Talent-mindfulness is a practice; an invitation to listen on purpose to your own greatest potential -- the natural patterns of thought, feeling and behavior that lead you to success, to thrive, to experience your own best life. CliftonStrengths® measures the presence of talent across 34 areas called “Themes.” And these talent-mindfulness moments help you activate your Strengths. Don't try to force an answer or write down everything you think of. Just experience the practice; you can always come back again. Strengths don't improve themselves; greatness takes a bit of effort, building upon who you already are. So lean in, get comfortable and listen to the insights your talents have to offer.
Being your best self means playing to your strengths at work and everywhere else. Discover your strengths and learn how to use them to thrive with CliftonStrengths® 34. Visit today! -
Toto je Pilulka podcast, kde nahlédete pod pokličku společnosti a zjistíte, jak funguje největší online lékárna v ČR.
A must-listen for B2B sales and business leaders, where Steven Norman discusses today’s world-class B2B sales strategies with global sales thought leaders, frontline sales professionals, coaches, Entrepreneurs, and industry influencers. Sales and buying have both dramatically changed... have you kept up the pace?
'Dirty Chai with Chio' is your career's podcast bestie. It's a business and career mindset podcast where we connect books with reality through candid and authentic conversations as we explore the essential elements of career triumphs, share research-backed habits to achieve different types of success, and embrace transformative mindset shifts. Whether you are in corporate, an entrepreneur, a mindfulness advocate, embracing the challenges of parenting and personal growth, or all of the above, like me, we unravel the threads that unite these diverse experiences under the common traits that define success. -
Bei Echt & Erfolgreich diskutieren Lena Grabowski und Janina Rohmann, Unternehmerinnen & Personalberaterinnen aus Hamburg, über verschiedenste Themen aus den Bereichen HR, Recruiting, Entrepreneurship - und über die wichtigsten Fragen der heutigen Arbeitswelt. Und natürlich erwartet Sie in jeder Folge auch eine gesunde Portion Humor. Viel Spaß!
Pravidelná dávka informací ze světa profesionálního koučování. Podcastem provází Václav Szakál a jeho hosty jsou profesionální koučové, manažeři využívající koučovací dovednosti, klienti koučování z různých oblastí (management, profesionální sport atd.) a lidé využívající sebekoučovací dovednosti.
¿Te interesa el sector inmobiliario? ¿Te gustaría aprender más sobre este y no sabes cómo?
Tranquilo, soy Àlex Soler, un agente inmobiliario en la zona Vic y la comarca de Osona (Barcelona). Y en este podcast compartiré contigo todo lo que vaya aprendiendo sobre este apasionante sector. ¡Empecemos!
Si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia puedes contactarme a través de mi página web
¿Estás listo para resolver tus dudas sobre este apasionante sector? ¡Pues empecemos! -
Aj úspešné osobnosti si popri budovaní vlastnej kariéry prešli náročným obdobím. Ako ich obohatili pracovné skúsenosti, ktoré s ich ambíciami nemali nič spoločné, prečo sú za ne vďační, alebo naopak, prečo sa za ne hanbia? Vypočujte si inšpiratívne rozhovory o budovaní kariéry.
Rozhovory o tom ako sa mať v práci dobre, zvládať každodenné situácie s väčšou ľahkosťou, naplno využiť svoj potenciál a rešpektovať svoje limity. O práci a ľuďoch v nej sa rozprávajú psychologičky a trénerky zo spoločnosti TIMAN Martina Šarišská a Jana Olexová.
Hosted by Dr. Ivan Zak and Ryan Leech, Consolidate That! focuses on critical corporate topics in the veterinary business. The episodes center on improving clinical care, customer and employee experience, combining proven processes with modern technology, and ways to expand shareholder value using clear performance metrics.
Find beneficial knowledge that you can apply in the rapidly growing veterinary consolidation market. -
Podcast české pobočky Project Management Institute ze světa projektového řízení ve firmách.
Product with Panash is your regular product management rendezvous with leaders and operators across Europe and beyond to learn about their craft, how they built successful products and unpack the frameworks and secrets they’ve used in delivering growth for their businesses.
Podnikateľský podcast Spolu lepšie rastieme prináša príbehy slovenských podnikateľov z rôznych odvetví, ktoré sú plné praktických tipov a rád, ako ustáť podnikateľské výzvy, nenechať sa zlomiť biznisovými pádmi alebo začať budovať svoj biznis od nuly.
Free audio on Amazon Interview prep and more from Day One Careers. Day One Careers is a brainchild of an ex-Amazon commercial lead, a hiring manager and an interviewer with a keen interest in mentorship and people development. Check us out at
Each month, host Sara Murray looks at the economic and business trends connecting two different regions, and talks to researchers, senior executives, and policy makers about how to lead in a complex world.
Welcome to the show where two not-so-interesting guys ask interesting people one question and then interrupt them as they try to answer. This podcast started earlier in New York City when hosts of the show, David Jaffin and Jake Miller, asked people out to breakfast to make connections and pick their brains about how they got to where they are and advice to those wanting to follow in their footsteps. Now, they’ve learned how to work microphones … kind of.
Will talk about real life, product development, startup, and news update in this podcast!
Artist Entrepreneurship
Szukasz pomysłu na to jak łączyć pracę i macierzyństwo? Chcesz wiedzieć jak to robią inne mamy? Jak znaleźć nowy pomysł na siebie? Od czego zacząć realizację swojego pomysłu? Jak pokonywać trudności? Słuchaj tego podcastu, jeśli chcesz poznać inspirujące historie innych mam i dostać lekkiego "kuksańca" do działania.