Religión y espiritualidad – Hungría – Nuevos podcasts
What Lies Beyond with Matt Colborn. Conversations on consciousness science, the paranormal and the post-material future. Visit us and subscribe on -
Tóra, Talmud, muszár, halacha - mindenféle tanítások zsidó témakörökben.
The Spark Torah podcast is a weekly parsha shiur given over by Chana Miriam Bouskila. Each week we dive into the weekly Torah portion with curated insights that delve deeper, help you understand the parsha, and give you tools to carry away with you into your life. -
Hosted by Courtney Hazlett, Rabbi Diana Fersko, and Josh Kross, each episode of How to Be a Jew takes a look at a current, cultural topic and what it means for us as Jews, and how we react to it because we are Jews. We interview actors, artists, and other creators about their work, Jewish thinkers about the most pressing problems facing us today, and once in a while, the Jewish-adjacent icons who occupy an interesting space in our world.
Mózes öt könyvének magyarázatai, Rási alapján, a hetiszakaszokat követve.
The Lord has led me and my wife to start a podcast called "A Sign to a Greater Reality " where we will be doing our best to represent who Jesus Christ is, and to point people back to Christ.
II Corinthians 5:20 NKJV
[20] Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. -
Ons gemeente bestaan uit ‘n groep jong volwassenes en families met (‘n klomp) kleintjies. Die gemeente is deur vrywilligers geplant en die idee that elke lid dien & die gemeente bedien het deel van ons fundamentele kultuur geword
God is opening the 10/40 window like never before ! Come join the amazing men & women of God who are already working with us to transform lives in the 10/40 window.The mandate of Grace TV is simple; to build up the Body of Christ, make disciples who transform nations, and to preach and teach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!Daily we receive reports from places that are among the most persecuted regions in the world, from former Muslims, Hindus andsecular viewers that are touched and impacted… family problems resolved, suicide avoided, healing from disease & abuse… "I wanted to commit suicide, being aconverted Muslim with so many family problems. Then I watched Grace TV and it has given me hope!" ~Pearl (Hyderabad)With English as the business language of the world, targeting influencers within the 10/40 window to become a catalyst for change, has become a reality! Home to more than 4.5 billion people and 8,600 people groups, as well as representing every major religion in the world, IT IS TIME for them to know the Truth of God’s love and be raised up as leaders in the Earth today! By focusing on the upcoming influencers, we can transform cities, nations and cultures!Do you have a desire to be a part of a historic opportunity? Would you like to be actively involved in our strategic team?*Be the specialist in your field, equipping the people in the 10/40 window to be more successful in business, education,medical…Countries presently viewing Grace TV:Asia: 71.19% Pacific: 15%Africa: 41.01% Caribbean: 36.36%Middle East: 71.43% North America: 75%South America: 69.23% Praying for the rest ...160+ Countries Watching Grace TVand Still growing... Help us reach them allGrace TV is not “just another Christian channel”! Grace TV has a balanced Biblical vision specifically focused on raising up Christians within the 7 cultural mountains of influence as Leaders in the 10/40 window, to bring forth lasting change in the Earth.Grace TV is a channel with No compromise & high standards, whose focus is on global reach and local penetration! We maintain low overhead costs and high levels of influence so that with every dollar given we can expand to reach more people!* Satellite: exposure to 4.5 billion people* Local Cable & DTH: Approx 20 Million & expanding* Live Streaming on the internet Smart TV and internet* iOS & Android AppWorld Population: 7,597,000,000 (7.597 billion)We, like Esther, are strategically positioned, for such a time as this, not just in the 10/40 window, but in the heart of the country with the largest unreached people groups in the world! What better place to initiate change, than from India!Do you want to Impact Nations ?1. Adopting: You can help us impact India and thecountries in the 10/40 window, by sowing a seed towardexpansion of the Grace TV into the Metropolitan cities &beyond!2. Spreading: Will you mobilize word about Grace TV( via social media...) to other like-minded people involved inthe 7 pillars of influence who can use their skills/testimoniesas a tool to reach the lost & disciple nations?3. Skilled professionals: Will you come & volunteeryour time & talents to produce short films highlightingthe stories & testimonies of our orphanage children!One of the primary initiatives of Grace TV is The Jesus Way Orphange, School for underpriviledged children and Widows Ministry. By joining hands with The Jesus Way, we are able to directly transform the lives of hundreds of orphan, trafficked & “at risk” children, provide first class English Medium education in poor underdeveloped areas, as well as providing food, clothes & medical assistance for widows, handicapped and elderly!
Are you searching for the women God has called you to become? Guess what, Girlfriend - there's a guide for that! Join the God Girls Guide community each week with your Host and Coach Cierra, for a weekly download on topics straight from God's word to equip you for the life you are called to live!
In a perfect world, we are all saved and chilling with God. But here, in our imperfect reality, we need the perfection of
Jesus to sanctify us wholly. This podcast is a safe space to discuss the challenges of our faith in Christ and how to navigate life as Christians in today’s ‘woke’ society.
Motto: ‘We aren’t perfect, but we strive toward the perfection of Christ.’
So chill, relax, and settle in with your host, Eddy, on this sanctified journey. -
Join me for 10 minutes a day as we pray through God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to bring revelation to our hearts as we grow in knowing Jesus through Scripture.
Fiataloktól fiataloknak a Bibliáról. Minden héten egy érdekes bibliai témát beszélünk meg, és ezeket szeretnénk FairPlay módon tenni, a különböző felekezetek vagy nézetek oldalát is valamennyire átbeszélni, nem csupán félrevetni.
Tekinteted értelmem békéje,
Hangod a beteljesedésem,
Mosolyod a boldogságom,
De Te vagy a meditációm. -
One teaching is highlighted each week.
We are the young adults ministry at The Church at Rocky Peak! We meet Sunday nights at 7pm. For more info about our services and upcoming events, follow us on Instagram @rpyoungadults.
The Church at Rocky Peak
22601 Santa Susana Pass Road
Chatsworth CA 91311 -
Prophetic Prayers and declarations by Apostle Joshua Selman.
Welcome to Trinity Talks podcast (formerly "Trinity Church Sermons"). Topics include: weekly sermons, human interest, pastor chats, mental health and more from Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Arlington VA. Visit us on the web at!
Welcome to Blind Optimism the podcast dedicated to the upliftment and edification of Gods People. Here on Blind Optimism we focus on transforming the mind through the gospel of Jesus. Through diving into his word we are able to motivate, inspire and elevate our level of consciousness to be more equipped to handle life’s daily challenges and concerns. Come with me as we journey into exploring the love of God and His purpose for our lives.
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