
  • This episode is with returning guest Chris Trump. He’s a student of Nature, and regarded as one of the leading experts in Korean Natural Farming and it’s adaptations around the world.

    In this interview Chris shares a bit of his story of how he got involved in natural farming and why he started teaching it. I ask him about the qualities he sees in successful natural farmers, and we dive into philosophy.

    We also get into a more detailed discussion about Indigenous Microorganisms aka IMO. I refer to his videos, which you can find on Youtube here: IMO1 IMO2

    I highly recommend you look at his videos if you are even remotely interested in probiotic growing, it really helped me to look outside the box, and connect in with Nature.

    You can find Chris on Youtube: Chris Trump’s Channel

    We also talk about the difference between Effective Microorganisms aka EM and IMO and a bit about what you see under the microscope. Chris turns it around and asks me about my journey of natural farming.

    You can find info on Chris and what he’s up to at naturalfarming.co and also on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend!

    May the beneficial microbes be with you.


  • In this episode I’m flying solo… talking about my thoughts on living a probiotic life. It’s a question I ask myself regularly, and I challenge you to have a question that you ask yourself. It’s a form of meditation; asking yourself a question over a period of time.

    Join me as I share a little more of my journey from the last year or so, and where asking this question has taken me. I delve into science, its applications and its limitations, and compare it to traditional eastern thinking, specifically Traditional Chinese Medicine. I go into the wisdom of nature, an ancient knowledge that expresses itself in the patterns all around us. Observing these patterns and rhythms with a curious mind and heart can lead to the understanding that we are all connected.

    I then share some of the books that have influenced me in the last year or so.

    These include:

    Braiding Sweetgrass

    Robin Wall-Kimmerer


    Henry David Thoreau

    One Straw Revolution

    Masanobu Fukuoka

    The Girl Who Sang To The Buffalo

    Kent Nerburn

    Little House On The Prairie series

    Laura Ingles Wilder

    One I forgot to mention is:

    The Secret Teachings of Plants

    Stephen Harrod Buhner

    Here are a few other links I mention throughout the episode too. Well worth the look.

    The microscope course I took was with Earthwhile Australia


    Yellowstone Wolves




    In summary, I believe we are supposed to be connected through our senses; to plants, to animals, to microbes, to each other.

    To have the humility to admit we only know a fragment of what life is, and the willingness to trust Nature, and to trust what I call God; the Creator.

    I hope this, like other episodes, inspires you to dig deeper, to ask your own exploratory question.

    Thanks for being on the journey, and I’d love to hear from you!

    May the beneficial microbes be with you.

    Until next time,


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  • In this episode we have a chat to Holly Howe of makesauerkraut.com

    She shares her story of how she fell in love with this fantastic fermented food, and how she came to write the book Fermentation Made Easy! Mouthwatering Sauerkraut.

    We talk about various aspects of sauerkraut, from probiotic benefits of this amazing food, to delicious flavours that make your ferment stand out. Holly takes us though the basics of her step by step guide, and gives us some helpful tips. I’m sure you’ll be inspired to go and ferment after you listen to this episode!

    Be sure to check out her website and find her book HERE.

    Holly is also on social media:




    But wait, that’s not all!

    I’m excited to share with you a groovy song and make this episode a celebration of fermentation… Thanks to Charlie Mgee of Formidable Vegetable for sharing this song about KIMCHI!

    I’ve been jamming to this band for the last couple of years, and my kids love the music. They ask me to play some songs over and over, including this cheeky one about a dunny.

    Charlie’s songs have been therapy for my soul; they are fun and meaningful. Check out his TED Talk about music with purpose, and how it is an important medium to transfer knowledge and cultural wisdom.

    You can find all of Charlie’s music HERE. Support him, download the songs, and spread the love!

    Formidable Vegetable on social media:





    I hope you’re inspired by this episode, and I’d love to hear from you about what you’re fermenting or how you are living a probiotic life. If you like this content, give us a rating and review!

    May the beneficial microbes be with you.

    Until next time,


  • Join us in this episode we hear from Gil Carandang who is considered to be a father of modern day natural farming in the Philippines and around the globe. His knowledge and wit shine as he shares insights into what it means to farm closer to nature, and listen to Her wisdom.

    He is an organic farmer, Fulbright Scholar and educator. Gil’s work developing and teaching about beneficial indigenous microorganisms has been revolutionary for natural farmers worldwide; he is known for his engaging teaching style and empowers farmers to think outside the box.

    He currently runs Herbana Farms and is an Organic Certification Center of the Philippines (OCCP) inspector.

    Gil has done extensive studies including:

    -Bio-intensive Mini-Farming under John Jeavons in California.

    -Natural Farming Systems for Crops and Livestocks under Dr. Han Kyu Cho.

    -Apprenticed with Natural Farmers of Japan.

    -A graduate of Ecological Horticulture at University of California, Santa Cruz.

    -Biodynamics preparations at the Biodynamics Association of Northern California.

    -Permaculture Design Course at the Center for Natural Design, Los Osos, California.

    His book we talk about:

    Grow Your Own Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms and Bionutrients In Natural Organic Farming

    Gil A. Carandang

    Here’s a PDF of his book that he doesn’t mind sharing.

    Some archived info from his old website.

    Connect with Gil on Facebook

    And his new project Napayong Island Ecovillage which is under threat from the Taal Volcano.

    Thanks for listening, and may the beneficial microbes be with you!

  • In this episode we talk to a fascinating guest from Germany, Dr. Anne Katharina Zschocke.

    She is a doctor of medicine who studied in Freiburg and London. She worked for the German Red Cross and in immunology and oncology as well as working in various horticultural projects in Upper Bavaria, Franconia and the Rhineland. She did further studies in naturopathy, and has a unique, holistic view of life. In this episode she shares how she made the transition from MD to horticulture with a focus on microbiology, and EM aka Effective Microorganisms.

    Anne Katharina has written 5 books: 3 on various aspects of EM, one on intestinal bacteria as the key to health, and one on natural healing with bacteria with her novel approach to microbiome therapy. She lectures internationally on topics for paradigm shifts including: microbiology, nutrition, water, trees and spiritual cultural history.

    She has described her transition to practical horticulture as "unusual but recommendable". Her heart motive is the harmonisation of humans and nature for deep healing.

    In this thoughtful episode I was challenged to think about how we anthropomorphise the world around us; how we see things such as bacteria as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and place a moral judgement on them, when really that is only a human view.

    We also discuss EM aka Effective Microorganisms, which I really want to explore more. You can hear more about EM in episode 41 with Cuauhtemoc Villa.

    I hope this episode challenges you to think about the way you see the world, and encourages you to live a bacteria friendly life; they are our partners, not enemies.

    Find out more about Anne Katharina at:


    And more info at:


    A talk from Dr. Zschocke on YouTube in German (you can turn on auto generated subtitles by turning on CC then go to Settings>Subtitles>Auto-Translate)

    If you can read German, you can get her books here. Some of them are also translated into Italian, Spanish, French, and Polish.

    Thanks for listening to The Probiotic Life! Who’s one person that you would want to share this episode with?

    May the beneficial microbes be with you.

    Ben Klenner

  • This episode is close to my heart, it really exemplifies the journey I’ve been on in the last year.

    Join us today as I talk to Larry Korn who was one of Masanobu Fukuoka’s students 40 years ago, and is now an author, teacher, and natural farmer. Larry shares his story of how he came to be a student of Fukuoka, and his adventure since.

    We talk about philosophy and the wisdom of nature as well as compare Fukuoka’s Natural Farming to methods of organic agriculture such as Korean Natural Farming and Permaculture.

    We also discuss how Natural Farming is in line with the philosophies of indigenous peoples and how some of the main elements are humility and gratefulness. This resonates with me deeply, and I hope it stirs something in you.

    Thanks again to everyone who is supporting the podcast in some way. If the message in this podcast has benefited you in any way, share your experience with us and your friends!

    May the beneficial microbes be with you…

    Larry Korn’s book: One-Straw Revolutionary: The Philosophy and Work of Masanobu Fukuoka

    Larry’s website about Masanobu Fukuoka, Natural Farming, and more: www.onestrawrevolution.net

    If you want to connect with Larry direct, he has given his email: [email protected]

    Masanobu Fukuoka’s books:

    Shizen Nōhō — Wara Ippon no Kakumei - Japanese edition of The One-Straw Revolution

    The One-Straw Revolution — An Introduction to Natural Farming - Translated English edition

    Sowing Seeds in the Desert: Natural Farming, Global Restoration, and Ultimate Food Security

    The Natural Way of Farming: The Theory and Practice of Green Philosophy (free pdf)

    The Road Back to Nature: Regaining the Paradise Lost (pdf)

    See Also:

    Fukuoka Masanobu Shizen Nōen (Masanobu Fukuoka’s Natural Farm) Official website.

    Final Straw: Food, Earth, Happiness, documentary by Patrick Lydon and Suhee Kang.


    Traveled to Japan

    met a nice lady

    traveled to different back to the land communes

    the bozoku - the future primitives

    when back in America, Larry did soil science and plant nutrition at Berkley
    ended up going back to Japan with no plan and living on Masanobu Fukuoka’s farm for two years

    What does do nothing farming mean

    Fukuoka’s background

    trying to improve on nature

    natural farming is about getting back to our natural mind, our natural way of living

    help nature get whole again so it could fulfil its destiny of providing conditions to foster life

    building natural diversity

    getting crop yields equal to or better than conventional farming

    growing trees from seed - maintaining genetic diversity

    people can never understand nature - there’s no need to understand

    just enjoy being with the plants in nature

    natures design - getting human intellect out of designing a farm

    Fukuoka’s philosophy is almost identical to what indigenous cultures were doing

    talking with the plants and animals, and trying things out

    they had humility and gratitude - this is what we’re missing

    arrogance is not the way of natural farming

    try things out then listen - nature points out the direction to go

    came back to the U.S. with the One Straw Revolution manuscript

    landscaping in San Francisco

    moved to Ashland, Oregon

    wrote the book The One Straw Revolutionary - stories and teachings from his time on Fukuoka’s farm

    Larry has edited two of Fukuoka’s four english books - One Straw Revolution and Sowing Seeds In The Desert

    Fukuoka’s other english books are The Natural Way Of Farming and The Road Back To Nature

    natural farming is suited for orchards, and not so much market gardens

    natural farming and KNF are different

    Larry’s wisdom is to relax, and accept things that come to you rather than grasping

    go easier on yourself and do something that makes you happy

    Permaculture vs Natural Farming - one is design based, and the other is intuitive

    observing in permaculture is the first step to separation - the observer and the observed

    indigenous peoples could talk to the plants and were one with them

    become the soil


    [email protected]

  • In this episode we talk to Dr. Jason Hawrelak. He is a leading clinician, researcher, naturopath and lecturer in the area of probiotics. Jason completed his PHD on dysbiosis in irritable bowels and how to change the microbiome using herbs, prebiotics and probiotics. He is well regarded in the probiotics community worldwide, and has authored many papers on the microbiome, the GI tract and pre and pro-biotics.

    He’s the lead researcher for probioticadvisor.com and a professor here in Australia and in the US.

    Find out all about Jason at probioticadvisor.com

    On this episode we’re also featuring a fabulous song called Church of Fermentation by Samara Jade. You can check her out at:


    May the beneficial microbes be with you!

  • This is a bit of a different episode. In the first half Ben responds to some emails for the benefit of everyone. If you like it, let us know, and he’ll use this format for episodes between interviews.

    The second half of the episode Ben gets real, and goes into some of the challenges he’s faced, and some of the things that are inspiring him. He asks for your input on what inspires you on the journey of living a probiotic life.

    Thanks to Daniel Klenner for the music in this episode. Check out his work at danielklenner.com

    May the beneficial microbes be with you!

  • Today on the podcast we are talking with fermentation fanatic and entrepreneur Mara King. She shares her passion of probiotics through workshops, talks and fermented food products and has inspired people worldwide through her TED talk - “What can we learn from fermentation?”

    Mara worked for many years as a chef, including a period as a sushi chef, but through a journey of process and fermentation, co-founded a fermented food company called Ozuké based in Boulder, Colorado.

    Join us as Mara shares some of her story, including memories of growing up in Hong Kong, first experiences with fermentation, and starting the business Ozuké. We talk about the workshops she attended with Sandor Katz and how that eventually led to her travelling with Sandor through China to explore traditional Chinese fermentation techniques. You can watch their travels through China in an eight part series called: Peoples Republic Of Fermentation

    Mara refers to a book near the end of the episode - she says “The Botany of Desire” but what she is actually referring to is “The Drunken Botanist” by Amy Stewart.

    Support the podcast by getting the book here: Hardcover or Audiobook

    If you want to find out what Mara is up to, you can check out her Instagram @zukemono

    Also check out Ozuké at ozuke.com and on Facebook and Instagram @we.are.ozuke

    Mara will be doing a workshop with Sandor in Denver at:

    Slow Food Nations, July 20, 12.30-2pm


    She’ll be giving an Asian fermentation presentation at:

    Congreso de Fermentacion, Oaxaca, October 17-20

    Facebook and Instagram @fermentoaxaca

    If you’ve been inspired by our talk today, why don’t you reach out to Mara and tell her so:

    [email protected]

    As Mara says: it’s all about process…

    Be involved with living a probiotic life and may the beneficial microbes be with you!

    Show Notes to come.

  • Our guest today is a Professor of Immunotoxicology at Cornell University.

    He has become an internationally renowned author, educator and scientist known for his work on the microbiome and the immune system.

    Not only has he been on faculty at Cornell since 1977 and published many peer-reviewed papers, but he’s traveled the world giving lectures and keynotes in a variety of forums.

    He may be most well known for his book "The Human Super Organism: How the Microbiome is Revolutionising the Pursuit of a Healthy Life”

    Join us as Rodney shares his story of how he came to be a professor at Cornell and what inspired him to do so.

    In this episode we delve into Rodney’s ‘Completed Self Hypothesis’ which he outlines in the book ‘The Human Super Organism’ and talk about how what we are learning about the microbiome changes the way we look at medicine. He relates the human microbiome to a coral reef ecosystem, anyhow it relates to antibiotics, probiotics, gene transfer, biofilms, inflammation and cancer. We also chat about getting out in nature and playing in the soil and risks versus benefits.

    There’s lots of great info in this episode, and Rodney makes it quite relatable for the non-academic. We hope you enjoy it and find it valuable on this exploration of the probiotic life. Thanks for taking time to be part of the journey!

    Dr. Rodney Dietert’s latest book:

    "The Human Super Organism: How the Microbiome is Revolutionising the Pursuit of a Healthy Life”

    Purchase the book, ebook or audiobook through this link to support the podcast.

    Connect with Dr. Rodney Dietert:

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: @RodDietert

    If you are keen about soil health, go on over to microbiometer.com and pick your self up a microbiometer… You’ll be able to get a better picture of how much life is in your soil, and you’ll be supporting the podcast by purchasing from our affiliate.

    Enter the promo code ‘probioticlife’ to get $10 off your purchase.

    May the beneficial microbes be with you!

    Show Notes to come.

  • Join us in this episode as we talk with James Rickbeil and dive deep into the soil food web. James is a soil food web enthusiast, compost artist, and a student of Dr. Elaine Ingham getting certified as Soil Food Web consultant. He is also a cannabis grower who is passionate about regenerative living soil systems. On Instagram he’s known as @microbeherder and he’s been posting some great clips of what he sees down the lens of his microscope.

    In this conversation James really highlights some of the main connections between soil health and human health and talk about how our microbiome affects everything in our body.

    We also talk about the recent event he participated in called “The Science of Regenerative Cannabis Cultivation Conference”

    There is lots of golden nugs in this episode, so belt up and get ready for a ride!

    Be sure to check out James on Instagram @microbeherder

    If you are keen about soil health, go on over to microbiometer.com and pick your self up a microbiometer… You’ll be able to get a better picture of how much life is in your soil, and you’ll be supporting the podcast by purchasing from our affiliate.

    Enter the promo code ‘probioticlife’ to get $10 off your purchase.

    May the beneficial microbes be with you!

    Show Notes to come.

  • Join us in this fascinating interview with bokashi expert Cuauhtemoc Villa.

    He is a friend of the microbes, student of their ancient wisdom, and teacher of their ways. He has years of experience working with Effective Microorganisms, and creating custom blends of bokashi specific to the needs of the plants he works with. He does work in bio-remediation of land and waterways, and teaches school kids these practices. In conjunction to this, he also teaches Indigenous Agricultural Practices.

    Cuauhtemoc shares a bit about he got involved with the microbes and shares with us some basics of how to brew EM and make bokashi.

    His passion for the microbes is amazing, and he’s changing people’s lives as he shares their wisdom; he gives a lot of hope to the kids that have forgotten who they are, the ones that other give up on.

    I hope you get inoculated with inspiration from this interview!

    Learning how to grow plants and microbes is therapy for your soul!

    Some things Cuauhtemoc is involved in:




    Reach out to him here:

    Instagram: bokashi4u

    Facebook: Cuauhtemoc Villa

    Some recommendations from Cuauhtemoc:

    Video: Microbe Power





    Books he recommends:

    Earth Saving Revolution

    Dr. Teruo Higa

    Growing A Revolution

    David R. Montgomery

    If you are keen to build soil health, and in turn, your own health, get yourself a Microbiometer!

    It’s a way of testing and monitoring the microbial biomass in the soil, to see how much life you’ve got down there. Check out our affiliate microbiometer.com to purchase one, and in turn, support the podcast.

    When you go to the checkout, enter the promo code ‘probioticlife’ for $10 dollars off your purchase.

    Feel free to shoot us an email with any questions, comments, or guest suggestions. Also, we’re looking for inspiring original music to share on the podcast, so send us an email if you’ve want to share your creative energies. Thank you for being on this journey as we discover what it looks like to live a probiotic life!

    May the beneficial microbes be with you…

    Show Notes to come.

  • In this episode, we bring you an interview with Dominic Anfiteatro from Adelaide, South Australia. Dominic was featured in Sandor Katz’ book ‘The Art of Fermentation’ and is a kefir alchemist of sorts. Join us as he shares his story of how he came across kefir. I enjoyed the way Dom tells stories… He also tells the story of where kefir grains come from, and why you should eat your kefir grains!

    Among the topics we discuss are: silken kefir, the systemic anti-inflammatory nature of kefir grains, adding kefir grains to other foods, continuous secondary fermentation, and water kefir. You can tell Dom is passionate about what he does, I really enjoyed chatting with him.

    Thanks for hanging out with us here on The Probiotic Life! We love hearing from you, we love hearing how you are living a probiotic life, and love hearing feedback about the podcast! You can support us by giving us a rating and review,

    You can find all of Dom’s fantastic info on his website: http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/

    Check out a video of Dom’s giant kefir grains

    Here’s another video of his water kefir grains

    Check out our affiliate at Microbiometer.com

    Enter the promo code: probioticlife to get $10 off your purchase

    Show Notes to come.

  • Today we talk to Kristin Ohlson who is an award-winning freelance journalist, and the author of “The Soil Will Save Us: How Scientists, Farmers and Foodies are Healing the Soil to Save the Planet” Though she writes on a variety of topics, I was interested to talk to Kristin specifically because of this book.

    Join us as Kristin shares bit about her writing career and how she came to write “The soil will save us” She shares a story of a farmer named Gabe Brown and the inspiration she drew from him, which leads us to talk about climate change, our microbiome, and the similarities between our microbiome and the soil microbiome.

    You can find out all about Kristin on her website kristinohlson.com

    Thanks for listening, and sharing of your time with us. We always love to hear what you’re doing to live a probiotic life!

    Check out our affiliate Microbiometer.com and when you enter the promo code ‘probiotic life’ you’ll get $10 off your purchase, which is essentially your first sample for free.

    Thanks to Phil and his band Confiture for delivering some soulful vibes in this episode. You can check them out at confitureband.com

    May the beneficial microbes be with you!

    Show Notes to come.

  • In this episode, it is a pleasure to bring you an interview with Geoff Lawton & Sam Parker-Davies of Zaytuna Farm in New South Wales, Australia.

    Geoff is a world renowned permaculture designer, advisor, and teacher. He’s worked in over 30 countries around the world, and has taught over 15,000 students.

    Sam is a student of Geoff’s, learning to follow in his footsteps, and is just a few years in to his permaculture journey. He contributes a fresh look at Geoff’s significant work through the eyes of a new, but deeply engaged learner.

    I had the privilege of talking to them both about their experiences, and what permaculture means to them.

    Of particular note is our discussion of the property they live on. Zaytuna Farm is a self sufficient site for permaculture demonstration, and is also the base for the Permaculture Research Institute.

    A recurring theme that comes up in this conversation is creating abundance, and how a rich and fulfilling life comes from creating abundance around us.

    Join us as we dive in to the world of permaculture!

    Here are the links we mention:

    Zaytuna Farm

    Permaculture Research Institute

    Permaculture Global

    Permaculture Circle radio

    Geoff Lawton Online


    If you’re keen to do a bit of citizen science and test the microbial biomass in your soil, check out Microbiometer.com

    Enter the promo code ‘probioticlife’ when you order, and get $10 off your purchase. This helps support the podcast.

    Show Notes to come.

  • In this episode we talk to Jeff Lowenfels about his trilogy of books: Teaming With Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients, And Teaming With Fungi. He frequently travels and lectures on these subjects which has led to his nickname “Lord of The Roots.”

    Jeff also writes the longest running garden column in North America; The Alaska Dispatch Garden Column, having never missed a week in 41 years.

    Join us for this lively conversation as Jeff shares how he came to write Teaming With Microbes, and how he changed direction after giving 25 years of wrong advice in his garden column. We touch on his book Teaming With Nutrients and delve into Jeff’s third book in the series; Teaming With Fungi.

    We talk about how everything is connected, especially in the soil, and how important soil life is for our own existence.

    You can find out more about Jeff on his website www.jefflowenfels.com

    Check out his Twitter: https://twitter.com/gardenerjeff

    Thank you for tuning in to this conversation! Let us know what you’d like to hear on the Probiotic Life.

    You can support us by giving us a rating and review, and at patreon.com/probioticlife

    Show Notes to come.

  • In this episode, we talk with Eva Bakkeslett.

    Eva is a creative at heart and has a Masters in Art & Ecology and she defines herself as an artist, filmmaker, curator and gentle activist. Her works often combine film, workshops and public participation to challenge, inspire and engage people. She is particularly inspired by the process of fermentation and explores how this can be a method for re-imagining sustainable human cultures.

    Eva shows, lectures, curates and performs her work worldwide and she resides on the beautiful island of Engeløya in northern Norway. Join us as Eva shares some of the projects she’s done -including working with Sandor Katz; we talk about using fermentation as a metaphor, and get into some great discussion about having connection to the natural world.

    I really appreciated talking to someone with a different world view, and expanding my consciousness. I hope you benefit too! Thanks for listening.

    If you want to support the show, you can give us a rating and review and you can contribute at patreon.com/probioticlife

    Check Eva’s website out to learn more about her and what she’s up to:


    You can connect personally with Eva:

    [email protected]

    Be sure to check out Eva’s TED talk:


    And here is a fascinating book Eva contributed to:



    Eva Bakkeslett

    - grew up steeped in wilderness and nature, picking wild food and baking bread

    - always asked deep questions about how things are connected

    - studied for a Masters in Art and Ecology

    - while studying, made a poetic film about the process of making bread

    - while fermenting, the bread dough was “chatting” to Eva: Eva decided to learn to understand that language

    - became fascinated by the process of fermentation, and how it could relate to creating sustainable human cultures

    Listening to Fermentation

    - was inspired by people working with fermentation such as Frank Cook and Sandor Katz, did their course

    - started incorporating that inquiry into every aspect of her artistic practice

    - most nations have their own fermentation cultures passed down through the generations, Eva began to learn about these and how they parallel the other, larger kind of “culture”

    - discussion of people who have shaped Eva’s mindset

    How Eva Communicates Her Ideas

    - “social fermentation”, involves humans and microbes

    - workshops, more-in depth courses, films, art exhibitions

    - bringing people into the fermentation processes

    - reconnecting with natural processes, instead of seeing ourselves as separate

    - encouraging people to ask deeper questions

    Fermentation on a Cultural Level

    - discussion of different ferments Eva is working with

    - stories of people emigrating with cultures from their native homes, across to other countries

    - engaging people on a visceral level

    - we are great at using our eyes, but neglect the other senses

    - Eva aims to facilitate the start of a transformation in people, an epiphany moment

    - embracing a more connected way of thinking with then brings change

    - story of immigrant couple from Congo experiencing Scandinavian ferment, memories of their native fermentation processes = cultural connections

    Tying Into Humanity’s Bigger Picture

    - we are all inevitably part of the earth’s fermentation process; when we die, we return to the earth

    - we can choose be part of those natural processes now while we live

    - these moments of experiencing nature’s transformations are magic

    How Eva Finds Her Next Project

    - becoming part of good things that are already happening

    - initiating events

    - discussion of connecting with immigrants, their stories and their own cultural practices = cultural fermentation on a meta level

    Looking To The Future

    - touring show about bird situation worldwide

    - not looking for answers, but looking for questions

    - we are more bacterial than human: a metaphorical perspective as well as a biological one

    - everything is connected, and we can experience being part of it

    Closing Thoughts

    - go and explore for yourself

    - Eva will be in Copenhagen at Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology on October 18th 2018

  • This episode, we talk with Dr. Alan Darlington about his work with air bio-filtration.

    Dr. Darlington was awarded his PhD investigating the interaction between plants and their physical environment from the University of Guelph, in Canada.

    He spent 6 years as a member of a research team developing biological life support systems for long term space habitation, and is the “inventor” of a number of patents integral to the application of plant based biofilters that arose from research.

    In 2005, he was named by Outdoor Magazine as one of the 25 top “true believers” in the environmental movement, for his work with plant biofilters, and he’s received a number of awards for academic and entrepreneurial accomplishments.

    Come nerd out with me as Dr. Darlington graces us with his depth of knowledge and understanding, in all things bioremedial!

    You can find out what Alan is up to, and reach out to him at www.alandarlington.ca

    If you want a little inspiration on how you can start to live a probiotic life, check out our Instagram @theprobioticlife

    Thanks to all who are supporting this journey. You can support… patreon.com/probioticlife

    I hope this interview has got you thinking about new ways you can create life around you. Thanks for listening!


    Dr. Alan Darlington

    - spent a lot of time as a youth walking through the bush, wanted to turn it into a career

    - got degree in horticulture, every plant has value

    - the importance of how things all fit together, how plants are affected by their environment

    - PhD in how atmospheric conditions influences plant physiology and growth

    - worked on waste disposal in closed environments, e.g. space stations

    - realised this same technology could be used worldwide

    New Technologies for Clean Air

    - living walls

    - people spend very little time outside

    - indoor air quality is hard to maintain, indoor items give off gases

    - can we generate fresh air indoors?

    - “virtual outdoor air” with living wall technology

    - biofiltration: used industrially; microbes take the waste in the air and eat it

    - phytoremediation: more for brown fields (contaminated soils); introduce green plants that hasten the growth of beneficial microbes

    - hydroponics: wall of coarse growth media, with water circulating through it; plants feed microbes, microbes clean the air

    Aha! Moments

    - discussion of spider plants & formaldehyde research experiment

    - Dr. Alan was inspired by this example


    - VOCs (“the stinks and the smells”) being released all the time from products and people

    - these are lesser than they were 20 years ago

    - discussion of VOC studies

    - currently, people are forced to choose between running a building efficiently or having good air quality

    - biofiltration can render that choice unnecessary

    - this is what his company, Air Quality Solutions seeks to do

    - their biofilters cultivate both bacteria and fungi

    - making them easy for anybody to use

    - giving naturally-occurring microbes a great environment to do what they do best

    Microbes in Space

    - transporting Earth microbes to space

    - discussion of biofiltration in space

    Nature Offers Solutions

    - further discussion of integrated air filtration systems and potential issues

    - spores, mould, humidity, energy levels, diverting water

    - Dr. Alan began work with NEDLAW mid 200s, a building company, to implement air quality solutions

    - we are living among a plethora of other organisms, and we just need to learn how to get along

    - for many issues, the solution is there in nature for us to find

    - discussion of recent research on species of fungi, spores, other organisms in air

    - air is not a sterile environment, so introducing new microbes is not a problem, it’s just a matter of keeping all populations under control

    Solutions For Moving Forward

    - having plants in your home does very little for air quality, although it may help you mentally!

    - healthy, uncontaminated soil is much more important

    - figuring out the right box to put nature’s solutions in to solve issues

    - improving efficiency of systems, not using unnecessary energy

    - people have a lot of fear about microbes

    - teaching people that we can harness many microbes to our benefit, and conversely there are very few that can harm us

  • In this episode, we talk to Angelina Hjelm of AngelinaNaturalis.com

    Her passion is to gather nature’s intrinsic knowledge and share it with others.

    She’s studied alpine botany at Umeå university. Did a Bachelors in organic gardening and design systems at Gothenburg University.

    And also a Permaculture Design Course with Richard Perkins, at Ridgedale Permaculture Farm.

    Angelina’s love for nature and her inquisitive disposition has given her extensive knowledge of plants, both wild and cultivated, their use in gardens and their medicinal and culinary properties.

    Join us as Angelina shares some of her journey. We get into a great discussion about connecting to nature, wild foraging, herbs, and she shares with us some ‘how to’ on her favourite ferments.

    Check out what Angelina is up to:




    Thanks for investing your time in this podcast. You are welcome to financially support us at patreon.com/probioticlife

    To all who have been reaching out and connecting, thanks being part of this journey!

    Show Notes

    - studied and worked with plants for last 13 years

    - alpine botany and organic gardening at university

    - strong sense of belonging in the natural world, and therefore curiosity, has been the inspiration for her work all her life

    - “everyday magic”, being part of this little bubble (Earth) among the stars

    - discussion of oldest place in Sweden

    - Angelina had a farm near the Arctic circle

    - now lives in the southern part of Sweden, and works there to guide people into the natural world

    - certified in permaculture

    - since 2016 has run “Angelina Naturalis”: specialises in edible and medicinal wild plants, herbal therapy, plant-based wild and green foods

    - incorporating plants into everyday life is gentler on the body, creates longterm solutions

    - Angelina helps people find ways to use these plants regularly

    - discussion of Angelina’s early experiences in nature

    - wanted to learn more details about how plant kingdom was defined

    - she learned how to read the landscape based on what plants were growing and how they tasted

    - colours and flavours, and therefore nutrients, are intensified in certain landscapes, where food is less available

    - we have focused on sweeter plants in our cultivated crops, and neglected more bitter-tasting medicinal ones

    - bitter substances serve specific functions in our body, to stimulate enzymes, gallbladder & pancreatic juices, digesting and absorbing foods

    - Angelina advocates a balance of annuals, biannuals, and perennials in the diet

    - because of her connection to nature, Angelina grew up with a sense of trust, and a very positive outlook on the world, in contrast to many others she encountered

    - she saw the world as dynamic, resilient, and capable, a world of possibilities

    - “we are in space, no one knows why, I love you”

    - understanding the natural world gives a sense of responsibility and care, that we have natural capital and resources available to use to benefit each other and the world


    - the world has billions of years experience, and so many functional systems to learn from

    - a striving to understand, but also an openness that there is so much more to know

    Looking Forward

    - base knowledge of the world in and around us, tending to our health while not overloading the systems around us that we are totally dependent on

    - instead of conquering and controlling, we have the possibility to collaborate

    - oldest book in Chinese medicine, which is about the relationship between human being and nature, constantly adapting for optimum function


    - fermented “Jun” culture

    - using Jun to make different herbal brews and medicinal teas

    - fermenting flowers and leaves into different teas

    - discussion of fermentation process

    - discussion of plants and flavours to use

    Current Interests

    - studying phytochemistry, otherwise known as herbal therapy

    - herbal tours from south to the north of Scandinavia

    - people have a hunger and openness to gain useful knowledge of plants, especially children

    Final Thoughts

    - Angelina wants to encourage even the smallest expression of cultivating a healthier approach to life

    - support people who are already doing so

    - engage with your curiosity

    - willingness to be amazed

    Angelina’s Inspirations

    - intensive permaculture design course with Richard Perkins

    - Stephen Barstow, “The Extreme Salad Man”

  • This episode is another insightful interview with Chris Ferreira.

    He recently released a book called ‘A Place In The Country’ and we discuss the story of how Chris came to write this book, and delve into the subjects covered.

    Chris is a friend and a mentor, and I’m happy to support him by giving him a platform to discuss the book. The idea behind the book is an “ ‘eyes wide open’ approach to creating your own beautiful, productive and sustainable rural landscape.”

    While not directly related to microbes, I think it fits in well to living a probiotic life by keeping with the theme of creating life around us.

    We talk about choosing a rural property, deciding on livestock, priming the soil, pasture and crops, revegetation, water in the landscape, and more.

    I really had fun talking to Chris about his book, and I hope you enjoy our chat too.

    If you listen to this the week it’s released, you can enter to win a copy of this book!

    Also, if you enjoy this podcast, consider giving us a rating and review on your preferred podcast app. And if you want to really support the podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon.

    Check out The Probiotic Life on Instagram to enter the giveaway.

    The official rules are here.

    You can purchase a copy of the book here.

    Show Notes to come.