
  • Financial expert Chris joins us to share his awe-inspiring journey from humble beginnings to remarkable success. Raised in a lower-middle-class family with a supportive mother, Chris's early entrepreneurial venture into the clothing industry set the stage for his future achievements. Rooted in the philosophy that giving is the key to receiving, Chris shares how pivotal moments and practical knowledge transformed his life, turning mundane school subjects into valuable business tools.

    Chris's unique path from being a pro snowboarder to landing a job on Wall Street during the dot-com crash showcases resilience and adaptability. He emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities during downturns, inspired by the strategies of wealthy clients, leading him to pivot toward real estate investment post the 2008 financial crisis. By 2014, Chris had acquired 36 doors, highlighting his strategic foresight and entrepreneurial spirit amidst challenging times.

    Navigating setbacks such as canceling an anticipated HGTV show, Chris found support and a new path forward through perseverance and creativity. A transformative encounter with Mike, a wealthy lender, revealed innovative financial strategies that have since influenced Chris’s approach to wealth creation. By mimicking a private banking system, he learned to make his money work twice as hard, a practice he passionately shares to inspire listeners to create their ultimate life. Don't miss out on these powerful insights, and remember to subscribe, share, and provide feedback for future episodes!


    To learn more about Chris and his programs, here are some resources:





    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • In today's episode... unlock the secrets to achieving your ultimate life with an episode dedicated to the transformative power of rejuvenation. Discover the profound importance of rest, illustrated through personal anecdotes, including insights from my grandfather's napping habits. You'll learn how integrating rest into your routine is as crucial as your ambitious goals and relentless pursuits. By understanding the essential role of rest, you’ll cultivate a balanced life supporting physical and mental well-being.

    Prepare to elevate your daily routine with spiritual rejuvenation techniques inspired by the rituals of high-performing athletes. This episode draws compelling parallels between daily life and the preparation of Olympic athletes, exploring how mental, physical, and spiritual readiness can enhance your performance. Practical suggestions, like reading sacred literature, are offered to help you nourish your spirit and fend off negativity, ensuring you begin each day with renewed energy and focus.

    Finally, embrace the ongoing journey of self-rejuvenation and the creation of your ultimate life. We'll delve into practices of self-love and affirmation, drawing insights from "Living with Purpose and Power" to help you craft personalized routines tailored to your individual needs. This episode emphasizes the continuous nature of fulfillment and happiness, encouraging you to interpret life's events positively and joyfully. Join me in this enriching discussion, and take the first step toward a life of joy, purpose, and endless prosperity.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

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  • Ever wondered why some people effortlessly achieve their dreams while others struggle? It's all about the power of decision-making and the courage to declare your dreams boldly. Join me as I recount personal stories, like retaking my driver's test and taking on yard work, to reveal how our attitudes towards everyday tasks can shape our reality. Learn why a dream life isn't about escaping responsibilities but embracing them with a positive mindset.

    Time management is crucial in turning dreams into reality. We'll explore practical strategies to carve out time for personal projects by reducing distractions like social media. Discover how realistic, measurable milestones and tracking progress can motivate you. Whether you're aiming for weight loss or business growth, tools like Fitbits can help you stay on track and achieve your goals with structured planning and conscious choices.

    Facing setbacks and self-doubt is inevitable, but how you respond makes all the difference. We'll dive into the common pitfalls of self-doubt and the importance of external support like coaching. Reignite your passion by revisiting your vision and overcoming the energy drain of WITOT—"What I Think Others Think." Focus on your beliefs and actions to unlock your ultimate potential and create a purpose, prosperity, and joy-filled life. Don't forget to connect, subscribe, and share your thoughts with us—your feedback fuels our journey together!


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Ready to turn your dreams into reality? Discover the transformative power of unwavering commitment and learn how to build the ultimate life you desire. This episode sheds light on the pivotal third step of this journey: making a steadfast commitment. We'll dissect the differences between decisions, declarations, and commitments, showcasing how a firm promise to yourself can be a game-changer. Using real-life examples, such as the high divorce rate, we emphasize the fragility of vows without true commitment. Elevate your declarations into actionable steps backed by an unshakeable resolve, and watch your goals come to life.

    We'll also share indispensable time management strategies tailored for dream chasers like you. Learn how to ruthlessly eliminate non-essential tasks while prioritizing activities that fuel your passions and align with your aspirations. With practical exercises like reviewing your past two weeks' activities, you can optimize your schedule and ensure each moment is spent productively. Hear inspiring life stories from our listeners and reflect on how a resilient mindset can help you rise above challenges. Embrace a "ride or die" mentality, maintain integrity in your commitments, and live a life that is both authentic and fulfilling.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Unlock the secrets to living your dream life as we explore the transformative power of making powerful declarations, much like historical milestones such as the Declaration of Independence and the Magna Carta. You'll discover how clearly articulating your vision sets the stage for true fulfillment. We discuss the relentless pursuit of growth, excellence, and the importance of connecting with your divine origins. Learn why hard work, self-development, and perseverance are non-negotiable in realizing your dreams, and how your spiritual lineage provides the deeper significance needed to fuel your journey.

    In the next chapter, we focus on building and reinforcing your dream life by learning from the past and shaping a more purposeful future. Move beyond self-criticism and embrace your current position with actionable insights on maintaining a proactive mindset and making intentional declarations. Understand how your thoughts and reactions influence your path, and receive practical advice on objective evaluation and necessary adjustments—all without the burden of self-blame. Tune in for empowering reflections and strategies that will guide you toward living the life you've always desired.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Join us as we embark on a journey to define and create your ultimate life, a concept that is as unique as you are. In this episode, we emphasize that while common aspirations such as more time, money, and freedom are universal, true contentment stems from within. Drawing inspiration from Kung Fu Panda's dragon scroll, we discuss how realizing that you are the secret ingredient can lead to profound happiness. By reflecting on our life stories and the meanings we attach to our experiences, we uncover the internal processes that enable us to fulfill our deepest desires.

    Listen in as we explore the importance of making intentional life choices to craft a dream life. By shedding limiting beliefs and societal expectations, you can discover what truly matters to you and live authentically. Through introspection and conscious decision-making, we can break free from mediocrity and align our actions with our true selves. This episode offers inspiration and actionable insights to help you create a life of purpose, prosperity, and joy.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of Your Ultimate Life Podcast, where we guide you in breaking free from mediocrity and crafting a life filled with purpose, prosperity, and joy. Today, we explore the concept of making pivotal decisions at life's various forks in the road. We emphasize the importance of understanding customer expectations and communicating the tangible benefits they will receive. Using the analogy of buying milk, we illustrate how simplicity and clarity can greatly enhance customer experience and satisfaction. We also highlight the essential role of having fun in creating a fulfilling life, with actionable steps in our free video series to help you enhance your purpose, prosperity, and joy.

    In another engaging segment, we focus on finding joy in everyday life. I share a heartwarming story about a client's joyful adventure over Memorial Day weekend, challenging the notion that fun is reserved only for weekends or special occasions. By engaging in meaningful activities with people we like and aligning our daily tasks with a sense of purpose, we can transform every day into a joyful experience. This discussion emphasizes the importance of purpose, prosperity, and joy as key components of a fulfilling life and demonstrates how even mundane tasks can become enjoyable with the right mindset.

    Finally, we delve into the transformative power of choosing love, fun, and lightness in every interaction. We can approach challenging situations with lightness and joy by viewing others with unconditional positive regard and recognizing our shared humanity. This mindset shift improves our experiences and fosters personal growth and connection. We also discuss the power of optimism in crafting your ultimate life, encouraging you to bring lightness to any situation to unleash empathy, creativity, and focus. Listen in as we highlight the importance of intentional optimism and invite you to share your feedback and topic suggestions, ensuring our community's continued inspiration and growth.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • In this episode, I recognize your intrinsic value and awesomeness with an intriguing metaphor of a massive gold nugget in space. Reflecting on the significance of our daily actions, I discuss the impact of realizing life's finite nature, underscored by the ongoing war in Ukraine and a thought-provoking talk by Steve Jobs. The critical takeaway is to reassess our priorities and engage in activities that truly matter, aiming for purpose and fulfillment in our daily lives.

    We continue by exploring your divine capability and possibility, emphasizing the profound impact you can have on the world. Fear often limits our potential, but by acknowledging our divine nature and inherent abilities, we can imagine a life without fear and the incredible outcomes it could yield. Personal anecdotes highlight the power of overcoming physical and mental barriers, such as using martial arts for confidence and managing long-term depression through various tools and therapies. Remember, you possess limitless potential and can make a significant difference.

    Finally, we focus on daily empowerment through self-affirmations and powerful statements. By creating a set of "I am" statements and establishing a daily warm-up routine, you can transform your mindset and prepare for the challenges and opportunities each day presents. We introduce "Living with Purpose and Power," a book that encapsulates years of work on these techniques, designed to ignite your motivation and unlock your potential consistently. Join us on this journey to recognize your worth and strive for your ultimate life, filled with purpose and power.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Could your past failures be the stepping stones to your ultimate success? Uncover the transformative secrets to living a life brimming with purpose, prosperity, and joy in this enlightening episode of the Ultimate Life Podcast. We explore the critical ingredients needed to craft your ultimate life, leveraging your existing skills, natural talents, and unique life experiences. Hear a powerful personal story of overcoming bankruptcy and the fears that come with it, and learn how your past perceptions can shape your future. Like following a recipe, discover how the right combination of these elements can lead to unparalleled success, while missteps can lead to setbacks. Understand the pivotal role your values play in enhancing your life's purpose and embrace the journey that makes you wake up excited every day.

    Shatter the myth that external achievements are the keys to happiness as we delve into true self-worth. Explore how adversity can refine rather than define us and why having enough is a mindset, not a monetary benchmark. Through actionable steps and personal anecdotes, learn how to eliminate negative thoughts, embrace forgiveness, and practice self-love to unlock limitless possibilities. This episode is a compelling call to reject limitations, embrace your unique journey, and create meaningful contributions that fill your life with joy and freedom. Join us and take the first step toward achieving your ultimate life by shifting your internal beliefs and mindset.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Join us as I welcome Denise Ropp, a remarkable healthcare professional whose journey from being a patient at a young age to becoming a dedicated nurse and clinic operator has fueled her passion for empowering others. Denise shares her profound experiences, including a pivotal near-death incident during an exploratory ear surgery at age 13, which profoundly influenced her outlook on healthcare and the importance of living a quality life. Her ethos of service, curiosity, compassion, and love underscores the belief that individuals can have more control over their health outcomes.

    Listen in as we explore the latest advancements in healthcare and patient empowerment, from innovative medical technology to holistic approaches in managing chronic pain. Denise also highlights the critical role of health navigators, especially for the aging population. She introduces cutting-edge tools like the Apollo Neuro smart band, designed to manage anxiety and improve sleep. This episode offers valuable insights into how integrated care and technology can significantly enhance our well-being, emphasizing the potential for proactive health management over traditional disease-focused systems.

    To see what Denise is doing, visit https://www.instagram.com/drhealthsolutions/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/deniseropp/


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Embark on a transformative journey with me as we unravel the secrets to cultivating a life brimming with prosperity and joy. Through the lens of my own Boy Scout escapades and a myriad of personal tales, we'll dissect the significance of perspective and attitude amidst the inevitable challenges that life throws our way. From the Sierra Nevada's rugged terrain to the bustling aisles of an Asian grocery store, each narrative is a stepping stone toward mastering the critical art of perspective and the empowering choice of attitude.

    This episode is more than a collection of stories; it's about actionable wisdom that propels you towards managing expectations, embracing the imperfect first steps of action, and the power of asking, "What is possible?" Discover the art of clear communication and how it paves the way for smoother interactions in personal and professional spheres. You'll hear how a simple outing can catalyze innovation and why staying curious can unlock doors to unforeseen possibilities.

    But the expedition doesn't end there. We delve deep into the virtues that sculpt an extraordinary life—patience, kindness, perseverance, optimism, and forgiveness. You'll learn how these principles serve as a compass guiding us through the internal skirmishes, leading us to inner prosperity and joy. Together, we'll explore how adopting an optimistic outlook, coupled with the grace of forgiveness, can transform your mind and your entire life trajectory. Join me, and let's navigate the path that leads to your ultimate life, armed with the knowledge and community to support your every step.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Struggling with hearing loss as a music engineer could have ended my passion for sound. Still, instead, it became the catalyst for a deeper understanding of commitment versus obligation. Embracing the choice to grow and find joy in the commitments I made, from the professional to the personal, reshaped my approach to life. This episode is about that transformation—how we can shift from feeling burdened by our responsibilities to recognizing them as choices that fuel our happiness and self-expression.

    The journey to happiness is not passive—it's an active pursuit that demands our engagement, even when faced with limitations. My own experiences, like playing the organ at church despite my hearing loss, have taught me the profound impact of serving others and the growth that comes from pushing through challenges. In this conversation, I bring to light how we can cultivate self-love and a positive mindset through purposeful actions and how these choices can lead to a more fulfilling and content life.

    At the heart of every decision is the potential for joy and love. This episode wraps up with a powerful reminder: happiness doesn't happen to us; it's a choice we make every day, irrespective of the hurdles we face. By sharing tales of personal struggles, like managing arthritis with gratitude, I emphasize that our reactions to life's trials shape our state of happiness. Join me in embracing the power of choice, love, and service to pave the path toward creating our ultimate life.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • When I hit a professional wall some years back, it felt like a personal failure. However, as Dr. Gary Sanchez's incredible shift from dentistry to defining people's purpose proves, such moments can catalyze remarkable transformation. In our latest episode, we sit down with Gary, who traded his dental drills for algorithms, crafting a tool that empowers individuals to pinpoint their core motivators. His journey from dental practice to passion pursuit is inspiring — it's a blueprint for anyone feeling stuck in their career. We delve into Gary's pivotal moments and the birth of the Why Institute, painting a vivid picture of what it means to align your life's work with your deepest passions.

    The conversation takes an introspective turn as we tackle the essence of our 'why' – the invisible force that guides us toward our dreams. Here, we address the skepticism around categorizing one's driving forces, shedding light on Gary's nine distinct 'whys' and the intricacies of personal motivation. Furthermore, we touch on a profound near-death experience that highlights the fragility of life and the importance of seizing the moment to pursue our true calling. This episode is a heartening call to action, urging listeners to invest in their personal growth and explore their unique contributions to the world.


    To learn more about the WHY institute, visit https://whyinstitute.com

    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Have you ever felt that nagging sensation that you're meant for more – that your life could be richer, your impact greater? You're not alone.

    Join us in this episode of Your Ultimate Life as I explore the inherent longing for growth and the pain of unmet potential. I delve deep into the notion that our divine nature fuels our desire for expansion, unlocking a world of boundless possibilities. Learn how to rise above trials and tap into your inherent capabilities, transforming suffering into stepping stones towards endless opportunities. Discover the transformative power of structured communication and visual

    frameworks that make your message stick. From the rainbow analogy to drawing insights from Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the Japanese concept of Ikigai, we show you how to clarify your purpose and amplify your influence for a life brimming with prosperity and joy. Uncover unique frameworks like WITOT and B-DEEP that dismantle limiting beliefs and redefine perceptions, allowing you to unlock your true purpose and value your contributions to the world. Embrace the economic exchange of ideas and energy as you enter a life of abundance guided by intention and fulfillment. This isn't just another episode—it's an invitation to construct an extraordinary life aligned with your deepest desires and highest potential.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • In this episode of Your Ultimate Life podcast, Kellan explores how a brush with mortality can lead to a transformative journey toward love, service, and accomplishment. Our guest shares her shift from a high-powered professional to a caregiver, highlighting the power of living a purpose-driven life and making a positive impact. Discover the paradox of slowing down to achieve your dreams and the importance of creative expression in finding fulfillment. Tune in for inspiring insights on living with purpose and power.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

  • Join me on this life-affirming journey where we explore the roots and evolution of the "Your Ultimate Life" podcast, born amidst the global upheaval of the pandemic. Listen in as I share the serendipitous beginnings of this passion project, which has now become a source of inspiration and guidance for many. Throughout the years, we've shifted from daily musings to a more expansive, twice-weekly format, all with the unwavering goal of empowering you to unlock your genius potential, create value, and prosper. We delve into how 'squishy' aspects like happiness and self-love aren't just feel-good factors but crucial components of tangible success. Plus, I hint at an exciting possibility on the horizon: a certification program to equip you with the tools to live your ultimate life.

    Embark on a voyage of self-discovery with us as we dissect the concept of a developmental story—the essence of who we are, comprised of experiences, beliefs, and decisions. I illuminate the often-overlooked truth that each of us has a narrative as compelling and unique as those of icons like Elon Musk or Bill Gates. By examining the threefold 'triple helix' of skills, personal characteristics, and life-shaping events, you'll learn how to weave these elements into a strong rope, representing the most potent version of yourself. We address the unsettling reality that many feel unfulfilled in their professional lives, using only a fraction of their abilities, and stress the importance of full personal expression for true contentment and achievement.

    Lastly, gather around as I examine the transformative power of perceived failures and the importance of recognizing them as opportunities for growth. Discovering and harnessing your unique gifts can lead to profound joy, impactful community service, or even wealth creation. Through personal anecdotes and insights, I underscore the boundless support available to us all, urging you to unearth and leverage your most compelling offerings. So tune in, be inspired, and remember: your capacity to manifest a life filled with purpose, prosperity, and joy is unlimited.

    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

  • Unlock the secrets to transforming your daydreams into your daily reality with our enlightening conversation on the essential ingredient of commitment. This episode isn't just about painting grand visions of an ultimate life filled with purpose, prosperity, and joy—it's about the steps needed to make those dreams tangible. Our special guest, the 'pause lady', shares her wisdom on the necessity of slowing down to define what an ultimate life truly means to you. Through personal stories and client experiences, we uncover that taking action amidst life's disruptions is possible and paramount to achieving your goals.

    Dive into the heart of why so many inspired ideas never see the light of day and the single element that can change that—the power of commitment. We dissect the three-step journey from conception to execution, emphasizing that the excitement of a new idea is nothing without the resolve to see it through. By asking, "How bad do you want it?" we explore the importance of dedication and the willingness to embrace change as the major forces that transform beautiful visions into accomplishments you can touch, feel, and live.

    Prepare to be motivated as this episode ends with a rousing call to action: start creating your ultimate life today. We discuss practical strategies for maintaining your momentum, including a morning creation process encompassing all facets of your well-being. By illustrating that the true barriers to success are self-imposed, I extend my hand to guide you through turning aspirations into actualizations. So plug in, listen up, and be ready to embark on the most important journey of your life – with me as your committed companion.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

  • Embark on a transformative journey with us in this episode as we delve into the very foundation of what it means to create Your Ultimate Life. I open up about my personal transformation, revealing how I broke free from living a script that wasn't mine to author a life of genuine purpose, prosperity, and joy. This episode is a heartfelt invitation to each listener to consider the deep-seated reasons behind their yearning for an ultimate life, one that is not just a cookie-cutter image of societal success but a true reflection of their innermost desires and potential.

    Today's conversation centers on the profound question: Why do you want Your Ultimate Life? We examine the common answers that surface, such as the pursuit of money and happiness, and why these, while important, do not equate to the fulfillment we seek. I challenge the notion that financial wealth is the pinnacle of success and instead propose that knowing who you truly are is the key to unlocking a rich life in every aspect. Discover the importance of defining your purpose, declaring it boldly, and owning it with every fiber of your being.

    As we explore stories of personal hardships and triumphs, I share insights on how our deepest motivations often stem from a place of service and love driven by our experiences. This episode is about envisioning a life of freedom and abundance and taking actionable steps toward it. I extend an invitation to you to engage in the deep work of self-discovery, embrace your unique path, and consider sharing your message with the world.

    Join us as we explore the power of choice, the significance of being a product of your product, and the relentless pursuit of growth. Whether you're seeking guidance on finding your North Star or need a nudge to take the next step toward your dreams, this episode is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical wisdom. Tune in to discover how to create a life that resonates with your true self, where every day is lived with intention, passion, and unyielding joy.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

    Uncover the Five Master Keys for Your Ultimate Life at https://www.yourultimatelife.ca and begin your transformation today. If you're ready to take action and want personal guidance, reach out for a powerful coaching experience with Kellan. And if you have a message to share, consider being a guest on the show—we're always looking for inspiring stories to uplift our listeners.

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

  • Listen in as I take you on a journey to envisioning and constructing your ultimate life, much like the architects and engineers who craft towering skyscrapers. Throughout this conversation, I share my experiences from a 30-year career in the energy sector, reflecting on the shift from short-term goals to the profound realization that a fulfilling life requires a grand vision and a detailed plan. I urge you to think beyond immediate concerns and begin laying the foundation for a life encompassing purpose, prosperity, and joy, inviting you to redefine success on your own terms.

    In this discussion, the focus shifts to the transformative power of Vision and Planning for Success. I explore the idea that a life without a clear vision is like setting sail without a destination. By drawing parallels with my life and using relatable examples such as financial targets and personal milestones, I emphasize the importance of detailed planning and the pitfalls of 'hope marketing.' The key takeaway is that creating your ultimate life is a deliberate process, and I encourage you to learn from past successes to build a future that resonates deeply with your aspirations.

    Wrapping up the episode, I delve into the essence of Creating Your Ultimate Life, stressing the significance of directing your time, attention, and love (TAL) toward what truly matters. I discuss the crucial role personal choice plays in shaping our reality and how, by making intentional changes, we can manifest the life we desire. I invite you to join me on this transformative journey, offering my support and encouragement every step of the way. Tune in for inspiration, practical advice, and the companionship of someone who stands with you in pursuing your ultimate life.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out: https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Kellan's latest:

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.

  • Join us as we explore the vital role of sales in any thriving business and uncover how clarity in your marketing strategy can unlock the door to success. I share my insights on the necessity of both inbound and outbound marketing and the power of understanding your product's problem-solving abilities as clearly as one understands the purpose of bread. Whether you're struggling with your pitch or need a nudge to boost your cash flow, this episode is packed with strategies to help you find more clients and elevate your sales game.

    Listen in as we tackle identifying your target market and the nuances of effective networking. From a retiring dentist transitioning their expertise to the digital realm to broadening your networking perspective for unexpected opportunities, I provide actionable advice to make your offering irresistible. Learn how to make a memorable first impression, use social media algorithms to your advantage, and cultivate relationships that turn your network into a welcoming audience for business growth. Don't miss these insights that could transform your professional journey.


    Keep up with all that Kellan is doing by checking out: https://linktr.ee/k.fluckiger

    Kellan's latest:

    Thank you for tuning in. Please subscribe and share your thoughts—we're on this journey together, and your feedback is invaluable. Visit https://www.yourultimatelifepodcast.com.

    Our next Challenge for Entrepreneurs on how to Crush Your Client Enrollment begins soon; join us at https://www.lovecoachsignem.com. Learn how to sign clients easily without squirmy or awkward conversations.