Here is a live episode! Bill and Jeff meet at the Riverow Bookshop in Owego, NY to have a conversation about Bill’s recent book, Thriving on a Riff: Jazz and the Spiritual Life. They have discussed the book in previous episodes but are still digging up fresh soil. Thanks to Riverow Bookshop for hosting this event!
Learn more about Riverow Bookshop by clicking here.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music
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Music may come from the imagination – but there must be funding if anyone is ever going to hear it. Bill and Jeff have an honest conversation about the money that makes music heard. They discuss the importance of creating a community of supporters who support the music-making, especially for the recordings of Presbybop Music. A special shout-out to Fractured Atlas, our fiscal sponsor. They make donations possible for our work.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Jeff and Bill return to talk about the art of composition. Where do composers find the inspiration for their music? Jeff asks, Bill ponders. Along the way, we hear a couple of clips from Bill’s new compositions.
Featured music: “Bright Sorrow” and “Celestia,” composed by Bill Carter (yet unreleased)
“Dancing Girl,” composed by Bill Carter, from Dancing Day, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Jeff and Bill are back to discuss Bill's memory of the "top five" jazz concerts he attended. As they banter back and forth, they share brief snippets of amazing musicians that have shaped Bill's musical imagination.
Music: snippets of five great musical ensembles, all recorded live.Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Today, we offer a quick recap of an annual jazz worship service in Clarks Summit, PA. Co-host Bill Carter is the longtime pastor of First Presbyterian Church – and its resident jazz musician. With very little encouragement from Jeff Kellam, Bill shares a recording of his sermon for that service. Brazilian music was featured, so it’s a good opportunity to reflect on the multicultural nature of jazz. It’s also a good opportunity to make more room for others
Music: improvisations on a Brazilian tune, as performed live by the Presbybop Quartet.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Season Three begins with a burst! After a couple of minutes of catching up, Jeff Kellam shares an interview with Dante Di Stefano. He’s a brilliant poet and educator with a love for John Coltrane’s music. Let’s listen to what he has to say.
We are grateful to the Broome County of Churches, who have facilitated Jeff’s interview with their “Encounter” show on WBNG-TV.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Episode 41 – Jazz Comes to Church (June 6, 2024)
Our two co-hosts talk about bringing jazz into a worship service. How and where does it fit? Bill Carter has been doing this for decades, so he shares some musical examples.
Music in this episode: “Sabbath Song,” “Pass the Plate,” by Bill Carter and used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI). “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” arranged by Bill Carter. Previously unrecorded.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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In this musical episode, Bill Carter and Jeff Kellam discuss the development (or redevelopment) of old material, musical or otherwise. Bill introduces a suite of four tunes originally composed for a 2001 concert at Binghamton (NY) University. He has recently revised and updated them for a jazz sextet, and we hear the second “premiere” of the music. Enjoy – there’s a lot of music.
Music in this episode: “Suite SUNY” by Bill Carter and used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI). Previously unrecorded.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Here is our first “Mailbag Episode,” where Bill Carter and Jeff Kellam address a burning question from one from our listeners: Which is better? Live jazz or jazz recorded in the studio? Our two raconteurs discuss this, and demonstrate the difference between the studio recording of Bill’s tune, “Rumpelstiltskin” and a very recent live concert recording. Can you hear the difference? We think you can.
Any more questions? Send them to office (at) presbybop (dot) com.
Music in this episode: “Rumpelstiltskin” from Interior Window, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet. Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Jeff asked Bill, "Is composing a new book like composing a jazz tune?" What follows is a lively conversation about writing Thriving on a Riff: Jazz and the Spiritual Life. How was the book put together? What was the process? How is the composition of the book an expression of creativity? Be sure to give this episode a listen.
And if you are so inclined, contact our preferred bookseller and get your copy of the book by clicking here.Music on this episode:
“Refracted Light” by Bill Carter, recorded on Interior Window by Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet. Used by permission. © Presbybop Music (BMI)Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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There are many extraordinary souls in the jazz community. Here is one to know: Ike Sturm. He is a bassist, composer, band leader, and creative spirit. What fun to speak with him about his formation as a musician, his creation of a jazz mass, and his earth-honoring duo called "Endless Field." It's a perfect episode for Earth Day - or Earth Year.
"Gloria" from JazzMass, composed by Ike Sturm"The Well," from Alive in the Wilderness, Endless Field.
Music:Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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BONUS - For Holy Week, we offer a re-broadcast of a previous episode.
What does jazz have to do with Jerusalem? Especially the Jerusalem that Jesus entered for the last week of his life? That's the topic explored in this episode. Our co-hosts discuss the moods and senstitivities for a week of struggle and pain. They share live clips from the Presbybop Quartet as the band interpreted the passion of Jesus in a Good Friday jazz vespers at a large church near Philadelphia. They also offer a musical depiction of a Bible story in collaboration with Dennis Dewey, renowned biblical storyteller.
Featured music: "The Last Word" (live version) from Psalms without Words, "Who's on Trial?" from John According to Jazz, "O Sacred Head Now Wounded" (unreleased), and "Arimathea" (unreleased). Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton
(c) Presbybop MusicSupport the show
In this episode, our co-hosts explore some of the themes from Thriving on a Riff: Jazz and the Spiritual Life, Bill Carter's new book. They chat about creativity, the power of suffering, and the hard work of spiritual formation in jazz and faith. Along the way, they share a bit of music.
"Bill's New Song," recorded on Psalms Without Words, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet. © Presbybop Music (BMI). Used by permission."Let Them Go, Set Them Free," recorded on Interior Window, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet. © Presbybop Music (BMI). Used by permission.
Be sure to check out Thriving on a Riff. You can find out more online at https://presbybop.com/thriving-on-a-riff. Read a sample chapter or two, Watch a video. Find the project blog (with links to more videos). And you can order your own copy when it is released on April 23, 2024.
Music in this episode:Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet. © Presbybop Music.
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris NortonSupport the show
This episode continues our lively conversation with pianist Bill Mays. We explore his writing (and sometimes, his lack of “writing”) for the jazz trio. Bill shares some of the ways that he cultivates creativity in his life and tells us about his book of musical stories. Then the conversation moves from the podcast studio to the performing stage, as co-host Bill Carter asks the Mays Trio to tell us what it’s like to make music together. Between all the talking, we share excerpts of a live trio performance of the Mays tune, “Sun of the East.”
Music in this episode:
“Sun of the East,” composed by Bill Mays © No Blooze Music, recorded live in performance and used by permission. All rights reserved. Bill’s music is available at www.billmays.net.We recommend Bill’s book, Stories of the Road, the Studios, Sidemen, and the Singers, also available on www.billmays.net.Interested in hearing Bill’s two-hour show on “A Brief History of Jazz”? You can enjoy it on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZCWXXNYzggTheme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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We welcome pianist Bill Mays in the first of two episodes. He moves easily between the jazz and classical spheres as a composer, arranger, performer, and recording artist. Bill tells us about his artistic development, his experience performing with jazz stars, and the inspiration behind his music. He also shares two of his winsome tunes. Bill will return in Episode 35.
Music in this episode:
“Whistling Pastor” composed by Bill Mays © No Blooze Music, used by permission. All rights reserved.“Snow Job” composed by Bill Mays © No Blooze Music, used by permission. All rights reserved.Both tunes recorded on “Mays Plays Mays.” Available at www.billmays.net.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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Jazz performances are different every single time! Even if forty percent of the music (or more) is written down, each fresh performance varies. Bill and Jeff explore this curious aspect of jazz as they listen to studio and live recordings of two tunes recorded by the Presbybop Quartet: “Welcome Home” and “Streams of Mercy.”
“Welcome Home” has been recorded on the “Fragile Incarnation” and “Welcome Home” CDs. "Streams of Mercy" appeared on the "Interior Windo" CD. Both © Presbybop Music (BMI). Used by permission. Archival copies of live performances © Presbybop Music (BMI). Used by permission.
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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We welcome bassist David Chevan and pianist Warren Byrd. As co-founders of the Afro-Semitic Experience, they have created a dynamic ensemble rooted in the holy work of liberation. Whether they are updating African American spirituals, rearranging Jewish songs, or creating new music of their own, they will model what it means for jazz to address the work of justice. This show coincides with the long-awaited release of their album, “Our Feet Began to Pray.” Be sure to check it out at https://afrosemiticexperience.net/
Warren and David have given us permission to include two cuts from the album on our podcast:
“Unity in the Community” “My Feet Began to Pray”© The Afro-Semitic Experience. Music used by permission. Order the album at the link above!
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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At the beginning of a new year, Jeff and Bill discuss their big projects. CLASSIC VINYL JAZZ is Jeff’s new radio show on the internet. He loves going through the LPs in his attic and sharing them with a new generation. The show broadcasts on Friday nights from 9 to 10 p.m. eastern on WBDY-LP and repeated on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m. eastern (link below).
Bill unveils his book project, THRIVING ON A RIFF: JAZZ AND THE SPIRITUAL LIFE. It will be published on Broadleaf Books on April 23, 2024. We will be hearing more about the book.
To tune in to Jeff’s radio show, go to https://www.bundymuseum.org/wbdy.To learn more about Bill’s book, go to https://presbybop.com/thriving-on-a-riff
Music in this episode: “Haunted Landscape,” Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quintet, from “Psalms Without Words.”Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton© Presbybop Music.
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As the year concludes, here is a bonus episode of new music. The Presbybop Quintet offers three fresh tunes from their International Tour of New England.
Music includes: "Finding Our Way Home," "I Wonder As I Wander," and "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentle Waltz Kings." All music arranged or composed by Bill Carter and (c) Presbybop Music (BMI).Support the show
In this special Christmas episode, Jeff Kellam tracks down Bill Carter on the Presbybop Quintet International Tour of New England. You will get a behind-the-scenes introduction to the music and good humor of a working jazz group. The band was performing holiday music to enthusiastic audiences, and clips of rehearsal and performance music fill the podcast.
Family Promise of Greater Concord, NHWolfeboro Friends of Music, Wolfeboro, NHThe First Baptist Church in America, Providence, RISchorr Family Firehouse Stage, Johnson City, NY
We are grateful to the following venues:All music in the public domain, arranged and performed live by the Presbybop Quintet.
"Angels We Have Heard on High""O Come, O Come, Emmanuel""I Wonder as I Wander""What Child Is This""Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"
Music clips include:(c) Presbybop Music
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton
(c) Presbybop MusicSupport the show
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