Welcome to the Ocean Optimism podcast, where hope and positivity take center stage in the conversation about our oceans. Join host Ellen Spooner, a scientists and storyteller, as she explores the untold stories of how we are already making a difference toward taking care of our ocean. In each episode, Ellen interviews scientists, activists, and leaders who are working tirelessly to preserve and protect our ocean's health.
Did you know that we have already rebuilt 45 stocks of marine fish populations in the U.S. after overfishing? Or that a marine sanctuary in the Galápagos protects the world's highest abundance of sharks? These are just a few examples of the positive steps we are taking to ensure a sustainable future for our oceans.
At Ocean Optimism, we focus on solutions rather than problems and on connections rather than differences. We recognize and respect the many challenges facing our oceans, but we also believe that a constant stream of "doom and gloom" stories will only lead to a sense of hopelessness and inaction.
Our mission is to create a new narrative of hope for our oceans by celebrating success and encouraging collaboration between change-makers. We aim to support people in moving beyond documenting decline and towards taking action to safeguard our oceans.
So join us as we explore the inspiring stories of those who are making a difference in ocean conservation, and learn how you too can become part of the ocean optimism movement. Episodes drop on the last Monday of the month, and you can find out more about Ocean Optimism and how to get involved at -
Smart people talking about politics, policy, culture and other stuff
This biweekly show highlights women who are having an important impact in all facets of agriculture.
Nearly one year later, community leaders, public servants, and everyday Houstonians reflect on Hurricane Harvey and how the storm changed their lives – from the way they define community to how they envision their future and the future of Houston. On the verge of another hurricane season, people share personal stories of coming together, survival and transformation.
Wyoming and region forecast conversation. Released weekdays at after 5:00 AM Mountain Time.
Path to Zero is a podcast focused on clean energy and the journey toward a low-carbon future. Zero emissions is a goal we can all get behind, but how do we meet the growing energy demands of the world AND reduce carbon in the atmosphere?
This is Tapped, a podcast that explores the issues of water in the Southwest, from how we get it, to what it means for those who have it... or those who don't.
Hot topics in sea turtle research and conservation. Join Michael Coyne, Matthew Godfrey, and Manjula Tiwari, in a roundtable discussion of the latest sea turtle news and events. Links and show notes at
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#smartbinge Radiolab podcasts -
Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the feeling that there’s something strange about reality. There is. Join Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick as they examine neurological quandaries, cosmic mysteries, evolutionary marvels and our transhuman future.
Six days a week, from Monday through Saturday, the hosts of NPR's All Things Considered help you make sense of a major news story and what it means for you, in 15 minutes. In participating regions on weekdays, you'll also hear from local journalists about what's happening in your community.
Whether the topic is popcorn or particle physics, you can count on BrainStuff to explore -- and explain -- the everyday science in the world around us.
Real scientists answer your beauty questions
Die Lernmethoden der Gedächtnisweltmeister wenden wir auf deine Lernprojekte und Merkprobleme an und verhelfen dir so in Windeseile zu enormen Merkleistungen. Immer praxisnah und alltagsrelevant beantworten wir deine persönlichen Fragen hier im Podcast für dich.
Steigere deine kognitive Merkfähigkeit um 200, 300 % oder mehr mit Rethinking Memory.
Ob eine neue Sprache lernen, Namen merken, Vokabeln lernen oder für das Medizinstudium Allergieausweise merken, was auch immer du dir merken möchtest, für all das brauchst du ab nun nur mehr kurze Zeit. Möglich machen das antike Lernmethoden, wie der Gedächtnispalast. Florian ist Lerncoach und Gedächtnistrainer mit langjähriger Erfahrung, er beantwortet deine persönlichen Fragen rund um das Thema schneller Merken und Lernen hier im Podcast für dich.
Schneller lernen und das Gelernte nie wieder vergessen? Klingt zu gut, um wahr zu sein, oder? Hör einfach rein und überzeuge dich selbst. -
Scientists Daniel and Kelly cannot stop talking about our amazing, wonderful, weird Universe! Each episode is a fun, easy-to-understand, and in-depth explanation of topics in science, from particles to black holes to moon colonies to ecosystems to parasites and everything else in the Universe!
In each episode, we bring you riveting interviews with individuals who have had encounters with the elusive Sasquatch. Each one of these stories will leave you wanting more.
But that's not all. We go beyond the encounters and explore the realm of Bigfoot research from a critical thinking perspective. We bring you interviews with field researchers who dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Sasquatch. These dedicated individuals use hard science and rigorous methodologies to investigate the existence of this legendary creature.
Through thought-provoking discussions, we aim to shed light on the truth behind the Sasquatch phenomenon.
Our show highlights the boots-on-the-ground researchers who tirelessly pursue evidence and employ scientific methods to answer the age-old question: Does Sasquatch truly exist?
Join us each week as we embark on a thrilling journey into the unknown, uncovering compelling stories, and examining the scientific evidence that surrounds the mystery of Sasquatch. Get ready to challenge your beliefs and expand your understanding of this captivating subject.
If you have had an encounter with Bigfoot or any other cryptid and would like to be on the show, email [email protected]
Please make sure to subscribe to or follow the show wherever you listen. If you have the option, turn on those automatic downloads and never miss an episode.
Now. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
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A show about plants as viewed through the lens of evolution and ecology with a side of deranged ranting, crass humor, occasional profanity, & the perpetual search for the filthiest taqueria bathroom.
Plant ecology, systematics, taxonomy, floral chemistry, biogeography and more.
Joey Santore was a degenerate railroader for 15 years during which he taught himself Botany by reading textbooks and research papers in the cab of the locomotive while stealing time from work. He has traveled to 11 different countries studying plant communities. He is the host of the YouTube channel Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't and the host of the show Kill Your Lawn on EarthX TV. -
The Confessionals is where the unexplained meets raw, firsthand testimony. Through in-depth conversations, we explore encounters with the supernatural, interdimensional phenomena, cryptids, and mysteries that defy conventional understanding. From eerie paranormal activity and chilling Dogman sightings to UFOs, UAPs, and government cover-ups, each episode pulls back the veil on the hidden forces shaping our reality. If you’re drawn to the unknown, step into The Confessionals, where the stories are real and the mysteries are endless.
A True Crime and Paranormal Podcast