A podcast series of interviews and stories by We All Dream, hosted by Michaela Kotob.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you want to break into beauty, move up or pivot into the industry? BIPOC Beauty Pros share the secrets to how they broke in, moved up, and defined success in different business areas (Corporate, STEM, Creative, and Entrepreneurship). Sharing their personal stories and practical tips.
Podcast z gostiteljema Tomaž Ornik in Miha Krajnc, kjer se sama ali z zanimivimi gosti pogovarjava o kulturi, mladostniškem živlenju, karieri/faksu in aktualnih tematikah.
Breakout Business English is all about improving your confidence, vocabulary, grammar and fluency in Business English. If you're not a native English speaker and you use English as a 2nd language to communicate at work then this podcast is definitely for you! You’ll find tips, strategies, and tools to grow your professional communication skills, as well as vocabulary episodes aimed at giving you new, advanced, professional vocabulary around workplace themes. We explore how you can express yourself better and build better professional relationships with your colleagues, customers, and clients. If you’re interested in becoming a better professional tomorrow than you are today, then you're in the right place and I'm excited to have you on the team. Let's get started!
Hacking Work este primul proiect social, civic și educațional din România care vorbește clar, curajos și cinstit despre piața muncii și despre relațiile dintre angajați și angajatori. ►► Acest produs multimedia este realizat de echipa Hacking Work și produs de SPOR - Școala Pentru oameni Responsabili. În proiectul Hacking Work includem episoade de podcast audio și video publicate pe Youtube, Spotify și celelalte platforme de streaming, newsletterele și articolele publicate pe Substack, articolele de analiză și opinie publicate pe blogul și emisiunile de radio difuzate în parteneriat cu posturile cu acoperire națională.
Pogovori s slovenskimi stand up komiki in ostalimi povezanimi s komedijo.
Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
Aktuelles, Informatives & Persönliches von der Schnittstelle zwischen Recht und Kreation. Für die Menschen vor und hinter Marken & Designs, Werbung & Kommunikation.
The Medical Sales Podcast is a podcast for people who want to get into medical sales and medical sales reps who want to advance their careers. We interview top medical sales reps and leading sales executives from all over the country in pharmaceuticals, medical devices, genetic testing, diagnostic lab sales and more. You’ll laugh, you’ll learn and you’ll be inspired.
If you would like to learn more about my programs visit -
The Making Lean Fly Podcast discusses the most important element of a Lean Transformation: The People. Our guests share with the audience their experiences and successes in Making Lean Fly at GKN Aerospace.
This cult podcast is about creating space in the category of one for the modern entrepreneur of the 21st century.
Key message: The way your life is going to be is your choice.
Style is like a divinity. It is omnipresent... a unique way we speak, act, and present ourselves to the world. It is our inherent energy that makes us one of a kind and our most impactful asset in modern marketing.
Join me and my guests as we explore how uniqueness helps entrepreneurs achieve long-term stellar business results by helping them stand out from the crowd in the most genuine and authentic way. -
The Coach's Compass is a podcast for anyone in the coaching industry both new and seasoned veterans. This podcast features a series of interviews with experienced coaches who will share their best practices, tips, advice and the reasons they decided to become a coach. The show is hosted by Clark Luby, a passionate student of coaching currently working on his ICF designation.
We spend so much of our lives thinking about what's wrong with us instead of recognizing what we do best. If we can play to those strengths, think of how powerful we could be. Think of how powerful businesses and organizations could be.
The most common denominator of the most successful leaders is self-awareness. On this show, hosts Darren Virassammy and Brandon Miller help leaders uncover and their superpowers by using the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Along the way you’ll learn how a strengths-based approach can transform businesses into engaged workplaces.
This is The Strengths Whisperer, a show empowering leaders to create, build, and sustain great places to work. -
A podcast for ambitious women.
Introducing the ULI’s New Real Estate Vanguard
Hey there Beauty Boss! Are you ready to scale your business? Are you ready to tap into your six figure potential? Join business coach, Carrie Hunt, every single week as she walks you through tangible strategies to elevate your profit, grow your clientele and scale your beauty business beyond your wildest dreams. Because not only has she done this, she has taught countless others how to as well. Carrie is a cosmetic tattoo artist and educator, a mom of three and an owner of a commission based permanent makeup studio with multiple locations, located in the heart of Texas.Tune in weekly and lets transform your systems, increase your bookings and layout your roadmap to a 6 figure success!
Podkast, v katerem gostimo predstavnike jezikovnih poklicev in njihove navdihujoče zgodbe.
Odprta scena je odprta za kreativnost, dober vajb in kvalitetne vsebine iz področja kulture in umetnosti. Gostje podcasta so ljudje, ki mi tako ali drugače prekrižajo pot in z mano raziskujejo zakaj se je fajn ukvarjat z umetnostjo. Veliko je govora o stvareh, o katerih se po navadi ne pogovarjamo javno - neuspehih, negativnih izkušnjah v umetniškem svetu in seveda ne manjka smešnih anekdot in takšnih ali drugačnih življenjskih izkušenj. S tabo sem Tia, ustanoviteljica Odprte scene. Hvala, ker si tu.
Artist and Marketer Aengus Boyle interviews successful creatives - artists, musicians authors, comedians and business people - and explores the marketing tactics, strategies and mindsets they have deployed to build large and lucrative followings. Having only recently embarked on his creative journey, Aengus found himself frustrated by the lack of content about how to market yourself to make a living as an artist, so he decided to start asking the questions himself. Each episode aims to outline the marketing playbook utilised by a new guest to build a brand and turn their creativity into a business - allowing you to take this blueprint and apply it to your own creative endeavours.
V podcastu Utiram svojo pot s sogovorci govorimo o njihovih poteh. Nekatere so bolj konvencionalne od drugih, vsako od njih pa vodi poslanstvo, spremljajo vrednote in preizkušajo izzivi.
Namen tega podcasta je, da te spomni, da je vsaka pot edinstvena in da ne obstaja en univerzalni, pravilen način življenja. Hkrati je njegov namen, da te navdihne, da se vsakič znova vprašaš, česa si zares želiš ti in katere so tvoje vrednote. In da se spomniš, da so vsi ovinki, vzponi in padci le del tvoje edinstvene poti, ki jo pogumno utiraš.
Hvala, ker si tu! Se slišiva.