今集以慶祝姜濤生日開始 (00:30),隨後Simone分享她觀賞多倫多速龍隊球賽時的不快經歷,而這次經歷也驅使本集誕生 (07:30)。兩位三十出頭的主持亦討論了他們希望在學時學到的二三事 (26:00)。最後,Venus和Simone以最受歡迎的環節「親愛的TO」結束本集 (57:00)。
We started the episode by celebrating KEUNG TO’s birthday (C’mon it’s a must, 00:30). Then Simone shared her frustrating experience at the Toronto Raptors game, which is also the source of inspiration for this episode (07:30). Now that they’re in their early thirties, Venus and Simone also dicussed what they wish they could have learnt at school (26:00). Finally the two hosts wrapped up the episode with your favorite segment of Dear TO (57:00).
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:45) 連豬兩次 Chuchu <3
(04:45) 忙碌的四月 Busy April for Simone
(09:00) 在千葉避世 Venus’s Retreat at Chiba
(15:45) 日本Costco樂趣多 Costco stories in Japan
(28:00) 臺北Clubbing樂趣多 Clubbing stories in Taipei
(40:00) Venus入Club初體驗 Venus’s first clubbing experience
(52:15) 珍惜女團時刻 Cherish your time with friends!
(55:45) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
(62:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
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¿Faltan episodios?
今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(01:00) 日本環球片場 Super Nintendo World, Osaka
(08:15) 嘉賓介紹 Introduction to our guests
(11:00) 接觸韓流初體驗 First encounter with Kpop
(18:45) 韓星演唱會製作流程 Walkthrough of Kpop concert productions
(24:00) 韓文突飛猛進 Huge improvements on Korean
(29:15) 港韓文化衝突 Culture shock
(36:45) 中國管制特別多 The Chinese restrictions
(47:00) 歌迷冒認製作團隊 Fans mocking crew
(51:15) 韓星來港的習慣 Things to do in HK for Kpop stars
(57:20) 韓星出埠習慣 Kpop stars’ rituals
(63:30) 入行建議 Advice on working in showbiz
(77:30) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
(80:45) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:30) BIGBANG is back!
(11:30) 物資留港 How to deal with the belongings in Hong Kong
(16:15) 城市人的不安 Anxiety resulting from a fast-paced lifestyle
(20:30) 邊個教識你休息 Who taught you the concept of rest?
(27:45) 斜棟族的焦慮 Anxiety resulting from being a slash
(30:30) 約會程式的焦慮 Anxiety resulting from using dating apps
(33:45) 手提電話的轟炸 Information overloaded
(39:30) 步行靜觀 Walking meditation
(42:45) 改變用電話的習慣 Change your phone habits
(49:00) 休息就是活在當下 Rest = Live in the present
(54:30) 睡前的習慣 Sleep rituals
(58:30) 調整舊有思想 Adjust limiting beliefs
(61:00) 請原諒自己 Please forgive yourself
(64:30) 認識創傷與療癒 Traumas and healing
(69:30) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
(71:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(72:45) 集中注意力 Enjoy the moment
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:30) 四月新開始 Slow start in April
(04:30) 東京三哥 Tam Jai Sam Gor in Tokyo
(11:00) 氣氛搞手 Let’s get this party started
(24:15) 親中的Tinder = pro-China
(27:30) 奧斯卡掌摑事件 Slap of the century
(36:15) 粗魯的第一次 First date behaviors
(45:00) 怒罵伸手黨 Do your own research
(50:45) 怒罵懶經紀 Lazy agents deserve no commission
(65:15) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(67:00) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:30) 920920
(04:45) 口罩令下睇騷 Concert experience in covid Toronto
(12:30) Venus怒罵法國佬 Venus’s work rant
(26:30) 嘉賓介紹 Introduction to our guests
(30:45) 日本求職小貼士 Tips for job seekers in Japan
(35:30) 日本職場文化 Work culture in Japan
(40:20) 淺談日本職場請假 Annual leave in Japan
(49:30) 日本職場的女性待遇 Females at work in Japan
(55:30) 地震!Let’s talk about earthquakes in Japan
(64:30) 日本香港人協会背景 Background of Japan Hongkongers Association
(66:50) 居日港人的數據 Hongkongers in Japan
(82:15) 初嚐東京三哥 Tam Jai Sam Gor in Tokyo
(86:50) 協会活動簡介 Activities hosted by Japan Hongkongers Association
(96:00) 怒罵伸手黨 Do your own research!
(101:15) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(105:00) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:30) 920920
(03:45) TO身份證 Proof of identity documents in TO
(09:30) 日本的排外情況 Racism in Tokyo
(12:45) 市面Retreat類型概要 Types of retreats in the market
(16:45) 本次Retreat地點簡介 March’s retreat location
(23:30) 團友介紹 Intro to participants
(30:30) 女人經工作坊 Healing workshops for women
(35:15) 喪子與育兒 Losing a child during pregnancy
(39:45) 雪卵 Egg freezing
(49:30) 女性療癒圈的重要性 Importance of women circle
(55:15) 陽光小小姐 Little miss sunshine
(65:45) 治療情傷 Healing dating trauma
(68:45) 本次Retreat總結 Conclusion of March’s retreat
(71:45) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(02:15) 再次襌修 Simone is going to yoga retreat again
(07:00) 我係加拿大人喇 Becoming a Canadian
(14:00) 清理門戶 Venus is tired of tidying up
(16:45) 夾公仔機 Claw crane @ Shibuya
(21:00) 講嘢最緊要有牙力 Dentist appointments in TO
(25:30) 合法集結 Group Chat with TOKONGNUI (Tokyo Edition)
(73:00) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(79:30) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:45) 回顧Venus誕 Venus’s birthday week recap
(09:15) 運動Mone重出江湖 Classpass in Toronto
(12:15) 神婆辦公室自我介紹 Introducing Celia @ Astro Office
(21:30) 深入探討Venus星盤 I Venus’s birth chart I
(26:45) 星盤/風水/占卜是甚麼 Introduction to astrology
(38:45) 適合移民的星盤 Would moving to another country work for you?
(41:30) 深入探討Venus星盤 II Venus’s birth chart II
(57:00) 移民轉運 Can we change our fate through moving to another country?
(60:30) 塔羅是甚麼 What is tarot?
(70:30) 自肥系列:節目方向建議 Advice for our podcast
(83:00) 多角度認識自己 Multi-perspective to know ourselves better
(88:45) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(95:15) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
關注嘉賓 Follow our guest
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(02:00) 瑜伽導師課後感 Takeaways from YTT
(34:30) 宇宙一夾公仔機 Claw crane @ Saitama
(36:15) 皮卡超日本巡禮 Pokemon exhibitions @ Tokyo
(43:00) Venus誕Hea遊 Venus’s birthday retreat
(57:30) Venus誕驚喜特襲 Venus’s birthday surprise
(72:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(73:00) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(03:45) 維納斯評論:IT狗 In Geeks We Trust
(17:35) 絲蒙妮TED Talk Speaker Simone
(27:15) TO兩地約會熱點 Dating Ideas in TO
(61:20) 維納斯評論:Tinder詐騙王 The Tinder Swindler
(75:10) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(79:00) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(02:15) 準備過年 Prep for Lunar New Year
(11:00) 初一行大運 First day of the Tiger year
(14:00) 豐衣足食 Abundance in food + fashion
(28:00) 節分/立春 Setsubun / Beginning of the Spring Season
(35:15) 初二開年大吉 Second day of the Tiger year
(46:00) 瑜伽導師課程畢業喇 200-Hour YTT Graduate
(58:00) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(59:45) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(01:30) 追趕功課 Deadline fighter
(03:15) Instagram Reel
(05:00) 東京4D體驗 4D Spider-Man
(16:30) 電影推薦:小偷家族 Shoplifters
(23:15) 化戾氣 Singing bowl saves the world
(24:30) 滅鼠不如滅人 You can’t kill us all
(33:15) 私追真不該 Creepy fans
(59:30) 永續抗疫 Covid measures forever
(69:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(74:15) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
(77:00) 演員.門 Actor Door
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:55) 亞視女團 Team ATV
(04:15) 擁抱大地維納斯 Poke Guy
(11:11) 準備過年 Lunar New Year Prep
(14:45) LOEWE聯乘千與千尋 LOEWE x Spirited Away
(26:00) 減價獵人MONE Deal hunter
(32:15) 鞋痴MONE Shoe-fanatic
(47:25) 購買福袋分享 Lucky bags in Japan
(56:30) 夾公仔樂趣 Claw cranes in Japan
(62:30) 日本二手市場交投活躍 Second hand market in Japan
(69:45) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
(73:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(76:30) IT狗 In Geeks We Trust
(79:00) MEWE停運 Follow our IG & FB!
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(00:35) 一週年回顧 We are 1-year-old!
(05:00) 娛樂花生 Recent HK gossips
(10:25) TO疫情 Covid TO updates
(20:30) 第一屆TO港女常識問答大賽 Welcome to the 1st TOKONGUI’s Trivia Quiz
(72:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(78:30) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(02:00) V約你去迪士尼 Venus’s visit to DisneySea
(08:45) 聖誕節VS農曆新年 Christmas VS Lunar New Year
(19:30) 疫情下出入美加 Warm reminders for US-Canada travelers
(31:00) 感激家人寵物平安健康 Grateful for healthy family and pets
(37:25) 感激Podcast及聽眾 Grateful for podcast and our beloved listeners
(41:30) 感激遇上身邊人 Grateful for new friendships
(47:10) 感激自己打開心窗 Grateful for opening our hearts
(49:45) 楓葉人與世無爭 "Friendly" Canadians
(53:00) 紐約人投訴有效 Hongkonger-alike Newyorkers
(69:00) 感激敢於嘗試的勇氣 Grateful for our willingness to try new things
(78:45) 回顧過去展望未來 Goodbye 2021, hello 2022!
(83:45) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(86:15) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
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今集討論城中熱話「靚蕾大戰王力宏 (11:15) 」,由資深歌迷絲蒙妮深情剖白,以及升斗市民維納斯客觀分析。
This episode covers a discussion about "Jinglei VS Leehom" (11:15) , the hottest topic in the Chinese showbiz world, hosted by Simone aka Leehom's long-time fangirl and Venus aka public opinion.
Disclaimer: 節目於12月18日錄音,也是李靚蕾首篇IG帖文之後。This episode was recorded on 18th December 2021.
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(01:45) 維納斯暴飲暴食 Venus’s stress eating habit
(04:00) 絲夢妮秘密現身紐約 Simone’s secret visit to NYC
(14:50) 嘉賓介紹 Guest introduction
(22:30) 對紐約的印象 Impressions on NYC
(29:15) 紐約港人分佈 Hongkongers in NYC
(33:45) 紐約感情台 Dating in NYC
(44:50) 紐約種族多元 Diversity in NYC
(53:35) 移居紐約建議 Advice for moving to NYC
(57:30) 敬請見諒欠佳音質 Apologies for poor sound quality
(61:20) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(63:25) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
關注嘉賓 Follow our guest
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(01:15) Spotify Wrap-Up
(03:30) Thank you Anne 💖
(06:00) 維納斯野外定向 Venus’s team building
(09:45) 東京地道香港菜 Delicious Hong Kong cuisine in Tokyo
(14:00) 餐廳用膳小費討論 How to tip in Toronto
(24:30) 本集介紹 Intro to episode
(26:00) 你的伴侶能否讓你成為更好的人嗎?而你又能否讓他變得更好? Does your partner make you a better person, and do you do the same for them?
(30:15) 你和伴侶能暢所欲言地表達內心感受、依賴對方、親近而從不怕對方會離開你嗎? Are you and your partner both comfortable with sharing feelings, relying on each other, being close, and able to avoid worrying about the other person leaving?
(39:00) 你和伴侶能否接納對方最真實的自己,並不會試圖改變你? Do you and your partner accept each other for who you are, without trying to change each other?
(49:00) 當大家有爭執,你和伴侶能否在尊重對方的情況下好好溝通,而不是攻擊和傷害對方嗎? When disagreements arise, do you and your partner communicate respectfully and without contempt or negativity?
(53:45) 你和伴侶能分享做決定的權力嗎? Do you and your partner share decision-making, power and influence in the relationship?
(56:45) 你的伴侶是你最好的朋友嗎? Is your partner your best friend, and are you theirs?
(56:50) 你和伴侶是否常以「我們」出發,而非分「你」和「我」? Do you and your partner think more in terms of “we” and “us,” rather than “you” and “I”?
(58:45) 你和伴侶能分享社交平台和銀行密碼嗎? Would you and your partner trust each other with the passwords to social media and bank accounts?
(64:30) 你和伴侶能否給予對方實用、不會過份樂觀的意見? Do you and your partner have good opinions of each other – without having an overinflated positive view?
(68:15) 你們的關係得到好友認同嗎? Do your close friends, as well as your partner’s, think you have a great relationship that will stand the test of time?
(70:00) 你們的關係是不受欺騙,嫉妒和控制行為等約會警號的影響? Is your relationship free of red flags like cheating, jealousy and controlling behavior?
(71:45) 你和伴侶是否擁有相同價值觀,例如是政見、宗教、婚姻、生小孩,甚至是育兒的看法? Do you and your partner share the same values when it comes to politics, religion, the importance of marriage, the desire to have kids (or not) and how to parent?
(77:00) 伴侶飲食習慣 Your partner’s diet
(79:40) 你和伴侶是否願意為對方犧牲自己的需要、慾望和目標? Are you and your partner willing to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for each other (without being a doormat)?
(80:55) 你和伴侶是否擁有穩定的情緒和讓人愉快的個性? Do you and your partner both have agreeable and emotionally stable personalities?
(85:30) 你們在性生活上能滿足對方嗎? Are you and your partner sexually compatible?
(88:35) 本集總結 Conclusion
(90:30) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
(92:15) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
資料來源 Source
英文原版 https://www.garylewandowski.com/post/15-easy-questions-to-see-your-relationship-more-clearly
中文翻譯 https://pretty.presslogic.com/article/422053/%E6%84%9B%E6%83%85%E5%BF%83%E7%90%86%E6%B8%AC%E9%A9%97-mr-right-%E7%B5%90%E5%A9%9A
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今集提要 In this episode, we talked about...
(01:15) 領取新護照 Passport pickup
(05:15) TO兩地黑色星期五 Black Friday at TO
(09:30) Mirror聖地 FITTPUB=Mirror locations
(10:30) 三人相識經過 How we met Jan
(13:45) 如何接觸手球 First encounter with handball
(17:00) 加入手球球會 Joining a handball club
(22:45) 代表香港出賽 Being part of the national team of Hong Kong
(29:30) 港隊辛酸史 HK athletes deserve more attention!
(36:30) 轉型健身教練 Becoming a fitness coach
(43:15) FITTPUB主攻名人市場 FITTPUB and celebs
(49:30) 健康飲食習慣 Stay healthy
(56:00) 最緊要拉筋 Don’t forget to stretch
(63:00) TO兩地水煙文化 Shisha culture at TO
(66:30) 記得幫襯龍九台北&香港 Concepts behind Kowloon Taipei & HK
(74:30) 水煙新手推介 Advice for shisha newbies
(78:30) 鄧小巧家姐廚房 Kajie’s Kitchen CWB
(84:00) 親愛的東東 Dear Tokyo
(87:00) 親愛的多多 Dear Toronto
關注我們 Follow our guest!
Jan Wong @wjanw
FITTPUB @fittpub
龍九臺北 @kowloontaipei
龍九香港 @kowlooncwb
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