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    What if you could turn the chaos of summer travel with kids into a fun, memorable adventure? Join us on the Tightrope as we celebrate the start of summer and the joy of balancing career, motherhood, and everything in between. Hosts Daniella Cornue and Jess Feldt share their personal stories and practical tips on planning the perfect family vacation. From scheduling dedicated planning lunches with your partner to incorporating educational activities that broaden your child's horizons, we've got you covered.

    Traveling with young kids can be daunting! We relive our own travel challenges, including an unforgettable trip to South Africa with an 18-month-old, and offer strategies to manage jet lag, tantrums, and the importance of sticking to nap times. We take you through the ups and downs of family vacations, emphasizing the necessity of making it enjoyable for adults and kids.

    Tune in for a rich episode filled with insights and advice for navigating summer travel with kids.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    This episode is the most personal we've ever recorded. We often talk about motherhood as if it starts with a baby. Our motherhood journeys actually begin much, much earlier. In this episode, Daniella shares her personal fertility journey, from miscarriage to baby to infertility. Together, we cover all the emotions of fertility challenges, from the weight of decision-making to the rollercoaster that is trying to conceive, all while navigating work and your career at the same time.

    It's an unflinching look at the societal insistence on early pregnancy silence and the isolating aftermath of loss, reflecting on how these experiences reshape us. This is not just about the difficult conversations, but also about the courage to continue and the resilience we discover within ourselves.

    If you'd like to read more about Dani's story, you can find her article here:

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    Have you ever grappled with the guilt of not living up to your pre-parental work persona? Join Jess Feldt and Daniella Cornue, as we peel back the layers of coworker guilt that many working parents face. Our heart-to-heart on The Tightrope delves into the complex emotions of striving to succeed both at the office and at home. We tackle this emotional tug-of-war—sharing stories, insights, and a generous helping of self-compassion—to guide you through reshaping your identity in the post-children phase of life - guilt-free.

    As we navigate the choppy waters of aligning personal values with corporate culture, our journey takes us from the tension of office expectations to redefining our worth as an employee after embracing motherhood. Together, we discuss how management's role can shape healthier work cultures, where the focus is on quality over clock-watching, and how we, as individuals and leaders, can create a supportive ecosystem for working parents.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    The juggle is real, and this episode is all about confronting the chronic stress that's silently plaguing working parents: Parental Burnout. We're sharing our own tales from the trenches, reflecting on the intensity of trying to be everywhere for everyone, and the personal journeys that follow when we realize something's got to give.

    As we dissect the World Health Organization's criteria for burnout, it's an eye-opener to see just how deeply this condition can affect our lives. The conversation takes a turn into the emotional impacts, from the emptiness we feel to the cynicism that creeps in, and how quickly it all can snowball into severe mental health concerns. But it's not all doom and gloom—we're also busting myths and shedding light on the societal pressures that feed into the unrealistic expectation that one can "have it all." It's a candid look at the tough choices many working mothers face, and an affirmation that it's okay to seek a sustainable work-life balance.

    This episode isn't just about identifying the problem; it's about finding actionable ways to regain control and joy in our hectic lives. We talk about the power of true rest, the kind that actually recharges your batteries, and how individual restorative practices can be vastly different from person to person. By the end of this heart-to-heart, we're confident you'll walk away with strategies for setting boundaries, finding balance, and a reminder that it's absolutely crucial to prioritize yourself. Let's navigate these challenges together, because despite the tightrope, we can help each other keep moving forward.

    A few notes from your hosts:

    In this episode, Jess refers to the ICD-10, the classification of diagnoses from the World Health Organization (WHO), in which Burnout is included. Burnout is NOT included in the DSM-5, the manual of diagnoses from the American Psychological Association.Book reference: The Power of a Positive No by William Ury

    The content presented in this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we are not medical professionals. The discussions, opinions, and advice shared on this podcast should not be considered as medical, psychological, or any other form of professional advice.

    If you are experiencing any medical, psychological, or emotional issues, we strongly encourage you to seek the guidance of qualified professionals. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you heard on this podcast.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    Ever pondered the profound truth within the African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child"? Join co-hosts Jess Feldt and Daniella Cornue as we unravel this concept, highlighting the collective responsibility we hold in fostering the future generation. Our chat goes beyond the surface, addressing the pressures that working moms face in American society's individualistic climate. Through our personal journeys, we peel back the layers on how societal expectations can hinder mothers from seeking the support they need, and how we can shift toward a more inclusive approach to parenting.

    As you tune into our conversation, you'll discover that building a supportive 'village' isn't a solo mission; it's a dance between individual effort and societal support. We share our insights on the challenges of creating businesses as makeshift support systems, and the impact of cultural shifts on community interaction and parental burnout. We explore the barriers of seeking help, the guilt it triggers, and the importance of intentional community-building for both mothers and children alike.

    Reflecting on the current landscape of familial support and the necessity for a more connected society, we leave you with thoughts on how to integrate the act of community-building into our daily routines. It's not just about nurturing our own families but also about cultivating a nurturing environment for all. Join us for this heart-to-heart as we navigate motherhood's tightrope, balancing career and community—one step at a time.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    What does it mean to be a father in today's ever-evolving world? This is the question we tackle in our latest podcast episode as we journey through the intricate tapestry of modern fatherhood. Guiding us on this exploration, we have three extraordinary fathers – Ryan, Jorge, and Nate – each bringing a unique perspective to the table. Through their personal anecdotes and reflections, we dive into the fascinating changes fatherhood has undergone over the years, from traditional family structures to modern expectations, and the profound impact these shifts have on families.

    The discussion takes a sharp turn into the realm of co-parenting and gender equity within the modern family structure. Inspired by the progress feminism and women's equality have made in the workplace, we delve into how this has reshaped parenting roles. From the challenges faced by older generations in understanding these new dynamics to the importance of open communication in maintaining a healthy family environment, our conversation paints a vivid picture of today's fatherhood landscape.

    Wrapping up our episode, we examine the struggles men confront as they strive to balance their careers with parenting responsibilities. With societal norms and corporate structures often acting as barriers, we underscore the urgent need for progressive paternity policies and the importance of having a supportive community for fathers. Whether you're a new father seeking advice or someone interested in understanding the complexities of modern fatherhood, this episode serves as a captivating dialogue about fatherhood's joys, challenges, and the rewarding journey it encompasses. So tune in, lend us your ears, and let's challenge the norms together.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    In this episode, Daniella and Jess invite their favorite fathers to share their experiences as working parents. The conversation revolves around the need for equity in the household and the workplace, as well as the lack of support systems for fathers. The guests introduce themselves and reflect on their "oh shit" moments when they first realized they were dads. This episode sets the stage for a two-part series on modern fatherhood and the expectations fathers face today compared to previous generations.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    In this episode of The Tightrope, hosts Daniella Cornue and Jess Feldt discuss the concept of parenting equity and its potential impact on workplace gender equity. They explore the roles of mothers and fathers in caregiving responsibilities and the idea of the "default parent" who often carries the mental load of parenting. The hosts share personal stories and experiences to illustrate the challenges and importance of finding understanding and agreement between partners. Tune in to this insightful conversation about balancing career, motherhood, and everything in between.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

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    In the first-ever episode of "The Tightrope - Balancing Career, Motherhood, and Everything In Between" hosts Daniella Cornue and Jess Feldt discuss the evolution of working motherhood. They reference a New York Times article from 1988 that proclaimed working moms as the norm, highlighting the ongoing challenges and expectations placed on working mothers. The hosts delve into their personal experiences and perceptions of traditional and non-traditional working motherhood, exploring the need for flexibility and redefining success. Tune in to gain insights on navigating the complexities of balancing career and motherhood.

    Thanks for listening to The Tightrope! We would greatly appreciate a review and a share if you enjoyed today's episode.

    To connect with us further, please reach out to:

    Jess Feldt: www.jessfeldtcoaching.com
    Daniella Cornue: www.levillagecowork.com

    You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!