
  • As I've shared on my stories about my own health journey, a common question has come up enough that we wanted to talk about it on the podcast!

    That topic is the DUTCH test and you've probably heard me talk about it before as it's something we offer our clients but what really is it? How does it work? How is it different than bloodwork?

    DUTCH is an at-home urine test that is easy to collect, and favorable for those who don’t like having blood drawn and is a complete look at sex hormones, adrenal hormones, cortisol patterning, neurotransmitter metabolites, oxidative stress markers, nutritional organic acids, and more!

    The DUTCH checks hormones AND their metabolites and how they are being detoxed. In other words, it shows the full journey of hormones through the body, rather than just what is free and available in the blood at the time you get your blood drawn. This is why your hormones can come back as normal in your bloodwork, but then issues might show up on the DUTCH, because we’re seeing more behind the scenes of your hormonal systems.

    Listen in as we'll get even more detailed in the episode!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:20) DUTCH Test

    (2:52) What DUTCH Stands For

    (4:47) DUTCH Test vs Bloodwork

    (11:02) What To Do With The Information

    (15:10) Cortisol and DUTCH Test

    (20:30) Free Cortisol Graph

    (27:30) The Real Magic Is In The Interpretation


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  • If you've been feeling alone in your postpartum journey or you want to hear a few different perspectives to put your mind more at ease, this episode is for you...

    So often it can feel like we are living on an island when it comes to new chapters in our lives and nothing prepares you for the life change that is parenthood.

    In this episode, I wanted to bring on two of our amazing Vital Spark coaches who are both recent new mom's going through their postpartum journey too to give you the raw and honest truth about what this phase of life looks like.

    We'll discuss health and mindset changes, adding back habits and routines, finding your minimum effective dose, why it's more than okay to ask for help, and so much more!

    Time Stamps:

    (2:22) Where Coach Kat and Coach Liv Are With Their Postpartum Journey

    (4:32) Health Changes Since Giving Birth

    (8:32) Mindset Changes

    (18:50) Adding Back In Habits and Routines

    (23:22) Minimum Effective Dose

    (26:37) Behind The Scenes As New Moms and Fitness Coaches

    (40:16) It’s Okay To Ask For Help

    (44:17) Parting Words of Advice

    (49:32) Where To Find Kat and Liv


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • We havent ever talked about elimination diets beyond my vague reference to the LEAP protocol that you might follow after doing an MRT food sensitivity test in the last episode…

    Well here’s an elimination diet that EVERYONE should follow immediately.

    This will help you get better, faster results no matter WHAT your goals are.

    This is an identity elimination diet.

    You might not be really sure of who you want to be, but you probably have a pretty good idea of who you DON’T want to be.

    Maybe you’re not really sure what the END goal for working out and dialing in your nutrition is, but you do know that you don’t want to go to your closet and stress about whether or not your favorite jeans are going to fit.

    So rather than focusing on ADDING things- adding workouts, adding tracking your food, adding a step goal, adding a bedtime routine, adding a morning routine… how about you focus on ELIMINATING what isn’t working? Eliminate the things that the part of you that you aren’t really proud of is doing.

    In this episode, we'll share a powerful Matthew McConaughey quote to frame our conversation, why elimination is essential, and how to start eliminating things from your life that no longer serve the person you want to become or the person you don't.

    Time Stamps:

    (2:07) Elimination Diet Everyone Should Start

    (4:00) Matthew McConaughey Speech

    (6:18) Omar’s Perspective

    (8:15) Stealing vs Gathering

    (9:50) Cutting The Things We Don’t Want

    (14:59) What Are Things You Can Start To Eliminate?


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


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  • I recently had a new client ask about food sensitivity testing and we thought this would make a great podcast episode!

    What is the difference between food sensitivities, food intolerances, and food allergies?

    Should everyone get a food sensitivity test? Are there more reputable ones than others?

    In today's episode, we're going to answer all of these questions and more! For quick reference, below we will explain the differences:

    Food Intolerances – Completely isolated to the digestive tract. The body doesn’t have the necessary enzymes needed to break down a food. I.e. lactose intolerance (inadequate lactase enzyme).

    Food Allergy: A food allergy is an IgE immune reaction to food. In other words, your body’s immune system identifies a specific food as an invader and reacts accordingly by producing antibodies to protect you. These are quick onset reactions (think seconds to hours). They are isolated to the skin, airways, and GI tract- hives, throat closing, difficulty breathing, swollen tongue, etc. There are 8 common allergens: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soy.

    Food Sensitivities: Food sensitivities are more of a chronic, low-grade sign of inflammation. They are caused by immune-mediated reactions called mediators (histamines, cytokines, prostaglandins). They are also an immune based reaction, but unlike allergies, they can happen within 45 minutes to 3 days. Because of this, it can be pretty difficult to pinpoint. Examples of symptoms of a food sensitivity can include anything from migraines, bloating, digestive symptoms, brain fog, skin issues, digestive issues, sinus issues, etc.

    Definitely listen in as we explain some of the nuances of the differences and use easily understandable analogies around these topics. Also, feel free to message us with any questions you might have!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:32) Food Sensitivity Testing

    (3:02) Differences Between Intolerances, Allergies, and Sensitivities

    (6:25) Food Intolerance

    (7:44) Food Sensitivities

    (13:47) What Food Sensitivities Tests Do

    (18:47) When To Test For Food Sensitivities

    (20:50) The MRT Test

    (26:49) Are Food Sensitivities Forever?

    (30:40) Please Message For More Information


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Last week’s episode, we talked about some of the things we’ve struggled with recently in our own journeys and this week, we wanted to make it more actionable by giving you all a checklist of do’s and don’ts to speed up fat loss!

    For this checklist audio style, we thought we would highlight the major do's and do not's when it comes to fat loss and we came up with a lot which could feel overwhelming.

    The point isn't to do or not do every single one of these tips and strategies. We want you to be fully equipped going into this summer but implemented the ones you're ready to and are excited for at the beginning and then add (or remove) more once you feel you have a firm grasp on the initial habits.

    If you enjoyed this style of episode, please let us know and we have a special announcement at the end of the episode you won't want to miss!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:12) Omar’s Birthday Week

    (1:27) Last Week’s Episode

    (3:07) Starting With Dont's

    (3:13) #1: Skipping Breakfast or Meals

    (4:32) #2: Guesstimating Your Food Intake

    (6:41) #3: Working Out Inconsistently

    (8:07) #4: Over Caffeinated and Under-Slept

    (9:31) #5: Staying Up Scrolling On Your Phone

    (11:25) #6: Eating Out Too Much

    (13:26) #7: Tracking Bodyweight Inconsistently

    (15:36) #8: Barely Drinking Any Water

    (16:58) #9: Fruits and Vegetables

    (17:22) #10: Taking Off Weekends

    (19:37) #11: Fasting During The Day and Eating Everything At Night

    (21:08) #12: Sneaking Bits of Food

    (21:49) #13: Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry

    (22:52) Let’s Talk About The Do’s

    (23:18) #1: Strategy For Your Life

    (24:30) #2: Habit Track

    (25:50) #3: Course Correct Quickly If Things Aren’t Working

    (26:32) #4: Daily Water Intake

    (26:47) #5: Fruit, Vegetables, and Protein Source

    (27:22) #6: 80/20 Rule

    (28:10) #7: 3 Meals a Day

    (29:26) #8: Eat Every 3-4 Hours

    (30:32) #9: Enjoying The 20%

    (31:12) #10: Plan For Your Workouts

    (32:30) #11: Taking Ownership

    (33:50) #12: Make Clear Goals With Yourself

    (34:29) #13: Accountability

    (35:14) #14: Our Final Do

    (37:59) Scholarship Opportunities

    (39:42) Quick Scholarship Tip


    Click Here to Apply for $15,000 Scholarship to The 90-Day Metabolic Reset! https://www.vanessapozos.com/scholarship


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    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Even coaches and individuals in the health and fitness industry struggle and we wanted to pull back the curtain today on our recent struggles...

    We think it's important you understand that even being in this industry and coaching thousands of women, we still struggle with our fitness and nutrition.

    I haven't been tracking nearly as much as I had been, I've been gaining a little weight, and honestly not feeling very motivated when it came to the gym.

    Omar has his own struggles that he will share as well along with some personal issues we've been navigating along with some travel.

    It's important to recognize when you get off track of what you said you wanted and really ask yourself if you are committed to your goals or are you just interested?

    No guilt or shame either way and we hope this episode provides you with some grace and I reminder that you are human.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:22) Our Recent Health and Fitness Struggles

    (5:32) A lot Of Stress and Travel

    (7:42) All In or Interested?

    (11:07) What Does 80/20 Look Like?

    (14:02) Vanessa’s Experience

    (25:22) Reminder You Are Human

    (25:50) Please Share, Rate, and Review


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Today's topic and question is one I've wanted to discuss for awhile more in depth and you'll be surprised at the answer.

    Can you lose weight without being in a caloric deficit?

    The answer is YES and NO.

    No because to do so would be going against the law of thermodynamics when it comes to strictly calories in vs calories out.

    Working with our Vital Spark client's and having them lose weight through our FLUSH method while eating at maintenance or slightly above maintenance is where the answer "yes" comes in and we know that weight loss is water weight and inflammation which is still very important.

    Listen in to today's episode as I explain these concepts in more detail and would love to hear any questions you have that we can cover in a future episode!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:22) Love Getting Questions From You All

    (2:17) Can You Lose Weight Without A Calorie Deficit?

    (4:22) Our FLUSH Method and Losing Weight

    (5:35) Why You Might Not Be Seeing Results

    (8:49) Changing Weight Loss to Body Recomposition

    (10:22) Understanding Metabolic Adaptation


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • It's easy to get derailed or taken off course with our busy lifestyle, but what can we do to take ownership of our situation and jump back on track? We can have all of the knowledge, resources, and support we need but if we don't have the right mindset we will inevitably fall to the levels of our environment.

    In today's episode we will share actionable information and tips to help carry you on the tough days, on the days when you want to give up on your diet. Join us, and learn along with us about what it takes to stay disciplined and consistent.


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • Ladies, are you tired of feeling like your hormones are running the show?

    I want you to be able to take back control of your health and your hormones and these 6 habits have been vital to me along with many of our clients.

    First up, we delve into the transformative effects of a solid morning routine, setting the stage for a day of hormonal harmony. Plus, learn how Vanessa is a badass when it comes to her cold plunge duration and can even read a book while siting in below 40 degree temperatures (not saying you have to do this at all).

    Next, we tackle the importance of a proper bedtime routine and dive into the intricacies of balancing blood sugar levels.

    We'll also discover the art of ordered eating and unlock the secrets to sustained energy and vitality.

    Finally, we'll explore the crucial role of daily stress management practices and progressive training in nurturing your body and mind.

    And we can't forget about support our parasympathetic nervous system!

    Time Stamps:

    (2:27) Zooming Out on Acquired Habits

    (3:30) Supporting Your Hormone Health

    (4:15) Lifestyle Over Supplementation

    (6:44) #1: A Solid Morning Routine

    (9:04) Vanessa’s Cold Plunge Superpower

    (11:50) #2: Proper Bedtime Routine

    (17:14) #3: Balancing and Stabilizing Blood Sugar Levels

    (19:10) Ordered Eating

    (22:02) #4: Daily Stress Management Practice

    (25:53) #5: Progressive Training

    (27:30) #6: Supporting Your Parasympathetic Nervous System


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


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  • Eating in the evening isn't a problem in itself! But if it feels like autopilot or you're going beyond comfy fullness, it might be mindless eating in action.

    I have struggled with mindless evening eating in the past and I've recently had this old habit creep up on me and as I share in this episode, I've spent well over 100k on my health and education over the past few years and I still struggle at times.

    In this episode, we want to share the two main areas contributing to mindless evening eating: the physiological side and the psychological side.

    We'll discuss the signals you're receiving from your body from that day's nutrient intake and why this may be a factor with your hunger cues.

    We'll also dive into the psychological side and break down some key habits around eating such as plating your food instead of eating it out of the container or package, removing distractions, breathing deep and relaxing before eating, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:22) Eating At Night and Feeling Out of Control

    (5:32) Omar Getting On Calls With Women Just Like You

    (7:12) Managing the Evening Eating

    (9:12) How Well Did You Nourish Your Body Today?

    (9:42) The Psychology Side

    (13:00) Plate Your Food

    (14:26) Remove Distractions

    (16:02) Breathe Deep and Relax

    (18:32) Stay Present

    (20:44) Reflect On It

    (21:52) Recap

    (29:44) Please Rate and Review


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • There's a significant chance your health and fitness goals will rely on the quality of your gut health...

    After working with over 800 women in our coaching company and seeing the results already in our Beat the Bloat Challenge, it's incredibly clear how important gut health is to your quality of life and your weight loss goals.

    With all of the information we are sharing with our ladies inside the challenge, we wanted to bring some of the highlights and information to you on the podcast and we wanted to do this in two parts.

    In this Part 2, we are going to dive into some tips and tricks on how to beat the bloat and how to solve some of these common gut issues. We'll discuss the 80/20 rule, gluten and dairy, reducing added sugar, eating more fiber, and many more tips you can start to incorporate today!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:33) 80/20 Whole Food Rule

    (6:25) Reducing Gluten and Dairy Consumption and Adding Back

    (7:30) Reducing Added Sugar

    (9:17) Eat More Fiber

    (12:41) Adding More Water

    (13:59) Functional Lab Testing and Supplementation

    (16:55) How to Know If It’s Working

    (19:59) Questions To Ask Yourself


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • There's a significant chance your health and fitness goals will rely on the quality of your gut health...

    After working with over 800 women in our coaching company and seeing the results already in our Beat the Bloat Challenge, it's incredibly clear how important gut health is to your quality of life and your weight loss goals.

    With all of the information we are sharing with our ladies inside the challenge, we wanted to bring some of the highlights and information to you on the podcast and we wanted to do this in two parts.

    In Part 1, we are going to go over some of the biggest pitfalls that I've succumbed to over the years and what we work with our client's on to restore their hormones and gut health.

    Not only will we cover some main food culprits but also tackle stress and it's role in gut health.

    Definitely stick around for Part 2 as we'll dive into potential solutions to address these issues but first, it's important to have awareness around the issue.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:42) Our Beat The Bloat Challenge

    (4:17) What To Expect In This Masterclass

    (9:30) Research Between Poor Gut Health and Other Issues

    (10:52) What Causes Poor Gut Health?

    (13:30) Gusher’s

    (19:02) Gut Health and Stress

    (21:50) Seed Oils

    (25:56) Gluten and Dairy

    (28:30) Hurricane Example

    (32:32) Insulin Resistance

    (36:02) Counting Added Sugar

    (36:47) Low Fiber Diet


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • What does your 100% look like today?

    An incredible question to ponder by our amazing guest on the podcast today!

    Our guest today is no other than Vital Spark Assistant Coach Olivia Glosser.

    Olivia joined us at the end of 2023 and quickly proved herself to be a top coach, taking her prior 4 years of experience of online coaching and combining that with our unique systems and methods at Vital Spark to start getting incredible client results right away, and turning her 1-on-1 clients into raving Liv fans.

    A lot of that comes from how relatable Liv is, having in the past lost nearly 40lbs herself by healing her own metabolism, building a healthy relationship with food, and creating a sustainable lifestyle.

    And then again more recently lost 40lbs through her postpartum journey, having become a Mom last September to her baby boy Hayes.

    Today, I’m so excited for her to share her story with you all, and inspire and motivate all of you to find the same long-term sustainable balance that Coach Olivia has found!

    In this episode, we discuss Olivia's story both in her fitness journey and becoming a coach, how she learned to navigate adult life after college and finding healthy habits, recognizing your 100% in different seasons of life, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:12) Our Amazing Assistant Coach Liv

    (3:20) Coach Liv’s Story In The Beginning

    (9:52) There Has To Be Another Way

    (11:02) Finding a Healthy Balanced Approach to Food

    (13:18) Becoming A Coach

    (16:10) Navigating Adult Life and Healthy Habits

    (16:59) What Does Your 100% Look Like Today?

    (18:52) Example of 100%

    (21:08) The Constant Journey

    (23:56) Future of Liv’s Journey

    (26:57) What We Want To Leave You With

    (28:16) Where to Find Liv


    Join our FREE Beat the Bloat Challenge starting Monday April 1st!


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • If you want to hear something crazy… summer is only 12 weeks away!

    With that, I know a lot of you are probably thinking, "Well I would LOVE to lose weight before then!"

    So how do you do that?

    In this episode I’m going to answer that question for you.

    Hint: the answer is NOT jumping into a diet like keto or intermittent fasting or getting on a weight loss medication…

    It’s strategy.

    Most people fail at their fat loss attempts because they have zero strategy.

    No “prep” strategy.

    No “what happens when I plateau” strategy.

    No “exit plan to sustain this vs gain it all back” strategy.

    It’s basically just deciding one day that they want to lose weight for summer, and then jumping into the shiniest fad diet.

    So while there’s a LOT of nuance to fat loss, I wanted to give you a general template for what I would do if I were trying to lose fat for summer in a healthy, sustainable way.

    In this episode, we'll go through the 6 step strategy from tracking your food for a week to what to do with that information, creating a calorie deficit plan (if that is right for you at this time), and more!

    We'll also talk about a bonus step and way for you to join us LIVE and FOR FREE!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:32) Summer Is Only 12 Weeks Away

    (2:22) Change Takes Time

    (6:10) Step 1: Tracking and Logging Food For 7 Days

    (7:32) Why Change Starts with Awareness

    (9:55) Step 2: Figuring Out Next Steps

    (11:40) Episodes on Reverse Dieting

    (15:08) The Stress Component

    (16:12) Step 3: Creating a Calorie Deficit Plan

    (21:54) Protein Target

    (25:27) Fiber Goal

    (27:27) Water Goal

    (29:11) Step 4: Adding In Movement

    (31:02) Step 5: Execution and Tracking Progress

    (36:57) Assessing Other Changes

    (38:47) Step 6: Assessing and Potential Adjustments

    (40:50) Bonus Step: Our Free Challenge

    (43:58) What’s Included


    Join our FREE Beat the Bloat Challenge starting Monday April 1st!


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


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  • If you feel like you've done everything to lose weight and you simply can't get over the hump, today's guest is the MICHAEL JORDAN of our industry and shares why that might be the case...

    Vince Pitstick is the CEO of Vidal Coaching (formerly known as Nutrition Dynamic), Metabolic Mentor University, and NuEthix Formulations. Vince and I met through our relationship with our business mentors and he is someone I've learned SO MUCH from in the functional health realm.

    In today's episode, we discuss Vince's obsession with helping individuals with their health, the road it took to finding out the solutions to his incredibly impressive 12 pillar framework, and we discuss the FLUSH! Our favorite Metabolic Detoxification Method for women that are dealing with hormonal imbalances and weight loss resistance.

    "The Flush" protocol is meant to help up-regulate detoxification systems, support liver and gut function, while also helping to nourish the adrenal system in order to help achieve increased energy, reduced GI symptoms, bloating, constipation and irritation, improved skin, better sleep and reduced fatigue.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:17) Our Special Guest Vince Pitstick

    (3:10) The 90 Degree View On A 360 Degree Problem

    (6:14) The FLUSH Method

    (15:06) Our Detox Pathways

    (20:10) Participants In Study Groups

    (23:04) Mitochondrial Adaptation

    (27:52) The Main Factors of FLUSH

    (32:47) Women Today and Their Health


    Follow @vince_pitstick on Instagram


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    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • You FINALLY reached that health goal you've been working so hard to achieve and a few weeks or months later… something doesn't' feel right...

    You find yourself feeling like you're drifting aimlessly now with your health and fitness and old habits and patterns are starting to creep back in. The one's you thought you had eliminated for good.

    Slowly but surely, you're back to where you once were, setting the same goal, and your brain is excited to now pursue this goal because you've done it before but… did this have to happen in the first place?

    This is exactly the road I felt like I was going down after my hormone healing journey recently and my Instagram stories sparked today's episode!

    We'll discuss why it is so important to have an exciting goal after reaching one, what intentionally actually is when it comes to your health and your actions, why our brains are wired this way and how to combat it, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (0:32) Recovery Modalities

    (2:50) What Sparked This Episode

    (4:18) My Previous Hormonal Dysfunction

    (6:25) Having Goals For What’s Next

    (8:48) Last Week’s Steps

    (11:53) Defining Intentionality

    (23:15) Let Us Know If This Was Helpful


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


    Download Our FREE Metabolism-Boosting Workout Program


    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • Today's guest is a dream come true and we can't wait for you to hear this conversation...

    Sal Di Stefano started as a professional in the fitness industry as a trainer at the age of 18. His passion for fitness combined with his love of people quickly propelled him into big box gym management by the time he was 19 years old. During his career in gym management he grand opened some of the largest gyms in the California Bay Area and was often recognized as a top performer in sales, production and team leadership earning him accolades from top industry leaders.

    After decades of running his studio he met Doug the current producer of Mind Pump and shortly after he met Adam Schafer and Justin Andrews. They quickly hit it off due to their different backgrounds but similar approaches to fitness and health and they decided to start a fitness and health podcast. Mind Pump was launched and quickly became the number one fitness and health podcast in the world.

    Currently Sal is one of the most sought after experts in fitness and health with his effective, grounded and easy to understand style of communication. He has been on hundreds of top podcast shows and frequently speaks at trainer and health practitioner events. His passion for fitness, health and people is unmatched and he is steadfast with his goal of making the fitness industry one that is a force for good, with long term health being the focus and not one that is riddled with diet pills, crash diets and false promises.

    Sal does a really incredible job of sharing the raw truths of how to build a lean, toned body with science and facts, but in a way that is also digestible and not intimidating for beginners, which is why we are so excited to have him on the podcast live with us today.

    Time Stamps:

    (1:08) Dream Come True Guest Today

    (5:22) Exercising Because You Love Your Body

    (16:02) Selling Ethically

    (21:06) People Want Trustworthiness

    (23:32) Not Adding To The Shame Spiral

    (25:37) Food Isn’t Just Fuel

    (28:02) Client Example and Finding Root Cause

    (35:20) A Good Coach Is a Guide

    (41:32) Top of Mt. Everest and Challenges

    (49:32) Diets Becoming Politicized

    (52:32) Where To Find Sal and Mindpump


    Follow @mindpumpdistefano on Instagram


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


    Download Our FREE Metabolism-Boosting Workout Program


    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • I can't wait for you to hear this conversation with a graduated client who is thriving now and keeping the 25lbs she lost off and she's been able to do that with her mindset.

    Kat Glover is a past client and worked with our Coach Kat. Kat worked with us for about a year and a half and she graduated from our Forever Fit program last May. She was an incredible client and made incredible physical progress, but the real star of the show was her mindset growth and her improvements in relationship with food/exercise. She has done a phenomenal job maintaining her results too!

    When Kat first came to us for coaching, she was doing all the “right” things on paper. She was no stranger to being active. She was a competitive swimmer growing up, started running marathons after college and even completed her first Ironman that year. Kat was frustrated she had the foundational knowledge from her nutrition degree but still couldn't figure out what to do to get the physical results she wanted.

    She did weight watchers for a short period of time- but it created more of that good/bad food mentality. Despite being very active and eating “healthy”, she got to her highest weight. Kat was tired of being stuck in a cycle of viewing food as “good” or “bad” and not feeling confident when she looked in the mirror.

    Kat knew there was a piece of the puzzle she was missing and that’s why she came to us.

    During her first three months, Kat:

    -Went through our Flexible Reverse Dieting System

    -Increased her calories by nearly 400 per day

    -Slowly started introducing previously “off limits” foods

    -Was doing less cardio and only resistance training 3 days per week

    -Focused more on sleep and stress management

    During those 3 months, Kat:

    -Noticed clothes were fitting better

    -Saw more muscle definition

    -Consistently set PRs in the gym

    -Got more comfortable visualizing portion sizes

    -Felt confident practicing intuitive eating

    -Completely transformed her mindset around nutrition and exercise

    Ultimately, she felt more freedom when it came to eating and moving her body!

    After that she continued into our Forever Fit program, and lost 25lbs while eating more and running less.

    During the time she was a client, she made a huge move to NYC! While she was adjusting to her new life in a brand new city, she gave herself more opportunities to practice intuitive eating. Kat spent the first year of coaching building her foundation with tracking, and because of that, she was able to feel empowered to confidently navigate her nutrition goals without having to rely on tracking in MFP!

    She has come so far along with her relationship with food, moving away from the all or nothing mindset, and finding her version of balance!

    Now, whether she is tracking or not, she feels confident in her ability to make intentional nutrition decisions and she notices she naturally gravitates towards staying hydrated, prioritizing protein, adding a fruit or vegetable, and listening to her hunger and fullness cues!

    Listen in as we talk about her experience, some initial hesitations as she started with the program, non-scale victories, moving to NYC and her food relationships, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (2:23) Kat Before VGFN

    (4:41) Starting with Coach Kat

    (8:33) Initial Hesitations

    (11:38) Overcoming Cutting Out Cardio

    (21:39) Non-Scale Victories

    (25:05) Moving to NYC and Food Relationships

    (31:55) Final Thoughts

    (33:27) Please Share This Episode


    Follow @kat_glo_ on Instagram


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


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    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • If you feel like you're doing everything right in the gym and still not seeing the results you want, you probably fall into one of two categories...

    The first category is you are training too much with the wrong volume and intensity. We see this a lot with women taking several group classes a week along with their regular training and they aren't giving their body time to recover and heal.

    Muscle is initially broken down in the gym and built back up through nutrition, sleep, and recovery but many women get this concept backwards.

    The other category is not training enough and therefore, can't create a proper stimulus to see lean muscle and definition. It may feel like you are training and putting in a sweat but you potentially have many reps in reserve during your lifts, too long of rest periods in between sets, and/or you are not getting enough training volume to certain muscle groups per week to see progress.

    In this episode, we want to break down these two categories in depth, explain why sticking to a plan for at least 3 months will be the best decision you can make for yourself, and share our FREE 3 day a week training program with you!

    Time Stamps:

    (1:38) Recording On Valentine’s Day

    (1:50) Omar Getting Flowers… Day Of

    (2:28) Omar’s Defense

    (3:22) Why Your Workouts Aren’t Working

    (4:32) 2 Main Reasons

    (5:35) Training Too Much and Under Recovered

    (8:07) Junk Volume

    (10:20) Imagine This Scenario

    (11:55) Intensity Issues

    (13:05) Not Training Enough or Hard Enough

    (16:38) Which Category Do You Fall In?

    (17:51) Free 3 Day a Week Strength Training Program

    (19:32) Free Program Results

    (20:60) Please Share This Episode


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


    Download Our FREE Metabolism-Boosting Workout Program


    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!

  • I saw a message getting shared on Instagram recently making the claim that: “ANYONE who tracks their calories / macros has a BAD RELATIONSHIP with food”...

    So I wanted to give our thoughts having worked with hundreds of women, many through tracking, many coming to us with negative relationships with food, and answer the question…

    DOES tracking calories/macros create a bad relationship with food?

    Hot take: No.

    That would be like saying that budgeting your finances creates a bad relationship with money.

    Tracking, like tracking anything, is a tool.

    Your relationship to the thing in which you are tracking has nothing to do with that tool, and everything to do with the way you THINK about it. Because your thoughts create your feelings. And your feelings about it are what we’re often referring to when we say your “relationship” with it.

    To make a blanket statement that ANYONE who budgets their food to ensure they are sticking to their goals has a bad relationship with food is absurd.

    Listen in as we dissect more of this controversial claim, the art of flexibility with your food, freedom through food education and awareness, and more!

    Time Stamps:

    (2:00) Calorie Tracking Claim on Social Media

    (3:20) Tracking Is Like Budgeting

    (6:50) Why You Would Track Calories

    (10:30) Defining Momentum

    (15:20) The Art of Flexibility

    (19:02) Freedom Through Education and Awareness

    (21:42) Eating “Clean” But Not Seeing Progress

    (25:32) Being Tied To MyFitnessPal

    (31:12) Tracking and Your Process of Interpretation

    (34:17) Our Free Facebook Group


    Follow @vanessagfitness on Instagram for daily fitness tips & motivation.


    Download Our FREE Metabolism-Boosting Workout Program


    Join the Women’s Metabolism Secrets Facebook Community for 25+ videos teaching you how to start losing fat without hating your life!


    ​Click here to send me a message on Facebook and we’ll see how I can help or what best free resources I can share!


    Interested in 1-on-1 Coaching with my team of Metabolism & Hormone Experts? Apply Here!


    Check out our Youtube Channel!


    Enjoyed the podcast? Let us know what you think and leave a 5⭐️ rating and review on iTunes!