EPISODE 59: UFDP discusses the ways a dead project might suddenly come back to life, and how to reengage with material you haven't thought about in a long time.
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EPISODE 57: Author and screenwriter Liz Kerin returns to UFDP with updates and to share the reality of how the development process of turning her Night's Edge duology into a TV series concluded.
EPISODE 56: Liz Kerin, playwright, screenwriter and author of vampire duology Night's Edge and First Light, told UFDP all about her writing process and the development process of adapting her own novel into a TV series during last year's writers strike.
It's a crossover episode! This week we interview another legend in the world of TV & screenwriting podcasts, Ben Blacker, creator and host of The Writer's Panel, who also happens to be a prolific writer across numerous genres and mediums, including film, TV, novels, comics, and live theater.
With 600 episodes and counting, Ben has interviewed a plethora of creative luminaries responsible for some of your favorite movies and TV shows. Check out the Writer's Panel on Apple or Spotify.
We discuss Ben's fascinating, labyrinthine career; how the industry has changed over the past decade; and, of course, what Ben wishes he knew when he was getting started. Tune in to hear about some of Ben's favorite Writer's Panel guests, advice on staying engaged in continuing to learn and hone one's craft, and much more in this very special guest episode.
EP 54: We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to say... WE DID IT! The epic 2023 writers strike is over! Tune in now to hear what UFDP talk about the highs and lows of strike life, what deal points we're most excited about, and what we hope happens next!
EPISODE 53: UFDP sits down with Mina Baban, a television development executive at Fifth Season, formerly Endeavor Content (the studio behind Severance, Nine Perfect Strangers, Tokyo Vice etc). For a peek behind the development curtain, tune in as we pepper Mina with questions ranging from process to pitch.
EPISODE 52. A highly serious and important episode where UFDP discusses their favorite snacks to eat while writing. The answers may surprise you.
EPISODE 51. UFDP gets real honest about life on strike, from the logistics of picketing to the emotional burdens. Striking isn't easy... but it is necessary! Bonus: Hannah makes Erica and Jess cry by sharing a poignant strike-related family moment.
EPISODE 50: All about writer's groups! This week, the Untitled Females discuss how to start (or join an existing) writers group. How do you find a group of like-minded writers? What makes certain groups work well (or not)? There's no right way to writer's group... but there are a few wrong ways, and we'll get into them!
Also, email UntitledFemaleDrivenPodcast@gmail.com if you're looking to join a new writer's group and we'll help pair you with other writers looking to form a group!
EPISODE 49: Free work is often the bane of a writer's existence. Sometimes it's a necessary evil that holds the promise of genuine opportunity; other times, it's just bullsh*t. In this episode, UFDP breaks down the different types of unpaid work writers are often asked to do, and how to determine whether the free work is worth your free time.
EPISODE 48. UFDP shares their new years resolutions for 2023, along with what's realistic for you to set in your writing/career goals and what 2023 might look like for working writers.
EPISODE 47. UFDP breaks down the definition of a script rewrite and a polish (and how to differentiate between the two), what you should know about contracts, producer expectations, managing your time, and a very special Jabba the Hut impression.
EPISODE 46. UFDP discusses their highlights and low points of 2022, what to expect in terms of a potential strike, what they're looking forward to in 2023! Happy holidays to all!
EPISODE 45. UFDP goes over what belongs in the first 10 pages of your script and what doesn't, and of course how to wow your readers so they keep on reading!
EPISODE 44. UFDP continues exploring a bake-off for Three Little Pigs...In Space! Screenwriters Jess and Hannah duke it out as they go through their story milestones for Exec-For-A-Day Erica as she evaluates takes and sips Grand Marnier on ice. Who will Erica choose to move forward in this imaginary development process? Stay tuned to find out!
EPISODE 43. UFDP dives into what pitching in a multiple writer "bake-off" situation actually looks like. Screenwriters Jess and Hannah pitch (evil?) Exec Erica on a surprising OWA (Open Writing Assignment): THREE LITTLE PIGS... IN SPACE! Who gets the job? Find out next time in Part 2!
EPISODE 42: This week we interview VERY SPECIAL GUEST and longtime UFDP friend Lindsay Calhoon Bring, co-creator of HBO Max's original series PRETTY LITTLE LIARS: ORIGINAL SIN, about partnering with superstar producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and what it was like being a first-time showrunner. Don't miss today's episode as Lindsay tells us her incredible origin story and shares what it took to bring PLL: OS to life!
EPISODE 41: Hey, guess what? All three UFDP hosts are currently adapting projects in different ways! Listen in to hear exactly how, creatively speaking, UFDP turns books into pitches and scripts.
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