
  • How are Woo?

    Sorry left you hanging there ...

    Pandemics, tik tok, solar flares, floods, timeline shifts, consciousness upgrades -

    you know, those little things..

    How are you doing out there?

    Chakras in the upright position, or not sure what day it is?

    We felt it was time for a group hug, a chat & we recorded it.

    Because we finally could !!!!

    So, where in the woo are we in 2022, what the heck is going on and where is this all heading?

    Good question.

    Join Kiki and Lynette as they break it on down for 'What the Woo, in 2022'

    Links mentioned:

    To find out more about Lynette

    https://www.myenergymentor.com/The 9 Week Tune-Up https://www.myenergymentor.com/9-week-tune-upCosmic Sugar Podcast trailer now available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify

    To find out more about Kiki:

    https://www.kirileighlynch.com/Kiki's new course called SheLovesHer https://shelovesher.net/
  • We're revisiting the season 2 questions that our listeners (aka the Woo Woo Crew) sent in ... They included everything from needing more information on Twin Flames, the Dark Forces, favourite Meditations, Crystals, requesting more information about the energy of Truth, what to do before we die.

    You know, just the run of the mill, Woo - Woo easy stuff.

    Join Lynette and Kirileigh as they work through the viewer’s letters and attempt to do all they can to complete the necessary answers required to claim the Woo Woo Trivial Pursuit piece of the pie.

    ... It's a little off-road, it's a little casual, but hey - anything goes.

    Follow us on Insta @woowooverse or visit woowooverse.com

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  • Manifestation is certainly a buzz word in Self Help & Wellness circles.

    In fact, some of the most powerful selling around 'getting what we want", happens at the start, middle and end of a year'.

    Are you over it?
    Does it make you want to run for the hills or tune out?

    Apparently, "Manifestation Fatigue" is a new thing.
    Perhaps explaining why your vision board from last year has lost its lustre and not sure what to think or trust anymore?

    Have you questioned how you could have followed the manifestation steps and ended up with something you thought you wanted, only for it to all fall short of what you had hoped?

    Or are you wondering if your manifestation delivery is stuck in the universal postal system behind a million other special requests?

    Join Lynette and Kiki as they open the discussion and their #gratitude journals 🙄and ask, should manifestation come with a warning label?

    Have we failed to read the fine print?

    Is there a little more to 'The Secret' then we have been lead to believe and could it be wrapped up in a whole lot of white privilege?

    And they float the concept that manifesting (wait for it......) is actually part of our naturally maturing spiritual development rather than the place we begin.

    Ok, we heard you roaring.
    You asked, - and here it is!

    Oh- and Welcome to our new listeners. If you're vibing with this episode please let us know with a written review and a sprinkling of stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on iTunes...it helps put fuel in TWWV rocket to keep making episodes just for you. #WholeSquadVibratingHigher

  • Do you find relationships complicated?

    Are you wishing there was a downloadable handbook guide about soul-connection?

    Have you wondered if there is a spiritual purpose to relationships or if we're just randomly bumping into each other hoping for the best?

    Join Kiki and Lynette as they steer across the bumpy subconscious heart chakra terrain, taking you through the relationship twilight zone as they answer some big questions about love, relationships, separation and soul contracts.

    How do you know when you've met a twin flame and what do you do when your soulmate chooses not to fulfil a contract & instead buys a toaster, a puppy and moves in with someone else?

    And what about friendships. Are they soul contracts too?

    It's complicated, but does it have to be?

    It's not a complete map of the abyss, but it's a start.

    Oh- and Welcome to our new listeners. If you're vibing with this episode please let us know with a written review and a sprinkling of stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on iTunes...it helps put fuel in TWWV rocket to keep making episodes just for you!

  • The world is a little wild right now. Not so in balance.

    Why not enjoy some moments of reset with this Bonus Meditation!

    Things around us are constantly reaching for our attention and energy. So many things seducing us to invest energy outside of ourselves.

    Sometimes things become so imbalanced that we lose the connection with ourselves and our sense of what is right and true for us. We can lose our divine connection. We can even become drained.

    Spoiler alert - the great thing is that we can learn to call ourselves back into balance and we can reset.

    The reset and rebalance energy meditation is here to help you complete the task, call your spirit back, rejuvenate yourself when you feel depleted drained.

    If this increases your peace or helps in any way- let us know via an iTunes written review with a sprinkling of stars. It makes our hearts sing helps the #wholesquadvibratinghigher

  • TRIGGER WARNING - in this episode we go into topics around addiction, discuss a spectrum from drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling and fantasy, as well as conversations on bulimia and anorexia. For additional resources and support networks please visit this episode on our website to access those.



    Just when you thought it was all over for Season Two, we pop up with an extra Bonus track.

    Consider this the secret recording on side B of an old cassette. Remember those?

    This episode emerged from many listener questions all about the same thing ... What happens when we get seriously out of balance and what can we do to reset?

    In these transitional times, it's not easy to keep balance.

    We get it.

    Life can get messy.

    In fact, it has never been easier to self-soothe to avoid the sensations we are experiencing. And let's put it on the table, we are being constantly enticed to do so!

    Research findings show that more and more, some of the things we are doing to cope or soothe are putting us out of balance .. stay with us. It's complicated!

    Essentially some of the things we do that feel good are not always good for us in excess.

    Sometimes learning to rebalance is a place of fertile learning.

    Sometimes it's a point of great power and spiritual awakening.

    Join Lynette & Kiki as they dive deep on why we find our way to soothing behaviours and the principles and practices we can use to help guide us back to the centre.

    And come on the journey as they discuss the possibility that finding & maintaining balance maybe one of the greatest tasks ahead for our generation personally and collectively.

    And Hey, ...let us know which Ep#'s you loved, want more of or really landed for you by writing us a review on iTunes along with a sprinkling of 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟. We'd be so grateful and love hearing from you.

  • It’s fair to say we have had been through a "quickening" of sorts.

    Some say we are experiencing a collective awakening.

    At times its felt like time stood still and other times like it was moving at warp speed … but what have we learnt? From the heart-wrenching scenes, the losses, the passion, the power and shocks, are we ever going to be the same? And are we meant to be?

    We certainly learnt how to prepare for a Zoom call, how to wash our hands, what WAP means, but we also learnt a whole lot of other stuff as well.

    And what does that mean spiritually and energetically as we move forward?

    Saddle up Woo Woo crew as Lynette and Kiki take a canter down memory lane and dissect the journey that has been; the beginning of The Great Awakening.

    BTW- if you've been loving having us keep you company via your ears- we'd ask a small favour in return. If you could leave us a written review on iTunes..it helps put fuel in the Woo Woo 'Verse spaceship to help us keep navigating you through the spiritual realms. Think of it as your ticket to ride. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-woo-woo-verse/id1478427481

  • Tis the season to be jolly (and efficient!).

    We pause our usual programming and we've decided to rewrap and re-gift last year's Festivus episode.

    Hey..... don't judge! It as it still has lots of delicious goodness for you to feast on...seriously!


    We may no longer need ritual for our physical survival, but what about our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being? Is it essential or should we let it go altogether?

    As societies move away from religious ceremonies it has left us a bit in the dark and stressed about how to mark the major points in our lives. Dally Messenger (author of ‘Ceremonies & Celebrations’) says these yearly ceremonies, rituals and celebrations are an expression of culture which allow us to connect and generate love, forging and declaring the bond between each other and establish our identity through the generations ... Is that exactly why it can be so difficult when we feel isolated, as these periods remind of us what is missing? Or have we begun to miss the whole point and should we be using it as a reminder to reach out and connect? ... ...

    Insert mic drop and sound of record scratching.

    Cut to a modern living room.

    What happens when someone puts the wrong jelly in the trifle, you refuse to be in the family photo or a distant relative mentions something that silences everyone while passing the potatoes.

    Is it possible to self-care, ground and breathe freely through the triggers of the festive season? Can we find our way back home?

    Pour yourself some egg nog and meet us by the office photocopier for some Woo Woo conversation as the girls unpack the holiday period.

    In the festive spirit and also to help the #WholeSquadVibratingHigher please gift us an iTunes written review https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/the-woo-woo-verse/id1478427481 with a sprinkling of stars.

  • Ok, we have issues. And things are pushing our buttons, grinding our gears and our chakras are all a little uptight.

    … but apparently it's not just us, the whole world is getting angrier.

    Join Kiki and Lynette as they play a game of "Anger Bingo" to help deconstruct the range of energies in the anger spectrum and as they venture into looking at how we got here & what the heck is going on now.

    Why are we all so angry?

    Follow along as they debrief on the current state of affairs and work through some of the personal and collective anger issues that seem to be dominating our airwaves.

    And before you get all hot under the collar, they also discuss how we could contribute to the cooling of the flames & dip into some funny moments as they venture off road during the conversations (as they sometimes do.)

    ... listen out also for the special surprise guests that pop in and offer their suggestion as well.

    Is anger ever justifiable?

    Can anger be positive?

    Even if you don’t have an anger issue, this is still a great episode on determining how to handle your overall emotions and feelings in a manner that is helpful to you and other people.

    A massive thunderstorm happened at the time of recording and then again in the edit - and then even as this episode was going live, followed by an earthquake registering 7 … we’re beginning to think there is some deep cleansing and realignment required people.

    OK no more waffle - let's get to it.

    Press play..... before we all lose it.

  • It's fair to say we are living a world of opposition.

    Does that mean there is a disturbance in the force?

    Have we moved out of a positive-centred balance?

    Join Lynette and Kiki as they ponder and discuss the balance of light and dark forces, the possible ways to correct the balance and just how important are our thoughts and actions are.

    While the concepts of opposing forces have been shared for millennia, they've more recently been explored through modern pop culture.

    Star Wars, for example had the Jedi High Council to help keep the balance, and to contemplate all aspects of the order and dedicated themselves to service of the balance of the galaxy.

    The world of Harry Potter had the Ministry of Magic who oversaw things like magical law enforcement, magical accidents and catastrophes, regulation and control of the uses of magic and magical creatures.

    ...and yet these also descended into corruption and chaos at times.

    How so, you may ask?

    Is there actually such a thing as 'dark forces?' Can we be overrun by them.

    The "Dementors" from HP for example, have been described as being,

    "Among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself... soulless. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life.?

    It raises the question "Are there such things in the energy world and can they cross into the physical world?

    And more importantly "What happens if you encounter one?”

    (Trigger Warning: this episode contains a spooky true story).

    Could it be, that the real "Dementors” are actually more human and narcissistic in form, seeking complete power and control.

    Or is it possible they just wounded souls with no personal light?

    And what the heck do we do about that?


    Let's talk out the dilemmas & the solutions.

    Ps - Has anyone activated the Bat or Spidey Signal?

    Are the superheroes coming? or do we need to accept, they are us!

    Other resources to help the #WholeSquadVibrateHigher


    Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents written by Isabel WilkersonHumankind: A Hopeful History written by Rutger BregmanHumanity:

    A Moral History of the Twentieth Century written by Jonathan Glover


    Check out “Woo Woo Verse” episode 'Spiritual Landscapes' for more discussion on the Energy World.

    BATHE Forrest Bathing (Shirin Yoku) - https://www.natureandforesttherapy.org/

  • Denying the truth won’t change the facts,

    Actually, hold on, is the truth subjective or objective?

    Do you feel lost at sea in regards to truth?

    What about your personal relationship with the truth?

    What about collective truth? Are we on the right track or widely off course?

    Who even gets to set that compass point?

    Why does everything around truth all seem so foggy and untenable right now?

    It does feel that the concept of ‘truth' has never been more multifaceted.

    Do we have any modern truth bearers left?

    And there seems to be something inexplicably compelling about the nature of conspiracy theories right now … These theories are everywhere in 2020 - from Q-Anon, microchipping, 5G poisoning to the phantom murder hornets (remember that plot twist!),

    ....and recent studies show more than 50% of Americans believe in at least one.

    What's' that about?

    Join Kiki and Lynette as they draw on the wisdom of scholars, philosophers and theologians to discuss the big topics around spiritual alignment and truth, both individual and collective.In this episode they chat about:How to define truth, the energetic impacts of mass confusion, whether or not it’s even possible to give definitive definition of truth, how ’the truth’ has become so de-harmonising, oh, and also the possibility of the government has been covering up evidence of alien landings all along.

    As Chelsea Manning once said 'I prefer a painful truth over any blissful fantasy’

    This episode has. it. all.

    So, if you’re ready to question life as we know it then come with us as we go down the rabbit hole and (hopefully!) come out the other side a little clearer, and little more aligned in the middle.

    #Truth #TheTruthWillSetYouFree #ItMayPissYouOffFirst #ConspiracyTheories #ConSpirituality #2020Vision #WhatDoYouBelieve #HowCanWeTellWhatsTrue #TrueAlignment #FakeNews #MoonLanding #AlienInvasion #5G #Microchipping #QANON #murderhornets #SpiritualAlignment #SpiritualTruths


    Official secrets: ( movie)


    Argo (movie)


    We need to talk about A.I (documentary)


    Who stole the electric car? (doco/film)


    Thank for not smoking (Docofilm)


    Unacknowledged (documentary)


    The Informant (movie)


    And The Band Played On (Movie)


    The Emperors New Clothes. (Docu movie)


    The Great Hack (Docu movie)


    Altar boys (book)


    Edward Snowden - (Docu and book)



    On Anonymous - (articles)



    Gottman institute Relationships counselling

    - https://www.gottman.com/

  • V.S. Ramachandran dared to ask;

    "How can a three-pound mass of jelly (a brain) that you can hold in your palm, imagine angels, contemplate the meaning of infinity, and even question its own place in the cosmos?

    In this episode of The Woo Woo 'Verse we raise a cosmic load of questions, take the red pill and unplug ourselves from the matrix.

    Who are we?

    Are we our thoughts?

    Are we feelings or a sum of our experiences?

    Are we all aware on the same level?

    Are we really the universe in a physical form expressing and understanding itself for a while?

    What does it mean on an individual and collective level?

    We go deep into the concept of consciousness and get more than a little Woo Woo talking on waking up, opening up, sages, wisdom, evolving, awakenings and what to do with the insight & intuition that comes with it.

    Marianne Williamson said - "The world doesn’t need to make another machine, it needs to make a conscious choice. "

    Could consciousness be the superpower we have been waiting for?

    Ready - Push play!

  • #selfcare is so hot right now, but what does it actually mean?

    Is it all Ginseng face-masks, chocolate cake, and massages? Or is it much, much, more than that?

    Audrey Lorde famously said ‘Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.’ And yet 30 years later wellness has become the new luxury and Covid 19 has shown us that most of the time ‘wellness’ really just means ‘well off’.

    So does self-care, mean to treat yourself or to free yourself?

    Is it an individual or collective practice?

    Can anyone do it?

    And how can we actually care for ourselves in real ways as we navigate the stresses and pressures of the imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy?

    In these revolutionary times there is so much work to be done, and we need care for ourselves so we can keep up the momentum and get it done.

    Self-careself-care is part of our spiritual work, especially during the journey of both individual and collective awakening.

    Join Kirileigh and Lynette as they examine the self care quandary and help you to discover how to better care for yourself and others.

    They also discuss how to navigate self-care fatigue and how to choose the right people to support you on your way.

    Take a deep breath, lie back, turn it up and let the healing happen.

    Look at you - you’re doing it!

    Extra show notes:
    The Wish Game - https://www.thewish8.com/
    Dissect Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/2b025hq3gJ17tQdxS3aV43?si=nYCwi0pdRV6An3lJkoFy6g
    Rachel Cargle Website - https://www.rachelcargle.com/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rachel.cargle/?hl=en
    Article - https://www.harpersbazaar.com/author/220412/rachel-cargle/
    I need to talk to spiritual white women about white supremacy (Part One) Layla Saad - http://laylafsaad.com/poetry-prose/white-women-white-supremacy-1

  • And the statues, walls, and realities finally began to tumble down…

    Humans and the concept of power have a long and complicated history. Who has it, how they got it, who’s denied it, and why. And in 2020 our notions of power have changed so radically that the old power structures seem to be at breaking point.

    Gary Zuckov says “a new understanding of power is replacing our old understanding of power as the ability to manipulate and control. The old understanding of power has become counterproductive to our evolution. What used to be good medicine has become poisonous.”

    Are we evolving from a species that pursues external power, into a species that pursues authentic internal power? Could we finally be moving on from hierarchal power structure to a more equitable, lateral version of power? And um, what does that mean exactly?

    In this episode, we interrupt your original programming and talk power shifts. Internal and external. Personal and collective.

    What does that mean to have, lose and share power?

    Can we change the world?

    What about the changes bought about due to the pandemic, the civil uprising and Black Lives Matter?

    Massive times call for massive conversations, so let's talk it out.

    Are you ready?

    la revolución ha comenzado (the revolution has begun!).










  • Listen in to this powerful, mind-bending and soul awakening short story by James Weir and read by Kiki. Its 6 minutes of medicine for the soul and food for the mind and packs a lot into a small package- just like an egg!

    If you need a quick perspective check, feel disconnected from yourself and the wider world or simply love a well-crafted piece of writing read with smooth tones- come along for the ride Woo Woo crew.

  • You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” C.S. Lewis

    “A plumber was digging around in the pipes & he saw something shine in the muck & it turned out to be the soul of the last tenant. He gave it to me & I said I wonder how we can return it & he shrugged & said he found stuff like that all the time. You'd be amazed what people lose, he said." Brian Andreas

    So if we all have a soul, why do so many of us feel this part of us is not as accessible as we would like? Do you need to tune into your soul?

    Roll up your sleeves Cosmic Cats & kittens, because we are going deep into the Woo Woo Verse and into soul territory.

    Join Kirileigh and Lynette as they chat Birth, Life, death, karma, reincarnation, past lives and all the super soul-stuff, as they explore the terrain of the vast interior world of living essence.

    What happens when we separate from our inner GPS, does it recalculate and why is it so important?

    Is there a users guide that we missed?

    Do we all really have one celebrity past life?

    And can we move beyond our fate, enter the slip stream of our destiny and actually shift our karma this time around?

    The big questions answered. Lots of stories shared around the campfire.

    Chakras ready. There is no turning back.

  • So, It's about last night? …

    Where do you go when your eyes are closed? Have you ever wondered?

    Join Kirileigh and Lynette for this episode as they row row row the boat gently down the stream,merrily merrily and explore the life and world of dreams.

    Are all dreams prophetic?

    Is it possible to dream of a spirit guide or passed over loved one?

    What is actually going on when we go to sleep?

    Is there such a thing as sleep hygiene?

    What does closing our eyes and shifting our body rhythm and consciousness have to do with it?

    And what's up with dreaming, types of dreaming and connecting with other realms?

    And, are you having any pandemic dreams? Apparently, it's a thing.

    So kick on the fluffy slippers, brew up the warm milk of your choice on the stove and lets ditch quarantine, get astral travelling, call in the sleep committee and meet and chat in the 6th Dimension.

    We’ll see you there!


    Artwork originally from and inspired by the delightful @truemoonlove with permission

  • "Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect "– Luna Lovegood

    It would seem, particularly right now, the journey of life is made up of a series of endings, beginnings and the moments in between.

    And yet there seems to be no manual to tell us how to navigate the big energies that come with times like these.

    Have you ever just wished there was a magic spell to ease the pain?

    In this episode, we contemplate if we can ever really be lost, even if we are in the midst of loss.

    Can we ever really be stuck?

    Or are we always on the precipices of new discovery, being found and on the other side of a new door… even when it feels really hard?

    The spell “Alohomora” as presented in Harry Potter (and you know we are fans) at first looks like a simple, utilitarian spell, that unlocks anything including windows and doors.

    Yet popular theory has it that the spell “Alohomora” is actually about the energy that keeps us moving forward and opening to life.

    The word derives from the Hawaiian word “Aloha,” which sometimes means “farewell,” and the Latin word “mora,” which means “obstacle.” Farewell obstacle.

    The phrase including deeper meanings on an emotional and energetic level.

    Insinuating that “Alohomora” includes the ideas of openings, beginnings, overcoming obstacles, unlocking possibilities and working with the energy.

    Could it be that we are in a process of opening on a personal and collective level?
    Does the world need to use the energy of ‘Alohomora"?

    What do we do about the grief, the sorrow and the sadness?

    In this episode, we explore the great teachings of sorrow, lamenting, losing, being lost and how by using it as an Alohomora spell we can indeed turn to possibility, a new way forward, open a door or unlock something that may never have been able to be opened before.

    Join Kirileigh and Lynette wherever you are on your journey.

    Come as you are.

    As on the Woo Woo Verse podcast we say - Alohomora!

    Let the way be open.


  • Is this a real thing…

    Have you ever been in one?

    Are you going through one?

    Maybe we’re all in one together right now?

    Does anyone have a map?

    Bjork said:

    "After tragedy has struck, one has to invent a new world, knit it or embroider, make it up. It's not going be given to you because you deserve it; it doesn’t work the way. You have to imagine something that doesn’t exist and dig a cave into the future and demand space. It's a territorial hope affair. At the time, that digging is difficult and utopian, but in the future, the fruits of its labour become your reality"

    Healing is weird some days you’re okay and other days the pain rages.

    Mystics know this phase as 'The Dark Night of the Soul’.
    It’s a process with no definitive time frame.

    It's profound and sometimes messy.

    You have to keep going, walking towards the light no matter how dim, knowing that there is a path, and you are being carried by great forces if when you can’t see or feel it.

    Join Kirleigh and Lynette as they natter and work through the strange spiritual tunnel that comes before great resurrection, awakening and evolution.

  • Prayer is energy medicine.

    Prayer can alter the frequency.

    When we pray we are directing spiritual force.

    This short 3.5min recording will help focus your intention and love at a time when its needed most.

    Join us as we pray for the earth and all those we share it with.