
  • What if you wanted to start a calligraphy business… but you lived in the “wrong” place? Like a country where nobody speaks English (the one and only language you speak)??

    That’s exactly what happened to Lisa McIntyre, who has lived in a small town in Korea for the past 20 years. She found our MC201 course and, despite not being able to find ANY supplies, pursued her dream of learning calligraphy & creating her own unique style (wait until you hear about the tool her husband made out of a paintbrush and a pineapple can 🤯).

    In this episode of The Shinah Show, Lisa shares how she turned her lifelong curiosity about calligraphy into a real, paying business — even in a “suboptimal” location. From getting paid commissions to landing a feature in a national Korean newspaper, Lisa’s story proves how passion and creativity can truly fuel your dreams. Plus, she’s using her calligraphy skills to inspire ESL students and bring beautiful lettering into local festivals and classrooms in her small Korean town.

    Join me as Lisa and I discuss:

    Why a lack of “ideal” circumstances shouldn’t hold you back from what you really want to doHow to incorporate calligraphy into niches where it’s never existedLisa’s real motivation behind her creativity & learning a new skillset (and its NOT money!)

    If you’ve ever doubted your abilities or blamed your circumstances for not going after your dreams, this episode is for you!

    And if you're ready to pursue your own unique calligraphy style, our Modern Calligraphy 201 course opens for enrollment March 25th, 2025! Want to check out a preview of our course & access free lessons all March long? Register for Style Month right HERE!

    Lisa's Website: lovelyletters-bylisa.com
    Lisa's Instagram: @lovelyletters.bylisa


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • When a single corporate client paid me over $10K for one project — and $6K of that was digital calligraphy — I knew I had to pull back the curtain on this game-changing skill!

    While I would describe myself as a pen-and-paper calligrapher, digitized calligraphy has become a necessary add-on to most of my commissions. Of course, most of my clients initially contact me seeking handmade original pieces – but whether they want to duplicate my work numerous times, use it on their website for branding, or frankly I myself don’t want to write the SAME PHRASE thousands of times, I need to be able to generate a digitized version of my work (and save SO MUCH TIME in the process!).

    So how do I go about doing that? Good question! In this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m breaking down:

    The “tech side” of calligraphy, how to digitize your work, and what tools you need to do itThe vast number of projects you can create with digital calligraphy (and how it can open up soooo many more revenue streams for you)How I’ve priced my digital work over the years, and what key factors should dictate what you charge for your work

    If you have ever wondered if learning how to digitize your calligraphy is worth adding to your skillset, I hope this episode will show you how many doors this talent will open for you!

    Interested in learning how to add style to your calligraphy and capture corporate clients? I’m hosting “Style Month” all March long! Join me for tons of freebies & weekly live lessons RIGHT HERE!

    4:30 — What counts as digital calligraphy?
    7:15 — The two stages of digitizing your calligraphy (raster vs. vector files)
    16:51 — How digital calligraphy can boost your revenue
    23:35 — My digital calligraphy work: From $90 logos to $6000 corporate projects
    29:10 — Pricing digital calligraphy: Why usage matters


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
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  • You’ve FINALLY booked a spot at your local craft fair to sell your calligraphy. You pay the deposit, create your inventory, follow all the tips to set up the *perfect* booth, and… *crickets*. 🦗

    Hundreds of people walk by, only TWO stop to peruse—and suddenly your brain goes, “This will NEVER work. I’m not cut out for this. No one’s interested in calligraphy!” Sound familiar?

    Yep, we’ve all been there. It’s called “catastrophizing” – in other words, you’re jumping to the worst possible conclusion. And this is EXACTLY what one of my students, who this exact scenario happened to, did. She emailed me wondering how she could be doing all the RIGHT things and getting NO results.

    So, what advice did I offer her? I asked her, “What if it’s not you, but rather the result of factors beyond your control?”. While you can be doing ALL the things, sometimes the cards just aren’t in your favor; you’re in the wrong place, at the wrong time – and that sucks. But it’s no reason to give up!

    On this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m sharing with you:

    Why a slow start sometimes has NOTHING to do with you, and everything to do with your environmentHow to pull yourself out of the catastrophizing mentality and keep going rather than throwing in the towelMy own experience with slow starts & the process I use for looking at the whole picture and determining where to go from there

    Owning a business is such a learning and growing experience – and we’re all going to have growing pains. Don’t let those slight derailments keep you sidelined and scared to push forward💪

    Shinah Show Episode 29 - ”Selling at Craft Fairs: Essential Advice”


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • If you’ve ever feared someone criticizing you for selling your creative product, listen up!

    If you’re new here – welcome! My name is Shinah, and I unabashedly sell premium level curse-word laced calligraphy courses on a very public scale – and over the past 8 years, I’ve gotten a lot of shit for that.

    But if you’re not new, you know those neigh sayers have just fueled me to become more outspoken. And in this week's episode, I’m going to teach you how to reframe your thinking so you can go from cringing at negative comments and worrying about putting yourself out there (like I used to!), to confidently running a million-dollar creative business too!

    Here’s what you’ll learn this week:
    ✔️ The hidden beliefs behind negative comments (hint: they’re not really about you)
    ✔️ How to reframe your mindset about criticism so it empowers you instead of stopping you
    ✔️ Why selling your art isn’t “icky” or “wrong” (and why women especially need to hear this)

    I’m here to show you the real meanings behind the harsh words people say – because no one should have the power to tear you down (especially when their own insecurities are really the issue). Let’s dive in!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • 🎧 Are You Actually Growing Your Business—Or Just Keeping Busy?

    If your to-do list looks more like a laundry list, and you’re constantly posting on
    Instagram, answering emails, and juggling customer inquiries—but somehow, your
    big goals keep getting pushed aside—this episode is for you.

    Today, we’re breaking down the difference between working in your business vs. working on it. In the past 10 years of owning my own business, I’ve realized that those little dopamine hits (like wasting time on 40-minute Reels 🙃) might feel like they are moving you forward, but aren't always doing so. Sometimes it’s the boring things (like reviewing my expenses and auditing my software that’s been on my to-do list for MONTHS) that are the crucial factors in growing your business.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    ✔️ The four key “time buckets” you should be using in your biz (you’ll be shocked at where you really spend your time)
    ✔️ How cleaning up the backend of your business and doing little things – like creating saved email responses —can save you HOURS
    ✔️ Why you need to routinely build time into your schedule to wear your “CEO Hat”, so you can hone in on the overall picture of your business and get done what you really need to

    ⏳ It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and start running your business with intention. Let’s dive in!

    👉 Want personalized guidance? I have a few business coaching spots open—check out shinahchang.com to learn more!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • Feel Like Your Biz is Running You? Here’s How to Take Back Control

    You’re working your butt off, posting on IG, trying all the things… but the sales? Meh. 😩 It feels like your business has a mind of its own, and you’re just scrambling to keep up.

    I finally started feeling in control (and paying myself consistently!) when I did one thing: tracking my numbers. Not just finances, but time spent, conversion rates, and what’s actually working.

    In this episode, I break down:
    🔹 The real reason you’re not making enough sales (hint: it’s not just “I need more followers”)
    🔹 The key numbers you can start tracking NOW - for your website, craft fairs, even in-person workshops
    🔹 How my big January launch really went—and what the data is telling me to change next time

    If you want more predictability (and fewer “WTF am I doing?” moments), start here.


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • The Pro Calligrapher Bundle - open for enrollment through Tues, Jan 28, 2025!

    Five short stories from students who signed up for our calligraphy courses 2 - 5 years ago. How they’re doing (you won't believe some of them!) and what actions they've taken to continue to growing their businesses.

    Because an investment in our courses (and your creative & business skill)... is an investment that pays off for life.

    "If you keeping waiting for your circumstances to be ideal before taking action... then you'll always just keep waiting. It's crazy that I could've started YEARS ago." - Shivani, Pro Calligrapher Bundle student


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • The most HONEST student conversation I’ve ever had

    Ever dreamed of leaving your job (where you feel seriously unappreciated) to build a business that truly lights you up? Sher did just that. She enrolled in our Pro Calligrapher Bundle with one goal in mind: to quit teaching and become a full-time creative. But -cough- calligraphy is definitely NOT a get rich quick scheme, so the road has been full of challenges.

    In this episode, we take an unflinching look at her 2.5-year journey:

    What DIDN’T work (and where she lost money)The specific resources and strategies that finally helped her find her footingHow she’s now charging premium rates (and getting YES from clients!)

    This is a raw, real look at what it takes to build a life for yourself that’s outside the norm. Spoiler: It’s HARD but so worth it.

    FOLLOW SHER: https://www.instagram.com/sp_ekriti

    ✍️ Our Pro Calligrapher Bundle is open for enrollment RIGHT NOW!!✍️

    A complete education in calligraphy and business… for less than the price of a single college course. Doors close Tuesday, January 28, 2025.

    Stop playing small. Invest in your creative business dreams 👉 👉 HERE!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • Ever wondered if your creative hobby could become something more?

    Megan did too—she’s loved calligraphy since childhood but never in her wildest dreams imagined getting paid for it. After leaving her overwhelming teaching job, struggling to raise her first child, and trying a mom blog (that never really felt like her…) she finally took a leap last year that changed everything.

    In this interview episode, Megan shares:

    How she’s growing her business as an introverted person living in a camper trailer on her grandmother’s Oregon farmThe simple, natural strategy she uses to get jobs in her small communityHow she was able to make back the investment in our Modern Calligraphy 201 course in just six months… twice over

    Megan’s journey began with the January 2024 Challenge. Now, she feels like a completely different person—and she's only just getting started.



    ✨ Feeling inspired? ✨

    FREE CALLIGRAPHY CHALLENGE: It’s not too late to jump in Join HERE so you don’t miss the free lessons, daily prizes, and tactical business tips.

    “SIX MONTHS TO PRO CALLIGRAPHER” LIVE TRAINING: 📌 Sign up at crookedcalligraphy.com/sixmonths

    Tues, Jan 21 @ 4 PM pacific/ 7pm eastern -OR- Wed, Jan 22 @ 6 PM pacific/ 9pm eastern


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • Have you ever tried to start something new, only to be paralyzed by the fear of failure and crippled with anxiety about adding one more thing to your plate?

    You are far from alone. Part of that fear & anxiety comes from a lack of confidence – in yourself, your knowledge, and your ability to succeed. And while society has deemed it necessary to have confidence when beginning a new venture, I think it’s total bullshit.

    Join me on this episode of The Shinah Show as I share the story of one of my students having the COURAGE (not the confidence) to go from feeling like a complete imposter, to a “just go for it” mentality – all in ONE YEAR’S time! We’ll dive into:

    Confidence vs. Courage – and why courage trumps confidence when starting a new venture every timeHow to build up your courage & fuel your drive to continueWhy the daily grind of life can cause us to underestimate what can be done in a year’s timeHow to feel the fear, but do it anyway and use the community around you advantageously

    I hope this inspires you to GO FOR IT in 2025 so this time next year, you can be your happiest and best self!

    Need a little courage to begin your calligraphy journey? Our “Newbie to Pro Calligrapher” Challenge is starting January 13th, 2025! Join us for 5 days of free worksheets, daily live lessons with me, a supportive community of fellow creatives, and some amazing prizes! And this year for the first time ever, one lucky participant will win the Grand Prize - A FREE Pro Calligrapher Course Bundle (worth $997!!). Sign up HERE!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • Free “Newbie to Pro Calligrapher” Challenge - starts Jan 13, 2025!
    Sign up at crookedcalligraphy.com/challenge
    If you'd love to become a professional calligrapher and make money with a craft you adore, but you’re SCARED to make the commitment and actually go for it…

    You must listen to this episode where I give real-life business advice to my student, Sarah, when she emailed me for help.

    Find out:

    The magic words I said to her that helped her FINALLY take actionWhat she did to land her first brand activation jobThe one kind of SUPPORT you need so you keep taking small steps forward…

    ⛔️ Because the only way you're going to actually fail is if you STOP TRYING (or never start trying at all).


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • A personal, off-the-cuff, HONEST look at how I did in my business in 2024.


    How much REVENUE we made (and how I’m feeling about it)How I was able to take a whopping 81 paid days off - a completely different measure of successThe truth about growth and self-healing - it’s not all peaceful meditation, in fact it can be incredibly tough emotionally

    My biggest lessons that I want to share with you this year:

    1) Fear never really goes away

    2) Transitions take so much longer than we think

    3) The thing that makes things hard is when we EXPECT that it should be better
    Calligraphy Resources:

    Holiday Shop - 50% off deals through 12/17/2024Free “Newbie to Pro Calligrapher” Challenge - starts Jan 13, 2025!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • I posted this (kinda salty) Instagram Reel back in May… and boy did people have feelings about it. [Please please please be kind if you're going to comment there!]

    Everyone says they want more “authenticity” on social media.

    But what happens when you show up as your imperfect, un-polished self on social media… and people don’t like it?

    This is a SUPER IMPORTANT episode for anyone who wants to show up more, but you’re terrified of what people might say.

    I share:

    Why this Reel might have been triggering (Was I really an ungrateful, braggy b*tch?)Why I posted it anyway, even though I knew it might be controversial The crucial lessons for any business owner wanting to show up more unfiltered on social media

    You know what makes social media hard? Pretending to be someone you’re not. I hope this episode inspires you to do less of that, and more of being your brave, true self.

    ***Previous Episodes about me f*cking up on social media: Episode 44 and Episode 45

    Our Holiday Shop has 50% off our Engraving & Teaching courses! They're almost sold out so: Click HERE to score all these amazing deals right now!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • What if calligraphy is your “thing”, but not necessarily the “thing” that your towns all about? Kind of makes it hard to seek out customers, right? Wrong!

    Whether it’s, “There’s too MUCH competition in my area!”, or “There’s no demand in my area!”, your brain will ALWAYS find ways to cast doubt about being successful.

    On this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m sharing my best strategies for finding clients and work despite being in a small town (or one that has NO idea what calligraphy is…). I’m breaking it down into 4 areas of work to explore, including:

    Engraving & Live Event Calligraphy - how executing a craft with a higher price point can help cut down on the stress of finding a large client baseTeaching (even online!) – why sharing your craft can introduce your area to calligraphy & create unique opportunities for workshops (calligraphy on the farm, anyone?)Digital Work – tips on expanding your work via digitizing to increase your client baseSmall Town Connections – how to use local businesses & shops to your advantage!

    I’ve had plenty of students who live in the middle of nowhere and have still found a way to turn a profit with their calligraphy skills. Don’t let the size of your town be the reason that holds you back – because if you truly WANT something, you must put in the work to get there!

    Don't forget - The Holiday Shop is open now through December 17th, 2024! It has our best course deals of the year & exclusive bonuses! We’re offering 50% off our workbooks, mini-course, and course trainings we rarely open to the public (including our brand new engraving course!) - all of which can help take your business to the next level! Click HERE to score all these amazing deals right now!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • I recently asked on my social media for podcast topic ideas - and wow did you guys deliver!

    On today's episode of The Shinah Show, I'm sharing one student's struggles with getting her business up and running (and profitable!). She reached out because she is trying to be strategic in her products and offerings to ensure she can actually make money. Does she go for the place cards & gift tags, or focus on the bigger jobs with. more complexity?

    This is where there is a BIG divide in the industry - lower skillset products & services vs. higher paying jobs. While one is easier to produce and has a lower barrier of entry, the other requires more time, effort & finesse. So how do you know which one is RIGHT for your business?

    Join me as I examine these two highly different niches of the calligraphy industry and discuss:

    What the 'lower' paying calligraphy skills what differentiates them from the higher paying calligraphy skillsExamples of the products typically produced in each skillsetThe skills that take your calligraphy from pen & paper to the next level (and how it can expand your business exponentially)7 categories of "high paying" calligraphy jobs that can demand top dollarHow to develop a solid plan to grow your business & manage the 'big picture' stress that can overwhelm so many business owners

    I'm so excited to delve into this topic and show you just how many different ways you can utilize calligraphy!

    Don't forget - The Holiday Shop is open now through December 17th, 2024! It has our best course deals of the year & exclusive bonuses! We’re offering 50% off our workbooks, mini-course, and course trainings we rarely open to the public (including our brand new engraving course!) - all of which can help take your business to the next level! Click HERE to score all these amazing deals right now!

    Graphic Artists Guild Handbook, 16th Edition: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines

    Episode 116 - How To Get Live Calligraphy Jobs (And Be Great At Them)


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • **This episode is a replay of episode 48. It has been updated to reflect current course sales & promotions**

    The demand for calligraphy workshops (and people to teach them!) is alive and well. BUT I’ve heard from SO many of you that you’re itching to host your own workshops- but paralyzed at the laundry list of to do’s that forms even before signing up your first attendee.

    I want more of you to feel EMPOWERED to teach your own classes!! So in this week’s episode, I’m breaking down my own experience teaching workshops, including:

    WHY you should teach calligraphy workshopsHow ‘good’ you have to be to teach (spoiler alert- the BEST calligraphers aren’t necessarily the best teachers!)My tips for how to price your workshops, where to host them (sausage restaurants, anyone??), and how to utilize them to grow your business in so many ways!

    I’ve packed all this information plus SO much more into my online course “How to Teach Calligraphy Workshops” which is on sale RIGHT NOW in Crooked Calligraphy’s Holiday Shop - open November 13th - December 17th 2024!

    The Holiday Shop has our best course deals of the year & exclusive bonuses! We’re offering 50% off our workbooks, mini-course, and course trainings we rarely open to the public (including our brand new engraving course!).

    Click HERE to score all these amazing deals right now!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • Brand activations (aka “Live Event Calligraphy”) can be a super fun & lucrative job in the calligraphy industry – if you’ve got the skills to deliver the goods!

    Brands frequently collaborate with calligraphers to personalize their products with everything from pointed pens & brush pens, to glass engraving, at live in-person events. As far as locations? They are only limited by your imagination! Both my students & I have been hired for activations at duty-free shops in the airport, food & wine events, weddings, plenty of department stores, fancy boutiques, and even liquor store events!

    Join me on this episode of “The Shinah Show” as I share my tactical tips for landing, executing, & being in-demand live calligraphy events, including:

    The 3 ways you can go about getting hired for events The many unique calligraphy applications you can stack in your skillset & offer (everything from heat foiling to wood burning and beyond!)How much you can expect to be paid for a variety of jobs & your talent levelWhy “understanding your role” is the MOST important part of the job & how professionalism can lead to you being in-demand by brands

    Activations can often be intimidating if you haven’t done them – which is why I’m taking you behind the scenes and pulling back the curtain on the industry standards & practices so YOU can be set up for success!

    In the coming weeks, I’ll also be exploring the courses that are going to be in my “Holiday Shop” (opening soon!) and sharing more tactical advice on the podcast about how to utilize them to break into the world of calligraphy!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • Yep, you read that title right.

    If you thought the idea & success of Crooked Calligraphy just fell into my lap, you might wanna settle in for an eye-opening episode.

    In October of 2013, depressed and burnt out, I flat out quit my 6-figure job as a corporate lawyer and went from a completely independent & successful career woman, to living in my best friend’s spare bedroom with NO direction in my life. It took me nearly 4 years of rest, resetting, and a whole lot of trial and error until I could even turn a decent profit and finally feel “successful”.

    I rode the prosperous wave and threw myself all-in to Crooked Calligraphy –generating over $1 million in revenue – before I decided to blow my life up all over again.

    Join me on this episode of The Shinah Show as I share my 11-year journey of highs & lows in the world of entrepreneurship, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way including:

    The many phases of Crooked Calligraphy and how I derived confidence during each of themThe most strategic things I spent money on Why your business should never determine your worthWhat one thing studies are showing is the most important in peoples’ lives (and how I’ve started to incorporate it into my own)

    Make sure you stick around until the end to hear what the current phase of my business is looking like– and what my husband building a 20’x30’ dance floor in my backyard has to do with it 😉

    Link to Episode 102 - "Lawyer to Calligrapher - My Story"


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • “Us small business owners are over here thinking that if we make a mistake, if we have a failure, if something doesn’t go the way we wanted it to… it means something catastrophic about us.”

    Most businesses statistically fail. So how do the other businesses succeed you ask? Because most of them are products of business owners who have failed previously.

    In Silicon Valley, failed businesses are considered a badge of honor. However, as female small business owners, oftentimes we beat ourselves up over the slightest tinge of failure (especially those of us who are perfectionists). We need to STOP beating ourselves up when we screw up!

    In this episode of The Shinah Show, I’m sharing with you my best advice for reframing your mindset and picking yourself up when the inevitable bump in the road occurs. We’ll dive into:

    The LONG list of BIG business owners who have burnt millions of dollars trying to establish successful businesses (you won’t believe some of these names)How your failures in business don't determine your self-worthJust how many times I have started and failed to create a thriving businessWhy we need to “normalize” failure

    There is only one way to learn business – by DOING it. No amount of research and reading will replace the tangible, hands-on learning that must take place to successfully establish a company. So, get out there and move through it – even if its messy & uncomfortable – and create your own badges of honor.


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
  • This episode is a small preview of my full, in-depth "Calligraphy Business Made Simple Training" - ​CLICK HERE TO WATCH IT FOR FREE
    Starting a business isn’t necessarily hard because of the knowledge you need to run it. But rather because you need to look inside yourself and find the courage and strength to face the hard things.

    Let that sink in for a minute. Because that’s just one of the lessons I’ve learned throughout my 9 years of entrepreneurship.

    On today’s episode of The Shinah Show, I’m sharing with you the 3 biggest mistakes I made when starting out – because more than anything, I want to teach other budding entrepreneurs what REALLY matters when you’re just getting your feet on the ground.

    I’m breaking down not only the biggest, but the toughest lessons I had to learn, including:

    Why your opinion of what’s ‘sellable’ doesn’t really matterHow doing allll the things is sometimes less productive (and can lead to burnout)What planting seeds and business have in common (stick with me on this one!)

    And if you’re feeling lost in the overwhelm that comes with saying ‘yes’ to becoming your own boss, you are so not alone – and I want to share some words of wisdom with you.

    My Biz Webinar showcases my very best tips & tricks to establish your own business (in only 6 months nonetheless), and its all yours – for FREE. Click below to watch it until Sunday, October 20th 2024!

    This is all leading up to the start of my Holiday Sales Bootcamp starting Sunday, October 20th 2024 as well, where I’ll be personally guiding this session’s students from product inception, to sale! Click HERE for all the details!


    “How to Become a Calligraphy Pro” Educational Workshop


    Join our community of creativity-seeking souls over on Instagram: @crookedcalligraphy


    Love podcasts? Listen to The Shinah Show wherever you get your podcasts, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!