
  • Midlife is often a time of big transitions. Giving up alcohol can also create monumental shifts. As we move through these transitions, we sometimes leave parts of ourselves behind, and sometimes we leave others behind.

    My friend and fellow coach Aimee Ames has been on her own transitional journey, including going back to school to become a Functional Nutritionist, redefining her relationship with alcohol and ending a 23-year marriage. Along the way, Aimee discovered that 'you are your one true partner'. I love this saying as it reminds me of what I came to recognize in my own path: the one person who will be with you at the end, is you.

    I am excited to share this conversation with you. Aimee is an incredible human who shares her wisdom freely and shares the difficult parts as well.

    Amy also talked about her work with the Somatica Institute, training as an intimacy coach and a sex and relationship coach.

    Find out more in the Show Notes HERE

  • There's a saying, "You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with". The wisdom behind this statement is the urgency. We recognize that we have a limited amount of time to rub shoulders with people who inspire us and challenge us to grow. And, it can prompt us to choose our friends wisely. Spend time with negative people and we might find ourselves complaining more. Spend time with positive people and we suddenly feel more energy and hopefulness.

    In this podcast episode, I break down the ways we can do a personal inventory and start noticing if the things we are allowing into our lives are bringing us 'up' or bringing us 'down'. This exercise requires intention and space; the exact things that we have access to when we put alcohol aside.

    We can use our clarity of mind, our free time and our energy to engage in new ways. But, beyond just bringing new things in and filling our days haphazardly, this exercise invites you to notice what feels good, what lights you up, what sparks your curiosity and your passion.

    This alcohol-free life is a catalyst to paying attention; this is your opportunity to build the life you want!

    Full Show Notes HERE

    The Sober Summit - get your free ticket HERE

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  • What's on your bucket list? Chances are it includes at least one place you want to travel to. But traveling sober? Many of us are nervous and might even avoid the idea of planning a sober vacation. After all, if you are like most of us, travel and alcohol went together without question.

    Meet my friend Michelle Plante. Michelle is the founder of Michelle Plante Travels and, since becoming alcohol-free at the very beginning of 2019, her travel plans always include fabulous adventures where no alcohol is needed.

    In addition to taking her travel experiences to a whole new level, Michelle shares what else has changed since becoming AF:

    She found the courage to leave a corporate job she felt stuck in Being AF allows her to quickly know if something is a yes or a no ...and more!

    After discovering the joys of AF travel, Michelle is now curating Wellness, Adventure and Luxe trips for sober women.

    Check out Michelle's adventures to Costa Rica and India, and follow along with her special travel blogs: all links in Show Notes

    Are you excited about The 2024 Sober Summit? Get your free ticket to 24 fabulous speakers - link in Show Notes

  • If you have ever wondered if other people talk to themselves, the answer is yes. In one form or another, everyone has a voice in their head. This voice has a lot to say, and we listen. According to Ethan Kross, author of 'Chatter', if you have ever replayed a conversation in your mind, or coached yourself through a problem or skill, you've used your inner voice. Most people rely on and benefit from theirs every day. But what happens when our inner coach turns into the inner critic?

    The clients I work with often find themselves stuck in negative self-talk and turning the talk around is an important part of coaching. On the current episode of the podcast, I share several ways to bring awareness to the voice in our heads and make peace with it. There are practical tips that help us become the 'cheerleader' vs. the 'critic':

    How to bring awareness to the voice in your head How others can help The power of perspective, aka self-distancing

    Find out more tips in the Show Notes

    And you struggle with negative self-talk, I am offering a book study, starting at the end of September, that will feature Chatter by Ethan Kross. This series will provide practical steps to turn that voice into your on-call coach! Find out more HERE

  • Loneliness is possible even when we are surrounded by people. In today's culture, we have more opportunities than ever to connect - we can face a family member, catch up with a video chat or reach out with a text message. Yet we often feel disconnected from others.

    My guest on the podcast this week is Nick Jonsson, an executive coach and alcohol-free coach who understands the impact of loneliness. In fact, he wrote a book on the subject, 'Executive Loneliness'. In 2018, Nick found himself stressed out, drinking too much and feeling disconnected from his family, his friends and from life. He decided to make a change and, with the help of a 12-step program, he started his sober journey. Because of the anonymity of his program, Nick recovered in secret and didn't share openly about his new lease on life. That changed in 2019 when a good friend committed suicide. Nick realized that he had no idea his friend was struggling, and he vowed to start a brave conversation about loneliness, mental health and recovery.

    Visit the Show Notes page to learn more about Nick and his work

  • IAccording to a 2018 independent study by Drinkware, 60% of adults admit to using alcohol to cope with stress. If your stress is caused by burnout, alcohol is the worst possible solution.

    In our conversation today, my guest Jamie Phillips, shared the signs of burnout:

    Living in fight or flight Never recovering from stress Adrenal fatigue/exhaustion Loss of agency Survival mode Brain fog Poor sleep

    In addition to burnout and recovery, Jamie and I talked about how 'drinking was her favorite thing' and the prevalence of alcohol in the queer community. Jamie shares openly and honestly how she discovered a deeper layer of purpose behind alcohol.

    You can find out more in the Show Notes

  • I am excited to dig deep into our belief system and how these conscious and sub-conscious beliefs can keep us stuck as we make changes in our relationship with alcohol and beyond.

    First, let's talk about the three levels of belief - particularly relevant when we think about alcohol:

    Substance (what we believe about the liquid alcohol Society (what our culture, our family of origin and society tells us about alcohol that we have come to accept as the truth) Self (what we believe about ourselves that relates to alcohol)

    These levels of belief are in order (1-3) intentionally. Challenging our belief system gets harder as we move from substance to society to self. (For more on this, and examples, listen to this week's podcast episode.)

    So, how are beliefs formed, and how do we challenge the beliefs that no longer serve us?

    Listen in to learn how beliefs are formed and the socratic method which can help you discern your own truth when it comes to alcohol.

    More details in the SHOWNOTES

  • Women's Hormones - Menopause - Weight Gain - Alcohol - Fasting

    In today's episode we talk about women's hormones and my guest helps break down what we can do to thrive no matter what stage of life we are in!

    Meet my friend and fellow coach, Elly Young. Elly is a wealth of information when it comes to understanding how best to support our hormones. Elly is an expert in cycle-syncing, which is a fascinating practice of eating to support your hormones. And, if you are post-menopausal, you can learn to use metabolic-syncing to achieve the same results!

    This episode is packed with great information to empower you to support your body as you age. Some of the subjects we cover:

    How increased cortisol from alcohol can impact our hormones (and contribute to breast cancer risk) The need to keep our liver healthy (goodbye alcohol) to help detox from estrogen - too much estrogen means hormone imbalance and also contributes to an increased risk of breast cancer. Why eating low-carb can create an imbalance in our hormones How to rebalance your hormones in just 30 days When Elly realized "I will never be skinny again"

    Visit the Show Notes HERE

  • We all want to understand the meaning of life, and so do our mythical heroes. They often go on adventures to strange worlds, fight dark forces, and come back with new knowledge.

    The hero’s journey explains this adventure by breaking it into stages. It shows how a hero faces and overcomes challenges to learn and grow.

    Does this remind you of your own alcohol-free journey? In this episode of The Sober Edge Podcast, I share my take on an AF hero's journey.

    The 12 steps outlined in the graphic are easy to adapt to our own journey to alcohol-freedom. Just like the heroes of mythology or your favorite Star Wars character, you are called to the adventure of a lifetime!

    Full Show Notes HERE

    Ready for your own AF Adventure?

    Join The SELF Experience waitlist for women who are alcohol-free and looking for more

    Join REFRESH, a program for women who are struggling to become or stay alcohol-free

  • I recently sat down with Betsy Frost, the CEO of Hoplark Brands to talk about drinking less, the NA industry, and why she believes hops are 'magic'.

    Hoplark brings us the 'Yes And
' which is to say it brings the flavor and the complexity of hops to tea, sparkling water and 0.0 beverages. A range of products that have zero sugar, zero alcohol and zero calories!

    Betsy shares that hops are a magical ingredient that has basically been ‘held hostage’ by the beer makers for hundreds of years. And, Hoplark is taking back hops and bringing the brewing aspect without the fermentation or malt into a new variety of beverages to delight the palate.

    Frost describes the brewers at Hoplark as a ‘bunch of passionate 'hopheads’ who want to ‘free hops from beer’. But, the company philosophy goes beyond hops. Betsy shares in this episode of The Sober Edge Podcast that Hoplark Brands delivers a new way of thinking about alcohol-free beverages - beyond personal choice but offering new and inclusive options. She sees this class of beverages as less ‘anti-alcohol’ and more ‘pro-options’.

    Tune in to hear more of our conversation, including:

    How Hoplark leaves out the fermentation to create a 0.0 option Her personal philosophy of 'yes and'... Why big beer companies getting into the NA game is a good thing And more...

    Head to the Show Notes HERE to grab a 35% discount code to try Hoplark Teas, 0.0 and Sparkling Waters!

    And, if you are ready to say 'no' to alcohol and 'yes' to a bigger, more flavorful life, grab a time on my calendar and let's chat! Free Discovery Call HERE

  • My friend and colleague Kristin Horstman is a certified Gray Area Drinking Coach with a specialty in helping clients learn how to nourish their nervous system.

    We also touch on:

    Perfectionism Polyvagal Theory Focusing on the body brings us into the present Focusing on our thoughts leads us to the past or future How to recognize when we are regulated or deregulated

    Kristin also has a passion for a non-profit organization, CMC, Foundation For Change. This organization helps support family members whose loved ones are dealing with substance use. She shares the philosophy of the CMS which is based on science and kindness. My favorite part is that CMC goes beyond offering support and actually teaches skills to help one feel empowered to care for their loved one. This program can help families let go of the outdated ‘tough love’ method and lead with connections.

    Find out more about the work of CMC and Kristin in the Show Notes

    Kristin and I also get to hang out together in The Sober Edge Book Club - if you are a sober curious or sober serious woman who loves books - please consider joining us! More Info HERE

  • Life's adventures come in many forms. My recent conversation with friend and colleague Racquel Reid brought this home.

    We have the adventures we choose, the adventures thrust upon us and the adventures we let go.

    When Racquel left on her travel adventure, she never imagined that she would end up in her current situation. Yet, somehow, Racquel has found a place of adventure and freedom even in the midst of hardship and struggles. Her journey of finding her 'wild and free' is inspiring and heartwarming.

    In our conversation we touch on:

    How travel breeds self-trust, flexibility and leaning into new experiences Wherever you go, there you are! Finding her feet And more...

    Visit the Show Notes for More

    Stop Drinking Now, Even if You Are 50, 60 or beyond

    Midlife is the perfect time to take a break from alcohol. "Stop Drinking in Your 50's and Beyond" is created exclusively for midlife women. Get the tactical support and the key foundation in only 6 weeks. Simple, affordable, effective. Learn More

  • As an alcohol freedom coach, I emphasize the importance of community as we go through this monumental change. Traveling together means we get support, understanding and a shared sense of camaraderie that doesn't (always) happen in other places.

    As an entrepreneur and business owner in this alcohol-free space, I wanted a community that supported my unique business. This is a mission-driven business for most of us. It is also a place where passion projects abound. All of us deserve a supportive place to hang out.

    I met Maggie Klaassens at a Sober In The City event in Portland, ME last September. As we got to know one another, we realized we both had a burning desire to create a community for entrepreneurs just like us. And so, The Sober Hive was born!

    The mission of The Sober Hive is aligned with these three principles:

    Community Connection Collaboration

    Let's come together to grow this AF movement!

    Find out more about The Sober Hive

    Show Notes HERE

  • Challenge:


    A call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel


    Invite (someone) to engage in a contest

    The idea of a contest involves a clear objective with a finish line. But, does the idea of a 'challenge' really work when it comes to changing our relationship with alcohol or food?

    Just around the corner is 'Dry July', an opportunity to take 30 days off from drinking. While these types of challenges can help us get started, the really challenging part comes at the end of the month, or the 30 days.

    Here are some ideas I share on the podcast

    Take the word challenge and change it to an experiment. Start at a random time, not the 1st of the month Set clear intentions at the beginning ...and more

    Full Show Notes HERE

  • What if, instead of health, we decide to seek wellness? What if, beyond health, there is a beautiful place called 'wellness'? In our culture today we are often bombarded with wellness products and wellness lifestyles, but what does that really mean?

    My guest on the podcast today, Megan Swan, has her own spin on wellness, and we talked about her modern approach to wellness that takes us beyond health (health has been defined as the opposite of disease) to a 360 degree approach.

    Megan Swan Wellness is her brand, and she teaches the foundation of wellness to include strategic practices that are both sustainable and easy. I love this conversation because we touch on many of the foundations that I also believe create a beautiful and balanced state of well-being; i.e. wellness.

    Here are some highlights:

    Her Eat, Pray, Love decision that landed her in Mexico for 15 years Yoga was her 'gateway drug' to wellness ....and more!

    Show Notes HERE

  • Over 50% of families deal with addiction. If you have a family member who struggles, it can be challenging to walk the line between compassion and tough love, enabling and offering support. And, the closer the family member, the more challenging it can be to set healthy boundaries.

    My guest on the podcast today is Dr. Brian Licuanan. Dr. Brian is an author, speaker, and board-certified psychologist practicing in Southern California. He specializes in family crisis interventions and has extensive experience working with highly acute clients struggling with substance abuse disorders and mental health conditions. He reached out to share his new book, "How to Get Your Resisting Loved One into Treatment: A Step-by-Step Guide for Mental Health and/or Addiction Crisis".

    We talked about the processes Dr. Brian teaches and assists with as well as these highlights:

    Every family’s crisis looks different. The 'old' way of thinking about boundaries with a loved one

    Fatigue in helping a loved one - when is it time to take intervention to the next level?

    ...and more

    I also ask Dr. Brian what if YOU are the one dealing with alcohol use disorder? Tune in to hear his answer.


  • For most of us, our relationship with alcohol, whether we are drinking or not, is complicated. When we find ourselves 'romanticizing' alcohol, it can feel confusing.

    First, let's normalize these thoughts. Longing for the past, or feeling nostalgic, is a normal emotion. It is often tied to a longing for the way we used to be or the way we used to feel. I recently had a client share that 'nostalgia' is one of the reasons she drinks, that longing to feel a certain way or searching for a past version of herself can lead her to desire a drink.

    In this episode of The Sober Edge Podcast, I break down nostalgia and how it can lead us to the exact place my client ended up: with a desire to drink, or to a memory where alcohol seems attractive.

    Here is one definition of nostalgia from 'Atlas of The Heart' by Brené Brown: a yearning for the way things used to be in our often idealized and self-protective version of the past.

    I also used an article from Psychology today (link in show notes) to further breakdown how nostalgia connects us to alcohol. You will hear 5 key points as you listen to the episode.

    This trip down memory lane that is nostalgia is not without danger; enter cautiously and ask yourself these three questions:

    Am I making alcohol the 'star' of this memory? What emotion am I actually longing for? Is it a connection; is it a younger, more innocent version of myself? Don't give alcohol too much credit. Is this thought and reminiscing coming from a place of pain? If so, does that make me want to drink?

    Head to the SHOWNOTES for the links to the TEDX Talk I mention as well as the Psychology Today article.

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    Watch the T.E.A. with Teri weekly videos through my Youtube Channel

  • While I love a good ‘self help’ book, I was completely fascinated by the title of my guests’ book: “Not Another Self Help Book”. How could I resist having her on the podcast to share her unique perspective on how to show up in the world when life is hard?

    Lindsey Kane Leaverton is an author, songwriter, former minister and a financial wealth management expert. She also identifies as a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, a woman with ADHD, OCD and PTSD; as she shares, she has ‘all the adjectives’!

    Lindsey wrote this book, "Not Another Self-Help Book" to highlight some of the most challenging things we experience as humans, and how we might find a gift in each of these challenges, such as pain, trauma, addiction and waiting. We also talk about how she lost everything when she came out as gay, her long journey with chronic pain, our equal dislike of the phrase “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle”. We cover a lot in today’s episode and have a lot of laughs along the way.

    Here are some of my favorite parts:

    Her belief that “my Higher Power is not out to get me” How she gets out of her own head Her favorite chapter in the book Her long journey back from chronic pain How she credits a random encounter on an airplane with saving her life and more...

    I hope you love this episode as much as I did!

    Get all the details of how to connect with Lindsey and more in the SHOW NOTES

    Interested in The Sober Edge Book Club? Check out our new pricing HERE!

    *Lindsey does not identify as sober or alcohol-free but does share her deep respect and personal experience with Al-Anon. If you follow Lindsey on social media, you may see her with a drink in hand, but on today’s episode we do not talk about her drinking nor do we glorify the drinking of alcohol in any way.

  • A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a new friend. Constance Todd Smith is an alignment coach (I love this!) who has been on her own journey of exploration, which started 38 years ago when she decided to 'live on the bright' by choosing sobriety.

    In addition to being an alignment coach, Constance is also a Yoga teacher, an Ecstatic Dance instructor, the founder of a Facebook group devoted to the teachings of Abraham Hicks and a sailor! She credits her break-up with alcohol as the start of her adventurous life.

    She describes herself as a Hybrid of sorts - a rockin’ combination of a successful businesswoman and a spiritual/esoteric junkie. Her gifts, which she readily shares with her clients, include writing, meditation and manifesting. She is also hard at work on her latest project, your very own sober life guide - keep your eyes out for "A Sober Companion"!

    To find out more about Constance and my new REFRESH program, visit the SHOW NOTES

  • How do you define abundance? It might be having more, or it might be desiring less. When it comes to creating space, having an abundant mindset can be key.

    Creating space can manifest in many different ways; being open to opportunities means almost anything is possible. I have talked about creating space before, but I have recently been challenged to broaden my personal definition of how we create space. In my own life, creating space looks like removing something, be it emotional (a negative thought), physical (throw out the old blouse), or spiritual (exploring those biases). But, I now understand it doesn't look that way for everyone. For you, it might be picking up the ball that you dropped, or letting go of old fears that breed scarcity.

    I recorded today's podcast episode to share more about space, scarcity, abundance and alcohol. I hope you will listen and perhaps be inspired or enlightened to explore your own 'space'.

    ZPE Connect and The Sober Edge Book Club - Join us for a live event on May 20th from 6-8 PM in 4 different locations. Find out more HERE