Hi Fam! It has officially been 1 year since The Prophetic Listening Podcast was launched and we have released more than 70 episodes in the past year (many episodes have multiple parts)! I have an exciting announcement to make about the future of the podcast and your part to play as I take a couple of months to rest and regroup.
Thank you for listening and supporting this show. Enjoy the "sabbatical shows" I post in between. See you in December :)
FREE TRAINING // https://getgodsguidance.com
It's another powerful prophetic listening testimony! Last year, Rev. Dr. Angela Pulse of Pulse of Life Church experienced prophetic listening with me for the first time. Join me in this episode as she shares the wonders God has done and how just about every word we heard in her session has already come to pass!
FREE TRAINING // https://getgodsguidance.com
MICHELLE'S IG // https://instagram.com/themichelleonuorah
CONNECT W/ PASTOR ANGELA // https://pulseoflife.org
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It's a family reunion! Some of you may remember Tara Thomas-Gettman from episode four of The Prophetic Listening Podcast. Join us as we catch up on her life over a year later and see how God has moved in her career, business and walk with Him.
FREE TRAINING // https://getgodsguidance.com
MICHELLE'S IG // https://instagram.com/themichelleonuorah
CONNECT W/ TARA // https://tarathomasgettman.com
Have you ever felt consumed by the busyness of life? In a day and age of relentless distraction, it can feel like a hurdle just to attune to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Join me as I discuss a recent silence and solitude prayer retreat the Lord led me to embark on and the revelation that can come when you take time to retreat with Him.
FREE TRAINING // https://getgodsguidance.com
MICHELLE'S IG // @themichelleonuorah
Have you ever wondered what God's vision is for your business and family? Have you ever questioned if you were holding yourself back from the greater things He has for you? If so, you're in for a treat with today's episode of The Prophetic Listening Podcast.
My guest is Megan Nilsen, author and host of the Kingdom Life Coaching podcast. Together, we'll discuss the power and process of hearing God's voice before diving into Megan's very first prophetic listening session, where God gives her insight into her business, family and future connections. This is an episode you do not want to miss!
FREE TRAINING // https://claritycliniccourse.com
MICHELLE'S IG // @themichelleonuorah
CONNECT W/ MEGAN // https://meganbnilsen.com
**Check out my episode on Megan's podcast HERE.
Have you ever wondered "what if I miss it?" when trying to hear God? We all have moments of insecurity about our ability to hear God clearly and accurately. Join me in this episode of The Prophetic Listening Podcast as I discuss the power and freedom to miss it and keep stepping out in faith.
FREE TRAINING // https://getgodsguidance.com
Join me in today's episode as I interview certified Prophetic Listening coach, Ann Muraya on her experience mastering prophetic listening. Prior to sharpening her skill in this discipline, Ann learned how to live a lifestyle of listening to God and heeding His voice in her day-to-day decisions. She has a well of wisdom to share with others looking to do the same.
FREE TRAINING // www.getgodsguidance.com
MICHELLE'S IG // @themichelleonuorah
CONNECT W/ ANN // www.annmuraya.com
We all know that God is not predictable. He can't be squeezed into a box. And yet, we often subconsciously create boxes that limit how He can move in our lives. Join me as I share in real time the ways God is redefining my understanding of His Will and His Ways.
FREE TRAINING: How to Co-Create with God to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams: https://getgodsguidance.com
What is it like to be formally trained in the Prophetic Listening Method? Join me as I interview one of my first ever students, minister Julie Scott! Julie is a wife, mom, grandma and minister who specializes in inner healing. She earned her Prophetic Listening Coaching certification and is joining me to discuss her powerful journey and growth.
FREE MASTERCLASS // https://getgodsguidance.com
FOLLOW MICHELLE // @themichelleonuorah
CONNECT WITH Julie // info@juliescottministry.com
Ever wonder if you're hearing God accurately? This episode will bless and encourage you! Join me as I lead a Prophetic Listening Session with Jenny Fulford. Jenny is a pastor's wife, new mom, worship leader, and business owner from Montreal, QC. Together, we seek the Lord about His will for her new paper company, motherhood and growing closer with Him.
FREE MASTERCLASS // https://getgodsguidance.com
Connect w/ Jenny // IG: @LaurentPaperCo
Hey Fam! In this inaugural episode of our new podcast series, we're diving into the exciting concept of co-creating with God. We'll explore what it means to partner with God in His divine plan, starting from the creation story in Genesis to the unique roles we play today. I'll share practical steps on how we can actively participate in God's work through regular prayer, listening for His guidance, and staying in sync with His plan.
FREE MASTERCLASS // https://claritycliniccourse.com
Hey everyone! It's a family reunion on today's episode of The Prophetic Listening Podcast! Peder Tellefsdal appeared on this show months ago (I've re-posted his episodes for easy access). During his session, he asked God about his career, his spiritual leadership, and the impact God wanted Him to make for the gospel in a very secular Norway.
Find out what God has been up to since Peder's last appearance, including the release of his new smash bestselling book, Rebranding the Church.
LEARN // www.michelleonuorah.com
IG // @themichelleonuorah
CONNECT W/ PEDER // www.pederspeaks.com
CHECK OUT THE BOOK // Rebranding the Church // https://www.amazon.com/Rebranding-Church-Rediscovering-Greatest-Audiences-ebook/dp/B0D3S85M2L
Have you ever faced a spiritual attack? This isn't the most pleasant topic to cover but the spirit realm is real and we're participants whether we like it or not. Rather than swinging from one extreme (devil under every bush) to another ("if I pretend they don't exist, they won't bother me"), I'm going to talk about a balanced, spirit-filled approach to combating spiritual attacks that may come your way.
LEARN // michelleonuorah.com
IG // @themichelleonuorah
Welcome to part two of our two-part episode special for The Prophetic Listening Podcast. Join us as we discover God's preference for Delsa's year ahead as we engage in her prophetic listening session.
LEARN // https://michelleonuorah.com
IG // @themichelleonuorah
CONNECT w/ Delsa // https://delsachristianministries.com/
This is part 1 of a 2 part episode series on The Prophetic Listening Podcast. In January of this year, I had the privilege of conducting a prophetic listening session with prophet, author and blogger Delsa Christian. In the first part of this episode series, we talk about the importance of letting the Lord cast vision for your year ahead.If God gave you a vision for 2024, let this episode series be an invitation to reassess what He wants for the remainder of your 2024.
LEARN // michelleonuorah.com
FOLLOW // IG: @themichelleonuorah
Have you ever felt like you were falling behind in life? Or maybe just moving a lot slower than how you used to? In this episode of The Prophetic Listening Podcast, we're chatting about "Seasonal Pacing" and why it's so important to give ourselves grace during different life seasons. We'll talk about how we can recognize and honor the unique rhythms of each season, making sure we're in sync with God's timing. By the end, I hope you'll feel encouraged to embrace patience and self-compassion as you navigate your own journey.
LEARN // michelleonuorah.com
FOLLOW // @themichelleonuorah
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