The Last Two Years tells the story of Christian and Christina, two Harvard grads who stop working right as their careers are about to take off. The reason? They both hear God telling them to “rest.” In the two years following their decision, Christian and Christina experience career death, familial strife, financial crisis, and cancer—as well as a series of events best described as miraculous. -
The Blogcast. Celebrating 10 years of 800 words per month, written and now read aloud by J. Brown, influential independent yoga teacher at the forefront of the slow yoga renaissance. J navigates coming into his adulthood alongside yoga becoming mainstream and ends up leading the way in what is at once both a revolution and return to the ancients roots of yoga.
Lebe.Selbst.Authentisch. Ermächtige dich selbst, lebe deine Individualität und entdecke dein wahres Sein.
Unique' Korn ist dein Impuls-Cast für deinen Einstieg und Vertiefung in dein wahres SEIN. Durch gezielte Impulse und spannende Interviews. Wir schauen uns an, in welchen Lebensbereichen deines Lebens (Selbst-)Bestärkung und Leichtigkeit einziehen darf. Durch mehr Klarheit und mehr Wertschätzung - dir und anderen gegenüber. -
In a world fixated on replacing nouns with adjectives, the pursuit of Truth means discovering nouns. It leads us from truth to Truth. We discover Truth as an Identity.Truth is freedom.
This is a podcast of the author behind -
In a world fixated on replacing nouns with adjectives, the pursuit of Truth means discovering nouns. It leads us from truth to Truth. We discover Truth as an Identity.Truth is freedom.
This is a podcast of the author behind -
In a world fixated on replacing nouns with adjectives, the pursuit of Truth means discovering nouns. It leads us from truth to Truth. We discover Truth as an Identity.Truth is freedom.
This is a podcast of the author behind -
Torah is one of the most profound sources of wisdom available to us. In this podcast, Jewish leaders from around the world read essays from Hebrew College faculty and rabbinical alumni about how Torah can help us navigate the most pressing issues of our time. Together, we explore the ways Torah can help us approach the world with creativity, healing, and hope. Find out more at
Welcome to Stacking Chairs: A Youth Ministry Podcast all about serving in Youth Ministry. Whether it be youth group or youth camp, whatever God has you serving in, that's what we're here talking about.
Join us, Josh and Kyle, as we talk through some of the burning, practical questions facing those in youth ministry. We don't have it all figured out, but let's learn and explore this side of ministry together!
Join our community of those serving in youth ministry @stackingchairspod through Instagram and Facebook.
A Word of Life Podcast -
Worüber wir sprechen sollten.
In einer einfachen Geschichte, einer historischen Begebenheit, nimmt die Diskussion ihren Anfang. Wie haben sich die Werte darin verändert, welche Bedeutung haben sie im Hier und Jetzt? Zur Diskussion werden jeweils zwei Perspektiven herangezogen, z.B. eine theologische und eine wissenschaftliche, vertreten durch eine Expertin oder einen Experten.
Es sind die grundlegenden Fragen des Lebens über die wir sprechen sollten. Das Stift Klosterneuburg dient als Ort der Begegnung für zwei Blickwinkel auf ein Thema. -
What does it actually mean to be taking next steps in your relationship with God, next steps in your relationship with others and next step in your relationship with (and understanding of) yourself?
Each week we will be bouncing off the Citywide sermons and questions from the audience to ask "How does this actually work?" -
Willkommen beim Podcast "Mädes - der Geschichtenerzähler"! Tauche ein in eine Welt voller fesselnder Erzählungen. Biblische Geschichten und Alte Lehren, Lebensgeschichten und gruselige Geschichten werden deine Fantasie entfachen und dich auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch die Welt der Erzählkunst mitnehmen.
Bereite dich darauf vor, dich in den Bann dieser vielseitigen und mitreißenden Geschichten ziehen zu lassen.
Abonniere jetzt und verpasse kein spannendes Abenteuer!
Meine Leidenschaft für Geschichten begleitet mich seit meiner Kindheit. In meiner beruflichen Laufbahn als Jugendreferent in der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit habe ich unzählige Gruppen mit meinen Geschichten begeistert, sei es am Lagerfeuer oder auf Reisen oder in Gottesdiensten. Ich habe Seminare besucht, um meine Fähigkeiten im Geschichtenerzählen zu verbessern und eine Ausbildung als Bühnenerzähler absolviert, um meine Leidenschaft professionell auszuleben. Mein Weg zeigt, dass ich fest daran glaube, dass Geschichten die Macht haben, die Welt zu verändern und die Herzen der Menschen zu berühren. -
Join us each week as Laurien talks with various guests about theology, the Bible, and how we can best live during the between time.
Between The Creations covers a variety of topics pertaining to theology, Christianity, and the Bible. We are living, quite literally, between the creations. Genesis 1-2 gives us the account of the first creation, while Revelation 21 tells us of a renewed, restored creation. In the midst of this, we often get stuck in the grey spaces between an idealized, sterile theology and real-life. We are continually needing to re-think, re-learn, and grow in this grey space where we live—between the creations. -
Persönlichkeiten ganz persönlich interviewt von Ö3-Moderatorin Claudia Stöckl. Für alle, die die Sendung am Sonntag versäumt haben, gibt es im "Frühstück bei mir"-Podcast das gesamte Gespräch zum Nachhören - oft sogar mit zusätzlichen Interviewteilen, von Claudia Stöckl extra für deinen Mp3-Player produziert. Um die Sendung ohne Download anzuhören, klick bitte auf den "Play"-Button unter dem Ö3-Logo. Alle Podcasts von Ö3 sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nur 30 Tage verfügbar.
Stories of crazy entitled parents, incredible tales of revenge, amusing answers to compelling questions; The Redditor Podcast has it all. If you enjoy listening to intriguing, funny and realistic tales, then this is the podcast for you!
Here you will find all of Redditor's YouTube videos in podcast form, from subreddits such as r/entitledparents, r/prorevenge, and many many more.
A little bit about me:
I narrate Reddit posts for your entertainment!
As a fan of Reddit myself, it was a no-brainer, and I love showcasing the best subreddits to my viewers. My favourite story-based subreddit right now is r/entitledparents. I also love the shorter format of r/facepalm, r/mildlyinfuriating, and r/woooosh among others.
Consider subscribing and following if you enjoy my content, or my British accent! You are more than welcome to join the Redditor Army!
Also, leaving a review on whichever podcast platform you listen on will be greatly appreciated!
For business enquiries, please email: [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lorin Krenn is a globally recognized teacher in relationships, guiding individuals to embody their awakened masculine or feminine essence in both love and life. Through the Masculine & Feminine Dynamics Podcast, Lorin explores the profound interplay of masculine and feminine energies, helping you unlock the deepest intimacy possible while living in alignment with your true self. This is your space to transform relationship dynamics, deepen connection, and embody your most authentic nature. Subscribe now and start transforming your relationships today!
A 10-part series on the religio-political coalition from the new book Against: What Does the Evangelical Want?
A podcast featuring some of the founding members of The Sacra Doctrina Project discussing theological questions with other academic theologians and philosophers. The podcast takes place in a quaestiones disputatae style, encouraging lively and charitable debate. Listen to the most recent episode below.