
  • Dr. Emily Joseph, a social science researcher and user researcher for Xbox, discusses the impact of clear and not-so-clear communication on the elicitation of information. She highlights the importance of question phrasing, construct validity, and avoiding contamination of memory and responses. Emily emphasizes the need for open-ended questions, especially in investigative settings, to avoid bias and allow for accurate recall. She also explores the challenges of predicting future behavior and the significance of clear and concise questions in obtaining meaningful insights. Additionally, she addresses the misinterpretation of physical behavior and the influence of cultural and experiential factors. In this conversation, Dave and Emily discuss the importance of asking effective questions in various contexts, such as investigations, interviews, and surveys. They explore the impact of different types of questions, including open-ended and closed-ended questions, on the quality of responses. They also highlight the potential biases and limitations associated with certain question formats. The conversation emphasizes the need for interviewers to be aware of their own biases and create an environment where individuals feel comfortable providing honest feedback. Overall, the key takeaway is the significance of asking neutral and unbiased questions to elicit accurate and meaningful information.


    Question phrasing and construct validity are crucial in obtaining accurate and meaningful information.Open-ended questions are essential in investigative settings to avoid bias and contamination of memory and responses.Predicting future behavior is challenging, and questions should focus on thought processes rather than final decisions.Physical behavior should not be relied upon as an indicator of truth or deception, as it can be influenced by various factors.Cultural and experiential factors can impact both verbal and nonverbal behavior, highlighting the need for cultural sensitivity in communication. The interpretation of responses in interrogation footage can be biased, leading to false assumptions of guilt.Closed-ended questions can limit the amount of information obtained, while open-ended questions encourage more detailed responses.The framing and wording of questions can influence the answers given.Likert scales and other survey response options should be carefully designed to capture a full range of perspectives.Interviewers should be aware of their own biases and strive to create an environment where individuals feel comfortable providing honest feedback.
  • Does expensive wine taste better? Can you tell if somebody is lying to you? Is bitemark evidence reliable?

    In this episode of the Truth Be Told podcast, host Dave Thompson interviews Dr. Jeff Kukucka, a psychologist specializing in using his expert, scientific approach to impacting the criminal justice system. They discuss topics such as forensic sciences, bias, and the impact of expectations on perception. They highlight the limitations and potential errors in visual forensic sciences, such as facial recognition and pattern matching disciplines. They also explore how biases and expectations can influence behavior and decision-making in investigations and interviews. The conversation emphasizes the importance of relying on relevant information and avoiding irrelevant distractions. In this conversation, Jeff Kukucka and Dave Thompson discuss the impact of bias in everyday life, including choosing the right cigar and how much to pay for your favorite wine. They highlight the importance of avoiding information overload and focusing on relevant evidence. They also discuss the need for clear communication and collaboration between investigators and forensic experts. The conversation touches on topics such as the influence of bias in decision-making, the role of cognitive biases in everyday life, and the challenges of addressing bias in the criminal justice system. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the need for standardized procedures, intervention to mitigate bias, and continuous improvement in forensic practices.


    Forensic sciences encompass a range of disciplines, including biological, chemical, medical, and pattern matching disciplines.Visual forensic sciences, such as facial recognition and pattern matching, heavily rely on human judgment and can be prone to errors.Biases and expectations can influence behavior and perception, leading to self-fulfilling prophecies.People are not good at detecting lies, and common myths about nonverbal behavior are not reliable indicators of truthfulness.Relying on relevant information and avoiding irrelevant distractions is crucial for making accurate decisions in investigations and interviews.Avoid information overload and focus on relevant evidence in forensic science and investigative practices.Clear communication and collaboration between investigators and forensic experts are crucial for accurate decision-making.Bias is a natural human tendency and should be addressed through standardized procedures and intervention.
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  • Not your typical "salesperson" - this episode of Truth Be Told features McKenah Elizabeth, a full-time content creator, discusses sales, communication, and building rapport in this episode. She shares her journey from being an elementary education teacher to entering the sales industry. McKenah emphasizes the importance of communication and adaptability in sales, regardless of the product or service being sold. She provides insights on building rapport, asking open-ended questions, and genuinely listening to customers. The conversation also touches on the similarities between sales and recruiting, as well as the value of curiosity and deep conversations in building relationships. In this conversation, McKenah and Dave discuss the application of sales techniques in personal life, the importance of mentorship, evaluating success in sales conversations, and handling resistance from potential customers. They also touch on the challenges faced by women in sales and the power of belief in selling. McKenah shares her experience as an influencer and the importance of building relationships and promoting the benefits of products.


    Sales is more than just convincing someone to buy something; it involves effective communication and building rapport.The approach to sales may vary depending on whether the product or service is being sold, with services often requiring a stronger focus on building relationships.Building rapport involves showing genuine interest, letting down your guard, and using humor to break down barriers.Asking open-ended questions and actively listening to customers can lead to deeper conversations and a better understanding of their needs.Having a framework for conversations can be helpful, but it's important to be adaptable and flexible in order to truly connect with customers.Deep conversations and genuine curiosity can lead to more meaningful relationships and a more interesting conversation. Sales techniques can be applied in personal life and communication style.Mentorship and feedback are crucial for personal and professional growth.Success in sales conversations can be measured beyond closing deals.Handling objections and resistance requires embracing and affirming the concerns.Being genuine, embracing objections, and showing humanness are key in communication.
  • Lauren Brill, founder of The Unsealed, discusses her career path and how her sociology background has influenced her work. She shares her experiences working in sports broadcasting, including her time with the NBA and WNBA. Lauren emphasizes the importance of following your passion and being true to yourself in your career choices. She also talks about the challenges of conducting interviews and the genuine interactions she has had with athletes. Lauren expresses her admiration for female athletes and the need for continued support and recognition of their talents. Lauren Brill shares her journey of storytelling and creating a platform for people to share their stories through her company, The Unsealed. She emphasizes the power of vulnerability and the impact it can have on both the storyteller and the audience. The book, Unseal Your Superpowers, features letters from various individuals, including athletes, coaches, and wrongfully convicted individuals, sharing their personal experiences and inspiring others. The platform provides a safe space for people to share their stories and connect with others who have had similar experiences. The key takeaway is that whatever hurts you in life doesn't have to hold you back, and by sharing your story, you can inspire and empower others.


    Follow your passion and be true to yourself in your career choices.Genuine interactions with athletes can lead to meaningful stories.Female athletes deserve support and recognition for their talents.Showing up and being a true supporter is more important than just talking about support.Vulnerability and sharing personal stories can be empowering and inspiring.The Unsealed provides a platform for people to share their stories and connect with others.The book, Unseal Your Superpowers, features letters from various individuals sharing their personal experiences.Whatever hurts you in life doesn't have to hold you back; follow your dreams and give it your all.
  • In this episode, Dave Thompson interviews Anna Papalia, author of Interviewology, about the art of interviewing. Anna shares her background in talent acquisition and her realization that there was a lack of research-backed tools to teach people how to interview. She developed the concept of interview styles, which include charmers, challengers, examiners, and harmonizers. Anna emphasizes the importance of self-awareness in interviews and how understanding your own interview style can help you adapt to different interviewers. She also discusses the scientific validation of Interviewology and the fear that many people have when it comes to job interviews. The episode concludes with a discussion on seeking feedback and the importance of authenticity in interviews. She also draws parallels between interviewing and dating, highlighting the need for self-awareness in both contexts. The conversation explores the use of scripts in interviews to mitigate bias and ensure structure. Anna emphasizes the importance of addressing failures and weaknesses honestly and using them as opportunities for growth. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the significance of asking thoughtful questions as a job seeker and the universal truth that different interview styles can complement each other.


    Self-awareness is crucial in interviews. Understanding your own interview style can help you adapt to different interviewers and improve your performance.There are four interview styles: charmers, challengers, examiners, and harmonizers. Each style has its own strengths and preferences in interviews.Interviewing is an artificial event where the power dynamics can change quickly. Both job seekers and hiring managers can benefit from understanding their own interview style.AI and applicant tracking systems have limitations in evaluating candidates. Authenticity and self-knowledge are more important than using scripted answers or relying on technology. Authenticity is crucial in job interviews, and being yourself can lead to success.Interviewing and dating share similarities, such as the need for self-awareness and the ability to answer questions about oneself.Using scripts in interviews can help mitigate bias and ensure a structured process.Addressing failures and weaknesses honestly and discussing what you have learned from them is important in interviews.As a job seeker, asking thoughtful questions demonstrates curiosity and can help you assess the fit of the job and company.Different interview styles can complement each other, and we can benefit from being open-minded and learning from others.
  • In this episode of the Truth Be Told podcast, host Dave Thompson interviews former NFL player Don Beebe. The conversation focuses on communication, both internally and externally, and how it has played a significant role in Beebe's career and life. Beebe shares stories about his journey to the NFL, including a pro day experience that led to his pro career starting before he played a down in college football. He also discusses his first NFL catch and the pressure and anxiety that came with it. Throughout the conversation, Beebe emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities, staying prepared, and maintaining a strong sense of identity and humility. Don Beebe discusses the importance of teamwork, character, and resilience in achieving success in sports and in life. He shares the story of the Buffalo Bills' historic comeback in the playoffs and how their never-give-up mentality and strong team culture played a crucial role. Beebe also reflects on his own experiences, including the iconic play where he chased down Leon Lett to prevent a touchdown. He emphasizes the power of faith, contentment, and internal reflection in fighting our battles. Beebe's discusses his youth development program, “House of Speed” and his message to parents in supporting their children while keeping perspective and focusing on character development.


    Seize opportunities and be prepared for them, as you never know when they will come.Maintain a strong sense of identity and know what truly matters to you.Humility is a key quality of great leaders and can have a significant impact on relationships and team chemistry.Communication is essential in building strong relationships and creating a positive team culture.Chemistry and camaraderie among teammates are crucial for success in sports and other areas of life.Teamwork, character, and resilience are essential for success in sports and in life.A strong team culture and never-give-up mentality can lead to remarkable comebacks.Faith can provide strength and guidance in challenging situations.Contentment and focusing on character development are keys to long-term success.
  • In this episode, Dave Thompson interviews Mike Reddington, an expert in effective communication techniques. They discuss various topics related to communication, including teaching and mentoring, moving people from resistance to commitment, building credibility and trust, and minimizing internal distractions. They also explore the importance of understanding the other person's perspective, anticipating resistance in conversations, and creating a positive experience for others. The conversation highlights universal truths of conversation and provides valuable insights for improving communication skills. In this episode, Michael Reddington discusses the importance of disciplined listening and shares insights from his book 'Disciplined Listening'. He emphasizes the role of empathy in effective listening and provides practical tips for overcoming barriers to listening. Reddington also explains the four steps of disciplined listening and highlights the importance of applying this skill in various contexts.


    Teaching and mentoring are important aspects of effective communication.Moving people from resistance to commitment requires building trust and credibility.Reacting reflectively, rather than reflexively, can lead to better communication outcomes.Minimizing internal distractions and focusing on the other person's perspective can improve communication.Creating a positive experience for others and anticipating resistance can lead to more successful conversations. Disciplined listening is a crucial skill for effective communication and building relationships.Empathy plays a significant role in listening and understanding others.Overcoming barriers to listening, such as distractions and biases, is essential for improving listening skills.The four steps of disciplined listening include preparing to listen, focusing on the speaker, interpreting the message, and responding appropriately.Disciplined listening can be applied in various contexts, including personal relationships, professional settings, and negotiations.
  • In this conversation, counterterrorism expert Mark Fallon discusses the evolution of interrogation techniques and the importance of building rapport in obtaining accurate and reliable information. Fallon provides insight from his experience in high-profile terrorism investigations including the USS Cole and World Trade Center bombings as well as interrogations at Guantanamo. He highlights the shift from confession-driven methodologies to relationship building techniques, emphasizing the role of empathy in high-pressure interrogations. Fallon also addresses the need for improved interview training in law enforcement and the recognition of inept practices that have led to miscarriages of justice. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of effective and ethical interrogation practices in obtaining actionable intelligence. This conversation explores the consequences of interrogational abuses, the opposition to coercive methods, the need for research in interrogation, the importance of depressurizing the interrogation environment, and the integration of science into practice.


    Building rapport and treating suspects with respect is essential in obtaining accurate and reliable information during interrogations.Empathy is a crucial trait for interrogators, as it helps to establish trust and disarm resistance strategies.The shift from confession-driven methodologies to relationship building techniques has proven to be more effective in obtaining actionable intelligence.Law enforcement agencies need to prioritize interview training and embrace the body of research available in the psychological sciences to improve interrogation practices.Interrogational abuses can lead to unreliable information and intelligence.Opposing coercive methods is essential to protect human rights and uphold the constitution.Research plays a crucial role in improving interrogation practices.Depressurizing the interrogation environment can lead to more effective and truthful information.Integrating scientific knowledge into interrogation training can enhance effectiveness.Policing with virtue is a step towards community-embraced policing.
  • Former Police Chief of Aurora, IL, Kristen Ziman, discusses her career in law enforcement and the importance of effective communication in crisis situations with host, Dave Thompson. She shares her experiences leading during a mass shooting and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for preparation and open communication channels. Ziman emphasizes the significance of managing upwards and creating an environment where feedback is valued. She also discusses the challenges faced by law enforcement officers and the importance of maintaining a high standard of performance. In this conversation, Kristen discusses the importance of effective communication and leadership during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of George Floyd. She emphasizes the need for trust, autonomy, and open communication in law enforcement and community relationships. Ziman shares her experiences of dealing with high emotional states and the challenges of public communication as a leader. She also highlights the importance of creating a culture that encourages dissent and accountability, as well as destigmatizing mental health in law enforcement. Ultimately, Ziman encourages individuals to tap into the power of optimism and take control of their own future.


    Effective communication is crucial in crisis situations, and leaders must prioritize internal communication with their team before addressing external stakeholders.Preparing for the unexpected is essential, and organizations should regularly assess their readiness for potential crises.Open and honest communication is key to building trust and maintaining a positive organizational culture.Leaders should actively seek feedback from their team and create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns and ideas. Effective communication and leadership are crucial during challenging times.Trust and autonomy are key factors in building strong relationships between law enforcement and the community.Leaders should be open to dissent and create a culture that encourages accountability.Destigmatizing mental health is important in law enforcement and other professions.Optimism and taking control of the future can lead to positive change.
  • In this episode, host Dave Thompson interviews Gil Zamora, a police sketch artist and former law enforcement officer. Gil shares his journey from law enforcement to becoming a sketch artist and discusses the training process for forensic artists. He also introduces the concept of the Mindful Interview Method and highlights the fallibility of human memory in eyewitness interviews. In this conversation, Gil Zamora discusses his experience as a forensic artist and the unique challenges he faced in creating sketches based on eyewitness descriptions. He shares the process of conducting interviews and sketching suspects, highlighting the importance of building rapport with the eyewitnesses. Zamora also discusses the impact of his work, including the emotional response it evoked in both the eyewitnesses and viewers. He emphasizes the need to avoid suggesting information during interviews and the danger of shaping evidence to conform to preconceived notions. Gil discusses his involvement with the viral Dove Real Beauty Sketches project, where Gil sketched women based on their own descriptions and compared them to sketches based on others' descriptions. Zamora concludes by encouraging investigators to be mindful of the complexities of memory recall and to collect evidence without bias.


    Forensic artists receive training in both drawing and interviewing techniques, a unique combination.Perspective of the interviewer and the interviewee may equally contaminate the resulting sketch.The Mindful Interview Method emphasizes the exchange of information and the potential for memory contamination.The Dove Real Beauty Sketches project highlighted the difference between how women perceive themselves and how others perceive them.Building rapport with eyewitnesses is crucial in obtaining accurate information.Avoid suggesting information during interviews to prevent shaping evidence.Collect evidence with mindfulness of the complexities of memory recall.Adhere to principles and avoid shaping evidence to conform to preconceived notions.
  • In this episode, Dave Thompson interviews Bruce Pitt-Payne, a former major crime investigator with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), about the evolution of interviewing techniques. They discuss the shift from confession seeking to information gathering, the benefits of recording interviews, and the challenges of implementing change in the field. They also explore the Mr. Big technique used in undercover operations and the importance of rapport and vulnerability in interviews. The conversation highlights the phased interview model and the PEACE model as effective frameworks for conducting interviews. In this conversation, Bruce Pitt-Payne and Dave Thompson discuss various aspects of interviewing and communication strategies. They explore the different behaviors of interviewees and how to navigate them effectively. They also emphasize the importance of following scientific principles in communication and avoiding biases and prejudices.


    The shift in interviewing techniques from confession seeking to information gathering has led to more effective and ethical interviews.Recording interviews is crucial for accuracy, transparency, and accountability.Understanding vulnerability and adapting to the individual being interviewed is essential for building rapport and obtaining reliable information.Implementing change in interviewing techniques can be challenging due to resistance and the need for continuous learning.The phased interview model and the PEACE model provide effective frameworks for conducting interviews.Different interviewees may exhibit different behaviors, such as remaining silent, judging the interviewer, or trying to manipulate the conversation.It is important to recognize and respect an interviewee's right to choose whether or not to speak.Following scientific principles in communication is crucial, as anecdotal evidence may not represent best practices.We are all biased and prejudiced to some extent, so it is important to be aware of our own biases and strive to minimize their influence in the interview process.
  • In Part 2 of this series, Joumana Kidd shares her experience of being deceived by a con artist posing as an “executive assistant”.  She discusses how she initially sought support and assistance during a difficult time in her life. Joumana describes how she developed trust with the culprit, as they attempted to relate to her and created a perception of genuine friendship. Joumana was eventually deceived into signing documents that gave the con artist access to her life and finances. She discovered the fraud when her financial advisor noticed unusual spending patterns. The investigation into the fraud was complex and required Joumana to advocate for herself, while navigating conversations with law enforcement and fraud investigators. Throughout the conversation, Joumana emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding when dealing with victims of fraud and other traumatic experiences.
    •Trust your instincts and conduct thorough background checks before hiring someone.
    •Maintain control over your personal and financial information and be vigilant about monitoring your accounts.
    •Advocate for yourself and be persistent when dealing with law enforcement and financial institutions.
    •Practice empathy and understanding when interacting with victims of fraud and other traumatic experiences.
    •Understand that a victim’s and investigators urgency may be on different perceived timelines.

  • In this episode, host Dave Thompson interviews Joumana Kidd, discussing her diverse career in media and sports journalism. They also discuss the pressure and urgency in sports reporting, the impact of negative media attention, and the challenges of living in the public eye. Joumana shares insights into interviewing athletes and entertainers, overcoming resistance in interviews, and the importance of context in interviews. They also touch on the positive side of sports reporting and the challenges of public scrutiny.


    Empathy and understanding can help to create a more comfortable environmentPutting somebody in a defensive position just to get your desired result will result in increased resistance or faulty complianceUnderstand that the public perception of an event may not provide the full context to what really happenedPressure and urgency placed on interviewers may result in poor questions and confrontational behaviors
  • In this episode, Hayley Cleary, PhD discusses the unique developmental period of adolescence and its impact on conversations and interviews with youth. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the differences between juvenile, youth, adolescent, and teenager, and the extended period of adolescence that lasts beyond the teen years. Cleary highlights the vulnerability of youth in conversations and the impact of life experiences on their decision-making. She also explores the role of empathy and rapport in building effective communication with youth.


    Adolescence is a unique developmental period that extends beyond the teen years and is marked by ongoing neurological and psychosocial maturation.Youth are more vulnerable in conversations and interviews due to their limited future orientation and difficulty thinking deliberatively under stress.Empathy and rapport are crucial in building effective communication with youth, but it is important to be authentic and avoid forced relatability.Avoid making assumptions about youth based on their chronological age and acknowledge the power differential in conversations with authority figures.Stay informed through research and reach out to authors for access to valuable resources.
  • In this episode, Dave Zulawski, CFI, CFE and co-founder of Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, shares insights and experiences from his career in interviewing and interrogation. He discusses the lack of training in these areas and the importance of effective communication skills. He emphasizes the need for flexibility in interviewing methods and the power of silence and active listening. Dave also highlights the value of recording interviews and how these skills can be applied in HR and hiring processes. He concludes by encouraging continual learning and self-evaluation in order to improve as an interviewer.

    In this episode of the Truth Be Told podcast, we explore the importance of effective communication and how it can be improved. We discuss the role of active listening and empathy in communication, as well as the impact of non-verbal communication. We also address common communication barriers and how to overcome them. Finally, we touch on the topic of cultural differences in communication.


    Effective communication is crucial in all aspects of life, including interviewing and interrogation.Flexibility in interviewing methods allows for better outcomes and adaptability to different situations.Active listening and the use of silence can lead to more meaningful conversations and better information gathering.Recording interviews provides valuable evidence, allows for review and feedback, and helps measure performance.Interviewing skills can be applied in various contexts, including HR and hiring processes.Continual learning and self-evaluation are essential for growth and improvement as an interviewer. Effective communication is crucial in all aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional settings.Active listening and empathy are key components of effective communication, allowing for better understanding and connection with others.Non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, can greatly influence the message being conveyed.Communication barriers, such as language barriers and distractions, can hinder effective communication, but can be overcome with awareness and effort.
  • The Truth Be Told podcast explores the secrets to strategic communication. The host, Dave Thompson, introduces the podcast and its focus on unlocking the secrets to effective communication. The podcast covers five main themes: strategy and preparation, understanding rapport, asking the right questions, evaluating performance, and bringing science into practice. Each theme is explored through conversations with experts from various fields, including investigative interviewing, negotiation, psychology, and law enforcement. The goal is to provide listeners with tools and information to become better communicators in their everyday lives.

    5 Truths

    Effective communication requires strategy and preparation.Rapport is more than just small talk; it involves transparency, empathy, and understanding.Asking the right questions at the right time and in the right context is crucial.Evaluating one's own communication performance is essential for improvement.Bringing science into practice can enhance communication skills.