching, and life.




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • In this classic episode I am talking to Dr Christopher Kerr about Death Bed Visions and his book 'Death is But a Dream: Hope and Meaning at Life's End'.

    In recent weeks, I've been thinking about a few standout episodes from the early days of the podcast. They are full of great information and I thought it would be a good idea to share them again for listeners who may have missed them the first time around.
    Christopher Kerr is a hospice doctor. All of his patients die. Yet he has cared for thousands of patients who, in the face of death, speak of love and grace. Beyond the physical realities of dying are unseen processes that are remarkably life-affirming. These include dreams that are unlike any regular dream. Described as "more real than real," these end-of-life experiences resurrect past relationships, meaningful events and themes of love and forgiveness; they restore life's meaning and mark the transition from distress to comfort and acceptance.
    Drawing on interviews with over 1,400 patients and more than a decade of quantified data, Dr. Kerr reveals that pre-death dreams and visions are extraordinary occurrences that humanize the dying process. He shares how his patients' stories point to death as not solely about the end of life, but as the final chapter of humanity's transcendence. Kerr's book also illuminates the benefits of these phenomena for the bereaved, who find solace in seeing their loved ones pass with a sense of calm closure.
    Beautifully written, with astonishing real-life characters and stories, this book is at its heart a celebration of our power to reclaim the dying process as a deeply meaningful one. Death Is But a Dream is an important contribution to our understanding of medicine's and humanity's greatest mystery.

    Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, is the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive Officer for
    Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Chris earned his MD
    as well as a PhD in Neurobiology. Dr. Kerr received numerous awards throughout
    training that recognized his clinical performance, as well as his success as an educator and
    Chris’s background in research has evolved from bench science toward the human
    experience of illness as witnessed from the bedside, specifically patients’ dreams and visions
    at the end of life. Although medically ignored, these near-universal experiences often provide
    comfort and meaning, as well as insight into the life led and the death anticipated. To date,
    the research team at Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo has published multiple studies on this
    topic and documented over 1,500 end-of-life events, many of which are videotaped.
    This work was the subject of Chris’s TEDx Buffalo Talk, which has been viewed
    approximately 3 million times and has been the subject of reports on BBC and in The New
    York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Scientific American Mind, Huffington
    Post and Psychology Today. It will also be featured in an upcoming Netflix production and a
    public television documentary film to be released nationally in early 2021. Dr. Kerr’s work
    was also published by Penguin Random House earlier this year in a book called Death Is But
    a Dream, which is now being released in multiple languages.





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Ellyn Dye about her Near Death Experience.

    In 1985 I had a Near-Death Experience or, as some of us say, a Death Experience. I was in a car accident, a head-on collision. I was suddenly floating about 12 feet above the ground, looking down at my car. I saw a tunnel filled with bright Light, and I moved through it and arrived at a place of amazing and timeless love and joy. I saw relatives and friends who had died many years before, including my mother, and they were all doing GREAT!

    ELLYN DYE—I am an Intuitive Coach, Public Motivational Speaker, Author, Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Photographer, Vibrational Catalyst, and a Practical Mystic. A Near-Death Experience in 1985 expanded my psychic abilities and created an ongoing link with some very loving—and humorous—Guardians of Humanity, who gave me a huge amount of information about life and the evolution of mankind, and who continue to guide me. I bring this knowledge and connection to my clients and audiences, along with over 30 years' accumulated wisdom and understanding of metaphysics, life on earth, and Who We Really Are.
    LION MAGIC—During my Near-Death Experience, those humorous and loving Guardians of Humanity that I met were Lion Beings. It has been a great gift to me that those Lion Beings have stayed in contact with me, and that I brought a bit of their Lion Magic back with me. They continue to give me support, guidance, information, and inspiration, and they help me with my writing, coaching, and life.




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I am reading from Jeffrey Mishlove and Russell Targ's book 'Russell Targ: Ninety Years of Remote Viewing, ESP, and Timeless Awareness'.

    A childhood magician, raconteur, laser pioneer, physicist, parapsychologist, and psychic spy, Russell Targ has enjoyed an illustrious career spanning more than six decades. Now in his ninetieth year, Russell is still active and his work in consciousness research and extra sensory perception is more relevant than ever.
    Along with physicist Harold Puthoff, Targ created the now famous remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). The psychic intelligence-gathering program known as Grill flame, Stargate (and other names) was funded by the CIA and other US government agencies for 23 years, and brought ESP research into the mainstream, much to the dismay of materialist scientists.
    Those findings convinced him of the reality of non-dualism and he became a practicing Buddhist.
    This book dialogues 15 conversations with Jeffrey Mishlove, the veteran parapsychologist and host of the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel, in which they delve into remote viewing by military intelligence, precognitive dreaming, ESP, and much, much more.

    Jeffrey Bio
    New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, The PK Man, and the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series: Is There Life After Death? UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone? and Russell Targ: Ninety Years of Remote Viewing, ESP, and Timeless Awareness. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in the world from an accredited university that says, “Parapsychology.” It was awarded from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1980. He is also the Grand Prize winner of the Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding postmortem survival of human consciousness.

    Russell Bio
    Russell Targ is a physicist and author who has devoted much of his professional career to the research of the human capacity for psychic ability. In 1972, he co-founded the Stanford Research Institute's federally-funded program that investigated psychic abilities in humans. The program provided invaluable information and techniques to various government intelligence agencies, including the DIA, the CIA, NASA, and Army Intelligence. In his ten years with the program, Targ co-published his findings in some of the most prestigious scientific journals. He is the co-author, with Jane Katra, of five books about psychic abilities, two of which are: Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-local Consciousness & Spiritual Healing, and The Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God Without Belief (both New World Library.). Targ was also quite active in the development of the laser and its various applications, having written over fifty articles on advanced laser research. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and has received two NASA awards for inventions and contributions in laser and laser communications. Recently retiring from his position as senior staff scientist at Lockheed Martin, Targ now devotes his time to ESP research and offering workshops on remote viewing and spiritual healing. He lives in Palo Alto, California.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/4a5kdx8a




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  • This week I am talking to Jim Willis about his book 'Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations'.

    Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have had near-death experiences (NDEs). Why do so many report uncannily similar experiences? What are they—a simple trick of the mind and body or something more? What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about the possibility of an afterlife?
    An illuminating and thought-provoking journey into the enigmatic territory where science, spirituality, and human consciousness converge, Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations presents a comprehensive journey through different interpretations of NDEs:
    The Scientific. What neuroscience, medicine, and biology have to say about what happens at the brink of death.
    The Religious. What NDE-like experiences found in the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Talmud, the Quran, and other religious tracts tell us.
    Historic and Personal. What folklore and personal stories reveal about this alternate consciousness that occurs during a life-threatening situation.
    The Metaphysical. Possible answers involving quantum reality, parallel universes, and the subconscious.
    Challenging you to explore all possibilities, Near Death Experiences will have you reconsidering your understanding of life, death, and consciousness!

    A theologian, historian, and musician, Jim Willis earned his Bachelor's degree from the Eastman School of Music, and his Master’s degree from Andover Newton Theological School. He has been an ordained minister for over 40 years. While serving as an adjunct college professor in the fields of comparative religion and cross-cultural studies, he was the host of his own drive-time radio show and part-time musician. His concern for spiritual growth in modern-day society prompted a series of lectures on historical studies and contemporary spirituality. Upon retirement, he was determined to confront the essential, mystical Reality that has inspired humankind since the very beginning of time. A background in theology and education led to his writing more than twenty books on religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and arcane or buried cultures, specializing in research bridging lost civilizations, suppressed history, and the study of earth energy, dowsing, and out-of-body experiences.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/5n8fnyk7






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  • This week I'm reading from Rosemary Thornton's book 'Remembering The Light: How Dying Saved My Life'.

    When Rose’s husband committed suicide, Rose fell into a pit so deep and dark that medical professionals expressed doubts that she would ever fully recover.
    Two years later, Rose was diagnosed with cancer, and during a “minor medical procedure,” she bled to death, and had no heart beat for more than 10 minutes.
    In heaven, she was told that if she agreed to return to earth, she’d be restored to good health, physically, emotionally and mentally. Subsequent medical tests affirmed that every trace of the disease was gone, but as Rose often says, the “bigger story” was the restoration of her soul.
    The crippling grief, occasioned by her husband’s suicide, was gone.

    For two decades, Rose Thornton was nationally renowned as an expert on historic homes. The author of nine books, she has been featured on a wide range of platforms, from PBS' "History Detectives" to BBC Radio. In 2016, her husband tragically took his own life, and two years later, Rose was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/4y5t8r3u



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Rosemary Thornton about her book 'Remembering The Light: How Dying Saved My Life'.

    When Rose’s husband committed suicide, Rose fell into a pit so deep and dark that medical professionals expressed doubts that she would ever fully recover.
    Two years later, Rose was diagnosed with cancer, and during a “minor medical procedure,” she bled to death, and had no heart beat for more than 10 minutes.
    In heaven, she was told that if she agreed to return to earth, she’d be restored to good health, physically, emotionally and mentally. Subsequent medical tests affirmed that every trace of the disease was gone, but as Rose often says, the “bigger story” was the restoration of her soul.
    The crippling grief, occasioned by her husband’s suicide, was gone.

    For two decades, Rose Thornton was nationally renowned as an expert on historic homes. The author of nine books, she has been featured on a wide range of platforms, from PBS' "History Detectives" to BBC Radio. In 2016, her husband tragically took his own life, and two years later, Rose was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/4y5t8r3u



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Franco Romero's book 'The Closet Spiritualist'.

    Many of today’s spiritual teachers rarely share the raw and intimate details that led to their personal enlightenment. An aspect of their humanity that millions could benefit from who are or will soon be “coming out” to their own inner Awakening. A bond that says, “I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there before. And, if you permit me, I would like nothing more than to share how I got through this most challenging time.” An ability to relate that is so profound that maybe, just maybe, it could inspire even the quietest or most isolated among us to greatness. The Closet Spiritualist chronicles the true life story of Franco Romero, who as an infant, had a near death experience that would leave him clairvoyant. Abilities that would introduce him to a higher Consciousness as a boy and a friendship with an inner Voice that would last a lifetime. But along the way, Franco would face many trials and tribulations as he grappled with his spiritual identity. An identity crises that would lead him on an inner quest for the Truth. An experience that would result in a series of “Downloads” regarding his purpose here on earth and humanity’s destiny with its own Awakening!

    Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciousness known as Caleb. A Voice which has been guiding him since he was a young boy.
    Franco is currently writing his second book titled “The Modern Day Alchemist” which looks at our future from the perspective of God Consciousness. A science of the mind that is only now being revealed to humanity for the purpose of creating “heaven on earth” in the coming decade. Franco holds two masters’ degrees and is co-founder of MyNurish, a formulator of powerful, superfood and plant-based nutrition for the body, mind and soul.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/mwpcp3fr




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • In this classic episode from 2019 I'm talking to Jim Matlock about the book 'I Saw a Light and Came Here: Children’s Experiences of Reincarnation' he co-authored with Erlendur Haraldsson.

    The first two thirds of the book is by Erlendur. He describes cases of children who remember previous lives, mostly in Sri Lanka and Lebanon, and other survival phenomena, such as apparitions and mediumship, that he has investigated over the years. In the last third of the book, James brings in cross-cultural data, new cases and analysis, and thoughts on the meaning of it all.
    James has worked at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York City and at the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina. He is presently a Research Fellow at the Parapsychology Foundation. His chief research interests are the history of parapsychology, anthropology of religion, and reincarnation. I teach a 15-week online seminar course on reincarnation research and theory.

    I Saw A Light And Came Here is the result of decades of scholarly research and investigations into past-life memories, primarily of children. Erlendur Haraldsson, a psychologist, has over two decades of experience behind him, having investigated some one hundred cases in the field. He worked closely with Ian Stevenson, M.D., of the University of Virginia, who began systematic studies of “cases of the reincarnation type,” but soon broke new ground with psychological studies of children who insist they remember episodes from past lives.
    Haraldsson invited anthropologist James Matlock to join him because of his thorough familiarity with research around the globe. This book deals with various aspects of past-life memory and attempts to answer the questions that will inevitably come up in the minds of thoughtful readers.

    Amazon link, https://tinyurl.com/y34n3mha



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I am talking to Stephanie Arnold about her book '37 Seconds: Dying Revealed Heaven's Help'.

    Like Proof of Heaven and To Heaven and Back, a medical drama with heavenly implications in which a woman receives premonitions of her death that come true, and her discovery of the heavenly help available to all of us.
    When she was pregnant with her second child, Stephanie Arnold had a sudden and overwhelming premonition that she would die during the delivery. Though she tried to tell the medical team and her family what was going to happen, neither the doctors nor her loved ones gave her warnings credence. Finding no physical indications that anything was wrong, they attributed her foreboding to hormones and anxiety.
    One member of the medical team did take her concerns seriously enough, and made the fateful decision to order extra units of blood “just in case.” Then, during the delivery, Stephanie suffered a rare Amniotic Fluid Embolism. She went into cardiac arrest and flat-lined for 37 seconds. She died. Using the supplementary blood, the medical team revived her, and she remained unconscious for more than six days.
    After months of recovery, Stephanie began to remember details of her experience, details she knew because she had witnessed the entire dramatic event, including her death, from outside her body—beside other spirits that were with her. In this remarkable true story, Stephanie recounts her harrowing journey and shares her surprising spiritual discoveries: we are not alone and have more loving help than we can imagine surrounding us.

    Stephanie is an award-winning, international best-selling author, inspirational speaker and thought leader on a mission to help others realize that connecting with our sixth sense can not only enhance our lives, but can very well save them.
    Stephanie’s background and experiences allow her to connect with diverse audiences, whether through her book, speaking engagements, or media appearances. Prior to sharing her own story in her best-selling book, 37 Seconds, Stephanie enjoyed a decades-long career helping others share their stories as an Emmy-Nominated TV Producer. In her personal life, Stephanie is a wife and mother with a deep appreciation of her Latina-Jewish heritage.
    With her story inspiring millions of people around the globe, Stephanie now dedicates her time to speaking and advocacy work, spreading awareness about positive doctor-patient communication, trauma recovery, and discovering meaning and purpose in our personal and professional lives.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/22bux3r3




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This episode I am reading from Sir William Barrett's book 'Death Bed Visions'.

    During his 50 years of psychical research, Sir William Fletcher Barrett (February 10, 1884 – May 26, 1925) observed many types of phenomena. In his reminiscences, read at a private meeting of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) on June 17, 1924, less than a year before his death, Barrett said: “I am personally convinced that the evidence we have published decidedly demonstrates (1) the existence of a spiritual world, (2) survival after death, and (3) of occasional communication from those who have passed over… It is however hardly possible to convey to others who have not had a similar experience an adequate idea of the strength and cumulative force of the evidence that has compelled [my] belief.”

    Barrett was the prime-mover in the founding of the SPR in 1882, serving as vice-president and editor of the Society’s Journal during its first year and president in 1904. He also encouraged Professor William James of Harvard to organize the American branch of the SPR in 1884.
    In this book, Deathbed Visions, first published in 1926, the year after his death, Barrett reported on a number of intriguing cases in which a dying person appears to see and recognize some deceased relative or friend, some of them involving instances where the dying person was unaware of the previous death of the spirit form he saw. “These cases form, perhaps, one of the most cogent arguments for survival after death, as the evidential value and veridical (truth telling) character of these visions of the dying is greatly enhanced when the fact is undeniably established that the dying person was wholly ignorant of the decease of the person he or she so vividly sees,” Barrett stated in the book, now something of a classic in the field.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/9k6k7m8n



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm talking Franco Romero about his book 'The Closet Spiritualist'.

    Many of today’s spiritual teachers rarely share the raw and intimate details that led to their personal enlightenment. An aspect of their humanity that millions could benefit from who are or will soon be “coming out” to their own inner Awakening. A bond that says, “I know what you’re going through because I’ve been there before. And, if you permit me, I would like nothing more than to share how I got through this most challenging time.” An ability to relate that is so profound that maybe, just maybe, it could inspire even the quietest or most isolated among us to greatness.

    The Closet Spiritualist chronicles the true life story of Franco Romero, who as an infant, had a near death experience that would leave him clairvoyant. Abilities that would introduce him to a higher Consciousness as a boy and a friendship with an inner Voice that would last a lifetime. But along the way, Franco would face many trials and tribulations as he grappled with his spiritual identity. An identity crises that would lead him on an inner quest for the Truth. An experience that would result in a series of “Downloads” regarding his purpose here on earth and humanity’s destiny with its own Awakening!

    Franco is a Top 10 bestselling author, clairvoyant, spiritual coach and speaker. His first book is titled “The Closet Spiritualist” which was inspired by a near death experience which left him clairvoyant. Abilities he was unwilling to recognize until an Awakening in 2010 where he was re-introduced to a collective consciousness known as Caleb. A Voice which has been guiding him since he was a young boy.
    Franco is currently writing his second book titled “The Modern Day Alchemist” which looks at our future from the perspective of God Consciousness. A science of the mind that is only now being revealed to humanity for the purpose of creating “heaven on earth” in the coming decade. Franco holds two masters’ degrees and is co-founder of MyNurish, a formulator of powerful, superfood and plant-based nutrition for the body, mind and soul.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/mwpcp3fr




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Robert Christopher Coppes' book 'Impressions of Near-Death Experiences: Quotations From Over 100 Experiencers'.

    This book gives an impression of what near-death experiences (NDEs) are like by giving many hundreds of quotes from more than 100 experiencers from all over the world. Put your “traditional” ideas aside, and read the quotes. Sense how they feel for you. Let go of whatever ways you have been programmed by your upbringing or by religion, and open your mind to receive whatever wisdom you find in these testimonies of people who have experienced the first moments of physical death.

    Robert Christophor Coppes has studied Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) for decades and has lectured on this topic in the US and Europe. He considers his new book “Impressions of Near-Death Experiences” his best book on NDEs because of the wealth of quotes from experiencers, in his opinion the best tutors in life. By sharing multiple quotes from NDErs, he can offer information as to what NDEs are. The quotes are categorized under a broad spectrum of major headings, including: Out of the Body, Veridical Observations (i.e. verifiable out-of-body observations), Unconditional Love, the Life Review, Distressing NDEs, Why Are We on Earth?, and Aftereffects. The principal idea that emerges is that "We are ONE and LOVE binds us".
    Previous books on NDEs are “Essence of Religions” in which he compares the five major religions with NDEs, and “Messages from the Light”. Coppes lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/33p72eht





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Robert Coppes about his book 'Impressions of Near-Death Experiences: Quotations From Over 100 Experiencers'.

    This book gives an impression of what near-death experiences (NDEs) are like by giving many hundreds of quotes from more than 100 experiencers from all over the world. Put your “traditional” ideas aside, and read the quotes. Sense how they feel for you. Let go of whatever ways you have been programmed by your upbringing or by religion, and open your mind to receive whatever wisdom you find in these testimonies of people who have experienced the first moments of physical death.

    My bio:
    Robert Christophor Coppes has studied Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) for decades and has lectured on this topic in the US and Europe. He considers his new book “Impressions of Near-Death Experiences” his best book on NDEs because of the wealth of quotes from experiencers, in his opinion the best tutors in life. By sharing multiple quotes from NDErs, he can offer information as to what NDEs are. The quotes are categorized under a broad spectrum of major headings, including: Out of the Body, Veridical Observations (i.e. verifiable out-of-body observations), Unconditional Love, the Life Review, Distressing NDEs, Why Are We on Earth?, and Aftereffects. The principal idea that emerges is that "We are ONE and LOVE binds us".
    Previous books on NDEs are “Essence of Religions” in which he compares the five major religions with NDEs, and “Messages from the Light”. Coppes lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/33p72eht





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Dr. Yvonne Kason's book 'Soul Lessons from the Light: How Spiritually Transformative Experiences Changed my Life'.

    Dr. Yvonne Kason is one of a rare breed, a medical doctor who had multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs), including 5 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs). In Soul Lessons from the Light, Dr. Kason intimately shares her fascinating and inspiring stories and lessons learned in her own spiritual awakening journey. From a Kundalini Awakening in medical school, to a plane-crash NDE as a young doctor, to a mystical experience that propelled her to come out of the closet and specialize her medical practice in STEs, to powerful mystical experiences in Israel that changed her life. Dr. Kason also shares the moving story of her miraculous brain-healing, and the 2019 STE that inspired her to found Spiritual Awakenings International®. She introduces the beautiful “Purifying the Heart” model, to understand the stages that spiritual seekers move through. Soul Lessons from the Light is an inspirational must-read for spiritual seekers everywhere.

    Dr. Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is the President and Co-Founder (2020) of Spiritual Awakenings International and has had 5 Near-Death Experiences: 2 in her childhood, 3 in her adult life, as well as multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences. She is the Past-President of IANDS (2019-2020). Dr. Kason is the person who first coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences,” “STEs”, in 1994.
    Dr. Kason is a retired family physician and transpersonal MD-psychotherapist, previously on faculty at the University of Toronto. An internationally recognized expert on NDEs and other STE’s, she and has 40 years of experience counseling STE Experiencers. She co-founded the Kundalini Research Network in 1990, and the Spirituality in Health-Care Network in 2000.
    Dr. Kason has five published books, her most recent, Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019). She has made hundreds of professional presentations, podcasts, media interviews, and is a frequent keynote speaker. She was a recent guest on The Dr. Oz Show and on Coast to Coast. Dr. Yvonne Kason lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys “snowbirding” in Encinitas, CA.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/34ausmed




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • In recent weeks, I've been thinking about a few standout episodes from the early days of the podcast. They are full of great information and I thought it would be a good idea to share them again for listeners who may have missed them the first time around.

    This episode dates back to October 2018. It features my conversation with Howard Storm about his profound Near Death Experience and his book titled 'My Descent into Death: and the Message of Love Which Brought Me Back'.

    For years Howard Storm lived the American dream. He had a fine home, a family, and a successful career as an Art Professor and painter. Then, without warning, he found himself in hospital in excruciating pain, awaiting an emergency operation. He realised with horror that his death was a real possibility, but as an atheist he was convinced that his demise would mark the end of consciousness.

    Storm was totally unprepared for what was to happen next. He found himself out of his body, staring at his own physical form. But this was no hallucination; he was fully aware and felt more alive than ever before. In his spirit form, Storm was drawn into fearsome realms of darkness and death, where he experienced the terrible consequences of a life of selfishness and materialism. However, his journey also took him into regions of light where he conversed with angelic beings and the Lord of Light Himself, who sent him back to live on earth with a message of love.
    My Descent into Death is Howard Storm's full story: from his near death experience in Paris to his full recovery back home in the States, and the subsequent transformation of his life. Storm also communicates what he learned in his conversations with heavenly spiritual beings, revealing how the world will be in the future, the real meaning of life, what happens when we die, the role of angels, and much more. What he has to say will challenge those who believe that human awareness ends with death.

    Howard Storm, an avowed atheist, was awaiting emergency surgery when he realized that he was at death's door. Storm found himself out of his own body, looking down on the hospital room scene below. Next, rather than going "toward the light," he found himself being torturously dragged to excruciating realms of darkness and death, where he was physically assaulted by monstrous beings of evil. His description of his pure terror and torture is unnerving in its utter originality and convincing detail.

    Finally, drawn away from death and transported to the realm of heaven, Storm met angelic beings as well as the God of Creation. In this fascinating account, Storm tells of his "life review," his conversation with God, even answers to age-old questions such as why the Holocaust was allowed to take place. Storm was sent back to his body with a new knowledge of the purpose of life here on earth. This book is his message of hope.

    "This is a book you devour from cover to cover, and pass on to others. This is a book you will quote in your daily conversation. Storm was meant to write it and we were meant to read it."
    -From the foreward by Anne Rice

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/bdj2njjh




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/our-paranormal-afterlife-finding-proof-of-life-after-death--5220623/support.

  • This week I am talking to Dr. Deborah King about her Near Death Experience.

    I am an advanced practice registered nurse (clinical nurse specialist) with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Clinical practice and education have been my passion for over four decades. I have tried to integrate spirituality into my practice of holistic caring and teaching---although my traditional training often fell short in providing me with the tools needed to do so. I experienced many "unexplained" but very real, powerful encounters with the spiritual realm during my years of work as a nurse and psychotherapist in critical care, hospice, mental health, grief, trauma, and behavioral medicine. However, a powerful near-death experience (NDE) of my own brought spiritual insight and lessons that I could have never learned in all of my years of clinical experience---or in any textbook or degree program. It changed my life, and deeply transformed me both personally and professionally.
    On December 15, 2008, while newly grieving the loss of my father, I experienced a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) while at home, just a few hours after visiting his gravesite for the first time since his death. I did not have a "heart attack," had no interruptions of blood flow to my heart or muscle damage, and had no traditional risk factors for such an event. My heart simply stopped. An out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) like the one I experienced is fatal about 90% of the time; survival after treatment to hospital discharge occurs only about 10% of the time, often with resulting neurological and functional impairment. Brokenhearted, grieving, and emotionally and physically exhausted from a life of caregiving and poor self-care, I experienced a complete energetic depletion that almost took my physical life, while, at the same time, renewed my life spiritually in ways I never could have anticipated.
    My NDE occurred sometime during my cardiac arrest and resulting coma. During my NDE, I experienced life as pure consciousness, out of my physical body, in the presence of the most all-encompassing love I have ever known. God, the source energy of all that is, was ever-present, guiding me through a life review, sharing messages about our innate identity as souls, our mission as loving beings of compassion and light---and my own spiritual mission. With "no medical explanation," I awoke from the coma, and miraculously returned to my body and earthly life after surviving what the medical team told my family was not medically possible---with a very clear sense of mission about the work I needed to do. Intuitive gifts, deep spiritual transformation, and clear insight and vision emerged to fuel me on my journey and provide the tools needed to fulfill my new mission.




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