
  • Recognising when something is not working for us, is critical to progress. We need to understand and admit when what we are doing is not working and we have to change our course of action.

    Climbing the perilous spiral staircases of our local 11th Century castle, was such a great 'aha' moment for me to comprehend that 'no ' really can be the right answer. Whilst on the surface it can feel like defeat, its crucial to look closer and appreciate that a balanced, educated decision can be the right one for our body. And enables us to work at things from a different angle.

    Are you one of the many women who grabs a pad, or puts up with their prolapse at the gym, or to head off running? Sometimes we need need to stop and appreciate that battling on ignoring the issue is not actually what our bodies needs.

    Take the plunge to enjoy trying a different approach - strengthen your core and pelvic floor through exercise! try making your core and pelvic floor strength and integrity the focus of your training and feel the difference as you learn to move with confidnce and control!

    That is what my MembersHub is all about - 3classes a week of core strengthening fitness, plus hundreds of on demand classes and stretches! Access your free 2 weeks MembersHub access, wrapped up in this episode via:

    - www.FitFannyAdams.com/CASTLE For your UK trial (2 weeks FREE access, followed by £24pcm, cancellable at any time)

    - www.FitFannyAdams.com/USCASTLE For your US trial (2 weeks FREE access, followed by $39 pcm, cancellable at any time)

    Tell me about your core journey? Connect with me on social media @FitFannyAdams or Linked in

  • Life post pandemic seems to have been a constant flux. Right now it feels that that we subtly adjusting within our new state of ‘normal’. And that this is across our lives personally, at work, in business and within our health priorities.

    What has this to do with your pelvic floor? Everything!

    Your pelvic floor and core is so affected by external stress, lack of movement and chronic poor movement patterns as a result of 'new' working patterns, that I need to know where you are right now! Why? So I can create the right programmes and events that you need!

    Is it clarity on your kegel's, help to let go, support on your peri / post menopausal core? Let me know the 1 Thing I can help you with at www.FitFannyAdams.com/1Thing or head to social media @FitFannyAdams.

    And as a personal thank you from me to You, EVERYONE who contributes will receive 1 month FREE in the MembersHub... PLUS 1 lucky person, chosen at random, will receive a FREE private consultation with me!

    What is in the MembersHub? 3 live classes a week, plus access to all the recordings & access t 100's of on-demand classes!

    So thank you for helping me shape tomorrows core and pelvic floor restoration for You ðŸ™ðŸ¼.

    And please take a super quick moment, just to drop a 5* rating to help get this podcast into the ears of the women who need to hear it!

    Connect with me... I'd love to hear from you!

    [email protected]

    Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahjanewest-watson

    Social Media @FitFannyAdams


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  • We all know that squeezing is a big part of pelvic floor strength, but just how hard should we be squeezing?

    https://www.gladiatorstv.com/gladiators/bbc/nitro/In todays episode I discuss the tendency to over squeeze and explore why a gladiator style power squeeze doesnt always equate to better function.

    If you have been left wondering how to exercise and identify each of your pelvic floor muscles, head to:

    www.fitfannyadams.com/PelvicFloorProgram for access for $49

    or www.fitfannyadams.com/PelvicFloorProgramme for access for £39

    And if you are wanting to join my Easter freebie, it's www.fitfannyadams.com/Easter or www.fitfannyadams.com/USEaster

    Want to enjoy the benefits of live & ondemand regular core and pelvic floor strengthening classes head to:

    www.fitfannyadams.com/USMembersHub for $49 pcm

    or www.fitfannyadams.com/MembersHub for £24 pcm

    And if you just want to check out who Nitro is ... www.gladiatorstv.com/gladiators/bbc/nitro/

    And please do take a moment to rate and review this podcast... and ensure that you seek out medical and professional support as you need.

  • It's been such a wonderful start to 2024, seeing women progress and feel confident with their movement, core and pelvic floor! So, this week I'm taking on the role of Easter bunny and spreading the love!

    Too many people STILL cue navel to spine to activate their core and feel demotivated with 'lazy glutes'. No, no, no. Let's get educated and empowered to move in a way that supports and strengthens! As a population, we are largely switched off, stressed and disconnected. We expect to jump into great movement patterns when we exercise, but it takes focused unpicking of habits, followed by re-education and practice of new ones in order for the magic to happen!

    We need to connect with and restore the breath, to enable the pelvic floor to brace the core... and then bring in a whole glorious symphony of bio-mechanical shifts... that enable the body to move in a way that feels good, supported and ultimately stronger!

    This is what I passionately try to deliver in each and every class I host. And, whilst I'm taking a break this Easter, I'm treating you to test out the MembersHub FREE for access to 100's of my classes until April 8th 2024... plus if you are super speedy, you can join Fridays LIVE class at 8.45GMT! Can't make it live? Don't worry, within the MembersHub I upload each class, so you can hit play that evening when it suits you!

    Keen to jump in.... Its www.FitFannyAdams.com/EASTER for your free 18 day trial and a £24pcm should you decide to continue. OR www.FitFannyAdams.com/USEASTER for $30 pcm if you prefer the USD option!

    Questions or problems logging in? Just drop me an email [email protected]

    And who knows, maybe I will see you live on the mat April 8th!

    x Sj

  • To celebrate International Women's Day, I opened my virtual doors to my CoreCardio class and I'd LOVE for you to try it too!

    Hands up, fessin' up, I've been too over- comited this last couple of weeks and dropped a ball communicating out this class to you. So by way of heartfelt apology, you get a bonus episode AND free access to todays class... just head to

    www.FitFannyAdams.com/Register before the end of March 2024 and you will receive access!

    Want to jump right into the MembersHub for 3x Live classes a week (term time only), access to the replays plus 100's of on-demand classes and stretches? Here are your links!

    www.FitFannyAdams.com/MembersHub for £24pcm plus your first month FREE

    www.FitFannyAdams.com/USMembersHub for $30pcm plus your first month FREE

    Happy International Women's Day... I hope you did something for YOU!

  • Ever wondered why your pelvic floor issues grumble on, usually only increasing in complexity?

    We often underestimate the complex nature of our pelvic floor and with it, the multi disciplinary approach to healing and restoration.

    Today, I explore why pelvic floor dysfunction can quickly become complex, chronic and with multiple systems becoming involved.

    Understanding and embracing why a collaborative, multi disciplinary approach to healing and restoration is often needed, can also be a part of the restoration journey!

    Want to jump in and understand your 6 principle pelvic floor muscles :

    -UK folk www.fitfannyadams.com/PelvicFloorProgramme for lifetime access at £39

    -US folk www.fitfannyadams.com/PelvicFloorProgram for lifetime access at $49

    And if you thinking that you need to get on top of your pelvic floor once and for all, then get lifetime access my 6 Week Transform Your Core & Pelvic Floor on demand for £169 here at www.FitFannyAdams.com/SelfPacedTransform

    - Episode 9: Lifting The Lid On Bowel Movements Apple Podcast or Spotify

    - Episode 30: Use Your Brain on Apple Podcast or Spotify

    Want to connect with me or share your pelvic floor journey? I'd LOVE to hear from you!

    [email protected]

    Instagram or Facebook or Linked In

    And please please, take a moment to drop a review and 5*Rating where-ever you listen to this episode! It makes such a difference to getting this podcast out to those that need to hear it! :)

    Xx Sarahjane

  • ***Trigger Warning: Please be aware the content of this episode may be distressing and explores the physical and emotional factors contributing to birth trauma. Please take the necessary precautions and seek support as appropriate.

    "On 9 January 2024, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on birth trauma in the UK Parliament will set up an inquiry to investigate the reasons for traumatic birth and to develop policy recommendations to reduce the rate of birth trauma. Research shows that about 4-5% of women develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after giving birth – equivalent to approximately 25,000-30,000 women every year in the UK. Studies have also found that a much larger number of women – as many as one in three – find some aspects of their birth experience traumatic. Birth Trauma affects 30,000 women across the country every year. 53% of women who experienced birth trauma are less likely to have children in the future and 84% of women who experienced tears during birth, did not receive enough information about birth injuries ahead of time. " Source: https://www.theo-clarke.org.uk/birth-trauma

    Todays episode shares insight into the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) inquiry into birth trauma and sarahjanes own experiences of supporting women who have experienced traumatic births.

    Her experience and the literature, suggests that births do not have to be physically traumatic to contribute to a traumatic birth. Emotional factors have a huge role to play and can often cause huge implications to the mother, patner and life beyond.

    Sarahjane encourages UK victims of birth trauma (or expert witnesses) to submit their accounts by 20th February 2024 to [email protected] using the guidelines at. using the guidelines at https://www.theo-clarke.org.uk/birth-trauma

    Please also see Episode 30 to help you utilise the BRAIN acronym in your birth.

    Please find below details for support or reach out to me directly for signposting [email protected]

    Birth Trauma Association peer support: [email protected]

    MASIC: [email protected] or 0808 1640 8333

    MASIC supports people who have experienced injuries as a result of birth.

    For help and support please visit their website: Where to seek help - MASIC

  • It sounds obvious, but getting the right muscles working when doing your pelvic floor work is essential... yet so many women grip from under their ribs or stop the flow of urine... this isn't right!

    Get 100% clear on where your pelvic floor muscles are and what they do, before start to build any strengthening programme.

    This foundation work is essential to rebuilding functional strength. In fact, the more time we spend in this zone of refining muscle activation, in the areas that we find it hardest to connect, the better the results!

    Today I break down the pelvic floor activation into 6 basics steps... want the quick guide? It's here at www.fitfannyadams.com/QUICKGUIDE

    And here is your 50th Episode bonus link to get 50% off The Pelvic Floor Programme - my simple, step by step tutorial guiding you through each one of your 6 pelvic floor muscle contractions. Thats

    Grab your GBP access for £19.50 instead of £39 : www.fitfannyadams.com/50

    Grab your GBP access for £24.50 instead of £49 www.fitfannyadams.com/US50 www.fitfannyadams.com/US50

    Use the Coupon Code EPISODE50 to get your 50% discount!

    ... And will you let me know how you get on?!

    And please take a super quick moment, just to drop a ***** rating to help get this podcast into the ears of the women who need to hear it!

  • I'm reaching out for help and listener insight today! And don't worry if this is WAY past January... I'd still love to know what You want!

    Please help me shape Fit Fanny Adams for 2024... what do you want to see?

    Drop me an email at [email protected] or head to www.FitFannyAdams.com/49

    Thanks so much... this means SO much

    Sarahjane xxx

  • You know the score, you go to the gym and there is a core class, a cardio class, bum & tum class, HIIT class... but why are we not encouraged to reap the benefits of incorporating core into every single movement that we do?

    Modern life is so core disengaging. We should be better educated in fitness to work core into everything that we do, instead of thinking it as some isolated concept.

    Todays episode shares the 'how' of bringing your core into everything that you do!

    So, if you are ready to kick start your core strength, then jump into Januarys LIVE 6 week : Transform Your Core & Pelvic Floor programme via www.FitFannyAdams.com/TRANSFORM24 and use the coupon code PODCAST to get 10% off!

    In the U.S? No problem, here you go... www.FitFannyAdams.com/USTRANSFORM24

    And want to enjoy an even bigger 25% discount? Get a friend to sign up and you will BOTH receive 25% off! All you need to do is email me or message me on Instagram @FitFannyAdams !

    Are you already confident with your core and want to jump straight into my MembersHub for regular whole body exercise that is core and pelvic floor strengthening ? It's www.FitFannyAdams.com/MembersHub for £24 a month or www.FitFannyAdams.com/USMembersHub for $30 a month (cancelable at any time).

    As ever, connect with me on Insta to let me know how your core affects you and how I can help? Did you know, i do one to one online, where ever you are!

    xx Sj

  • The festive season may well be on the horizon, but I really hear that many of you are struggling with your fitness and movement mojo. Today's episode is just for you.

    This time of year is such a challenge for many people; mentally and emotionally. And often, even if we seem to be doing 'OK' on the surface, there are often subtle shifts in our energy levels, motivation, and 'get up and go' on the inside.

    We know that the shift in season kicks in our primitive reflexes to adopt that 'hibernation' mentality. But what we can do to keep focused, looking after ourselves and ultimately, moving?

    Today, I share 4 simple strategies to help you restore your routine of movement and self-care! PLEASE, will you let me know which resonates with you? And, reach out for help if you need it .

    And if you are you feeling motivated for restoration and strengthening? Enjoy the last few days of Novembers 50% discount for my 6 Week : Transform Your Core and Pelvic Floor programme, which I will be hosting (100% online, live and ondemand) from January 9th 2024!

    Access the whole programme for life, for £99 (rrp. £189) or $125 (rrp $250)... but only until Dec 1st!

    ****To reserve your spot in £'s; it's www.FitFannyAdams.com/TransformMe

    ****To reserve your spot in $'s; it's www.FitFannyAdams.com/USTransformMe

    And if you just want to join the FitFannyAdams tribe to access specialist whole body strengthening and cardio classes, 3 x week* that focuses on core and pelvic floor strength, then come and try a month in the MembersHub on me!

    www.FitFannyAdams.com/MembersHub (30 days free and then £24pcm, cancellable at any time)

    www.FitFannyAdams.com/USMembersHub (30 days free and then $30 pcm, cancellable at any time)

    I really hope you enjoy todays episode... will you reach out and let me know what helped most or if you have any questions about the membersHub or Transform?

    Xx Sarahjane

    *I run 3 classes a week in term time, alongside a on-demand class library of 100's of classes, that you can access any time!

  • Sometimes it feels like running and high impact HIIT style classes are the only cardio options out there... which can be hugely problematic to the pelvic floor! Speaking out about low impact alternatives can be hard, shameful and feel full of excuses.

    I've had my fair share of raised eyebrows and "oh, you don't run" comments, which I'm sure are well meaning, but frankly unnecessary.

    Today I explore the world of low impact and why stepping into that zone can actually help get you stronger AND more connected with your core!

    Register for my FREE online Kegel with Confidence workshop via www.FitFannyAdams.com/KEGEL

    And Come and join my 6 week online Transform Your Core programme, kicking off Jan 24' with this rediculous earlybird podcast only rate: UK folk: www.FitFannyAdams.com/TransformME

    and USD folk: www.FitFannyAdams.com/USTransformME

  • Menopause... All about mood swings and hot sweats?

    Yes, these are 2 of the more common symptoms, but peri- menopause and menopause plays havoc with our pelvic floor and pelvic organ wellbeing. Did you know it's thought that c.50% of women over 50 suffer from prolapse?

    Menopause is one of the key life stages that women come to see me or sign up to my programmes and it deserves a deep dive!

    Today I explore :

    Why menopause affects your pelvic floorCommon pelvic floor symptoms9 top tips to help ease your menopause journey and ease your pelvic floor discomfort

    And here are those vital links:

    If you want to sign up to the FREE workshop: Kegel With Confidence on Friday Nov 17th 10.45 GMT it's www.FitFannyAdams.com/KEGEL

    And; you want to join Januarys LIVE 6 Weeks To Transform Your Core Grabbing your EARY BIRD ridiculous price of £99 its www.FitFannyAdams.com/TRANSFORMME

    For you US folk, use www.fitfannyadams.com/USTransformMe to enjoy the whole programme for $120 (RRP $249)

    Thank you so much for listening - I hope you have enjoyed this episode.. please connect with me on social or [email protected]

    xXx Sj

  • We all know that breathing is important... we take around 22,000 breathes a day!

    - But just how exactly should we breathe

    - Why do the mechanics of breathing affect how we feel

    ... And how does how we feel affect how we breathe?

    In todays show I unpick the mechanics of breathing and the relationship between the pelvic floor, core and the breathe. I touch on how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system influences and is influenced by how we breath.

    .... AND most importantly a share a simple exercise that helps you find calm and inner connection through your breath.

    I really hope that you enjoy today's episode and if you want to come and join us for Live and On Demand Classes within my platform and MembersHub then you can jump into www.FitFannyAdams.com/MembersHub or FitFannyAdams.com/USMembersHub for you US folk.

    And if you have realised that you need to start at the basics and restore your core, then FitFannyAdams.com/SelfPacedTransform is what you need. Enter the code BREATHE to enjoy 10% off!

    Finally, please do take a moment to drop a rating and a quick review, as it really does make a huge difference!

    xxx Sj

    Want to connect.... find me on insta @FitFannyAdams or email me [email protected]

  • It's said so flippantly - from doctors surgery's, coffee machines, to the post natal ward... "Are you doing your kegels?"

    But how many of us REALLY know what we are doing? Do you just randomly squeeze, suck or lift, or do you have clarity as to exactly which part of your pelvic floor you are working and how?

    Too many women are told TO kegel, but not told HOW TO kegel. There is a big difference... and this gap is causing mountain of confusion and poor technique which can be a complete waste of time AND cause issues in itself.

    In todays episode I help to demystify the kegel. To share insight into the complexity of the pelvic floor muscles and why working them effectively is SO MUCH MORE than just squeezing!

    **Loved the episode and want to join the FREE live 'Kegel With Confidence' workshop on November 17th? Register here at www.FitFannyAdams.com/KEGEL

    **Cant wait for the workshop? Dive right into The Pelvic Floor Programme at: www.FitFannyAdams.com/PelvicFloorProgramme

    And if you just want to access my live weekly classes and on demand class library, I'd LOVE for you to join my monthly MembersHub via www.FitFannyAdams.com/USMembersHub for US $30 subscription or for UK £24 www.FitFannyAdams.com/MembersHub

    Thank you for listening ... I can't tell you how much I appreciate you having me in your ears! 💗

  • Knowing something isn't right NEVER feels good. Today, we are taking a deep dive into 5 simple steps to move you from that icky stuck feeling in your health or fitness journey, to success!

    - Step 1: Acceptance: where you are right now, is OK and is exactly where you need to be!

    - Step 2: Assess where you are, fully and honestly

    - Step 3: Identify your goals; be honest in identifying the gap between where you are today and where you want to be

    - Step 4: What (simple & realistic) action do we need to take to achieve your goals.

    - Step 5: Write and Reinforce...Use this amazing technological world around us, to commit plans to paper. Diary alerts questioning and encouraging us to stay on track.

    And above all... do this from a place of love and self-care... because that is where the magic and motivation really comes from. Anger and self hate won't be there to pick us up when we have a rough day or a rough week.

    Will you share with me your goals and your journey? @FitFannyAdams And if you want help, just message me. Or let me help you in your Core Restoration via www.FitFannyAdams.com/SelfPacedTransform or in your daily Strengthening Journey inside my MembersHub ...



    Or say hello via [email protected] to tell me about your journey ahead and how I can help!

    And please please, always seek professional guidance and support if you are embarking on a new health and fitness journey. Ensure you are seeking the right core and pelvic floor support from your health professional.

  • Its 'back to school' for many this week ... and with it, the return to routine! I've loved my time with the kids, but like so many of you, I'm so keen to get back into an exercise routine!

    Today I share my thoughts on banishing the summer guilt to focus on moving forwards! Sharing tips to incorporate exercise into our every day tasks.

    Keen to join class? Live classes are kicking off again this week, so if you aren't a member, its www.FitFannyAdams.com/USMembersHub for you U.S. folk if you want to subscribe in US dollars / and www.FitFannyAdams.com/MembersHub for GB Sterling. Its a no strings membership, so you can cancel at any time, and access hundreds of on demand classes from the slow and strong CoreConnect, through to the hot and sweaty CoreHeat!

    And if you are keen to access the early bird rate to my 4 week Core Intensive I'm launching later this month email me at [email protected]

    I hope you enjoy finding your movement mojo with this episode! And please please do take a moment to hit subscribe or follow the show, so you get each episode automatically and drop a 5* review (or whatever you like!) as it really does help me get the pelvic floor and core conversation out there!

    Happy listening! xXx Sj

  • Post natal emotions are always raw and heightened, but when your birth doesn't quite go to plan, the feelings of grief, disappointment and self doubt can be immense.

    In todays episode, I'm joined by a very special guest, Lucy, who courageously shares her emotional and physical journey when her birth didn't follow her plan. Her physical and emotional post natal journey has been somewhat of a rollercoaster and not quite the babymoon that she expected.

    We discuss the physical and emotional impact of falling short of your birth expectations and most importantly learning to grow and move forwards, with appreciation, self love and recognition of where you are right now.

    Here are the links referred to in todays episode and as ever, if this conversation has resonated with you, please reach and connect with me - I'd love to hear from you! Please also take a mini moment to hit subscribe and drop a 5* rating, or whatever you feel appropriate, as it really helps to get this conversation out to those that need to hear it.

    The Pelvic Floor Programme can be found here at www.fitfannyadams.com/PelvicFloorProgramme

    Access my birth preparation programme, Strong Beyond The Bump, which uniquely combines pregnancy workouts with birth education at www.fitfannyadams.com/bump

    And if you are post partum (however long!) and looking to strengthen your core and pelvic floor, then you can jump into my self paced 6 Weeks: Transform Your Core via: www.FitFannyAdams.com/SelfPacedtransform or message me to be added to our next live programme.

    And finally, check out Episode 30 to get that insight into how best to use the BRAIN acronym in your perinatal journey.

    I hope you enjoy listening.

    xx Sj

    ***Trigger warning: conversations around birth intervention, birth trauma, grief and perinatal mental health are discussed in this episode that some listeners may find triggering. Please ensure that you seek the appropriate professional support and guidance.

  • In a world where are obsessed with health and fitness, why are we as a society, becoming less and less well?

    Our mental health is at an all time low and longevity may be rising, but aged 'wellness' is generally declining?!

    In todays episode I talk with friend, fellow fitness professional, health psychologist and wellness advocate, Heather Lilley. After becoming ill herself by following a regimented 'clean eating' and brutal training regime, Heather started her own journey into wellness V's fitness. A topic we share passionately.

    I hope you enjoy our chat into so many aspects of this subject. Please do have a read of her book Enough Already This really is one for you if you are dabbling with the concept that training and diet alone isn't getting you where you need to be.

    Connect with Heather via :

    Instagram: hjhealth_psych

    Twitter: @heatherjlilley

    As ever, please take a moment to hit subscribe (totally free!), rate and review me, whereever you listen to this podcast. And please do reach out and say 'Hi' via social media... I love it!


    [email protected]

    xx Sj

  • What exactly is happening within the body when we try to push out baby...? This is the crux of todays conversation.

    We've all seen the movies of a dramatised birth with the expectant mother straining and 'pushing' with every ounce of her being. But what exactly is going on internally?

    Today I draw on my education, client experiences as well as my own personal experiences, to explore what is actually happening anatomically when we push compared to one other strategy; softening and opening.

    We touch on 4 key concepts:

    The Uterus as the primary, involuntary, 'pushing' muscleThe power of the poop!Tuning out of your surroundings, to tune inwards and how your body is birthing baby

    I also offer a 20% discount to my online self paced pregnancy and birth prep programme: "Strong Beyond The Bump". Made up of 6 modules, each with an exercise and educational birth prep component, plus a BONUS: 4th trimester, post- partum workout!

    via www.FitFannyAdams.com/BUMP coupon code "OPEN" to access your 20% discount.

    And if you are expecting, check out Episode 30: Using Your BRAIN to leverage the awesome BRAIN acronym to facilitate an empowered decision making process!

    What was your experience? Will you let me know via [email protected]

    And please please, do take a moment to leave a review and hit subscribe to make sure you get the latest episodes automatically downloaded.