
  • One in every four workers in the US works the night shift. So when the sun goes down and the other 3/4ths are getting ready for bed, they're starting their day of work. If you've never experienced this before, take a moment to think about the unique challenges this kind of work poses...

    You might be wondering things like, "when are they supposed to eat?", "how do they spend time with their families?", "when do they sleep?", "how do they get good quality sleep?", etc... And these are all very valid questions that, in all honesty, a lot of night shift workers haven't quite figured it out.

    For professional women, such as healthcare workers, who work the night shift, finding a sustainable way to do this kind of work is crucial to long-term professional success, as well as being able to maintain a happy and balanced life outside of work. Here's where today's guest steps in!

    Dr. Chinyelu E. Oraedu, also known as Dr. Yel'Ora, is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, and is the CEO and founder of Dr. Yel'Ora Lifestyle & Obesity Coaching for night workers. She founded her coaching practice after going on a total lifestyle makeover in which she dedicated herself to becoming very intentional about the way she lives her life in order to thrive in shift work. She engrossed herself in the research about night shift work and put together a program to support, empower and transform the experiences of other workers as they face the unique challenges associated with their non-standard work schedule.

    In this episode of the Vibrant Menopause Podcast, Dr. Yel'Ora shares her perspective on night shift work, how she got into it in the first place, and how she learned to make the most of it for herself and others. Her goal is to help normalize this type of work and put workers in a position where they can embrace its advantages without sacrificing on their physical health, mental health, families, social engagements, and anything else that's important to them.

    If after listening to this episode you're interested in learning more about her work, please find her at any of the links below. Enjoy the episode!

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066781772391&mibextid=kFxxJDInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/dusktodawnmd/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chinyelu-oraedu-m-d-a4a01b87/Coaching Website: https://www.dryelora.comRadio Show: https://www.dryelora.com/nightshift-lifestyle-show/


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Something I've noticed in myself and with clients is that when us women hit midlife, we start to see our brains changing with menopause. Most frequently we observe more brain fog and difficulty recalling words. Inevitably, we then begin to consider what our future cognitive health looks like, and turn to family members to try to get a glimpse into the what might lie ahead.

    There's no denying that these changes are daunting, especially if you weren't expecting them, but fortunately for us, there are experts like today's guest who can guide us through the changes and educate us on how to live a long, fruitful, and brain healthy life!

    My guest on this episode of the Vibrant Menopause Podcast is Dr. Annie Fenn, an OBGYN from Jackson, Wyoming who's on a journey to help people fend off Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases through eating delicious food. After 20 years of practicing as an OBGYN and helping menopausal women through normal neurologic changes, she decided she wanted to zoom in on this aspect of her work. So she retired from her practice, entered culinary school, and the rest is history.

    She has since started the Brain Health Kitchen, through which she teaches classes on brain health nutrition, leads brain health retreats around the world, and has published a new cookbook called The Brain Health Kitchen: Preventing Alzheimer's Through Food.

    Dr. Fenn does a terrific job of mixing the most up-to-date scientific literature on food and brain health into actionable advice and a delicious way of eating, and you'll hear all about that in this episode. We'll discuss the midlife neurological changes that women can expect to see in perimenopause and menopause, we'll zoom in on brain healthy diets such as the Mediterranean and MIND diets, and she'll walk us through the brain benefits of various food groups as well as weekly consumption goals to help minimize the risk of cognitive decline.

    This was a fascinating discussion and I'm sure that everybody will be able to take something away just from listening. But if you're interested in learning more about Dr. Annie Fenn's work with her Brain Health Kitchen, be sure to visit her at:

    Website: https://www.brainhealthkitchen.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brainhealthkitchen/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brainhealthkitchen/Book: https://www.brainhealthkitchen.com/published-work-2/


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

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  • If you're like me who grew up in the '80s, you'll probably remember the seasonal color analysis trend that gained huge popularity. Now, fast forward to 2024 and it's back and more specific than ever before, with new categories and analysis protocols that are allowing people to really narrow in on the exact clothing, jewelry, hair, and nail color palettes that suit them the best.

    My guest today, Jeannie Stith, is a color analysis expert and the founder of Your Color Guru, and she's been a leader in bringing this service back to the mainstream while making it more accessible than ever before. She's been featured in VOGUE magazine, Real Simple, and The Spark Joy Podcast, and her services are now available in 48 countries and counting!

    I came across Jeannie after my midlife weight loss journey when I needed to rebuild my wardrobe with clothes that fit and made me feel comfortable and confident. After working with her, I'm able to walk into a store and immediately know which pieces will work for me. And as a professional woman, I can't underline enough just how convenient this is and how much time it has saved me over the years.

    In this episode we'll talk about the history of color analysis and what it is now, how it works, and most importantly, how it can help professional women in midlife and menopause look and feel vibrant. Jeannie was kind enough to share a discount code with us, so if after listening to this episode you're interested in having color analysis done, you can use code "COLORME" at checkout at yourcolorguru.com to get 10% off any package.

    I hope you enjoy, and please consider leaving a review if you do. It's a small thing but it really helps us to reach more people like yourself. Thank you!

    Links to Jeannie's Website and Socials:

    Website: https://yourcolorguru.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourcolorguru/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourcolorguru/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yourcolorguru


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • I haven't mentioned it much on the podcast, but I've been gluten-free for over a decade now. The decision to cut it out wasn't prompted by anything related to weight loss, but rather some lab results showing that I have an autoimmune disorder that can flare up when I eat gluten. So that was that and I haven't looked back!

    That being said, after I cut out gluten I did find that I dropped a pant size, but after doing some digging I realized that this sudden weight loss wasn't directly related to gluten. So this is what I'll be discussing on the first episode of the newly branded Vibrant Menopause Podcast!

    We'll explore some of the misconceptions around going gluten-free for weight loss and better menopause health, discuss a bit of the science why gluten-free can actually be especially difficult in menopause, and in the case that any of you want or need to go gluten-free, I'll share some of my favorite menopause-friendly alternatives to gluten-containing products.

    I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please consider leaving a rating or review on the streaming platform from which you're listening!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • This week we're back with a shorter episode, but it addresses a question that's really important to acknowledge and have in the back of your mind when on a weight loss journey. That question, of course, is "what's your Krytonite?"

    In the context of weight loss, I generally think of "kryptonite" as irresistible food items; things that, more often than not, cause you to succumb to their power. For many it's chocolate or ice cream, or for others it's bread or pasta. But unlike Superman, however, who rarely knows how and when he'll come in contact with kryptonite, we can predict when and where we might be within eye or nose length from these things. And from there, we can create a plan for how we want to handle our temptations in order to stay on track with our weight loss goals.

    This is our superpower!

    So in this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, we'll talk about how to identify your own kryptonite, how to plan your indulgences with informed decision making, and we'll get into where your kryptonite fits into your weight loss journey.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • It's well known that the Mediterranean Diet is among one of the healthiest eating styles in the world, but when you look at all of its components it can cause confusion. So in this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, I'm thrilled to be joined by fellow doctor, believer in food as medicine, and midlife weight loss specialist, Dr Caissa Troutman. When working with her clients in her practice, Weight ReMDy, she's a big advocate for incorporating as many of what she calls the "9 food groups" of the Mediterranean into their eating plans while on their weight loss journey, so that's what we're going to be focusing on today!

    The great thing about the Mediterranean Diet is that it's really just a guideline for which types of foods and how much of each to eat. So as long as you're sticking to the correct food categories and amounts, you can use any cultural food that you want. And if you're worried that you don't know what the food categories and amounts are, don't worry, we'll cover all of that and more today.

    I hope you enjoy, and if you're interested in learning more about Dr. Troutman's work please check out any of the links below:

    Website: https://www.weightremdy.net/aboutFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092176687469Email: [email protected]Brick and Mortar Practice Address: Suite 200-A 205 Grandview Avenue Camp Hill PA 17011


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Have you ever wondered how the midlife, menopause-age actresses of Hollywood keep their skin looking vibrant and healthy while under the scrupulous eye of the camera? Well, it's thanks in no small part to people like today's guest, Helen Marray-Finlay - a skincare expert, Hollywood makeup artist, and the founder of Finlay+Green!

    Through her work, and as a woman going through menopause, Helen realized that there was a lack of safe and effective skincare products specifically formulated for menopausal skin. This realization fueled her passion to create her own line of products that are straightforward, effective, and made with clean and healthy ingredients.

    Helen is dedicated to empowering women and ensuring they feel confident and beautiful in their skin, and this was so clear from our conversation. In this episode of the Vibrant-MD podcast, she discusses her journey from Hollywood to founding Finlay+Green, shares fantastic skincare and makeup tips for women in menopause, and so much more!

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and as an added bonus, if you'd like to check out any of the great products from Finlay+Green, Helen was kind enough to share a discount code for listeners of the podcast. Use VIB20 at checkout and get 20% off your order!

    Website: https://finlayandgreen.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/finlayandgreen/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinlayandGreen/


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Feeling our best starts and ends with quality sleep, but as we get into midlife, sometimes the "quality" part starts to slip away from us. Whether it's increased waking throughout the night, difficulty falling asleep, or general unrestful sleep, these disturbances make the rest of our day much more difficult, and as professional women, that's the last thing we need!

    That's why I'm so pleased to share this episode, which is a terrific conversation with the one and only Morgan Adams - a double-certified holistic sleep coach and your "sleep soulmate." More than 1 in 4 women experience or the inability to fall or stay asleep, and Morgan is on a mission to help women reclaim their rest and achieve whole-body health.

    In this episode, Morgan shares her story of going from struggling with insomnia and relying on sleep pills in order to fall asleep, to becoming a sleep expert. We discuss the benefits of sleep from a general perspective, as well as with weight loss in mind. Spoiler alert: quality sleep is often the missing piece to the puzzle for midlife women who get stuck on their weight loss journeys.

    I was so impressed with Morgan's wealth of knowledge and graciousness in sharing some of her best tips and tricks for unlocking better sleep. So if you're someone who wants to rest easier and reap the benefits, this is a great episode for you.

    I hope you enjoy, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!

    And if you're interested in learning more about Morgan Adam's work, be sure to check out any of the links below:

    Website: https://www.morganadamswellness.com/Free "Sleep Reset" Mini-Course: https://www.morganadamswellness.com/sleepresetsolutionInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/morganadams.wellness/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/morgan.a.blakeSchedule your free sleep clarity call: https://calendly.com/morganadamswellness/20minutes?month=2024-03


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to t


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Weight loss really works when you've made the mental commitment to staying on that path, and you have the support systems in place to hold you accountable. The worst place to be is in a state of indecision, which is what we'll dive into in this episode!

    A good analogy for this conundrum that so many people face is when you're driving and there's a fork in the road. To the right, the road leads you home - a place that you know well and you're comfortable with. To the left, the road leads to a place that you've always been curious about but haven't ventured yet. And in-between these two roads there's a median full of debris, sticks, and trash; a generally uncomfortable place.

    Within the context of weight loss, if you think of the road to the right as maintaining the status-quo, and the road to the left as moving head-on towards permanent weight loss, then the median represents indecision. It's a place where you're interested in moving towards permanent weight loss, but you're not sure if you'll be able to do it so you don't fully commit. It's a sticky zone where there's intention, but not quite enough, and this is often the situation that leads people to underwhelming results on their weight loss journeys.

    Stories are always the best way to connect our experiences, so in this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, I share a few stories, some of my own and some from clients - that highlight the different outcomes of a weight loss journey when it's faced head-on with mental commitment versus indecision. We'll also talk about the profound benefits of working with a coach while on your final weight loss journey, such as built-in accountability, having someone to consult with to work through the "sticky" social moments, and so much more!

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Is there a person that you're afraid of becoming while on your weight loss journey? I so frequently hear from the professional women that I work with that they're excited to have their personalized meal plans, but they're worried about what their new way of eating is going to look like when it comes to family/friend gatherings.

    They're worried that they'll have to justify themselves to people, that food will be pushed upon them and they'll have to say no, or that they'll be perceived as bad guests. All totally valid concerns, because after all, they're venturing into new territory. But for just a moment, let's put aside our worries, and imagine two different people in this same situation: Justifying Jane and Magnificent Maya.

    They're both on similar eating protocols, but the way that they engage with others when it comes to food varies drastically. Justifying Jane feels the need to explain her choices in great detail, while Magnificent Maya gracefully eats only what she wants, and nothing more. Despite eating the same foods, one of them is perceived by others in a much better light. I'll let you guess who!

    In this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, we'll explore this fear that so many people hold of becoming like Justifying Jane, and dive a bit deeper so that we can understand why it is that this fear exists. And please keep in mind that there's no one right way to be other than the way that you choose to be, but for many people, Magnificent Maya is an aspirational figure while they're on their weight loss journeys. So with that in mind, we'll also talk about ways to be the gracious, thoughtful, well-perceived, desired guest that she embodies, so that get-togethers can be a breeze!

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • I hear it so frequently from the professional women that I work with that they wish they had more time to do all of the things that they want/need to do. And it's true! As high-achieving women with so many things that we want to do plus all the regular responsibilities of life, 24 hours seems like it flies by.

    But what if I told you that you could get back at least 10 hours of your time per week? Imagine what you could do then!

    Well, my guest this week on the Vibrant-MD Podcast, Dr. Ann Tsung, specializes in helping entrepreneurs do just that! When you look at Dr. Tsung's resume you immediately get the sense that she is a master at getting things done. To name a few of her accomplishments, she is a NASA Flight Surgeon, Critical Care/Emergency Medicine physician, real estate investor, podcast show host of Productivity MD, a mother of a 19-month-old, and a peak performance/productivity coach at Productivity MD. With a unique fusion of medical precision and entrepreneurial success, she guides top physician entrepreneurs to unlock over 10 hours a week, master their mindset, scale their businesses, and achieve unparalleled freedom and leadership excellence.

    In this episode, Dr. Tsung shares some of her favorite tips and tricks that she personally uses to make the most out of her time. They range from something as simple as turning your phone to grayscale in order to reduce dopamine dependence, to outsourcing until the scope of work only includes your "zone of genius", aka, the stuff that you're great at!

    This is the type of episode where you'll walk away feeling empowered, with real tips that can make an immediate impact on your productivity. So do yourself a favor and tune into this episode!

    And if after listening you're interested in learning more about Dr. Ann Tsung's work or any of the resources we discuss in this episode, check out the following links:

    Website: https://www.productivitymd.com/IG: @anntsungmdFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnTsungMDComplimentary Peak Performance and Productivity Resources: https://form.jotform.com/233045660320041 Scratch-Off Date Night Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087Q6NV9V?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_SQ8ZQCGRCP0CG1EF4XB0&language=en-US


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you?


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Gut health is a hot topic in the scientific community, and it's been all over the news recently as new amazing findings come out. And for good reason, too! We can all benefit from keeping our gut happy and healthy, but especially women in midlife and beyond.

    That's why in this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, I had the great pleasure of being joined by Bonnie Wisener, a registered holistic nutritionist and digestive health expert from Toronto, Canada. We discuss how gut health impacts us, particularly in midlife, affecting weight loss and overall health.

    Bonnie's practice is driven by her mantra, "Everything but the Food", emphasizing that while food plays a vital role in gut health, other factors such as stress, exercise, and sleep patterns also have a significant effect on gut health. As you'll hear, she suggests small, gradual changes, and I think you'll find her advice to be extremely practical, sympathetic, and digestible for anybody who wants to improve their gut health.

    So join us by tuning into this conversation, and if you're interested in checking out more of Bonnie's work, you can visit her at:

    Website: www.bonniewisener.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/shiftnutritionandwellness/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shiftnutritionandwellnessEmail: [email protected]

    Bonnie's Bio:

    Bonnie Wisener is a nutritionist and well-known digestive health expert. She has helped hundreds of people all over the world get to the bottom of their chronic digestive issues so that they can live their lives without the discomfort, embarrassment and inconvenience of persistent symptoms like chronic constipation, gas, bloating and heartburn. Bonnie is the creator of the Shift Your Gut Therapy MethodTM, a professionally designed, comprehensive group program that is reflective of nearly a decade of clinical experience. The Shift Your Gut Therapy Method is a 12 week process that combines a personalized approach to understanding a patient’s gut health with group support and education. In her clinical practice she helps clients with chronic digestive issues like IBS and those with blood sugar imbalances (pre-diabetes/type II diabetes) by providing customized nutrition and lifestyle support to help them transform their health one meal at a time.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight los


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • If you're a woman in perimenopause/menopause and you have a vagina, listen up, because this episode is going to blow you away!

    My guest this week, Dr. Rachel Rubin, is a Urologist and a Sexual Medicine Specialist, and I was so excited to talk with her because the work that she does, both in clinic and on social media, has dramatically helped countless women live with greater comfort, confidence, and pleasure!

    Dr. Rubin joined me on this episode to talk about the life-changing benefits of using vaginal estrogen for women in menopause and beyond. She likes to say that she deals in issues of libido, arousal, orgasm, and pain, and fortunately for everybody, vaginal estrogen can help with issues surrounding all of these topics. Without revealing too much, it is well documented to improve sex life, prevent urinary tract infections, and decrease vaginal pain, leading to a higher quality of life.

    So you might be asking yourself, "why haven't I heard of this before?"

    Unfortunately, despite literature supporting the local use of vaginal estrogen having been around for decades, it hasn't been widely adopted by the medical community. This is where Dr. Rubin steps in **cue heroic music**.

    Dr. Rubin has made it her mission to spread this knowledge, and mind you, credible, up-to-date knowledge- to as many people as possible. She does so by shouting from the rooftops via her social media pages, running her D.C.-based practice, and training the next generation of Sexual Medicine physicians. What I love about her is that she is relentlessly herself and she won't stop at anything to share this information!

    So join us by tuning into this conversation, and if you're interested in supporting Dr. Rachel Rubin's work, you can visit her at:

    Website: https://www.rachelrubinmd.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drrachelrubin/?hl=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrRachelRubin/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-rubin-7433b0134/Twitter: https://twitter.com/drrachelrubin

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • If you've been listening to the podcast for a while now, you've probably heard me and a couple of my guests talk about Ozempic. It's an injectable weight loss medication that has been in the news a lot as of recent times, and it's become so popular that, in many places, it's hard to find in pharmacies.

    So if it's this popular it must be a miracle drug, right?

    Well, in certain situations it can really help people lose weight, and it's worth giving it credit where it's due. However, it's concerning to me when I see the New York Times covering the drug as a premier solution to menopausal weight gain, without talking about any of the negative side effects or downsides.

    So in this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, we'll take a look at what the article from the NYT got right, what it got wrong, and what I recommend for someone who is serious about tackling menopausal/perimenopausal weight gain head-on. I think you'll be happily surprised by the simplicity and beauty of my recommendations compared to potentially spending several hundred to thousands of dollars each month on Ozempic.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Let's stop to take a moment to look back on how far we've come as professional women. We've worked incredibly hard, learned all the lessons (both good and bad), and we should be proud of all that we've accomplished!

    As we look back, let's think about all the steps, twists, and turns that we took along the path to get to where we are now. We've come a long way, but for most of us, our accomplishments didn't come in one fell swoop. They were the results of breaking down the journey into smaller, attainable, and gratifying steps, that one-by-one led us to where we are today.

    I think the process of breaking down a larger goal into smaller steps is a crucial part to accomplishing anything that's important to us, because it helps us to stave off feelings of overwhelm and doubt, and gives us a sense of direction during the journey.

    Weight loss is no different, which is why in this episode of the Vibrant MD Podcast I talk about how I like to think about breaking weight loss down into steps that make the process easier and enjoyable. As you'll hear as you listen, depending on how you're feeling, depending on how the landscape looks ahead of you, breaking it down can be a helpful way to go because there's a wonderful satisfaction in focusing on what's immediately ahead of you.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • As professional women, we've had to learn a lot of things to make it in the career we chose. We took classes, attended years of school, and entered into the workforce ready to apply all that we've learned, but, as I'm sure almost all of us found out, there was still so much we needed to learn beyond didactics and practical knowledge in order to find success.

    A big part of work is learning how to communicate with your coworkers/partners, managing your emotions, and understanding how our thoughts interact with the thoughts of others. Because after all, work is a balancing act of the thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions of everybody involved, so knowing how to navigate this complicated sea is extremely important.

    My guest today, Amy Vertrees, MD, is an expert in this area. She's a general surgeon, a certified life coach, an army veteran, and the founder of BOSS Business of Surgery Series. Through her business, she teaches other doctors how to deal with other people, how to advocate for themselves, and how to manage their minds around complications.

    In this episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast, Dr. Vertrees shares her perspective on how to better approach difficult coworkers/partners. She has us take a step back from the pain and frustration that comes with working with someone who causes us distress at work, and helps us to look at the situation in a way that will allow us to have more fruitful interactions with them. By the end of this episode, you'll also have some tools that you can use for the next time you encounter that difficult someone, so I really hope you find this discussion both useful and entertaining!

    And if after listening you're interested in learning more about Dr. Vertrees' work, be sure to check her out at:

    Website: https://www.bosssurgery.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/249619353796932Podcast: https://www.bosssurgery.com/podcast-landing-page-newBook1:1 Coaching: https://www.bosssurgery.com/BecometheBOSSMD


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Give yourself a pat on the back! You made it through to the other side of the holiday season and now we have a new year to look forward to!

    Even if you love the holidays and cherish the time that you get to spend with family, there are often some tough moments, especially for those of us on a weight loss journey. Whether it's food pushers, fighting relatives, or increased temptation with treats, they can make the holidays a bit harder. I know that this is definitely the case for me!

    After the holidays I find that it's really helpful to do a quick debrief with myself about how things went. I like to check in with the good, the bad, and what could go differently next time. So that's what we're doing in this week's episode of the Vibrant-MD Podcast.

    We'll get in touch with our wise, compassionate minds, and look back at the holidays to really give ourselves the props we deserve, and think about where we maybe need some support for the next time around. And at the end, I talk about a New Year's Health Challenge that I'm hosting on the Vibrant-MD Facebook group. It's a great way to set healthful intentions moving into the new year, and there will be great prizes every day for lucky participants. The challenge will start January 7th, so be sure to join the Facebook group to get all the news about it.Welcome to 2024, I'm so glad you're here with me!

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • I think it's fair to say that we would all like to stay healthy, active, independent, and vibrant through midlife and far beyond into the later years of life. Because after all, what's not to love? It means being able to enjoy more of the things we enjoy for longer, and not having to think about the physical tasks required to get through everyday life. It's a win-win situation!

    One of the best ways to make this a possibility for ourselves as we continue to age, is through strength training for functional fitness. Starting in our late 30's and early 40's, we start to lose muscle mass, and as you'll hear in this episode, having and maintaining muscle mass is one of the best ways to ensure that we can move through our environments as we want.

    And I know what some of you professional women may be thinking? "Aren't I going to bulk up? Won't I put on too much muscle if I start to lift weights?" I grew up hearing these things too, but the short and sweet answer is NO. We can only benefit from including strength training in our workout regiment through midlife and beyond.

    So, without further adieu, I'm so happy to introduce this episode's guest, who was kind enough to join me to share all of his wisdom about the benefits of strength training for functional fitness. Marcus Eckert is the co-owner and operator of NorthBound Training, a CrossFit gym based out of Little Canada, MN. He and his wife founded NBT out of a passion for people and fitness, and their goal is to help people realize what it means to be fit, and how hard work in the gym can lead to a far better life outside of it. They believe that everybody, regardless of their age or experience level with fitness, is an athlete, and their bread and butter is helping people gain functional movement and strength.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if after listening you're interested in learning more about NorthBound Training, be sure to check them out at:

    Website: https://northboundtraining.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/northboundtrainingEmail: [email protected] Number: 651.321.4142Address: 2885 Country Dr #180, Little Canada, MN 55117, USA


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • This week on the Vibrant-MD Podcast, I'm thrilled to have had Dr. Lola Ashaye join me to talk about building healthy habits.

    Dr. Lola Ashaye is a primary care physician, double board certified in family medicine and lifestyle medicine. She is the CEO of InTouch Primary Care, a concierge/direct care clinic in the Houston suburb of Sugar Land TX where people with or without health insurance can easily access consistent quality health care under a membership model. She is passionate about wellness, weight management, and preventive care and truly believes that many health conditions can be prevented and reversed with easy access to quality health care.

    In her work, she frequently helps her patients learn and build new healthy habits that lead to longer and happier lives. In this episode, she shares her tips for building habits that stick, such as starting slow and giving yourself grace. She also shares some of the habits that she recommends that midlife women adopt to stay healthy, happy, and vibrant through menopause and beyond.

    If after listening to this episode you're interested in learning more about Dr. Ashaye's work, be sure to visit her at:

    Website: https://www.intouchprimarycare.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lolaashaye

    Instagram: @intouchprimary

    TikTok: @intouch.primary

    YouTube: @intouchprimarycare


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.

  • Amongst all the hype surrounding some of the new obesity medications that have come out in recent years, and an emphasis on lifestyle modification to lose weight, it can be really hard for people thinking of starting a weight loss journey to know where to start.

    So today on the Vibrant-MD Podcast, with the help of obesity medicine specialist, Dr. Nikita Shah, we're going to try to make the decision a bit easier by shedding some light on how obesity medicine doctors think about the debate between obesity medications and lifestyle modifications when it comes to advising their patients. We get into discussing the role that genes play in obesity, treating underlying diseases, the marvels of modern medicine, and so much more.

    Something that really stuck with me from this episode was a moment when Dr. Shah said that it only takes a 5-10% change in weight to drastically change your health, and that is the ultimate goal with weight loss. So whether you choose medication, lifestyle modification, or a combination of both, you're making a decision that will help you live a longer, happier, more vibrant life.

    I hope you enjoy this episode, and if you do, please be sure to "like" this episode and subscribe to the podcast. These small gestures help us a lot to reach other professional women over 50 who are interested in losing weight for the last time. Enjoy!

    Dr. Nikita Shah is a family medicine doctor turned obesity medicine specialist based out of Orlando Florida. She is the founder of Weight Sense, where she serves her patients by offering personalized obesity treatment backed by science-based medicine. She is currently accepting new patients and can be reached at:

    Website: https://weight-sense.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weightsense/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeightSenseYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNskuUnFnIntObcvkjmz77QLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weight-sense


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.


    Are you a professional woman over age 50 who's ready to lose weight for the last time? Join the Vibrant-MD weight loss course.

    Not sure if the Vibrant-MD weight loss course is right for you? Schedule a time to talk with Dr. Heather Awad directly to learn more.

    Sign up for our FREE course to get the step-by-step roadmap to permanent weight loss. You'll get a new formula that truly works for professional women over age 50, because it's long overdue that we say GOODBYE to the lousy old counting games.