
  • In this episode, Kyle Gray reflects on his recent birthday and the challenges he has faced over the past year. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and appreciating one's own strengths and accomplishments, reframing stories to find meaning and fuel, approaching sales with intention and a focus on serving, and prioritizing creativity, spirituality, and wellness in life. Kyle encourages listeners to own their stories and share them authentically. On This Episode Recognize and appreciate your own strengths and accomplishments. Reframe stories to find meaning and fuel. Approach sales with intention and a focus on serving. Prioritize creativity, spirituality, and wellness in life.

    We Discuss

    02:18 Recognizing and Appreciating Who You Are 06:18 Finding Meaning and Fuel in Stories 10:08 Sales with Intention and a Focus on Serving 13:01 Prioritizing Creativity, Spirituality, and Wellness 15:10 Conclusion and Call to Action
  • On this episode of the Story Engine podcast, we talk to Massimo Backus, author of the book 'I Am Enough.' Massimo shares his personal journey of transformation from being a 'smart jerk' to becoming a better leader through self-love. He discusses the myths and coping mechanisms we develop as children to navigate the world, and how these patterns can hinder our growth as adults. Massimo emphasizes the importance of learning to love ourselves and finding validation from within, rather than seeking external validation. He believes that our universal purpose in life is to learn to truly love ourselves and accept all aspects of who we are.

    On This Episode

    Our childhood experiences shape our beliefs and coping mechanisms, which can hinder our growth as adults. Seeking external validation and constantly striving to be 'enough' can lead to stress, damaged relationships, and a lack of fulfillment. Learning to love ourselves and finding validation from within allows us to be present, experience joy and sadness, and be our best selves in relationships. Self-love is an ongoing practice that requires acceptance of our limitations, mistakes, and strengths. By prioritizing our relationship with ourselves, we can be better leaders and create positive change in the world.

    We Discuss:

    03:48 The Struggle with 'Not Enough' and Defensive Behavior 09:11 The Cost of Seeking External Validation and Control 15:00 The Universal Purpose: Learning to Love Ourselves 28:01 The Transformation: Embracing Self-Acceptance and Authenticity 36:01 The Power of Vulnerability and Human Connection
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  • Today we discuss the importance of understanding the underlying question of 'what is this conversation about?' This question determines the course of the conversation and how everyone involved feels understood and respected. I emphasize that this concept applies not only to personal conversations but also to presentations, sales calls, and content creation. By addressing the 'what is this about' question, speakers can connect with their audience on a deeper level and achieve better results.

    On This Episode

    The question 'what is this conversation about?' determines the course of the conversation and how everyone involved feels understood and respected. Understanding the 'what is this about' question is crucial in personal conversations, presentations, sales calls, and content creation. By addressing the 'what is this about' question, speakers can connect with their audience on a deeper level and achieve better results. Consider the deeper meaning and impact of the conversation topic to create a sense of safety, trust, and engagement with the audience.
  • On this episode Sam Anderson shares his journey as an entrepreneur and the various businesses he has built. He emphasizes the importance of taking action and providing value to customers. He also discusses his upcoming entrepreneur conference and the focus on actionable steps and building relationships. The conversation explores the themes of starting from the sidelines, finding a supportive community, and achieving success through hard work and dedication.

    On This Episode Take action and provide value to customers to achieve success Build a supportive community of like-minded individuals Focus on actionable steps and practical advice Invest in relationships and give back to others
  • On this episode we are talking to Anat Peri is a somatic healer and inner child expert who helps coaches, healers, and therapists learn a proven method to get their clients deep results. She is passionate about helping people feel their feelings all the way through and freeing themselves from inherited beliefs and behaviors. Anat discusses how being in business or creating your own venture is a personal development journey that brings up emotions and challenges. She emphasizes the importance of learning to regulate our nervous system and feel our feelings in order to be effective leaders. Anat also shares her own journey of overcoming anxiety and finding alignment in her work.

    On This Episode

    Learning to feel our feelings all the way through is essential for personal growth and effective leadership. Regulating our nervous system and creating a calm, loving space is more important than any tool or method in coaching and healing. Entrepreneurship and creating our own ventures can bring up emotions and challenges, but they also provide opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Anat Peri's training camp for the soul process and methodology helps coaches and healers create transformation in themselves and their clients.
  • Today on the show we are talking with Josh Tapp, founder of the Pantheon mastermind, believes in gathering entrepreneurs to solve problems and make a real impact in the world. He curates rooms of like-minded individuals who can generate business and revenue together. By bringing together non-competing entrepreneurs who serve the same audience, they can cross-sell to each other's clients and vertically integrate their businesses. This not only solves the lead generation problem but also expands their reach and allows them to tackle social issues together. Josh emphasizes the importance of genuine connection and recommends curating smaller rooms for virtual gatherings. He also highlights the power of in-person events and the impact of play in building trust and deepening relationships. The conversation focuses on the challenges and desires of legacy-based thought leaders, who are experienced entrepreneurs looking to leave a legacy and make a difference. The three main challenges they face are being tech-challenged, struggling to find the right audience for their message, and constantly creating new offers instead of focusing on a core strategy. The solutions to these challenges include getting tech support, finding the right people to hear their message, and gaining clarity and focus. The conversation also highlights the importance of connection, support, and being surrounded by the right people. The host shares personal experiences of facing these challenges and finding support in a mastermind group. The conversation ends with a call to stop trying to go it alone and to seek out collaboration and teamwork in entrepreneurship. Keywordsentrepreneurs, gathering, impact, revenue, cross-sell, vertical integration, lead generation, social issues, connection, virtual gatherings, in-person events, play, trust, relationships, legacy-based thought leaders, challenges, desires, tech-challenged, finding the right audience, creating new offers, solutions, tech support, finding the right people, clarity, focus, connection, support, collaboration, teamwork On This Episode
    Gathering entrepreneurs in curated rooms can generate business and revenue through cross-selling and vertical integration. Entrepreneurs can tackle social issues by linking arms and expanding each other's audiences. Virtual gatherings can be effective by curating smaller rooms and focusing on genuine connection. In-person events and play can build trust and deepen relationships among entrepreneurs. Curating rooms of non-competing entrepreneurs who serve the same audience can solve lead generation problems and expand reach. Legacy-based thought leaders are experienced entrepreneurs who want to leave a legacy and make a difference. The main challenges they face are being tech-challenged, struggling to find the right audience, and constantly creating new offers instead of focusing on a core strategy. The solutions to these challenges include getting tech support, finding the right people to hear their message, and gaining clarity and focus. Connection, support, and being surrounded by the right people are crucial for success. Entrepreneurship is a team sport, and collaboration and teamwork are essential.

  • Today on the show we are talking with Dino Watt, a speaker and coach, shares his expertise on creating engaging and impactful presentations. He emphasizes the importance of storytelling, interactive techniques, pattern interrupts, and frameworks to connect with audiences and make a lasting impact. Dino also discusses the need for speakers to narrow the scope of their talks and focus on the desired outcome, rather than overwhelming the audience with too much information. He introduces his Stand and Deliver Boot Camp, which helps speakers improve their enrollment and engagement skills, create congruence between their message and audience perception, and expand their offerings for greater monetization. Dino shares a personal story about finding his authentic voice on stage and the transformative impact it had on his business. In this conversation, Dino Watt discusses the importance of being positive and kind in his speaking engagements. He shares a moment when he realized that his delivery was coming across as mean and how that affected him. He also talks about the power of vulnerability and storytelling, using his own personal story of his first kiss at a junior high school dance to connect with his audience. Dino emphasizes the need to meet the audience where they are and to craft stories that address their specific roadblocks and limiting beliefs. He also highlights the importance of constantly evolving and being open to feedback.

    On This Episode:

    Engaging presentations require storytelling, interactive techniques, and pattern interrupts to captivate audiences. Speakers should focus on creating congruence between their message and how it is perceived by the audience. Narrowing the scope of a presentation and focusing on the desired outcome leads to better results. Frameworks and context help make presentations more memorable and easily understood. Finding and embracing one's authentic voice on stage can have a transformative impact on a speaker's success. Being positive and kind in speaking engagements is crucial for connecting with the audience. Vulnerability and storytelling can create a strong connection with the audience. Crafting stories that address the audience's specific roadblocks and limiting beliefs is essential. Constantly evolving and being open to feedback is important for growth as a speaker.

    Connect with Dino Watt




  • Dr. Joshua Sharpe, a doctor of chiropractic, shares his journey of healing and personal development. He discusses how trauma and the accumulation of conditioning can affect our nervous system and limit our potential. Dr. Sharpe explains the connection between mindset and the body, and how his technique, network spinal analysis, helps individuals unwind trauma and create lasting change. He also highlights the importance of aligning our work with our authentic selves and the power of integrating mindset, energy, and business strategies. Dr. Sharpe's book, Wired for Wellness, offers a root cause solution for health and wellness professionals facing burnout and seeking to make a bigger impact. In This Episode: Trauma and conditioning can affect our nervous system and limit our potential. Integrating mindset, energy, and business strategies is key to creating lasting change. Aligning our work with our authentic selves leads to fulfillment and impact. Dr. Sharpe's book, Wired for Wellness, offers a root cause solution for health and wellness professionals facing burnout.

    Connect with Dr. Joshua Sharpe

    Dr. Sharpe's Website Dr. Sharpe's Facebook Dr. Sharpe's Instagram
  • Zeahlot Lopez, a business mentor, shares her journey of faith and impact in the world. She emphasizes the importance of spiritual practices, such as meditation, and maintaining a clean diet to enhance clarity and understanding. Zeahlot helps women in business by guiding them to become the person who can make things happen and addressing unprocessed emotional wounds. She combines her background in psychology, spirituality, and business to provide a unique coaching experience. Zeahlot believes in effective communication and meeting clients where they are to facilitate growth and transformation. In this conversation, Zeahlot Lopez shares her insights on personal transformation and the impact it has on others. She emphasizes the importance of tapping into feminine flow and finding a balance between masculine and feminine energies. Zeahlot also discusses the significance of recognizing patterns and reflecting on personal experiences. She shares her journey of finding compassion and closure, and the uncomfortable process of healing. Zeahlot highlights the importance of balancing stress and gratitude, and the need to flow and flex like bamboo. She also explores the quest for alignment and purpose, and the joy of finding space and enjoying the present moment. Finally, Zeahlot discusses the power of storytelling in sharing one's journey and embracing the ups and downs of life. In This Episode:
    Personal transformation can have a positive impact on others, leading to a ripple effect of change. Tapping into feminine flow allows for a more authentic and effective approach to life and business. Finding a balance between masculine and feminine energies is essential for personal growth and success. Recognizing patterns in our lives can help us understand ourselves and make positive changes. Reflection on personal experiences can lead to healing, compassion, and closure. Balancing stress and gratitude is key to maintaining well-being and enjoying life. Flexibility and adaptability, like bamboo, are important qualities for navigating life's challenges. Seeking alignment and purpose can bring fulfillment and a sense of meaning to our lives. Finding space and being present allows us to fully appreciate and enjoy the beauty of life. Storytelling is a powerful tool for sharing our journeys and connecting with others. Embracing the ups and downs of life can lead to a more fulfilling and adventurous experience. Making an impact and improving the lives of others is a meaningful and fulfilling pursuit. We discuss: 01:24 Faith and Impact 03:34 Diet and Clarity 05:01 Becoming Who You Are 06:10 Understanding Pain and Transformation 07:13 Embracing Pain and Finding Meaning 08:06 Giving Yourself Grace 09:07 Levels of Awareness 09:48 The Bridge Between Business and Spirituality 12:03 Transitioning from Psychotherapist to Coach 13:29 Intuitive Abilities and Empathy 22:06 Effective Communication 26:02 Transformation and Impact 27:00 Tapping into Feminine Flow 28:13 Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies 29:42 Recognizing Patterns 30:19 Reflecting on Personal Experiences 32:20 Finding Compassion and Closure 33:23 The Uncomfortable Journey of Healing 36:04 Balancing Stress and Gratitude 38:30 Flowing and Flexing Like Bamboo 40:23 Seeking Alignment and Purpose 45:12 Finding Space and Enjoying the Present 46:12 Sharing the Journey Through Storytelling 48:30 Embracing the Ups and Downs of Life 49:01 Making an Impact and Improving Lives

  • In this episode, Kyle Gray discusses the art of teaching and how it shapes knowledge and improves skills. He shares his own experience of writing a book and how the process of teaching through writing helped him become more familiar with his ideas. Kyle emphasizes the importance of recognizing that you become a master through the process of teaching, not after achieving success. He also highlights the benefits of teaching, such as sharpening your thoughts, scaling your processes, and leaving a legacy of knowledge. Kyle encourages listeners to start teaching what they know to become true masters of their craft. In This Episode We Discuss Teaching through writing or speaking helps you become more familiar with your ideas and improves your mastery of your craft. The process of teaching challenges your ideas, clarifies your thoughts, and allows you to reflect and improve upon them. Teaching not only benefits others but also sharpens your own thinking and allows you to scale your processes. Resistance and self-doubt are signs that you are on the right path, and pushing through them leads to growth and rewards. Chapters 00:26 The Ups and Downs of the Creative Process 01:26 Becoming an Author and a Speaker 03:51 Overcoming Self-Doubt and Resistance 04:19 Learning from Teachers and Mentors 05:16 The Process of Writing a Book 06:14 The Art of Teaching 07:41 The Importance of Teaching 10:03 Teaching Makes You Better at What You Do 11:26 The Clarity and Reflection of Teaching 12:50 The Challenges of Upgrading Your Visibility 14:17 Resistance as a Sign of Being on the Right Path 15:43 Expanding Ideas into a Book 18:03 Conclusion and Call to Action

  • In this episode, Kyle Gray explores the concept of the artist's journey as a natural progression of the hero's journey. He shares a personal story about challenging himself to think five years into the future and how it led to a transformation in his own identity. Kyle discusses the power of inner story and how it impacts our mindset and actions. He emphasizes the importance of rewriting our own rules and overcoming self-doubt. Kyle also highlights the role of environment and the power of breaking mental patterns. He concludes by encouraging listeners to embark on their own artist's journey and tap into their vision for a better world.

    In This Episode We Discuss:

    The artist's journey is a natural progression of the hero's journey and involves a transformation in our own identity. Our inner story has a significant impact on our mindset and actions. Rewriting our own rules and overcoming self-doubt are crucial steps in the artist's journey. Environment and breaking mental patterns play a key role in the journey of self-discovery and growth.


    00:25The Artist's Journey 01:23Challenging the Status Quo 03:22The Impact of Inner Story 04:19Rewriting the Rules 05:44Overcoming Self-Doubt 06:13A Shift in Environment 07:09Playing a Game 08:34Breaking Mental Patterns 10:01Crafting a Speech 11:30The Beginning of the Artist's Journey 13:26The Limitations of the Hero's Journey 15:21The Power of the Artist's Journey 18:46Creating Art 20:37The Vision of the Artist 22:03Conclusion
  • SummaryThe authority paradox is the more you try to prove your credibility, the less credible you appear. Proving credibility often involves teaching as much as possible and listing certifications, but this can be distracting and overwhelming for the audience. Focusing on yourself instead of your audience hurts your connection with them. Instead of teaching all the details, focus on shifting belief patterns. Teaching to shift beliefs requires empathy and understanding of your clients. Using client stories and strategizing what to teach can inspire action and create credibility. In This Episode We Discuss The more you try to prove your credibility, the less credible you appear. Focusing on yourself instead of your audience hurts your connection with them. Teaching to shift beliefs requires empathy and understanding of your clients. Using client stories and strategizing what to teach can inspire action and create credibility. Chapters 00:55 The Authority Paradox 02:53 The Negative Effects of Over-Focusing on Credibility 03:47 The Wild Goose Chase for More Credibility 04:16 Shifting Belief Patterns 05:14 Teaching to Shift Beliefs 06:12 Examples of Shifting Beliefs 07:07 The Power of Focusing on One Good Idea 08:05 Teaching with Empathy and Understanding 09:02 Using Client Stories to Inspire Action 09:32 Strategizing What to Teach 10:01 Client Success Stories 10:28 Example: Shifting Content from Tactical to Belief-Based 12:14 Example: Focusing on the Easiest Solution 14:35 Example: Shifting Focus from Tangential Teaching

  • Today on the show we have Bill Matthews. Bill is a coach for men who are experiencing roadblocks in their lives. They think that it is too late for them to live in alignment with the way that they truly wanted and truly sought after when they were younger.

    Together we are going to co-create a story that smashes this limiting belief and expresses the deep passion and power that Bill works with within the stories that we all tell ourselves about ourselves. This is a magical episode.

    In This Episode:

    It is not too late to move forward and begin to take your mental health, physical health, and spiritual health seriously.

    It is not all those things that make you happy. It is the connection with people. Being needed, being wanted, being loved, and loving others is true happiness.

    We are the sum of the stories we tell ourselves. Ask yourself if the story you are telling yourself is true or not and how can we begin to recreate that story?

    And so much more!!! Connect with Bill Matthews:

    Bill on Instagram

  • Today on the show we have Mike Zeller. I am excited to share Mike with you for most of the episodes. Recently we have been crafting origin stories with my guests and today we are going to do something a little different but equally powerful.

    Today with Mike we are going to be developing a proprietary process that encapsulates many unique faucets of transformation that he brings to rewire your mind. He has a very powerful story that has inspired this journey and an equally powerful system to facilitate this.

    In This Episode:

    A proprietary process is one of the most powerful and desirable ways to make an expert with a really unique solution stand out and be one of a kind.

    We all act according to our identity. If you want to redevelop yourself into the highest level state you might have to reprogram and rewire your identity.

    Your next level is right around the corner and it usually is going to involve your identity being rewired because your identity precedes your destiny.

    And so much more!!!

    Connect with Mike Zeller:

    Mike’s Website

    14 Tools to Rapidly Rewiring Your Nervous System

    Mike on Instagram

    Mike on LinkedIn

  • Today on the show we have Suzanne Taylor-King. On the episode today we are going to explore the word Eudaimonia, an ancient stoic term that has profound implications for your modern-day life. We are going to hear a story of a profound turning point led by some sleazy sales that led to an incredible decision in her life.

    In This Episode:

    Know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, your content, and how you want to serve your clients really clearly.

    Help more people get what they want and you will get what you want. It is about their journey and getting them where they want to be.

    Changing someone’s way of thinking about something is so much more powerful than me teaching them how to do something.

    And so much more!!!

    Connect with Suzanne Taylor-King:

    Suzanne’s Website

    Suzanne on Facebook

    Suzanne on Instagram

    Suzanne on LinkedIn

  • Today on the show we have Hamilton Souther. He is making his second appearance on the podcast after an absolutely stunning and incredible interview a few months back. I highly recommend going and checking out our first show together.

    Today he is going to be talking about the mystery school that he is starting, a series of curriculum and community dedicated to understanding the most mysterious and fundamental forces in our planet and in our lives. We are going to be hearing his story of exploring these mysteries deep in the Amazonian jungles of Peru and the meaning that he drew from it all.

    In This Episode:

    The core motivation behind somebody is what gets them fired up to do what they are going to do.

    Your choices change your future. You can see your destiny in the past.

    It’s in the unknown that we find the solutions, new tools, and the things we need in our lives to move beyond where we are right now.

    And so much more!!! Connect with Hamilton Souther:

    Blue Morpho Academy

    Blue Morpho Tours

    Hamilton on Instagram

    Hamilton on Facebook

    Hamilton’s first show on The Story Engine

  • Today on the show we have Jeff Lerner. Jeff is a long-time entrepreneur, musician, and content creator. Today we are going to talk about and explore his philosophy around why entrepreneurship is for everybody.

    We are going to co-create a powerful story based on his mid-life crisis that unfolded in a way that might be a little bit different than you might expect. This is an action-packed episode and I am really excited for you to hear the story we create at the end.

    In This Episode:

    The brokenness of the traditional American dream is accelerating and entrepreneurship is the logical response and yet we live in a world where most people don’t think it is available to them.

    It’s possible to want for nothing in this world if you are able to make a big enough impact on others.

    It is possible to say no to so much more than people think they can.

    And so much more!!! Connect with Jeff Lerner:

    ENTRE Institute

    Michael on YouTube

  • Today on the show we have Michael Buzinski. Michael is the author of the Rule of 26 and a master of the art of fractional CMOs. We are going to discover what exactly the Rule of 26 is when it comes to marketing and craft a story of the power of this rule in Michael’s own words and experiences.

    In This Episode:

    Fractionals are part-time people giving full-time service because they have systems that allow them to create the output of a full-time person without always having to be there.

    The Rule of 26 is a concept that I created to help entrepreneurs understand what marketing is all about. It is all based on key performance indicators (KPIs).

    When we look at marketing most of it is done online now. We need traffic to our website, conversions, and average revenue per client is a huge revenue mover.

    And so much more!!!

    Connect with Michael Buzinski:

    Rule of 26

    Michael on LinkedIn

  • Today on the show we have Laura Di Franco. Laura is the founder of Brave Healer Productions, which is a publishing company that supports health and wellness leaders in getting their message out and creates an absolutely healing journey and transformational experience for the experts themselves through clarifying their message and publishing a book.

    Today we are going to work with Laura on her story to reach more health experts. I am very excited to share this episode with you because it showcases the new format of The Story Engine podcast. You will recognize many of the great questions, conversations, and curiosity but you will also see that we are co-creating a powerful story together.

    In This Episode:

    Your ideal client is just you five or ten years ago before you knew what you know today and are doing what you are doing today.

    When you decide to open a business you are on a self-development journey as a healer.

    Your message matters because what if the thing that you’re still a little afraid to share is exactly what that person is waiting to hear to change their life? It is time to be brave and share what you have.

    And so much more!!! Connect with Laura Di Franco:

    Laura’s Website

    Laura’s Books

    Laura on Facebook

    Laura on LinkedIn

    Laura on Instagram

  • Today we are going to be talking about the future of The Story Engine Podcast. I have been running this show for over four years. We are approaching 300 episodes which is an amazing achievement. One of my favorite things about this podcast is that it has created a platform for me to connect with and learn from some of the most brilliant people in the world and I have loved being able to showcase their expertise, their story, and their values.

    I have always been somebody that is really driven by a desire to learn and discover and this podcast has been the absolute perfect place for that. I am grateful for it because I feel like I have gotten hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of coaching that has shaped my work and my creations. I have been inspired to change the format of this podcast for the very first time and today I am going to introduce what that new format is for you and share where I think this podcast is going in the future.

    In This Episode:

    I feel that this new format is going to reenergize the podcast for me, create even more value for you the listener, and have a bigger impact on my guests.

    I am going to be focusing on a specific story co-creation process that I use with my clients and in my sales calls that I call The Story Roadmap Process.

    I believe that this format and the stories that we create are going to be a truly unique experience that is not captured or shared on any other podcasts that I have seen before.

    And so much more!!!