
  • In today's episode we are chatting with Melanie Costa-Silva. Melanie is a licensed health insurance agent since 2012. This was her first career role.

    In 2012 Melanie went through my own journey of pursuing care and found that our system does not cater to seeing that people get well, moreso it is trained in keeping them sick. This is where she chose to break the mold and look at our healthcare through a different lens.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    How did you come to be passionate about your field?

    What does it mean to take your power back over your own health?

    What can that look like?

    Self advocating

    finding root cause

    finding financial solutions for medical expenses that works for you

    the holistic approach to target mind, body, and spirit

    What solutions are out there catering to giving the consumer control back over their health?

    How do I feel about health insurance compared to alternative solutions?

    What is the process I take my client through in finding the best solution for them?

    Takeaways for listeners

    There are other solutions that give you control back over your healthcare and your life.

    You don’t have to settle for the status quo,

    it’s okay to look outside of the box and take the road less traveled.

    You won’t be alone in it. Question everything.

    Where can you find more of Melanie


    [email protected]



    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • Rivki Chudnoff PT, MSPT has over twenty years of experience specializing in the treatment of women’s health-related issues and pelvic floor dysfunction, with a focus on pelvic pain, unconsummated marriages, prenatal and postpartum care, and incontinence.

    Rivki has written extensively on women’s health issues and presented on pelvic health internationally at marriage retreats, community events, and to physicians and sexual educators.

    Rivki is an instructor for the Herman & Wallace Pelvic Institute, where she provides continuing education for healthcare professionals in the area of pelvic health. Rivki sees patients at her private practice in Teaneck, NJ.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    Takeaways for listeners

    Where can you find more

    Office number (201) 613-3668



    Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Continuing Education - Cultural Sensitivity: Treating Conservative Religious Patients - Remote Course

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.





    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    Takeaways for listeners

    Where can you find more

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

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  • Chantal Traub is a prominent New York City birth facilitator, doula, childbirth educator and wellness coach. In her 20-plus years in practice, she has become internationally acclaimed for her expertise on the pelvic floor and her Pushing Power technique. Early on, Traub identified a severe lack of preparation among birthing people for the pushing stage of labor. Thus began a mission to properly educate and teach birthing moms—and professionals in the field—to better understand the pelvic floor; through her classes, her one-on-one work and her doula practice, Traub has helped thousands of women birth babies without tearing and without episiotomies. Traub speaks often on the subject of pelvic floor health and safe, effective pushing. In recent years, Traub has expanded her training and practice to be able to serve the health needs of women of all ages and at all life stages.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    How did you become passionate about helping women have a great birth experience and protecting their Pelvic floor during birth?

    Why do you think women are so underprepared for the pushing part of labor? Why do you think there is no universal education around this?

    What is the relationship of the pelvic floor to the pelvis during labor and birth?

    How can we prepare the pelvic floor prenatally for labor and delivery to help protect the pelvic floor?

    What are your thoughts on perineal massage at the end of pregnancy to help prepare for labor?

    How can women prepare for the final phase of labor during pregnancy? Can you give us some tips?

    Should moms be learning certain movements or perform certain exercises/stretches during certain stages of labor to help ease the baby into position?

    How do you help moms determine which position they may be the most comfortable, meaningful experience during labor?

    It seems like so many women are given pitocin during labor, what are your thoughts on this?

    Are there any positions you advise moms NOT to push in?

    What are some strategies you teach moms to help them reduce pain during pushing?

    Where can you find more of Chantal Traub:

    Published Co-Author: The Pelvic Floor: Everything you needed to know sooner


    IG: @chantal.traub



    email: [email protected]

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • Dr. Clinton is an award-winning physical therapist in professional achievement and the owner of LTI Physio in Sault Ste. Marie, MI. Susan is board certified in orthopedic and women’s health physical therapy, a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapy, and a board certified health, wellness and life coach. She is an international instructor/mentor of post-professional education in women’s health (including GI issues in women), orthopedic manual therapy, health/wellness coaching for the health care practioner and business psychology. Susan is the co-founder and board member for the foundation: Global Women’s Health Initiative. She is also the co-host of the 5 five-star podcast, “Tough to Treat,” the guide to treating complex patients, and “The Genius Project,” reframing the treatment of persistent musculoskeletal pain.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    What are some Metrics you use For GI health? ( sleep data, HRV, stress , exercise ,data )

    What are your main strategies for restoring gut health?

    Interventions - sleep, HRV, stress, nervous system regulation, movement,Diet

    IBS : Bloating vs. Distension : What is the difference? What is your approach to treating IBS?

    Constipation, Incomplete evacuation and FIBER?

    Nutrition and abdominal discomfort- What is your approach to nutrition?

    Homuncular Refresh? Rotational Exercises

    Breath, voice,gut and the pelvic floor connection?

    How does the voice of the breath/ pelvic floor affect gut health ?

    What are some of your favorite strategies to calm the nervous system using the voice and the breath?

    Takeaways for listeners

    - How you eat is as important as what you eat!

    - Chew your food - with sincere enjoyment

    - Watch your hunger and fullness cues

    - Exercise when you are not stressed - not to alleviate stress Quiet/peaceful movement vs. HIgh Intensity

    - The better your heart rate variability the Better your GI function

    Where can you find more of Susan Clinton?

    How to work with Susan Clinton:

    book a discovery call: www.ltiphysio.com (Learn, Think, Innovate)

    Facebook and Linked IN: Susan Coel Clinton

    IG/Twitter: @sclintonpt

    Follow my Podcast: ToughtoTreat.com

    support the Global Womens Health Institute: www.gwhi.com

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • Today we are chatting with Rachel Williams MSPT, the Founder Midtown Physical Therapy in NYC Rachel is an expert John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Therapist.. Rachel pioneered a manually based, functional style to physical therapy utilizing a variety of treatment approaches called human touch physical therapy HTPT to help balance patients wellness as a whole.

    Rachel is an expert level John F. Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR) therapist. Her patients are treated as a whole. She facilitates balancing their mind/body/machine utilizing the MFR paradigm and HTPT. She assists teaching MFR classes and continues to repeat the coursework as part of her personal and professional growth.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    How were you introduced to John Barnes MFR?How did you become interested and become passionate about all this fascia and come to be an expert clinician in the John Barnes MFR technique?

    What is Fascia?

    Why is MFR so unique and effective?

    How do we develop restrictions in fascia and how do restrictions in one part of the body affect mobility in distant sites of that restriction?

    A lot of healthcare providers do not understand how important fascial freedom is because it does not come up on imaging. How do we help clients who believe they have fascial restrictions advocate for themselves?

    Finding the root cause of fascial restriction?

    What is Human Touch Physical Therapy (HTPT)

    How can you use MFR + HTPT to balance the mind/body?

    Takeaways for listeners

    That the key to maximizing balanced wellness is being treated holistically as an individual.

    Where can you find more of Rachel Williams

    Instagram @midtownphysicaltherapy

    FB midtown physical therapy


    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today's episode we are chatting with Antony Lo. Antony Lo is a physiotherapist, educator and podcast host from Australia who works at the junction of Musculoskeletal/Ortho, Sports, and Pelvic Health. He runs The Physio Detective Clinic, My PT Education, The Women’s Heal4th Podcast, and The Diastasis Project. He helps the general public and health and fitness professionals who struggle to progress their clients by cutting through the BS and thinking outside the box so they confidently assist people to achieve their goals. Antony has a wife and 3 children, living in the best city in the world – Sydney, Australia!

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    What is a Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (DRA)?

    What is the connection between DRA and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and/or Low back pain ?

    What kind of alignment positioning is best?

    Let’s talk terminology; How do you define “tenting” “doming” Bulging” “coning”

    Let’s talk about width vs. Depth of DRA, Which is important to focus on during exercise?

    What do you say to women who ask “ Will my abdominals ever look the same?”

    How important is it to be able to Generate tension through the linea alba? Are we doing what we think we are doing when we exercise to “close the gap?”

    Functional Treatment- Train Movements NOT Muscles

    At what level do we need to load and train during therapy?

    “Train for what you want to do?

    Has any PT told you that they don’t really know why you may be feeling something??

    Where can you find more of Antony:

    Contact Details

    Mobile Phone - SMS Preferred - +61 410 440 506

    WhatsApp - https://wa.me/61410440506

    FB Messenger - www.m.me/antonylo

    Email - [email protected]


















    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • Megan Perez earned a Masters Degree in Nutrition in 2013. She has continued her education by completing courses in integrative and functional nutrition, mindful eating, digestive disorders (such as IBS, SIBO, and IBD), eating disorders and intuitive eating, and also hormone health (specifically fertility, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and PCOS). She has a personal history with digestive distress, PCOS, and infertility, and I have a big, big heart for anyone struggling.

    Megan is now an integral member of the Pelvicore team. Nutrition plays an important role in a pelvic healing journey. She has a passion for working with those who want to improve their digestive, hormone, and pelvic health using a highly individualized approach. She wants to empower people to make long lasting changes that feel realistic and GOOD in their body while achieving long term healing. She wants people to love food and feel excited about what it can do for their overall and pelvic health! Everyone deserves compassionate and quality care. Your story is important.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    How did you become interested in the topic of nutrition and pelvic health?

    How can we use food as medicine , decrease inflammation?

    How do we know which foods work well for us?

    Takeaways for listeners

    If you are feeling anxious or fearful around food, I want you to know that you are not alone. I have so much compassion for you. And I want you to take the pressure off yourself. It makes sense that you feel this way and there is a way to reach out for help and to figure out the best way of eating for you.

    Another takeaway is that establishing a positive relationship with food and with yourself, along with re-connecting to your body is one of the best things you can start doing and will play a role in your pelvic floor healing.

    Where can you Find More Of Megan?

    Megan is part of Pelvicore Rehab’s amazing team and can be found through any of our links below

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today’s episode we are chatting with Lynn Schulte. Lynn is a Birth Healing Specialist and Pelvic Health Physical Therapist for over 30 years and founder of the Institute for Birth Healing, an educational platform for practitioners and Center for Birth Healing, her clinical practice. She has been helping moms heal from all the issues women experience after birth and is now teaching courses to bodyworkers to help them do the same. She found a common birth pattern that shows up in the pelvis after birth and knows how to effectively release these patterns. Knowing we are more than just our bodies, Lynn works on all levels, physically, energetically, and spiritually with women to help them access their full potential. She also teaches bodyworkers how to work with the energy of the body and how to access and use your intuition in your bodywork sessions.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    Understanding of the common patterns in the body after birth?

    Holistic Approach to facilitate labor?

    How do you help clients release emotions that have been stored in tissues due to trauma?

    Pain is common BUT not normal

    Respect the Tissues

    How can we help clients reconnect to their pelvis if they discover they disconnect after birth?

    Ways they can help close up the open birthing patterns - YT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/JRUPAwTN1P4

    How can closing the pelvic bowl help with POP? Pelvis is less stable in the open birthing position

    Where can You Find More of Lynn Schulte?

    SM: Facebook and IG and YT: Institute for Birth Healing,

    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/InstituteforBirthHealing

    FB and IG: CenterforBirthHealing

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today’s episode we are chatting with Dr. Alexandra Milspaw. Dr. Milspaw is a licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania, an AASECT-Certified Sex Therapist, and Board Certified Hypnotist. She is the author of Hello Down There: A Guide to Healing Pelvic and Sexual Pain.

    Dr. Milspaw serves as the Director of Behavioral Health Services for Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, a nationally-known physiatry practice specializing in chronic pelvic pain. Dr. Milspaw serves on the Executive Board of the International Pelvic Pain Society and has been the Director of their Clinical Foundations Training Course since 2018.

    Dr. Milspaw specializes in post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain and sexual health. Her life's work and passion is aimed towards bridging the gap between the medical and psychological worlds, hoping to improve the efficiency and effectiveness in improving the lives of both patient and practitioner.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    How did you get into the field of sexual health and Pelvic Pain?

    How do you explain to clients that their pain may be connected to a past experience, like trauma in a way that they can really understand it as a root cause?

    What would you say is a foundational component of retraining the brain to heal the pain?

    Can you tell us about your Retrain the Brain Workshop Series?

    How do you empower clients with strategies they can implement on their own to retrain their Brain i.e. EFT, mindfulness ?

    How do you use visualization to help clients overcome pain?

    What do you say to people who believe they are NOT good at mindfulness or meditation?

    Gut Brain Connection - Why do we need to heal the gut in order to heal the brain in order to heal the Brain?

    Can we Touch on the topic of “your brain believes the story you tell it? How can we help clients connect to a healing story/mindset?

    Where Can You Find More of Dr. Milspaw:

    Dr. Milspaw is the author of: Hello Down There: A guide to Healing chronic pelvic and sexual pain

    IG: @dralexmilspaw

    Website: dralexmilspaw.com & pelvicrehabilitation.com/courses

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today’s episode we are chatting with Michael Hodge who went through 5 years of severe pelvic pain, nagging urinary issues, and deflating sexual dysfunction in his 20’s. After returning back to strength, he went on a deep path to discover the root cause of these perplexing mind-body issues. Since teaming up with well-known pelvic expert Dr. Brianne Grogan, Michael has helped over 1,000 men to recover through a proven program that is beginning to capture the attention of scientists and physicians hungry for a proven treatment.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    Why do some men develop pelvic floor issues and others do not?

    What are some common traits of the men who actually get better?

    If someone is experiencing these symptoms right now, what are the first action steps that you recommend?

    How did you become involved in helping men overcome pelvic pain?

    What was the most challenging thing to overcome during your healing journey?

    How has your program/ view/ perception of persistent pelvic pain evolved over time?

    Takeaways for listeners

    -your pain/dysfunction is created by the brain at the deepest level

    -mechanical therapies can ease the nervous system and be good for biomechanics, but you must discover the mental and emotional issues, change your perspective in the face of the symptoms

    Where can you find more of Michael Hodge:

    Transform Men’s Pelvic Health Website: https://www.transformpelvichealth.com/

    The Overcome Pelvic + Urinary Issues Program 7 Day Free Kickstart: https://bit.ly/pelvicpainfree

    Transform Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TransformPelvicHealth

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today's episode we discuss how stress affects all systems in your body from hormones, mood,immunity, digestion, sleep, thyroid function, memory and so much more. Managing stress with proper guidance and an individualized approach for you can lead to improved overall physical, emotional and mental health!

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode notes:

    When we have prolonged exposure to stress
 It affects our immune response.

    This triggers an inflammatory cascade due to increased levels of cortisol and surges of insulin.

    Where else can the inflammation be coming from?

    1.stress - decreases our bodies ability to fight inflammation and in addition your body translates inflammation as a physical stressor

    2.Food - even if we think we’re eating healthy we’re not always sure how things show up in our bodies

    3.Too much exercise = too much information or not giving our bodies enough time to recover

    4.Too little exercise= we don’t clear inflammation bec we are not moving our bodies.

    Our bodies produce cortisol from our adrenal glands to manage inflammation 
..if our bodies are in a persistent inflammatory state, we will produce too much cortisol.

    This will cause fatigue or adrenals. We will end up with a cortisol imbalance. This can affect multiple systems throughout the body.

    In summary, our liver, which is the major detoxification center in our body, needs to be working optimally to filter toxins out of the body and make sure that we're producing hormones and managing inflammation.

    If our livers do not do a good job, filtering out the garbage, our Gut will be in a persistent, inflammatory state, which will decrease critical neurotransmitters, cause hormonal imbalances , it will affect our emotional state, and we will not be in an optimal position to heal

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today’s episode we are chatting with Amanda Grillot, owner of FIT4MOM Boca. This allowed Emma to fulfill her two passions; fitness and motherhood melded into one!!

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    How can a new mother achieve her fitness goals while being a great mom?

    How can fitness be fun, rather than a chore, for new moms? And their kids, too?

    Possible follow-up: can you escape the “mom guilt” of meeting your workout needs while having fun with your kids?

    Do you need to exercise inside, in your home or at a public gym? ( No, you can easily get out of the house! )

    What are the benefits of a community of new moms?

    Working with pelvic health therapist:

    All of our clients are moms, they have been through pregnancy which is a huge physical change in our bodies, on top of all the mental and hormonal changes.

    The feeling of not “snapping” back or being as strong is a big thing that we should all have support in and be able to get educated in, for someone to help us and in turn helping ourselves.

    Many women don’t know where to turn

    Many of my clients don’t want to do certain exercises, due to pain, discomfort and even peeing themselves.


    You don’t have to sacrifice fitness, feeling good and looking good when you’re a mom.

    Raising kids and fitness are not mutually exclusive, in fact they build on each other.

    Ultimately the healthier you are as a mom, the better you are for your kids. And future grandkids.

    Where can you find more of FIT4MOM?

    Website: https://bocaraton.fit4mom.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strollerstridesbocaraton

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fit4mom_boca_raton/

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today’s episode we are chatting with Amalia Brassfield. Amalia is a breath and movement specialist. Her background runs the gamut from Pilates to CrossFit, yin yoga to triathlon, functional and corrective exercise. She specializes in working with pain/injury/pregnancy and post-partum. I began teaching breath-work formally in 2013. I integrate movement, breath and meditation modalities to manage and heal stress and trauma and help people gain access to inner voice/intuition.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    What breath is good for what ?

    How can we use breath to facilitate ease of movement and support during movement ?

    How do you use movement to facilitate healing physically and emotionally? (and how does that integrate with breath?)

    How do you notice stress/trauma manifesting in the body and through the breath?

    How is breath work different from meditation?

    How does breath impact the body?

    Takeaways :

    teach gamma breath (1-2 min of breath work. Memorable pattern.

    teach box breath. Super easy and quick

    Thoughts become postures which become movement and breath patterns. Breath, in turn, affects state of mind
 so it’s a cycle.

    Becoming more aware of our internal dialog. Subtle sensations. Using movement and breath as a window into self/psyche as well as a healing modality. In order to take advantage of that “cycle.”

    Where can you find more of Amalia:

    IG: @amaliamarialee

    Amalia hosts a free monthly, virtual women’s circle

    She teaches all modalities virtually and can be reached through my Instagram account or email: [email protected]

    online courses and retreats coming

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today’s episode we are chatting with Kelly Terry . Kelly is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Kelly was the assistant captain of the two-time National Champion D1 NCAA Women’s Ice Hockey team. Upon graduation, she continued her hockey career with the Canadian National Women’s Hockey Team for three years.

    Kelly uses a combination of research evidence, clinical expertise, and Individual patient values to tailor her treatment approach for patients with a variety of physical abilities and conditions at Barwis Physical Therapy.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    Why did Kelly look into pelvic floor PT for the first time since graduating PT school

    It is unappreciated the number of athletes who have pelvic floor deficiencies.

    Athletes may be particularly susceptible to PFD due to the repetitive strain and impact on their pelvic floor muscles during training and competition

    Increased intraabdominal pressure with lifting

    There is already a stigma surrounding the topic of PFD but it is especially evident in the athlete population, therefore, issues will go overlooked and underdiagnosed

    Relationship between orthopedic injuries and pelvic floor dysfunction



    To simplify, I explain to patients the difference between the stability muscles and the moving muscles, If the stability isn’t effective, think of how much harder the movers need to work to create a strong contraction = INJURY

    Refer to the specialists!

    There are a few simple ways to incorporate things into a POC but to really provide a comprehensive treatment plan to patients whose primary diagnosis revolves around the pelvic floor, I would always resort to my Pelvic floor specialists

    When in doubt, refer out!

    Take Aways:

    Pelvic floor physical therapy is important for athletes and orthopedic patients as it can be related to their injuries and overall function.

    Athletes may be particularly susceptible to pelvic floor dysfunction due to the repetitive strain and impact on their pelvic floor muscles during training and competition.

    It is important for sports and ortho PTs to recognize that it can be vital to consider the pelvic floor to provide a comprehensive treatment plan in some cases. When in doubt, refer out!

    Where can you Find Kelly terry:


    @ kterr10

    @ barwisphysicaltherapy

    @ barwismethods



    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today's episode we are talking with Jen Radnay, owner/founder of her company Birth of a Goddess. Please see her Beautifully written bio below.

    Jens Bio:

    Birth work is Magic. It is to hold a sacred space for women to step into their power and trust enough to surrender their bodies. It is to allow oneself to go so deeply within and let the intense process of Birth to happen. Motherhood is our most important contribution to humanity. We must step into it consciously.

    She has her Bachelor of Childhood Education and currently serves her community as a Sacred Birthkeeper, womb healer, ceremony facilitator, yoga instructor, lactation counselor and maternal life coach.

    She has manifested her passion for empowering women, biohacking and the existential experience of Birth into her company Birth of a Goddess - her labor of love - where she is a Holistic Birth and Postpartum Doula.

    Quote “Birth is inherently unpredictable”

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    You seem to do it all, a doula,Sacred Birthkeeper, womb healer, ceremony facilitator, yoga instructor, lactation counselor and maternal life coach. How have your offerings evolved into the beautiful practice it is?

    How do you help moms find fluidity in mind, body and soul in order to have the best birth experience?

    How working with a pelvic health PT enhances your work?

    In a perfect world, who is on every moms birth team?

    How do you help empower moms during labor?

    How Does sexuality & feeling good in your body during labor & pregnancy impact it?

    How is birth sexual? .

    Where can you find more of Birth of a Goddess:

    All social media: Birth of a Goddess



    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today's episode we chat with Nicole Gonzalez-Cumberbatch, she is a proud mom of one, a former Corporate VP of Finance and HR, business owner, and author. She believes it takes a village to uplift a mother and a village is essential to a mother's mental wellness and well-being. Nicole founded The Motherhood Village in 2021, to foster that village through community, education and connection.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    What was the inspiration behind creating the motherhood village?

    Advice for new moms?

    What are the services you provide for your motherhood village community?

    How can working in collaboration with a pelvic health specialist help your clients?

    A lot of the women in The Motherhood Village community are new moms and do not know the value of pelvic health specialists.

    It would be great to educate them about the importance of having one in your village of health providers.

    What are some ways I release, reset & recharge to make sure I’m at my best?

    What is my favorite book and podcast I’d like to recommend?

    Where can you find The Motherhood Village?

    Website: https://www.themotherhoodvillage.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.motherhood.village1/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The.Motherhood.Village1

    LinkedIn: (10) Nicole Cumberbatch | LinkedIn

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab




    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • On today’s episode we are chatting with Dr. Sarah Bedell. Dr, Bedell currently practices Gynecology with her sisters and mother at New Age Women’s Health in Miami FL since 2017.. She does general gynecology but also sees patients with vulvar skin conditions and conditions that can cause pain with intercourse. She went to Medical School at New York University where she met her mentor, Dr. Andrew Goldstein, who introduced her to this subspecialty. Dr. Bedell trained with him after she completed her residency at the University of Texas-Southwestern in Dallas, and worked part-time in his office in New York while primarily practicing in Miami (yes, she would commute to NYC once a month for about 1.5 years). It is through him that she actually learned about pelvic floor physical therapy.

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab


    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pelvichealthplus



    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Bladder Leaking Ebook


    8 steps to achieving pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • In today's episode we are talking to Stacy Friedman, she is a Clinical Sexologist & Certified Sex/Intimacy Coach. Stacy is passionate about helping people find and develop their own sexual expression. She helps them improve their sexual appreciation through guidance and education. Stacy shares her own incredible healing journey of returning to enjoyable sex after years of pain.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    Here are some topics s Stacy and I chatted about during this episode:

    Why did you decide to become a sexologist? ( Stacy shares her personal story) How can you have intimacy when you have pain with sex? Enjoying the journey, it’s not always about the destination/ end game
 How are the challenges different for men vs. women when dealing with painful sex, relationships, returning to pleasure Communication is Key; Do you help give your client a language, both verbal and non-verbal to communicate their needs when they don’t come into the relationship with ways to communicate Many people think sex means PIV (Penis in Vagina) - What is your definition? Is this something you need to educate a lot of people on? Helping couples establish Non- sex days can allow then to be intimate without the fear of it always leading to painful sex Desire, arousal , climax, How are these all are all different. Can you tell us how you help clients with each? Explore eachothers bodies, experiment, bring another sense into it to enjoy the experience How does your expertise complement pelvic health and healing my personal journey with painful sex, understanding ways to appreciate your partner even when there are pelvic floor concerns and shifting the mindset to being creative with sex and intimacy when there is pain or problems in our pelvic areas TakeAways Support is a phone call away as I offer a complimentary 15 min consult, that we need to focus on pleasure vs. performance, non judgemental intimate communication is key and having an open mind allows the heart to open

    Where can you find more of Stacy Friedman?

    DrStacyFriedman.com (can also find my free pdf download of my book by adding /book to the end of the website link), IG: @drstacyfriedman FB: @dstacyfriedman Twitter: @drstacyfriedman TikTok @drstacyfriedman Mens only FB group is facebook.com/groups/mensexandempowerment Women’s only FB group is facebook.com/groups/intimacysexandempowerment

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab


    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pelvichealthplus



    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Bladder Leaking Ebook


    8 steps to achieving pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • Today we are talking to a Perinatal Chiropractor and owner/founder of True Life Chiropractic. He is certified in pregnancy-specific Webster technique, has had numerous experience working with children, and has had extensive training in various adjusting techniques. During his spare time, he loves to travel with his soul mate, pass time through the breaking of bread with his family, and give back by serving his local community.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes:

    What we chatted about during this episode:

    How did you come to specialize in Perinatal Chiropractics? How can chiropractic care help during Pregnancy and help mom prepare for labor, and delivery? What is the Webster Technique? How can Chiropractic care help Postnatally? How can we live a life of Thriving versus Surviving or Alive versus living ? What are theBenefits of Chiropractic Care? How can we best handle the stressors in life? How can infants benefit from chiropractic care? How can pelvic floor physical therapists and chiropractors communicate and collaborate to best support their clients?

    Where can you find more of Dr. Jonathan Mouktafi?

    TruelifechiroFL.com Instagram: @truelifechiroFL

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab


    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pelvichealthplus



    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Bladder Leaking Ebook


    8 steps to achieving pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

  • Today we are talking with Dr. Amanda Olson.

    Dr. Amanda Olson is a dedicated and passionate Doctor of Physical Therapy specializing in treatment of pelvic floor disorders including incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and pregnancy related issues. She is a certified advanced pelvic floor practitioner (CAPP-PF) by the American Physical Therapy Association and the Herman and Wallace Pelvic Institute (PRPC). She teaches on pelvic health content nationally. Dr. Olson is also the pelvic expert behind Intimate Rose, a women’s health brand whose mission is to improve the health of women worldwide. She creates devices and educational resources to address common and treatable women's health issues for patients and other health care providers. She is the author of the book Restoring the Pelvic Floor For Women.

    Follow us @pelvicorerehab and share any questions you have on Pelvic Health or share your experience overcoming Pelvic Health related issues.

    Episode Notes: Here are some question we answered during this episode:

    What are some pelvic health issues that come up for runners? Running during pregnancy was a hard NO years ago but there is a transition going on and we are seeing more pregnant mamma running. What do you think has changed? What are some warning signs/red flags for pregnant moms to look out forin running during pregnancy? Do you get avid runner moms that come to you during pregnancy and want to optimize their system during pregnancy in order to return to running after birth? What do you think are some common mistakes moms make when returning to running after childbirth? Health care providers give moms the “ Green Light “ at their postnatal 6 week checkup. They are often told that they can return to all activities without restrictions. After Orthopedic surgery,like ACL surgery, athletes wouldn't dare not follow the rehab protocol but after birth we get this GO AHEAD and do anything. Do you think this is a big issue? How can we change this? There was recently a set of guidelines developed by Grainne Donnelly and Emma Brockwell what are your thoughts on this? How do you help moms return to running postnatally?What are the things that you feel are essential to establish in their strength? For moms that present with OVERACTIVITY, TENSION PATTERNS of the pelvic floor, How do you handle these runners? Do you first focus on relaxing the Pelvic floor or do lengthen and strengthen at the same time? Do you use Vaginal weights to prepare to return to running?

    Where can you find more of Amanda Olson?

    https://www.intimaterose.com/ IG: @aolsondpt; @intimaterose FB: Intimate Rose TikTok: Intimaterose 2 day course on Running and Pelvic Floor: https://aptapelvichealthlivecourses.softr.app/listing-details?recordId=recG4CHJbu6xzZtQx

    Visit me at:

    My Website: https://www.pelvicorerehab.com/

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pelvicorerehab


    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pelvichealthplus



    Ebook Books links

    Pregnancy Ebook:


    Bladder Leaking Ebook


    8 steps to achieving pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain, Bladder leaking, and 8 steps to achieve pelvic healing


    Pelvic Pain


    Menopause Guide


    Postpartum ebook



    Susan Winograd, PT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning or implementing this or any other technique or exercise program.

    Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.