Tecnología – Bielorrusia – Podscasts recomendados

  • Падкаст пра тэхналогіі, навуку і космас на беларускай мове. Кантэнт для тых, хто цікавіцца сучаснасцю і будучым навукі і тэхналогій. І хоча цікавіцца гэтым па-беларуску.

  • Сфера адукацыі - адна з самых вялікіх у свеце, бо праз яе праходзіць значная большасць насельніцтва планеты. Сюды прыцягваюцца інвестыцыі і ўкараняюцца інавацыі, якія выкліканы павысіць эфектыўнасць перадачы ведаў ад адукатараў да вучняў. Усе гэтыя інструмэнты ўваходзяць у паняцце Еduсаtiоn Тесhnоlоgiеs (адукацыйныя тэхналогіі). Каротка іх завуць ЕdТесh.
    ЕdТесh – гэта нейкія лічбавыя інструменты, якія дапамагаюць павысіць якасць і эфектыўнасць адукацыйнага працэсу.
    EdTech - праекты ў галіне адукацыйных тэхналогій.
    У цэлым у паняцце адукацыйных тэхналогій сёння ўваходзяць:

    Анлайн-школы і курсы;
    Адукацыйныя прыкладанні для смартфонаў;
    Платформы карпаратыўнага навучання;
    Электронныя сістэмы, якія выкарыстоўваюцца ў адукацыйных установах;
    Іншае адукацыйнае абсталяванне і тэхналогіі.

    EdTech-рашэнні змяняюць традыцыйныя ўяўленні аб адукацыі на нашых вачах. Школьнікі гуляюць у гульні, каб на эмацыйным узроўні замацоўваць атрыманыя з падручнікаў веды.

  • Some people can see things that nobody else can. They seem to be able to peer around corners and into the future. These seemingly super powers come from being able to synthesize the data all around us. They approach problems with a curious and rational mind. They think differently and encourage others to embrace data culture.

    We call them “data radicals” because they transform themselves and the world around them

    In this podcast, we talk to these Data Radicals to understand what makes their approach so unique and how it can be replicated.

  • Flutter Developer Talks.

    Слушать: https://fluttermiddlepodcast.mave.digital

    Смотреть: https://www.youtube.com/@fluttermiddlepodcast1220

    Чат: https://t.me/fluttermiddlechat

    Обратная связь: [email protected]

  • Подкаст эксперта по Customer Experience/Support/Success Марины Востриковой про клиентский сервис и бизнес. Что делать, чтобы клиенты возвращались снова и снова и покупали больше и чаще? Интервью с экспертами, инсайты и вдохновение для тех, кто хочет действовать клиентоориентированно

  • সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং, প্যারেন্টিং, প্রোডাক্টিভিটি, ক্যারিয়ার গাইডলাইন সহ বিভিন্ন টিপস | সাইবস্ক্রাইব করুন


  • Decoding Automation is a no-code podcast brought to you by Leapwork and hosted by Lucía Cavero-Baptista and Maria Homann. Gain insights into the world of codeless automation through interviews with top industry experts and learn how to optimize your enterprise for digital transformation through no-code automation.

  • פיתוח בהפרעה הינו פודקאסט שנוסד על ידי מנהלי פיתוח עבור מנהלי פיתוח - המתמקד באתגרים של ארגוני פיתוח מודרניים בצמיחה גדולה. Dev Interrupted is the podcast by engineering leaders for engineering leaders - providing insights into the challenges of modern, high-velocity, high-scale engineering organizations.

  • Robotspaceship Magazine (formerly AR/VR Magazine) is an industry-leading B2B publication & podcast offering news, trends, resources, and analysis of emerging technology, innovation, disruption, and how it affects the economy, business, and culture.Join your host Sean Earley, Chief Innovation Officer of robotspaceship, as he discusses the latest hot topics involving spatial computing, artificial intelligence, the metaverse, blockchain, and more.https://robotspaceship.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/robotspaceship/support

  • Исполняю желание записать голосовые сообщения.

    GitHub: https://github.com/MarshalX

    Telegram: https://t.me/MarshalP

    CV: https://marshal.dev/

  • Подкаст "Разгоны за компом" – это разговоры в вольной манере о видеоиграх и игровой индустрии. Ваня (сценарист роликов IGM, TVG и XYZ) и Даня (молодой программист) как хорошие знакомые рассказывают о необычных свойствах компьютерных развлечений, о которых они узнали из-за банальной заинтересованности. Тут можно услышать как сложную терминологию, которую авторы конечно же объяснят, так и субъективное мнение на манер "это круто, потому что круто" – парни особо не стремятся в официальный стиль или какую-то чёткую парадигму записи, поэтому могут спокойно рассказать о принципах геймдизайна какой-нибудь компании, разобрать сценарий какого-нибудь тайтла, а могут сделать рецензию на понравившийся проект, новинку или классику, о которой попросят слушатели. В общем, этот подкаст – дружеские разгоны о том, что нравится многим, видеоиграх.

  • The term "Jom Pakai IoT" in the Malay Language mean "Let's Do IoT" (English). The Podcast is meant to share the issues, challenges, and tips on how to start your Internet of Things Journey.

  • Reimagine what cloud can do for your business. The On Cloud podcast decodes the state of cloud computing in the enterprise today with leading practices, real-world examples, and candid advice from industry leaders and specialists.

    The podcast features leading industry innovators who deliver their unique perspectives and insights around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals and engineer your possible.

  • Are you looking to improve your overall testing and quality practices? Join your hosts and QA Therapists, Sergio Freire and Cristiano Cunha, Solution Architects and Testing Advocates at Xray. Together they tackle some of the most common testing and quality challenges with guests from the testing community. This podcast is sponsored by Xray - a native quality management app for Jira. See how Xray can help you deliver better software - together. https://hubs.li/Q01qBdZd0

  • Подкаст про видеоигры, тестирование в общем и геймтестинг в частности.

  • Whether you sell on Amazon in your spare time or you’re an international brand looking to expand your empire, Crossover Commerce is the show for you!

    Hosted by PingPong’s Ryan Cramer, he'll be your reliable resource breaking down the trends and core concepts sellers need to thrive in the Amazon and eCommerce world.

    Stay tuned to level-up your knowledge with expert eCommerce content including legal, economic, social, cultural and technological solutions for domestic and global sellers.

  • Money is changing...so where do we go from here? Through high-profile interviews and thought-provoking analysis, join Michael Casey and Sheila Warren for the Money Reimagined Podcast, as they explore the connections between finance, human culture and our increasingly digital lives.

  • In-depth local public affairs reporting and interviews from around the KVNF listening area. Link for podcast subscription: https://www.kvnf.org/podcast/local-motion/rss.xml