
  • EVERYONE!!! It’s Nick Armstrong!!! NOT ONLY is he an incredible improviser (King Ten, Local 132) but he has also been an instrumental part of connecting and building the larger improv community with Camp Improv Utopia, theImprovNetwork.com, and Rise Comedy Theater in Denver, CO. Nick has strengthened the world’s improv community, and as a result, he’s helped cultivate the growth of improv as an art form. Nick Armstrong is a treasure.
    In this episode, we cover how trusting your gut might be the most important skill you can build, the challenges of managing an improv business, and how, believe it or not, improv is supposed to stay fun! Also, Nick and Andrew discover their shared love of Rocky IV.
    Connect with Nick on Instagram through Camp Improv Utopia @improvutopia and Rise Comedy Theater @risecomedy. And if you’re an improviser you should jump on The Improv Network at TheImprovNetwork.org - it’s a wonderful resource for improvisers to find coaches, festivals, and other improvisers.
    As always, thanks for joining us! This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials! We love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults. We’re on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube @stormchaserimprov. Tell your friends! Tell your family! And keep it a secret from your significant other because you're an individual and don’t need to share everything with them!
    PS: All our links including links to tickets for our live shows https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov
    PSS: If you would like to sponsor this beautiful podcast snowflake, or help in whatever way you can, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com and join us on our quest - to seek the holy grail of improv!

  • We have matching “We Love Greg Hess” tattoos. And it’s true - we always have. Always will. Greg is a core member of the legendary improv team Cook County Social Club, one of our favorite improv teams in the world, as well as a member of the ensemble of The Improvised Shakespeare Company. He is also co-host of the hit podcast MEGA, a serial comedy set in the world of a fictional megachurch. Greg is someone we’ve often turned to for inspiration and guidance, so it was a true delight to sit down and pick his brain.
    In this episode, we cover Greg’s thoughts on Cook County’s electric style of play, something that’s kept audiences belly laughing for years. We talk about the challenges of continuing to surprise yourself on stage when you’ve been playing with the same people for as long as Cook County. And we even talk about ramifications of artificial intelligence on the future of art… because GREG IS AN AI BOT AND COULD YOU TELL?!
    You can follow Greg on instagram @heygreghess and @megathepodcast. (You can check out Anatasha, Andrew, and Travis’ episodes on MEGA wherever you listen to podcasts!)
    As always, thanks for joining us! This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials! We love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults. We’re on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube @stormchaserimprov. Tell your friends! Tell your family! And keep it a secret from your significant other because you're an individual and don’t need to share everything with them!
    PS: All our links https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov
    PSS: If you would like to sponsor this beautiful podcast snowflake, or help in whatever way you can, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com and join us on our quest - to seek the holy grail of improv!

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  • It was a pleasure to mind meld with the artist’s brain of Shaun Landry! We talked about why improv is important to her and how it can be beneficial to anyone who performs it, the current state of the improv community and the importance of accepting community, and her journey founding The Ledge Theatre, the FIRST Black-Owned improv theater in Los Angeles.

    You can follow her on instagram @ShaunLandry1 and @ledge_theater.

    As always, thanks for joining us! This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials! We love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults. We’re on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube @stormchaserimprov. Tell your friends! Tell your family! And keep it a secret from your significant other because you're an individual and don’t need to share everything with them!

    PS: All our links https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov
    PSS: If you would like to sponsor this beautiful podcast snowflake, or help in whatever way you can, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com and join us on our quest - to seek the holy grail of improv!

  • We’re back with Gametape - our patented series where we review our recent shows - noting what we’re grateful for, what we could have done differently, and what made us break character and laugh out loud. We’re working to A) get on the same page as an ensemble and B) be more skillful with the wild, untamable beast of an art form we call improv.

    In this episode, Anatasha, Travis, and Andrew review our last Shakeytown Shakedown show on October 17th. We talk about the joy of having all three of us together on stage for the first time since before the pandemic, and then we start to spiral and consider if we’re terrible at improv and if everything we’ve been told is a lie. We also talk about how the ups and downs of our personal lives might profoundly impact our performance.

    Throughout this Gametape episode you’ll hear brief clips from our live show, but if you want to catch the full show it’s available for free on our YouTube channel @StormchaserImprov

    As always, thanks for listening! This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials, we love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults! We’re on Instagram and TikTok @stormchaserimprov, and you can subscribe to our YouTube page for full shows and the video version of this podcast! Tell your friends! Tell your family! But for the love of God, don’t tell the CIA!

    PS: All our links including where to buy tickets for our live shows https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov

    PSS: If you would like to sponsor our lovely little podcast, and for all other inquiries, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com

  • Niccole Thurman (The Opposition, Everything’s Trash, Kenan) sits down with Stormchaser to share how she became a writer, actor, and comedian. We cover a lot, and we dig deep into why it can be beneficial to say yes to what life sends your way - even when it terrifies you - and the process of getting into a writers room. Niccole is funny, charming, and has a dynamic Artist’s Brain. Follow her on instagram and twitter @niccolethurman.

    As always, thanks for being here. This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials! We love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults. We’re on Instagram and TikTok @stormchaserimprov, and you can subscribe to our YouTube for updates when we post live shows and podcast videos. Tell your friends! Tell your family! And keep it a secret from your significant other because you're an individual and don’t need to share everything with them!

    PS: All our links: https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov

    PSS: If you would like to sponsor this beautiful podcast snowflake, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com

  • We’re back with Gametape! Our continuing mission: to explore our improv shows; to seek out new insights and new understandings; to boldly learn where we haven’t learned before.

    In this episode, Anatasha, Travis, and Andrew review our last Shakytown Shakedown show on August 20th. We celebrate - surprise surprise - our imperfection; we talk about how we can improve, especially now that we feel we’ve shaken off the pandemic rust; and we note how our “mistakes” are still our great gifts.

    Anatasha missed this Shakedown because she’s STILL in Utah acting in The Utah Shakespeare Festival and living her dreams…at least that’s what she’s telling us. Who knows really? Maybe she’s just kicking it on a beach somewhere drinking piña coladas. If you have any new information, please DM us.

    As always, thanks for being here! This community of artists is an important part of our lives, and we’re glad you’re in it. Connect with us on the socials, we love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and insults! We’re on Instagram and TikTok @stormchaserimprov, you can subscribe to our YouTube page full shows and the video of this podcast! Tell your friends! Tell your family! And keep it a secret from your significant other because you're an individual and don’t need to share everything with them!
    PS: All our links: https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov
    PSS: If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com

  • Stormchaser talks with actor, film producer, and big time improv nerd Jacob Sorling. We talk about how Jacob became obsessed with improv, comedy, and making art. We dig into his recent inspirations including meditation, self improvement, and poetry. And we pick his brain on his current thoughts on improv and art like how to have fun with your work, pulling inspiration from real life, and how being a better artist can lead you to being a better person.

    You can find Jacob on instagram @jacobsorling, and you can connect with us on Instagram and TikTok at @stormchaserimprov on Youtube at Stormchaser Improv and on our website at www.stormchaserimprov.com! 

    Aaand if you enjoyed this episode, we’d just love you forever if you subscribe, share the episode, and or leave us a brutally honest five-star review on Apple Podcasts! 

    PS: All our links: https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov

    PSS: If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com.

  • In this episode of The Stormchaser Improv Podcast Show, we’re back with more Gametape. The only thing better than surviving an improv show (that maybe wasn’t your best) is watching it back with your friends and then talking about it in front of MILLIONS of listeners.

    In this episode, Pish and Travis review our show from July 28th at our show The Shakeydown Shakedown and we talk about quickly switching from “producers” to “performers”, the importance of treating your scene partners as geniuses, and we discuss ways to allow more joy into our play!
    As a reminder, Anatasha is STILL living her dreams as an actress in The Utah Shakespeare Festival, so she wasn’t in this improv show, but she is in THIS podcast episode.

    As always, thank you for being here. This community of artists is one of the most important parts of our lives - we’re glad you’re in it. Please connect with us on the socials if you haven’t already. We’re on Instagram and TikTok @stormchaserimprov and check out our YouTube page for loads of free content including full shows and the video version of this podcast!

    All our links: https://linktr.ee/StormchaserImprov

    And if you’re in LA, COME SEE US at The Shakeytown Shakedown LIVE every fourth Thursday at the Pack Theater at 9 PM! Tickets are available at the link in our Instagram bio or through the link on our website at www.StormchaserImprov.com

    If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please email stormchaserimprov@gmail.com

  • We’re back with Season two of the pod and we’re starting off with Gametape from our LIVE show on June 26th! We watch “gametape” to get better. Trav, Tash, and Andrew sit down and discuss what worked in our show and what definitely didn’t!

    Side note, As you may or may not know Anatasha isn’t currently performing with us because she’s a real life working actor performing 8 shows a week at The prestigious Utah Shakespeare Festival! But she still found a way to jump on the pod after watching the show to share her insights and her harsh harsh judgements with us.

    It was great to be back doing the pod and we hope you enjoy!

    In this episode we talk about: finding the balance of space and silliness and how difficult it can be switching between the two. We ruminate on the value of putting effort into the production side of the show, and we touch base on how it feels to be shaking off the rust and getting back into the habit of performing LIVE again.

    You can see Stormchaser improvise, live at The Pack Theater every fourth Thursday at 9pm! Or you can see all of our shows for free by subscribing to our Youtube channel. We’re also on Instagram and TikTok @stormchaserimprov

    Lastly, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, and you’re feeling generous, please consider leaving us an honest review on Apple Podcasts! Reviews are a great way for us to lure unsuspecting guests into our awesome podcast trap!

  • Stormchaser talks with the actress Alex McKenna - well-known from her lead role in Red Dead Redemption 2 as Sadie Adler. We talk about the multi-year process and challenges of being a lead actor on what Travis calls “the best-acted video game he’s ever seen,” the process of self-producing her short film, her new podcast on dealing with grief called Good Grief: The Gains of Loss, dealing with emotions as a performer while maintaining your emotional health, and what the HELL is up with F1!

    You can find Alex on instagram @maxmagpie, and you can connect with us on Instagram at @stormchaserimprov and on our website at www.stormchaserimprov.com!

    One last thing: if you’re enjoying this podcast, could you leave us a bright, glowing review on Apple Podcasts? These are incredibly helpful to attract new guests!

    This episode is brought to you by RY Originals - Whole Plant Vegan CBD Vitamins that are FULL of healthy and purposeful vitamins, minerals, and herbs! They’re double-lab tested and activated without extraction, which makes them truly original. RY Originals has crafted four unique blends - Better Mood, Pain Lift, Sleep Tight, and Original Blend all of which are available at shop.ryoriginals.com. And don’t forget to use our special discount code “Stormchaser” at check out to get $4.20 off of every bottle! Nice.

  • Improv assassins unite! Travis has cooked up this bite-sized Stormchaserology episode to cover “throwing daggers.” He talks about how to make your improv more exciting by improvising more deliberately, how to treat you and your partner’s choices as important by trusting that those moves are exactly right, and how to be vulnerable and open yourself up to stabbing and being stabbed! So all you improv assassins better listen up because it’s time to sharpen up your improv!

    You can connect with Travis on Twitter @TravLCox and on instagram @travislcox and you can connect with Stormchaser on instagram @stormchaserimprov and our website stormchaserimprov.com.

    Before you go, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, please consider leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts! Reviews are a great way for us to lure unsuspecting guests into our deadly podcast trap!

  • In this Artist’s Brain interview, we sat down with one of the GOATs - Paul Vaillancourt. For those who don’t know, Paul is a veteran improviser of over 30 years. His credits and credentials are too long to list here, but they include: being a member of the legendary improv team Beer Shark Mice; founding iO West and the Revolution Theater; writing not one but two books on improv (The Triangle of the Scene and 5 Things Improvisers can do to Stay Creative, Feel Inspired, and Have Fun!); and doing a show called Man vs Movie where he does a ONE-MAN IMPROVISED MOVIE!

    Improv courses through Paul’s veins, and in our interview, you can feel how passionate he is about the craft of improv. We barely scratch the surface of his vast store of knowledge, but we do talk about the importance of remembering the basics; what Paul loves about teaching; and we get nostalgic about iO West - the house Paul built and that we were birthed in.

    You can find Paul on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/whatsupwithpv

    You can find his books on improv here:

    The Triangle of the Scene at https://www.amazon.com/Triangle-Scene-practical-approaching-improvisation-ebook/dp/B00ZHV7BH2

    5 Things Improvisers can do to Stay Creative, Feel Inspired, and Have Fun! at https://mailchi.mp/3a4915dcb396/free-guide-for-improvisers

    And you can find his YouTube page for tons of great improv tips and tricks: https://www.youtube.com/c/pvimprov

    And hey, while you’re on the old Instagram don’t forget to give us a follow @stormchaserimprov! You can also check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/stormchaserimprov and of course on our website at www.stormchaserimprov.com! 

    One last thing before you go. If you’re enjoying this show we’d be DELIGHTED if you could leave us a 5 star review on the old apple podcasts! It could be a review like this recent review from Maronati! Maronati gave us 5 stars and says: “Great Stuff.” Thanks Maronati! 

    This episode is brought to you by RY Originals - Whole Plant Vegan CBD Vitamins that are FULL of healthy and purposeful vitamins, minerals, and herbs! They’re double-lab tested and activated without extraction, which makes them truly original. RY Originals has crafted four unique blends - Better Mood, Pain Lift, Sleep Tight, and Original Blend all of which are available at shop.ryoriginals.com. And don’t forget to use our special discount code “Stormchaser” at check out to get $4.20 off of every bottle! Nice.

  • Let’s roll the tape from our show on May 26th! We watch “gametape” to get better. We discuss what worked in our shows and what definitely didn’t. (The only thing we want in life is to grow as artists and improvisers - ya know?) So here we are...just growing away. Life. Finds. A. Way.

    (We recorded this episode without Anatasha. She was asked to come off the bench for the Utah Jazz in round two of the playoffs. Not even Kawhi can slow her down. (With Anatasha’s help, experts are predicting Jazz in 5. Andrew predicts the Clippers in 4.))

    In this episode we talk about: the cost of playing “too loose”; how “getting it wrong” or “failing” can actually be a lot of fun; and how making big choices and bold statements can give your scenes enough momentum to go to the moon!

    You can see Stormchaser improvise, live on facebook.com/stormchaserimprov. For show times and fun bits from the podcast, connect with us on Instagram @stormchaserimprov. If you want to join us for shows in our Zoom meeting and hang out before or after, send us a DM on Instagram and we’ll send you a link the week of the show! We’d love to see you and hear you, hopefully, laughing!

    Lastly, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, and you’re feeling generous, please consider leaving us an honest review on Apple Podcasts! Reviews are a great way for us to lure unsuspecting guests into our awesome podcast trap!

    This episode is brought to you by RY Originals - Whole Plant Vegan CBD Vitamins that are FULL of healthy and purposeful vitamins, minerals, and herbs! They’re double-lab tested and activated without extraction, which makes them truly original. RY Originals has crafted four unique blends - Better Mood, Pain Lift, Sleep Tight, and Original Blend all of which are available at shop.ryoriginals.com. And don’t forget to use our special discount code “Stormchaser” at check out to get $4.20 off of every bottle! Nice.

  • On this Artist’s Brain episode we had the pleasure to sit down with Kiff VandenHeuvel. Kiff’s an improv and sketch comedy veteran - he’s an alumni of The Second City comedy theatre and at Second City Hollywood, he’s directed sketch comedy and taught voiceover, improv, and directing. Kiff is also consistently working as an actor, and has appeared in hundreds of TV and radio commercials, and is well known in the video game community as the voice of Zachary Hale Comstock in Bioshock: Infinite, Walter in The Walking Dead video game series, and also from his work with Disney Infinity. He’s full of passion and his love of performance, and specifically improv, are inspiring.

    In our interview, we talk to Kiff about the origins of the modern improv technique as developed by Viola Spolin, we talk about owning the legitimacy of your improv craft as a legitimate performance technique in an industry which doesn’t quite understand or respect the craft of improv, establishing a solo improv practice, how important it is to build confidence as a performer, and how it was working with Al Pacino. Kiff is passionate about improv and performing and this episode will inspire you to get out there with renewed energy.

    You can connect with Kiff on Instagram @kiffvh on his website kiffvh.com - where you can find his demos, reach out for independent coaching, he coaches improv, voiceover, sketch, and all things performance. He also produces a podcast called All Over Voiceover, which you can check out on its website allovervo.com or on all your favorite podcast platforms.

    You can see Stormchaser improvise, live on facebook.com/stormchaserimprov. For show times and other fun bits from the podcast connect with us on Instagram @stormchaserimprov. If you want to join us for shows in our zoom meeting and hang out before or after, send us a DM on Instagram and we’ll send you a link the week of the show! We’d love to see you and hear you, hopefully, laughing!

    Lastly, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, and you’re feeling generous, please consider leaving us an honest review on Apple Podcasts! Reviews are a great way for us to lure unsuspecting guests into our awesome podcast trap!

  • In this episode, Andrew Pish (maybe you’ve heard of him: handsome, talented, smart, not quite as tall as Travis, and as you’ll hear in this podcast, profound and insightful) adds to our Stormchaserology collection with a great episode about growth mindset.

    Inspired by psychologist Carol Dweck, Andrew digs into the difference between growth and fixed mindsets and how this can apply to improv and our lives in general. This understanding can help us to let go of comparison and people-pleasing, to enjoy success even while we’re risking on stage, and to defeat our shadow selves from alternate dimensions… You know, normal improv stuff.

    If you want to - NO PRESSURE - please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. (We hate to pull this card, but Travis’ birthday is coming up in a couple weeks and a positive review is literally the only thing he wants. The heart wants what it wants.)

    You can connect with us on instagram @stormchaserimprov and our website stormchaserimprov.com.

    You can watch us do improv, live-streamed on Facebook, every other Wednesday at facebook.com/stormchaserimprov. If you want to join us to watch the show from inside our zoom meeting and hang out before or after our shows, send us a DM on Instagram and we’ll send you a link! We’d love to see you and hear you laughing (hopefully)!

  • On this Artist’s Brain interview, Stormchaser sat down with actress and improviser Keiko Agena. Keiko’s improvised for years with Ham Radio, Aisian AF, and many other teams. You may know her from one of her many roles on television: she played Lane on Gilmore Girls, Pam Bradley on 13 Reasons Why, and she’s currently playing Dr. Edrisa Tanaka on Prodigal Son - which you still have time to catch up on season 2 on HBO Max before seeing the last couple episodes live on Fox.

    If that isn’t enough creativity for one person, she’s also a skilled visual artist, and she wrote a creative journal based on mindfulness practices and the improv principle "no mistakes" called No Mistakes: A Workbook for Imperfect Artists (amazon link). On this episode, we dig into the specifics of Keiko’s process as an improviser, as a writer, and as an actor.

    You’re free to go on with your life and leave us behind, but if you’ve enjoyed the show, could you leave us a review on Apple Podcasts? Help us get our show to the MOON!

    If you want more of the Stormchaser drip - peep us on instagram @stormchaserimprov, on facebook.com/stormchaserimprov, and our website with links to the podcast www.stormchaserimprov.com.

    This episode is brought to you by RY Originals - Whole Plant Vegan CBD Vitamins that are FULL of healthy and purposeful vitamins, minerals, and herbs! They’re double-lab tested and activated without extraction, which makes them truly original. RY Originals has crafted four unique blends - Better Mood, Pain Lift, Sleep Tight, and Original Blend all of which are available at shop.ryoriginals.com. And don’t forget to use our special discount code “Stormchaser” at check out to get $4.20 off of every bottle! Nice.

  • There are a lot of similarities between athletes and improvisers: consistent practice, performing in the moment, and of course, the way we look with our shirts off. But we can also watch our gametape like our favorite athletes, and Stormchaser has found that watching shows and discussing what worked and what didn’t is an efficient way to strengthen our improv muscles. With our gametape episodes, we wanted to share some of those discussions so that you could learn from and possibly relate to our mistakes and our successes. Let’s get better together!

    This episode was recorded without Anatasha (she’s currently deep undercover and if she told us any more she’d have to kill us) and covered a show that Travis missed because he had a hot date with traffic on the 405.

    On this episode, Andrew and Travis talk about “spinning plates,” “throwing daggers,” raising the stakes of a scene, playing a “peas in a pod” scene, and the power of stillness. We say WAY too many nice things about Anatasha and WAY too many mean things about Travis. And stick around for the end of the episode where Travis gets his mind blown when Andrew talks about a unique and cool perspective for zoom improv.

    You can also see Stormchaser perform live on facebook.com/stormchaserimprov. For show times and other fun bits from the podcast connect with us on Instagram @stormchaserimprov.

    And before you go, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, could you please leave us a bright, glowing, eloquent review on Apple Podcasts? We'd really appreciate it. KTHXBYE.

  • This is another episode in our Artist's Brain series where we interview improvisers and other artists about their creative process. Our guest today had an enormous impact on my (Andrew Pish’s) life, and first, let me set the stage…

    In 2009, I was an engineering student in my first internship which was at a naval research laboratory in Austin, TX. My desk was directly across the hall from a door that had a sign that said “TOP SECRET” in big bold letters. The door also had a keypad with a code to get in. Scientists and engineers would quickly type in the secret code, rush in, and shut the door before I could lay my eyes on all those sweet, dark, naval secrets. This is the place where I began to have doubts that engineering was the right career path for me, and this is when, while I was checking my Gmail, I saw an ad for improv classes at the Hideout Theatre. That was the start of a journey that forever changed my life.

    Enter our guest, Roy Janik, one of the owners of the Hideout Theatre and a member of the 16-year-old and internationally-renowned improvised theater company Parallelogramophonograph, or PGraph for short. Roy and PGraph were major influences on the narrative improv scene in Austin, TX when I started improvising, and he was my first improv team's coach. As you'll hear, Roy is a complete delight - positive and warm and insightful, and that's the character of improv that hooked me for life.

    On this episode, we talked about the realities of being an improv theater owner, his narrative improv influences, lessons we all can take from narrative improv, how virtual improv can connect us with the international improv community (which has a lot we could learn from), and his book that he wrote with PGraph on narrative improv called Do It Now: Essays on Narrative Improv.

    If you want to connect with Roy you can find him on Instagram @royjanik and you can find more about PGraph on their website www.pgraph.com where you can also order a copy of their book called Do It Now: Essays on Narrative Improv. It is jam-packed full of great insights and lessons to take into your improv.

    Also, if you're in Austin, TX when the world opens back up, please check out the Hideout Theatre downtown, it's the place where I started improvising and I couldn't recommend it enough. The Hideout also has a twitch channel at twitch.tv/hideouttheatre where you can see Roy as well as a bunch of other hilarious improvisers perform. 

    You can also see Stormchaser perform live on facebook.com/stormchaserimprov. For show times and other fun bits from the podcast connect with us on Instagram @stormchaserimprov.

    And before you go, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, could you please leave us a bright, glowing, eloquent review on Apple Podcasts? We'd really appreciate it. KTHXBYE.

  • This is another bite-sized, one-bite-couldn’t-hurt, Stormchaserology episode where we share some of the improv lingo that we’ve picked up on our journey as an improv team.

    On this episode, Anatasha talks about an incredibly important concept for performing comedy - unity of opposites. It’s the way in which a comedian can 100% hold joy in their heart while being 100% committed to their angry monologue about why the price of bananas is too damn high! An authentic connection to playful joy is the wind in your sails, the hot air in your balloon, the fuel that makes your comedy purr.

    Right now, Stormchaser is doing improv live on facebook.com/stormchaserimprov. For show times and other fun stuff, connect with us on Instagram @stormchaserimprov.

    And before you go, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast, could you please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it helps us to convince hard-to-get guests that we aren’t insane - because we aren’t. KTHXBYE.

  • Welcome to another Artist’s Brain episode where we interview improvisers, artists, and creatives to talk shop about creativity. Our guest on this episode is very very very special to all of us, and especially to Travis and Anatasha. Wendy Penrod is one of the founding members of Off the Cuff Comedy (OTC) in Cedar City, Utah, where Anatasha and Travis first tasted the magical waters of improv. So if it weren’t for Wendy and OTC, Stormchaser would not exist today, and for that, we are eternally grateful. 

    On the episode, we talk about what she learned by starting OTC from nothing and eventually forming a successful improv community - including building a physical theater from scratch and creating a kick-ass improv festival that attracts teams from across the US. We also talk about the core elements of improv that have made a lasting impact on her play and the overlap between good mental health and the principles of improv. As you’ll hear, Wendy’s a treasure trove of knowledge and a warm beacon of light.

    To learn more about Off the Cuff Comedy and the Red Rocks Improv festival visit www.otccomedy.com. You can connect with them on instagram @otccomedy. Also, check out Wendy’s podcast with Tiffani Mills on instagram @andtheoscardoesnotgoto, as well as her teammate Rev’s podcast called Monster Smash League.

    To connect with Stormchaser find us on instagram @stormchaserimprov or check our our website! www.stormchaserimprov.com  or tune in for our live shows on Facebook every other Wednesday at 6pm (PST!) www.facebook.com/stormchaserimprov.

    As always, any feedback is appreciated - but it’s especially appreciated in the form of 5-star reviews on Apple Podcasts! If you enjoyed this episode, share your 5-star feedback!

    This episode is brought to you by RY Originals! Whole-plant CBD Vitamins, double lab-tested, and activated without extraction - which makes them truly original. Learn more at shop.ryoriginals.com and use the special discount code “Stormchaser” at check-out to take an extra $4.20 off each bottle!