
  • Today, I want to talk about accepting and embracing the wonderful gift of imperfection. As someone who has struggled with perfectionism, I realize it’s been holding me back from creating content lately, including this podcast.

    Oddly enough, as a speaker, podcaster and content creator, I am not comfortable in the spotlight. The amount of times I’ve shied away from posting videos or recording interviews because I hated how I looked that day, or the lighting was off, or I just didn’t feel “camera ready” is more than I can count. And it has let so much magic go to waste.

    If we continue waiting for the perfect moment to offer the world our gifts, they’ll stay locked away forever. That’s the beautiful thing about imperfection: it releases all that magic, no matter how it looks on the outside. Because doing it imperfectly is better than not doing it at all.

    Sometimes you just gotta grip it n’ rip it (like this episode). Believe me, it feels good.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to overcome perfectionism Why we need to stop worrying about our appearance How to build confidence How to confidently step out from behind the scenes How to overcome fear of being on camera How to learn to accept and appreciate imperfect

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    TYE 154: How to overcome perfectionism and embrace the messy steps to success

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

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  • Dayna Abraham has developed a guide for parenting “challenging” kids - those with big emotions, power struggles; the misbehavers and neurodivergents. Her new bestselling book “Calm the Chaos - a Failproof Roadmap for Parenting Even the Most Challenging Kids'' is aimed at reframing what we typically label as “challenging” behaviour as an opportunity for adults to learn and empower their kids to reach their full, innate potential.

    In this episode, Abraham talks about how her framework helps parents foster connections, understanding, and empowerment, while removing the stress and overwhelm of parenting. After all, some of the world’s greatest innovators and change-makers were once labelled “challenging” children.

    Dayna Abraham is the bestselling author of “The Superkids Activity Guide to Conquering Every Day” and “Sensory Processing 101”. She is also the founder of the popular parenting website “Lemon Lime Adventures.”

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    The benefits of “challenging” behaviour in children How parents can learn from their children Why calmness is important in parenting Neurodivergence and neurodiversity How all behaviour is communication How to teach empathy to your children How to help your kids feel more seen, heard and understood Why you should communicate when you’re upset or stressed The problem with rewarding “good” behaviours


    “Parents often jump to ‘what do we do about this situation?’ instead of ‘how do we be in this situation?’”

    “To understand that you might not understand is pretty powerful.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Calm The Chaos book (order now)

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

    Join Shelli on Instagram

    Join Shelli on YouTube

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  • To make a big dream happen, you have to break it into small, individual steps and focus on the next first step. This way, you can make even the wildest, even most absurd, idea a success. This episode is a story about how my 13 year-old step son Ry and I co-created a song with the help of a celebrity music producer, without ever meeting him, and with almost zero musical abilities myself.

    I just really wanted to make a song with Ry, and focused on the next first step.

    Listen to the end to hear the song itself and a super inspiring Q&A with Ry at the end.

    Whatever your big, even absurd, dream is, you don’t need to know exactly how you’re going to achieve it. You just need to know three things: that it’s a “yes,” what the next first step is, and who to ask for help.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to break success down into small steps How I was able to co-write a song without any musical ability How I sourced my network for help How I ended up working with a celebrity music producer, who has worked with Cher, Tina Turner, Pink, Gwen Stefani, Joe Cocker & Disney How to get more people to say “yes” to your requests Why passion and persistence lead to success How to listen to your body


    “You don’t need to know all the steps. You just need to know: is this a yes, am I excited, and what is the next first thing?”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    TYE 151: How To Overcome The Fear of Asking Questions (A Personal Story)

    TYE 128: P!nk bassist Eva Gardner on rock stardom and overcoming rejection

    TYE 005: A Rock Star's Guide to Overcoming Fear with Mark Schulman

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

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  • Perfectionism is a killer of hopes and dreams. The challenge is learning to accept and embrace the messy, imperfect steps necessary to create momentum. It’s how every successful person gets to the top of the mountain, and why so many people never reach it.

    This quick episode is about my holistic approach to doing things the most human way possible: imperfectly. Please listen, share and I hope this lights your fire to keep taking messy, imperfect steps forward to your ultimate “yes!”

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why people often fail at their goals Why New Year's Resolutions often fail The compound effect How successful people manage failure How to overcome perfectionism


    “You can’t get to the top of your mountain unless you’re willing to deal with your own humanity where you’re going to be doing it imperfectly. The question is: are you going to be doing it?”

    “It’s always going to be messy and ugly. The only thing that matters is ‘can I keep going?’”

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • We often never know how far an act of kindness can go or how it can change someone’s day, or their entire life. Here’s a quick story of kindness from a recent trip to the grocery store, which started with something rather unkind.

    Too often, people are dismissed and not looked at for the wholeness of who they actually are.

    Everyone has bad days.

    But everyone deserves our kindness.

    Please listen, share and let me know what you think - leave a review or DM me on Instagram @shellivarela

  • This holiday season was a difficult one for me, and in this episode, I explain why & what I learned from it.

    In the very days leading up, one of my absolute closest people fell ill and died quite suddenly. I spent Christmas Day in the hospice at her side, spending those final inevitable moments in deep sorrow and reflection. But those moments also reminded me of a valuable life lesson - woven beautifully into one of my favourite John Mayer songs.

    Please listen and share with someone who needs to hear it. Death and dying are indeed both heartbreaking and beautiful.

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • At some point we developed this fear of asking questions. For so many people, the thought of potentially hearing “no” is crippling enough to pass up the incredible possibility of “yes.” But as the saying goes, “you’ll never know until you ask,” and not asking at all, ironically, leads to that same dreaded “no” by default. So how do we find the courage to ask questions?

    In this episode, I’m sharing two occasions where - scared as I was - I took a shot at asking. One resulted in a business deal with one of the biggest luxury car companies in the world (for a firefighter calendar I was producing), and the other a close friendship with a celebrity musician who accepted my random and totally ridiculous fangirl request for a drum lesson.

    I hope these stories inspire you to look past the chance of “no” and envision what your life could look like if simply asking the question brings you a life-changing “yes.”

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to overcome the fear of asking questions Why you’ll likely hear “yes” more than “no” if you just ask How I landed a sponsorship deal with Lamborghini Why we inevitably forget hearing “no” How I became close friends with former P!nk drummer & speaker, Mark Schulman How to find the courage to ask questions Why we need to normalize asking questions

    This conversation was from a candid, behind-the-scenes chat with my producer, but I wanted to share it with you. Let me know your thoughts on this episode and the topic of asking questions. Is there a “yes” out there for you? (contacts below).

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    TYE 005: A Rock Star's Guide to Overcoming Fear with Mark Schulman

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

    Join Shelli on Instagram

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  • When Netta Gorman stopped eating sugar, it not only changed her life, but also the lives of hundreds of others. She now helps people eliminate sugar through her coaching programs and immensely popular “Life After Sugar” podcast.

    But Netta’s journey to the land of no sugar, flour or sweeteners wasn’t easy (as we’ve all tried and mostly failed). But after a lifetime of digestive issues, doctor’s visits and failed efforts, Netta caved to this small but life-changing recommendation of a Nutritional Therapist. Her results were so effective, she’s now dedicated to guiding others past the emotional and societal challenges of a no-sugar diet.

    Netta Gorman is on The YES Effect podcast to talk about the challenges and benefits of ditching sugar for good and how she turned her success story into a life of helping others say “yes” to better health and feel free from sugar cravings and mindless snacking.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why sugar and flour cause so many digestive issues Netta’s long and difficult journey to finally eliminating sugar, flour and sweeteners The immediate effects of a no-sugar diet How sugar affects weight, energy level and digestion Why social pressure makes it difficult to stop eating sugar Why eliminating sugar cravings starts with removing your emotional attachment to sugary foods How Netta turned her personal success into a business


    “I couldn’t imagine not doing what I’d always done.”

    “If you want something different, you have to do something different.”

    “I got hooked on feeling great and that’s what keeps me motivated.”

    “Social pressure to consume sugar is strong. When you don’t consume sugar anymore, the social pressure to consume it again is even stronger.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    After Sugar Club

    Life After Sugar podcast

    Netta on Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • Jealousy and comparison can shatter us. But when we focus on others’ success, money, fame, appearance, situation or whatever, we forget the truth - the truth of our own gifts and the true story of what’s beneath the surface.

    I wanted to share this quick story about a girl in my high school - hands down the prettiest and most popular girl in the school. Every fibre in my short, geeky body badly wanted to be her. Turns out, there was so much more to the story, and it made me forever grateful for my own gifts and for being exactly who I be.

    I hope this inspires you to focus on your gifts and appreciate exactly where you are on your journey.

    Please listen, review and share with someone who needs to hear it too.


    “If you are trying to build a castle, make sure you don’t build it on sand. Build it on something that’s going to last. Build it on something real. Build it on something that is true and authentic to you.”

    “There are going to be times when you look at other people and think ‘this is grossly unfair that this is my life and other people get to have that’ but sometimes you can’t see over the fence.”

    “If ever you find yourself in a position where you feel like ‘this just sucks, it’s hard and I wish I had that', just keep using and building the tools in your own tool box to get you to the destination you are meant to be.”

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    TYE 124: What I learned from getting bullied at school

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

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  • To build a positive company culture, you first need to show that you care about your people. Sounds like a simple concept, right?

    Then why does so much toxic company culture still exist? It’s because leaders need to learn more about what drives their people and why, and most importantly, genuinely care.

    In today’s episode, I’m going to explain how leaders can build far more successful businesses and create a much more positive work environment using the power of story. The perfect example: how the Wright Brothers won the highly competitive race to invent the airplane by putting people & culture first.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why story is the most underutilized leadership tool How to create a more positive company culture What story actually means when it comes to company culture and employee relationships What currency actually means to your employees (spoiler: it’s not money) The 2 types of story and which is more important Why corporations use story in their marketing How to get more out of your employees How to become a better leader in the workplace


    “Leadership needs to know about story. It’s the most under-utilized tool in the leadership toolbox.”

    “When you’re a leader, you’re leading humans. When you learn about story you learn to give a s**t about humans.”

    “When we think of currency, we automatically think about money. Money is currency, for sure, but so is pride, so is peace, accomplishment and freedom. So if you;re a leader of a team you need to know what’s going on in the minds of the people you’re leading. What is their currency? You want your team to go through a wall for you? Show them you give a s**t.”

    “Nobody cares to understand you unless they first feel understood.”

    “Story is a snapshot in time, your perspective of that snapshot and what you make it mean. And it’s the meaning that drives the story.”

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • If you’ve ever struggled with finding your true place in the world, Bara Mann’s story will inspire you. Despite a successful career as an engineer, she always felt out of place. After a fluke introduction to meditation and mindfulness, she knew it was time for a change. So took a leap of faith and quit, not knowing what was next. What happened next was pure magic.

    Bara is now a Transformational Life Coach and Speaker, specializing in helping people overcome their patterns and limiting beliefs so they can advance confidently in their lives and careers. Bara is on The Yes Effect to talk about how saying “yes” to what your body is telling you will lead you to your true passion and place in the world.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why you should say “yes” to what your body is telling you Why mindfulness and meditation are so effective How to overcome the fear of taking a leap of faith How to balance masculine and feminine energy How meditation can help ADHD and focus How to get to the root of what is causing you anxiety and tension How to find your passion in life Advice for making a big career change


    “The reason meditation is so powerful is because you get quiet enough to hear the truth.”

    “Your body doesn’t lie. You don’t need to know exactly what’s going to come next and there’s so much adventure in not knowing. Taking that leap and allowing what will be to be is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. And it’s really fun, too!”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Bara on Instagram

    Bara Mann’s website: baraco.org

    Book: Debbie Ford “The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self”

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • Sometimes we try so hard to force an outcome, we lose sight of why we were doing it in the first place. The good news: it’s not about lack of effort. It’s just the wrong kind of effort. In this short episode, I’ll share exactly what to do the next time you’re struggling to accomplish something that is just not happening, no matter how much time and effort you’re putting in. This little change will make all the difference.

    Please share this with someone who is struggling toward an outcome. With the right effort, I guarantee it’s only a matter of time.


    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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    “When you’re forcing an outcome, pause and ask yourself ‘is this something I really want?’”

  • I wanted to share this quick story of a moment in grade 5 that changed my life. As kids, we all know how powerful peer pressure can be. It’s much easier (and often safer) to follow what everyone else is doing, rather than speak up - especially when you’re painfully shy and bullied, like I was. And for many of us, this carries into adulthood, too. But here’s what happens when you stand your ground, separate yourself from the crowd and stick to your beliefs.

    Please share this podcast with someone you know who needs encouragement to stick to their beliefs, despite what everyone else says.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    TYE 124: What I learned from getting bullied at school


    “In the moments when you have to stand up when everybody else is sitting down, it never gets more comfortable, but it also doesn’t kill you.”

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • Logic can keep us safe, but it can absolutely crush our true essence. Truth is, the people who accomplish the things that light their soul on fire follow their magic, not their logic. Here’s a quick listen to explain why (recorded in a park in Toronto, to please excuse the skateboarding in the background).

    Please share this podcast with someone you know who is letting logic get in the way of their true potential. And never be afraid to let your freak flag fly.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why trusting your body is better than trusting your brain How my parents influenced me Why we often say “yes” to things we should say “no” to


    “The people who accomplish the things that light their soul on fire follow their magic and not their logic.”

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

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  • This quick story was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. It’s a moment with a stranger where I truly realized how sharing your story can help others.

    An aspiring young female firefighter had tracked me down and asked to meet for coffee. Throughout her training, she had been rewatching this TED Talk I did on becoming a female firefighter.

    The day we met in person, her phone rang. That moment, both our lives changed.

    There is somebody out there that needs your help. And something small you might take for granted has the power to impact others going through the exact same experiences you did.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to inspire others How to motivate others as a leader Why sharing your story is important How to motivate yourself

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

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  • Everyone has something to give to the world. In this episode I’m going to share 3 things about storytelling and finding your truth that will motivate you to share more of your experiences, gifts and earned wisdom to change people’s lives. And I’m also going to explain why so many people get stuck thinking they don’t have a relevant or inspiring enough story to share. It’s actually the ordinary stories that matter more than the extraordinary ones.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why many women struggle to tell their story Why the loudest person is rarely the wisest How to find your story How to inspire people using your story and your gifts The meaning of your “original medicine” 3 important facts about storytelling The meaning of reciprocity and how to leverage it


    “Nobody cares about the Everest you submitted unless they know about the training and shitty times of waking up at 5am, your fingers are bleeding. That’s where we relate to your story.”

    “It’s almost never the loudest person that is the wisest.”

    “Your story is not about you. It’s a bridge of possibility for your audience.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    TYE 131: How to be a better public speaker with Gail Larsen

    Book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

    Join Shelli on Instagram

    Join Shelli on YouTube

  • Sarah Wilkes helped me survive my absolute biggest lifelong fear - the death of my dad. She wasn’t just there for me, she taught me how to see lightness in death, how to accept and navigate grief and how to keep my dad with me long after he was gone.

    If you’re grieving the dying or death of a loved one, this will help you see death from a whole new perspective.

    Sarah is a Reverend and Spiritual Advisor who has worked in palliative care and emergency services. This was an impromptu conversation recorded in her backyard (please excuse the background noise) and with her blessing, I’m sharing with you on the The YES Effect podcast, because I know Sarah’s humility and incredible wisdom will help guide you through death and grief like it did for me.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to implement continuing bonds in your life after a loved one dies How life and death are just different time loops which we can reconnect whenever we want Why saying goodbye versus sudden death doesn’t necessarily make things easier How both sudden and prolonged dying each have grace How grief is like paying a debt which has different payment plans and durations Why grief is much like a roadtrip with highs, lows and people who come and go Why we need to recognize the journey of the dying and acknowledge their remaining life Why laughter is just as important as tears when it comes to death How to react to actions and conversations with someone entering the other side Why we make death harder than it needs to be


    “You made death accessible and cool.”

    “We’re all stuck in these little time loops and it’s the cognition of us recognizing the immediacy of our loved ones in another frame of time that we can connect with them whenever we choose to.”

    “Saying goodbye doesn’t make it easier (sudden death). Each season and each type of death has its grace.”

    “Grief is a debt you pay in your own way and in your own time.”

    “Death is as safe as life gets.”

    “We make it harder than it needs to be.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    TYE 057: Live Like You Were Dying with Sarah Wilkes

    Sara Wilkes website: anamcaramor.ca

    FB: Spirit Sessions with Sarah Wilkes

    [email protected]

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

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    Podcast producer: Adam Liefl

  • Rachel Pedersen became known as “The Queen of Social Media” for one main reason: realness. In a universe seemingly dominated by male business gurus, hustle culture, perfection, makeup and filters, Rachel helped open the doors for businesswomen to leverage their no makeup, no filter, sweats-and-slippers authenticity on social media.

    And she comes by it honestly.

    In less than a decade, Rachel went from single mom living on welfare to founder and CEO of two multimillion-dollar companies, a top social media marketer and consultant, worldwide viral sensation, leading authority on storytelling through social media. She also shares openly about living with depression.

    Rachel’s new book “Unfiltered: Proven Strategies to Start and Grow Your Business by Not Following the Rules” is a literal piece of art. If you follow it, it gives you permission to be exactly who you are and I guarantee it will be your rocket fuel.

    Rachel Pedersen is on The YES Effect show to talk about fearlessly going for it, starting a business from the bottom and finding your version of success by ignoring everyone else’s rules.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Rachel’s journey of single mom on welfare to starting a business How bravery and handling pressure is what elevates successful people How to act on your dreams and start taking action steps - even from zero Why the small, “crappy” steps of entrepreneurship are important for success How Rachel found success differently from most business media gurus The moment Rachel decided to go from ‘talking about hashtags to changing the world’ How an emotional livestream of Rachel talking about depression went viral Why many women still struggle to be truly authentic publicly Why more influencers and celebrities are doing “no makeup” social media posts How Rachel helped grow a company 6700% in less than a year Why ClickFunnels Founder Russel Brunson encouraged her to write a book The importance of knowing when to speed up and slow down in your business


    “There was a part of me saying ‘you’ve come so far, let’s not stop here. What’s the worst that can happen? Let’s try for it.’”

    “It’s one crappy step at a time. It’s one crappy TikTok that’s sharing my voice
done. Ugh. Then the next crappy action step. Not that the action steps are crappy, but when we first do them it doesn’t feel revolutionary. I didn’t realize that’s a part of the ‘how’.”

    “You change what society gets to see. You change what becomes normal for the little girl who maybe doesn’t look a certain way.” -SV

    “So many people are suffering in silence and silos.” -SV

    “When you are willing to say ‘I’m going to do something different’ and are willing to stand out and take the heat and pressure of that, all of us are together in a different category because it takes so much bravery.”

    “Usually the things we’ve been criticized the most for are actually your rocket fuel.”

    “You get to be in charge of exactly what you want to build. This is not a runaway train. You're the conductor and you get to decide how fast or slow you need to go and when you need to stop.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Rachel Pedersen’s website

    Book: Unfiltered: Proven Strategies to Start and Grow Your Business by Not Following the Rules

    Social Media United

    Rachel Pedersen on Instagram | Facebook | TikTok | Pinterest | Twitter | YouTube

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

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    Podcast producer: Adam Liefl

  • Mindy Schulz survived a parent’s worst nightmare. Now, she is turning her horrific story into an inspiring presentation. She recently called me for some advice and tips on public speaking and how to properly tell her story for an audience. With her blessing, I recorded our coaching call and am offering it to you - raw and uncut - in this podcast.

    Mindy’s backstory:

    In 2016, Mindy was walking her 5 month-old son Tristan when they were hit at a crosswalk by a distracted driver. Tristan was killed instantly by the impact. Mindy was badly injured. During this coaching call, Mindy explains the unthinkable grief, guilt and pain that felt following the event. But she also explains why she’s now eager to use her experience for the betterment of others.

    It was a very emotional call, as we dug into the details of the event and precisely how this story can be told to engage and impact an audience. “Wow, thank you. Now I feel far more empowered. I feel more at ease. This feels more natural to me which gives me a lot more confidence and assurance. I feel like it’s a natural extension of me now instead of forcing myself into a box.”

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    The 3 objectives of a speech: what you want the audience to think, feel and do Why a public speaker needs to convey their authority on a subject What kept Mindy going when she was at her absolute lowest What motivated Mindy to want to share her story publicly The correct emotions that will move an audience, and which ones not to use in a speech The 4 factors of influence: authority, social proof, consistency & reciprocity How writing a speech is different than writing a book How to properly begin a speech The method I use to “memorize” a speech Why Mindy originally chose to “soften” the details of the story, and why I advised her not to How to use “The Bounce” in a talk to directly speak to your audience during a story How I use graphics and pictures to memorize a talk


    “In the fear there’s something beautiful.”

    “I’ve done scary things before and I’ve done it by surrendering to the process and moment by moment trying to be grounded in what it is I’m supposed to learn.”

    “So many people will think they don’t have the ability to be courageous because they’re still feeling the fear.”

    “You’re not writing a book or a story. You’re reliving and unpacking a moment with us.”

    “You can not be wrong telling your story. I know you have the courage and bravery to share it in a way that’s going to be life-changing for the audience.”

    “I want them to crack open enough so they can love themselves just a little bit more at the end of the day.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence”

    Lisa Nichols

    My TEDx Talk “Hacking Possibility”

    Join The YES Effect Inner Circle Facebook Group for a behind the scenes experience about what it means to Believe, Belong and Become!

    Join Shelli on Facebook

    Join Shelli on Instagram

    Join Shelli on YouTube

    Podcast producer: Adam Liefl

  • I’ve learned more about being a better human from dog trainer, Susan Garrett, than anyone I’ve ever met. She is as much a life coach as she is a renowned dog trainer and world dog agility champion. Her teachings for dogs are all rooted in kindness, creating the proper environment and leaning into each dog's unique qualities, rather than forcing them to be what they’re not. All things that we humans can use to better our own behaviour.

    Susan is one of the world’s most successful dog trainers and agility competitors. She has won over 30 Gold Medals at National or World Championship events with every dog she has ever owned over the past 30 years. She’s on The YES Effect to talk about how practice, patience, visualization, ignoring negativity and embracing our strengths - for dogs and humans - is what leads to success.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why Susan focuses on kindness in dog agility training How we can manipulate our environment to make the right choice the easy choice What Susan learned as a kid by having the TV on during dinner How Susan has trained so many dogs with different qualities to all be champions How athlete’s mindset, visualization and breathwork help in training our brain for almost automatic success Susan’s method of visualization before every dog agility competition How we can “trick” our brains into knowing how to succeed before even doing it How visualization helps Susan alleviate back pain and plantar fasciitis How the behaviours you rehearse everyday with your dog become who you show up for in the world to other people in your life


    “You can achieve everything you want and have the dog of your dreams if you focus on training your dog with kindness.”

    “The behaviours you rehearse everyday with your dog become who you show up for in the world to other people in your life.”

    “You can choose to try something and if it doesn’t work, we’re going to get a lesson from that.”

    “Your brain doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not. So if you can visualize, your brain thinks you’ve already done it. And who isn’t better at anything the second time you do it?”

    “When I look at my dogs all I see is greatness. It’s up to me to bring it out.”

    “Raise your vibration. When you’re coming from a place of gratitude, love and appreciation, it changes the energy you send out into the world and controls the reality you’re going to receive.”

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Susan’s website: https://dogsthat.com/

    Susan Garrett Dog Agility Blog

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    Podcast producer: Adam Liefl