
  • Join Variable founder & filmmaker Jon Bregel and cinematographer Jared Levy as they casually discuss the topic "navigating towards more fulfilling work." Delve into their personal journeys, insights, and observations in this candid exploration of the challenges and revelations faced in the world of filmmaking.

    Jared Levy is a cinematographer based in NYC. Jared is also the host of the Art vs Commerce Podcast (⁠http://www.avcpod.com/⁠), a conversation with creative industry professionals who have made a career out of their art. Discussions cover guest’s careers diving into the details of their decision making as they navigate the film, television and commercial industries.

    Jared's website: ⁠www.jaredlevy.nyc⁠

    Follow Jared on Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/jared_levy/?hl=en

    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth.

    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: ⁠www.wearevariable.com

  • Episode 17 of the Variable Podcast features filmmaker Lindsey Hagen on the topic of "Creative Recovery: Filmmaking as a Therapeutic Process"

    Podcast Description: Join filmmaker and Gnarly Bay's Head of Development Lindsey Hagen in conversation as we explore her journey and how filmmaking became a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. Listeners will gain insight into Hagen's experiences and how they have shaped her approach to storytelling. This conversation is moderated by filmmaker and Variable founder, Jon Bregel.

    Lindsey's Website: https://lindseyhagen.net/

    Lindsey's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linze3

    Lindsey's Bio: Lindsey Hagen is an Oscar qualified Director, Executive Producer and Development Executive with a focus on cause related storytelling. Lindsey has a background in sales and marketing, journalism, brand strategy and documentary filmmaking. She leads a successful career ideating and pitching meaningful stories to brand and network partners, creating compelling human centered films and campaigns. Lindsey currently leads development efforts at gnarly bay studios based in RI and CO. Lindsey’s films have gone onto Oscar qualifying festivals like Tribeca, DocNYC, BigSky and Outfest and have won numerous Staff Picks and Telly Awards. Her film “After Skid Row” Oscar Qualified in 2023 and was acquired by The LA Times Short Docs program, her film “California Natural” was nominated for the James Beard Commercial Media Award and her short documentary “High Road” was voted Vimeo’s Best of Year in the branded film category.

    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth.

    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: www.wearevariable.com

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  • Join Variable founder & filmmaker Jon Bregel and episode co-host cinematographer Jared Levy as they discuss "becoming jaded as a filmmaker." Delve into their personal journeys, insights, and observations in this candid exploration of the challenges and revelations faced in the world of filmmaking.

    About Our Guest: Jared Levy is a cinematographer based in NYC. Jared is also the host of the Art vs Commerce Podcast (⁠http://www.avcpod.com/⁠), a conversation with creative industry professionals who have made a career out of their art. Discussions cover guest’s careers diving into the details of their decision making as they navigate the film, television and commercial industries.

    Jared's website: ⁠www.jaredlevy.nyc⁠

    Follow Jared on Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/jared_levy/?hl=en

    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth.

    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: ⁠www.wearevariable.com

  • In this discussion with Kim Rapach, Mental Wellness Coach, we will unapologetically challenge the conventional belief that fame and success are the ultimate keys to happiness and emotional fulfillment. This discussion will explore the often-overlooked aspects of true wealth – emotional wellness, meaningful connections, and personal development. Through insightful anecdotes and evidence-based insights, we’ll discover how redefining success to prioritize emotional health can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Prepare to challenge your perspectives, embrace the richness of your emotions, and embark on a journey toward a more authentic and emotionally abundant existence.

    Kims Bio: "With over twenty years of experience on both sides of therapy and coaching, Kim uses her personal and professional experience to help high-performing artists and entrepreneurs find the missing links to dissatisfaction in their personal lives. Kim is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, a Certified Enneagram Coach, and a Financial Coach."

    Kim's Website: https://www.kimrapach.com/

    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth.

    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: www.wearevariable.com

  • Episode 14 of the Variable Podcast features cinematographer Benjamin Loeb FNF, on the topic of “Losing Ourselves to Our Work”

    Podcast Description: Benjamin and I met over a decade ago in the New York City filmmaking scene. While our career paths look quite different, we have both experienced the realities of losing different parts of ourselves to film work. In this conversation, Benjamin and I dive into the various factors and circumstances that contributed to feeling lost, what those experiences were like, as well as what has helped, and continues to help us grow as human beings.Benjamin's Bio: Benjamin Loeb is a Norwegian/Canadian cinematographer. In 2011 he completed his Bachelor degree at Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver.

    After graduating Benjamin continued working in industry and quickly built a reputation shooting commercials, music videos, and narrative projects around the world. Since his graduation he has lived in Oslo, New York, and Reykjavik.

    Benjamin's feature film portfolio includes multiple films for A24, "After Yang", "When you Finish Saving the World", "Mandy", "Pieces of a Woman", and many more.

    Benjamin's commercial portfolio includes projects for Samsung, VW, Brand Jordan, Montblanc, MLB, and more.

    Benjamin is represented by WME in North America, and by LUX in Europe and the rest of the world. He is also a member of the Norwegian Cinematographers Association.Benjamin's Website: https://loebben.com/

    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth.

    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: www.wearevariable.com

  • Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: www.wearevariable.com

    Episode 13 features director Executive Producer and Life & Career Coach, Lisa Shires, on the topic of “Leaning Into The Discomfort of Change.”

    Episode Description (by Lisa): One thing is certain - change is a constant. With change, there can be some sense of discomfort. But that feeling of discomfort is the best of signs because it's proof that you're in active evolution. As people and creatives, evolution in THE response to change. It's where we're offered the option to grow and to push the edges of where we were yesterday. It helps us to challenge, set and maintain the boundaries we have set. It's what fuels creative resilience and relevancy. The surprising part is that navigating this doesn't have to be hard.

    Lisa’s Bio: I am a certified life coach, advertising/production executive, M.B.A., mother of three, business owner, successful career pivoter, trauma survivor, and friend of vulnerability. Life is a wild ride and I KNOW FOR A FACT that getting behind the helm and charting a course that is undeniably you is 100% possible and available. I’m here to work with people who are ready to take that first step, work through the muck and live their best personal and professional life. I’ll meet you right where you are.

    Lisa’s Website: www.lisashirescoaching.com

    Lisa's Instagram: instagram.com/lisashires/


    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth.


  • Episode 12 features director Diego Contreras on the topic of “When to Push, and When to Let Go.”

    Episode Description: As we set out to achieve our vision as filmmakers, on any given project there are hundreds (if not thousands) of creative decisions; all of which call for varying degrees of 'pushing' and/or 'letting go'. It's how we navigate this dance that not only reveals itself in the quality of our work, but also in our character. Through over a decade of directing ad's for some of the biggest brands, Diego Contreras has learned a thing or two about this delicate dance of 'pushing' and 'letting go.' He'll be the first to say that he doesn't have all of the answers, and he very well may not, but also keep in mind that Diego a super humble guy :)

    In this conversation we dive into Diego's origins and learn where his grit and convictions were formed. We then dive into the importance of having a vision when creating high-level work, which will lead us into Diego's thoughts & experiences surrounding the balance of 'pushing' and 'letting go' throughout various points in the creative process; pitching, production, and post-production.

    Diego’s Bio: I'm a commercial and music video director based in Los Angeles and represented by LOVE SONG. Love Song is a production company founded by award-winning director Daniel Wolfe and Kelly Bayett. I've directed spots and branded content for clients such as Apple, Facebook, Ford, Target, Reebok, GE, Lincoln Motors, Stoli Vodka, 23andMe, Blue Moon and Geico. And for agencies including Droga5, Wieden + Kennedy, BBDO NY, BBH, Mother, Venables Bell and Partners, The Martin Agency, Anomaly, Publicis Paris, Hudson Rouge, etc. Before becoming a full-time director in 2015, I worked as an Associate Creative Director and Art Director at agencies such as BBDO NY, Anomaly, and Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

    Diego's Website: http://www.thisisdiego.net/

    *Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & growth*

    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: www.wearevariable.com

  • Episode 11 features Executive Producer @ Nourish Creative, Ien Chi.

    Episode Overview: Sometimes we can get a little too caught up in doing work for others. Whether it’s doing work in order to sustain ourselves financially, or trying to satisfy everyone’s needs on a large scale project - we all know that tiring feeling of doing work that isn’t quite our own. Join Ien in a discussion about how to deal with burnout, and how to come out the other side and re-nurture one’s inner artist - to reignite curiosity, purpose, and passion in both work and life.

    Ien Chi’s Bio: Former head creative at Jubilee and Mindset at DIVE Studios, Ien is a visionary whose innovative leadership has amassed billions of views and millions of subscribers. His portfolio boasts collaborations with Fortune 100 companies and world-class celebrities. Ien’s passion lies in crafting narratives of profound depth and radical entertainment.

    Variable is a community for filmmakers who prioritize wellness & Growth.
    Join the Variable community via Free Trial today: www.wearevariable.com

  • Episode 10 features SMUGGLER director of sales and management, Erin Wahed, and Dattner Group CEO Fabian Dattner, in a conversation about how internal self-talk impacts our courage and confidence.

    If any of the topics we discuss in this episode resonate with you, we’d love to invite you into our wellness community for filmmakers at wearevariable.com. We have weekly live events and conversations on topics that rest at the intersection of wellness and filmmaking. This past month we’ve had weekly discussions about coping with rejection, feelings surrounding commercial filmmaking, our monthly wellness accountability call, and a group conversation about how to effectively work with treatment writers. The other thing we’ve been doing recently are weekly working sessions for our personal projects. All in all, it’s just such a lovely group of filmmakers so check us out if any of this resonates.

    Erin Wahed's bio: At the age of 14, Adobe Photoshop came into my life and blew my mind. It inspired me to pick up a camera so I could capture how I see the world. Through twists and turns, photography led me to becoming a jewelry designer. The pandemic brought baking into my life. Thinking about ingredients like the color wheel is how I cook. Channeling my abstract photography aesthetic, I pour resin. I've always been a salesperson and a connector. What has become clear to me is that all these paths continue to lead to the person I am.

    Fabian Dattner's bio: Inspiring leader, ethics commentator, and women’s leadership activist, Fabian is passionate about challenging leadership paradigms, advocates for engaged and collaborative cultures, and gives women the skills to face critical challenges and amplify their leadership role globally.

    Dattner Group is one of Australia’s most accomplished and trusted consultancies helping to build sustainable, purposeful leadership for almost forty years.We help leaders and organisations pursue and embrace change for a sustainable future that acknowledges the multifarious challenges we are all faced with and encompasses the full breadth of everything we are capable of. We drive increased self-awareness in leaders at all levels, by examining organisational culture, values, individual preferences and purpose and vision, so that everyone has the passion and skills to influence.

    Erin’s Personal Website: https://www.erinwahed.com/

    SMUGGLER website: www.smugglersite.com

    Fabian’s Website: https://dattnergroup.com.au/

    Join the Variable community today: www.wearevariable.com

  • This week we have the opportunity to hear from therapist and post-producer, Saritha Rothermel, on a handful of topics related to therapy, anxiety, filmmaking, and more. For the first half of the podcast, we learn a bit about Saritha and her background and her thoughts on therapy. We then dive into the topic of Anxiety and why so many filmmakers are familiar with it. The last 20 minutes or so of the podcast, Saritha takes us through three different guided mindfulness practices for working through anxiety.

    If any of the topics we discuss in this episode resonate with you, we’d love to invite you into our wellness community for filmmakers at wearevariable.com - If you have either tried therapy yourself, or are curious about it, chances are that you vibe well with our community. We hope to see you there.

    Join the Variable community today: www.wearevariable.com

  • Whether you are currently in the midst of a slow season, have survived them in the past, or are experiencing one for the first time, one thing is for certain; slow seasons are very real for the mass majority of us filmmakers. In episode #8, we take a deep and personal dive into this topic with cinematographer and Cinematography Salon founder, David Kruta.

    We are sending a big shout out to David for stepping into this topic because even acknowledging slow periods of work is not something that most working filmmakers willingly choose to do in a public forum. David’s vulnerability and openness on the topic is so refreshing to hear, and we are hopeful that you feel the same way. If you gain anything from the episode, please shoot David a note on instagram @dkruta

    I hate to date this episode but I do think it's important to note that we recorded it on April 7th, 2023, right at a point where work seemed extremely slow for a lot of people- and still is the case for many of us as of the end of April 2023 when this podcast was released…which is certainly not normal. Despite the challenges of this specific slow season, slow seasons are a constant for the vast majority of us in this industry, so that is at the heart of David and I’s discussion on this episode. With that said; If you want to jump straight into the topic of “surviving slow seasons of work”, skip to around 8 minutes or so. If you want to learn a bit about David, his community Cinematography Salon, as well as a funny story about how David and I initially connected, hang in there with me for a few minutes.

    David’s Website: www.DavidKruta.com

    Cinematography Salon: www.CinematographySalon.com

    Follow David on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dkruta

    Join the Variable community today: www.wearevariable.com

  • In episode seven, we have the pleasure of hearing from Brooklyn based director Haya Waseem surrounding the topic of “creating from the heart”.

    Nothing lights me up more than when I see someones work and can get a clear 'felt' sense of their spirit, or who they are as a person. That was the case when I was first introduced to Haya’s work back in 2017.

    I just see so many good-looking ads and shorts these days that posture towards valuable causes or ideals, but they leave me feeling nothing. Hayas work is different, and that is why she is doing some of the best work in the industry right now.

    In this episode we will start out by hearing a bit about Haya's story and influences, we’ll go into her creative process, thoughts on finding the right collaborators, and then we’ll touch on some of the realities of what it means, or looks like, to create from the heart.

    If this topic of “creating from the heart” rings a bell for you, I’d love to invite you into our our wellness community for filmmakers at wearevariable.com - After a year of running the community, it’s safe to say that most of us are actively working towards more honest, emotive and heartfelt work, so if you are into this podcast, chances are that you vibe well with the community at large. So I hope to see you there!

    Haya's Website: http://www.hayawaseem.com/

    About Haya: Haya Waseem Is A Pakistani-Canadian Director, Raised In Switzerland, And Living In Brooklyn. Haya’s Debut Feature, Quickening, Premiered To Critical Acclaim At The Toronto International Film Festival In 2021.

    Follow Haya on Social: https://www.instagram.com/haya_wsm/

    Join the Variable community today: www.wearevariable.com

  • In episode six, Stockholm-based director Per-Hampus Stålhandske shares his story along with insights into how he manages to seek and find rhythm in his personal life amidst demanding travel jobs.

    Most people in our industry know the challenges of intensive travel jobs and travel schedules, but as a culture of filmmakers, we rarely talk about the real-life impacts that it can have on our personal wellness and further, our home lives.

    Having lived through extensive burnout myself, my curiosity for this conversation comes from a place of eagerness to learn how filmmakers who are working at the peak of their craft manage to find ways to find rhythm in their lives amidst travel work.

    Thankfully Per was kind enough to open up and share his story along with some insights about the relationship between his work and personal life.

    If this general topic is of interest to you, it’s one that finds a way to pop up in the Variable community almost weekly in our events. Everyone seems curious about how others manage travel work and their own personal lives outside of work. All I can really say about the topic from my perspective is that the more the curtain is pulled back on this idea of rhythm or ‘balance’, the more I come to realize that nobody really has it figured out. All we can really do as a community is open up, share our experiences, and form our best conclusions. As passionate filmmakers, There is no easy answer.

    Per’s Website: https://perhampus.com/

    Per’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/perhampus/

    Per’s Bio: Per-Hampus grew up in a village in northern Sweden. He discovered filmmaking through his passion for snowboarding and started filming his eclectic friends at the local ski-hills and makeshift mini-ramps. Before long he was following the top athletes around the world creating iconic snowboard films in some of the earliest forms of branded content.

    Join the Variable community today: www.wearevariable.com

  • In episode five, writer/director Samm Hodges gives us a deep dive into his journey of pursuing vulnerability as a filmmaker. Much of this podcast is told through the context of Samm’s first narrative short film as a writer/director, “Tender”, being accepted into the Sundance Film Festival.

    Samm's Bio:  After turning a web series into a network tv show, Samm sold a drama series to producers Pete Berg and Michael Lombardo (Friday Night Lights, Game of Thrones, etc), sold the in-development doc series “Us and Them” to Jon Stewart and HBO, wrote a narrative feature for Michael Showalter (Search Party, The Big Sick, Wet Hot American Summer), sold the currently in-development half-hour drama “Strays” to Amazon, and is writing a new feature/episodic interactive hybrid for Stay Gold Features (Honeyboy, Harriet, Nanny, Under the Silverlake).

    Samm's website: https://www.sammhodges.tv/

    Samm's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sammhodges/

  • In Episode Four, Cinematographer, Jared Levy chats with Variable founder & filmmaker, Jon Bregel, about his experiences and mindset surrounding the topic of "pivoting towards more fulfilling work." 

    In recent years, Jared has made the pivot from documentary branded content, to long-form narrative features. As we explore in this podcast, Jareds pivot required a lot of consideration so we are hopeful listeners can glean some insight from his thoughtful approach. 

    ABOUT OUR GUEST: Jared Levy is a cinematographer based in NYC. Jared is also the host of the Art vs Commerce Podcast (http://www.avcpod.com/), a conversation with creative industry professionals who have made a career out of their art. Discussions cover guest’s careers diving into the details of their decision making as they navigate the film, television and commercial industries.

    Jared's website: www.jaredlevy.nyc

    Follow Jared on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jared_levy/?hl=en

  • In episode three, Variable founder & filmmaker, Jon Bregel, interviews producer & Poolhouse founder, Veronica Beach about her experiences managing mental health while working at the top of the advertising industry. With over 100 Cannes Lions to her name, Veronica Beach was recently referred to as the most awarded female producer in the industry. Veronica is the first to admit that she has been through a lot in her career, so we are grateful to glean some lessons from her story in this episode.

    Veronica's Bio: "I am the original founder and now partner of the poolhouse, check out our platform at www.the-poolhouse.com . Previously I was the Director of Production at Pereira O'Dell from 2020 -July 2022 overseeing the SF & NY offices from Agency side and their In-House production department, Barrelhouse. Prior to that, I was the Head of Global Production at DAVID, resigning in December of 2019. I was a founding member of DAVID and even moved to Brazil to open the São Paulo and Buenos Aires production departments. While living in Brazil, I served a dual role leading Global Production for Ogilvy Brazil. In my first year at Ogilvy Brazil we won Agency of the Year in Cannes through the projects I produced, Dove, Real Beauty Sketches and Coca Cola’s, Crazy for Good. That first year I won 29 Lions, including the Titanium Grand Prix as well as previously mentioned, Agency of the Year.

    To date, I have won over 100 Lions, and multiple other prestigious awards.

    In 2015 I moved back to the United States to help open the Miami office and was recognized by Business Insider as one of the top Creative Influencers in Advertising while being part of the team to globally launch the Miami office as one of the top 5 agencies in the world at Cannes.

    Prior to DAVID and Pereira O'Dell I was a successful freelance Agency Producer for over 8 years working at dozens of Ad Agencies producing campaigns all over the world."

    Veronica on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/veronica-beach-748a302/

    About the Poolhouse: The Poolhouse is an exclusive global community for producers & content creators in advertising, TV & film, and those that support them. As far as I am aware, The Poolhouse is the best place to seek, and post industry job opportunities with reputable brands and companies.

    Follow The Poolhouse on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_the_poolhouse/

    Here is an article about The Poolhouse: https://nofilmschool.com/2020/07/need-gigs-poolhouse-bent-getting-producers-producing-again


    Variable is a community where filmmakers prioritize wellness & growth. Join today and engage in the conversation at wearevariable.com

    Variable Podcast shares stories and insights from the intersection of filmmaking and wellness.

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/wearevariable

  • Join filmmaker & Variable founder, Jon Bregel, and SMUGGLER & division7 Director of Sales and Management, Erin Wahed, in a conversation about letting go of control. Jon and Erin are also joined by members of the Variable community who chime in with their thoughts and feelings throughout the conversation. 

    Erin Wahed's bio: At the age of 14, Adobe Photoshop came into my life and blew my mind. It inspired me to pick up a camera so I could capture how I see the world. Through twists and turns, photography led me to becoming a jewelry designer. The pandemic brought baking into my life. Thinking about ingredients like the color wheel is how I cook. Channeling my abstract photography aesthetic, I pour resin. I've always been a salesperson and a connector. What has become clear to me is that all these paths continue to lead to the person I am.




    Variable is a community where filmmakers prioritize wellness & growth. Join today and engage in the conversation at wearevariable.com

    Variable Podcast shares stories and insights from the intersection of filmmaking and wellness.

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/wearevariable

  • Variable founder & filmmaker Jon Bregel shares his personal story surrounding the downfall of Variable as a production company, and rebirth of Variable as a community where filmmakers prioritize wellness & growth. Join today and engage in the conversation at wearevariable.com

    Variable Podcast shares stories and insights from the intersection of filmmaking and wellness.

    Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/wearevariable