
  • 2024 represents a fresh perspective on finances and changing your relationship to money. This in turn, has the power to transform your relationship to life as well. With that said, there's something very potent to discuss that can guide you on this finance journey: Financial Vision Boards.

    The brain is fascinating – it cannot differentiate between reality and non-reality - you know, like a “vision” or dream.

    So we can game our own system by feeding our mind positive images, narratives, visions, intentions, and goals, to flood our unconscious mind and make it feel like it’s already our reality.

    Badass, right?

    A financial vision board takes this concept and gears it towards financial goals, pricing strategies, and intention setting. It highlights the profound power of positive imagery tied to financial goals and directs our unconscious mind to manifest those goals into reality.

    Think of it as programming your mind for success - but using a specific visual tool to get you there.

    Creating an annual vision board is one thing, and breaking it down per quarter is another game-changer. Having quarterly checkpoints engages your focus, offers a sense of achievement, and tracks your progress more closely.

    These quarterly touchpoints have both your financial goals and feelings attached, allowing you to cultivate your own definition of success right from the start of the year.

    With your feelings-centric vision board in place, it's important to have a concrete revenue goal. Combining these two elements would require you to:

    Declare what your income or revenue goal is. Decide how many clients or customers you need. Divide your income target by the number of clients to determine your rate or price per client.

    This simple strategy provides a pathway to your financial goal while incorporating each client's value into the calculation.

    Financial Vision Boards are potent tools in mastering wealth. By picturing and strategizing our financial targets into quarterly goals, we can construct a path to financial freedom without the daunting intimidation of a huge, single end-of-year target. By using our mind's inability to differentiate reality from unreality, we populate our vision boards to help us achieve our financial dreams in manageable, realistic increments.

    It's time to dominate 2024 with our personal, tailor-made financial vision boards. I invite you to craft yours and witness the transformation it brings to your finances and your life. So buckle up because the journey to financial freedom is about to get real!

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[0:55] What it looks like for my brain in November[2:22 What is Financial Vision Boarding[8:27] Setting the feeling vs. setting goals[11:29] A goal as a singular moment[14:18] Creating the board[18:10] Feedback from clients[24:14] Creating a sense of safety[26:47] The implications of setting your rates

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Business Vision Board Bundle: https://buy.stripe.com/6oE7sMb24ci83e028A Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • Today, I have a bonus episode that I just couldn't keep to myself. I felt the urgency to share this story with you, in the hopes that it resonates and brings you comfort.

    Picture this: you've been conned, scammed, and left feeling utterly betrayed. It's a situation we don't often talk about, but trust me, you're not alone. I recently experienced a massive con myself, and when I opened up about it, I discovered that others had fallen victim to the same person. It got me thinking about the power of sharing our stories and supporting each other through tough times.

    Let's face it, scammers have a knack for taking advantage of our trust and vulnerability. Instead of blaming ourselves, let's reframe the narrative. We're not the problem here; we made a bad investment. And hey, who among us hasn't made a bad investment? We're all human, after all.

    I hired this guy, a fellow coach, with high hopes and a significant investment. He seemed like the real deal, with impressive testimonials from celebrities and all. But as time went on, I began to realize that he couldn't deliver on his promises. The PR team he boasted about turned out to be non-existent, and the whole experience felt like a massive letdown.

    The breaking point came when I mustered up the courage to reach out to one of his celebrity clients, only to discover that the testimonial he used was completely fake. Can you imagine the audacity? It was a realization that hit me like a ton of bricks. All those red flags and doubts I had pushed aside suddenly became glaringly obvious.

    Through commiserating with others who had worked with him, I learned that I wasn't alone. We were all victims of his gaslighting, lack of integrity, and evasive behavior. It's disheartening to know that people like him can get away with scamming others, leaving us feeling ashamed and vulnerable.

    But here's the thing - we're not alone. If you've been conned or scammed before, I want you to know that I see you, I feel you, and I'm here for you. Don't let shame consume you; share your story, find solace in community, and together, let's stand against these scammers.

    By building a community of support, we can protect ourselves and others from falling into their traps. And for those of you who haven't been conned, be vigilant, trust your gut, and don't hesitate to share any resources or podcasts that delve into white-collar crimes and scams.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[1:01] How scammers have a ‘get out of jail free’ card[3:44] The love of true crime in the sense of scammers[6:12] My experience getting conned by a coach[10:33] Walking away from a conned investment[14:19] The power in sharing this story

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
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  • We’re talking about overspending. Cringing? I know! That’s why we’re specifically talking about how do people afford to overspend?

    Overspending is a behavior pattern that many of us fall into, especially during the holidays. We're bombarded with pressure, manipulation, guilt, and shame, and we try to compensate for these feelings by making extravagant purchases. It's like a quick fix to make ourselves feel better in the moment.

    But here's the thing: when we can consciously interrupt this pattern and become aware of our unconscious behavior, we're already one step closer to changing our relationship with money. By shining a light on our spending habits, we give ourselves the opportunity to make more aligned choices and find a sense of balance.

    In this podcast episode, we're going to explore the question that often pops up in our minds: how the heck do they afford it? You know, those people who seem to have it all - the luxurious vacations, fancy cars, and designer clothes. It's natural to wonder how they manage to afford these things on what we perceive to be an average income.

    This, paired with the societal pressure to keep up with appearances and our desire to fit in, creates this addictive nature of overspending. The rush of adrenaline we feel when we make those impulsive purchases is a chemical reaction in our brain that can sometimes become an addiction.

    But let's not stop at just wondering about other people's spending habits. Instead, let's explore why we overspend to begin with. Personal reflection is key here.

    We all have our own money stories, and understanding the emotional wounds and unmet needs that drive our spending can lead to transformation and healing.

    Have you ever stopped to think about the emotional impact of your first money memory? How did it shape your relationship with money? For me, money became a secret to be hidden, and spending it made me feel powerful and in control. But I also realized that I was searching for safety, security, and comfort in my spending habits. It was a way to fill a void.

    And here's where the beauty lies: once we become aware of the underlying emotional needs driving our overspending, we can start to make conscious choices. Interrupting the automatic behavior and asking ourselves why we want to make a purchase can help us break free from the cycle. It's not about judging ourselves, but rather showing ourselves compassion and grace as we work towards healthier financial habits.

    Thank you for joining me today, and until next time, keep loving money and embracing the change it brings.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[9:24] How overspending can feel like an addiction [11:05] The stats around overspending [13:31] What is overspending[14:52] My money story and background with money[20:21] The role unconscious beliefs play in overspending [24:24] Healing the emotional side of money[26:29] How online shopping triggers our sense of "going without resources"[27:54] Self-reflecting on your money story

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • Question: Do we think shaming people about going into debt is going to help anyone?

that’s NO for me. đŸ™…â€â™€ïž

    In this week’s podcast episode we’re diving into a topic that weighs heavy on a lot of us - especially right now - debt.

    Having debt on its own can feel intimidating.

    Add on how much it costs to live, how few women make $100K+, then the public message of shaming debt as a whole, and it actually makes me angry.

    Women in particular are shamed for carrying debt - even when that “debt” is being used as investment in their Self or business.

    So this week on Loving Money, we’re changing that stigma - period!

    Not all debt is bad

    In fact, a lot of the debt we accrue is necessary for modern life

    Cars and homes are necessities
and I know I’m not the only one uses a credit card just to buy groceries and fill up the gas tank!


    At the end of the day we all have to learn the difference between good and “bad” debt, and how we can make more money to live a lifestyle that isn’t rooted in just trying to survive.

    Women are conditioned from girlhood to play it safe and not take risks - and that carries on into how we make decisions for our future, our dreams, and the vision we have for our lives.

    “Playing it safe” is a story we tell ourselves that becomes a limiting belief that can hold us back from reaching our own potential - and success.

    We all deserve ease and joy in our lives, the kind that comes from financial security - it’s entirely possible for you too!

    One way to get out (and stay out) of debt is to more money (duh) 💰

    But making more money comes down to knowing one important thing

    Your worth 👾

    This week on the podcast I’m sharing my (cough, strong) feelings on debt; if you’re feeling financial stuck, you definitely need to check it out if you’re feeling stuck financially.

    I am on a mission to get at least a million more dollars into the hands of entrepreneurial women - every year - which is a driving force behind my business.

    It’s YOUR turn to be empowered to take your finances back into your hands, to have control over your life, and make more money.

    You deserve to feel enough 💾

    Let’s talk about debt and how we can bring empowerment back into your wallet 🙌

    Start right now.

    Listen to my hot take on income, debt, and how we can make the shift to ease in episode 11 of the Loving Money podcast.

    Welcome to a fresh perspective on finances.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[01:50] Pricing strategy video training[4:35] Understanding our conditioning as females[9:00] How do you get ahead if you're scared of taking risks[9:45] Reframing the difference between "good" and "bad" debt[20:25] The shades of debt[22:35] What you can do if you're struggling[23:45] How this is important for entrepreneurs

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • Have you heard of the invisible glass ceiling when it comes to your salary?

    One of the big premises behind the work that I do, and certainly on this podcast, is that we are closing the gap between your self worth and your net worth.

    So how does this relate to what we’re talking about today? The invisible ceiling salary is a capped amount of money that you feel you are deserving of making. And I know this feeling all too well, because I also had money stories and a capped ceiling I needed to break through.

    We’re covering what this ceiling is, how to find it, and then how to shatter through it – which I know you want to learn how to do, because you deserve to have everything you want and more.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[1:40] What is the invisible ceiling salary number?[2:20] The only Loving Money course you need[3:30] Stepping out of my comfort zone and went to a party[8:25] Callie's money story[12:50] The illusion of financial safety[15:10] My own relationship with money[17:10] Smashing through the invisible ceiling [18:40] Breaking down the invisible ceiling salary[22:20] Finding your glass ceiling [26:10] Let’s do this work together

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • It’s time to name, deshame and reframe our thoughts and beliefs around mortgage rates.

    This is a time of massive fluctuation in the economy – with rising variable rates, I have spoken to many women who feel shameful around their decisions to lock in variable rates years ago.

    The truth is – how would you have known? This isn’t your fault. And in today’s episode, we’re reframing our beliefs around this topic and looking at it through a lens of empowerment vs. shame.We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[1:25] How often women worry about money[6:20] Mortgage rates in the post-pandemic world[8:10] Generational experiences with financial crisis[9:45] Variable vs. fixed mortgage trends[11:00] My own personal experience and beliefs about this topic[12:05] What to do if you’re in a financial crisis right now[13:25] Our nervous system’s response to money [18:05] Name, deshame, reframe[20:40] Finding someone safe to talk to[22:45] How to change your relationship to money

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • Money - it's a topic that's often shrouded in secrecy, stigma, and silence.

    In this episode, we break the taboo and dive deep into the world of finances within relationships. We unravel the reasons behind the taboo of discussing money and the impact it has on our relationships.

    When you're single, financial autonomy reigns supreme, and we delve into the perks and pitfalls of flying solo in the financial realm. I also share a personal story of a disastrous investment in a coach, shedding light on how our money mistakes shape us, and we explore the evolution of dealing with financial blunders while in a relationship.

    Communication is the heart of any strong relationship, and we emphasize how it's the cornerstone of financial harmony. As I always say, learn how to name, de-shame, and reframe your money discussions.

    If you’ve ever wondered where your relationship with money stems from, we trace the roots of your financial beliefs and behaviors, uncovering their influence on your partnership. Envisioning your financial future with your partner is key. Join us to explore what a shared financial vision could feel like for your relationship.

    But how do you even start talking about money with your partner? I provide practical tips and strategies to initiate these crucial conversations. All of which you’ll hear as you tune in!

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[4:15] Why it’s taboo to talk about money[7:10] The financial autonomy when you’re single[9:40] My experience with a tremendously bad investment in a coach[12:30] How I process money mistakes now versus while single[16:05] Communication at the crux of our relationships [17:30] Name, de-shame and reframe[20:10] Where your relationship to money comes from[24:15] What would a financial vision feel like for your partnership[25:50] How to start talking about money with your partner

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • What do you get when you combine Taylor Swift, economics and money mindset? Taylor Swift-onomics!

    In this episode, we’re talking about the empire and marketing behind Taylor Swift’s powerful brand, and how we can learn as a collective from her strategy and tactics.

    We explore the concept of combining passion and profit, showing you how to turn your passions into a sustainable income source, and how you can shift your beliefs for a more empowering mindset.

    We then break down "Taylor Swift-onomics," unveiling the economics behind the music industry's superstar and the financial lessons we can learn from her, her ticket sales process, and how we respond to her from a consumer POV.

    We also examine the crucial concept of Cost vs. Value, teaching you how to make mindful financial decisions aligned with your vision and goals.

    Lastly, we talk about the gendered dynamics of money as we discuss the patriarchal lens through which women's spending is often viewed compared to men's, and learn how to break free from stereotypes. We also dive into the oppressive structures of money and discover strategies to overcome obstacles, ultimately achieving financial liberation.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[1:20] The ultimate live training to rewire your relationship to money[3:30] Combining both passion and profit[6:10] Announcing tour dates [7:10] The chaos of buying tickets[12:30] Taylor Swift-onomics [16:40] Cost vs. Value [18:25] The patriarchal lens of women spending money versus men[20:25] How oppressive structure of money [23:20] Trailblazing and transforming the narrative of Taylor Swift’s ticket pricing[27:10] Learning about this in my course

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • In this podcast episode, we delve into the idyllic vision of summer that many of us grew up with, comparing it to the often more complex reality we experience today. We'll explore the historical origins of the summer break for children and how the world of education has evolved since then, prompting us to reconsider whether it's still a suitable model for today's families.

    Join us as we discuss how changes in the way children learn and the demands of modern life impact parents. We'll also explore the idea that what's not working for children might not be working for parents either, and why it's becoming increasingly unrealistic for parents to have their kids at home for a full two months.

    But it's not just about problems – I want to hear from you too! Share your thoughts and experiences on this topic, and let's consider the possibility of moving away from the traditional summer model to create a more balanced and fulfilling summer for everyone involved.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[4:55] The vision of the summer we were sold vs. the actuality of it[6:40] History of why our children have a summer break[8:00] How the world has changed and how children are learning now in school[11:00] If it's not a good model for children, it's not a good model for parents[13:20] Why it isn’t realistic for parents to have kids at home for two months[16:40] I want to hear from you on this topic[17:30] Moving away from the traditional summer model

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccbLoving Money Course: https://leissewilcox.com/loving-money

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • Welcome back to Loving Money, dear listener! After a short hiatus, I am excited to return and delve into the intricate relationship we share with money. In this episode, we talk about that pesky, toxic money story we tell ourselves.

    As you’ll hear, I open up about the less-explored aspects of my financial journey. Our connection with money goes beyond mere transactions; it's a deep-rooted emotional and psychological journey, with complexities often overwhelming to break apart. Together, we will explore how to foster a healthy relationship with money at the core.

    I believe in confronting the shadowy corners of our financial experiences to uncover valuable lessons, and I'll discuss how this process has unfolded in my life.

    Like many of us, family dynamics play a pivotal role in shaping our beliefs about money, often setting expectations that influence our decisions. I'll share my personal encounter with these dynamics, including the contrasting lives of my step sisters and our upbringings. Through these stories, we'll understand the diversity of money's impact on our future, and what we believe we are worthy of having.

    As we journey into the past, we'll explore how my upbringing sculpted my money-related beliefs, which in turn influenced various facets of my life. These belief systems are not isolated; they have a significant impact on our sense of security and stability, which I'll delve into.

    What’s your money story? I encourage you to reflect on your own relationship with it, as we will unravel the unique ways your relationship with money manifests in your life.

    I am thrilled to embark on this new chapter of Loving Money and continue having raw and candid conversations about money's role in our lives. Remember, your money story is yours to rewrite, no matter the point you're at. Let’s get into the art of Loving Money.

    We talk about:

    [0:00] Intro[1:30] How to start loving money[3:00] The shadow side of my own relationship to money[10:00] Family expectations of what I should pay for growing up[11:45] The contrast of my step sisters’ lives[15:10] The beliefs I developed about money stemming from my upbringing[18:05] How this belief structure affected my sense of safety and security[21:00] What happens when we let our money stories guide us[23:10] How do your money stories show up in your life?

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Charge What You’re Worth: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64a5ecb5349daf2cf867bccb

    Connect with me

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcoxYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVAcBbERnSAW0V4R58uqxLQ?Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/leissewilcox/Website: https://leissewilcox.com/
  • Ready to see money in a new, loving light? The opposite of playing small is expansion. To expand your relationship with all humanity, the fundamental place to start is your relationship with money. What if we stop thinking of money as intangible numbers in our bank accounts and start to think of money as a person? Imagine if money was your boyfriend called Paul. What kind of relationship do you have with Paul? Is it healthy? Or is it toxic? How would Paul describe his relationship with you? Once you have both perspectives, you can think about what your dream relationship looks like. Humanize your relationship with money.

    This episode I discuss:

    You expand your relationship to yourself and humanity by starting with your relationship with money.Money is a construct that we made up, and is a great stressor in our life due to past stories we’ve been told. A vital exercise I do with all my clients to help them humanize their relationship to money.Bring the unconscious to the conscious to change the storyline for yourself.How to have a healthy, supportive, co-creative relationship to money.

    Let’s stay connected:

    My website: https://leissewilcox.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcox-197a31112/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/

  • Money is a big stressor in our lives. And it's something that's dominating women's mental health and causing heaps of anxiety. If it's not the gender pay gap, it's that people are graduating from uni with $70k debt but struggle to land an entry level job. The patriarchy constantly tells us that there is not enough money, so we stop being in pursuit of making more. But really, money is finite, and I believe you can always create more of it. And that's what I talk about in this episode of my podcast.

    I discuss:

    How money is one of our greatest stressors.Money is used as a metric to gauge someone’s success. When we have a secure sense of self we tend to make more money.That money is finite and that you can always create more of it. How the patriarchy controls the financial narrative.

    Let’s stay connected:

    My website: https://leissewilcox.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcox-197a31112/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/

  • Is the thought of money keeping you up at night? Perhaps you're fully content. Maybe it's not something you think about because you know it'll negatively impact your mood and decision making. A healthy relationship with money is the ONLY way forward. How you think, feel and talk about money says a lot about your mindset and is something that can seriously impact your life. There are three common relationships: avoidant, obsessed and healthy. In this episode, I'll talk in detail about how the three key relationships affect you and how you can change your outlook towards money by changing how you talk and think. Our unconscious mind believes whatever story we tell ourselves. But, we have the power to change the lens we look through.

    This episode I discuss:

    How attachment theory can relate to money in different ways. How most people have a scarcity mindset when thinking about money.What the consequences are if you don’t grow up in a household where money is spoken about in a healthy way. Questions you can ask yourself to reflect on your relationship with money. That you can change the narrative you have created around money by changing the lens that you look through.

    Let’s stay connected:

    My website: https://leissewilcox.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcox-197a31112/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/

  • How would earning 6 figures make you feel? Statistics show that only 25% of women who make this amount feel safe, secure and confident. Now I'm on a mission to boost this number. I'm one of the 9% who makes six figures, and I got to where I am while being a single parent and going through chemotherapy and an expensive divorce. For as long as I remember, I've been helping my clients increase their revenue. Even when women came to me to improve their relationship with themselves, they also increased their self-worth and net worth. And that's why I'm here — to help you close the gap between the two.

    This episode I discuss:

    What first got me interested in teaching women about money. What my own journey was like as a six figure business owner. How everyone I work with increases their revenue, even if they don’t come to me for business coaching. The importance of healing our past.

    Let’s stay connected:

    My website: https://leissewilcox.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leisse-wilcox-197a31112/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leissewilcox/