OnlineBound with Elena Mutonono is a podcast for online language teachers and coaches who are tired of cramming more client hours into their day and look for ways to grow their business in a smart, lean and sustainable way.
In this podcast we explore the topics of authenticity, sustainability, values, efficiency, resilience and creativity when running an online teaching business in an oversaturated language teaching market.
We will broaden our horizons, challenge our mindset and forge our own paths amidst loud and demanding voices of scarcity and pursuit of fast profits at any cost.
Together we will build resilience as we journey into the unknown, commitment to the change we seek to make and faith in creating a better world by connecting people across cultures through teaching languages online. -
Secunda Mensa est colloquium de cibis, coquendo, et rebus culinariis... Latine! Hospites Catherina et Timotheus nugantur et res coquinas explorant.
Secunda Mensa is a podcast about food, cooking, and culinary Latin! Co-hosts Cathy and Tim joke and explore cooking, kitchens, and cuisine. -
1984 - English Reading for Beginners, in a dystopian future near you. Join Winston Smith in a struggle for the right to own his own mind. George Orwell’s 1984 portrays a terrifying future where the government owns every aspect of your life - including your thoughts.
Abbonati:!Do you want to learn ITALIAN language easily?Listening is one of the most important things in a language and with those podcasts, you're going to learn Italian basic words, grammar rules AND MORE.Do you want more??Follow @italianwithgiulia on Instagram and Telegram. I also offer you free courses on YouTube!!! Visit Giulia M- Italian with Giulia channel.Abbonati: the community:
Introduction to spanish language.
This podcast is for English learners who want to take their English fluency and knowledge to the next level.
Cloud English episodes are recorded live with an online audience. The show explores best practices and tips for learning English more effectively, useful English words and idioms, American culture and pronunciation, and much more. I also answer English questions from the live audience. -
Ihr lernt Deutsch und denkt, ihr hättet die Sprache schon so gut wie gemeistert, findet euch dann jedoch außerhalb des Sprachkurses in Situationen wieder, bei denen ihr nur nett lächeln und nicken könnt?
Oder ihr habt das Gefühl, das Hörverstehen aus dem Sprachkurs reicht euch einfach noch nicht aus und deutsche Serien und Videos sind euch zu kompliziert?
Mein Name ist Jen und gemeinsam werden wir dafür sorgen, dass euer Deutsch im Nu tipptopp ist. Wöchentlich werdet ihr hier über alles rund um das Thema Deutsch und Deutschland informiert und unterhalten, also: auf die Plätze, fertig, los! -
If you use English for personal or professional purposes and you want to sound clear and feel confident, you're about to get the accent training you need!
If you're serious about your accent (or just curious), you have a choice to make. You can SIMPLY JUST fold the laundry/walk the dog/commute to work... OR... you can multitask by listening to me help you with your goal!
You get 4 kinds of episodes: 2 minute accent TIPS, 5 minute DRILLS and exercises, 10 minute TEACHING about an accent topic, 30 minute real 1:1 COACHING, and 45 minute MAGIC conversations with English Teachers, Learners, other Accent Coaches!
I'm known as the 'Accent Magician'. Listen to the show and be amazed at my tricks! As you listen, you'll quickly begin to realize that you can break down complex accent features into small, manageable parts that you can train every day for long-lasting change!
I'm here to help. I have a FREE Discord community for you to join. Come for Weekly Office Hours on Wednesdays for extra free help!
This is the FREE join link for my Discord Community server:
Accent Coach Bianca- Where accent enthusiasts come for the strategies... and stay for the fun!
Subscribe and follow me to Master an American Accent -
English Fluency, Pronunciation, and Accent with Meredith
- ¿Qué me cuentas hoy? podcast’o pagalba pasinersi į ispanų kalbą ir per istorijas bei pokalbius su svečiais iš Ispanijos bei Lotynų Amerikos įsisavinsi gramatines struktūras bei naujus žodžius natūraliu būdu, t.y. taip, kaip išmokai gimtąją kalbą klausydamas savo artimųjų.
- Daugiau apie natūralų ispanų kalbos mokymąsi sužinok naujienlaiškyje:
- Dėl kalbėjimo ir knygų skaitymo programų per WhatsApp kreiptis: [email protected]
- Aš esu Akvilė Dominyka – ispanų kalbos mokytoja ir savo mokiniams padedu mokytis šios kalbos natūraliu būdu per istorijas. -
Intervju og nynorsk og bokmål
“No Habla Espanol” is a podcast journey with host Tiffany Inez to Spanish Fluency.
¿Quieres finalmente hablar español? Estos episodios de 10-15 minutos te van a ayudar porque la clave es ESCUCHAR contenido accesible. ¡Tú sí puedes mejorar tu nivel de español con este método natural!
Hablemos lo que sea, pero hablemos bien. Microespacio para dar caza a los anglicismos que se nos cuelan en el día a día y a aquellas palabras inventadas derivadas de otros idiomas, principalmente del inglés. No soy la RAE pero soy alguien preocupada por el correcto uso del lenguaje. Mi lema es: "lo que no sé lo consulto y si tengo dudas lo busco". Aquí se viene a hablar español, leches.
Este es un podcast educativo para estudiantes de español de SHS en Calhoun.
Learn english easily grammer episode present continuous
Our first podcast
N -
I will be making a listen and repeat for the learnings of ESL.