We see FAR too many beginning writers come into this profession with a vague idea of what they “should” or “need to” be doing regarding marketing, and they end up wasting their time doing all sorts of things that aren't strategic and likely won’t lead to the desired outcome, which is clients and revenue.
You can’t afford to waste time when you’re starting your freelance business. Time is money, folks. You need to maximize every minute you’re INVESTING in your business.
Here’s how to do that: GOALS.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:50 Time is Money 2:20 Goals Before Starting Marketing Activities 3:34 The RN2writer Marketing Process 4:15 Goal Setting Example 5:30 RecapResources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
In this episode of The RN2writer Show, Beth talks all about clients goals! We see a lot of people plunge into freelance writing with the idea that “everyone” is a potential client. Their notion is that getting writing work is hard, and so they should take on any company or individual that is willing to pay them.
That’s nonsense. In fact, that is not true for ANY business. All successful businesses have a particular “ideal client” that they market to.
So let’s talk about what kind of client goals you can set up for your business.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
2:00 Who Are Your Ideal Clients? 4:23 Total Number of Clients 4:51 Anchor Clients 5:43 Industry Niche 6:15 Ideal Client Characteristics 6:57 RecapResources mentioned in this episode:
Nurse-to-Writer Bridge Program: https://www.rn2writer.com/bridge
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
¿Faltan episodios?
In this episode of The RN2writer Show, Beth talks about several types of financial goals you can set for your writing business. All business success starts with goal-setting. Without goals, you can’t create action plans for achieving those goals, you can’t measure your progress, and you can’t engage in data-driven decision making. Those things are important!
So let’s talk about three financial goals you can think about setting up for your business.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
2:25 Gross Revenue2:57 Business Expenses3:30 Writing GoalResources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
In this episode of The RN2writer Show, Beth talks about having specific, measurable goals for your health writing business.
Remember: writing is a BUSINESS. All businesses need goals. You can’t hit a target you haven’t bothered to set up.
So let’s talk about three common writing business goals you can think about setting up for your business.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:54 Goal #1 Financial 3:20 Goal #2 Client 4:15 Goal #3 MarketingResources mentioned in this episode:
Nurse-to-Writer Bridge Program: https://www.rn2writer.com/bridge
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
In today’s episode of The RN2writer Show, Beth discusses what details you should consider when naming your business.
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN, built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:00 First Item to Note 3:25 Second Item to Note 5:30 Reflect What You Do 6:30 Protected TitlesResources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
On today’s episode of The RN2writer Show, Beth talks to Dr. Steve Marshall, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN, about the value you bring to your clients, finding the right clients, and more!
About Steve: Steve Marshall is a Registered Nurse who began working in healthcare back in the late 1980's. He holds a Bachelor's and Master of Science in Nursing as well as a doctorate in Nursing Practice. He has worked in many clinical and leadership roles throughout his career, including emergency and intensive care, air and ground transport, oncology, and infectious disease. He was instrumental in the COVID response in his area, overseeing multiple vaccine, testing, and infusion sites. He founded See Doc Nurse Write LLC in February of 2023 with the goal of sharing his knowledge and experience with a broader audience.
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN, built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:00 Steve Marshall Introduction 2:30 From Clinician to Writer 5:30 Knowing your worth 8:40 Not Every Client is a Right Fit 13:00 Your Value to Clients 18:30 Beth’s Freelance SecretResources mentioned in this episode:
Steve Marshall’s Website: https://www.seedocnursewrite.com/
Freelance Freedom Membership: https://www.rn2writer.com/freelancefreedom
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Health writing is not about publishing research papers or writing about your experiences as a nurse. Professional health writing involves creating a wide variety of content that’s generally published on the web. A few examples of the types of health writing that nurses and other health professionals get paid to write include:
Consumer health articles Web pages Patient-facing blog posts Brochures Case studies White papers Industry blog posts Industry news articles Video scripts…and much, MUCH more!
And in case you think you need experience writing any of those things before you can become a paid health writer, think again. Freelance writing is very much a “learn on the job” profession.
On today’s episode of The RN2writer Show, we’re demystifying how health writing works so you can see for yourself how easy it is to get started. We’re showing you the step-by-step process of how health content gets created and published so you have confidence that you really can do this.
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN, built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:00 What is Health Writing? 2:35 Step #1 2:55 Step #2 4:02 Step #3 6:22 Step #4 7:00 Step #5 7:35 Step #6 8:25 Step #7 8:45 Step #8 8:58 Step #9 9:24 Step #10 9:55 Lather, Rinse, and RepeatResources mentioned in this episode:
How I Make $400 an Hour as a Nurse Writer Video: https://www.rn2writer.com/offers/oo3e6VL8
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Nurses sometimes limit themselves to writing only about things they know, but that can be a mistake it can put you in competition with a large field of less-qualified writers who cover the same general, evergreen topics.
To separate yourself, you should stay ahead of the trends in healthcare so you can always be pitching articles about emerging health topics – while using your nursing knowledge to inform that content in ways non-clinician writers simply cannot.
On today’s episode of The RN2writer Show, we’re covering the five most fascinating health trends of 2024 that should be on your radar so you can niche up and become the go-to expert writer on these subjects for any editor!
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN, built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
2:40 Niche #1 4:00 Niche #2 4:56 Niche #3 6:00 Niche #4 7:20 Niche #5Resources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
You’ve probably seen our advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. But, what the #$%@! is freelance writing anyway? Learn more about this hidden career!
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN, built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:48 Our Mission at RN2writer 3:30 is Freelance Writing a Pyramid scheme? 4:15 How Freelance Writing Works 6:40 But You Can’t Make a Living as a Writer! 7:30 How Much Can You Get Paid?Resources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Get Paid Well to Write: Talk to our Admissions Advisors to learn more! : https://rn2writer.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=41527859
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Recently, a Facebook commenter asked me: If everybody hops on the RN2writer bandwagon, won’t this just result in a glut of nurse writers with work for nobody?
The answer? No, absolutely not.
And the reason why not can be summed up in a single word: Volume.
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN, built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
0:00 Introduction1:40 Volume! Volume! Volume! 8:00 The Information EraResources mentioned in this is episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer
Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedIn
Special thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Many nurses are looking for work-from-home gigs, but have you noticed how many of those are…boring? Reviewing patient records for lawyers? Boring! Filing reports to insurance companies regarding the appropriateness of healthcare expenditures for an insured? Yawn.
Why not use your CREATIVITY to help people as a nurse?
You can do exactly that as a nurse-WRITER.
Yes, this is a totally legitimate career. Nurse writers are self-employed businesspeople. Best of all, there’s no “network marketing” (aka: pyramid schemes) or “hard sales” tactics involved! Just you, being your own nice self, serving clients who love working with you.
In this episode of The RN2writer Show, we’re going to tell you all about the little-known nursing niche of health writing – and why it’s the best work-from-home nursing job you’ve never heard of!
Topics discussed in this episode:
00:30 “Get a Real Job”, They Say! 2:25 Is Writing a CRAZY Idea? 3:10 Yes, Freelance Writing is a Venerable Profession 4:20 All the Benefits of Freelance Health Writing 5:30 Your Own Bona-Fide Business! 6:08 Our Mission at RN2writerResources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Get Paid Well to Write: Talk to our Enrollment Advisors to learn more! : https://rn2writer.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=41527859
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Succeeding as a freelance writer requires the ability to juggle clients and deadlines along with family commitments. Fortunately, nurses excel at juggling! You can use those skills to help you manage your business with ease while still finding plenty of free time to enjoy your life.
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses on how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
00:52 What are you juggling? 3:20 Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize. 4:35 Tip #1 5:55 Tip #2 8:10 Tip # 3 9:30 Tip #4 9:50 Tip #5Resources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Being consistent is a given when starting your freelance writing career. But what EXACTLY do you stay consistent with? In today’s episode, Beth talks about her four-step system for staying consistent.
Host Elizabeth Hanes, BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
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Special thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Find Ruth at: https://rmielkernwriter.contently.com/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ruth-k-mielke-dnp-aprn-cnm-5b198525b/
About Ruth: I'm an RN and Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM). I have 22+ years of experience as a midwife and additional years as a labor and delivery nurse. I have a BA in psychology, a BS in nursing, an MS in nursing, and a doctorate in nursing practice (DNP).
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:00 How Ruth Got Started as a Freelance Health Writer 6:00 Be a People Person! 9:00 Design YOUR Dream Career 13:40 How to Manage Volume 16:00 Opportunity Cost 19:40 Words of WisdomResources mentioned in this is episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Get Paid Well to Write: Talk to our Enrollment Advisor, Tom Mount, to learn more! : https://rn2writer.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=41527859
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
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Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Nursing school doesn’t give you a business degree, but then again running a freelance writing business doesn’t require an MBA, either. Nonetheless, nurse writers should familiarize themselves with common business concepts – and one of those is understanding how (and why!) to diversify your income streams.
In this episode of The RN2writer Show, I talk about my approach to diversifying my income streams – and how any freelance writer can do this.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
Resources mentioned in this is episode:
Attainable Sustainable, Kris Bordessa’s blog: https://www.attainable-sustainable.net/
“Building Boys: Raising Great Guys in a World that Misunderstands Males” by Jennifer L.W. Fink: https://www.amazon.com/Building-Boys-Raising-Great-Misunderstands/dp/1538159554
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
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Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
#nurses #nurse #workfromhome #nurselife
When nurses ask me about freelance writing, they often want to know what a typical “day in the life” looks like. I can tell you one thing: It looks nothing like the chaos of bedside work!
As a freelance nurse writer, I rose when I wanted in the morning, lingered over coffee and breakfast, worked a few hours in my serene home office, went out to lunch with wine or cocktails with friends, went antiquing in the afternoons or puttered in my garden…or read a book. You get the idea!
Freelance writing makes a great career for nurses precisely because it’s the antithesis of the frenzy of clinical practice. I’m happy to describe for you a typical day in my life as a nurse writer so you can see for yourself what a wonderful career this is!
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
0:50 Let’s Set the Scene! 1:38 Let’s Start the Day 2:40 What “Work” Looks Like as a Freelance Writer 5:30 $12,000 a Month?!? 7:00 Lucrative gigs, oh my! 7:35 Done for the day already? 8:30 Nurse vs. WriterResources mentioned in this is episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Like Beth’s Top? Here is our affiliate link on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NO6dx9
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Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
In about 2011, I did a bold – some would say “foolish” – thing: I left behind the security of nursing for a career as a writer.
Say what?
Yes, I became a professional writer. And eventually I ramped my business up to $100,000 a year while never working more than 24 hours a week.
On this episode of The RN2writer Show, I give you a little background on my personal story of why I transitioned from nurse to writer, and I share the exact path YOU can take to become a six-figure writer, too. Regain control of your life, escape the bullying, and live the peaceful, prosperous life you deserve.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
0:50 The Most Obscure Nursing Job You Ever Heard Of 1:20 Beth’s Nursing Background 2:40 My Top Reasons for Leaving Nursing 6:45 Beth’s Writing Background 11:30 What Beth LOVES About Freelance Writing 14:15 Here’s What Beth Recommends To Do When Starting Out!Resources mentioned in this is episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Like Beth’s Top? Here is our affiliate link on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NO6dx9
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Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
You don’t have to be a Margaret Atwood to make great money as a freelance health writer, but you do need a fundamental grasp of grammar, composition, and voice. It’s the latter item we’re talking about today on The RN2writer Show.
“Voice” can refer to a brand’s standard for the style in which it speaks to its target audience. For example, a brand voice can be irreverent or solemn or something in between.
“Voice” also applies to a particular type of sentence construction. Specifically, when we write consumer health content we want to use “active voice,” not “passive voice.” But because nurses and other clinicians READ so much passive voice, they often struggle with this aspect of creating the type of content editors love.
Let’s fix that today by showing you some easy ways to identify and root out passive voice in your writing.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
2:15 Here Is the ONE Thing To Do To Improve Your Writing
2:55 Active or Passive?
3:50 Style!
5:45 Re-Train Your Brain!
Resources mentioned in this is episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Get Paid Well to Write: Talk to our Enrollment Advisor, Tom Mount, to learn more! : https://rn2writer.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=41527859
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Like Beth’s Top? Here is our affiliate link on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NO6dx9
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
Do you hate the idea that your success as a freelance writer depends on your ability to post pithy content every day on…Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, and your business’ Facebook page? Doesn’t just reading that sound exhausting?? How exhausting will it be to actually DO it??
Well, we have good news for you. You can succeed just fine as a writer without ever being on a single social media network. Yes, you can.
In this episode, we’re going to tell you why this is true – and why, in fact, NO writer should be on any social network without doing one important thing first.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
1:00 Go against everything you heard! 2:25 One of the BIGGEST mistakes new freelance writers make 2:55 Never engage in marketings initiatives without this 4:15 Let’s work through this together! 4:41 The EASIEST goal to start with 5:06 Fishing where the fish are 6:00 The one social media channel you SHOULD have as a freelance writer 7:10 The FUN partResources mentioned in this is episode:
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/design-your-dream-career-as-a-health-writer-ebook
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Like Beth’s Top? Here is our affiliate link on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NO6dx9
Get Paid Well to Write: Talk to our Enrollment Advisor, Tom Mount, to learn more! : https://rn2writer.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=41527859
Next steps
Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
In RN2writer courses, we teach nurses and other clinicians how to prospect for writing gigs using techniques like sending article queries, sending Letters of Introduction, and using LinkedIn. One technique we don’t teach (or recommend)? Paying a subscription fee to have lists of writing gigs delivered to your inbox.
Find out why we think that’s a useless idea for freelance nurse writers – and get three tips for the best way to find the most lucrative writing gigs.
Host Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN built a six-figure writing business in her spare time. Today, she coaches other nurses how to become freelance writers through the RN2writer project.
Topics discussed in this episode:
2:35 Why Newsletters Are a Waste of Time 3:40 The Best, Most LUCRATIVE Gigs... 6:25 Are Freelance Opportunities EVER Advertised? 7:15 What is Opportunity Cost? 8:40 Three Ways to Find ClientsResources mentioned in this is episode:
LinkedIn X-Ray Tool: https://recruitmentgeek.com/tools/linkedin
Hunter.io: https://hunter.io/
RN2writer: https://www.rn2writer.com/
Get Paid Well to Write: Talk to our Enrollment Advisor, Tom Mount, to learn more! : https://rn2writer.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=41527859
Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer: https://rn2writer.com/dydc-yt
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1H5433LWNu80XNOfiEcVRx?si=295f67298c2046ff
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sa/podcast/the-rn2writer-show/id1581442377
Blog: https://www.rn2writer.com/blog
Like Beth’s Top? Here is our affiliate link on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NO6dx9
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Start your journey from nursing to writing with the ebook Design Your Dream Career as a Nurse Writer Follow RN2writer on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and LinkedInSpecial thanks to:
Custom RN2writer theme music by https://www.podcastthemes.com/
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