
  • Whether you're moving from face to face coaching to online, adding it as a scalable option, or adding in face to face to your online service.

    How much to put into something and not let go of the current business?

    It's all about having clear objective from the business in my opinion, and we break it down here in this episode.

    Any tips for overcoming perfectionism and getting shit done? Could you break down a weekly content plan overview for me. I need to get back to having more structure with this as I am a random poster unless I have a lead magnet or launch to focus on. I post 7 days per week, what would you do MON / TUE / WED /THU / FRI /SAT /SUN ?how would you theme/ structure a week of posting ? Biggest regrets in your own PT Business, before starting the mentorship? Serious case of imposter syndrome at the moment and comparing myself to others on social - everyone seems to be smashing it. Shall I unfollow everyone in the PT and coaching space to help me? I probably need to watch your session with Dan don't I? How would you balance your time between in person and online coaching to make sure neither are neglected? If no one ever answers my Q&A boxes on Instagram how do I come up with live topics for my IG audience. What are the questions you would ask yourself to know if your why is truly your why, or whether you're just bullshitting yourself?
  • What are some good options for a kid friendly, physical challenge to do at an event? (Not smoothie bikes...) 1. When I follow up, people are ghosting me or not replying. What am I doing wrong? Thanks2. When practising motivational interviewing techniques over whatsapp, for example, I find the method clunky compared to face to face conversation - you can't really use reflections... (when I do the answers people give are v. short and closed), so I end up using more open ended questions. Any advice pls for getting people to open up on written text vs 121 conversations? Thanks How would you both get referrals from clients? As SGPT starts to grow in popularity, I don't know if its just me, but I seem to be noticing more mentor types talking (in advert etc) about it. I feel, like anything in this industry, that this is going to be the next thing to get twisted and turned into something it maybe isn't. I don't know if you guys have noticed anything along these lines? Could you reiterate to anyone listening what SGPT is? If a client goes quiet and doesn't check in or respond to a direct message, what would you do? Keep the monthly rolling contract going or approach them and ask them if they want to terminate? (bearing in mind this person is doing this with their partner, and their partner is an absolute dream to work with). Do client referal codes work? How long did it take for you to get completely comfortable recording videos and hearing your own voice back on camera? In your experience, what holds coaches back the most from achieving their business goals? self belief, poor systems, lack of clarity, shit product etc. How do you get a client to see she needs to move away from tracking (food and her body) and work on her RWF and her body image? Tips for getting more engagement/ interaction from followers

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  • Questions covered this week include;

    If a new client signs up, but wants to delay starting for a month or so, what would you do in the time before they start to keep them "warm"? What plans have you got for the future of PTMA? How do you both measure success? What is a hobby or interest that you have that people would be surprised about? I live in a poor area where people have very little disposable income. How would you overcome this to attract people who do have more financial flexibility, possibly from other areas if need be. There is no women's heath/ fitness community group within my area and I want to create one. Is there any advice you would give about creating one? SGPT clients logging their workouts. App or notebook? I think I prefer the idea of handing them each a notebook for them to keep and fill out after each set rather than a room full of people on their phones? Still struggle with setting conversation/lead targets (I know they should come from prev campaigns) but guidelines for IG, FB, GF, Thanks
  • TIME > 00:30 "Do you think certain times of the year peak and drop off for people wanting PT? If so, should you plan when to do a big intake of clients or stay consistent all year round?" TIME > 4:54 "Looking back on Quarter One, I still feel too much time is spent on marketing and lead gen compared to planning, creating and continuing a top notch banging service for present clients. How would you approach finding a better balance?" TIME > 7:05 "Are there any jobs/bits of education you've had over the years outside of the fitness industry that have served you as a coach?" TIME > 9:33 "I'm getting close to being full for face to face PT, but still have a few enquiries coming in.I know how up and down business can be, and how quickly things can change. Where one month your smashing it, and the next a couple of clients drop off.The temptation is to strike whilst the iron's hot, take those people on and just "suck up" being over-busy in the short term, because I know people will leave eventually and I could be sat here in 2/3 months thinking about how I could do with those extra clients.Thoughts?" TIME > 12:17 "In a SGPT setting when I have total newbies, my longer standing clients get less attention - I know they are capable and can do it. In these situations how would you turn this into a positive with these older clients? I've messaged them to say what stars they are and how I trusted them with those movements but what else could I be doing?" TIME > 16:25 "What's your opinion on networking and is it important for developing your knowledge and/or business?" TIME > 18:00 "Even though my IG is targeted for women why is it when I post stories like 'click the button to find out more' that only men tap it?" TIME > 19:30 "Thinking long term. How does one scale a business without having to be there all the time. I was thinking I canā€™t be a pt forever as Iā€™ll get old but how would I secure my future where Iā€™m looked after ā™„ļø" TIME 23:54 > "How do you deal with clients who aren't getting results as quickly as you expected and clearly aren't fully adherent with the programme you agreed with them? It's easy to start questioning coaching ability." TIME > 26:57 "Both of you - If you were to start your career again tomorrow, what 3 things would you do differently? (not aloud any "everything I've done has gotten me to where I am" cop out)" TIME > 31:23 "What would you deem a successful lead magnet in terms of numbers of enquires and sales?"

  • How many different mediums would you suggest using? The more the better but what would you say is the minimum to build relationship and display your value? For example: gym floor, email, facebook, instagram, posters etc What are some other ways of delivering content on social media? I've been doing 45-60s talking to camera reels and carousels but feel the need to mix things up delivery wise How would you best keep track of clients current wants, needs, goals and all these individual elements if you tend to be a little bit forgetful?! If you were to start social media again, would there be anything you would do differently and what 3 things do you think helps with coming across as yourself and not a persona. I am taking too long to do things - it takes hours rather than minutes. I also go into way too much detail and struggle to keep things simple. I think more is better. I also talk too much. How can I reframe my thoughts into thinking less is better? Client goes on holiday and misses 1, maybe 2, sessions. You have them on a monthly DD, not block booking. Do you pick up their missed sessions or do they forfeit them and how do you approach that conversation if it's not been clear in your T&C's. How do you stay focused when there are more distractions than usual (school holidays, relationship stress etc)

  • Time : 00:59 > Biggest fear? Time : 2:59 > How important do you think an exit form is? What kind of questions do you think 100% need to be involved? Time : 5:42 > Have you ever 'sacked' a client and if so, why and how have you gone about it? Time : 9:28 > I've been learning about motivational interviewing recently and trying to incorporate it into my consultations as well as conversations with clients I find it really hard to properly listen and think at the same time though.Any advice? Or is it just a case of more practice? Time : 10:52 > With the urgency I now have to find clients and recoup that money as well as pay next months bills, how would you approach this week? Time : 15:45 > Someone very successful in the fitness industry said on their podcast the other day: 'Email marketing is dead/from the 80s.' Do you agree? (I'm not sure I do, because I've bought from both emails and Instagram myself, but was interested to hear your thoughts). What does the future of marketing look like in your opinion? Is podcasting becoming more dominant too? Thanks. Time : 19:07 > lead magnet ideas for my target audience please

  • Time; 3:12

    If you could only tell a newly qualified PT 1 bit of advice, what would it be?

    Time; 4:05

    I have a competition winner, who's coming to the end of her 3 month prize coaching period. I've booked in a session to sit down and talk about her experience and see if she (hopefully) wants to carry on working together. Any advice on what to cover? What sort of questions to ask? How to approach things?

    Time; 8:30

    What do I do when I know I should be doing something, but I don't know what. I sometimes feel guilty for taking time away from my business because it's not where I need to to be. But because I don't know what I should be doing, I'd be forcing myself to do something that ultimately may not be productive.

    Time; 12:55

    What are the weekly, monthly and quarterly non negotiable tasks I need to be doing to run a successful PT Business?

    Time; 16:43

    Iā€™m taking my clients on. Hike in a few weeks should I get them to sign a waiver

    Time; 17:31

    Did you notice any alarming trends from PT's/Coaches during your chats at the weekend?

    Time; 20:31

    I'm very invested in my client's and when they are going through some fairly major life crap I carry that with me - how would you advise me to leave that at the gym/ at the front door when I get home?
  • Any immediate learns from Friday? How did it got for you guys etc? When on earth do you fit in your own training? Struggling with this at the moment 3-5 must do daily task if trying to increase engagement and following From experience, what kinds of things work best for local area marketing

  • Time; 00:38

    How should I approach previous cold leads for my group program? I have a load of Facebook contacts that expressed interest and I've messaged about previous intakes without reply, how can I warm them up and not just send another salesy message about joining the intake?

    Time; 3:45

    What is a common mistake when making a lead magnet?

    Time; 6:07

    What is the best way to take leads received through a giveaway, FB ad etc through a kind of 'process of elimination' so you end up with a smaller bunch of people at each stage and finish with a list who are more likely to buy?

    Time; 7:45

    What advice would you give to someone starting a mailing list and would you say 1 email a week is enough to show knowledge and value to potential clients?

    Time; 9:55

    When a client leaves I have an overwhelming feeling of failure, like i've not done enough or that Im not good at my job etc. How can I overcome this to make sure it doesn't effect other areas of my business?

    Time; 13:20

    What's your least favourite part of running a business?

    Time; 16:13

    What are your thoughts on taking risks and the idea of manifestation?

    Time; 22:08

    Have you got any recommendations for bitesized coaching learning? I like the look of Layne Nortons 'REPS' magazine subscription. I'm thinking something I can read / listen to for 10-15 mins per day to improve my knowledge and stay current with latest research etc.

    Time; 26:00

    I love automating the business as much as possible but sometimes I feel like I'm missing that personal touch in the initial interactions when a new lead comes into the business, especially if cold. Have you come across any automations that can bring in the more personal element? I'm thinking in particular voice messaging - a simple hello via whatsapp when someone comes in as a new lead in mailchimp. Or a video in mailchimp. I'm now riffing but anything you have tested?

    Time; 28:45

    How do I get clients to engage more in client events such as meet up walks, etc? I always think it would be great to get them to all meet but I face a lot of resistance with them all being busy with work, kids, etc? Is it just a case of giving more notice than a few weeks?

    Time; 31:00

    I worry a bit about my weekly 1:1 online client check in feedback videos (loom recordings).I think I go on too much, 10 to 20 mins sometimes. I have tried to record short videos but I do seem to keep chatting on. I haven't had any bad feedback from my clients about my feedback being too long so is not a massive worry. What would your thoughts be on this? any advice on client weekly feedback in general ? Thanks

    Time; 34:41

    What are the most important things to have have / do to build community in your business?
  • How many times a week should i advertise my services? Would you have a client agreement / contract with group coaching clients for a 6 week intake in the same way we do for 1:1? Who is your inspiration? Very general question - Where do you see the fitness industry in 5 years ?

  • Time; 1:00

    I'm redoing my new client onboarding, and want to drop them into an educational email sequence, to drip feed them information about energy balance, protein, DOMS, etcHow do I determine what to they need to know and what order things should go in?

    Time; 4:40

    You boys have a frantic March, how are you's going to plan it out? What will be stripped back if need be? How do you go about knowing its about to go nuclear?!

    Time; 7:45

    Rank: instagram, facebook, podcasts and emails based on what you would prioritise for warming up a prospect.

    Time; 9:40

    Tips to help remove your emotions from decisions, rejection and/or feedback. An is this necessary to run a successful business?

    Time; 12:53

    What's the biggest thing you've learnt from helping other coaches with their business that has helped you with your own?

    Time; 14:32

    What's one thing you would go back to and change how you did something, because you thought "oh i really fked up here"? XD

    Time; 17:01

    I want to get clients on to monthly recurring so I don't need to have the conversation of "thats another month coming to a finish" but not sure how to set it up? I created a stripe account do I send clients the link to my account and stripe sets it up for them/me?

    Time; 18:23

    I think I might need to increase my pricing in some areas, but I'm struggling with the confidence around charging people more than I already charge - how would you go about this?

    Time; 21:15

    When to chase up someone whos had a consultation and needs to think about the cost

    Time; 23:00

    where's your favourite place to go on holiday?

    Time; 23:35

    If you could only do one exercise in your training program for legs, upper push, upper pull and conditioning (4 in total) what would they be?

    Time; 24:35

    What would be the first automations you create to buy time back and have better onboarding?

    Time; 25:29

    thinking about future planning for my launch. If a program launch worked well, would you rinse and repeat it in 2 or 3 months time ?
  • Do you know of any 'all in one' platforms for calendars, landing pages, email lists etc? Or do these tend to be big CRM type platforms aimed at larger companies? What are the main factors to consider before switching target market? If you had to go back to coaching fitness clients again, what would be your demographic/niche and why? What percentage of your time should be spent thinking about the bigger picture? Over for example, the day to day in person business work. I feel like I'm pretty on top of my week to week organization. I prioritize my tasks, plan things out, and book time into my schedule to get things done.However I struggle to find time for the less frequent, monthly tasks. I always end up doing them on my days off.Any advice? Or is it just a case of planning them into my week better/that's how it's gonna be? Running a 'one-off' session such as 'squat workshop' - Upsell to clients or give it as a freebie / perk of the service? On average how long does it take for a business to start making a stable income? How far in advance to you plan your social posts/emails ? What are the common mistakes from coached who struggle to generate organic leads and how can they overcome these struggles ? Checklist to determine if I need to change anything with my client's programming - they are happy, they are progressing, they are learning new skills, they get opportunity to input into the program. I always take a beat and schedule time in to plan the next block but more often than not I come to the conclusion that it isn't broken and I'll introduce a new exercise/ switch up the conditioning/ core just to keep it fresh but otherwise it is broadly the same. Am I just being a lazy arse or efficient/ effective? 3-5 things to consider/ do if getting online clients is the main goal? At what point (if ever) does it become the 'client's fault' for not reaching the goals they wanted?Just had a client leave who's been with me a while and didn't get what she wanted. I've tried to accommodate and support her in every which way, but she was never able to action the steps we discussed for outside of the gym - even after making endless adjustments and have her lead the change. If you could only write one email a week as a PT, what would it include?

  • I really struggle with getting a lead magnet out there before I'm 100% perfectly happy with it - it's just not in my nature! I everything to work how I want it to and don't want it to look/feel crappy and rushed, but I do want it to actually get done. Any advice? I seem to be struggling to talk confidently about my service when I need to fill a space. Even though I have fab feedback from clients and know how I can help. What the fuck is that all about? I have/had a client who finished their month of coaching, said they are going to sign back up, sent their check in the next day (by this point they were no longer on a program). Never mentioned the Ā£ so when I brought it up they ignored, sent a chaser next day, they replied saying they would send the next day and they had "personal" things going on.No Money sent and this was now Wednesday, I replied Thursday saying I hope everything was ok and didn;t mention the money so they didn't think thats all I care about as its not. Come today (Friday) I chased again as I have a new client who is looking for the slot this other client has on Saturday. Do I chase again or send a message advising that I have had to give their slot to someone else and if they want to continue to message me on Instagram and then remove them from Trainerize? What do you think of AI and the impact it may have on the industry in the future? Favourite pancake topping? I've got plenty of ideas for client resources which I think are specific to my demographic and solve common problems, but how do you know where to draw the line so it's not overwhelming and i'm not throwing the kitchen sink at them? What are the top things to have in place if you want to start and push online coaching in the near future. At a stage where I am full for in person and want to push Online soon.

  • Time; 1:15

    What are you missing most about Ant not being on this live Q&A?

    Time; 1:50

    Do you think AI will have a big impact on the future of the fitness industry?

    Time; 4:49

    ve got a client who moans A LOT during sessions anytime I try to increase the weight for her. It sucks the life out of me I can't lie šŸ˜‚. Despite the constant moaning and looking like she doesn't want to be there, she'll put in her check-in that shes proud of lifting heavier weights - almost every week. Her goal is weight gain and I've explained why we increase the weights etc - but do you have any advice on how to handle clients like this and help them become less moany....

    Time; 7:41

    When creating a process for scheduling social media content, how do you cohesively plan content so that it aligns with your content pillar for that day (person, objection etc), the phase of marketing for the week (awareness, desire, etc), use a variety of mediums (reel, carousel, etc), and have it tie in with a lead magnets or offers? - Hope that makes sense, ahaha

    Time; 11:09

    How to run a SGPT model in a commercial gym as if it were a private gym.What does it include and how do you sell it?


  • Time; 2:44

    What is one thing you guys have learnt, that you wish you knew earlier?

    Time; 13:37

    Client want to go down a package. my prices have changed since she signed up so she was questioning the new price she was on (she had the old prices written down). How can i address this with her?

    Time; 15:26

    A while back there was an email about being a PT back in the year 2000? Back then there weren't any social media like today but, PT's still ran their businesses. The early noughties looked like a wicked time to be alive (I was only 3 years old so I wouldn't know haha) What was it like being a PT, especially on a cruise ship back in the day? I found this very inspiring!

    Time; 22:39

    I offer a small group coaching not just training service, that is as much if not more focused on what happens outside the gym. Other SGPT in the area is just training focused - this makes me appear pricey in comparison. I'm tempted to call this out, not calling out other specific businesses, but how the training will only get you so far and probably not where you want to be (especially for the women I want to work with). Thoughts and how aggressive would you go?

    Time; 26:51

    I've got a consultation next week with someone who fits my demographic, but I think my new price might be an issue for them. I've had a few leavers this month so I could really do with the sign up - should I stand my ground and charge the new rate, or do I present a slightly lower price to ensure the sale?

    Time; 29:15

    I want to post in the jd gym freelance PT page but Im struggling with what to write. I need to introduce myself as the members of this page are members of the gym I work in. Do I mention that Im looking for either male or female whoā€™s available preferably during the days mon-fri, looking for long term weight loss or do I just post an introduction about me. If you guys were in my position how would you go about posting in this page ?

    Time; 31:00

    Do you ever have weeks you struggle with enthusiasm too - haha?

    Time; 33:58

    When do you know if you are or aren't working enough on your business?
  • Time; 2:22

    How would you follow up with people who no-show consultations?

    Time; 4:02

    How can you encourage clients to LOVE learning about the journey - not just doing it

    Time; 09:56

    Had my first bit of negative feedback from a client this week which I can see where she is coming from and feel like I'd like to know more about what they were saying, I'm fairly confident I know who it is but my feedback form is anonymous. How would you potentially approach getting more context from it?

    Time; 12:52

    how many hours a day/week should i be working on my business

    Time; 14:41

    How would you deal with a client who only uses a small part of the service but is happy to keep paying for the full experience? I've checked with him and he's happy to keep going like that, but it's hard for me to keep track of his progress, etc. I know what matters is that he's satisfied, but still.

    Time; 17:58

    How much should you giveaway on a free webinar?

    Time; 20:05

    I know your business is set up to minimise this, but what do you do when you are having a bit of a wobble?

    Time; 24:05

    Trying to be as anal as possible with my expense planning this year. You got any dates for PTMA conferences etc?

    Time; 24:47

    What's your thoughts on face to face 1:2 coaching (regular slots for a pair of friends or couple) and how much would you charge compared to current 1:1 rate. I don't think the personal 'chat' would be there, but the extra accountability would be a pro etc...

    Time; 26:07

    How often and frequent do you follow up with those who engage with posts, stories, polls etc but don't reply to DM's?
  • Time; 00:33

    How long would you give PT away as a prize?

    Time; 2:18

    how would you approach online group coaching clients enquiring about in person sessions? Particularly when it's framed as "I just want a couple to get me going" as price has been mentioned as a barrier already

    Time; 5:40

    Who would win in a wrestling match?

    Time; 7:35

    How to manage clients expectations during the onboarding process?

    Time; 11:02

    Tips to improve my focus when I keep being distracted by negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs

    Time; 20:50

    Tips for getting my face on my stories I bottle it every time

    Time; 22:17

    What would you say is the average number of online conversations a month to generate 1 new starter a month?

    Time; 23:49

    Do you put a 5, 10 15 min gap between sessions to allow for overunning and a chance to recap client notes etc, or schedule back to back?

    Time; 25:40

    Potentially a controversial one... But what's your thoughts (if any) on James Smith entering the "mentoring" space. Can't help but feel he's too far removed from it all to be offering business advice?

    Time; 31:05

    When prospective clients say in a consultation 'I just need x' for example, 'I just need 1 session a week' or 'I just need sessions not nutrition coaching', but you know that that isn't enough based on what they have opened up about - how would you suggest they need more than they think they do without appearing judgey or rude?

    Time; 33:51

    Its 6 week challenge/transformation season. These aren't my thing. How would you keep clients focused as they inevitably start to see some seductive claims on socials?
  • Time; 5:24

    What questions would you ask yourself to determine whether you've done enough to help a client who leaves without achieving the results they came to you for?

    Time; 10:29

    Suggestions whjen you are planning content ahead of time, i have been ussong checkin and reviews, consults noyes etc, but find it hard trying to plann ahead, know it a skill at the end of the day but that what you suggest for make the plannign process easier?

    Time; 14:27

    How do I get over the feeling that I am not dong enough?

    Time; 18:21

    When looking to dial in your target market / avatar it it normal to have outliers in the service they donā€™t fit the description?

    Time; 19:54

    How do I ramp up marketing without being spammy?

    Time; 25:10

    How can I get better at pre-empting/anticipating red flags in my clients / when they might become disengaged?I try to have regular touchpoints by reaching out to disengaged clients with a text, but sometimes it doesn't help much. If they've not been using their monthly reviews, should i use one of their sessions as a monthly review to make sure the chat gets had?
  • Time; 00:40

    What's the solution when everything is a priority and you don't have enough time to fit everything into your week?!

    Time; 2:26

    How would you navigate sales/marketing during Christmas week off? usually I'd have no issue taking the full week off and letting people book for after but I'm conscious that with the amount of people I'd like in my Jan intake this may not be possible to fit in that first week of Jan, commit to having 1 day available in the week off for calls or have an alternative option?

    Time; 5:07

    What do you think the other will most want for Christmas?

    Time; 6:42

    Iā€™m exploring hybrid model PT / online. Pricing and frequency of sessions would be good to get some advice on.

    Time; 9:36

    How to get connected on Facebook community groups

    Time; 11:07

    how to keep things ticking over, over the Christmas break without worrying about doing too much/not enough

    Time; 13:40

    What are you the most proud of from this year?

    Time; 17:12

    How would you effectively communicate and engage with my online clients more to keep them motivated if needed?

    Time; 20:50

    I could really do with some sign ups in the next 2 weeks, I have calls booked in but I don't want to come across pushy/ sales on those calls, how can I make sure I don't do that unintentionally but still get what I need?

    Time; 22:15

    What are your top 5 tips for tracking your business regularly?

    Sometimes I put notes in my phone but it can be hit and miss whether i look at them again.

  • Time - 1:50

    What is the best Christmas song and film?

    Time - 5:00

    How do i make myself stand out in December and not get lost in the noise of 'fuck it it's Christmas" and 'December challenges'

    Time - 9:38

    Do you have any new years resolutions yet ? or anything you want to achieve in 2024?

    Time - 13:23

    How to find the right balance between keeping our copy short enough to account for a short attention span, and long enough to deliver value and explain the benefits of working with us?

    Time - 16:09

    If you had to prioritise 3-5 sections of the business dashboard which ones do you suggest?

    Time - 19:52

    What are your top tips for helping clients develop self awareness?