
  • Just when you thought things couldn’t get any nerdier, Kristin is back with a follow-up lesson on ADHD medications. In part 2 she’s keeping the chemistry to a minimum as she looks at the mechanisms of action and potential benefits and side effects of non-stimulant medications such as Strattera, Wellbutrin, and other fun names we can’t pronounce.

    Also, we ponder about the nuances of frozen treats, get grubby in the garden, handle a family hacker, and listen to a quick 10 hours of soothing bird calls.


    Atomoxetine - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

    Nonstimulant ADHD Meds: Types and Side Effects | Psych Central

    Viloxazine in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - PMC (nih.gov)

    Bupropion - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

    Drug Interaction List: atomoxetine - Drugs.com

    Tricyclic Antidepressants - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)


    The sound of the White-throated dipper - Bird Sounds | 10 Hours (youtube.com)

  • Grab a ream of your favorite printer paper and start munching, because we’re trying to identify the supertasters amongst us and you can’t really take a paper-tasting test until you’re intimately familiar with the flavor (not to mention, you could probably use the fiber).

    This episode Grace informatively infodumps on you about supertasting, aka better-than-you tasting, a topic she can’t and won’t shut up about. She’s summarizing the science behind what supertasting is, why it happens, who it affects, and how it may be impacting your relationship with cruciferous vegetables.

    Of course, that’s not all, because we’ve got so many Segs it’ll make your head spin. We’re also catching the pickleball bug and getting into horror novels in This is Who I Am Now, getting nervous at the deli counter and pondering the appropriate amount to talk about IBS at work in I’m So Quirky, shouting out our current TikTok Weird Algorithms in Alternative Segments, and reading an extra-secret Pizza Secret from an anonymous listener that you won’t want to miss.


    Supertaster: Definition, Benefits, and Drawbacks (healthline.com)

    Weird Algorithms on TikTok: @uselessfarm; @droofeed (mailbox guy); @dw29vgacf (dog in an orange grove); @smacmccreanor (chick tok); @francis.bourgeois (train guy); @operationolivebranch (the grassroots movement supporting Palestinian families); @erinhattamer

    Support a Palestinian family trying to evacuate: @aseelabushaaban on Tiktok

    To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

    Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather

    Join our Facebook group: Weirds of a Feather

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  • Light those candles and crank up the Yo-Yo Ma, because we’re rising from the grave to bring you a tasty little Bagel Bite and our spirits demand a certain level of ambiance in order to be summoned.

    In this scrumptious shmorg we’re sharing our personal seance requirements and shouting out an incredible listener for mailing us a box of gifts that would feel threatening to anyone else but Grace. Then, it’s on to Speculation Station, where we welcome a new Tasmanian listener to the flock and take our best guesses at what it’s like there.

    Also, we’re doubling down on our controversial stance that sometimes feelings are good, embracing the reality of having crushed up beetles in our hair, revealing important cannibalism poll results, and just generally being two silly geese.



  • Fiddle your fidgisauruses and dammit, get ready to learn, because we’re bringing you a meat-forward episode that’s sure to get the brain juices flowing.

    In an episode brought to you by Adderall, Professor Kristin is shimmying into her trusty lab coat and educating us on the chemistry behind ADHD stimulant medications. She’s covering the mechanism of action of amphetamines and methylphenidates, evaluating the potential cross interactions, benefits, and side effects of each stimulant type, and ranting about the current medication shortage that’s affecting so many of us.

    Plus, will taking drugs dampen your sparkle? Is Vyvanse the Oldsmobile of ADHD medications? Do centaurs sleep standing up, and if so, does their spine health suffer the consequences? Come ponder these questions and more with your two favorite podcasters who are definitely not pharmacists, so technically you can’t sue us.


    Tiktok: @your.psych.pharmacist

    Amphetamine - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

    Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate (Vyvanse), A Prodrug Stimulant for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - PMC (nih.gov)

    Enantiomers: Definition, Characteristics, and Examples (chemistrylearner.com)

    Methylphenidate for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults: a narrative review - PMC (nih.gov)

    Methylphenidate - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

  • Empty out your food holes and get those mouths ready for more, because we’re bringing you a Bagel Bite so big and tasty you’ll say, “Wait, does this really qualify as a Bagel Bite? What even is a Bagel Bite at this point? Has the concept lost all meaning?” And to that we say, “Bagel Bites are more of a state of mind so just shut up and listen already.”

    This episode we’re two easy breezy tech-savvy Stevies as we share listener feedback from our psychedelic infodump, along with some helpful advice for consuming your ‘shrooms sans side effects. Plus, we’re learning about the (possible) origins of devil sticks, sharing book recommendations, fine-tuning our poetry, digging into the definition of an edgelord, and more.


    Alice Daniels (Contributor of Give Me a Minute) | Goodreads

    To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

    Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather

    Join our Facebook group: Weirds of a Feather

  • You know when you realize you don’t know things? Kristin had that realization when her doctor mentioned cutting out red dye, which sent her down the research rabbit hole and now she’s here to share her findings.

    This episode we’re taking a look at the facts behind food dye additives, discussing the limited studies on dye-free diets and ADHD, declaring Twizzlers as the superior long red gummy candy, welcoming a horse girl into the family, debating the possibility of getting scooped up in a pelican’s mouth pouch, and more.


    Food Dyes: Harmless or Harmful? (healthline.com)

    Artificial colorings (synthetic food dyes) | Center for Science in the Public Interest (cspinet.org)

    Red Dye and ADHD: Is There a Link? | Psych Central

    healthefftsassess041621.pdf (ca.gov)

    schab-trinh-2004.pdf (badscience.net)

    How to Read Food Labels Without Being Tricked (healthline.com)

    Red Dye 40 and ADHD: Symptoms, Foods to Avoid, and More (verywellhealth.com)

    Red Dye 40, Food Additives and ADHD: Feed Your Child's Focus (additudemag.com)

    Artificial Food Colors and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms: Conclusions to Dye for - ScienceDirect

    Synthetic food coloring and behavior: A dose response effect in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study - ScienceDirect

    Pelican Facts for Kids (kiddle.co)

    Pelican | Taxonomy, Habitat, Description, & Facts | Britannica

    SepSSE24 ENG (youtube.com)

  • Break out the 3D dolphin posters and crank up the Pink Floyd, baby, because things are about to get trippy and it’s important to set the tone.

    This episode Grace is taking you down the k-hole of psychedelic research. She’s exploring the benefits of ketamine and psilocybin treatment, how hallucinogens work to create new thought patterns in the brain, what the future of psychedelic therapy might hold for people with treatment-resistant disorders, how much kids love ketamine, and more.

    Plus, Kristin suffers from little sister syndrome and embarks on a new chicken adventure, Grace has a phrogger in the attic and possibly ghosts, and we both share embarrassing ADHD moments and sneaky Pizza Secrets among friends.


    What a Trip: Mental Health’s Psychedelic Revolution by Nicole C. Kear in ADDitude Magazine

    What is Ketamine Therapy? | Pacific Neuroscience Institute

    The Potential Benefits of Psilocybin for Mental Health | Utah Patients Coalition

    What Psilocybin Does to the Brain | Psychology Today

    Microdosing with psychedelics to self-medicate for ADHD symptoms in adults: A prospective naturalistic study - ScienceDirect

  • If you change your mind, we’re the first in line, honey, we’re still free, just as long as you don’t ask us to decide what’s for dinner.

    In this ABBA-backed episode, Kristin is taking a chance on herself and diving into the psychology behind decision fatigue. She’s discussing what it is, why it happens, how it impacts AuDHDers who already struggle with executive dysfunction, and some ways to avoid it that don’t involve just eating pasta for every single meal (although that’s always a valid option, we don’t judge).

    Plus, we’re tossing around the proverbial pigskin as we ponder about kidney transplants, play Susan’s favorite game, “Is It Cannibalism?”, question the existence of radish people, and more.


    Decision fatigue: A conceptual analysis - Grant A Pignatiello, Richard J Martin, Ronald L Hickman, 2020 (sagepub.com)

    Ego Depletion - The Decision Lab

    Ego depletion: is the active self a limited resource? - PubMed (nih.gov)

    The effect of decision fatigue on surgeons' clinical decision making - PMC (nih.gov)

    Decision fatigue and heuristic analyst forecasts - ScienceDirect

    The socially evaluated cold-pressor test (SECPT) for groups: effects of repeated administration of a combined physiological and psychological stressor - PubMed (nih.gov)

    Transplant of pig kidney into a human marks medical milestone | PBS NewsHour

    The BOD:

    Rock Ptarmigan: Arctic grouse, or creaky old man?

  • There are many reasons why one may need the ability to wink with both eyes–maybe you’re a batting coach providing complicated directions, maybe you're in a classic Phantom of the Opera situation and you need to wordlessly convey your flirtatious intentions, or maybe you just want to be better than Rhianna in one very specific way.

    No matter the reason, winking is an important life skill, and one that can be learned if you don’t mind looking silly. This Bagel Bite, Grace is teaching you how to work on your winking, what a wink means around the world, ways to identify your dominant eye, and more.


    To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

    Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather

    Join our Facebook group: Weirds of a Feather

    Next: The truth behind ‘Knick-knack Paddywack’ | Retwords (wordpress.com) (from lampshade episode where I was joking about rick rack)

  • Do you suffer from tension headaches and eye strain? Do binoculars leave you feeling disoriented? Are you tipping over way more than an adult should? Sure, it could be a classic case of old eye, but it could also be Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD), an eye condition that affects up to 50% of ADHDers.

    This episode Grace is diving into the symptoms and causes of this pesky eye misalignment, outlining all the ways it can affect your quality of life, and taking a look at some possible solutions.

    Plus, we’re ruining your childhood nostalgia with some hard truths about Jumanji and Waterworld, venturing outside our enclosures for some real-world enrichment, and discovering that we are, indeed, two very special girls.


    BVD Symptoms and Treatment - Optometrists.org

    Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD): Symptoms & Treatments (clevelandclinic.org)

    Vertical Heterophoria: The Unknown ADHD Related Eye Condition (blackgirllostkeys.com)

    Capuchinbird - eBird

    To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

    Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather

    Join our Facebook group: Weirds of a Feather

  • Whip out those fire extinguishers and start spraying like hell, because things are heating up in the pod loft and it’s getting a little too toasty for comfort.

    In a pipin’ hot Bagel Bite that’s sure to burn your tongue, Kristin is making her family lineage proud and covering fire safety 101. She’s taking you through the common causes of residential fires, ways to prevent and prepare for a fire, the different fire extinguisher types and how to use them, and more.

    We’ve never claimed to be heroes but this information could potentially save your life, and in that sense, one could say we’re pretty damn heroic.


    Home Fires | Ready.gov

    Statistics (fema.gov)

    7 Ways To Prepare For A Home Fire | American Red Cross

    Emergency telephone numbers you need for travel (countryliving.com)

    The 5 Classes of Fire Explained (A to K) (2024) - FFG (firefightergarage.com)

  • Think it’s fun to dislocate your shoulder as a neat party trick? Think again pal, because all that high-class entertainment is putting your joints at risk and we’re here to tell you to cut it out.

    This episode Kristin is covering the statistically significant connection between neurodivergence and hypermobility. She’s breaking down the traits of hypermobility and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, taking you through the Beighton Scoring System to help you assess your own bendiness, and providing some helpful resources for getting your body back into alignment.

    If your skin stretches for miles, you have a loose front, or you’re blissfully unaware of where your body is in space at all times, come join us for a stretchy little episode–your tendons and joints will thank you.


    Hypermobile EDS vs. Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (ehlersdanlosnews.com)

    What Is EDS? | Ehlers-Danlos News (ehlersdanlosnews.com)

    Home - The Ehlers Danlos Society (ehlers-danlos.com)

    Association between adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and generalised joint hypermobility: A cross-sectional case control comparison - PubMed (nih.gov)

    Joint Hypermobility Links Neurodivergence to Dysautonomia and Pain - PMC (nih.gov)

    Association between adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and generalised joint hypermobility: A cross-sectional case control comparison - ScienceDirect@thetracyrodrigues on TikTok

    @burritos_and_adhd on TikToK

    Daily Exercises To Help Hypermobility - Living with Hypermobility (kateskinnerpt.com)

    White-breasted Nuthatch | Audubon Field Guide

    Song #2!!!

  • Due to unforeseen technical difficulties caused by an influx of listeners pizza secrets, solar flares, hardware malfunctions, perfectly-timed jazz music, February having an extra day, and eating too many mercury-infused Floridian pythons; this episode of Weirds of a Feather may sound like like there is more chemically injected static than your usual broadcast.

    We assure you this is not the case and you probably just have tinnitus (this podcast in no way is actually saying that you have tinnitus and it is entirely on our end).We appreciate your patience during these trying times.. On with the show! (Love you)

    Thread your needles and bust out the rickrack (whatever that is), because this episode Grace is shining a light on the intricate world of lampshade making. She’s taking over Hobby Collectors to let you know what materials you need, how to get started, and whether this hobby can hold an ADHDer’s attention long enough to make a lamp.

    Plus, we’re two musical guys as we debut a new chart-topping single for the ages, drop a whopper of a Business Someone Should Start, Just Not Us that will change the dentistry game forever, and share dingus ADHD moments throughout the internet.

    If you love to buy fabric but don’t know what to do with it, or if you’re a tooth scientist looking for an exciting new business venture, come join us for an illuminating episode.



    Jane’s music: https://soundcloud.com/janeolson

    Cowboy on Tiktok: @cowboythechi

    Dingus ADHD moments: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL1EfYfV/

  • We ADHDers have a habit of acquiring accidental enemies, from teachers to bosses to the kid you impulsively kicked in the shins that one time. But oftentimes, the greatest enemy comes from within, and this episode we’re proving just how true that is with some special guest Pizza Secrets.

    First up, Grace finally bullies meat-candling Peter into the podloft, where they’re recounting a slippery little secret that will have you off hot liquids for a while. Then, prepare for some secondhand embarrassment, because Enya is sharing a quirky workplace mix-up that the rest of us only experience in our nightmares.

  • Don your snorkels and prepare those ice baths because we’re about to plunge into the frigid waters of autistic burnout and we promise the payoff will be worth the pain.

    In an episode that wasn’t designed to hurt your feelings but still might, Grace is leading the way through the autism burnout symptom checklist, explaining how a shrinking window of tolerance results in faster dysregulation, and attempting to (lovingly) bully you into resting and healing your nervous system.

    If you’ve forced yourself to push through discomfort for so long that now you couldn’t be bothered to dig your own grave even if you wanted to, come join us for an eye-opening look into burnout that will have you quitting your job and moving into the woods in no time.


    Info. on Palestine:

    Israel-Gaza war in maps and charts: Live tracker | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    Instagram: @letstalkPalestine; @eye.on.palestine; @gazangirl; @Jewishvoiceforpeace; @Ahmed eldin; @wizard_bisan1; @decolonizingtherapy

    To Donate: humanappealusa.org

    Autistic Burnout:

    Tiktok: @keylimelanna

    Autistic Burnout Symptoms (neurodivergentinsights.com)

    The Autistic Burnout Recovery Workbook © 2023 (dralicenicholls.com)

    burnout (burnoutbook.net)

    “Having All of Your Internal Resources Exhausted Beyond Measure and Being Left with No Clean-Up Crew”: Defining Autistic Burnout | Autism in Adulthood (liebertpub.com)

    ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka: EP. 239: ADHD, Autism and Other Neurodivergent Insights with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Megan Anna Neff on Apple Podcasts

    burnout (burnoutbook.net)

    Picathartes – Africa’s strangest birds - 10,000 Birds (10000birds.com)

    These Ancient Birds Have Been Around for 44 Million Years | Africa | BBC Earth (youtube.com) 1:48

  • We don’t like to make a habit of surrendering to listener demands, but with so many people metaphorically and literally banging down our doors begging us to cover this topic, we finally decided to relent.

    In what may be Kristin’s most autistic episode to date, she’s taking us through the long and winding history of water bottle trends. From Nalgene to Stanley, she’s laying out the pros and cons of the most popular drinking vessels on the market, calling out the toxic consumerism tactics used by Big Bottleℱ to create this collector’s craze, and making some bold predictions for trends to come.


    Florida Officials: Don't Eat Python Meat (outsideonline.com)

    Why Did Stanley Water Bottles Suddenly Become a Cultural Phenomenon? - The Ringer

    Stanley cups took the world by storm. Then the backlash began | Life and style | The Guardian

    Your New Year's Resolution to Drink More Water Has a History | TIME

    An evolving accessory: The trend of water bottles steadily rises – Spartan Shield

    A Detailed Timeline Of The Popularity Of Reusable Water Bottles (spoonuniversity.com)

  • Grab your galoshes and meet us in the Florida swamps because it’s time to get swallowed up by another educational episode.

    This week Kristin finally pulls her own weight with an Informative Infodump on the invasive pythons in the Florida Everglades. She attempts to answer the question, “what can be done about these fucking snakes?” and blesses us with a Jimbo-inspired love song that will have you both laughing and learning.

    Plus, we debate the wardrobe choices of centaurs, release guttural toddler cries at the airport due to ADHD mistakes, bully boys who deserve it, and more.

    You know what they say: start with the snakes, the rest falls into place, so come join us for a slippery python purge of an episode.


    Jimbo- the tour guide from Florida

    Removing Pythons in Florida | FWC (myfwc.com)

    American Alligator | FWC (myfwc.com)

    Burmese python - Wikipedia

    How have invasive pythons impacted Florida ecosystems? | U.S. Geological Survey (usgs.gov)

    Removing Pythons in Florida | FWC (myfwc.com)

    - Python Challenge (flpythonchallenge.org)

    - Python Challenge (flpythonchallenge.org)

    Florida Python Challenge General Rules (flpythonchallenge.org)

    Acoustic Folk Music - Appalachian Trail - Guitar & Banjo Autumn Music Mix - YouTube

    To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

    Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather

    Join our Facebook group: Weirds of a Feather

  • Put on your metaphorically silly socks and zip, zap, zop your way into another tasty little Bagel Bite, where we’re celebrating the weird and quirky creatures that listen to the podcast. This week we’re reading listener emails that touched our hearts and souls, sharing important can-drinking tips, ranting about the inaccessibility of paper straws, and taking a strong stance on petty theft.

    Also, Kristin gets sing-songy and pep-steppy, Grace holds out hope that one day she’ll be the type of person who can take shirts immediately out of the dryer, and we both pledge to start swearing more for the sake of the children.


    To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

    Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather

    Join our Facebook group: Weirds of a Feather

  • This podcast may be one big clunky tumble down the stairs, but this episode is a good reminder that sometimes we say things worth listening to.

    In part 2 we’re focusing in on how imposter syndrome impacts those with ADHD and autism specifically–why it happens to us so frequently, how society contributes to feelings of inadequacy and exclusion, and what we can do about it, along with some real-life examples of actual imposters throughout history that should make you feel better about your own situation (or at least give you hope that you can get away with it).

    If you’re tired of trying to keep too many hats in the air or you’re in search of sound advice such as ‘scam a bank’ and ‘steal a plane,’ look no further than this final part to imposter syndrome.


    Imposter Theory and ADHD: Understanding the Link and Coping Strategies – ADD Resource Center (addrc.org)

    Princess Caraboo - Top 10 Imposters - TIME

    View of ADHD in higher education and academia (uwaterloo.ca)

    The Connection Between ADHD and Imposter Syndrome | Psychology Today

    ADHD for SmartAss Women: Ep 79: ADHD and Imposter Syndrome

    I Have ADHD Podcast:

    Anna Sorokin - Wikipedia

    Victor Lustig - Wikipedia

    6 Infamous Impostors | HISTORY

    Great bustard - Wikipedia

  • There's no time like mid-January for some mediocre achievable ADHD resolutions, which is why we’re spending this episode setting goals for 2024 that won’t leave us heartbroken– think less ‘contribute to my 401k’ and more ‘take in the beauty of a butterfly.’

    We’re also reflecting on our favorite episodes from the past year, revealing our regrets, vowing to disappoint you slightly less in the coming year, and learning to embrace the cringe of existing.

    Whether you’d like to spend more time splashing in puddles or you’re aiming to avoid Lyme disease, grab a pen and start dreaming small in this special New Years reflectisode.