
  • Do you have a clear understanding of the client acquisition channels needed to grow your agency? Is your agency vulnerable to leadership or a client leaving? Today’s guest built his agency working with venture capitalists and private equity firms and found great success in that area, so much so that he never worried about client acquisition again.

    More recently, however, he’s been focusing more on setting up the channels that guarantee his agency’s growth and continued success. Learn more about his unconventional path to agency ownership and his commitment to quality over rushing to ship subpar work.

    David Baeza is the founder and CEO of Buttered Toast, an agency that works with the world's leading Venture Capitalists and Private Equity firms. They focus on growth architecture and lead generation, delivering powerful website designs, data-driven whitepapers, compelling ads, and customer testimonial videos. David shares his journey to becoming the founder of his own agency, his unique approach to pricing, and his areas of focus for future improvement.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Creating multiple acquisition channels.

    Charging on tangible results.

    Mastering client acquisition.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Leaving a CMO Job and Starting an Agency to Serve Clients

    Creating an agency was never David's plan. However, his role as CMO at a venture-backed company in Boston demanded extensive daily commuting, especially as he was starting a family.

    When he eventually left that position, a VC board member invited him to join as a consultant and help some of their tech companies. With time, the same client asked him to build a company around that consulting gig.

    It took a little convincing from friends, but he ended up creating his company and once that first client opened up their VC network and portfolio, the work started to pour in.

    With only his prior knowledge in hiring agencies but enough experience building a marketing department, he set out to do just that and built a marketing department that venture-backed companies could reach to as needed.

    Embracing the Challenge of Creating Multiple Client Acquisition Channels

    Given the specific moment in time when he started his agency, for a long time, David didn’t have to worry about client prospecting. Clients just kept coming.

    Even once he started to remove himself from operations and spent the majority of his time in business development, it kept working. This continuous client flow remained the same during the pandemic while many other businesses were struggling. However, after 2022 the economy took a turn, and VC referrals dried up. His agency was left vulnerable and so they started focusing on their client acquisition strategy.

    Suddenly, David became very aware of the need to have multiple client acquisition channels in place to ensure a steady flow of clients. Now he has an upcoming book in the hopes of getting future speaking gigs, as well as a podcast, and weekly YouTube videos.

    Even though he now understands the importance of having an inbound channel, strategic partnerships, and outbound channels to balance the agency's client acquisition efforts, he wishes he’d started these efforts sooner to safeguard against potential disruptions and maintain a consistent flow of clients.

    However, the best time to start developing those channels if you haven’t already is RIGHT NOW, so he knows he’s on the right track.

    Charging Based on Delivering Tangible Results

    Since the beginning, David had a unique approach to pricing his agency's services, emphasizing charging for outcomes, rather than by the hour. From his background as a growth marketer and CMO closely aligned with the balance sheet, David believes in getting paid for delivering tangible results for his clients, rather than billing for the time spent on a project.

    When creating a statement of work for a client, he takes the time to understand their true objectives and desired outcomes. This involves unpacking the client's initial request and getting to the root of their goal. This way, he ensures that the work being done will directly contribute to the desired results.

    Charging for outcomes also allows his agency to position themselves as strategic partners rather than just vendors, which to David is only possible given that they’ve been in the client’s shoes. By working closely with clients to achieve their goals and being transparent about what is achievable, David builds trust and long-term relationships with his clients. This approach not only benefits the client by driving real results but also allows Buttered Toast to demonstrate their value and expertise in the industry.

    Mastering Client Acquisition: Setting the Stage for Successful Engagements

    David likes to start a new client relationship with a discovery call where the client answers ten questions about their business. Among other things, he tries to get a clear idea of how marketing is accountable to the organization. After that call, he has a very good idea of the KPIs the client is looking for and the levers that need to be pulled.

    He’ll usually follow that up with an email detailing the client’s answer to every question and an invitation to add any corrections or additional information before moving on to the next stage.

    In the future, he’ll start working on setting up the next meeting during that first call. This simple yet crucial step can help streamline the communication process. Setting the next meeting keeps the momentum going and ensures all parties are on the same page. Additionally, it demonstrates professionalism and organization, which leaves a positive impression on the client.

    Finally, another crucial aspect of conversion rate optimization is understanding the client's budget. To avoid losing deals, you need to discuss budget expectations, understand the resources available, and align proposals with the client's budget. Even though David’s conversion rate is pretty good, he admits deals lost in the past have probably been due to omitting this simple step.

    How to Navigate Leadership Changes

    CMOs get replaced all the time at tech companies and for agencies it means there’s a 50% chance that they’ll keep the marketing agency and 50% that they’ll cut it. Navigating leadership changes is a common challenge that many agencies face.

    One key strategy for agencies is to establish strong relationships with their clients and be proactive and transparent in their communication. Agencies can build trust and credibility with clients, regardless of leadership changes.

    Approach the new CMO right away to understand their goals and priorities and communicate the agency's capabilities and how you can support their vision. Usually, they don’t want to have to manage a team; they want more freedom and support to succeed in their goals. Start by trying to sell them on a foot-in-the-door project instead of trying to commit them to the relationship right away. Present yourself as a valuable ally and do what you have to do to get them excited about starting the relationship, even if it means traveling to meet in person, which they’ll appreciate since few people are willing to do it nowadays.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Do you feel trapped in an operation tunnel vision? Are you ready to shift your attention toward strategies for agency growth? Our guest today initially viewed strategy sessions as a luxury she could only afford once her agency had achieved significant success. However, upon receiving guidance from a coach to address alignment issues, she and her partner began scheduling daily strategy sessions and prioritizing working on the business rather than just in it. Tune in to hear about her accidental path to agency ownership and her vision for the future after implementing more intentional planning for growth.

    Samantha Martin is the co-owner of Prime Marketing Agency, a female-led experiential agency that creates epic brand experiences that leave a lasting impression. She discusses her entrepreneurial spirit and how she navigated through different roles before landing in her current position.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Navigating cashflow constraints.

    Unshackling from RFPs and into a more relationship-building model.

    Prioritizing strategic development.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    The 0 to 100 Leap from Freelancer to Co-Ownership

    During her student years, Samantha was a member of a dance group that toured the US and Canada for various gigs contracted through an agency. This is where she ended up getting her start in the agency industry. Throughout the years, she kept working different gigs and staying open to possibilities working at different agencies at a time.

    Eventually, the start of the pandemic brought a unique opportunity to work at an agency startup, seeing its growth from the ground up. It was an important experience she took to her next opportunity, where she could become co-owner of an agency she’d previously worked at.

    It was practically a zero to 100 growth from being a gig worker at several agencies to owning a 50% stake in one. It was scary and risky but she knew how the business worked and felt ready to figure out her new role as owner.

    Navigating Cashflow Constraints and Cultural Complexities

    So far, the most challenging aspect of agency ownership for Samantha has been cashflow. As an agency that actually keeps and maintains equipment like foodtrucks, trailers, and large rigs, they’ve found it challenging to manage all these pieces while still accessing more freedom to grow the business quickly. They also have warehouses in three different cities in Canada, which adds to their operational expenses.

    Furthermore, while growing a team has been incredibly rewarding and recruiting both English-speaking and French-speaking professionals offers a great advantage for the agency, it can also be a challenge for the owners. Basically, there are cultural differences between both that they are actively working to smooth.

    After the pandemic, the agency has been fortunate to have a steady flow of leads and, while the number of clients has decreased, they have acquired larger accounts and diversified their portfolio across various industries.

    In the immediate future, Sam wants to focus on getting to a point where the agency has a healthy amount of both big and smaller clients, which not only provides stability in terms of revenue but also allows for better resource planning and team motivation. There will also be a focus on clearly defining which clients they want to service and building the specialized teams to address those particular needs.

    Unshackling from RFPs

    As her agency grows, Sam is also working on feeling more empowered to step away from some of the less-than-ideal parts of agency life, especially when it comes to filling RPFs. Requests for Proposal are already a controversial figure in the industry, with most agency owners hating them and striving to get to a point where they feel comfortable enough to deny them.

    RFPs are often time-consuming, costly, and offer no guarantee of securing the project, given the intense competition from multiple agencies. Successful agency owners have chosen to avoid responding to RFPs altogether, citing the time and cost involved in the process. These owners choose to focus on building relationships, showcasing their expertise through other means, and strategically selecting which RFPs to respond to. This allows them to not rely on the traditional RFP process and it’s where Sam wants to steer her agency in the future since she considers the model is slowly dying.

    Heading to a Relationship-Building Model

    Shifting the focus from simply responding to Request for Proposals also allows agency owners to position themselves as advisors engaging with clients and prospects.

    Instead of spending time and effort on crafting proposals and competing with other agencies can often outweigh the potential benefits. Instead, agencies can decline RFPs respectfully and propose alternative solutions, such as paid discovery sessions or consultations, to demonstrate their expertise and value to clients.

    By reframing the conversation and showcasing their unique insights and capabilities, agencies can attract clients who value quality over price and are willing to invest in achieving the best results. This approach not only helps agencies stand out in a crowded marketplace but also fosters stronger, more collaborative relationships with clients based on trust and mutual understanding.

    Escaping Operational Tunnel Vision by Prioritizing Strategic Agency Development

    Part of saying no to RFPs is putting more focus on the bigger picture, which is a must for agency owners to continue to grow their business. After being in the weeds day after day working on accounts, for Sam it was luxury to shift to working on the business instead of in the business.

    Initially, it was almost a foreign concept for her to take time from day-to-day operations to work on planning for the bigger picture. It seemed silly to take two hours every day to just talk about the business when she and her partner talked about different aspects of operations on a daily basis. However, it was suggested by a coach that saw Sam and her partner’s issues with the business were easily solvable by being more intentional about working on strategy. Now she can clearly see how this intentional focus on strategic planning and development has been beneficial for their company and has allowed them to better serve their clients and team.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

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  • Are you considering starting an agency but feel like it might be too late to do so? Our featured guest today had a thriving career in PR and successfully managed an agency for nearly two decades before deciding the missing piece in that career was building and growing her own agency. With an extensive client network who already knew and trusted her work, her agency reached seven figures in just one year! Now, she contemplates the next steps for her and her team. Listen to discover how she achieved rapid agency growth and valuable tips for retaining key employees.

    Amy Littleton is the owner of Stretch PR, a full-service creative public relations agency that stretches to deliver results beyond expectations. Amy shares her journey of building a seven-figure agency in just one year, the lessons learned, and insights into why she decided to leave a long career in the industry successfully running a different agency to start her own.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Agency structuring for sustainable success.

    Building a seven-figure agency in one year.

    Setting ambitious revenue goals.

    Three questions to ask before exiting your business.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Why Trust is the Foundation of a Great Team Leader

    Amy's introduction to the world of public relations began with an internship at General Mills in Minneapolis, where she embarked on a nationwide media tour promoting Columbo yogurt. This initial experience in creating events and generating newsworthy moments paved the way for her subsequent role in Chicago, where she led an agency for several years.

    Given the reins to manage the agency and make decisions on behalf of the owners, Amy was entrusted with a high level of autonomy, allowing her to hone her skills in agency management. The owners recognized Amy's capabilities and confidently relied on her to drive financial results and effectively lead the team. This level of trust empowered Amy to exercise her decision-making freedom, take calculated risks, and ultimately steer the agency toward success.

    One of the key lessons Amy learned during that time was the importance of trust in managing people. She learned to look at each team member beyond their functions at the agency and to support them as people during significant transitions such as starting a family or sick parents. Trust is the foundation of any successful team and is essential for fostering collaboration, communication, and accountability.

    However, as the years went by she started to think about the next chapter in her career and realized she needed to build something of her own before the end of her career. It was the one thing she felt she hadn’t done in business, so she took the leap and made it happen.

    Laying the Foundation: Structuring for Sustainable Agency Success

    The hardest part of agency ownership for Amy in this first year has been client management. As the owner, she feels the weight of ensuring that clients are well-served and remain long-term partners, all while focusing on establishing a sustainable business model, team development, and policies. While these were tasks she had undertaken before, it is now her responsibility to create a cohesive structure for all these elements to function effectively.

    When it came to expanding her team, Amy faced a significant decision: transitioning from relying on independent contractors to seeking full-time hires. While some may view full-time hires as unnecessary or risky in the first year of business, Amy believed it was the right move for her agency.

    She chose to initially build her senior team, bringing on board a senior vice president and a vice president whom she had previously worked with and trusted to deliver. Now, she is gearing up to make additional mid-level hires to provide further support for the senior team.

    Building a 7-Figure Agency by Leveraging Connections

    Amy had already established a solid footing in the business world when she launched her agency in 2023, having cultivated strong connections within the industry. She attributes her agency's rapid growth to these relationships. In addition to capitalizing on her existing network, Amy differentiated her agency by offering a unique blend of services, merging business communications expertise with sports communications and brand activation. This allowed her agency to appeal to a diverse range of clients and offer a comprehensive suite of services, secure business quickly, and establish a solid foundation for growth.

    Most people would be hesitant to leverage those connections and maybe doubt approaching them. In this sense, Amy emphasizes the importance of using LinkedIn to stay connected with past clients and colleagues, showcasing expertise, and leveraging relationships to drive business growth.

    As today's Rolodex, LinkedIn played an important role in building a network of people Amy had worked with in the past, met on new business pitches, and connected with over the years. It’s the platform she used to reach out to people and let them know about her agency and where she was able to generate new business opportunities, secure referrals from vendors, and grow her client base organically.

    Navigating the Agency's "No Man's Land" by Setting Ambitious Revenue Goals

    After a year of incredible growth, Amy highlights is focusing on setting clear goals and objectives for business growth. One million dollars in revenue still seems unsteady for her, so she has the short-term goal of reaching $3 million in revenue and building a more sustainable operation.

    In addition, Amy is focused on evolving the agency’s services as they continue to move forward. The point between $1 million and $4 million in revenue can feel like a no man’s land where the agency owner is growing their agency but continues to be at the center of the operation. To get past that, owners need to gradually step away from day-to-day operations to focus on being the face of the organization, coaching the senior leadership, and setting the agency’s goal and direction.

    Ultimately, agency ownership will always present different challenges at each stage. It’ll never feel like the storm has passed and you can now relax. But as you move forward and seek to delegate part of the load, you’ll find it gets easier.

    3 Questions Every Agency Owner Needs to Answer Before Exiting

    At the end of your career, with all the crazier days of building the agency behind you, the thing you’ll probably remember the most is the relationships you built. Working through challenges with a team, facing difficult situations together, and coming out stronger on the other side will be some of the most memorable parts of the journey, even more so than the wins.

    It’s during these times when you find out what your team is made of and also who’s willing to ride out the tough times with you and your agency. There are also good moments to see how well your team manages a crisis without having to run to you. Can they make the key decisions following the roadmap you created?

    This is when you’ll know you can step back and enjoy more of your time. Is this necessarily the time to sell your agency and retire? It really depends on the person, but no one should even consider that option without a clear vision of what comes after the sale. In her case, Amy has learned entrepreneurs need to answer three questions:

    Have you done enough?

    Do you have enough?

    Will you have enough to do?

    If you have an answer for all — especially #3, then you are ready for the next stage of your life.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • What does it take for an agency to not only survive but thrive over decades? What mindset and approach enabled this agency owner to pivot and leverage new opportunities? In the challenging world of business, most companies struggle to reach the one-year mark, with even fewer making it to the five-year milestone. Hence, for an agency to make it beyond that it means the owner has weathered more than a few storms and learned to navigate and adapt to a constantly changing industry. Today’s guest has steered her business through over two decades of growth, demonstrating the ability to pivot, take calculated risks, and understand her agency's value to ensure its sustainability. From learning the importance of self-renewal to using the pandemic as a time to pivot and grow, tune in to learn about her journey and the changes in the marketing landscape over the past couple of years.

    Marlo Fogelman is the founder & CEO of Marlo Marketing, an integrated marketing agency specializing in all things hospitality, lifestyle, and CPG. Marlo has owned an agency for over 20 years and today she shares insights on the evolution of her agency from a PR firm to an integrated marketing model. She discusses the variety of services her agency offers, from creative services to full-scale marketing support for clients in the hospitality, lifestyle, and consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) industries.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Making time for self-renewal while owning an agency.

    The foundations of agency rebuilding.

    Pivoting to retain talent amid the turmoil.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    How a Career Pivot Led to Accidental Agency Life

    Despite her initial intentions of practicing law, Marlo felt unfulfilled and unsure of her career path. It was during this time of uncertainty that she stumbled upon a job opportunity in PR, which ultimately changed the course of her career.

    Working in PR, Marlo discovered her passion for marketing and communication. She excelled in her role, turning around a national brand that had previously struggled in the market. Her success in PR and her passion for quality work and ethical practices guided her decision to start her own agency, specializing in hospitality, lifestyle, and CPG clients.

    One of the pivotal moments in her career was receiving a call from the CEO of a 27-unit restaurant group, offering the opportunity to take over their marketing efforts. Despite initially hesitating, Marlo accepted the challenge and exceeded all expectations, setting new sales records and achieving unprecedented success for the restaurant group. It was an interesting opportunity to be on the other side and see the results her team could bring controlling both the execution and the strategy instead of just implementing the client’s vision.

    The Entrepreneurial Balancing Act: Finding Time for Self-Renewal

    Becoming an agency owner meant a shift in how she worked and how the work she did integrated into her life. Instead of spending late nights highlighting legal documents, Marlo now spent time in Nantucket with clients, enjoying wine and meeting interesting people. However, since it didn’t feel like work, she didn't take enough time to recharge.

    This realization came later in her career when she led a team of 45 people and was putting all of herself into building and growing her business. While she would do it all over again, Marlo acknowledges she would also take more time for herself.

    Taking time for yourself is not just about relaxation and self-care it is also about gaining perspective and clarity. Her advice to agency owners is to take a complete month off from their business to see what breaks and to recharge their energy. This allows individuals to step back, evaluate their priorities, and delegate tasks effectively.

    Crisis as Catalyst: The Unshakable Foundations of Agency Rebuilding

    The pandemic dealt a significant blow to Marlo’s agency, causing her to lose two-thirds of her clients overnight. Despite the uncertainty and fear surrounding the pandemic, she decided to seize a new opportunity, ultimately rescuing her hospitality based business from complete collapse.

    Marlo’s adaptability and willingness to take calculated risks were crucial for her agency's survival. She recognized the need to pivot her business strategy and embrace new challenges to ensure the agency's continuation. Even in the face of adversity, this readiness to reset and rebuild ultimately preserved her team and kept the business afloat.

    In hindsight, her decision prevented the need to lay off most of her hospitality practice team, which would have meant starting from scratch. Nonetheless, she encourages agency owners to remember they can always start again and rebuild. Creativity and experience are invaluable tools at their disposal; underestimating them would be a mistake.

    Staying Curious as a Competitive Advantage: the Perils of Outdated Marketing

    With 20 years in the industry, Marlo has witnessed many changes and knows how important it is for owners to keep up with them to stay relevant and successful. Continuous learning and curiosity are essential in marketing, so she advises always expanding your skill set and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

    This is how she first fell into her niche, as she noticed that marketers for resorts and senior living communities getting paid a lot of money and weren’t doing a good job. Most of all, these marketing fails came from people who had failed to adapt to the changing landscape. They expected to do the same things they did 10-15 years prior and still get great results. Simply relying on outdated strategies and techniques from the past is not enough to succeed in today's fast-paced marketing environment.

    Furthermore, Marlo touches on the pitfalls of agencies that lack expertise in certain areas but still offer those services to clients and emphasizes the importance of being honest about one's capabilities. This ensures clients receive high-quality services and results that meet their expectations.

    How Proper Pricing Can Be the Key to Work-Life Balance

    One common misconception peddled online is that running an agency allows for a life filled with endless vacations and leisurely days at the beach. While achieving success certainly requires hard work, Marlo rejects the notion that agency owners should be constantly overwhelmed and working non-stop.

    If you find yourself facing a perpetual state of busyness and overwhelm, you may be undervaluing your services. By prioritizing the value of your expertise over your time, you can justify increasing your prices to better reflect the value you offer to clients. Start by raising prices for new prospects, and seeing the results, you’ll work up the courage to raise prices for legacy clients as well.

    While some existing clients may leave after a price increase, this will create space for new clients who appreciate the value you bring. In reality, many agency owners report minimal client turnover following a price increase, as clients recognize and appreciate the expertise their agency provides. This shift not only results in a significant revenue boost but also reduces the workload.

    Regularly assessing and adjusting pricing to align with the value you deliver is crucial. This proactive approach to pricing can lead to enhanced revenue and a more sustainable business model in the long term.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Are you interested in breaking away from conventional agency practices? Do you want an agency structure that best suits your team? Today’s guest established her agency right after college, without any prior experience working in an agency. She designed her agency's structure based on what felt right for her team rather than following standard industry norms. Emphasizing culture, and prioritizing raises and recognition over promotions, she has fostered a team of passionate individuals who love what they do. Learn about Scout's journey in building a thriving agency culture without hierarchies and how her approach to business helped her build a passionate team.

    Scout Driscoll is the founder of Design Scout, a branding agency with a rebellious edge. They work with clients across founder-driven industries interested in breaking the status quo. She shares insights on creating a thriving business culture without the need for traditional promotions or ladder climbing.

    With over 21 years of experience, Scout discusses working with founder-driven clients who aim to break the status quo with strategic and personality-rich brands.

    In this interview, we’ll discuss:

    Shaping a unique agency culture.

    Crafting an agency culture that goes beyond promotions.

    Engaging directly with business owners.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Defying 'Best Practices' and Shaping a Unique Agency Structure

    Scout wasted no time establishing her own company straight out of college after missing out on her dream job. That was over 20 years ago, and the journey to develop her agency has been nothing short of remarkable. The most surprising revelation for her over the years has been realizing that as someone who had never worked in an agency before owning one, she could truly chart her own course.

    Initially, Scout’s agency was a straightforward graphic design agency with clients in the hospitality and entertainment industries. They slowly moved to being a much more strategic, focused, brand strategy agency. While still offering full-service design, the agency now dedicates three months to delve into a client's emotional drivers and brand work. Additionally, the agency naturally transitioned into an all-women team, fostering exceptional chemistry among the staff, although Scout emphasizes that she is an equal opportunity employer.

    Reflecting on her agency journey, she finds it’s all about finding a business that makes sense to you and not being afraid to hone your processes. More than adopting practices because they’re supposed to be the industry’s best practices, she prefers to adopt practices that truly fit her team’s needs and make her agency sustainable.

    Motivation Beyond Promotions: Attracting Talent Driven by Great Work

    After twenty years in the business, Scout now manages a small team of passionate individuals and is focused on creating the best work environment for them.

    One of the key aspects of Scout's approach to building a strong culture is her emphasis on equality and empowerment within her team. She has one brand strategist who lays the foundation for the team’s groundwork on each project, as well as an operations manager who handles what each member does, for how long, and how much it’ll cost. Every person on her team is a designer of the same stripe, meaning that there is no hierarchy or ladders to climb within the agency.

    It is certainly a unique approach and not to everyone’s liking, but for her it fosters a sense of equality and collaboration among team members, allowing everyone to feel valued and respected for their contributions.

    Scout is clear with potential hires from the beginning that there are no promotions within the agency, but rather a focus on recognizing and rewarding great work. This approach attracts individuals who are not solely motivated by climbing the corporate ladder, but instead are passionate about doing great work and being recognized for their efforts. All team members are focused on producing high-quality work and supporting each other, rather than competing for promotions.

    The Benefit of Engaging Directly with Business Owners

    As someone who never worked at an agency before owning one, Scout has created her own unique work structure with her team. Each designer has a close relationship with their clients and manages their own projects internally directly with them, which to Scout is a more efficient way to work. This way, she’s managed to design a very slim operation that works for everyone.

    She takes pride in developing client relationships and prefers to work with small companies where she and her team can directly engage with the owner, rather than navigating through multiple decision-makers.

    Scout prioritizes her team's job satisfaction and conducts annual employee reviews focused on their comfort, sources of inspiration, and suggestions for improving the work environment. This approach has resulted in significant growth and continuous improvement for her agency.

    In line with her belief that overworking the team yields poor results, Scout ensures that most staff work around 40 hours per week, with parents working around 35 hours. She firmly believes that this policy fosters a better work environment and improves results.

    Finally, Scout advises agency owners to remember that just because someone is a good hire doesn’t mean you’ll automatically know how to be the right kind of boss for them. It takes time to understand each individual's needs, preferences, and coaching style to provide the necessary support and guidance for their success.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Is the fear of failure the driving force that keeps you striving towards your goals? For too many agency owners, the relentless stress of this life corrodes their drive, fueling an unhealthy obsession with avoiding defeat at all costs. Putting together a great team and taking the time to stop and figure things out is often the only way to get out of that trap.

    Today’s guest managed to do this by implementing the lessons learned from the bike trails. She took the discipline and important insights learned from sports and translated them into business. As a result, she was able to improve her results and grow her agency. Tune in for insights on finding freedom and flow in business without being rooted in fear.

    Karley Cunningham is the founder, creative strategist, and growth accelerator of Big Bold Brand Inc., a marketing agency that works with innovators, disruptors, and changemakers who seek a strategic business advantage and desire bold differentiation. Her team helps these innovators sort out their businesses and build great brands.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    How a purposeful plan will help you prevent burnout.

    Plan to thrive, not to survive.

    Avoid operating from a place of fear.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    Prevent Burnout with a Purposeful Plan: Taking a Sports Approach to Agency Growth

    Karley, a former pro-level mountain biker and passionate sports enthusiast, attributes the most significant impact of sports in her life to the structure it provides. As a creative thinker prone to distraction, she values the discipline and routine that sports have instilled in her, enabling her to focus and succeed.

    For her, it’s been easier to absorb business lessons by drawing parallels between sports and business, which is how she’s gotten to important shifts like taking a rest week every six to seven weeks of the year to catch up, think about the agency’s vision, and breathe. Like navigating a challenging trail in the mountains, running an agency requires determination, resilience, and a deep sense of purpose.

    However, the most important thing you can do to prevent burnout is to have a plan. Many agency owners let the day-to-day consume them until they feel the only way out of the constant stress is to get out of the business altogether and sell the agency. At this point, they need a clear plan detailing the short-term and long-term goals they’re aiming for that will provide a direction and strategy.

    Additionally, Karley’s advice to agency owners is to ensure the journey is as fulfilling as the destination. Just like in outdoor adventures where the climb must be worth the descent, agency owners should find joy and fulfillment in the process of growing their business. By integrating elements that excite and motivate them into their plans, agency owners can maintain their passion and drive toward success. In this sense, she recommends agency owners to "plan to thrive, not survive" as a key mindset to adopt in order to achieve success and growth in their businesses.

    Plan to Thrive: Teamwork and Collaboration for Agency Success

    Just like preparing for a challenging adventure like hiking the Grand Canyon takes planning ahead and anticipating challenges in order to thrive in the face of adversity. Agency owners should remember that, just like hiking a mountain, doing it all by yourself can prove to be very difficult and even boring.

    Having a strong team and a supportive network can make all the difference in your journey. By surrounding yourself with a team of smart and capable individuals, you can leverage their strengths, make better decisions, and achieve greater success as a collective unit. For Karley, watching her team thrive is very rewarding and something you can only get through collaboration, teamwork, and shared decision-making in overcoming challenges and celebrating victories together.

    Ditching the Fear Mindset Operating from a Place of Passion

    Right now, the next stage for Karley is to prepare to sell her core methodology, which she was able to develop and systemize during the pandemic. As she prepares to turn it into a licensable system, she is admittedly stepping into a scary part of the process, a prospect that both excites and scares her. Despite her apprehension, she is determined not to let fear be the driving force behind her efforts.

    Due to the many stresses of agency life, owners can end up fueled by the fear of failure, which is a horrible way to live. Karley encourages agency owners to be aware of what the dangers are but avoid running from a place of fear and instead try to hold on to the enjoyment of the process. To get to this place, think about surrounding yourself with people who know how to navigate those dangers and build a team with the skills to get you out of any situation. By doing so, you can operate from a place of passion and trust in their abilities to succeed.

    And if you do ultimately fail, then it can serve as experience for the next adventure. In the end, there are no lives at stake. The agency may die but you’re still here to keep going.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Have you ever wondered what it takes to scale an agency from millions to tens of millions in revenue? Or how to successfully pivot from services to products? Today's guest has walked that path - not once but twice.

    He’s built two successful agencies with the mission to lift brands up, tell compelling stories and recognize new products. As he reflects on his journey, he recounts the differences between scaling an agency to $25 million and to $50 million, as well as the pivotal decision of starting to sell a SaaS product. Tune in for valuable insights and inspiring stories from his entrepreneurial experience.

    Phil Case is the President and Chief Client Officer of Max Connect Digital, a digital marketing agency that combines the most extensive real-time consumer data sets with personalized and dynamic ads. Phil shares his journey of growing his first agency from $300,000 to around $5 million and then scaling his current agency from $18 million to over $50 million. He discusses profit margins, business growth strategies, and the competitive mindset needed to succeed in the industry.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    A smarter approach to sustainable growth.

    Attracting talent through an SVP structure.

    The path to becoming a $50 million agency.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Foundational Clients: The Smart Approach to Fueling Sustainable Growth

    Looking back, Phil knows he would scale his first agency differently. Back then, he worked grueling 60 to 80-hour workweeks, constantly putting out fires while striving to appease everyone. He also fell into the trap of trying to cater to every need, becoming a jack-of-all-trades for his clients.

    If he could go back he would tell himself to focus and maintain high standards. He now understands that striving to excel in a specific area and establish a strong reputation for himself and his agency and have a minimum threshold of what they will do for clients. The growth process would’ve been slower, but it would have prevented them from taking on clients who placed excessive demands on the agency.

    Admittedly, committing to a single niche at the outset can be challenging, especially when faced with numerous options and critical decisions. Furthermore, you can’t control your inbound and the type of opportunities that come to you when you’re just starting out. If given a do-over, Phil would be deliberate in building a stable foundation with a select group of clients, who would serve as the cornerstone for the agency's continued growth.

    Aligning Talent and Vision for Exponential Growth

    When it came to enhancing the agency’s growth and focus, Phil found it crucial to expand his team with individuals he trusted to excel beyond his own capabilities. Understanding the agency’s ideal client and vision is essential for attracting a team aligned with the common goal. This alignment empowers the team to make autonomous decisions for the agency, freeing Phil from constant oversight.

    Empowering a team, trusting them to make decisions, delegating responsibilities, and allowing them to grow within the organization are key components of scaling an agency effectively. Once he had a big enough team, Phil appreciated the ability to spread the responsibility and burden of running the agency across a group of people. With a diversity of voices now up to speed on the agency’s goals and vision, they make way better decisions than Phil would haveon his own. This is where exponential growth started for his agency.

    Attracting Top Talent Through an SVP Structure

    Even as Phil successfully built a top-notch sales team at his second agency, he found himself frequently stepping in to close deals or develop strategies alongside the C-suite. To address this, he implemented a senior vice president structure, tapping professionals from diverse backgrounds such as higher education, automotive, and retail. This strategic shift allowed him to confidently direct inquiries to the experts, fostering a sense of empowerment within his team to handle client interactions and secure deals without his direct involvement.

    Moreover, by entrusting specific industry expertise to the senior vice presidents, the agency positioned itself as a frontrunner in those sectors, attracting clients seeking specialized knowledge. Phil's deliberate approach to hiring and training three vice presidents concurrently during the onset of the pandemic proved fruitful, as it provided an opportunity to onboard exceptional talent seeking to make an impact. This bold move resulted in several outstanding hires who excelled in leadership roles.

    Since making these hires, they’ve been much more intentional with their growth and have doubled down on existing client relationships. They are focused on providing more quality, value, and performance, which has accounted for 60% to 70% of their growth in recent years.

    The Path to Becoming a $50 Million Agency

    Coming into his second agency, Phil had a clear-cut mission in mind: World domination. They wanted to be the best and perform well for clients and so their sight was always set on the next milestone. If they were doing $2 million in revenue, they were already thinking “How do we get to three?”

    With an unwavering commitment to progress, Phil's approach to reaching $50 million differed significantly from his strategy to achieve $25 million. Initially lacking a clear understanding of their ideal customers, they have since become more deliberate in their pursuit of growth.

    Once they reached $25 million, they started to interrogate whether they really wanted to exponentially grow their client base. They took a step back to analyze and define what a bullseye client looks like for them and what were the industries where they consistently outperformed the competition. This mindset shift led to the realization that the most underappreciated growth mechanism was their existing book of business.

    With this in mind, they focused on signing on fewer clients per month and doing quarterly business reviews for each of their accounts. By prioritizing quality over quantity, being intentional in their growth strategy, and investing in their team and resources, agencies can position themselves for long-term success and sustainability in a competitive industry. Once that focus came to be, Phil’s agency propelled from $25 million to $30 million.

    Now, at $50 million, they deal with different challenges like inner departmental collaboration, orchestrated strategies, and scaling systems and structures.

    Expanding Their Market Reach by Selling a Saas Product

    As his agency scaled, their margins remained relatively consistent. As they’ve hit different revenue peaks, the composition of the types of services they’re offering is what tended to affect their profitability. Recognizing that certain client compositions or services were less profitable, the agency focused on enhancing its value proposition, optimizing pricing strategies, and improving operational efficiency to boost its bottom line.

    At this stage, the emphasis for Phil is on exploring ways to deliver greater value, adopt effective pricing strategies, and establish efficient frameworks to enhance service delivery. In this sense, they’ve now set out to build marketing technology platforms they’re starting to sell as a SaaS-type product.

    By leveraging their expertise in marketing technology and developing innovative solutions, agencies can expand their market reach and tap into new revenue streams. This approach allows agencies to scale their business, increase profitability, and potentially attract investors or buyers interested in acquiring the SaaS product.

    Agency owners can rethink their approach to their agency business to running a services-based firm and a SaaS company simultaneously. Phil acknowledges the different mindset required for each type of business and emphasizes the importance of incubating the SaaS business and eventually separating it from the services-based firm to ensure success in the long run.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Are you debating the value of building your brand? Perhaps you're wary of the effort needed to establish your identity, only to feel confined to your business once you become the face of the agency. Our guest today specializes in helping clients effectively brand themselves and elevate their agencies.

    He understands the common fears and reservations surrounding personal branding and offers valuable insights into its benefits. Above all, he wants entrepreneurs to understand that personal brands should evolve continually, ensuring that they don't limit your growth. Tune in for expert advice on cultivating trust and credibility in the industry through consistent branding efforts.

    Jason Barnard is an entrepreneur, writer, and CEO of Kalicube, a digital marketing agency that makes your online brand representation irresistible to potential customers. Jason loves to solve the puzzle of how algorithms work and figure out how clients can use them in their favor. In this conversation, both Jasons emphasize the significance of branding yourself to elevate your agency to the next level in the digital marketing space.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Why a personal brand won’t tie you to the business.

    How to build and pivot your brand.

    Communicating your evolving value.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    The Relatable Factor: Using Personal Branding to Connect with Clients

    Building a strong brand requires consistency above all else. Without it, your company risks fading into obscurity. As long as you provide value, consistency will help you gain your audience’s trust over time. For Jason, it’s also very much about believing in the value you bring and being proactive. It’s a journey that never ends, Jason says, and a game you lose unless you devote enough time to building that brand over time.

    Most agency owners believe they need to choose between building the agency’s brand or their personal brand. Commonly, a personal brand is seen as something that will tie you to the business forever, turning you into the face of the company. However, you need to be the face of your agency, especially in the beginning, and this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll never be able to walk away.

    Being the face of the agency simply means that you are the relatable figure that people associate with the business. People prefer to interact with individuals rather than faceless entities, and having a recognizable figure can significantly enhance their connection to your agency.

    According to Jason, we all have a personal brand, whether we like it or not. As soon as you step into the digital landscape you’re leaving a footprint and, even if you try to stay in the background, people will seek you out to figure out who’s behind the agency.

    Furthermore, agency owners should consider their career trajectory beyond the agency. Whether that means transitioning to roles like investor or author, having an established brand can make this pivot much smoother than starting from scratch.

    Building and Pivoting Your Brand on Your Own Terms

    For many people, one of the scariest parts of building a brand is thinking they’ll have to be very active on social media. To this, Jason says: not necessarily. To build your brand, you need to do things that make sense to you. This might be appearances on podcasts, writing articles, or social media. It all depends on your talent set, how you want to be presented, and how your audience is going to consume the information you provide.

    If, instead, you’re looking to pivot an existing brand, Jason recommends auditing and updating all existing content about yourself to ensure it accurately reflects your current brand identity. This may involve revisiting old blog posts, social media profiles, podcast interviews, and other online assets to make necessary changes and corrections. It’s what he did when he decided to become a digital marketer after many years of being known on the internet as a cartoonist. He set out to align all his content with his current brand message to present a cohesive and compelling image to your audience.

    For people looking to achieve something similar, he advises looking at what they have in their digital ecosystem, deciding what they want to communicate, and refocus everything. Once you do, Google will represent you in the way you want and your audience will see you the way you want to be seen.

    Communicating Your Evolving Value in the Digital Age

    One thing all entrepreneurs should keep in mind when it comes to branding is that we’re not permanently just one thing. People change and evolve; likewise, your personal brand should always evolve. If you have an active career, you’ll probably need to reposition yourself at least three times as you accomplish some goals and set out to conquer new ones.

    In today's digital landscape, with the increasing influence of AI and algorithms, effectively communicating one's identity and value proposition to the target audience is paramount.

    As individuals, we may struggle with defining who we are and what we stand for however as professionals, we must recognize that change is inevitable and that our personal brand should reflect this evolution. It can take time and self-reflection to truly understand our values, goals, and strengths. However, by actively engaging in this process, we can better align our personal brand with our authentic selves and create a more compelling and impactful online presence.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Are you striving to refine your selling strategy and cultivate enduring client relationships that stand the test of time? How can you elevate your approach to not just closing deals but fostering long-term partnerships that drive mutual growth and success? Today's guest started her business with the idea of embodying a strategic dance of trust, value creation, and genuine connection. Tune in to learn how leading with strategy can lead to success in the agency world.

    Molly Baker is the founder and CEO of Indie Consulting, a marketing agency that specializes in strategic planning and activation. Molly shares her journey from working with big brands to starting her agency. She explains her reasons for prioritizing strategy and highlights the need to deeply understand client goals and strengths before making recommendations.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Why Molly chose to sell strategy to gain clients’ trust.

    The challenge of developing a repeatable process.

    Offering a foot-in-the-door and client workshops to become a trusted advisor.

    A unique approach to account management.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Ditching the Agency Model and Forging Her Own Strategic Path

    After graduating from college, Molly kicked off her career working at a prominent agency, where she mostly worked in digital media buying for a few years. She learned a lot and enjoyed all the great things that come with working at bigger agencies. After that, she went to work on the brand side at Ben & Jerry’s, a great experience that allowed her to work with all types of agency partners. However, the brand side ultimately wasn’t for her.

    Wanting to find her own way in the industry led her to work freelance for some time as she gained more and more interest for the strategy-based offer. Eventually, it was time to give her vision a shot and see what happened.

    She always saw herself starting a company, although she refrained from categorizing it as an agency, aligning with her distinct vision. This leap of faith has proven successful, as her business continues to thrive five years later.

    Selling Strategy and Building Long-Term Client Relationships

    Most agency owners typically start by leveraging their expertise and working as freelancers, tailoring their services to meet their clients’ specific needs, all while trying to establish a successful business model. For her part, Molly took a distinct approach from the beginning.

    Initially, her value proposition centered around offering businesses the opportunity to hire her for a period of 3 to 6 months, instead of bringing in an in-house marketing director or digital strategist. This allowed business owners to thoroughly assess their needs and devise a plan before committing to a permanent in-house hire. It proved to be an appealing offer, especially at a time when business owners were overwhelmed by the options presented by digital but knew they had to embrace it to be relevant.

    As her business evolved, Molly expanded her services to include addressing traditional strategy inquiries, such as the most effective investment models or creative strategies tailored to each business. This evolution ultimately led to the development of a fractional resourcing offering, providing clients with a dedicated partner who could seamlessly integrate with their team on a full-time basis.

    It’s a very effective way to gain clients’ trust and get over the initial hesitancy that can come when they suspect the agency is just trying to sell something. Molly built a true consultancy where they sit down and help clients figure out the gaps in their business, which goes back to the very basis of the agency work: helping someone solve a problem.

    Developing Repeatable Processes Amid Market Abundance

    When it came time to start delegating some of the load to her team, Molly faced several challenges. Initially, she hired friends she’d previously worked with, which made for a seamless integration due to their similar styles and approaches. However, once the team started to grow and she hired outside of her known pool of past associates, it became more about effectively communicating how she wanted things to be done.

    It ended up being more complicated than she thought, since the way they did things couldn’t always be translated to a teachable process. It took teamwork and helping her team get educated through some of the same courses she’d completed but they eventually got there.

    As they built their process, they encountered projects that served as valuable learning experiences, teaching them not to rush through tasks. Understanding a client's business goals and needs before making recommendations was crucial to Molly and her team. As a result, individuals who sought to speed the process were not a good fit for them.

    Given the sheer volume of options available in the market, strategic planning has become more important than ever, as clients are realizing that a one-size-fits-all approach no longer suffices.

    Of course, selling a process that takes three to five months to complete is challenging, Molly has learned that diving straight into execution only leads to increased spending while testing, learning, and making corrections along the way.

    Using a Foot-in-the-Door Offer to Sell Clients on the Value of Strategy

    Even though clients are currently more aware of the fact that the right solution won’t come from a few paid ads, Molly admits it can be hard to sell clients on the value of strategy. In such cases, a foot-in-the-door strategy emerges as a valuable tool to attract clients for a smaller commitment, allowing them to experience your work and view you as a trusted advisor.

    Statistically, clients are 20 times more likely to engage your services again after their initial commitment. Therefore, including a foot-in-the-door offer can help you close a lot more deals and cement a relationship that can help clients feel more secure in paying the higher fee.

    Offering Client Workshops to Become a Trusted Advisor

    Beyond the foot-in-the-door strategy, Molly and her team are also preparing to implement a strategy workshop where clients will be able to learn from each other and get to see examples of what her agency’s strategy output can look like.

    These types of networking events provide a space where agencies can showcase their capabilities and expertise more interactively and engagingly, rather than relying solely on traditional sales pitches and capability decks.

    From her experience, Molly has seen clients at these workshops are mostly interested in learning what’s working and not working for other brands and which tools they’re leveraging. Providing this information also perfectly positions her agency to connect with potential clients and present themselves in a professional yet friendly environment where they can showcase their expertise.

    For Molly, it’s like a "karmic boomerang", highlighting the idea that by consistently offering help and support to clients without expecting anything in return, agencies can build a positive reputation and trust with their clients. This approach creates a cycle of reciprocity where clients are more likely to turn to the agency for assistance and solutions because of the trust and goodwill that has been established over time.

    A Unique Approach to Account Management

    Molly is very decidedly against the general idea of what account managers are and has been since the beginning of her agency journey. In her view, account management can mean many things to different people and she challenges the traditional notion of account management as simply project management.

    She believes that account management should be viewed as a partnership, where agencies work closely with clients to understand their needs and goals, rather than just focusing on getting tasks done.

    Molly's agency takes a unique approach to account management by assigning account leads based on skill set and personality match, rather than having dedicated account managers. This allows for a more personalized and tailored approach to client relationships, where the agency aims to be a business partner and thought partner for their clients. By building curiosity and soft skills within her team, Molly ensures that they can show up better for their clients and truly understand what makes them tick.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Do you treat your team like employees or like people? Every agency owner should recognize the immense value of their team and ensure they are treated with the utmost respect. This may entail parting ways with toxic clients, as the well-being of your team is irreplaceable.

    Our guest today faced challenging times during the pandemic when they had to terminate their agency's largest client to prevent the team from burning out entirely. It was a difficult decision, but it ultimately demonstrated how much he valued his employees, leading to a shift in the company culture and a newfound appreciation for their skills, which could be harnessed for incubator businesses. Tune in to discover how he faced the loss of a big client to choose the team that was making his dream a reality and how celebrating the small wins helps keep everyone sane and focused.

    Miles Marmo is the founder of Agency Squid, a boutique consultancy and creative agency based in Minneapolis. He shares his journey of building a successful agency, navigating challenges, and creating an incubator agency model, as well as the importance of understanding consumer segmentation, industry trends, and merging it with creative outputs.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Learning to savor the small wins.

    Choosing your team over a bad-fit client.

    The benefits of incubator brands for agencies.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    Why Agency Owners Need to Savor Every Success

    Miles, a former athlete with experience working in agencies on the brand side, never anticipated becoming an agency owner. However, his entrepreneurial spirit was ignited by his competitive nature and desire for some degree of control over his work. His love for working with people also made entrepreneurship a natural fit for him.

    Overall, he describes owning an agency as a rollercoaster with exhilarating highs and challenging lows, so maintaining a sense of balance is very difficult. In this sense, Miles tries to always remember to celebrate the wins, no matter how small.

    Agency owners often dwell on losses and setbacks, leading to demoralization. Success is almost expected and therefore not celebrated as much as it should be. Instead, Miles believes that celebrating even minor wins not only boosts morale but also provides a sense of accomplishment and validation for the hard work put into the agency.

    Undoubtedly, agency owners will face common struggles and moments of doubt and burnout when they feel like giving up and taking a job instead. However, he believes that by focusing on celebrating wins and finding joy in the successes, they can stay motivated and inspired to continue growing their businesses.

    The Make-or-Break Moment: Choosing Your Team Over a Bad Client

    One of these hard moments happened to Miles during the pandemic, when he faced the tough decision to part ways with a major client who negatively impacted the agency's culture and caused burnout among employees. It was a moment where he even questioned whether he had chosen the right career path and his effectiveness at managing his team

    Although difficult, it became clear the client would never be content with the agency’s work. This decision ultimately led to a sense of relief and a reshaping of the agency's values and its approach to new business. In the end, prioritizing the team's welfare was crucial for the business’s overall health and success.

    Letting go of a client that negatively impacts your culture is a way to show your team that you value them much more than any client. At the end of the day, as an owner, your team is building your dreams and is your greatest asset. You can always get more clients, but assembling a great team is difficult.

    For Miles, the key to a successful agency lies in the team that supports it so he greatly values having a team that believes in the vision and works towards achieving it. This sense of unity and shared purpose not only motivates everyone but also leads to better results for the agency.

    The Double Benefit of Incubator Brands for Agencies

    During the pandemic, Miles recognized the potential of his team's unique skill set and saw an opportunity for them to embark on more fulfilling and lucrative creative endeavors. In this sense, he highlights the importance of allocating time effectively and setting boundaries to ensure the team focuses on client work as well as internal projects. Many agencies leave creative projects for later and prioritize client work. However, by managing time wisely and dedicating specific days for internal work, the agency can balance client demands and working on their own brand.

    In this regard, Miles discusses the benefits of leveraging his team’s skills to build incubator businesses where they can gain valuable experience and expertise that can be applied to client work. It gives them a playground to creatively express themselves without the limits usually imposed by clients, as well as rare access to the full supply chain logistics and insight into the impact of a design decision. While dedicating time and commitment to these ventures may be challenging, the benefits far outweigh the effort.

    Why Neglecting Self-Care Ends Up Affecting Your Agency

    Being your best self is crucial for success, which is why Miles stresses the importance of mental health in this industry. Neglecting self-care can lead to a decline in performance across all aspects of life.

    With a one-year-old at home, Miles has gained a new perspective on the significance of self-care and how neglecting personal well-being can have far-reaching consequences. Delaying self-care until a specific goal is reached is counterproductive, as one's well-being directly impacts performance and overall satisfaction.

    Seeking support from an entrepreneurial community or a therapist can provide invaluable assistance during challenging times, ultimately leading to improved performance, success, and contentment in both professional and personal realms.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Are you prepared to elevate your agency team and pave the path to success? As your agency expands, the need to grow your team becomes inevitable, and having standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place beforehand can save you a lot of headaches.

    Today’s guest went through a rapid growth phase with his agency and found he was ill-prepared to delegate responsibilities and clearly define tasks. As a result, he lost employees and clients but has since learned that SOPs should be in place before hiring and that a good SOP takes him out of the process as quickly as possible. Tune in to gain valuable insights on navigating the complexities of scaling an agency effectively.

    Robert Brill is the owner of Brill Media, a white-label media buying agency that helps clients supercharge their business. At his agency, Robert works with a fully remote team of passionate experts and has created a culture of promoting from within, keeping the team members engaged, upskilled, and motivated to take leadership roles.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    When rapid growth meets poor processes.

    Consistency and clarity as a result of proper SOPs.

    How to correctly implement SOPs.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    From Dreams of Advertisement Glamour to Owning an Agency

    In a departure from the most typical agency owner narrative, Robert says this is the only thing he’s ever wanted to do professionally. Growing up, the idea of working on high-profile projects, like commercials, sounded like a dream to him. He craved the recognition that would come from showcasing his work. “I didn’t have the ability to become a rock star, so I went into advertising,” he jokes.

    After working a couple of marketing jobs as a college student, he continued that path following graduation and spent the next ten years in the advertising business. By 2013, he still had a love for the business but felt himself becoming a bad employee. The desire to operate according to his vision and the prospect of reducing the stress of taking time off motivated him to establish his own business.

    Most agency owners know that - contrary to his expectations – running his agency demanded even more and he ended up working twice as hard. However, becoming a CEO and taking on more responsibilities was the only path to what he wanted and it was a big motivator for him.

    What Happens When Rapid Growth Meets Poor Processes?

    Once you start gaining traction with your agency and your brand attracts more clients, you’ll need to be prepared to start hiring as the amount of work increases. For Robert, however, it was particularly challenging since he had to triple his staff throughout one summer.

    The big lesson Robert took from that summer is that he should have started hiring sooner. It felt like a big risk earlier in the life of the business. However, he’s learned that of all the big risks, this is one he should have taken sooner.

    Initially, he hired people he had worked with previously, assuming they would excel in their roles without much guidance. However, within six months, one of his key hires quit due to dissatisfaction with the lack of structure, organization, and process within the business.

    At this point, no one was happy, — not Robert, the new hires, the existing hires, or the clients. It took him six months to figure out the missing piece was standard operating procedures. Simply put, the lack of clear guidelines, workflows, and systems was leading to confusion, frustration, and ultimately, high turnover rates.

    Consistency, Clarity, Growth: The Impacts of Finally Implementing SOPs

    Agency SOPs sounded like the most boring thing in the world for Robert. However, after hiring a Chief Operating Officer who created his agency’s first SOP, he quickly saw the benefits that come with sticking to your processes and refining them over time.

    Now everyone on the team understood what was expected of them because they knew where their responsibilities started and ended. As a result, they were more satisfied with their job and stayed longer. The agency’s output grew stronger, everything ran smoothly, and clients returned.

    With proper SOPs, Robert also has a better understanding of which steps of the process need documenting while still offering enough autonomy for his team to feel empowered. Furthermore, he has seen the importance of actually enforcing the SOP after it’s created, otherwise it’ll be useless.

    Six years later, his staff once again doubled, but with the proper systems the agency’s revenue stayed consistent over time, and turnover was greatly reduced for both clients and employees.

    3 Steps to Correctly Implement Agency SOPs

    According to Robert, it’s important to start building SOPs before hiring new employees to streamline processes, prevent mistakes, and ensure consistent quality in operations. Clearly defined SOPs help to avoid the chaos and confusion that can occur when knowledge is only held by a few individuals. For him, the process of implementing new SOPs generally goes as follows:

    Identify the tasks involved.

    Document the process while performing it yourself.

    Delegate the tasks.

    Hiring first and letting that person figure out the process seems like a less effective approach to Robert. For starters, figuring out the process first can help you pinpoint the person you’ll need for the task.

    Tip: There should always be someone in charge of the SOP, updating and refining it, and ensuring its implementation. Additionally, you can appoint another team member who normally would have nothing to do with that particular part of the process and ask them to follow that SOP to see if they can find any gaps that can be corrected to create a more effective guide.

    How Outsourcing SEO Expertise Unlocked New Opportunities

    After five years of trying to figure out SEO for himself, Robert finally hired an expert who did a year’s worth of work for him and dramatically changed what he understood about SEO. This investment not only improved his business's SEO strategy but also allowed him to speak more confidently about marketing in general, create content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, and potentially offer SEO services in the future.

    As a result, he’s learned that a proactive approach to learning not only benefits the individual but also the team and the business as a whole. In the future, Robert may want to change his offering to include SEO services, and investing in expert training can lead to improved performance, increased efficiency, and better results for the business.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Is your agency work affecting your family life? Are you challenged by finding the right talent to assemble a team to take over some of the work? Today’s guest thought she’d always be a solopreneur but as her workload mounted, she realized she needed reinforcements to maintain her level of service and keep clients coming back. Getting the right talent to balance it all was not easy but she relied on a largely untapped talent pool: moms looking to keep their careers thriving while raising their families. In this episode, Sara discusses her experiences scaling her agency and balancing motherhood with a creative career.

    Sara Jensen owns Brighter Messaging, a digital agency that helps small businesses manage their online presence and generate leads through content-based marketing. Sara shares her journey from being a solopreneur to running a digital marketing agency.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Building a compensation model to empower your team.

    Taking advantage of the largest untapped talent pool.

    Getting wiser about client choices.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    Delegating for Success: From Solopreneur to Agency Owner

    Starting as a freelance writer, Sara began to build her agency right as she had become a first-time mother. That was twelve years ago and she was building her agency from the ground up while navigating motherhood. At the time, she was ghostwriting, blogging, and juggling clients' demands. As the business grew, clients began requesting more services, and Sara realized she needed to level up by building a team.

    The first role she hired was a virtual assistant, although she admits to being hesitant and unsure of how to work with someone else. Despite her initial reservations, Sara took a leap of faith and trusted her VA to help her navigate the process of delegating tasks and creating processes.

    One of the key challenges she faced was the fear of losing control and not being able to deliver the same level of quality to her clients. This fear is common among entrepreneurs who are used to doing everything themselves. However, Sara's willingness to trust her team members and let go of some responsibilities ultimately led to the growth and success of her agency.

    Incentivizing Success: A Compensation Model to Empower Your Team

    Sara’s assistant was the first person to introduce a project management system – Asana – to the agency, changing everything about how they worked. To this day, it’s become an essential element of how her team works together and how she manages to get her ideas from her notepad to the team.

    Having introduced a more structured system to the team’s everyday work and communications, Sara understood the importance of building processes and started to do so herself, a task she later delegated to the new project manager. For her, having consistent processes is a huge piece that helps set clear expectations for everyone on the team.

    Another important factor for finally letting go of many tasks was being intentional about the compensation piece. At her agency, the team works as contractors and they’ve structured their compensation model around client retainer packages. Each role within the agency gets a portion of those retainers, as an incentive to be more invested in the client’s success.

    By building trust, setting clear expectations, and providing opportunities for growth and development, agencies can create a culture of success and achievement that benefits both the team and the whole agency.

    Taking Advantage of The Largest Untapped Talent Pool

    Another important aspect of how Sara has structured her agency to serve the interests of the working moms that mostly make up her team is offering flexible hours and part-time work. Most of her team members have side gigs and are in some stage of motherhood figuring out how to have a career while still dedicating time to their families.

    For Sara, offering flexible work to moms is a very important part of her business model. In her view, moms are a largely untapped talent pool simply because they opt out; they don’t think they can work while taking care of the family and most companies certainly don’t offer choices for them to do so.

    Getting Wiser About Your Client Choices to Prioritize Your Family Life

    For agency owners, their family life suffers if they fail to flip the switch from agency mode to family mode at the end of the day. However, Sara believes it’s misleading to think of it as something you can switch on and off. It depends on the day and what she’s doing. In her experience, it also gets easier when you get wiser about the type of clients you choose.

    Setting expectations and boundaries early on is a big part of ensuring clients respect the balance between work and family life. Sometimes this means the agency loses certain opportunities that just weren’t the right fit. However, by making these choices the team solidifies the values they uphold and stays within that lane.

    In Sara’s case, it took a long time to get to a point where she could prioritize family time and set boundaries with clients. In this sense, a big part of this shift came from investing in coaching to clarify what she wanted their life to look like and defining her values and goals. Through this process, she was able to identify the types of clients that aligned with her values and boundaries.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Do you prioritize new clients or building lasting relationships? Would you be willing to lose money on a client in order to build a long-lasting relationship? Today’s guest has built two successful agencies banking on the power of planning for the long term instead of focusing just on the numbers. She’ll explain how she and her partner formed their vision of an agency where people could do their best work, clients felt heard, and it would all translate into business. Tune in to learn all about the visionary approach that led her and her partner to success.

    Kim Lawton is a successful agency owner with two agencies under her belt. She’s the founder of Inspira Marketing, a 300-employee agency reaching the nine-figure mark, as well as the president and CEO of Enthuse Marketing, a purpose-driven group committed to building brands through effective experiential marketing strategies. She shares her journey building two agencies and discusses her approach of over-resourcing client relationships, her role as the chief possibilities officer and president/CEO, and her entrepreneurial journey from a young age.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    The four pillars of relationship building.

    Risking losing money for long-term client relationships.

    Strategic hiring to fuel growth.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    The Four Pillars of a Relationship-Driven Agency

    Although she’s an accidental agency owner, according to Kim she’s been an entrepreneur since the age of fourteen, when she managed her father’s pizza shop and fell into the role of marketer. It wasn't until years later, working at an agency during the rise of experiential marketing, that she truly started to believe in her marketing abilities. It was there that she met her current business partner.

    As Kim and her partner dreamed of owning their own agency, they kept a journal to define the key elements they wanted to include. Their primary focus was creating a place where people felt seen, heard, and empowered to do their best work. They believed this would translate into a successful business.

    Rather than focusing on the numbers, hourly billing, or time spent on each account, like most agencies, they made the strategic decision to invest in relationships over profit. As they planned how this would look as a profitable business, Kim and her partner decided their agency would be built on four main pillars:

    People: Their investment in talent.

    Organizational development: Tools they invest in that help people do their jobs more effectively.

    Client leadership: How they show up for their clients.

    Growth and reputation: They measure the previous three elements and look at that to establish how the agency performed that year.

    It may seem counterintuitive for business owners who prioritize profit margins and bottom lines, but it was a conscious choice to become their clients' preferred solution, even if it meant potential short-term financial losses. Their long-term relationship investment approach not only allowed them to create long-lasting relationships, but it was also a good way to quickly identify bad clients. If the client didn’t value the time they were investing in their project, it was easy to say goodbye to them and not look back.

    Maximizing Client Relationships: A Strategy for Long-Term Success

    How do you start to set up a structure where the business is set to lose money with each client for the first year? Kim suggests allocating a portion of marketing expenses to client service. This approach allows agencies to prioritize nurturing existing client relationships, leading to increased business opportunities and revenue.

    Of course, it wasn’t a reckless strategy, Kim and her partner set a maximum 15% loss threshold per client and assigned specific departments to absorb these costs. They also regularly evaluated the value provided to clients and sought to exceed their expectations.

    Despite occasional overinvestment in certain clients, they take pride in sustaining numerous client relationships over sixteen years.

    Pro tip: Kim and her partner went above and beyond for their clients and meticulously tracked any additional hours spent outside the scope of the project and presented these as zero-dollar change orders. This showcased their dedication and established a strong foundation for future collaboration. This transparent and proactive approach not only fostered goodwill with clients but also paved the way for potential opportunities in value-based pricing and performance-based marketing.

    Consistent Outreach for Consistent Results: Leveraging Cold Calls

    Cold calling has proven to be a successful strategy for many agencies and it has certainly been the case for Kim. In the initial stages of the agency's development, one of its primary objectives was to transform cold calling into an effective strategy. Today, at their agency, this approach is known as the "nifty fifty" and has resulted in a steady stream of opportunities and business expansion. Kim and her partner committed to contacting a set list of 50 individuals each week, holding each other accountable for completing these calls.

    For Kim, it’s all about timing. There’s a right time and place for these calls, but by regularly reaching out to her network and staying connected with past clients, they were able to uncover new opportunities, referrals, and partnerships that ultimately contributed to the success of her business.

    Balancing Client Needs and Agency Vision: Their Path to a Second Brand

    The opportunity for their second venture came from a client engagement, prompting them to develop a specialized team dedicated to delivering the client’s brand message within the hospitality industry. As discussions progressed, the client realized that their agency's brand, focused on experiential and client-facing elements, did not align with their objectives. They sought an approach more grounded in education, prompting whether establishing a dedicated business department would suffice.

    Kim and his business partner's wife, an educator eager to reinvigorate her career, collaborated on a program tailored to the client's requirements. While the results met the client's expectations, a new challenge emerged: the exclusive focus on the program overshadowed the agency's identity. Consequently, they restructured the agency to revolve around the new program, shifting the focus from the client to the new business.

    Strategic Hiring to Fuel Growth

    Kim and her partner were deliberate in their approach to building their agency, understanding the impact of every hiring decision on the agency's success. They were determined to avoid the common pitfall of reactive hiring that leads to a cycle of downsizing and expansion. Instead, they focused on strategic, long-term growth and sustainability, ensuring that each new team member added value to the agency.

    In order for this to work, they instilled in their team the importance of considering the long-term effects of their hiring decisions and aligning them with the agency's annual plan and budget. Employees were involved in the decision-making process, fostering a positive work culture and team cohesion, ultimately leading to improved client satisfaction and retention.

    Effective delegation is also crucial in maintaining balance within the team. In this sense, Kim’s agency used a specialized company to conduct weekly assessments measuring employees’ strengths and weaknesses. This approach allowed the agency leaders to gauge each team member's performance in real time and identify areas where they excelled or struggled.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • What sets high-performing agencies apart from their low-performing counterparts? How are you positioning your agency for success? Our guest today is a seasoned business executive with extensive experience in product marketing and sales leadership. In his current role, he collaborates with agencies and gains insights into what separates successful ones from the rest. Tune in to gain valuable perspectives on agency performance and growth strategies.

    Tim Condon is the Chief Revenue Officer of Clutch, a one-stop-shop were businesses can identify leading service providers through an innovative research process that melds the best of traditional B2B research and newer consumer review services. He discusses the difference between high-performing and low-performing agencies and shares insights from working with professional services companies and marketing firms, highlighting key factors that contribute to agency success.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Focusing on organic growth.

    Making 100,000 leads in one day.

    Shortening the sales cycle.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Clutch: This episode is sponsored by Clutch, the #1 marketplace for agencies just like yours. With their innovative process, your agency will be matched with highly motivated buyers looking for the exact services you offer. Leave the lead generation to Clutch and let your team focus on delivery. Get started for FREE at clutch.co/smartagency by creating your agency profile.

    Organic Growth and Operational Excellence Build a Scalable Agency

    From his many interactions with agencies at Clutch, Tim has gathered some great intel on what is working for the most successful agencies. First, they start doing something they are really good at and focus on organic growth. Many prominent agency CEOs initially honed their skills in website development, later expanding their expertise to encompass SEO and pay-per-click advertising to drive increased traffic.

    As these successful agencies matured, they strategically planned their expansion into new areas, leveraging their organic growth to thrive and deliver exceptional outcomes. Also, Tim has observed a crucial aspect of sustained agency growth lies in establishing a robust infrastructure. Agencies that have mastered this have implemented comprehensive systems for lead tracking, incentivizing sales teams, and organizing their operational structure. These systems are essential for ensuring seamless operations and maximizing growth opportunities.

    Without a solid foundational framework, agencies may encounter challenges in effectively attracting, converting, and scaling their business. But by implementing streamlined processes, performance tracking, and identifying areas for improvement, they can enhance their lead generation, and client conversion, and ultimately scale their business to new heights.

    Leveraging Brand Power and Partnerships to Land 100,000 Leads!

    As CRO at Clutch, Tim has seen many different and innovative approaches to generating leads but especially remembers a time when he was working at the Washington Post. At that time, he was tasked with building a platform to showcase the Post’s potential as a local resource with a lot of local merchants.

    The Washington Post faced competition from larger companies like Groupon and LivingSocial, so Tim capitalized on the assets at his disposal, particularly the Post's strong brand and local market distribution, to build a robust email list.

    Strategically aligning with Papa John's, Tim proposed a mutually beneficial promotion that involved giving away pizzas in exchange for registrations on their site. The campaign's resounding success resulted in 100,000 new leads! And consequently, 100,000 Papa Johns pizzas delivered — which solidified the partnership between the two seemingly unlikely partners.

    This was by far the best promotion either brand had done and Tim made it happen by leveraging his assets and knowing competitive dimensions. He needed emails and had something the competition didn't, a well-established brand with a huge market distribution.

    How can you create lead gen that results in 100,000 new leads? Tim’s advice is to carefully assess the core requirements, leverage existing assets, and identify the dimensions crucial for a competitive edge.

    Too many agency owners focus on immediate sales. However, by prioritizing email address collection, businesses can establish direct communication with potential customers, nurture leads over time, and increase conversion rates. Additionally, by standing out in the market and using creative approaches to engage with prospects, businesses can differentiate themselves and achieve sustainable growth in a competitive business environment.

    The Power of Foot-in-the-Door Offers to Shorten the Sales Cycle

    At Clutch, they conduct an annual survey on the sales cycle and, according to the results, 50% of agencies say their sales cycle expands to over a month, while 20% say it’s over three months. These findings are consistent across professional services and underscore the importance of implementing effective systems to convert leads into clients.

    This is where a "foot in the door offer" comes in as a powerful strategy for agencies to shorten their sales cycle and secure new clients. With this approach, you offer a low-cost or low-commitment initial service to potential clients to establish trust, build rapport, and demonstrate value. It’ll be the first step toward upselling additional services or projects to the client, ultimately leading to higher revenue and long-term relationships.

    Jason believes selling a foot-in-the-door offer helped his team establish a relationship and build a high-level plan to solve a huge gap the client hadn’t noticed. This way, they position themselves as an advisor and get a project sold before other agencies can come back with their proposals.

    Ultimately, implementing a foot-in-the-door offer can help you drastically reduce your sales cycle from months to just a few days, so ask yourself how do I get my foot in the door? How do I get the attention? How do I get my foot in the door? And then what is that upsell to get your clients to where you need to go?

    The CRM Advantage: Enhancing Agency Performance and Client Engagement

    One key component of a successful foot-in-the-door offer is investing in a CRM system. Having a CRM system in place is crucial for agencies to effectively manage their client relationships and drive business growth as a tool that allows them to track and organize client information, communicate effectively with clients, and streamline their sales and marketing processes.

    According to Tim, when agencies lack a CRM system or fail to utilize it effectively, it can be a red flag that their systems are not in place. This can lead to disorganization, inefficiency, and missed growth opportunities.

    Investing in a CRM system can help agencies stay organized, track client interactions, and nurture relationships effectively, which is the sort of investment that will differentiate high-performing agencies from low-performing agencies.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • What would you do if you sold your agency tomorrow? Are you clear enough on your purpose that you could keep on creating value? Today’s guest is the founder of a beloved app that changed the way people drive nowadays. He eventually sold that company but hasn’t stopped looking for ways to improve people’s lives through his startups. He’ll share what he’s learned from failure, why he was out of the company as soon as he sold, and why you should always look to understand users to create real value. Tune in to learn valuable insights into building successful startups.

    Uri Levine is the co-founder of Waze, a popular app that helps users have a better driving experience, get to their destination faster, and avoid speeding tickets. After his business was acquired by Google a decade ago for over $1 billion dollars, Uri went on to focus on other ventures. He more recently wrote the book Fall In Love With the Problem, Not the Solution.

    He shares his entrepreneurial journey, from creating Waze to building Moveit, and discusses the importance of solving real problems to achieve product-market fit and the impact of failing to do so.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Fall in love with the problem, not the solution.

    Cracking product-market fit.

    Making hard choices with conviction.

    What comes after selling an agency for $1 billion.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Find a Problem Worth Solving: Advice for Agencies to Create Lasting Value

    Years ago, Uri had the chance to meet one of his technological gurus – Steve Wozniak – at an event. He got to take a picture with him and that exchange inspired a chapter of his book called “Understanding Users”. In it, he explains there’s no right or wrong way to use a product, something he always tried to take into account when it came to Waze users and how they overcame problems.

    In his view, every entrepreneur should start by solving a problem. “Think about something worth solving,” he advises. If a lot of people have the same problem, speak with them, understand their perception of the problem, and only then set out to build the solution. For Uri, this is the only way to guarantee that you’re creating value. Instead, starting with the solution may lead to creating a solution that no one was asking for.

    Uri encourages entrepreneurs to find a problem worth solving and make it the North Star of their journey. This way, you’ll be much less likely to deviate from the path toward your goal and much more likely to succeed. To agencies, he reminds them that the problem is a significant part of their marketing. The story you’ll tell about the problem is much more compelling than one about the solution. An enticing story will help you make customers care, and if they care, they’ll make you successful.

    Biggest Successes and Failures Outside of Waze

    Although Waze has over 700 million users, and even more use Moveit, neither is Uri’s most successful product. His most successful venture was a voicemail company called Converse Technology. At the time, it had many more users than either Waze or Moveit and it was a massive success. Years, later, he switched to software development, always looking for innovation and change.

    On the other hand, his first startup focused on mobile email and it became his first big failure. Uri knew focusing on a problem worth solving was the starting point for any successful venture. This should always be followed by speaking with potential consumers. This way, you’ll see whether or not they share your vision of the problem. If not, they may still point you to a different approach to the problem.

    Unfortunately, Uri found a problem worth solving that later disappeared. Someone, in this case, Blackberry, had solved it better. It was time to pivot to a new problem.

    Define Your Agency’s DNA Early in the Creation Process

    Finding a problem and identifying a proper approach to a solution are the surest ways to create a venture with a better opportunity to succeed. However, a major part of your happiness in an organization will revolve around the people you surround yourself with, rather than you and what you’re doing. Because of this, Uri believes the agency’s DNA and the culture you build around it will be just as important as the mission you have.

    This is something you can start to create from day one, as Uri did with Waze. From its creation, he decided the company would be the best place to work at and built the culture around that idea. Since then, he’s built more companies and always makes sure to define their DNA early in its creation process. The result will be nearly no attrition because you’ve created a favorable work environment where people want to stay.

    Beyond the Myth of Overnight Success: Cracking Product-Market Fit

    Half of all startups will fail as a result of not figuring out their product-market fit, which simply put entails figuring out how you create value for customers. If you can’t figure that out, then your business doesn’t have a future.

    There’s only one metric when it comes to product-market fit: retention. If you create value, customers will come back. If they don’t, then you’re either too complex and they can’t figure out the value or you’re not creating enough value.

    Think of the apps you use every day like, Netflix or Facebook, and ask yourself what’s the difference between how you use it today and how you used it on day one. There is no major difference. Once companies figure out product market fit they don’t change it because that’s the value they bring to customers. What users don’t know is how long it takes a company to get that product market fit just right.

    New companies compare themselves to these giants and assume they’re failing if they haven’t made it big by the two or three-year mark. In reality, none of these big brands was an overnight success and we’re just not aware of how long it took them to succeed. For Waze, it was four years and it took Netflix ten years.

    Creating value for customers is a continuous process that requires time and effort. It’s not an overnight process.

    Why CEOs Should Make Hard Choices with Conviction

    Ever since he sold Waze ten years ago people have asked Uri whether he still thinks it was the right decision. For him, there are no right or wrong decisions. There’s just deciding on making no decision.

    Some people prefer to remove all emotion to make decisions based purely on the logic of what would be better for the business. For Uri, the most important thing is making hard decisions with conviction, which is a crucial skill for a successful CEO.

    For instance, there’s a chapter in Uri’s book called Firing and Hiring, inspired by conversations with CEOs regarding their underperforming teams. In most cases, they knew exactly which employees were just not cutting it and had known for some time. For Uri, the big problem in these cases was that CEOs were being too slow to make hard decisions because they’d have to assume responsibility for the consequences.

    If you struggle with an underperforming team, Uri recommends you take a look at any team member and ask yourself would you hire them today knowing what you know about their work? If the answer is no, then fire them immediately. It’s advice he believes can be applied to anything in life, your professional path, your relationships. If you’re not happy with where you are, then start making changes in order to change that today.

    Selling for $1 Billion & How Embracing Failure Can Take You Closer to Success

    People may be surprised to hear that Uri was out the door the day after selling his company for $1 billion. However, by that time, he was already thinking of new startups he wanted to build, so this was the right move to close that chapter.

    Furthermore, he says that, contrary to what people may believe, the sale did not mean he was walking away with $1 billion in his pocket. By that time he owned just 3% of the company and after taxes and a divorce, he was left with far less, which he mostly invested in his new startups.

    Nowadays, he spends his days coaching different startups Some of these could become even more successful than Waze at some point, while others will probably end up being big failures. The prospect of failing is not one that plagues him too much since, in his view, failure is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey, but it is through these failures that one can learn and grow.

    At the end of the day, if you want to create new things you’re set to fail. Over the years and by accumulating new failures, he has managed to become statistically more successful thanks to the experience he has gained.

    Selling Your Agency: Key Considerations and Uri's Advice on Timing and Motivations

    If you’re trying to figure out the right time to sell your agency, Uri believes you should consider whether the offer you’ve received is life-changing or not. If it is, then it merits serious consideration. Additionally, if you have aspirations to pursue new ventures and innovate to benefit others and revolutionize the industry, selling may be the right move.

    On the other hand, if you believe you’re company is a once-in-a-lifetime thing then you should keep it. Don’t sell unless you know what you’re going to do next.

    Above all, avoid selling solely due to exhaustion and the desire to rest, as this may lead to restlessness sooner than expected. Entrepreneurs are inherently driven to create and take action and often find it challenging to embrace prolonged periods of rest.

    Finding Purpose in Value Creation

    Nowadays, Uri feels happier and more fulfilled than ever and it’s because in the last decade, he was finally able to figure out who he is and who he wants to become. He now states confidently that his purpose lies in value creation and he finds equal enjoyment in both creating something himself and guiding someone else to do it.

    Finding a purpose will center you, the sense of purpose and impact on the world can lead to greater happiness and satisfaction in one's work. Finding something you’re good at and that people will pay for will be the cornerstone of your happiness. Identifying one's strengths and finding a market for them is pivotal for personal contentment. When coupled with a meaningful mission to make a positive impact, it becomes the key to enduring happiness.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Does your onboarding process set new hires up for success from day one? Do you believe the hardest part of adding new team members is the hiring process? Today’s guest believes most business owners disregard the importance of the onboarding process, which can affect a new hire’s chances of success in the agency. He goes over the many aspects you should improve for properly onboarding a new team member and why you don’t want to waste the time, money, and effort put into the hiring process by doing a bad job with onboarding. Learn valuable insights and strategies in setting up new team members for success and avoid pitfalls in hiring remote staff.

    Noel Andrews is the CEO of JobRack, a hiring service that helps agencies find great remote talent from Eastern Europe and South Africa. As someone who focuses on finding the best talent and matching them with agencies looking to hire remotely, Noel knows the significance of prioritizing onboarding to ensure successful hires and discusses common mistakes agency owners make during the hiring process.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Common onboarding mistakes you should avoid.

    How to kickstart a new hire for success.

    Effective remote team onboarding strategies.


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    Sponsors and Resources

    Copper: This episode of Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by Copper, a CRM solution built specifically for agencies that use Google Workspace. Its CRM integration works seamlessly with Gmail, Google Calendar, and Drive, so you never have to switch tabs to add leads, track email conversations, find files, or manage tasks in your marketing or sales process. Head over to Copper.com/agencies and get a free trial exclusively for Jason’s listeners!

    The Biggest Onboarding Mistakes Agency Owners Make When Hiring

    Whether you’re hiring remotely or locally, hiring is hard so once agency owners get to the last stage of hiring and they’ve got a start date confirmed they breathe a sigh of relief thinking their job is done. However, this is not true. The next step now is onboarding and it is a critical stage in the hiring process that is often overlooked, with the most common mistakes being.

    Not preparing for it.

    Not prioritizing it.

    Failing to adequately prepare for new hires leads to inefficiency. This looks like: no email access, Slack use, or client accounts ready on someone’s first day in the office. Even at big companies, it may take three days to get a new hire a laptop. It’s both a waste of their time and a terrible first impression.

    For Noel, proper onboarding is a twelve-week process, where you’ll gradually provide them with the context they need to work in your agency. During this process, you should be preparing people with the background of who your clients are, what your services are, and why you do things the way you do. It’s the sort of detail that will help workers go above and beyond for the company.

    Neglecting or rushing through the onboarding process can result in wasted time, money, and effort invested in the hiring process. Just like onboarding a new client, the first few weeks should be about how excited you are about them joining the team and offering everything they’ll need to set them up for success, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately improve retention and productivity in the long run. Especially if it’s a remote position, where you’ll have to be very intentional about making sure you’re giving them all the tools for success.

    Emphasizing Values in the Onboarding Process

    What Simon looks for in each team member will, of course, depend on the role. However, all his account managers, recruiters, operations managers, and customer success managers roles involve dealing with people, whether clients or customers.

    In this sense, their energy and attitude play a big role in how they’ll do working in his agency. Of course, attitude is something that cannot be easily trained which is why hiring individuals who align with the company's values is the only way to ensure new hires will be a good fit for the organization and contribute positively to its culture. Not everyone has the ability to make people feel comfortable in a call or interview and that will play a big role for Noel.

    Overall, he’s always looking for people who will be good at communicating and being part of the team.

    4 Essential Elements to Kickstart Success for a New Hire

    Ideally, any onboarding process will have a few elements that make it a great starting point to cement the relationship that the new employee and agency will form in the coming weeks and months. To build a successful onboarding process, Noel believes in the first week employees should at least:

    Get to a place where they understand the agency and its values.

    Know what’s expected of them in this new role.

    Understand the KPIs and metrics they’ll be measured against.

    Have a clear idea of what the onboarding process will be like.

    Get Onboarding Right From Day One: Effective Remote Onboarding Strategies

    Managing a remote team can be tricky, especially when it comes to training a new member and making sure they understand how everything works. Noel adopts a hands-on approach by closely supporting the new hire, dedicating daily meetings to guide them through the onboarding process and address any queries that may arise.

    Additionally, he adheres to what Dan Martell calls the 10-80-10 principle in his book Buy Back Your Time. Basically, when delegating a task, 10% of the total time dedicated to delegating should be explaining the task, 80% should be dedicated to the actual execution, and then 10% should be checking, reviewing, and providing feedback by the manager. This is a critical part of the process since no new hire is going to instinctively know how to do things, even with the available SOPs.

    A good way to help employees get comfortable with communicating their plan for the day and ask questions is to have them answer these three items at the start of each day:

    What did you do yesterday that was impactful?

    What’s your plan for today?

    Do you have any questions?

    It’s a quick way to assess who will adapt to the agency because people who actually share their plan for the day and aren’t afraid to ask questions are usually more proactive and make for a more successful hire overall.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Is the fear of failure holding you back from taking the first steps to establish your brand? Are you hesitating to start a podcast because you believe it would only be worthwhile if it garners millions of downloads? Our guest today is a true trailblazer in the podcast industry, having successfully built a thriving agency around his initial decision to create a show dedicated to entrepreneurs. Tune in for an insightful conversation on the power of pushing boundaries and the value of trying new things in the ever-evolving world of podcasting and entrepreneurship.

    Pat Flynn is the serial entrepreneur and podcasting pioneer behind Smart Passive Income, a massive podcast with a long history of teaching entrepreneurs proven strategies to run and optimize their businesses. He’s also the founder SPI Media, an agency that helps people launch and grow their brands. Pat’s podcast was actually the inspiration for the Smart Agency Masterclass podcast and now he joins Jason to discuss the importance of taking risks and embracing failure as part of the learning process.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    What’s holding people back from starting a podcast?

    Mastering the podcasting game.

    3 key principles for brand success.

    Letting go to grow: lessons on delegating.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    Navigating the Evolution of Your Brand and Business

    Just like Pat has inspired so many entrepreneurs, he was inspired by the Internet Business Mastery to start his own podcast in 2007. The result was so terrible he never released that episode and it took over a year for him to gather the courage to try again. After finally releasing his first episode in 2010, he’s started several other podcasts and has amassed around 80 million downloads and a massive following.

    Much has changed since he chose Smart Passive Income as the name for his brand and “passive income” has recently gained some negative connotations due to influencers promoting the idea of making money without putting in even 1% of the work. As a result, some big brands are hesitant to partner with a business associated with the term.

    Of course, this is not what Pat teaches in his content, and, although he is now referring to it as just SPI, a rebrand is probably in the future to welcome as many opportunities as possible.

    Currently, Pat is running a business with 11 employees, which is something he never would’ve thought he’d do. Back when he started his business, he dreamt of running a very lean operation working exclusively with contractors.

    As the years went by, however, Pat felt a calling to help as many people as possible and he needed to bring the very best talent to the business to help him realize that. Once he had a team, especially his partner and CEO who took over project management and finances, Pat was able to focus on his zone of genius, doing interviews, building relationships, and going to events.

    Focusing Too Much on the Numbers: The Misconception Holding People Back from Podcasting

    For Pat, the number one reason people refrain from starting a podcast is the fear of wasting time. Things have changed a lot since he started and now it has become such a saturated space that he can’t blame people for thinking theirs may just get lost in the multitude of new releases each day.

    Pat challenges agency owners to ask themselves, how many more clients do you need to make a positive impact in your business? Could a podcast help you close more business by attracting potential clients who wouldn’t otherwise find your agency? If the answer is yes, he suggests tailoring podcast episodes to appeal to potential clients and help them feel at ease about engaging with the agency.

    In this sense, a podcast would provide the opportunity to define a much deeper relationship with your prospects than you would with a simple YouTube video. It’s quite a powerful connection you can create with a podcast with the way you as the host can become someone’s companion as they travel, walk their dog, or just go about their lives.

    Mastering the Podcasting Game: Strategies for Building a Successful Podcast

    When it comes to creating a successful podcast that resonates with a wide audience, having a clear vision and set goals is crucial. Merely hoping for a stroke of luck after posting your podcast episodes will likely lead to disappointment and frustration. Therefore, Pat suggests starting with a well-defined purpose and message.

    Additionally, he recommends seeking assistance with the editing process early on. Podcasting is a lot of work, from planning to recording and editing and you may end up feeling exhausted, potentially discouraging you from creating content consistently. Lean into the parts of the process you enjoy the most, which will probably be the planning and creating connections, and you’ll start to see those connections lead to relationships and introductions to people who can open more doors.

    Don’t lose sight of the benefits a podcast can truly bring to your business. This can happen when you focus exclusively on the numbers and get easily discouraged by low viewership numbers. Instead, focus on how an interview can lead to other opportunities; for instance, interviewing an industry leader can lead to being invited as a speaker to their event. Furthermore, it’ll allow you to pick their brain and position yourself as an industry expert just by having that connection with them.

    Pro tip: Before he had his current numbers, Pat was able to get big interviews with figures like Gary Vaynerchuck by timing them just as they were releasing a new book. If you’re looking to get big names, this is when they are far more likely to take every interview opportunity they can to promote their work.

    Humanizing Your Brand in the AI Era

    A lot of people hesitate on whether or not they should create a personal brand. Pat believes that with the surge of AI, having a brand now becomes even more important. With everyone using AI and automating processes, a personal brand means creating a way for people to connect with you, to create a connection that is just not possible with faceless corporations and automated response systems.

    In this sense, he also emphasizes the need to understand what a personal brand is and what it can offer. Basically, you’ll need to have a clear idea of what you stand for, what are your values, and how the work you do reflects that. People want to connect with others who share the same values, which means that not putting yourself out there will make you a human AI no one can relate to.

    3 Key Principles for Brand Success

    Back in 08, when he recorded that first podcast that never saw the light of day, Pat could’ve never imagined the evolution of his brand and the level of success he’s seen over the years. Like most people, he was afraid of failure and thought he was unprepared to venture into the entrepreneurial world.

    With time, he’s discovered experience would be the best teacher and the importance of solving a problem, which is why his guiding principles formed over years in the industry are:

    Worry about failing as fast as you can: Pat cautions agency owners against letting perfectionism lead to getting stuck. “The riskiest thing you can do now is play it safe. Bold actions lead to bold results.” Playing it safe can actually prevent you from adapting to changes and trying new things because what worked in the past may not work in the present. To progress and grow, one must be willing to take risks and try new approaches.

    Serving first: Focusing on solving a problem for others and providing value will help you build trust, loyalty, and ultimately, financial success. For Pat, this emphasizes the idea your earnings are a byproduct of how well you’re serving your audience. Consider this rather than solely focusing on making money.

    Building community: Pat believes in the power of connection and belonging, which he fosters at his agency by creating safe spaces for his clients to come together. It’s not only about finding an audience or how well you serve your audience. It’s also about getting your people to find each other. Strengthening the bond between agency and clients will help future-proof your brand by creating a loyal and engaged community.

    Partnerships, Delegation, and Prioritization in Agency Leadership

    Pat’s partnership with his now friend and CEO was the leverage he needed to start to transition away from the parts of the business he least enjoyed. Looking back, he realizes he was holding himself and the business back by not letting go sooner. It was not easy for him, as he sometimes regressed to try to get too involved and micromanage the team.

    To him, it’s like holding on to a ladder that takes you to a certain height while trying to climb a new one that will take you higher. In the end, as long as there’s open communication and a shared vision between partners, it’s okay to let go and not fear that the agency will get off track. Additionally, Pat underlines there’s no immediate need to train someone as CEO to have that kind of support. You may just need a business manager, which is a common struggle for agency owners.

    For those grappling with where to direct their attention and energy, Pat recommends delineating personal and business priorities. "If you haven’t sat down with yourself, your partner, or your team to define your priorities, you’ll feel busy while getting nowhere. Once you do, things will start to align," he advises.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Do you want to sell your agency at some point? Do you know where you want to take your business before you’re ready to search for a partnership? Today’s guest started his agency at just twenty-three years old and was ready to sell ten years later, when his business was thriving and had a solid position in a coveted niche. However, the selling process was not as smooth as he hoped and he soon found himself looking for expert advice to understand a complex process that was sure to take a lot of his time for months on end. Tune in to learn how he navigated the M&A process while prioritizing clients and employees, and creating the ideal work environment for his team.

    Simon Cristal is the founder of SWC Partnership, an international full-service marketing agency that helps clients increase lead generation and brand awareness by developing strategies and creative ideas. Last year, his agency was acquired by a global independent agency, which he says was a natural process and a great experience overall. Learn his insights on building a client-centric agency, the importance of taking care of clients, and the type of help you’ll need for a smooth acquisition process.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Positioning and prioritizing profitability.

    From Zero employees to selling an agency.

    The agency owner’s roadmap to M&A.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Copper: This episode of Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by Copper, a CRM solution built specifically for agencies that use Google Workspace. Its CRM integration works seamlessly with Gmail, Google Calendar, and Drive, so you never have to switch tabs to add leads, track email conversations, find files, or manage tasks in your marketing or sales process. Head over to Copper.com/agencies and get a free trial exclusively for Jason’s listeners!

    Lessons in Pricing, Positioning, and Prioritizing Profitability

    Simon was born into the advertising world, with his father owning an agency that exposed him to the creative realms of design and copywriting from a young age. As he grew up, Simon navigated his way through several London agencies, honing his skills and gaining valuable experience. Surprisingly, the opportunity to set up his own agency came up earlier than expected. He knew he’d wanted to do it at some point in his career, although he didn’t expect to do it at twenty-three.

    Simon started his agency with zero clients, which looking back was a risky move. He did, however, have a clearer vision of pricing. His first client was a big German dairy company and he knew the most effective approach to earn their respect was to refrain from underbidding.

    It took around five years for him and his team to start really focusing on B2B and position themselves as specialists in helping brands connect to international audiences. This proved to be a savvy move, as the pandemic forced blue-chip businesses to seek out more affordable, niche agencies like Simon's, with their unique expertise in global brand-building.

    In the ten years since starting the business, Simon has seen the importance of surrounding yourself with a good team to get through all sorts of situations. They operate under a very lean model since, in his view, it should never be about how many employees you have but about the type of business you build and whether or not it’s profitable.

    This approach to building a passionate team and providing the best possible work environment helped him grow his business, and create great client relationships. It was even a deciding factor when it came to selling the agency.

    Inspiring Creativity, Delivering Impact: Secrets of a Thriving Agency Mindset

    Simon used to believe the agency should be focused on making sales. This has changed with time, as he realized they needed to focus on taking care of clients and looking for ways to help them succeed. It’s a friendly approach that sets the tone for a good agency-client relationship. For him, if you have great clients, great people, and great processes, the financials will take care of themselves.

    Furthermore, Simon recommends using the NBAT framework (Need, Budget, Authority, Timing) as a practical way to ensure you’re picking the clients you can really help and offer the best results to. At his agency, they also use WIDI (I Wish I Did It) as a way to spark employees’ creativity. They organize a monthly meeting where people will take examples of great marketing they wish they had come up with. It’s a great way to stay inspired by innovative marketing strategies and continually strive for improvement. Taking a step back from the daily projects and allowing yourself to be inspired by others’ work will help you evolve and get better.

    Working in the creative industry is fun and Simon believes it’s important to enjoy that. By being inspired, thinking outside the box, and prioritizing client satisfaction, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and create impactful and memorable campaigns. In the end, it’s the truly creative ideas that make for ads that people will remember for years to come. Here are Jason’s and Simon’s picks for some of the most memorable and impactful ads they’ve seen. What are yours?

    From Zero Employees to Selling the Agency

    Simon had always envisioned selling his agency at some point, and as the 10-year milestone approached, he realized that the timing was perfect. The agency had a strong track record of business success, impressive client retention, and a stellar team.

    A point of pride for the agency was its commitment to creating a work environment where employees felt valued and motivated to stay long-term. Hence, when it came to finding the right agency to be acquired by, Simon prioritized the benefits for his clients and his team. Cultural alignment, opportunities for growth, and a shared vision were all essential considerations in the decision-making process.

    Taking the advice from past podcast episode guests who spoke on this topic, Simon appointed an M&A advisor and conducted thorough research; This way, he was able to navigate the complexities of selling an agency and find a suitable partner. Even so, he was surprised by how much he underestimated the time the process took. It was a lengthy eight-month journey from the initial conversation to closing the deal.

    Agency Owner's Roadmap to Mergers & Acquisitions

    Overall, the selling process was a great experience and an undeniably time-consuming process. Sometimes, M&As may seem purposely dragged on for too long to make the seller feel they’re already too compromised and can’t back out or they would have lost all their time and effort. The right guidance and support will help you avoid that, although it is ultimately a process that can’t be rushed.

    Simon’s best advice for other agency owners is to get the right help if you know you lack the proper knowledge and to leave all M&A activities outside the normal work hours. This way, it won’t take over your work day and you can make sure to keep the focus on the agency, as well as not feel you lost valuable time in case it doesn’t work out in the end.

    Another key point was testing out the partnership before fully committing to it. Just like dating before getting married, doing trial projects or meetings can help both parties assess if their cultures and values align. As an agency owner selling your business, Jason recommends making sure you understand the buyer’s integration plan. It’ll say a lot about their motivations for the purchase. This step can help prevent any potential conflicts or misunderstandings down the line.

    Other than that, he suggests investing time and resources into post-merger integration activities. Face-to-face meetings, team-building exercises, and collaboration opportunities are essential for fostering a cohesive and united team. These efforts not only enhance communication and trust but also contribute to the long-term success of the merger or acquisition.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Have you ever doubted your ability to steer your agency toward greatness? Does your team follow your lead on the decisions you make to get there? Many agency owners face this internal battle, questioning if they truly have what it takes to lead their business to new heights. Today’s guest has conquered those self-doubts and forged an unwavering confidence in his leadership abilities. He has grown his successful business over the years, gaining confidence as he accumulated more experience. Although he doesn’t regret past decisions, he realizes he could have retained a majority stake in his company and made it on his own had he trusted himself as he does now. Listen to the full episode to learn about his experience growing his agency and how he built the confidence to succeed.

    Torey Azure is the CEO of Brandcraft Agency, a full-service agency that deals in videography, creative, digital marketing, and branding. Tori shares insights into his journey and the importance of having the right message for the right audience to improve digital channel performance.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Uncovering what clients need.

    Building up leaders.

    The confidence to not hesitate when making decisions.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    E2M Solutions: Today's episode of the Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by E2M Solutions, a web design, and development agency that has provided white-label services for the past 10 years to agencies all over the world. Check out e2msolutions.com/smartagency and get 10% off for the first three months of service.

    3 Key Strategies for Authentic Client Interactions

    Back in high school, Torey was able to blend in with different crowds, being the jock who was also voted as ‘most artistic’ in his class. Thinking back on that time, he realizes that the ability to relate to people from different backgrounds and industries has helped him succeed as an agency owner. It’s not about liking to be the center of attention but about having emotional intelligence and connecting with clients and colleagues on a personal level.

    If you’re someone who finds it hard to network and especially starting a conversation with a stranger, Torey believes the most successful interactions will come from these 3 key strategies:

    Don’t have an agenda. Speak confidently without thinking about what the other party may want to hear, and learn to quickly identify when someone should or shouldn’t be a client. This will come from practice and being in many different situations with different types of people.

    Learn to really listen to people. Instead of pitching yourself, take a true interest in the other person. It will make for a much more enjoyable and memorable experience for them.

    Genuinely curiosity about people. Find out why they started their business. With the pandemic and so much time spent on digital environments, it’s as if people have lost the ability to riff off in a conversation and be invested in what the other person is saying. However, it’s a very important skill to help prospective clients feel comfortable.

    Make a Lasting Impact and Avoid the Order-Taker Trap

    Torey believes his job as a marketer is to uncover what the client needs, which is not necessarily what they think they need. This approach is crucial for providing effective solutions and adding value to clients' businesses.

    Too many agencies fall into the trap of being order takers, simply doing what the client asks without questioning or understanding the underlying problem. This mindset can lead to short-term gains but ultimately results in a race to the bottom competing to offer the lowest price. Instead, Torey advocates for taking the time to truly understand the client's needs and challenges, even if it means challenging their initial requests.

    It’s a lesson Torey has learned through experience when in the past his agency created a good strategy to find the client’s audience but it turned out to be the wrong message and the wrong time.

    Instead of looking at surface-level problems like lead generation issues and attracting clients through low prices, try asking probing questions and analyzing the client's past experiences with other agencies. You could identify patterns and the potential root causes of their struggles.

    Empowering Leaders by Cultivating Independence

    He felt proud the first time Torey realized the agency had signed a new client and delivered the results without his intervention. He is currently focused on elevating his team to foster the leadership necessary for this to continue. There is no definitive formula for achieving this goal, but he emphasizes the importance of creating enough momentum to allow team members the freedom to fail. They may struggle to gain essential experience and knowledge without the opportunity to make mistakes.

    While it may not be ideal for the agency to endure losses that could have been prevented, granting team members the freedom to learn from their mistakes is crucial for developing resilience and problem-solving skills, which are vital for long-term success. This approach may be nerve-wracking at times, but it is essential for personal and professional growth.

    In Torey's experience, there were fewer failures than expected. Instead, there were mainly different approaches to tasks, but no catastrophic failures that resulted in losing a client. This is fine as long as everyone agrees on what the deliverables are and what the client expects.

    Furthermore, to start letting them solve issues on their own, you can use the 1-3-1 framework. If an employee comes to you with a problem, turn it into a learning opportunity by asking them to come up with three possible solutions for that problem and then you’ll ask them to choose one. Eventually, they’ll stop coming to you and just come up with the solution on their own. Ultimately, if you’re trusting them to handle the task it’s because you believe they’re ready.

    Strategic Sacrifices and Lessons Learned

    Staring the agency around the time of the collapse of the housing market meant a lot of struggles and no clients at first. Back then, Torey felt he needed people around him to help him scale so he decided to sell a majority stake in his business. In hindsight, he sees this as a move born out of desperation since he had a clear enough vision and he would have eventually gotten there on his own.

    It also wasn’t about the money, as not a lot of money was exchanged. In the end, his biggest regret is giving up too much and not keeping a majority stake himself. However, he recognizes he just didn’t know back then, which is a must to have a clearer picture when it comes to negotiations.

    Get Unstuck in Your Agency: Build the Confidence to Succeed

    When it comes to decision-making, Torey believes leaders should have the ability to make prompt decisions, take decisive action, and not become mired in overanalyzing every detail. This may lead to making some decisions without fully calculating the risks, but for Torey, the growth you gain is worth it.

    Being able to make quick decisions when needed says a lot about a leader’s confidence in themselves and their team. Torey trusts his instincts and prefers to move and implement instead of thinking too much about it and losing momentum. Whenever he feels the need to consult on a decision, he reaches out to other entrepreneurs he respects and who have been through similar situations. Most of the time they only reinforce what he was already thinking, but sometimes that’s what you need.

    Learning from both successful and unsuccessful decisions is crucial for personal and professional development. Ultimately, the greatest regret would be failing to make a decision. Having the confidence to take action and live with the consequences not only yields valuable insights but also contributes to making more informed decisions in the future.

    Cultivating Self-Trust by Embracing Uncertainty

    For many, trusting yourself and your decisions will take practice, and the more you do it the more comfortable you’ll feel. Torey rarely second-guesses himself and once he makes up his mind to do something, he gets to work. For him, this is a crucial skill for any agency owner who wants to test things and move to the next level. In this sense, it helps him to think there’ll never be a point in his agency’s growth where he feels 100% sure of the next step. Each step of your growth will come with its challenges and, even though he’s learned a lot as an entrepreneur and continues to implement those lessons into how he operates the agency, more revenue doesn’t guarantee having everything figured out.

    Looking back, challenges have taught Torey that all problems are solvable, and by planning, and knowing how to identify the real problem, he and his team will surely come up with a solution.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.

  • Do you fear missed opportunities if you define a niche or turn away less-than-ideal prospects? Today’s guest started his agency as a college student and pivoted to digital services as the internet barely became a thing. One of the biggest shifts and struggles in his journey has been overcoming the fear of tuning down revenue and letting go of the notion that his way was the only approach clients would respond to. Tune in to learn valuable insights on navigating the agency landscape, committing to a niche, and maintaining a thriving business while prioritizing well-being.

    Brendan Chard is the owner and founder of The Modern Firm, a digital marketing agency for solo and small law firms. His team helps attorneys build an online presence tailored to their needs and creates client partnerships at a pace that feels right for them.

    Brendan shares his journey of starting initially as an IT business and evolving it into a successful agency serving clients nationwide. He discusses the importance of avoiding burnout in the agency world and the elements you need to find the right balance between fulfilling work and owning your time.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss:

    Overcoming the fear of turning down profit.

    Managing workload with forecasting and hiring ahead.

    Lessons from a workaholic anonymous.


    Apple | Spotify | iHeart Radio

    Sponsors and Resources

    Copper: This episode of Smart Agency Masterclass is sponsored by Copper, a CRM solution built specifically for agencies that use Google Workspace. Its CRM integration works seamlessly with Gmail, Google Calendar, and Drive, so you never have to switch tabs to add leads, track email conversations, find files, or manage tasks in your marketing or sales process. Head over to Copper.com/agencies and get a free trial exclusively for Jason’s listeners!

    How the Right Mentorship Turned a Side Hustle into a Digital Agency

    Starting out in his dorm room at college, Brendan initially focused on providing IT services for small businesses. He had a knack for repairing computers and his results gradually led to being connected with several law firms that kept recommending him to others in the legal space. This was during the early days of the internet when clients began requesting website development in addition to IT services. Despite initial skepticism about the internet's longevity, Brendan transitioned to website development and digital marketing.

    It was a unique time for him to start the agency since being in business school gave him access to a lot of tools and mentors available to guide him through the process. He learned a specific business strategy one day, tried it the next day at his agency, and then reported back to professors.

    Overcoming the Fear of Turning Down Revenue for Focused Growth

    It took about eight years for Brendan to get his agency to the 7-figure mark. He recalls several bad decisions in terms of clients/projects taken to get there, which he now actively avoids.

    In light of this, he focuses more on finding the perfect client fit, although he admits it’s something he still struggles with. While his agency operates in the legal vertical, they eventually discovered that their optimal niche was working specifically with solo and small law firms. They found that collaborating with larger firms resulted in increased stress and less enjoyable projects, as committees rather than individual owners made decisions.

    Nonetheless, finding their perfect niche and learning to say no to the wrong clients didn’t happen at the same time. Brendan was very clear on the agency’s focus and knew it was better equipped to work with small forms. When it came to rejecting someone who was just not the right fit, however, it meant turning down potential revenue. It’s taken several misses to learn that, ultimately, not working with the wrong clients leads to a more streamlined and successful business model.

    Why Forecasting and Hiring Ahead Is The Best Practice For Manageable Workload

    One key moment for the agency came when they figured out systems to filter out unsuitable prospects and hone in on their ideal customer avatar. This shift coincided with Google's rise as the dominant search engine, resulting in a surge of organic leads and referrals. It marked a significant leap forward. However, the influx of work soon outpaced their capacity, prompting a reassessment of their hiring needs.

    Until that point, Brendan was focused on growing the business conservatively, with a team intentionally built to manage the workload and balance the work without getting overwhelmed. Brendan knows it is important for businesses to find a balance between taking on new clients and ensuring they can deliver high-quality work to existing clients. At some point, however, it became common to constantly play catch up with hiring new team members as the business grew, which quickly became exhausting.

    More recently, they’ve developed systems to hire ahead to avoid burnout and ensure sustainable growth. Hiring ahead of the curve allows them to bring on new team members before they were desperately needed, giving space for a smoother onboarding process and a more manageable workload for everyone involved. This way, new hires can be trained properly and have a smaller workload instead of being thrown into the fire.

    Avoiding Burnout: Lessons from Workaholics Anonymous

    For agency owners, burnout is mostly the result of comparison with other entrepreneurs and convincing yourself you’re lagging. As someone keenly aware of the risk of burnout, Brendan has made a conscious effort to avoid the pitfall. Nonetheless, early in his days of owning the agency, he did end up attending Workaholics Anonymous meetings, where he learned two valuable lessons:

    1. Letting go: The meetings were spaces where he got to turn off all devices and be present. As a result, he was able to focus on something else and the agency didn’t burn to the ground while he did it, proving he had done a good job training his team.

    2. Putting things into perspective: At the meetings, Brendan was surprised to see many of the other attendees were pastors. He learned that as spiritual leaders, they support their communities through the hardest times in their lives, including the death of loved ones. This helped Brendan put things into perspective. Agency work may feel like life and death matters sometimes but the sense of being tied to the agency is more the result of poor management.

    The Wake-Up Call That Shifted an Agency's Course Towards Better Living

    Although it’s not the most popular concept, Brendan believes that lifestyle should be a central focus when building a business. For him, his values around time and autonomy are baked into the core of how his agency operates.

    It’s a philosophy that was forced on him after his son was born with a potentially serious medical condition. As it dawned on him that this was something he needed to focus on and that meant delegating, he trusted his director to take over sales, which ultimately led to a positive outcome. Entrusting his director with sales responsibilities resulted in a positive outcome, highlighting the significance of empowering and collaborating with his team. It was a game changer that changed the course of his agency.

    As the business grows, agency owners shift their focus from day-to-day operations to strategic vision, team development, relationship building, and understanding key performance indicators. It can be a challenging transition, but it can lead to greater success and fulfillment in the long run.

    Letting Go of Control to Find Balance in Agency Operations and Life

    Brendan's reluctance to give up control of agency operations stemmed from his firm belief that there is only one correct way to do things or that clients will only accept one specific approach. In reality, granting his team the freedom to find their methods often leads to better results. Moreover, there is far more room to explore and experiment with new approaches than he may have realized. In the end, clients are primarily interested in the outcomes.

    This is the first step to giving yourself the space to create balance in your life. For Brendan, that means making a good income, interesting work, with flexibility and autonomy over his time. The balance is crucial for overall satisfaction and fulfillment in both personal and professional life and is something he always keeps in mind when he thinks about the agency and the life he wants to build.

    Do You Want to Transform Your Agency from a Liability to an Asset?

    Looking to dig deeper into your agency's potential? Check out our Agency Blueprint. Designed for agency owners like you, our Agency Blueprint helps you uncover growth opportunities, tackle obstacles, and craft a customized blueprint for your agency's success.