
  • What if your most challenging moments were valuable teachers? Today on The Woman’s Doctor, we redefine resilience with our guest Dr. Jill Carahan: a former workaholic who reevaluated her priorities after an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis. Her constant stress and self-doubt severely crippled her immune system and made her susceptible to severe health issues. Dr. Carahan describes how she used work as a coping mechanism and what her life-threatening diagnosis taught her about living life to the fullest.

    These moments of turmoil can make or break you. Dr. Carnahan recalls the moment she realized that there was a purpose behind her illness and that it was a wake-up call. She teaches you how to shift your mindset around tragedy and hardship, build resilience and embrace your full potential. For Dr. Carnahan, work was her self-worth, but after her diagnosis, she reconnected with joy and permitted herself to enjoy moments of unproductivity.

    Dr. Carnahan addresses the increase in autoimmune disease, toxicity, and infectious burden that plagues the Western world. She teaches you how to limit your toxic exposure and toxic thoughts. Your mindset and habits direct your immune system, and with a weakened immune system, your body becomes susceptible to environmental toxicity. She shares how you can build resilience in your mind and body to live a long and joyful life. Join us to discover the true meaning of health, resilience, and self-love.


    [3:20] When a Diagnosis Uproots Your Life

    [6:20] Finding Meaning in The Suffering

    [9:00] Overworking as a Coping Mechanism

    [16:10] Embracing Resilience and Loving Yourself

    [18:50] Shame Destroys Resilience in The Body

    [22:50] Infectious Burden and Environmental Toxicity

    [27:00] Detoxifying The Body and Reducing Exposure

    [31:50] Our Cultures Weakened Immune System

    [36:45] What is A Healthy Immune System

    Mentioned in This Episode



    Book: Unexpected



    “I needed to be aware because something important in this process was going to be a lesson to me. If I have to go through something that’s suffering and painful; there’s gotta be something good here.” [6:37] -Dr. Carnahan

    “If we have either, attack of self, self-hatred, or self-loathing, or parts of ourselves that we don’t like, metaphorically it can lead to the immune system being more prone to attack self.” [21:45] -Dr. Carnahan

    “It’s literally our own body’s immune system that makes us feel like I’m getting sick. So when someone says I never get sick, I never feel that; it might actually be a completely suppressed immune response, where they’re not producing any fighting chemicals.” [37:54] -Dr.Carnahan

  • Today on The Woman’s Doctor, we discuss a better way to overcome the hormonal imbalance. Dr. Isabella Wentz joins us to review her new book, “Adrenal Transformational Protocol” where she outlines a 4-week process to rebalance hormones, get better sleep, and regain your energy. Women are naturally in tune with their environment. Subconsciously you’re assessing threats, opportunities, and safety which dictate your body's survival strategy. When you are under chronic stress, your body retreats into survival mode. Dr. Wentz teaches you to recognize the danger signals in your life and shows you how to create a sense of safety instead.

    In 2009, Dr. Wentz has diagnosed with Hoshimoto’s disease, and at the time hormonal therapy was not an option. She experimented with her lifestyle choices and formulated an easy path to feeling whole again. Every decision you make impacts your health, what you watch, what you eat, and even what you think. Dr. Wentz proves that by managing your stress and your habits, it is possible to bounce back and thrive.

    Hormonal imbalances can manifest as mood swings, anxiety, unrefreshed sleep, and severe adrenal fatigue. Dr. Wentz gives you the tools to manage your stress and find joy in your daily life again. Regardless of your diagnosis, her protocol is helping thousands of women feel whole again. Join us as we dissect the root causes of adrenal fatigue and discover simple solutions to reclaiming your joy!


    [3:00] How Dr.Wentz Became the Thyroid Pharmacist

    [4:45] The Thyroid and Adrenal connection

    [7:00] Testing for adrenal dysfunction

    [9:00] The Goldilocks level of cortisol

    [12:00] Diagnosing adrenal fatigue

    [14:30] Adrenal four-week protocol

    [17:00] Getting off the blood sugar rollercoaster

    [19:20] The healing benefits of joyful activities

    [21:40] Why women affected at higher rates

    [23:00] Combating toxins in your environment

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Adrenal Transformation Protocol


    "Sometimes for some people, just the blood sugar swings can really stress their adrenals, and can put them in that survival mode, so just doing that nutritional safety signal can shift a lot of symptoms.” [17:28] -Dr. Isabella Wentz

    “It has healing benefits when you experience pleasure and you experience joy and oxytocin. All of these beautiful hormones they flood our system into more of a healing and thriving state.” [19:40] -Dr. Isabella Wentz

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  • Today on The Woman’s Doctor we discuss how an unhealthy gut leads to chronic illness and what you can do to heal your microbiome. Dr. Darin Ingels is the author of The Lyme Solution and has treated thousands of patients with practical and cost effective therapies that you can implement today. Whether you are facing lyme disease, autoimmune symptoms or even brain fog, all can be healed by healing the gut first.

    The microbiome thrives on leafy vegetables and fermented foods, just some of the first things you can add to your diet to improve the diversity in your gut. If you want individualized recommendations, Dr. Ingles describes how labs can now determine the diversity and balance of your specific microbiome! Understanding your internal terrain can help you determine exactly what you need to be adding or removing from your diet.

    Unfortunately, we live in a toxic environment and the average person is exposed to thousands of dangerous chemicals with only a fraction of them ever being tested for long term exposure. The more you can reduce the use of toxic cosmetics, eat organic food and be intentional with your diet, it is possible to heal and attain hormonal harmony!

    Key Takeaways:

    [3:10] What women need to know about how to address your health issue

    [4:20] Your gut function plays a critical role in your neurological function

    [5:00] The accumulative effect of the environmental toxins

    [5:50] How chronic infections can act as endocrine disruptors

    [8:20] The microbiomes role in the development of chronic illness

    [10:10] Vegetables and fermented foods are the best foods to rebalance your gut

    [12:00] Lab testing to assess the diversity and balance of your gut

    [13:00] Visit a functional medicine or naturopathic doctor to identify the underlying illness

    [14:00] How to avoid toxins in your environment, cosmetics and food

    [15:10] Shaping your genetic disposition with epigenetics

    [17:10] Achieving hormonal harmony after lyme disease, underactive thyroid and stress

    Mentioned in This Episode:



    “We’ve got this really tight connection between our gut and our brain and we used to think that all these neurological issues, or mood issues were really just a problem with brain chemistry and we’ve learned so much now that that is actually such a small part of it.” [4:19] -Dr.Ingels

    “Why is it that you could put 100 people in a room, expose them to the same virus; some people get sick, some people get no symptoms at all, and everything between. The difference is the terrain.” [7:23] -Dr.Ingels

    “We’ve now found that the gut is involved in pretty much every chronic illness from heart disease to diabetes to chronic immune dysfunction; so, it’s really about, how do we get the gut back into a healthy state.” [9:03] -Dr. Ingels

    “How many people do we know that have never been on antibiotics and never had this outside influence or medication and eat natural, healthy, organic foods? I think in western culture that’s such a small population that we don’t even know what a normal microbiome is anymore.” [11:30] -Dr. Ingels

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  • Every day, the average American is exposed to 80,000 chemicals in their food and water. It is impossible to reduce your toxin burden to zero but today on The Woman’s Doctor, best selling author of Hormone Intelligence, Dr. Aviva Romm joins us to share simple ways that you can lessen your exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in your home. Dr. Romm is a midwife, a Yale trained MD and a board certified family physician that is helping patients balance their hormones and establish healthy habits to reduce the risk of developing diseases.

    It can be overwhelming as you begin your hormonal healing journey but you don’t need to uproot your life to reduce your toxin burden. Simple changes in your home can have a big impact on your hormonal health. Instead of spending money on costly testing, take the time to detox your cosmetics, cleaning supplies and kitchen. Studies show that eliminating the use of plastic in your home reduces the levels of phthalates in your blood in just a few weeks.

    Support your body’s natural ability to detoxify by regulating your sleep, hydrating and when possible eat organic. Looking at the big picture and understanding your own role in hormonal disruption will help you regain your body's natural rhythm. Give yourself permission to take a break and be kind to your body, because stress is just as harmful as any other outside chemical.

    Key Takeaways:

    [5:20] The rates of hormonal issues and autoimmune diseases are escalating in women

    [10:50] Uncontrolled blood sugar levels is a huge endocrine disrupter for women

    [11:35] The average American has 20 rounds of antibiotics by the time they are 18

    [19:30] Cleaning out the products in your home will drastically reduce your toxic burden

    [21:28] Phthalate levels in the blood decrease in weeks if you stop using plastic products

    [22:15] Even organic household cleaners with scents have hormone disrupting chemicals

    [22:30] Regular bowel movements helps the body eliminate excess estrogen in the body

    [23:50] Alcohol is a known endocrine disrupter and should be limited to 1-3 drinks per week

    [29:40] You need 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day with 30 varieties per week

    [32:00] If your circadian rhythm is disrupted the detoxification processes fall out of alignment

    [32:35] Hydration is essential for cellular health, detoxification and brain health

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Hormone Intelligence



    “The way that the world is set up isn’t really harmonious for us to get adequate sleep or to take a day off, if we are a little premenstrual and we need to nourish ourselves.” [8:25]

    “Reframe our approach to our inner conversation, so that when we are taking down time we’re not still checking our phone for 50 messages and say; ok, i deserve an hour break right now and really take that.” [10:20]

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  • Today on The Woman’s Doctor, Kimberly Seals Allers joins us to discuss the unfortunate state of maternal care in America. Kimberly is an award winning journalist and advocate for breastfeeding and infant health. Giving birth opened her eyes to the harsh reality that women face in modern hospitals, even in a developed nation.

    Most medical institutions are informed by and dominated by men, which has left a detrimental gap in the education available to most women, especially women of color. The average woman does not have a grasp of the female anatomy or the importance of hormonal health. A staggering amount of women are encouraged to simply remove their ovaries before ever exploring diet and hormonal balance as a natural solution.

    Information is the key to restructuring what is acceptable care in America. For generations, women have been told that women's health is a private matter, but that sentiment is keeping women in the dark about their own bodies. America has the highest mortality rates of women in labor than any other developed nation. Kimberly hopes that by starting the conversation and encouraging open dialogue we can move towards more holistic and equitable care for women.

    Key Takeaways:

    [3:26] The disparity in birth outcomes between birth outcomes between minority women

    [5:00] Women are often the most misinformed about their own bodies

    [6:00] The hormone mystery: how hormonal imbalances and poor diet lead to fibroids

    [7:20] How lack of education has led many black women to have unnecessary hysterectomies

    [8:10] Science has detached us from our body parts deeming whole organs as removable

    [10:45] There is more research on erectile dysfunction than on breastfeeding

    [12:10] Mothers die in America at higher rates than any other developed nation

    [13:00] Rates of postpartum depression in this country are skyrocketing

    [14:00] The field of gynecology began with the forceful experimentation on enslaved women

    [15:55] Reclaiming the cultural tradition of food as medicine

    [17:25] Creating an open culture that encourages women to openly discuss hormonal health

    [18:15] Lies that the medical community has historically perpetuated about black women

    [19:00] National rates of mortality during childbirth are generally higher in the black community

    [21:00] There is an element of racism within the medical care system

    Mentioned in This Episode:


    The Big Letdown

    The Mocha Manual to a Fabulous Pregnancy

    Momnibus Bill of 2021


    “So many of the black women that I reached out to, no longer had their wombs!” [7:27]

    “As a woman, knowing that we have a mostly male medical system that treats women’s body parts as dispensable was deeply troubling.” [8:40]

    “Why are we still here? That is the question and I think what actually concerns me more than why are we still here is why aren’t we more upset about where we are at, as women?” [11:20]

    “When we look at this pattern, we can’t ignore that there is an element of racism where providers treat people differently. The fact that there is a disparity means they’re getting it right for somebody, just not for everybody.” [21:00]

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  • Today on The Woman's Doctor, we dispel common myths around women’s health with Dr.Susanne Bennett. She is an authority on hormonal and gut health with over 30 years of experience as a natural medicine doctor. Dr. Bennett holds specialties in clinical nutrition, environmental medicine, allergies, aging and gut health. She brings a fresh perspective on women's health that inspires hope for a healthy and happy life even into your menopausal years.

    Society convinces women that life stops at menopause, treating it like a disease to be avoided and ashamed of. The reality is that menopause is nothing more than the end of your menstrual cycle. By committing to a healthy lifestyle and a diet that feeds healthy mitochondria, you can eliminate anxiety and expect to thrive in the later years of your life.

    Hormonal imbalance is just one contributing factor to anxiety and irritability in women. Unhealthy diet and sleep habits influence your ability to deal with stress and lead to uncontrollable anger and chronic illness.Sometimes anxiety can simply be the result of a food allergy. If you truly want to improve the quality of your life, you need to get to the root cause of your hormonal and gut imbalance.In this episode, Dr. Bennett teaches you everything you need to avoid and habits to adopt to support a healthy mind and body.


    [3:48] When the ovaries are unable to ovulate, Menopause begins as the menstrual cycle ends

    [4:44] Menopause is not a disease it is a natural phase in a woman’s life

    [6:40] Your pituitary gland dictates the function of your thyroid, adrenals and female organs

    [7:45] Aldosterone produced by your adrenals, controls your water metabolism in your body

    [10:58] Unhealthy mitochondria speeds the aging process and contributes to chronic illness

    [12:00] The luteal phase affects women’s mood often causing sleeplessness and irritability

    [12:49] Women with low levels of the calming hormone progesterone have trouble sleeping

    [15:00] Gluten and dairy contain compounds that are considered opiates to the brain

    [18:30] Fat is our number one source for energy and is essential to mitochondria health

    Mentioned in This Episode:


    Book: Mighty Mito

    Wellness For Life Radio


    “Your mitochondria has everything to do with the aging process, everything to do with every disease, chronic illnesses that we deal with from diabetes to heart disease.”[11:10]

    “You can get anxiety just from a food allergy!” [16:10]

    “Mycotoxins, mold toxins! You’re exposed to mold in your environment. You breathe it in and boom! It goes right up through your nose into your brain, that will clearly cause anxiety!” [16:36]

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  • Today on the Woman’s Doctor, I wanted to share just how impactful, sobriety has been on my physical and mental well being. Dry January is a great exercise to test out an alcohol free lifestyle so that you can check in and understand exactly what role alcohol is playing in your life. Even light social drinking can have dramatic effects on your daily life that you may not be conscious of.

    In this episode, I will first be reviewing some of the negative side effects that are commonly associated with any alcohol consumption. Everyone knows the awful feeling of a hangover but we never talk about exactly why alcohol has such a dramatic effect on our basic functions. Alcohol is a diuretic which is why hydration is the first thing to go. Once our bodies process alcohol, it produces the toxin acetaldehyde, which damages your DNA and prevents it from repairing. In the gut, alcohol literally kills off the healthy bacteria, so even one drink can upset the balance of your microbiome. These are just a few things that we accept as normal sacrifices for the enjoyment of alcohol.

    My experience with sobriety has brought me a feeling of peace that I was hoping alcohol would provide for me. You don’t have to be an alcoholic to feel the burden of it on your body. When your body suffers, so does your mind. Once you give up alcohol, even for a short while; you will notice your sleep improves, your blood sugar improves, your mood stabilizers and you make better decisions. With Dry January, you can challenge yourself to be social again, without relying on inebriation and you may find you actually enjoy life better without it.


    [3:50] Dry January is an opportunity to evaluate the role alcohol has in your life

    [4:18] Alcohol acts like a diuretic and pulls water from the body causing severe dehydration

    [5:00] Although a night cap may help you fall asleep it is actually inhibiting rem sleep

    [6:40] Acetaldehyde is a toxin that your body creates from processing alcohol

    [11:18] Blood sugar tends to be more balanced when you are sober

    [12:20] Red wine increases inflammation and is triggering to those with rosacea

    [13:00] When you stop drinking alcohol, you tend to make better choices for your diet

    [13:48] Night sweats and hot flashes decrease or disappear altogether when you stop drinking

    [16:00] You can actually address your emotions once you stop numbing with alcohol

    [17:18] Finding creative ways to get social that don’t rely on drinking

    [18:40] Balancing your blood sugar helps maintain your mood which limits alcohol cravings

    [19:15] Finding healthier substitutions with tasty holiday mocktails

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Holiday Mocktails


    “You can have more energy! That’s not just because of getting a better nights sleep, higher quality sleep, it’s also because your blood sugar is gonna be more balanced and also you’re brain is gonna be working better.” [11:18]

    “Eczema, acne and a lot of these inflammatory skin conditions are worsened by alcohol.” [12:40”]

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  • Today on the Woman's Doctor, I discuss the detrimental effect stress has on our hormones and equip you with simple tools to mitigate stress’ effect on your physical and emotional health. Stress cannot be eliminated, at times, stress is even necessary but constant unmanaged stress leads to dangerous cortisol imbalances that can affect your mood, cravings, sleep and mindset.

    While cortisol is dangerous in excess, it is a crucial hormone that your body needs, especially in the morning. Simply exercising in the morning sun can improve your cortisol levels allowing you to manage stress better, sleep better and improve adrenal function. Taking inventory of your daily habits around food, exercise and sleep is a crucial step to rebalancing your hormones.

    The mind also heavily influences your hormone production. Negative self talk and unresolved trauma can inhibit your body’s natural symbiosis. Without effectively addressing these traumas you become less of your authentic self and your mental and physical health will inevitably suffer. Embracing the essential you by reparenting yourself, journaling and allowing laughter back into your life is sometimes all your body needs to repair itself.


    [3:20] Unmanaged and ongoing stress creates hormonal imbalance and high cortisol

    [4:40] DHEA hormone converts to estrogen and Testosterone and is essential after menopause

    [6:00] Increased cortisol can exasperate inflammatory skin disorders like acne and eczema

    [10:00] Negative self talk impairs your ability to handle normal stress that comes with living

    [11:40] Adult children of alcoholics and how to reparent yourself in a loving way

    [14:40] Unresolved traumas will continue to resurface if you never address them

    [16:40] The difficulties and stress of life takes you away from your authentic self

    [17:35] Excess sugar intake interferes with adrenal function and cortisol production

    [19:00] Exercise and sunlight, early in the morning helps balance your cortisol levels

    [20:25] Journaling and free form writing helps you to release negative mindsets

    [24:00] Immersing yourself in nature reduces cortisol, blood pressure and improves your mood

    [25:00] laughter boosts your dopamine levels and decreases pain

    [26:00] Incorporating a spiritual practice to connect to your higher purpose alleviates suffering

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Natural Beauty Reset

    Clean Skin from WIthin


    “Ideally we want our cortisol levels to go up in the morning and low at night but if our cortisol levels are still high at night, then we have a hard time easing into sleep.” [6:25]

    “Ultimately when we calm that inner critic and we have that loving parent, it actually impacts our neurotransmitters, our hormones,our cortisol levels…” [14:29]

    “What are the things that are part of our true essence,our true nature that we want to return to because a lot of what we’re exposed to in our lifetime, takes us away from our true nature.” [16:40]

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  • Today, on the Woman’s Doctor Podcast, I am sharing my own experience balancing my hormones in hopes of inspiring you along your own journey. Hormonal imbalances tend to make women more emotional but those emotions are a window into deeper issues you may be avoiding. I believe there is an opportunity, in these moments, to break the cycle of escapism.

    After noticing my own avoidant habits, I decided to face my emotional distress with stillness and silence. Instead of reaching for a drink, a distraction or even going shopping when you’re feeling emotional discomfort, sitting with those emotions allows you to build awareness of the deeper issue. Our body and mind are interconnected and building awareness of your emotional state can be the first step on your journey to balancing your hormones. You will be amazed at how fully you can show up in your life once you’ve addressed your childhood trauma. After practicing this technique, I have transitioned into the most joyful chapter of my life and I hope today’s story inspires you to do the same!


    [3:00] Fluctuations in your mood is an opportunity to resolve deeper emotional issues

    [5:20] Deciding to sit with the uncomfortable emotions that come up during troublesome times

    [8:00] Understanding what habits are formed around escapism and exploring your motivations

    [9:00] Tools to help break through the cycle and building awareness

    [10:00] Trauma work promotes healing which enables you to show up fully for your life now

    [11:20] The first step is awareness and then walking a different path

    [12:00] Bring light into your life, you are not alone on this journey!

    Mentioned in This Episode:



    “There was so much angst in me and fear and emotions that were bubbling up and I just decided to sit with it and I actually was so terrified, in a way, I thought I would die. Not from the physical issues with covid but I was so afraid.” [6:27]

    “If I hadn’t done that work I wouldn’t have been able to show up, so fully, for the things that are happening in my life.” [10:20]

    “What might you be running from? Are you running? Are you numbing? Are you fully living your life fully awake or are there things in your life that you haven’t addressed?” [11:00]

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  • Today on the Women’s Doctor, Kathy Smith joins us to discuss how to boost vitality in your later years. Kathy has been a fitness icon since the 1980’s and continues to inspire women to strive for progress not perfection. In this episode, she brings you the best strategies to stay consistent in your new year's resolutions. She believes that consistency in the process will always supersede the results.

    Resolutions often fail because we are taught to rework our entire life around a singular goal. Incremental changes centered around fun, community and feeling great will not only be easier to stay consistent in but will also naturally create a healthier body. Instead of focusing on the physical look, seek out activity that energizes you!

    As we age, human growth hormones begin to decline, unfortunately reducing muscle mass in the body. For women entering into perimenopause, weight training becomes increasingly integral to the vitality of your body. Your body is the vessel that will enable you to do what you love until the end of your life. Simple daily changes are the key to unlocking stamina, joy and reversing the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Make 2023 the best year of your life! Start small and find movement that makes you feel amazing!


    [4:00] Reframe your new year's resolution by detaching from the results and embracing process

    [7:00] By focusing on one change at a time, you can stick to your resolutions longer

    [9:30] The health and habits of your immediate community heavily dictates your own health

    [13:30] Your morning habits, especially in winter, will help you conquer the rest of the day!

    [18:00] Being consistent in your resolution, even if you only have 7 minutes to work out that day

    [19:00] Focusing on habits that make your body feel great, you will naturally become healthier

    [21:00] Your body needs care because it is the vessel that will take you through your whole life

    [25:30] Fasting is a great way to break bad habits but you need to build back better habits after

    [28:00] As you age, exercise impacts your human growth hormones which affects your muscles

    [29:50] High intensity weight lifting affects your hormonal profile and promotes vitality

    [31:20] Dead Butt Syndrome is caused by a sedentary lifestyle shortening the hip flexors

    [35:30] Give yourself a 10 minute snack of exercise throughout the day is so powerful

    [39:00] Finding an exercise routine that matches an animal that you energetically relate to

    Mentioned in This Episode:





    “It’s just a reminder that you’re not skipping days! This is your life. You’re doing this for yourself. You’re doing this because 2023 is going to be the best year!” [18:12]

    “The reason why you lift, not just a 3 pound weight, but a heavier weight, maybe twice a week is because of what it does on the cellular level to your mitochondria.” [29:50]

    “How do we get the shoulders back above the hips and how do we get our butt engaged and that's all called the posterior chain.” [34:20]

    “If you do have to sit, at least once an hour stand up and do a 2-3 minute power push where you do some squats, squat pop ups and knees up.”

    “Doing an exercise thing in the morning and then sitting for the rest of the day basically negates most of the benefits of that workout.” [35:55]

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  • Dr. David Perlmutter is a board certified neurologist and is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. After publishing 6 New York Times Best selling books, his most recent publication, Drop Acid, addresses the leading cause of death on our planet, metabolic diseases. Chronic metabolic conditions are on the rise and in today’s episode he shares some simple lifestyle changes you can make today that will improve your health dramatically.

    Your health is, in many ways, dictated by the interdependent relationship between your body and the resident bacteria living in your gut and your lifestyle may be disrupting that balance. Inflammation is the first sign of a major health crisis that can manifest as depression and ultimately leads to neurological decline. Dr. Perlmetter discusses promising research, indicating that inflammation can be managed by improving healthy gut bacteria with the daily consumption of specific probiotics. Everyday we are uncovering just how vital these bacteria are to our overall health.

    The food you eat determines the health of your gut and subsequently your body and brain. Simply maintaining a low blood sugar, eating organic, staying active and getting enough sleep can dramatically reduce your risk of developing these metabolic diseases. We are no longer dealing with genetic predisposition because what you do everyday and what you eat has a greater influence on your hormones and will determine your health later in life.


    [3:20] Inflammation is the most common underlying mechanism causing neurological decline

    [6:50] The production of some neurotransmitters rely on the vitality of certain gut bacteria

    [7:40] Context has to do with the balance of neurotransmitters and the metabolisms of them

    [9:30] Inflammation contribute to the development of depression especially in women

    [11:20] Poor maintenance of the gut lining by the bacteria leads to leaky gut and inflammation

    [15:30] Higher blood sugar comprises how hormones work by limiting their ability to be free

    [17:20] Persistent elevated blood sugar can leads to insulin resistance and cognitive decline

    [20:00] Insulin is a hormone that enables neurotransmitters to recover from trauma quickly

    [24:00] Non celiac gluten sensitivity is affecting 40-60% of the population

    [26:30] Research shows that gluten sensitive patient’s brains can mimic symptoms of MS

    [27:50] Replacing gluten with non-gluten grains like rice and corn are a healthier alternative

    [29:18] Glyphosate is dangerous because it affects the shikimate pathways of our gut bacteria

    [32:25] Ibuprofen and antibiotics significantly affects the health of our healthy gut bacteria

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Website: https://www.drperlmutter.com/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidPerlmutterMD

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidperlmutter/


    “Depression is not a state of serotonin deficiency and therefore that speaks to the efficacy, for example, of the SSRI drugs.” [7:45]

    “Those conditions of increased inflammation and hyperactivity of the immune system which are more characteristic of women might well explain the higher incidences of mood disorders in women.” [10:10]

    “ The level of the free testosterone is highly influenced ultimately by blood sugar and therefore is diet related.” [16:17]

    “When we elevate our blood sugar persistently we develop, ultimately, something called insulin resistance.” [19:33]

    “There is no upside to eating gluten so why not consider restricting it because you might just be rewarded with better health.” [27:13]

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  • Today, Dr. AnnAlisa Behling shares her own story of conquering infertility and balancing her hormones. After introducing dimethylglycine supplements into her diet she actually accomplished the improbable and conceived in her 40’s. Seeing such a dramatic shift in her own health inspired her to help women also suffering from hormonal imbalance. As a naturopathic doctor, she is helping women create balance in their mind, body and spirit to find peace and beauty within. Even if your hormones are perfectly balanced, your gut, how you feel and your beliefs all must coalesce for optimal health.

    Many women today are struggling to be outspoken about mental and bodily discomfort which leads to prolonged suffering. Most women come to Dr. Behling as a final act of desperation because women are taught that discomfort, pms, infertility, acne and a long list of ailments are a normal part of female life. The more we can speak openly and honestly about the true nature of female health we are uncovering the beauty of the female experience.

    In this episode, Dr. Behling teaches women how to get in touch with their own intuition. Our cycles are a beautiful superpower that is full of untapped potential. There is no such thing as a normal cycle, so she is teaching women to recognize the beauty of their own daily, weekly or even seasonal hormonal changes.


    [3:30] How dimethylglycine can help balance hormonal and improve fertility

    [5:45] Methylation helps you detoxify the body and is vital to hormone production

    [7:00] A normal menstrual cycles are subjective and vary from woman to woman

    [10:45] Harmonious gut flora is just as vital for health as balanced hormones

    [13:00] Endocrine disruptors and Environmental impact on hormonal health

    [16:40] Finding the equal balance of your mind, body and spirit

    [18:00] Maximizing your lifestyle to feel comfortable and beautiful in your body

    [20:30] Berries are a great source of nutritious antioxidants for your skin

    [22:00] You need to embrace and define your own beauty

    [25:00] Tapping into your intuition during your cycle to understand your energetic ebbs and flows

    [27:30] Track and understand how your hormones change seasonally

    Mentioned in This Episode:



    “Many women are not diagnosed at all, not even just misdiagnosed but really good testing is hard to find.” [9:32]

    “People don’t understand how the gut has a lot to do with fatigue just because of how those little microorganisms are helping you to create hormones and neurotransmitters.” [12:30]

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  • Dr. Jill Crista is a naturopathic doctor, with her practice and educational courses, she has helped thousands of people heal from mold exposure. Like us, mold also exists in a delicate ecosystem; in its natural environment mold acts as nature's composter but when outdoor species migrate inside your home, it begins composting you. Mold exposure is difficult to identify because the mold releases mycotoxins that enter your bloodstream giving it access to every system in your body. Skin irritation is usually the first sign but the mycotoxins and off-gasses can affect your hearing, bladder, thyroid and gut.

    Being vigilant in your home and work space is vital to your health. Mold thrives in your bathrooms, roofing, fridge filters and just about anything that is exposed to water. Of course the best option is to avoid exposure but if you have or are currently exposed, Dr. Crista shares foods and supplements that can help detox your system.

    Without proper detox protocols, mold begins attacking your liver which subsequently disrupts hormone regulation. In addition, certain toxins target the ovaries and testicles leading to infertility. The dangerous side effects are real and there is no way to know how your body will react when you come into contact with these toxins so be sure to give your body the support it needs.


    [4:30] When mold from outside comes inside, it no longer has the natural elements to balance it

    [8:10] Mold releases a toxin that doesn’t need a carrier protein to enter the body

    [10:30] Ear ringing, bladder sensitivity and gut disruption are common indicators of mold toxicity

    [12:40] Skin reactions such as, acne, inflammation and irritation are often the first signs

    [14:45] Both off-gasses and mycotoxins tax the liver which disrupts hormone production

    [16:30] Bioflavonoids help detox mycotoxins that can’t be processed by the kidneys

    [19:30] Insoluble fiber effectively binds bile keeping toxins from cycling back to the liver

    [22:00] We smell through physical contact,so if you can smell the mold it is already in your body

    [24:00] Common causes of mold: leaks, unventilated bathrooms and fridge water filters

    [26:20] Black mold exposure can potentially mimics hypothyroidism

    [28:00] Many mold toxins can damage both ovaries and testicles causing infertility

    [31:40] Probiotics can reset the microbiome after a toxic mold exposure

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Mold in Kids Course:https://drcrista.com/product/mold-in-kids/
    Still in Mold Course:https://drcrista.com/product/still-in-mold-course/


    “Mold produces spores but as those spores as they’re living off gas they’re metabolic off-gassing which includes alcohol so you can be breathing moldy air and get drunk.” [7:20]

    “If you have a liver that’s gummed up and kind of behind on it’s job, it will prioritize protecting you from toxins over balancing hormones.” [14:58]

    “There are a lot of mycotoxins that impede testosterone formation.” [28:15]

    “It will change your flora, it changes your microbiome and your sinuses, your respiratory passages and your gut to allow it to survive. It wants to come in and compost you.” [30:20]

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  • Rachael Pontillo is a functional nutrition practitioner and a licensed aesthetician, herbalist and skincare formulator. She teaches women how to make their own products without synthetic ingredients that do more harm than good. Anti-aging is hijacking young women’s lives as they strive for an unattainable beauty standard that cannot be bought. Rachael teaches you how to age gracefully by doing less and allowing your skin to go through its natural cycles.

    When buying any product it is important to identify harmful ingredients masquerading as Vitamins because they just do not offer the same nutrients as a natural source would. Many of these synthetic compounds have not been around long enough to even know what the long term effects are.

    Rachael teaches you what to look for and what to avoid. Ultimately though, she encourages you to ask yourself, why do you need any product at all? If you are spending money, time and energy using products that are harmful and really cannot stop the aging product, what is the purpose? By focusing on a healthy lifestyle, instead of relying on products, you can boost your skin's natural ability to heal itself without expensive or harmful intervention and age gracefully.


    [4:30] Anti-aging is an unattainable marketing message and it’s harmful to younger woman

    [6:45] In-Vitro research does not necessarily translate to regular usage of a product on humans

    [8:30] Your skin takes in nutrients from the food you eat not the products you put on it

    [11:00] Products using ascorbic acid will oxidize on the skin’s surface and won’t be absorbed

    [13:00] If a vitamin was synthesized in a lab it is misleading to market them as natural

    [16:30] Rose hip. citrus and berry extracts are a great resource for natural Vitamins for skin

    [18:20] Retinols are actually very irritating and are banned by many ingredient safety sites

    [22:00] Natural products have shorter shelf lives because they avoid preservatives

    [23:15] Beauty is NOT pain! You should never need a day off from your products if they are safe

    [27:00] Exfoliating your face can cause damage and should not be done more than twice month

    [29:30] Dry brushing is a great way to exfoliate your body

    [34:00] Since the weather affects your skin your skincare routine may change with every season

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachaelpontillo/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HolisticallyHaute/
    Free Gift or Offer Link:https://createyourskincare.com/4-step-balanced-skincare-regimen/


    “They have been preserved so strongly, so that by the time you get them, sometimes 3 to 5 years after they were manufactured, that’s not great. There is nothing fresh about it. There is nothing about it that is going to get into the skin and your skin is going to be like, “Oh this is what I need!”, because the skin doesn't take in nutrients like that, it takes in nutrients from the food you eat.” [8:30]

    “Our skin’s barrier is primarily a lipid matrix, it’s meant to keep things out. So anything that is water soluble is going to have a harder time getting in on its own.” [10:57]

    “Is this skin care as in nutrients or is this a lab experiment going on on our faces? Where these ingredients have been synthesized and they haven’t really been around long enough to really know what is the long term effect of this.” [12:30]

    “When we force exfoliation, what it does is it exposes cells, that are not fully developed yet, to the elements.” [18:40]

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  • Dr. Meg Mill is an online functional medicine practitioner focused on helping women suffering from chronic migraines. Over 50% of the population experience consistent headaches and because they have become so common headaches often go untreated. Since headaches are just a symptom, Dr. Mill teaches her patients to document their eating, sleeping,environmental factors, drinking and headaches to pin down what the root cause is. You may be surprised to find that many healthy foods in your diet can be triggering migraines.

    We discuss how building a solid foundation of proper sleep and cellular hydration can determine if your headaches are caused by deeper issues. Through a thorough patient intake and documenting daily habits, Dr. Mill has helped patients suffering from toxic exposure, allergic reactions, estrogen dominance and a myriad of other factors that all lead to the same side effect, headaches. In this episode she teaches you how to break out of the chain of pain and enter into a new calm phase of rest and digest.


    [4:00] An overwhelming amount of female patients were suffering from migraines

    [6:50] Pharmaceuticals typically mitigate suffering without treating the cause of it

    [7:50] Over the counter drugs carry their own consequences and should be taken with caution

    [9:30] Headaches are usually a sign of an imbalanced system that needs to be repaired

    [10:00] Healthy foods that Histamine and Tyramine can be triggering headaches

    [11:30] You need to find which specific foods are triggers to you

    [12:30] Often the foods/ drinks that trigger negative effect contain chemicals and preservatives

    [15:30] Relieving stress and bringing your body back to rest and digestion

    [18:00] Addressing endocrine disruptors: Recognizing patterns of hormonal migraine

    [21:30] Estrogen should not stay in your system, it should be turned into metabolites by the liver

    [24:20] Lack of sleep is key point of your daily health that can trigger headaches

    [26:30] Toxin exposure can affect you years from when the initial exposure happened

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmegmill/?hl=en
    This 8-Step Guide is a great place to get started in the process of naturally healing your headaches and migraines. Free Gift: 8 Step Guide to Say Goodbye to Headaches Naturally: www.HelpMyHeadaches.com Live Group Program Head Strong: www.HappinessBeyondHeadaches.com Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-little-bit-healthier/id1622988198
    Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/headachehealingclub/about


    “We know there are certain foods that can statistically be higher triggers for headaches, so we're gonna look at things like histamine containing foods and tyramine.” [10:00] -Dr. Mill

    “Even caffeine, which people use to treat headaches, you get rebound headaches for caffeine.” [11:30] -Dr.Mill

    “There are a lot of preservatives that go into wine and not just preservatives but chemicals. Various chemicals are used in wine to make it taste buttery or oaky…” [12:30] -Dr Cates

    “We process our hormones in the liver, we have detoxification of hormones and we process our estrogen in the liver and the gut actually, so there’s a role in the gut.” [21:37] -Dr. Mill

    “Make sure you're getting hydrated at a cellular level. So I like to tell people to make sure that you’re sipping water throughout the day rather than just chugging it all at once.” [23:58] -Dr. Mill

    “You could have had lead exposure as a child that was stored in the bones, that's now, as your bones are changing you’re actually getting some of those toxins released.” [26:10] -Dr.Mill

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  • Dr. Donese Worden is a Naturopathic doctor and a global health educator. She helps senior women regain sexual vigor and reminds you that menopause is nothing to dread. In fact, she explains that women should be happy, healthy and sexually active until the end of their life. Culturally, we have lost respect for women who are past their fertile years, but sex is so much more than procreation. It provides intimacy and vitality, which is so important for senior women. Dr. Worden shares simple ways you can mitigate the symptoms of menopause so you can enjoy your 3rd chapter to its fullest!


    [3:23] In ancient traditions menopause was celebrated; it marked women as wisdom keepers.

    [3:50] A woman’s brain makes decisions considering every outcome and consequence

    [4:30] Hormones are powerful messengers that ensure we are physically, emotionally and mentally well

    [4:40] Environmental factors and stress can block our hormones from performing optimally

    [5:40] In modern times, we have lost respect for elderly women, we view menopause as ovarian failure

    [6:40] Men and Women’s brains have evolved to serve different functions within the tribe

    [7:40] Healthy living will mitigate menopausal symptoms

    [8:20] Hormonal changes have a correlation to brain chemistry

    [9:20] Diet, lifestyle and stress management have a huge impact on your hormonal balance

    [10:18] Vaginal dryness is rarely discussed during a check up

    [11:16] If you become sexually inactive in your senior years it can begin to close

    [12:10] Hormones dropping is often the cause of vaginal dryness in senior women

    [13:00] Intimacy is an important to keeping a high quality of life

    [14:15] Mindset and attention is a very important aspect of hormonal health

    [15:10] Seniors often are more sexually active than younger people because they are stress free

    [17:30] If you want to be more resilient you must find balance between joy, health and stress

    [18:00] Women are more susceptible than men to heart disease as they age

    [19:05] The Transylvania effect is proof that we are actually affected by the full moon (the cosmos)

    [20:20] Menopause is relatively new phenemenon.

    [21:10] By culturally delaying childbirth we are potentially ,overtime, delaying menopause in women

    [21:50] Using music to shift an emotion is a great way to increase your superpowers


    “We think of menopause as “men-oh-pause” and ovarian failure and that’s looking at it as something to dread, instead of something to be celebrated.” [5:50]

    “If you’re not keeping your body healthy, you’re not exercising, not eating well and keeping your stress where it should be, you will notice symptoms.” [7:40]

    “Sexual pleasure is there for a reason, it’s not just for procreation!” [12:00]

    “Women should be happy and healthy and having sex all the way to the end of their life.” [13:24]

    “I have people 70 years old to 100 who are having more sex than the 30 and 40 year olds!” [15:10]

    “During the full moon we have a harder time getting to sleep, we sleep a shorter amount of time and we don’t get as much deep sleep.” [19:45]

    “We are connected to the moon, to the sun, to the planets and we’ve got to give the credence that we are energetic beings and we’re connected in many ways and all of those things affect our hormones.” [19:55]

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  • Today’s guest is Rachel Varga BScN, RN, CANS. She is a Double Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse specialist and has performed over 20,000 procedures. In this episode, she shares how you can achieve radiant skin and avoid costly clinical intervention by simply doing the daily work at home.

    Rachel’s approach to biohacking is simple and progressive. You do not need to change your lifestyle overnight to achieve beautiful skin. With small incremental changes, such as reducing exposure to harmful light, toxins and electromagnetics, and increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory supplements you can easily achieve the radiant skin of your dreams.

    [4:30] Radiance is achieved when you are balanced, centered and aligned

    [5:10] Before you see outward results, it is helpful to focus on your body, mind and spirit

    [6:00] Having a spiritual practice and integrating nature into your daily life promotes longevity

    [7:00] Using antioxidants, omegas and supplements to reduce inflammation may have a side effect of radiant skin, hair and nails

    [7:15] Cleaning your air, water, lighting electromagnetics and your gut, you can slow aging

    [9:20] Purifying your body your body will be able to perform optimally and avoid sickness

    [11:00] Getting tested to identify your dietary needs will have a huge impact on your health

    [11:40] Eating the right foods will help stabilize your skin

    [14:30] At home dermal rolling can plump the skin in one use

    [16:00] At home gentle peels are a great addition to your weekly skin care routine

    [18:50] Supporting your skin by reducing inflammation,taking antioxidants, and omegas can result in your skin being less photosensitive.

    [20:20] Intentional full body sun exposure balanced with daily sun protection can be beneficial

    [21:30] Sometimes clinics are pushing new and trendy treatments instead of the simple and effective treatments with proven track records of success

    [23:20] At home care can eliminate the need for in clinic interventions

    [24:40] Counterfeit lasers are a real problem within clinics and can be dangerous to clients

    [25:25] Good lasers are only as effective as the technician operating them

    [27:50] Avoid phthalates,parabens,sulfates, artificial dyes and fragrances should be avoided

    [28:15] Chemical filters in sunscreen can cause more harm than they help

    [29:30] You should be using products that keep the key ingredients stable

    [33:15] You need to do your research on ingredients because ethics in labeling is rare

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    One on One Sessions are available at https://RachelVarga.ca/get-started The Rachel Varga Podcast https://www.rachelvarga.ca/blog
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUxR4hUHm4Lf0WisIrudqw
    Instagram www.instagram.com/rachelvargaofficial Facebook https://www.facebook.com/rachelvargaofficial
    Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelevarga/
    Free Gift or Offer Link: Download Rachel Varga’s Free Treatment Planning Guide, Sophisticated Skin Cheat Sheet and Slowing Aging Guide at https://rachelvarga.ca/slowaging and use promocode TrevorCates for 15% off of your One on One session with Rachel Varga!


    “The basic practices for biohacking for the skin and slowing aging are cleaning up your air, water,lighting , electromagnetics and… the gut.” [7:15]

    “When your body is in a more pure state, body, mind, spirit and energy, all of your machinery will work better. You’ll get less sick.” [9:27]

    “When we’re on our computer, we might as well be right next to our router and that messes with the blood.” [12:20]

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  • Our understanding of trauma is evolving. Dr. Elena Villanueva uses both science and spirituality to treat chronic illness, mental health conditions and neurodegenerative diseases that stem from traumatic events. Your mind is the master controller of your body, every emotion and thought signals your body to create either sickness or health. Today, Dr. Villanueva teaches you how by building awareness of the stories you tell yourself, you can rewire your body and eradicate sickness. Her unique evidence based approaches help retrain your thought patterns that are causing disruptions in your hormonal health and causing these chronic illnesses. Her insight gives hope to all those who have trained themselves into a negative reality because if your thoughts are powerful enough to cause sickness they must also have the power to restore balance and health as well.


    [3:50] Trauma is not the event itself but the story we create around the event

    [5:00] The stories we tell ourselves influence our neurochemistry

    [6:15] Every person on the planet has had some level of trauma in their life

    [6:30] Unresolved trauma can prevent those suffering from chronic diseases from healing

    [7:20] Trauma can cause hormonal issues and even infertility in women

    [8:40] Trauma is subjective and can be defined differently by each individual

    [10:20] Lack of self love can spiral into serious mental and health issues

    [11:20] Anything that changes your own perception of reality can affect your bioresonance

    [11:40] Your perception can distort the information to your body

    [13:10] Everyone experiences trauma but no one is taught emotional intelligence

    [13:40] Your emotions create electrical impulses which then distort our bioenergetic field

    [14:00] The story you create determines your reality

    [15:40] When the information system is distorted it triggers sickness in the body

    [16:20] Neuroplasticity is the ability for our brain to rewire itself

    [17:00] If you can make yourself sick you can rewire yourself for health and vitality

    [18:20] You must resonate with the thoughts in your head to repattern your mind

    [20:00] Detaching emotions from the intrusive thoughts that imprinted during your trauma

    [21:00] Once you believe in your heart and mind that you can heal, your body will heal

    [24:00] Environmental toxins can be physical traumas on the body

    [24:46] How you process a physical trauma can exacerbate the issue

    [27:00] Becoming conscious of your thoughts is the key to rewiring your biology

    [28:40] Emotions stress the body which then produces cortisol and creates hormonal imbalance

    [29:30] Your belief system built around your trauma can, in many cases, cause severe acne

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Trauma master class: https://masteringtraumamasterclass.com/



    “Trauma is the story that we create around the heightened emotional event.” [4:40]

    “It can be something really, really small that changes your perception of how you view yourself and the world around you. It changes your bioresonance. It changes your master control system [11:20]

    “The emotion that causes the electrical impulse, distort our bioenergetic field, creating changes in our neurochemistry.” [13:37]

    “They can actually believe it and feel it in their heart and in their mind and that is when your physical body will actually start to heal.” [21:00]

    “The emotions and the belief systems that go hand in hand with this trauma that you created, unknowingly, can really cause a lot of acne issues.” [29:35]

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  • You may be unknowingly consuming dangerous chemicals in your everyday life. Unfortunately, our food, water and personal care products are the primary culprits, often containing high levels of endocrine disrupting compounds. Today, Dr. Marianne Marchese shares how you can minimize your exposure and reduce your risk of developing complications from hormonal imbalances caused by long term exposure from these common toxins. She teaches you how to use her natural approach to detoxing your body using sauna therapy, organic foods, filtered water and curating vitamins and minerals to meet your genetic needs.

    WIth over 20 years experience as a naturopathic physician, she has seen a drastic change in the types of patients she sees. Until recently, side effects appeared later in life, but with increased reliance on chemicals, pesticides, phthalates in just about everything we consume, Dr. Marchese has seen an alarming rise of hormonally driven diseases in young women and teenagers. She encourages parents to teach their children early in life to avoid toxic products and be aware of where their food is being grown. Ultimately, you cannot completely eradicate your exposure but by following Dr. Marchese’s simple guidelines, you can drastically alleviate the toxic burden on your body.


    [3:15] Endocrine disrupting compounds are found in our food, environment and our products

    [4:10] When hormonal issues arise you must determine what chemicals you’ve been exposed to.

    [4:50] There is a rise in estrogen hormonally driven conditions in teenagers and young women

    [6:26] Climate change affects your exposure to these chemicals, since the rising temperatures force

    Farmers to use more pesticides to combat microorganisms in the soil

    [7:24] Using an hepa air filter to clean polluted air in your environment

    [8:00] It is important to buy USDA organic foods to avoid chemical pesticides

    [8:18] Eating wild caught fish that are low in mercury

    [8:35] Avoiding products with the three buzzwords: Parabens, Phthalates and Bisphenols

    [9:15] Removing these chemicals from the body by helping the liver metabolize them

    [10:17] Priority one’s Cofactor support: minerals and antioxidants that assist the liver create enzymes

    to break down endocrine disrupting compounds in your system

    [11:10] Sauna therapy: Sweating is a great way to naturally release these toxins from the body

    [12:10] The chemicals are often stored in our fat cells which the heat from a sauna breaks down

    [14:29] Drinking enough water everyday is necessary to properly flush out the toxins in your body

    [15:30] Green tea and Turmeric contain antioxidants that increase glutathione which will help cleanse your body of dangerous toxins

    [17:10] Eating tuna high in mercury on a regular basis can cause premature hair loss

    [19:04] Because these chemicals can cross the blood brain barrier they can cause Neurological

    effects leading to headaches, brain fog and poor memory.

    [20:20] Chemical exposure in children has been linked to attention deficit disorder

    [22:10[ Pesticides can deplete the Glutathione antioxidants in the body

    [23:20] Genetics predispose some women to be unable to break down chemical compounds

    [25:00] Catering your vitamin and minerals to support your genetic predispositions

    Mentioned in This Episode:


    “A lot of times, people overlook the impact that chemicals that they’re exposed to everyday can have

    playing a role in the development of these conditions.” [4:40]

    “I’ve noticed an increase in the exposure to some of these endocrine disrupting compounds, it seems

    to be that our food has more toxins, more chemicals than they used to before.”[6:00]

    “Long term, low dose exposure to chemicals can lead to early Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis and even Parkinson's disease [19:28]

    “All of those chemicals can play a role in our cognition, attention; attention deficit disorder in kids has been linked to these chemicals and it’s an area I believe should be payed more attention to.”[20:20]

    Podcast Disclaimer:


  • With over 30 years of experience in integrative medicine, psychiatry and addiction recovery, today’s guest, Dr. Hyla Cass, exposes the dangers of overmedicating in modern medicine.

    Birth control affects women’s ability to regulate their mood because it completely subdues their natural hormone cycle. Our hormones act together as a symphony but removing even one hormone can destabilize basic functions of the body.

    Sleep is usually the first victim of hormonal imbalances. Dr. Cass warns that most doctors are just too eager to prescribe sleeping medication before seeking a natural remedy. Sleep aids are meant to be temporary solutions but most patients are unaware of the addictive nature of these medications.

    If you want to see real changes in your sleep, mood and overall health, listen as Dr. Cass outlines useful herbal remedies that are safer alternatives than addictive prescription.


    [3:12] Doctors are prescribing medication without asking more about the cause of women's depression

    [3:47] Treating PMS with antidepressants has no effect on the hormonal imbalance causing symptoms

    [4:30] Neurotransmitters and hormones are chemical messengers that interact with each other

    [5:12] Neurotransmitters are the root of emotions

    [5:50]The most common neurotransmitter deficiency is Serotonin and Gaba

    [6:40] Determining neurotransmitter deficiencies through patient history and cravings

    [7:35] Antidepressants change the chemistry of your brain and are difficult to wean off of

    [8:25] Neurotransmitter precursors are the raw materials needed to make the neurotransmitters

    [9:30] A nourishing diet is paramount in balancing your mood

    [10:40] Birth control is eliminating women's hormones which is killing their ability to regulate their mood

    [11:40] The synergy of all of our hormones is a beautiful symphony

    [13:15] Fight or Flight is a predominantly male trait while bond and protect is a more femenine trait

    [15:50] The natural way to deal with stress is to literally shake off the stress hormones

    [17:30] Cheating sleep leads to stress on ourselves and our brains

    [18:35] Sleep medications are wildly addictive and has ruined many lives.

    [19:10] CBD enables our endocannabinoid system which helps us protect, relax and forget

    [20:16] Melatonin is converted serotonin

    [21:10] waking up with high cortisol in the night would indicate you require tryptophan


    “We can work with the hormones and we can work with nature. We are from nature and we have the best pharmacy within us. [4:05]

    “If you don’t have enough gaba there is a tendency to be more anxious and it's also more of a physical anxiety.It’s muscle tension.” [6:10]

    “People who crave stimulants, anything from caffeine to cocaine,they’re going to be low in dopamine. People who are craving alcohol and tend to want tranquilizers, they’re low in Gaba.” [7:10]

    “Our brain is 80% fat and we need to feed the brain, we need to make brain cells, so good fats from salmon and avocado and also that fish will provide protein.” [10:00]

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