
  • Legal Fund of Michigan Students for Palestine: https://chuffed.org/project/um-palestine-legalfund

    Lina's back and there's so much news! We discuss repression of worker organizing at the SPLC, the Noguchi Museum, and Air Canada in our headlines segment, as well as following up on the strike by 17,000 CWA workers at AT&T. As the school year begins, we discuss a roundup of stories covering the crackdown on free speech on college campuses in an attempt to silence the anti-genocide movement. Also this week, In These Times spoke with UAW workers and residents of Belvidere, IL about the impact of Stellantis dragging its feet on its contract promises. A clash has developed between the UAW and the New Jersey AFL-CIO after the state labor federation backed a legal ruling allowing casinos to continue poisoning their workers with cigarette smoke. In another tale of disgusting union busting, Stone Brewing, following its acquisition by Sapporo, has been trying to stamp out an organizing drive by workers in Richmond. Finally, we discuss the massive strike by Boeing workers across Washington State, with 32,000 hitting the picket lines this week.

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  • We start with updates on The Bird Union, Unite Here hotel workers, the UAW, and AT&T workers on strike across the South. Following our headlines, we discuss the recent firing of rail engineer, and popular commentator, Gareth Dennis, in response to (true) statements he made about safety concerns. Thousands of rideshare drivers and supporters rallied in NYC this week to demand the city stop Uber and Lyft from locking them out of the app to evade fair wage laws. Protests erupted across Australia in response to the government's recent takeover of one of the country's more militant unions on accusation of collusion with organized crime. 32,000 Boeing Machinists have won a tentative deal with the company after a credible strike threat. Finally, we discussion the longhaul strike by Boston University grad student workers.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

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  • It's Labor Day, and that can only mean workers standing up for our rights on the job. We begin this week with the launch of this weekend's national hotel strike by workers in Unite Here. After some quick stories on workers fighting for Palestine, the massive surge in unionization in academia, and more warehouse organizing by the Teamsters, we get into our main stories. We follow up with the UAW strike at Cornell, as workers have won a historic new contract. Workers at the Audubon Society have announced they will strike next week as their highly paid CEO continues a petty, illegal union busting campaign. Fred Meyer workers also struck this weekend, simultaneously showing how important stopping the Kroger-Albertsons merger is. Negotiations for a new contract for the East Coast dockworkers in the ILA have ground to a halt, potentially portending the first east coast port shutdown in nearly 50 years. We also discuss this week's 99.99% strike authorization vote by flight attendants at United and a new report showing just how deep the exploitation in the industry is. Finally, we celebrate the union election win of 4000 "temporary" workers at Firestone's massive rubber plantation in Liberia.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • UAW GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-uaw-brother-antonio-gastons-family-after-tragedy

    AT&T Petition: https://www.cwa.org/attse-support

    Another news packed week starts with some follow up on the Teamsters negotiations with Costco, the UAW's fight to hold Stellantis to the contract, and more workers fighting for heat protections. Our first major story is last week's one day rail lockout in Canada, and we discuss the decision by the state to intervene and abandon workers' rights. Next we dig into several stories of teachers at campuses across the US fighting back against draconian policies restricting political speech by students protesting against genocide. California's state government this week made a sweetheart deal with Google, letting them off the hook for destroying innumerable small newsrooms in its quest to monopolize the web. Finally, over 17,000 workers at AT&T across the Southeast have been on strike for two weeks after the company wouldn't even send anyone empowered to negotiate to that table.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

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  • We start this week's episode with some quick check ins on: recent organizing wins by the Teamsters, a new strike at Samsung, ULPs filed against Donald Trump by the UAW, a new CEO at Starbucks, and flight attendants at Alaska Airlines fighting for a record contract. We also follow up on the long haul strike by workers at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, as the NLRB has finally intervened. Workers stood up in cities across the country for Heat Week, demanding basic heat protections from their employers. A wild story from The Guardian this week as SkyWest airlines faces a lawsuit for running an old school company union. Residents of East Palestine are crying foul as new reports emerged that the CDC covered up workers getting sick during the cleanup of the disastrous derailment, attempting to minimize the scandal around the crash. Finally, we discuss the strike by workers at Cornell after months of refusal by administrators to bargain in good faith.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

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  • If you're not a patron you can get the full episode by visiting patreon.com/workstoppage and support us with $5 a month.

    In this installment of “The Weed Series,” the gang discusses the conditions of the cannabis industry in New Mexico and Arizona. We cover workers who organized the first agricultural cannabis union in New Mexico, and Arizona workers who unionized with UFCW Local 99, including one group that now has a contract. We ask why New Mexico has so many dispensaries, and investigate the takeover of social justice initiatives in Arizona by gigantic multi-state operators. We round out with a discussion of two wage theft cases in New Mexico and Colorado that contain hallmark “small business tyrant behavior” and John refuses to pronounce last names correctly unless they belong to workers

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    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

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  • Another jam packed week of labor news! We start this week with follow-ups on workers at Samsung, REI, and Apple. We also follow up on the impact of Florida politicians' attempts to destroy the state's public unions, and how that has been devastating for academic workers. Reporters from the LA Times have documented how public pensions won through union struggle are now being used to fuel the crisis of gentrification and soaring rents across the country. In our main story, we cover a series of stories relating workers' struggles to win protections against deadly heat, exacerbated by worsening climate change. We discuss the effects on farmworkers, incarcerated workers, and the lengths workers in the hottest countries have to go through just to survive the soaring temps. Finally, we discuss the recent vote by thousands of hotel workers coast to coast to overwhelmingly authorize a strike.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • We start this week with workers advancing the struggle for solidarity with Palestine in the UE and AFT, along with international stories from Brazil and The Netherlands. Also this week, workers ratified major new contracts at Amtrak and Disneyland, and new unions were formed at Prism Reports and The Frick Museum. In our first major story, the ALU Democratic Reform Caucus swept the recent union elections at JFK8 in Staten Island, we discuss their victory and the path forward for the new leadership. We also discuss a report from Truthout on the crushing conditions faced by small farmers in Mexico, fighting water theft and mass pollution from American mega pork producers like Smithfield. Also this week, the Washington Post released a new report on the rising numbers of workers who are employed full time and still unable to afford a roof over their heads. Finally, we finish off by celebrating workers securing the first ever union contract at an Apple Store in the US.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • If you're not a patron you can get the full episode by visiting patreon.com/workstoppage and support us with $5 a month.

    In this installment of “The Weed Series,” the gang discusses New York. We cover workers in Syracuse who unionized with RWDSU/UFCW 338, the state of employee protections in New York for lawful cannabis users, the multifaceted disaster of Hochul’s legal cannabis rollout, a cannabis product recall, and once again encounter the scourge of fake unions. John encourages maximum conjecture against the pod’s better journalistic instincts.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • We've got an especially internationalist show this week. After our headlines we start our main stories with some of the recent industrial action taken by French workers ahead of and during the ongoing Olympic Games. Next we discuss the mass protest last week against the speech by genocidal war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington DC, including a historic contingent from the labor movement. Workers in South Korea are fighting to pass a law against absurd fines for striking, but facing major interference from both local and US corporate interests. NUMSA workers at Ford in South Africa recently won a partial victory, securing a bonus after striking against Ford's profit hoarding. We also discuss a recent piece from Prism Reports on the 2 years of the fight for a contract by workers at REI. Finally, we have yet another major union with at Microsoft, as the workers at World of Warcraft this week announced the formation of their own wall-to-wall union, another big organizing win by the CWA.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • AFT 4 Palestine Petition: https://www.aft4palestine.org/take-action

    We've got an absolutely packed show this week, starting off with checkins on the Samsung strike, the IATSE contract ratification vote, and the struggle to unionize workers at Wonderful Nurseries. Our first big story is discussion of Teamsters President Sean O'Brien's speech at the Republican National Convention, the fallout, and the reaction from the rest of labor. Next we discuss the massive, overwhelming strike vote by over 30,000 machinists at Boeing, setting up for a potentially massive struggle this September. Amazon workers in the UK voted on forming the first union at the company, coming up devastatingly short. We also check in on workers around the country continuing to stand up for Palestine, and fight to push the labor movement to take a more active role in that struggle. Finally, we celebrate the big union win by workers at Bethesda Game Studios, who just formed the first wall-to-wall union at Microsoft.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • If you're not a patron you can get the full episode by visiting patreon.com/workstoppage and support us with $5 a month.

    In the second episode of this THC-infused Overtime series, the gang investigates the cannabis industry stronghold: California. We examine the status of employee protections for lawful cannabis users, the pesticide and additive issues prevalent in California cannabis, fake cannabis unions infiltrating the state's labor landscape, and the shape of the illegal weed industry across America's largest and most notable producer of sticky icky. John also learns how to say “bona fide”.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • Amazon Worker Support GoFundMe'sKeith Williams: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-keiths-family-overcome-hardshipChristine Manno: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-christine-manno-overcome-injury-crisis

    First up this week we discuss a strike by 14,000 workers at stores owned by Walmart in Chile, which has shut down over 100 stores across the country. This week we also discuss a trio of stories of the horrific working conditions faced by workers at Amazon, not only in the US but in India as well. Retail giant Dollar General reached a major settlement with OSHA this week regarding its legendarily bad record on safety. A new report published by the UE reveals the horrific conditions faced by the unionists of Occupied Palestine during the ongoing genocide. Negotiations between the NEA, the largest union in the country, and their staff union hit a new low this week as the union locked out their own staff. Finally, we discuss the recent interview by French CGT leader Alex Persson with The Real News, where he calls for worker action to ensure their victory.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • We start this week's episode discussing some of the recently announced details of the historic agreement reached by flight attendants at Alaska Airlines, and the strategic foresight shown in their campaign. We have yet another horrific story of prison slavery in the US, this time with a judge ruling that Louisiana can continue to force incarcerated workers to labor in dire conditions even in extreme heat. We learned shocking details this week of attempts by the federal monitor overseeing the consent decree with the UAW attempting to interfere in the union's position on Palestine. Workers in Turkiye are fighting back against a super exploitative boss and a corrupt company union, all while their real employer, Levi's sits and does nothing. Massachusetts announced a "historic" settlement agreement with Uber and Lyft to raise driver wages in the state, but as we discuss the agreement conceals a lot of major problems. Finally, we close our with a story of successful resilience and determination by Canadian workers at WestJet.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • If you're not a patron you can get the full episode by visiting patreon.com/workstoppage and support us with $5 a month.

    The Work Stoppage crew starts a new series examining the conditions for workers and consumers in the exploding cannabis industry. First congratulating the workers at Ascend Cannabis in Aberdeen for joining the Teamsters, we launch an investigation into the conditions faced by cannabis workers across Maryland. We cover the conditions that lure young people into the industry, the structural racism of state licensing programs, an ultimately unsuccessful but highly instructive union drive at cannabis mega-corporation Star Buds, the shape of union busting in the cannabis industry, the supposed utility of labor peace agreements in burgeoning industries, and the current state of employment protections for lawful cannabis users in Maryland. John also becomes somewhat fixated on crabs.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • Another packed episode this week as the class struggle never stops. After quite a few short stories, our first big discussion this week is the massive Supreme Court ruling which overturned 40 years of precedence and threatens to eliminate the ability of agencies like the NLRB to function. Next we discuss a recent story exposing the systemic nature of racism and wage theft in the Minnesota construction industry. Also this week, Amazon drivers in Illinois joined the Teamsters, fight back against exploitation. Negotiators at IATSE reached a tentative agreement this week, a full month ahead of the deadline for one of the year's most watched contract fights. Workers at Dell showed just how far workers are willing to fight for work-life balance, with over half refusing the company's return-to-office mandate. Finally, we celebrate a major contract win as UAW workers at BMW reached a last minute agreement after organizing around a credible strike threat.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • We've got quick stories from Kentucky, Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Greece, Australia, and Japan this week, before we get into a short follow up as the limited energy workers of IBEW Local 46 in Seattle have voted to end their strike. Then we check in with Starbucks Workers United, where despite continued union busting by the company, have continued to rack up tons of new union wins. Also this week, ALU workers in New York voted to officially affiliate with the Teamsters, as the union works to bring its resources to the broader fight to organize Amazon nationwide. The NLRB issued its first "Cemex" bargaining order this week, requiring a Las Vegas casino to recognize and bargain with workers after flagrant union busting during the election. Finally, we close out with congratulations for the staff workers of 1199SEIU, who just won the right to a union of their own.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • After a quick follow-up with the IBEW workers of Local 46, still on strike, we jump into this week's labor stories. First we discuss the Supreme Court's latest ruling gutting the NLRA, making it harder to force companies to rehire illegally fired workers. Next we start some international stories, discussing a massive strike by workers in Nigeria demanding a major increase to the minimum wage. In India, workers have been forced to work without breaks, even for water, while the country endures a 50C (122F) heatwave. We check in on a few stories of the many labor crimes of Mr. Reddit himself, as Elon is now both being sued by multiple workers for sexual harassment AND trying to claw back severance payments to fired workers. We have an extremely dystopian use of AI in the workplace this week at call centers. And finally we celebrate the massive new union formed by workers at Fairfax County Public Schools.

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee

    More info on the show at http://workstoppagepod.com/

  • While looking for recordings of Elizabeth G. Flynn I found this in the Walter P. Ruther Online Library at Wayne State University. The audio player was broken on the website, but I figured out a way to downloaded the source audio anyway. It was also very low quality so I put a little effort into remastering it so everyone can enjoy it. Solidarity.-Lina

    Source: https://reuther.wayne.edu/node/12892

    Original Description: A conversation with Elizabeth Gurley Flynn in which she discusses her upbringing and entry into the political scene as the “girl orator,” her organizing efforts and labor defense work on behalf of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.), and the evolution of her political beliefs. Of particular interest is a description of her arrest under the Smith Act and her years spent in prison at the Women’s Reformatory in Alderson, West Virginia.

    Keywords: Industrial Workers of the World, Communism, Socialism, Lawrence Strike, Joe Hill, Herbert Hoover, Bill Haywood, Joe Hill, McCarren Internal Security Act, Smith Act, Palmer Raids, Tom Mooney, Sacco and Vanzetti Trial

  • If you're not a patron you can get the full episode by visiting patreon.com/workstoppage and support us with $5 a month.

    By the time she was in her mid thirties, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn had been on a non-stop, nationwide tour of the class struggle in the United States, joining every fight she could. That work made her one of the most beloved organizers in US history, but also took a toll on her health. Joining the Communist Party in the late 30s following years of convalescence on the West Coast, Flynn spent much of her later years in leadership and mentoring the new generation of fighters for the working class. But her experience in workers legal defense became critical, as the Party faced a massive assault following World War 2, sending Flynn to prison at age 65. Throughout her life, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn never wavered for one moment in her total devotion to the working class and the struggle against oppression. She stands as an inspiration to everyone who fights for a better world, and her life story is full of rich lessons for organizers today.

    Series Sources:The Rebel Girl by Elizabeth Gurley FlynnElizabeth Gurley Flynn: Modern American Revolutionary by Lara VapnekWomen and the American Labor Movement by Philip Fonerhttps://www.zinnedproject.org/materials/women-in-labor-history/https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Gurley_Flynnhttps://www.cpusa.org/article/cpusa-statement-on-the-removal-of-elizabeth-gurley-flynns-historical-marker-in-new-hampshire/https://libcom.org/article/1909-missoula-free-speech-fight https://www.marxists.org/history/usa/pubs/industrialworker/iub/v1n39-nov-23-1907-iub.pdf

    Join the discord: discord.gg/tDvmNzX

    Follow the pod at instagram.com/workstoppage, @WorkStoppagePod on Twitter, John @facebookvillain, and Lina @solidaritybee