
  • Hi. I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast. In this episode, you’re going to hear a conversation I had with my good friend and colleague, Ankush Jain. Ankush is a life and business coach, he’s a consultant, a proud father, a published author, a podcast host and a public speaker. As you’ll hear, he’s on a mission to raise the consciousness of the planet through changing the coaching industry. And one of the vehicles he’s using for this is his Coaching Career School which he launched in 2022, helping coaches grow impactful, ethical and sustainable practices. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the September 2024 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. Clarity Certification is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. And there’s a special earlybird price if you book your place by the end of May. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach So now to the episode.

  • Hi. I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast. This episode is a coaching demo I did with Clarity Coach Jan Harte around weight loss and limiting beliefs. The demo itself took place during my Clarity Advanced Coach & Facilitator Programme, and only lasted 20 minutes, but it’s followed by a 4-minute follow-up I did with Jan a year later (just a few weeks ago). As you’ll hear, the impact of the coaching session was profoundly transformational.

    Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that on Friday May 10th, I’m getting together with a group of coaches to look at the fundamentals of belief-change, so you can increase your impact-confidence, dissolve limiting beliefs & transform lives (including your own). Here’s what we’re going to be exploring together: You’re going to learn the fundamentals of working with limiting beliefs, so you’re standing on solid ground as you discern what’s really going on for your client.

    As a result, you’ll be able to increase your impact-confidence and make a bigger difference (it’s a lot easier to help someone when you understand the landscape.) As a lovely side-effect, you’ll start seeing through your *own* limiting beliefs so you can create the results that truly matter to you as well as your clients. You’re going to be getting a felt sense of the nature of true identity (this is crucial, because this is one of the main ‘leverage points’ you have to share with your clients). You’ll also be learning the linguistic and sensory structure of limiting beliefs (language is a doorway into your client’s world, so I’ll be showing you specific questions you can ask to uncover what’s been holding them back until now). You’ll be learning about the paradoxical nature of double-binds, and why most coaches innocently end up reinforcing the bind, rather than dissolving it (true story!) You’ll learn how to point people to their true identity and their innate capacity for realisation, the keystone for truly transformational impact. People regularly cry tears of relief when you help them see through their perceived limitations, and wake up to the truth of who they really are. While this one-day workshop will be suitable for coaches and therapists of all skill and experience-levels, it’s going to be of particular interest to experienced coaches who are looking to take their impact to a new level. There will be several belief-change demonstrations, and everyone will have the opportunity to shift their own most pernicious beliefs. As I mentioned, it’s on Friday May 10th via Zoom, and there’s an earlybird price when you book your place by this Thursday May 2nd. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/belief to learn more and register now. That’s www.JamieSmart.com/belief So now to the coaching demo and one-year followup..

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  • Hi. I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast. I’ve called this episode, “Coaching in the Midst of Crisis”, and it’s a recording from the Clarity Coaching Experience event we held earlier this month. The theme for the event was “Increasing your Impact Certainty” and it was a beautiful weekend. We had coaches joining us from all around the world, and there was a lovely sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Clarity Coaches who are making a big difference in the world, and I picked their brains about their impact with their clients, and how this understanding has helped them increase that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with my dear friend and colleague, Mahima Shrestha. Now, you may have seen an amazing conversation I had with Mahima a few years ago when I interviewed her about her experience of the 2015 Nepal earthquake. That was right at the start of her journey as a coach, and since then, she’s developed extensive experience in coaching individuals and organizations through crisis. Mahima works with entrepreneurs, innovators, activists, and changemakers- bringing bright people together to solve complex problems. And you’re going to hear how her certainty about what people have going for them is fundamental to the difference she makes with clients. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the September 2023 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. Clarity Certification has recently been accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. And you can save over ÂŁ4000 when you book your place by the end of March. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach So now to the episode.

  • Hi. I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast. The interview you’re going to hear today is part two of the 3-part series of interviews I conducted with my dear friend and colleague, Dr Bill Pettit. Bill is a board-certified psychiatrist and has been working with patients & clients using the principles understanding for over 40 years. Dr Pettit has treated tens of thousands of patients, with diagnoses as diverse as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, stress, panic attacks and many more conditions. In part two of this series, you’ll hear Dr Pettit and I answering the first set of questions posed by members of our community. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the September 2023 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. Clarity Certification has recently been accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. And you can save over ÂŁ4000 when you book your place by the end of March. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach

    You can find out more about Dr Pettit and his programme, "Never Broken: Nothing Lacking, One Cause: One Cure, Fresh Hope" at his website https://drbillpettit.com/nothing-broken-nothing-lacking/ So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast. The interview you’re going to hear today is part one of a 3-part series of interviews I conducted with my dear friend and colleague, Dr Bill Pettit. Bill is a board-certified psychiatrist and has been working with patients & clients using the principles understanding for over 40 years. Dr Pettit has treated tens of thousands of patients, with diagnoses as diverse as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, stress, panic attacks and many more conditions. In part one of this series, you’ll hear Dr Pettit and I exploring his assertion that there's something you can learn and understand that is both the prevention and the cure to ALL mental illness and most physical illness. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the September 2023 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. Clarity Certification has recently been accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. And you can save over ÂŁ4000 when you book your place by the end of March. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach You can find out more about Dr Pettit and his programme, "Never Broken: Nothing Lacking, One Cause: One Cure, Fresh Hope" at his website https://drbillpettit.com/nothing-broken-nothing-lacking/

  • I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. I’ve called this episode, “Develop Your Intuition”, and it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held in November. The theme for the event was “Passion, Purpose & Personal Expression” and it was really great. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a lovely sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with people who are having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to bring your unique expression to life, and how this understanding has helped them do that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with my dear friend and colleague, Carl Harvey. Carl is the founder of the Abundance Book Club and The Big Life show. And he was also MindValley's head copywriter for a couple of years - Carl's a powerhouse! Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that my beloved Emma McDevitt and I are offering a new programme starting in January called the Clarity Professional Programme: Bring Your Unique Expression to Life. The theme of uncovering and living your unique expression is one that’s very alive for us both, so we’re inspired to share it with a group of explorers. We’ve created a brief video about the programme and a simple 'unique expression diagnostic' process. Its purpose is to continue deepening your awareness of your unique expression and to help us (me and Emma) get a sense of where you're at in your journey. If you want to watch the video, do the diagnostic and find out more about the programme, just pop an email to [email protected] with the word “video” in the subject line and we’ll get everything over to you.

    And you can find out more about Carl and his work at www.CarlHarvey.com So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. I’ve called this episode, “You Do You”, and I’m excited to share it with you because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held, just a couple of weeks ago. The theme for the event was “Passion, Purpose & Personal Expression” and it was really great. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a lovely sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with people who are having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to bring your unique expression to life, and how this understanding has helped them do that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with my dear friend and colleague, Cathy Casey. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that my beloved Emma McDevitt and I are offering a new programme starting in January called the Clarity Professional Programme: Bring Your Unique Expression to Life. The theme of uncovering and living your unique expression is one that’s very alive for us both, so we’re inspired to share it with a group of explorers. We’ve created a brief video about the programme and a simple 'unique expression diagnostic' process. Its purpose is to continue deepening your awareness of your unique expression and to help us (me and Emma) get a sense of where you're at in your journey. If you want to watch the video, do the diagnostic and find our more about the programme, just pop an email to [email protected] with the word “video” in the subject line and we’ll get everything over to you. So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. And in this session you’re going to hear a conversation I had recently with my dear friend and colleague, Ian Watson. Ian and I have been in each other’s lives for the past 20 years, and those years have included many twists and turns as we’ve encountered obstacles, followed our inner guidance and found our way forward (sometimes more easily than others). Some of the topics we explored included - Following your bliss - Trust in ‘the invisible’ - Being willing to take ‘the road less travelled’ - Doing what you love - And much more By the way, our next ClarityLive! event is next weekend (November 19-20) and the theme is in a similar domain: Purpose, Principles & Personal Expression: How to bring dream projects to life for yourself and others (even if you don’t know what they are yet). We’re being joined by guest speakers including my dear friend and colleague, Cathy Casey. Cathy pioneered taking the principles into the California prison system and is a master of stepping into the unknown and bringing unique expression to life. We’re also being joined by another dear friend, Carl Harvey, founder of the Abundance Book Club and The Big Life show (he was also MindValley's head copywriter for a couple of years - Carl's a powerhouse). It’s all going to be happening via live-stream, and you can find out more at www.JamieSmart.com/ClarityLive
    And you can find out more about Ian Watson and his work at www.TheInsightSpace.com

  • Teaching subtractive psychology to the brass at NATO Welcome to the podcast; I’m Jamie Smart, and I’ve really been looking forward to this one. Last summer, in August 2021, I flew to Rome to deliver a keynote speech to 80 military and civilian personnel at the NATO Defense College. My brief was to help them have greater clarity, less stress, more productivity and stronger professional relationships (the college has staff from 20 member states, so good communication is essential). There was one problem: my contact warned me that the military personnel wouldn’t enjoy my talk. He explained these were experienced senior officers (colonels, generals etc) who already felt they had all the EQ they needed. He said they’d likely be checked out and checking their watches during my session. So here’s the thing: I love a challenge. I made it my mission to get everyone fully engaged and have a big impact as I shared the principles with them. The topics we covered ranged from from Napoleon to Netflix, from strategic insight to the unsuspected superpowers everyone has. It was the first live in-person talk I’d done in over 18 months (because of lockdown). For the first 10-15 minutes, you may be able to hear the adrenaline in my voice, but this ended up being a great teaching point when we talked about the link between rabbits and your innate capacity for handling stress My aim is always to be practical without being prescriptive, leverage spiritual principles without being woo-woo, to have a big impact without being earnest and to share a good feeling in the process, so I hope this keynote meets these criteria for you. By the way, at the end of this month, I’m going to kick off the only Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme we’re going to be running this year, and the last one I’m ever going to run in the 12-week form we’ve taken over 500 coaches, therapists and trainers through over the past 8 years. As you may know, I love unpacking what I do; it really lights me up, so for the first time ever, over the course of this month I’m going to be ‘unpacking’ my ‘simple, effective, fun’ launch process and showing you how it all applies to getting clients and growing a coaching business. It’s all free, so if you want to find out more head over to www.jamiesmart.com/business This is the ‘simple, effective, fun’ edition of the masterclass, and I’m going to be doing my best to embody and model for you the qualities that are at the heart of growing a successful coaching business. These include: - Building relationships by giving people an experience of you - Living and working in the feeling you want to share with others - Doing the things you’re passionate about - Playing to your strengths and creating massive value - Being guided by realisation, wisdom and insight - Being of service to others - Doing all of this with honesty, simplicity and authenticity - Having fun!!!!!

    I’m going to be doing this all month, and it’s all going to be free of charge. Some of it will be planned, and some will be spontaneous and on-the-fly. You can register for free at www.jamiesmart.com/business

    Now here's the episode...

  • Welcome to the podcast. I’m delighted to present this episode, “Living a Beautiful Life” with Jan and Chip Chipman. The theme for the ClarityLive conference it was recorded at was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really lovely. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a great sense of community, with lots of profound realisations. And one of the highlights of the weekend was my session with my dear friends, mentors, colleagues and collaborators, Jan and Chip Chipman. Jan, Chip and I met nearly 13 years ago and have been friends ever since. We’ve run retreats together in the Canary Islands and mainland Spain. They spent years being mentored by Sydney Banks, and one of the things you’re going to love about this conversation is the feeling they bring. Chip also tells me favourite Syd Banks story in this session, so I hope you enjoy that too. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are about to close for the final intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. I say ‘final’ because as you may have heard, I’ve decided to stop all business activities except for delivering programmes that I already have in the calendar for 2022. And I’m doing this so I have the time to write the second edition of my book CLARITY, and to create the space for what’s going to come next. You know, when I first came to the principles, it was relatively unknown, and very few people knew how to share this understanding with others. And it was clear to me that we needed a cadre of highly-skilled coaches, trainers and change-workers who could share this understanding and have a big impact with their clients. Ten years on, and we’ve trained over 300 Clarity Coaches and I couldn’t be more delighted. We now have that cadre of highly-skilled people with a deep understanding in place. Now it’s time to get these principles out into the world in a bigger way, and I need the space to do that, so
 This is the last time I’m going to be delivering Clarity Certification Training. 30 of the 36 places are now taken, so there are 6 places left as I speak. And I’m really looking for leaders who want to take this understanding out into the world at a time when there’s never been a greater need for it. And for the first time ever, I’ve added a massive bonus package worth over ÂŁ13,000, including the chance to sit in on a 3-day coaching intensive with a corporate client, later this year. And Jan and Chip Chipman are two of the teachers who do Masterclasses on the CCT programme, as well as mentoring our Advanced Clarity Coaches. So if you want to join me for the last ever Clarity Certification Training, go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach So now to the episode.

  • I’m really happy to share this episode with you, with the unusual title of ‘Burning It All Down’, because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held earlier this month. The theme for the event was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really lovely. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a great sense of community, with lots of profound realisations. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Certified Clarity Coaches who’ve been having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to live a beautiful life, and how this understanding has helped them do exactly that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over a coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with business owner & entrepreneur Charlie Madison.

    Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the final intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. I say ‘final’ because as you may have heard, I’ve decided to stop all business activities except for delivering programmes that I already have on the calendar. And I’m doing this so I have the time to write the second edition of my book CLARITY and to create the space for what’s going to come next. You know, when I first came to the principles, it was relatively unknown, and very few people knew how to share this understanding with others. And it was clear to me that we needed a cadre of highly-skilled coaches, trainers and change-workers who could share this understanding and have a big impact with their clients.

    Ten years on, and we’ve trained over 300 Clarity Coaches and I couldn’t be more delighted. We have that cadre of highly-skilled people with a deep understanding in place. Now it’s time to get these principles out into the world in a bigger way, and I need the space to do that, so

    This is the last time I’m going to be delivering Clarity Certification Training. 26 of the 36 places are now taken, so there are 10 places left as I speak. And I’m really looking for leaders who want to take this understanding out into the world at a time when there’s never been a greater need for it. And for the first time ever, I’ve added a massive bonus package worth over £13,000, including the chance to sit in on a 3-day coaching intensive with a corporate client, later this year.

    And we have an EarlyBird price so you can save up to ÂŁ1,500 when you book your place by Monday, January 24th. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach to learn more.

    And Clarity Certification Training is the programme Charlie did a couple of years ago when he was earlier in his journey. So now to the episode.

  • This episode is one lots of people will relate to because it’s called “Getting Out of Your Own Way, and really I’m delighted to share this episode with you because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held earlier this month. The theme for the event was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really lovely. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a great sense of community, with lots of profound realisations. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Certified Clarity Coaches who’ve been having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to live a beautiful life, and how this understanding has helped them do exactly that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over a coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with bestselling author & coach, Marie Arymar. And Marie specialises in working with young people and parents.

    Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the final intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. I say ‘final’ because as you may have heard, I’ve decided to stop all business activities except for delivering programmes that I already have on the calendar for 2022. And I’m doing this so I have the time to write the second edition of my book CLARITY, and to create the space for what’s going to come next. You know, when I first came to the principles, it was relatively unknown, and very few people knew how to share this understanding with others. And it was clear to me that we needed a cadre of highly-skilled coaches, trainers and change-workers who could share this understanding and have a big impact with their clients.

    Ten years on, and we’ve trained over 300 Clarity Coaches and I couldn’t be more delighted. We now have that cadre of highly-skilled people with a deep understanding in place. Now it’s time to get these principles out into the world in a bigger way, and I need the space to do that, so

    This is the last time I’m going to be delivering Clarity Certification Training. 26 of the 36 places are now taken, so there are 10 places left as I speak. And I’m really looking for leaders who want to take this understanding out into the world at a time when there’s never been a greater need for it. And for the first time ever, I’ve added a massive bonus package worth over £13,000, including the chance to sit in on a 3-day coaching intensive with a corporate client, later this year.

    And we have an EarlyBird price so you can save up to ÂŁ1,500 when you book your place by Monday, January 24th. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach to learn more.

    And Clarity Certification Training is the programme Marie did a couple of years ago when she was earlier in her journey. So now to the episode.

  • I’ve called this episode, “The Power of Precision”, and I’m excited to share this episode with you because it’s a recording from the ClarityLive! event we held, just last weekend. The theme for the event was “How to make 2022 your most beautiful year yet” and it was really terrific. We had people joining us from all around the world, and there was a lovely sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And one of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with Certified Clarity Coaches who have been having a big impact in the world, and I picked their brains about what it means to live a beautiful life, and how this understanding has helped them do that. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with the number 1 bestselling author, coach & trainer, Mamoon Yusaf.

    Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the final intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. I say ‘final’ because as you may have heard, I’ve decided to stop all business activities except for delivering programmes that I already have on the calendar. And I’m doing this so I have the time to write the second edition of my book CLARITY, and to create the space for what’s going to come next. You know, when I first came to the principles, it was relatively unknown, and very few people knew how to share this understanding with others. And it was clear to me that we needed a cadre of highly-skilled coaches, trainers and change-workers who could share this understanding and have a big impact with their clients.

    Ten years on, and we’ve trained over 300 Clarity Coaches and I couldn’t be more delighted. We have that cadre of highly-skilled people with a deep understanding in place. Now it’s time to get these principles out into the world in a bigger way, and I need the space to do that, so

    This is the last time I’m going to be delivering Clarity Certification Training. 26 of the 36 places are now taken, so there are 10 places left as I speak. And I’m really looking for leaders who want to take this understanding out into the world at a time when there’s never been a greater need for it. And for the first time ever, I’ve added a massive bonus package worth over £13,000, including the chance to sit in on a 3-day coaching intensive with a corporate client, later this year.

    And we have an EarlyBird price so you can save up to ÂŁ1,500 when you book your place by Monday, January 24th. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach to find out more.

    And Clarity Certification Training is the programme Mamoon did 10 years ago when he was earlier in his journey. So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. In this episode you’re going to be hearing something I’m very happy to share with you. It’s the recording of a conversation I had with Clarity Coach Louise O’Dalaigh at the last ClarityLive event a few months ago. Louise is trained as a nurse and has spent the last 30 years working in the healthcare field. Her current role is as a Quality Improvement Lead for an NHS organisation with over 10,000 staff. So it was a real treat to be able to have one of my ‘fireside chat’ conversations with her and find out the kind of difference the principles understanding is making in her life and in her organisation. Just before we get to that, a bit of housekeeping. I’m working on the second edition of my book, CLARITY, and I had a realisation. I realised that just as the release of CLARITY planted a seed that grew into everything I’ve been doing for the past 10 years, I now want to create the space for the seeds I’ll be planting with the second edition. So I’ve made a decision. Between now and July 2022, I’m stopping all business activities except the delivery of the programmes that are already in the calendar for 2022. I have the strong sense that there’s something new getting ready to emerge, and I want to create room for it. This means that the Clarity Certification Training I do starting at the end of this month - January 2022 may be the last one I ever do (or at least the last one I do in its current form). It seems to me that the world has never had a greater need for this understanding, and that conditions have never been better to share it as widely as possible. In fact, the technologies that are playing a part in creating this crisis may also have the capacity to play a part in its solution. I don’t know what part I’m going to play in all of this. What I do know is that I’m interested in exploring emerging technologies and new models to align communities as we take this understanding out into the world in a brand new form. To the people who have been through (or are preparing to go through) Clarity Certification Training, you’re not just early adopters; you’re trailblazers, and I’m grateful to be on the journey with you. In Syd Banks’ final talk, “The Ultimate Answer”, he says that when this gets out into the world, “literally, it will help millions of people.” The more I’ve learned from Syd’s work, the more I’ve learned to take him literally. And I think it might just be time. So, there are 11 places left on the Clarity Certification Training programme, and I’ve decided to really push the boat out, and added some extra bonuses including the chance to sit in on a live 1:1 coaching intensive. If you want to find out more, just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach that’s www.JamieSmart.com/coach So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast.

    The recording you’re about to hear is a conversation with my dear friend and colleague Garret Kramer on the state of the world today.

    It often seems to me like we’re living in the pages of a Marvel comic, and a lot has changed since Garret & I last spoke together in public, so it seemed like a good time to catch up.

    We had a great conversation, and we covered topics as wide-ranging as the 3 principles, authoritarianism, true identity, various mandates and much more.

    Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the January 2022 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme.

    Clarity Certification has recently been accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. And you can save up to £2000 when you book your place by the end of November. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach.

    So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. And in this episode you’re going to be hearing something I’m really pleased to share with you. It’s a conversation I had with transformative coach David Bird, and here’s one of the things I think you’re going to find particularly interesting. The thing that motivated Birdey to explore the principles was this: he was already working as a hypnotherapist and coach, and he started attracting clients who he didn’t actually know whether or not he could help. He wanted to find a way to have more certainty about the impact he could have with his clients.

    At or recent ClarityLive event, we had people joining us from all over the world, and there was an incredible sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And the theme was 'Making your living from the inside out', so I wanted to spotlight people who are taking this understanding into the world in a variety of ways. I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with four Clarity Coaches who have been having a big impact in the world. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing my conversation with, David Bird. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the January 2022 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. Clarity Certification has recently been accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. And you can save up to £2000 when you book your place by the end of November. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach that’s www.JamieSmart.com/coach So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. And in this episode you’re going to be hearing something I’m very excited to share with you. It’s a conversation I had with the director of a community interest company, a CIC, who’s been putting the whole domain of wellbeing on the map in her local community. And here’s why I’m so excited about it... Last weekend, we had our ClarityLive event, and it really wonderful. We had people joining us from all over the world, and there was an incredible sense of community, with lots of profound insights. And the theme was 'Making your living from the inside out', so I wanted to spotlight people who are taking this understanding into the world in a variety of ways.

    One of the things we did was I had ‘fireside chat’ conversations with four Clarity Coaches who have been having a big impact in the world. And my idea for this was that we would be talking shop; the kind of conversation that I have with my colleagues over coffee, and that most people never get to hear. So in this podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of those, a conversation I had with coach and CIC director, Liz Scott. Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the January 2022 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. Clarity Certification has recently been accredited by the International Coaching Federation (the ICF) as a provider of Continuous Coach Education, so if you’re already an ICF-certified coach, you can use the programme to earn CCE units. Either way, you can take part in CCT with full confidence that the programme is fully accredited by the ICF as a Continuous Coaching Education provider. By the way, the first 21 places are taken, so there are only 15 places remaining as I speak. And you can save up to £2000 when you book your place by the end of November. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach that’s www.JamieSmart.com/coach So now to the episode.

  • I’m Jamie Smart. Welcome to the podcast. Last week, I spent an hour with my dear friend and colleague, Kimberley Hare, for a wide-ranging conversation on topics including capitalism, climate change, prepping, financial collapse, nuclear weapons, synthetic biology and spiritual bypassing (among other things). Here’s the backstory - Kim and I met up in London two years ago, and she filled me in on what she was seeing about the state of the world re: climate change and related topics. Last week, she invited me on her podcast to explore a number of topics including: - How I'm making sense of the way we seem to be headed as a world and society - How can our understanding of the Principles help in allowing us to face into these from a place of courage, wellbeing and clarity? - How I reconcile my work as a coach and educator with the fact that clients are often hiring me to get better results in terms of the 'industrial capitalism narrative', & live in a better feeling for life. - If we have realised significant insights about Life, Truth and the human experience, shouldn’t we be focusing on challenging what Kim calls our current ‘insane extractive and ecocidal economy’, rather than helping people to get better at playing the crazy game? - My take on “spiritual bypassing”, and whether it's happening in the Principles community (as well as other spiritual communities)? And much more. I really enjoyed our conversation, and Kim has kindly agreed to let me share it with my audience, so here’s the episode

  • This episode features a coaching demo around weight-loss and fitness during lockdown that I did during a recent masterclass, "The Language of Insight & Transformational Change". I start by talking about the six 'languages of transformation' before diving into one of them, the language of connection.

    You'll hear me coaching my client, Angela on her topic, weight-loss and staying fit and healthy while working on her online business. And as I work with her, you'll hear me demonstrating the language of connection to 'get her world' and find my way into a deeper connection with her. Angela's one of the people on my current Thriving Coaches Blueprint programme, so she's already had some breakthroughs in her coaching practice. So she decided to be particularly brave and dive into a topic that she's never discussed publicly before.

    So here's the episode...

    PS So a few days after we recorded this coaching demo, Angela sent me a Facebook message. Here's what she said:

    My Experience Of The Coaching was that it felt easy and simple and the realisation re 'do what you love' was bloody obvious doh! But I heard and felt it deeply...as if I was listening underwater. TBC...

    Other realisations I've had since are:

    1) SELF CARE listen to my body, ie. listen to wisdom about my body... If I need rest, rest. If I want to go out with the dogs do that. Feeling tired isn't telling me about anything other than feeling tired.

    2) it's OK to feel under par and still do stuff and be OK with that eg keep commitments then rest afterwards.

    3) BREATHING: I've noticed I've started to breathe diaphragmatically, Which creates more room in your lungs and the long out-breath tightens the core!

    4)overall I feel an underlying deep sense of love, peace and well being... I'm reminded of this by Louis de Bernieres...

    "Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being in love, which any fool can do. Love itself is what

    is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."

    I know this is usually quoted about romantic love, but to me, I'm just seeing more and more deeply that to Love Life means to love and care for mySelf as well as others.

    **re Louis de Bernieres... The similarity is with being in love with the principles, or the idea of them, now the 'Whoop whoop' has settled down and what I'm left with IS love.

    And a more tangible difference... After 2 days of rest at home with my lovely other-half, open fires, and food that I enjoy, I had the energy to go to my paddock where I trained/played/ran around with the pup. It was easy and fun.

    The way it seems to me is it's like a balloon has been popped... And all the air inside has been released into the world. The air is now light and free to move wherever the breeze takes it. And the balloon no longer exists.

    As you can imagine, that was a beautiful message to read. And if you want to increase your ability to have this sort of impact with people, it's one of the things we'll be exploring on The Language of Transformation, a six-week course I'm kicking off in December. We'll be diving into all six of the languages of transformation, all in the service of creating greater engagement, connection and impact. And it starts with the 2-day Conversational Transformation Bootcamp on 12 and 13 December, followed by six weeks of learning modules and group-coaching - we'll be focusing in on one of the six languages of transformation each week. And you can save ÂŁ300 and get a bonus package worth over ÂŁ1400 when you book your place before midnight on Monday, November 30th. Just go to www.JamieSmart.com/language to register now and save ÂŁ300, that's www.JamieSmart.com/language.

  • The episode you’re about to hear is a mentoring session on visibility & growing your audience that I did with Matt Fox. Matt’s one of the coaches taking part in the Clarity Advanced Coach & Facilitator Programme, and he and I met just over a year ago when he joined the Thriving Coaches Blueprint. And one of the things he developed while he was on that programme was his podcast, “The Heart of Dad”.

    Matt’s a father himself, and he’s passionate about supporting dads to really be there in their children’s lives. In fact, many of his coaching clients are entrepreneurs who are also dads and want to experience more clarity and heart in their work and in their lives as a whole.

    So about a month ago, Matt mentioned that he was planning to do the ‘Heart of Dad’ summit, an event where he was going to interview coaches and teachers who have had an impact in Matt’s life, and who are also fathers. Many of these people are dear friends and colleagues of mine, guys like Dicken Bettinger, Dr Bill Pettit, Amir Karkouti and Dr Mark Howard.

    If you want to register for the summit, go to https://www.heartofdad.com/summit

    Matt invited me to be one of the people he interviewed, and he happened to mention that he wanted to get more visibility and grow his audience for the summit, and that’s when I had an idea.

    During my most recent Clarity Certification Training, I was talking to the students about the whole domain of business and the principles. We had a really great time, and everyone learned a lot, and it inspired me to start working on something new: the Clarity Pro Business Accelerator. I haven’t formally launched it yet, but I’m starting to get a group of founder members together, and I had an idea

    I invited Matt to have a one-hour conversation with me where we’d explore how he can grow his audience for his summit, and we’d stream it LIVE as an example of Clarity Pro Business Accelerator content.

    We did the session, and lots of people found it really useful, so I’ve decided to launch it on the podcast. So here’s the episode!

    PS it’s worth knowing that we’ve only got 2 places left on the 2021 Clarity Certification Training. There’s an early booking price which expires at the end of this month, on November 30th, but it’s likely that the programme will be sold out by then (we’re limiting it to 36 places and the first 34 have already been taken), so if you want to find out more, go to www.JamieSmart.com/coach that’s www.JamieSmart.com/coach