
  • So, the inspiration for today’s episode came out of a conversation I was having with fashion brand consultant, Elizabeth Stiles. We chat often over WhatsApp, sometimes about the things that drive us crazy about small businesses - and on this occasion we both found ourselves bemoaning the recent trend of founders posting negatively framed content about their businesses.

    Now, this episode is definitely not about shaming you if you’re having a tough time, or indeed if you’ve recently shared posts on social media to this effect! What I really want to discuss today are the risks of implementing such a strategy, the damage it can do to your brand and ultimately why it’s important to understand that there should be a line when it comes to sharing content built around your business.

    In today’s podcast, we’ll talk about compassion fatigue and not shifting your problems onto your customers. I discuss how retail is theatre, and how we as small business owners need to offer up escapism. We’ll also look at how to positively reframe your struggles and challenges, by thanking those who are supporting your business and how we can authentically connect with our audience by “sharing the scar, not the wound”.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and get your copy of “Tame Your Tiger” at: https://uk.bookshop.org/books/tame-your-tiger-how-to-stop-your-product-business-eating-you-alive/9781788604048

  • Branding at its core is rooted in psychology and human behaviour - it’s how your customers think and feel about you, your products and your business, and more than ever with so many brands out there, we, as founders, need to be able to cut through the noise, set ourselves apart from our competitors and build trusted relationships with our customers if we want to grow.

    In episode 135 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I speak to brand consultant Cara Bendon. With 10 years experience of running her own award-winning studio, Cara and her team help small lifestyle businesses create standout brands. In this episode, we break down branding as we talk about colour theory, shelf appeal, and the importance of cohesiveness and consistency in establishing trust. We also discuss the power of the little touches, tone of voice and the paradox of practising sustainability while offering an excellent unboxing experience.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and get your copy of “Tame Your Tiger” at: https://uk.bookshop.org/books/tame-your-tiger-how-to-stop-your-product-business-eating-you-alive/9781788604048

    Check out Cara’s services at https://www.carabendon.com/ and connect with her at:


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  • My first book, “Tame Your Tiger: How to stop your product business eating you alive“ was finally released this week and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with you!

    To really celebrate this momentous occasion, I’ve decided to spend this episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan sharing an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look into the book, where I’ll discuss my writing process, who the book’s for and why I wrote it, as well as the key learnings and takeaways small businesses can hope to find within its pages.

    But today’s podcast comes with one major twist in the form of today’s guest - in that today’s guest is me! That’s right, it’s a Resilient Retail role reversal, where I’m being interviewed by none other than fellow author (‘Hype Yourself’) and PR expert, Lucy Werner.

    Throughout our discussion of the development and evolution of the book, we touch on numerous topics such as the lessons that small businesses can learn from big-budget corporate strategy, and the ever-present tension between the creative impetus that leads many people to start their own businesses and the need to be on top of your numbers. We also cover my favourite tip from the book and most importantly deconstruct the three problem areas that constitute an untamed tiger.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and get your copy of “Tame Your Tiger” at: https://uk.bookshop.org/books/tame-your-tiger-how-to-stop-your-product-business-eating-you-alive/9781788604048

    Many thanks to Lucy for doing a wonderful job as today's host! Check out her services at https://www.thewern.com/lucy and pick up a copy of her amazing book “Hype Yourself here: https://www.hypeyourself.com/shop

  • In today's episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to give you my expert support in order for you to understand better the figures that can ultimately make or break your small business. We’re already barrelling towards March and 2023 is looking no less uncertain for independent retail - that’s why we need to embrace and closely monitor our numbers to help us stay in control and lay out a clear and confident strategy for the future of our brands.

    This subject is actually the basis of a talk I did at the beginning of February at this year's Spring Fair at Birmingham MEC, but I’m very excited to say that this episode will be discussed through the lens and give you a real sense of my brand-new, soon to be released book, “Tame Your Tiger: How to Stop Your Product Business Eating You Alive”.

    We’ll start by covering the Tiger’s bite. We’ll study the most important number in your small business - the ‘in-margin’, as defined by your product costs, and we’ll discuss how to grow your ‘out-margin’ by reviewing your sale-relative expenditure. We’ll also look at how much you’re feeding your tiger and how using break-even analysis can help model future costs. I’ll explain how the 80/20 rule can help you better identify the desires of your customers, and we’ll finish at the Tiger’s tail, where we’ll discuss the dangers of unproductive stock to the longevity of your small business.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and to get your copy first, remember to pre-order Tame Your Tiger at:


  • It may still be a whole six weeks away but Mother’s Day is the biggest gift-giving event in the UK outside of Christmas, out-selling both Valentine’s and Father’s day! The cost of living crisis and the ongoing recession are still presenting plenty of challenges to the retail industry, so all the while that we’re seeing less impulse purchasing and less discretionary spending, it’s important that small product businesses are ready and prepared to make the most of the somewhat spending-protected gift-giving occasions.

    So, in today’s episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to share with you twelve top tips to help your small business finesse your messaging and tune into your customers, so you can make the most of Mother’s Day in 2023.

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss making things easier for ‘time-poor’ customers by creating gift guides and curating offerings such as gift bundles. We’ll talk about the perfect pairing of presents and personalisation, offering add-ons like gift-wrapping and how best to implement promotions across your range. We’ll also look at retargeting customers, revisiting wholesale and how now might be the perfect time to launch your newest products.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and to get your copy first, remember to pre-order Tame Your Tiger at:


  • Coming off the back of my 5-day challenge, across the various conversations, questions and queries that arose during the week, I noticed some commonalities and a number of reoccurring themes when it came to the real-life experience of running a small product business.

    In episode 131 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I’ll be using those stories and discussions to elaborate on what I consider to be five essential traits you need to thrive as a small product business this year.

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss curiosity and adopting a ‘what if’ mindset. We’ll look at optimism and how positivity effects action. We’ll talk about obsessing over our customers, operating with as much flexibility as possible and we’ll finish on how success in these areas affords you that all-important quality - resilience!

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and to get your copy first, remember to pre-order Tame Your Tiger at:


  • January is a funny month in retail - starting back up after the highs of the Christmas selling season can make the new year feel exceptionally tough-going, and with Christmas never being as restful as you’d think, for many business owners January is the first time they’re really able to recuperate and have a think about the year ahead, all whilst trying to shift stock throughout the post-Xmas lull.

    Over the years I’ve noticed that a lot of the advice available about planning for the year ahead is rarely produced with product businesses in mind - so, in episode 130 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to share my top four tips for getting ready for Spring and beyond.

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss giving your January sale one, big, final push, shifting stock and getting cash in your pocket. We’ll talk about recapping the month, running your numbers and getting a clearer view of the state of your business. We’ll also talk about planning beyond Spring, setting your intentions and making the most of the imminent bunch of gift-giving occasions.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club, and to get your copy of my new book first, remember to pre-order "Tame Your Tiger" at:


  • Valentine’s day, one of the first annual holiday occasions of the year, is just over the horizon, and it may surprise you to hear that its popularity is actually on the rise. As a seasonal retail event, Valentine’s day has always seen some considerable spending, but as people spend less on themselves and make fewer impulse purchases during this economic downturn, we can expect to see more of people's disposable income directed towards gifting, making occasions like Valentine’s day all the more important for retailers.

    Now, as product business owners, most of you will have gift-able items, but perhaps their relation to or suitability as Valentine’s day gifts isn’t immediately apparent. That’s why in episode 129 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to give you my take on why the broadening of the concept of Valentine’s day means you have nothing to lose by embracing the love and capitalising on a major spending occasion.

    In this podcast, we’ll look at date nights, gifts for your loved ones and showing your appreciation to your pals and gals. We’ll also discuss self-gifting, landing the right messaging for your audience and how even the family cats and dogs are getting in on the fun.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club.

    Register today for my FREE 5-day challenge, running 23rd - 27th January 2023 at:


  • So, we’re well and truly into the new year now and just as the pains and challenges of the Covid pandemic are starting to fade gradually, we’re now stuck looking for ways to deal with a whole new set of challenges in the form of a cost of living crisis and the fact that the UK economy is now officially in a recession.

    It all may sound a bit bleak, but in episode 128 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to use my in-depth research and share with you the conversations I’ve been having with a variety of experts - from business consultants to trend forecasters - to cover and explain the major industry trends that will shape retail this year.

    In today’s episode, we’ll look at the steadfastness of gift-giving during periods of low consumer confidence and study the rising popularity of the resale and second-hand markets. We’ll also discuss and break down the post-pandemic shifts in e-commerce and channel diversification, as well taking a look at how retail relationships are shifting from brands and customers to individuals and fans.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club.

    Register today for my FREE 5-day challenge, running 23rd - 27th January 2023 at:


  • So, we’ve made it - 2023 is here! Times have been tough for the retail industry for a good, long while now and who knows what unforeseen events lie ahead as we enter a new year, but against the odds and throughout the uncertainty I still believe the most important thing I can recommend you do for your business this year is to plan, plan and plan!

    Now, you may well be asking, “Catherine! Why make a plan when things are always changing?”, and it all comes down to perspective - we’re a very outcome-led society and I want to suggest that the value of a plan is not in its success but in the thought process required to put it together.

    In this episode of the Resilient Retail Game Plan, I’ll discuss how planning is a highly creative process and why it’s important to find a way to plan for your business that feels natural to you. We’ll talk about setting financial, functional and fun goals and discuss how mapping out your vision of success can help keep you more focused, prioritise what’s important and help you make better decisions.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club.

    Register today for my FREE 5-day challenge, running 23rd - 27th January 2023 at: Tinyurl.com/sales2023

  • That’s it! Christmas Day has come and gone, and with any mercy, you can take some proper time out in these few days before 2023!

    It’s been a tough year, with the combined challenges of post-pandemic life, postal strikes and the cost of living crisis (to name a few!) hitting small product businesses hard and no doubt causing founders and business owners alike untold stress. That’s why in this episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, we're doing something a bit different as I speak to my incredible yoga teacher Martyna Borek about the importance of stress relief and how we can all seize a moment of calm in our often chaotic lives.

    In today's podcast, we talk about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the consequences for our body and mind when we’re forever in 'fight' mode. We also discuss the concept of the threat bucket and the importance of allowing ourselves to ditch the mediation and freak out when things get too much. But most importantly Martyna kindly shares her tips for ‘hacking your brain’ with some illuminating neuroscience and cleansing breathing techniques.

    Check out Martyna's classes, workshops and retreats at: https://martynaborekyoga.com/

    And connect with her at:

  • Christmas finally arrives this coming Sunday - the finish line, if you and your small product business aren’t already over it, is almost in sight.

    I hope you can make the time (I implore you to!) to put your feet up and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back during the holidays, but as the new year approaches, I know that as founders and business owners that your thoughts will inevitably start to turn towards Q1 of 2023 - that’s why for episode 125 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan I want to help you to boost your sales in what is typically the quietest month of the year in retail for almost every business.

    In today's podcast, we’ll look at stock clearance events and their benefits at this time of year. We’ll also cover the importance of building relationships with the new customers you’ve acquired during this festive selling season. I’ll delve into the customer habits that are distinct to the new year and how you can better frame your products and messaging to leverage buying patterns, and we’ll also talk about making the most of your product lines by exploring different revenue streams.

  • With the postal strikes looming and the adverse weather conditions currently affecting travel across the whole UK, there’s a good chance many of you will have moved your final Xmas posting day forward, or maybe you’re ahead of the curve and have already got your feet up, eggnog in hand, after dispatching your last order for 2022.

    Whether you’ve already stopped or are just about to break for Christmas, these weeks and typically January are quietest for most businesses. You may have some small items of business admin to keep things ticking over, but in today’s episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to share five things you can do in your business during the quiet time.

    In today's podcast, I’ll discuss the importance of celebrating your successes after a long year’s hard work, we’ll also look at the best way to study and leverage the data from your numbers, and I’ll share some advice on how to ‘replenish your tank’. I’ll also ask you to review the state of your business and consider whether its current trajectory is sustainable and I’ll also share some learning resources for you to sink your teeth into during your downtime.

  • Good stock management is important all year round but now as we arrive about a week into December, at the annual peak selling period, it deserves special consideration.

    From your year-round bestsellers to your short-term seasonal selects, you’ve no doubt got a lot of stock on your hands - so, in episode 123 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to share my thoughts on stock processes specific to the Xmas period to help keep you and your business nimble and cash-rich in these uncertain times.

    In this podcast, we’ll cover those pesky ‘brown bananas’ and review how to best handle products with both seasonal and literal expiry dates. We’ll take a look at stock levels on the whole and the relationship between what you’ve got left and what you expect to sell before 2023. We’ll also discuss classifying your stock and whether it’s destined to be defined as ‘carry-forward’ or ‘clearance’. I’ll also touch on putting a clearance plan together and the importance of your sales messaging, and we’ll finish up by taking a stock sense check for Spring 2023.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club.

  • *Resilient Retail News Flash*

    I'm very excited to share that my new book "Tame Your Tiger: How to stop your product business eating you alive" is now available to preorder at https://uk.bookshop.org/. In the book, I'll show you how to easily apply big business tools and perspectives to help better understand your business, as well as how to get clear on what you need to do to grow profitably, and, ultimately, tame your tiger.

    On to today's episode!

    In episode 122 of The Resilient Retail Game plan, I speak to the founder of 'The Ecommerce Assistant', Elle Williamson. Having spent over ten years working in e-commerce for small and big brands, Elle now helps independent businesses to get the most out of their online shops.

    In this podcast, we discuss the feature-rich Shopify 2.0 and the importance of giving your customers everything they need to know in order for them to hit that 'buy' button with confidence. We also go through some tips to help you with your conversion, from personally testing your buyer's journey out to carefully curating your range of products for a more personalised shopping experience. We also delve into email marketing, and run through where you could be better optimising your mail-outs to drive an increase in that all-important revenue!

    Check out Elle’s services at: https://www.theecommerceassistant.com/

    And connect with her at:


  • In today's episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I speak to marketing professional and web designer turned illustrator and small business owner, Natalie Bent. After working in head offices at large retailers such as Marks and Spencers and Woolworths and tiring of the corporate world, Natalie, inspired by her daughter, set up Little Scholars Playground in lockdown with her husband, (who works in the aerospace industry), with a mission to create inclusive books and learning materials to encourage girls and young children to develop a passion for STEM. In this podcast we discuss the value of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) to the ongoing development of young children and how important inclusion, diversity and representation is, especially when it comes to early years education as 'you can't be what you can't see'. We also discuss some of the logistical and financial challenges surrounding manufacturing, the importance of setting boundaries when it comes to your personal time and how feedback from selling at markets can prove essential to improving your products. Check out Natalie's beautiful STEM products at: https://littlescholarsplayground.com/ and connect with her and Little Scholars Playground at: https://www.instagram.com/littlescholarsplayground/ https://www.facebook.com/littlescholarsplayground https://twitter.com/3littlescholars

  • We’re now into the golden weeks, the period where we see people spending the majority of their Christmas budget. With many ongoing economic issues, the increased cost of living and ballooning inflation plaguing the public, we can expect to see reduced spending this Christmas in contrast to last year - but after recently visiting the “Spirit Of Christmas” fair and attending “Stylist Live”, as well as a number of other markets and smaller events, the bustling crowds and the sheer number of carrier bags I’ve observed being carried around prove that people are still spending this season.

    In episode 120 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I want to assuage your fears and give you some top tips when it comes to securing those sales this Christmas. We’ll dive back into the power of “micro-niches” and why it’s more important than ever to get really specific in order to appeal to your ideal customers. We’ll discuss how important it is to not make assumptions about your customer's relationships to your brand and how to get as clear as possible on what it is that you’re selling. We’ll also look at the literal act of selling, how to avoid the ickiness and create a sales experience that’s positive for everyone, and I’ll also touch on those ever-important email lists and how you can encourage subscriptions through incentives.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club.

  • Whether you're setting up shop at a small-scale Xmas craft fair, getting ready for one of the big branded seasonal showcases, or are yet to sign up for a festive event, it’s time to think strategically about maximising your sales at in-person events this Christmas

    Events aren’t just about sales, they provide great opportunities for promoting your brand, making connections and gaining important insights from your customers face-to-face - but when Christmas accounts for such a large percentage of a business's annual turnover, it’s important to be setting yourself up for success when it comes to seasonal selling.

    In episode 119 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I cover four easy ways to maximise your sales at Christmas events. We’ll look at the importance of setting yourself targets to help you stay motivated and build better forecasts for the future. We’ll discuss how to involve your existing community and why you need to continue building on that ever-vital email list. I’ll also give you some tips on preparing your stall and a potential ‘script’ and we’ll also look at a number of tactics you can use to try and up your customers’ average spend.

    Don’t forget - use the code: 10podcast to get £10 off your first month when joining The Resilient Retail Club.

  • As a small business entering the ‘golden weeks’ - the six-week run-up to Christmas - you’re no doubt looking for ways to maximise your sales at a time that can represent more than 50% of your annual turnover.

    I’ve spoken before of the only four fundamental ways to grow sales - getting more people to come, getting more people to spend when they do come, getting customers to spend more each time and getting customers to come back more often. These strategies still apply when it comes to Christmas, but ultimately you won’t see the results of things like working on your SEO now in this time frame - we’re not looking for long-term solutions at this point.

    In episode 118 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I’m going to give you my top four ways to grow your sales at Christmas. We’ll look at being present, whether online on social media, or offline at events. We look at the importance of giving people all the information they need to make a purchase, from gifting options to product demonstrations. We’ll discuss how to encourage spending by creating win-win situations for you and your customers. We’ll also review how vital your most loyal customers are to your business and how to best interact with them.

  • In the age of Amazon and next-day delivery, it is heartwarming to see a growing push towards people shopping local, investing in sustainability and consuming more consciously - with a more compassionate outlook shared by independent retailers and customers alike.

    Where the lumbering dinosaurs of high-street retail have failed to evolve or capture the imagination of their customers, we’re seeing more creative, engaging and meaningful products and brands slowly take their place, and with the strong communities that coalesce around them, I very much think they’re here to stay.

    In today’s episode of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I speak to maker turned shop-owner, and founder of Prior Shop, Beck Prior. Based in Bristol, Prior Shop is a not-for-profit arts hub, eco-conscious retail space, workshop and gallery hosting and offering works by the local community.

    In this podcast, we discuss agility and how small businesses are often in the perfect position to pivot and adapt when times are tough - we also talk about the importance of storytelling in gift buying (and receiving) and how the layout of your store can have a tangible impact on your customers - and we also focus on how running your business in an ethics-led manner can help those you collaborate with reflect better on how they operate within the broader retail picture and small business community.

    Check out Beck’s wonderful online store at: https://www.priorshop.uk/

    And connect with her at:
