
  • Strange & Scary Mysteries of the Month – April, 2019Strange & Scary Mysteries of the Month is a compilation of the weird, disturbing and downright baffling stories currently happening in our world. From UFOs to serial killers, ancient sites, mysterious creatures and even ghosts – these are the strange & Scary Mysteries of the month for April 2019. 5. Wrong Uber It was 2 A.M when 21 yr old University of South Carolina student, Samantha Josephson hailed an Uber, got inside the vehicle and was then tragically found dead just hours later. 4. Playmate Killer The supposed “Playboy curse” doesn’t exactly seem to apply to former playboy model, Kelsey Turner, but instead, shes’s decided to flip the coin and become the murderer instead. 3. UFOs Caught Flying By The ISSFor UFO believers, the truth is out there. UFO enthusiasts say a newly surfaced video, taken from the International Space Station, shows three unidentified flying objects hurtling past the space station. 2. Dr. Johnnie BartoAfter years of accusations, 71-year old Dr. Johnnie “Jack” Barto, recently was finally arrested and charged with molesting and sexually assaulting children in his private practice as a pediatrician in western Pennsylvania. 1. The Perfect MurderFor Florida sisters, Mary Beth Tomaselli and Linda Roberts, they had gotten away with the perfect murder in 2015, when they managed to kill their own 85-year old father, Anthony Tomaselli, in their Palm Harbor, Florida home.Support the show
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  • It’s widely taught around the world that the Sumerians were the earliest know civilization dating back around 6,000 years ago. But there are certain megalithic sites that simply don’t fit into that time frame and point to advanced cultures being around much much earlier then it’s currently being taught. The four structures on this list are amazing, not just in size but in what they possibly reveal about mankind’s true history. These are 4 Megalithic Sites That Change The History BooksPlease support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: Megalithic Sites That Change The History Books4. Gudang Padang Megalithic Site, IndonesiaGudang Padang is a site that sits close to the village of Karyamukti in West Java, Indonesia. First mentioned in the Report of the Department of Antiquities in 1914 and again in 1949 by Dutch historian, N.J. Krom, this place was only first officially visited in 1979 for archeological and historical purposes.What makes the Gudang Padang Megalithic site so fascinating is the possibility it could be the biggest megalithic structure ever built in the world. Even more, it could also be the oldest structure discovered so far, dating back sometime between 5,000 to 23,000 years old. To put in perspective, if true, it is older than the Egyptian Pyramids and even Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. At 23,000 years old, Gudang Padang and those that lived there were likely thriving and standing before the last Ice Age occured in 11,700 B.C. 3. Baalbeck, Lebanon Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the ruins at Baalbeck in Lebanon is considered a cornerstone of ancient civilization. The area has shown continued human habitation since 9000 B.C., making it an important part of human kinds ancient history. Through the centuries, Baalbeck has been a religious site for Christians, Muslims, Romans and even the Mesopotamians. In fact, many of the structures built there were once religious temples used by its inhabitants to serve and worship their respective gods. 2. 33,000-year-Old Bosnian PyramidsDiscovered in 2005, the Bosnian Pyramids are stirring up controversy for our current historical timeline.For centuries, the hills around Visoko, Bosnia were thought of as nothing more than just natural formations. It wasn’t until 2005 when Dr. Sam Osmanagich, an amateur archeologist and a decades-long pyramid enthusiast, first visited Visoko and noticed it seemed there was something more underneath the 3-foot thick vegetation. After researching and visiting hundreds of pyramid complexes around the world, he recognized the hill had noticeable slopes, triangular faces, obvious corners and a deliberate orientation. This led him to believe these “natural hills” were actually forgotten pyramids. 1. The OsirionConsidered as one of the most ancient sites in Upper Egypt, Abydos is believed to be where the ancient head of Osiris was buried. For centuries, it’s been considered a sacred city Hence, it was chosen as the location for the Great Temple of Abydos, otherwise known as the Temple of Seti I. The Temple of Seti I is the only structure in Egypt with a unique “L-shaped” design. It’s also known for having some of the finest raised reliefs and the only one with a full list of the Kings and Gods that presided over Egypt.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: Mysteries Twisted Two's:Amelia Dyer and The Gold TrainTales of hauntings, murder and scary mysteries. Every week Twisted Two's dives into a pair of uniquely terrifying true stories that are worthy of a more in depth look.For this week, we focus on a brutal individual named Amelia Dyer and the strange truth behind The Gold Train. Get Ready for Scary Mysteries Twisted Two's. #1 Amelia Dyer Baby farming was a typical practice in the Victoria era of England. Families would commonly send away their infants to a wet nurse or sometimes even a more formal facility. Some were returned when they became toddlers and others were permanently given away. #2 The Gold TrainAlthough there are countless legends surrounding the Nazis and their activities during the war and afterwards, one of the most recent ones uncovered is the legend of The Gold Train.Also known as the Walbrzych gold train, it’s believed the Nazi’s buried a German era train inside a constructed underground tunnel in Lower Silesia some time in 1945, prior to the end of World War II.Support the show
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  • Criminals sometimes like to taunt authorities and their victims families. There’s nothing typical within the following true crime stories. Whoever’s behind them is not only clever but also left behind perplexing clues that even today remain unsolved. These are 5 Unsolved crimes with strange clues. Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: UNSOLVED CRIMES WITH STRANGE CLUES5. Glico Morinaga Case – “Monster with 21 Faces”On March 18, 1984, two armed masked men broke into Katsuhisa Ezaki’s home in Japan. Once inside, they bound his wife and daughter. Ezaki was hiding with his other two children inside the bathroom and that’s when they kidnapped him. Ezaki was the CEO of Glico, a company that made candy and ice cream. The next day, the men called the director of Glico and demanded 1 Billion Yen and 100 kilograms in gold bullion. The company bought some time and luckily for them Ezaki actually maaged to escape from his captors just three days later on March 21. 4. Mary Shotwell LittleKnown as Atlanta’s “missing bride,” on October 14, 1965 after work 25 year old Mary Little went to dinner with a co-worker and happily talked about her married life. By 8:00 PM, she was headed back to her car but she was never heard from ever again. When police investigated her disappearance, they found clues inside her vehicle. Her Mercury Comet was found in Lenox Square and was covered in red dust as if it had been driven down a dirt road. 3. Annette SagersIt was October 4, 1988 in Mount Holly S. Carolina. 11-year old Annette Sagers was on her way to school, standing at the bus stop in front of the Mount Holly Plantation at 7:00 AM. Her dog was standing beside her as they waited for the school bus bound for Westview Middle School. Twenty minutes later, the bus arrived at the stop but no one was there. Later in the afternoon when Annette didn’t arrive home, her stepfather, Stephen called the school and found out Annette never arrived therein the first palce. 2. Zach RamsayIn Great Falls, Montana It was another ordinary day for 10-year old, Zach Ramsay. On feb. 6th 1996 At 7:30 AM he left his apartment and With only six blocks between him and the school he took a route through an alley. However, Zach would never make it to school that day. After an initial search, Zach’s mother called police and they went door to door, interviewing friends and neighbors in order to retrace Zach’s steps. More officers were mobilized and a massive search effort was conducted. 1. The Zodiac KillerThe Zodiac Killer is an infamous serial murdered that hunted in Northern Carolina during the 60s and early 70s. He is linked to 5 murders spanning from 1968 to 69 but may have injured and killed many more. The first known victims linked to the Zodiac were Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday. On their first date, they drove out to Lake Herman Road, a well-known lover’s lane at around 10:15 PM on December 20,1968. A little after 11pm their bodies were found by a nearby resident. Police studied the scene and believe a second car followed and parked right next to the couple.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: MYSTERIES - TWISTED TWO's: Logan Ohio and Luis GaravitoTales of hauntings, murder and scary mysteries, Every week Twisted Two's dives into a pair of uniquely terrifying true stories that are worthy of a more in depth look.For this week we take a look at the shocking slayings that happened in Logan Ohio and the murderous crimes of one of Colombia’s worst serial killers. Get ready for Scary Mysteries your Twisted Two's.#1 Logan Ohio On October 4, 1982, two Logan Ohio teens were reported missing: They were 18-year old Annette Johnston, and her 19-year old fiancé, Todd Schultz. A search was launched and on October 14, ten days after they first went missing, both their torsos were found discarded in the Hocking River- just west of Logan. Two days later, their severed heads and limbs were found buried in a cornfield nearby the river. While police investigated the area, they noticed a man lingering around. Kenny Linscott lived just three blocks away from where the bodies were found. He told police he was curious why the cops were in his niehgborhood and that he often fished in the river. Soon after the grisly discovery, rumors of a satanic sacrifice circled the community. Tipsters told police that Linscott was seen with a huge cut on his arm following the days the couple went missing. Investigators then gathered hospital records proving Linscott did have the unusual cut he sought treatment for, but for some reason they never pursued him as a suspect. #2 Luis GaravitoKilling close to 400 victims, Luis Alfredo Garavito from Genova, Colombia is dubbed as one of the worst serial killers the world has ever known.Otherwise known as “La Bestia” or the beast, Garavito is known to have raped, tortured and murdered children and teenagers between the ages of 6 and 16 years old beginning in 1992. Born in 1957 to a dysfunctional and abusive household, he left home at the age of 16 and supported himself by working odd jobs all around. But apparently, something inside him snapped when he was 35 years old. Because of the civil war, the number of homeless people, beggars and orphaned children skyrocketed in the early 90’s. Garavito then targeted this specific group to find his victims. He would often disguise himself as an authority figure or someone trustworthy. he would dress himself as a priest, a homeless man, a farmer, a drug dealer and a street vendor, often giving gifts, candy or offering victims the possibility of a job. Once he has won the trust of the child he would lure them for a walk until they got tired and that’s when he would attack.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: & Scary Mysteries of the Month January 2019Strange & Scary Mysteries of the Month is a compilation of the weird, disturbing and downright baffling stories currently happening in our world. From UFOs to serial killers, ancient sites, mysterious creatures and even ghosts – these are the strange & Scary Mysteries of the month for January 2019. 5. Yukai Yang For Juwan Royal, his friendship with his roommate, Chinese student and chemistry major, Yukai Kang, was cordial. The two had been sharing a dorm at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania for four years and no serious incident of violence or arguments had ever happened between the two. Sure, they weren’t the best of friends but they were amicable and pleasant to each other. 4. Carla StefaniakIt was a week-long birthday celebration for Carla Stefaniak. She and her sister-in-law, April Burton, spent the first few days in Costa Rica, surfing, soaking in hot springs and gorging on fresh fruit from roadside stands. However, Burton had to fly back a day earlier for work, leaving Stefaniak to spend her last day in Costa Rica all alone.3. Tiny Aliens Discovered in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003, a 6-inch long skeleton, nicknamed “Ata,” baffled scientists and archeologists. Nothing similar to it had been found ever before or since. The skeleton featured an elongated skull. What’s more, even though it’s the size of a fetus, the bones are so developed it resembled that of a 6-year old child. 2. Kevin Cooper Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kevin Cooper was placed in an orphanage at just 2 months old. He was adopted at 6 months by Melvin and Esther Cooper but as a child, he was physically abused and became a runaway multiple times. Cooper eventually led a life of crime, building himself an extensive criminal record, which included rape and burglary. When he moved to California, he was convicted of two burglaries and served a 4-year sentence under the alias, David Trautman. 1. Elwyn Crocker Sr.Acting on a tip, Georgia police officers searched the Guyton, Georgia home of 50-year old, Elwyn Crocker. Their goal was to do a welfare check since one of his children, Mary Crocker hadn’t been seen for several months. However, the search ended in the arrest of the former Walmart Santa and his family after police uncovered the remains of his two children buried in his backyard.Support the show
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  • Witches, covens and the occult. Many people don’t believe they can exist, but for others, they’re as real as anything. The 5 stories on this list consist of real life murders involving witches and ritual sacrifices. These are 5 witches and their disturbing crimes. Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: WITCHES & THEIR DISTURRBING CRIMES5. Jeanette Depalma It was a bright summer day in September of 1972 when, Jeanette Depalma’s body was found. The small town of Springfield, New Jersey was still reeling from the John List murders that occurred just 10 months prior – they weren’t sure how to react with another dead body showing up on their door step. Jeanette was 16 years old and had told her mother she was heading to the train station to go visit a friend. However, when she never made it to the friends house or returned home later in the evening, her parents grew concerned and reported her missing. 4. Angela Sanford52 year old Joel Leyva first met Angela Sanford at a casino in March of 2010. It was here that the then-30-year-old Sanford invited him to the Sandia Foothills Open Space trailhead in Albuquerque, New Mexico to help her celebrate, Beltane, the Wiccan celebration of Spring. Once at the trailhead, Sanford said Joel made some sexual advances which she rejected. He then attacked her and tied her up with her rope belt and threatened her with a dagger. She said she convinced him that she did want to have sex with him, and so he utlimately freed her. Once untied, she then asked him to lie down, took the knife away from him and stabbed him “three times” in the abdomen before running away to seek help. The group of witnesses said Sanford ran to them in her underwear saying she was raped and asking for help. However, none of them had heard of anyone yelling for help prior to her arrival. 3. Adolfo ConstanzoIn the spring of 1989, students looking to celebrate spring break headed to Matamoros in Mexico. An easy drive from Brownsville, Texas, it’s become a favorite for college students looking to enjoy all-night parties, alcohol, drugs and more. But Matamoros, despite being “spring-break friendly” had something else disturbing going on at the time. since New Year’s Day of that year, close to 60 people had been reported missing. One student that likely didn’t know or care of the high crime rate was pre-med student, Mark Kilroy. He crossed into the border town with friends to enjoy the break but was separated from them one night while partying. Close to dawn, when the group headed back, they had lost sight of Kilroy. 2. Donald Wayne HartungJuly 31st, 2015, was the night of a blue moon, something that happens once every three years. For the Hartung and Smith families it was supposed to be routine a routing weekend. Donald Wayne Hartung went to his 77 year old mother’s house in Pensacola, Florida to cook dinner. His half brothers, John and Richard Smith were also there. However soon, all three would be dead. 1. Clara SchwartzFantasy and role-playing games seem harmless to most people, but for Clara Schwartz and her father, Robert, thier pretend time, turned deadly. On December 8. 2001, Robert - a prominent scientist who was an expert on DNA sequencing - was found stabbed with a 27-inch sword while he sat down for dinner in their remote Leesburg, Virginia farmhouse.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: MYSTERIES - TWISTED TWO's: The Bloop and Bever Brothers Tales of hauntings, murder and scary mysteries, Every week Twisted Two's dives into a pair of uniquely terrifying true stories that are worthy of a more in depth look.For this week we check out a very mysterious underwater sound called “The Bloop” and the brutal and shocking killings of two Brothers. Get ready for Scary Mysteries Twisted Two's. #1 The Bloop First heard in 1997, the Bloop, was a mysterious underwater sound recorded using hydrophones and captured across the Pacific Ocean. The ultra-low frequency was heard by listening stations, including those of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also known as the (NOAA), despite the fact that they were set as far apart as 5,000 km from one another. #2 Bever Brothers It was July 22, 2015, the Bever family from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma just got back home for dinner after spending the day bowling. Described by neighbors as a family that kept to themselves, little was known about them. No one in the area even knew the couple or the children by their first name.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: MYSTERIES - TWISTED TWO's: Danny Rolling & Ghost of Gladstone VillaTales of hauntings, murder and scary mysteries, Every week Twisted Two's dives into a pair of uniquely terrifying true stories that are worthy of a more in depth look.For this week we check out the sadistic murderer known as the Gainesville Killer, and a mysterious and unusual Ghost. Get ready for scary mysteries Twisted Two's. #1 Danny Rolling Originally from Shreveport, Louisiana, Danny Rolling would spend a good portion of his life terrorizing victims by becoming one of the most brutal serial killers in Florida’s history. As a child, Rolling had it rough. His father James was an abusive and sadistic policeman who physically and emotionally abused his kid even as a baby. Although he had a brother, the object of his father’s hatred was almost always aimed toward Danny. When he was just 13 years old, the two got in an argument and James pinned him #2 Ghost of Gladstone VillaIn the former mining town of Bargoed, l in the South Wales Valley of the UK, was a large yet mysterious property called Gladstone Villa. Built in the 1900s, the property was named after former British Prime Minister, William Gladstone. The story of a ghost at the Villa was first brought about by a man named Andrew Dexter whose family once lived on the property between 1968 and 1978. It was while staying here that he and his family were subjected to various ghost activity.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: Strange & Shocking Solved MysteriesOn occasion, certain mysteries feel like they will remain unexplained forever. But as fate would have it, sometimes the answers are found. The next stories are rare, These are 5 strange and shocking solved mysteries. 5. Zeb QuinnIn North Carolina On January 2, 2000, Zeb Quinn finished his shift at Walmart and made plans to go look at a car he was interested in buying with his friend and coworker, Robert Owens. They each drove their own vehicles and were last seen by security cameras at 9:15 PM, buying sodas at nearby gas station. Owens told investigators that after they had left the station, Quinn signaled for him to pull over. They did and Quinn said he received a page and needed to make a phone call. 4. The Bermuda TriangleConsidered as one of the most enigmatic places in the world, the Bermuda Triangle has been tied to lore and mysterious circumstances since time immemorial. Many say it's a cursed area, and that more ships, planes and people have disappeared here than any other spot on the planet. Also known as the Devil's Triangle, There are several theories as to why the Bermuda Triangle is so dangerous. Some believe it once housed the mythical island of Atlantis. 3. Beast of Bodmin MoorFor years strange sighting of a beast have been reported in the forests surrounding Dartmoor, England. Rumors of a supposed alien beast haunted the area as it fed on livestock, terrorizing the farmers and their families. This unusual creature was all black and would emit a terrifying human-like scream whenever it attacked. Various grainy pictures soon emerged and after that The locals began to embrace the terrifying myth and soon, the Beast of Bodmin, became a public spectacle, showing up in parades, festivals, books and various articles. 2. Sarah DeLeonIn December of 1989, 18-year-old Sarah DeLeon was last seen leaving her boyfriend Matt Utland's home in Kansas. Several hours later, her bloodied body was found discarded near the train tracks. She had multiple stab wounds in the back, neck and chest. Meanwhile, her car was found 22 miles away. Investigators combed the vehicle for evidence but nothing conclusive came up, they also noted there was no sign of sexual assault on the victim.Family and friends described Sarah as a "sweetheart" and her mother could only remember at least one "enemy," she had named Carolyn Coon who was the ex-girlfriend of Sarah’s boyfriend Matt. 1. Doris Dewberry & Valerie LaneFor nearly four decades the death and murder of 12-year old, Valerie Lane and 13-year old Doris Dewberry has haunted families, detectives and the community of Olivehurst, CA. On November 11, 1973, the two young girls left their home to head to a nearby mall for some shopping. They were seen up until early that evening but when both girls didn't return home, their mothers called in police the following day. So there were 5 Strange & Shocking Solved MysteriesTime will tell is a phrase often used. As these cases have proven, time can provide answers and sometimes a sense of closure and Justice.Support the show
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  • This week we look into the mysterious disappearance of a musician and a historically haunted hotel found in Texas. Menger Hotel. Get ready for Scary Mysteries, Twisted Two’sPlease support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: Disappearance of Richey Edwards Born on December 22, 1967, Richard Edwards was a Welsh musician who was the main lyricist and rhythm guitarist for the band Manic Street Preachers. When he was just 27 years old, on February 1, 1995 he mysteriously disspaered and has never been seen again.He was good friends with Manic's bassist, Nicky Wire and initially served as the band's driver and roadie. Soon he began helping out in writing the band's lyrics and eventually began playing rhythm guitar. For the band's album "Holy Bible," it's said Edwards himself wrote the majority of the lyrics on it. Even though he wasn't the most talented of musicians, he had a major contribution in the direction of the band's sound. He gained notoriety on May 15, 1991, when he argued with NME journalist, Steve Lamacq, about the band's values and authenticity. Apparently, Steve questioned Edwards on whether or not he was really serious about his art. Edwards responded by pulling out a razor and carving the words "4 REAL" into his forearm. #2 Menger HotelBefore the Menger Hotel was even erected, the site where it would stand was already filled with a rich history. It was in the same area where the famous Battle of the Alamo came to pass in San Antonio Texas. In the 1840s, a 21-year old German immigrant named William A. Menger started to make a name for himself in the area. In a short amount of time, he acquired various breweries and officially gaining the nickname of "Beer King." He went on to marry boarding house proprietress, Mary Guenther and together they transformed the boarding house into the Menger Hotel. By 1859, the Hotel opened for business. It was a beautiful two-story building that was elegant and classy both inside and out. Merger even built an underground tunnel from the hotel that lead straight to his brewery so he could provide an easy access tour to his guests. The Hotel was such a success that just three months of its initial opening, the couple decided to expand it even further and double up the number of rooms from 50 to 100.Support the show
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  • Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: MYSTERIES - TWISTED TWO's: Jack the Ripper & The Sallie HouseTales of hauntings, murder and scary mysteries, Every week Twisted Two's dives into a pair of uniquely terrifying true stories that are worthy of a more in depth look.This week look into one of the most famous & historic Killers ever known and a haunted house found in Kansas that is sure to give you nightmares. Get ready for Scary Mysteries, Twisted Two’s#1 Jack the RipperNearly every person in the world is familiar with the name Jack the Ripper. While no one knows who this crazed individuals real name was, the moniker was given to a serial killer who terrorized the streets of London begginging in 1888. London during that time was very different. Prostitution and brothels were on almost every street and only deemed illegal if they interfered with the general public. There was so much violence, racism, crime and immorality there that much of the public refered to it as a "den of immorality." It was here that Jack the Ripper chose to kill and murder 5 women who’s bodies were found between August 31st and November 9th of 1888. #2 The Sallie HouseBuilt in Atchison Kansas in1867, the Sallie House was once owned by a man named Michael Finney. He moved in with his wife, two sons and daughter and up until 1947, the property and the land were owned by the family and its descendants. After that for the next few decades it was rented to various people who never seemed to stay long and there’s no solid records of who they were. Then up Until the 90s, a lady named Ethel Anderson lived there before Tony and Debra Pickman moved in to call it their own. And this is when the trouble began. As soon as the Pickmans moved, they began experiencing unusual occurences. Tony especially began by hearing unexplained voices, and shortly after that would claim to have been attacked and scratched buy some unseen entity.Support the show
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  • People around the world are reported missing every single day. And sometimes, it's not just a single person but an entire group or even town. The next five stories will leave you wondering how so many people could vanish without a trace. These are the 5 most mysterious and strange mass disappearances.Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: Most Mysterious and Strange Mass Disappearances#5 USS CyclopsThe USS Cyclops was a 522-foot ship first launched into service on November 7, 1910. It served the army prior to and during World War I, acting as an aid and convoy for fuel as well as refugees. After the war, the ship became a transporter of various supplies and on January 9, 1918, it sailed to Rio to unload coal. After that, it was loaded with 10,800 tons of manganese ore, to be used for manufacturing munitions. Aside from the cargo, it also accepted 73 local sailors including the American Consulate General of Rio on board.#4 The Lost Colony of Roanoke One of the most enduring mysteries of lost communities is the story of Roanoke. Englishman John White brought more than 100 men, women and children to Roanoke Island in North Carolina in 1587. It was one of the first attempts of the English to establish a proper colony in the New World. Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched White in 1587 after his initial group of colonists didn't succeed. The idea was for them to be dropped off in the Chesapeake Bay and establish a colony there but en route, they stopped by Roanoke to check on the remaining 15 men who were left to maintain English presence. #3 Village of KuldharaLocated 10 miles off the western portion of Rajasthan's Jaiselmer City, lay the small community of villages called Kuldhara. When the Paliwal Brahmins first established it in 1291, there were 85 smaller villages within Kuldhara. Praised for being expert businessmen, the village became a prosperous community. The villagers had learned how to cultivate water-intensive crops like wheat despite being in an arid region. #2 The Crew of the MV JoyitaOn October 3, 1955, the MV Joyita, a merchant vessel, set sail from the port of Samoa bound for the Tokelau Islands located 270 miles away. It was a 41 to 48 hour journey and The Joyita was initially scheduled to leave the day before but had to postpone since her port engine clutch failed. The next day, she eventually set sail despite having only one engine. On board the ship were 16 crew and 9 passengers. Among the passengers was Dr. Alfred Parsons, a WWII surgeon, a pharmacist and a copra buyer. #1 Lake Anjikuni Inuit VillageOn November 1930, a cold and exhausted Canadian trapper named, Joe Labelle was looking for shelter. He knew the area well and that an Inuit village was close by who were friendly with fur trappers. He hoped to be able to spend the night with them to catch some rest and as he approached, shouted a greeting but heard nothing back. Right away, he knew something was off. He made his way toward the tents and housing built by the 25-30 villagers that lived there, but he couldn’t see any people. So those were the 5 Most Mysterious and Strange Mass DisappearancesThe idea of a mass group of people disappearing without a trace is baffling and unnerving. It simply leaves too many questions unanswered and will always make people wonder, what really happened to these people?Support the show
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  • Strange & Scary Mysteries of the Month is a compilation of the weird, disturbing and downright baffling stories currently happening in our world. From UFOs to serial killers, ancient sites, mysterious creatures and even ghosts – these are the strange and Scary Mysteries of the month for July 2018. Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: & Scary Mysteries of the Month - July 20185. The Case of Michella Welch On March 26, 1986, 12-year old Michella Welch took her siblings to Puget Park in Tacoma, Washington at around 10 AM. About an hour later, she left them there to go home and make sandwiches for lunch, and after that headed back to the park. Once there, she placed their lunch on a park table and went looking for her siblings. By 1:15 the brothers and sisters had found the brown paper bag lunches waiting for them, but their older sister was nowhere to be found. 4. Malibu State Park ShooterThirty-five-year-old, Irvine, California native, Tristan Beaudette, was inside his tent at Malibu Creek State Park when he was fatally shot and killed in his sleep. A veteran outdoorsman, he went on the camping trip to allow his wife, an obstetrician, some quiet time to study for an exam. Beaudette was with his two young daughters who were 4 and 2 years old and they were inside the tent with him when he was killed. They were left unharmed. His brother-in-law was also camping with them but he was staying in a different tent. 3. British Model Kidnapping SagaIt was supposed to be another photoshoot For British model, Chloe Ayling. Her agent confirmed the booking and afterwards made the arrangements. However, after arriving on July 11 in Milan, Italy, she was accosted by two men. According to her statement, a man with black gloves put a hand on the back of her neck and the other on her mouth. Then another man injected her with something in her arm. Ayling lost consciousness and woke up in a pink bodysuit and socks. She was placed inside the trunk of a car, with her wrists and ankles bound. 2. Nicole LovellWhen 13-year old Nicole Lovell snuck out of her Blacksburg, Virginia home on January 27, 2016, she thought she was heading out for a “secret date.” But it turned out, she wouldn’t be returning home ever again. Nicole was seventh grader who had befriended 18-year old, Virginia Tech student and cross-country athlete, David Eisenhauer, online. On January 27, it’s believed Eisenhauer and another Virginia-tech student named Natalie Keepers, lured Lovell out of her home under the pretense of a secret meeting. 1. Suspect in The Doodler CaseThe Doodler, was a serial killer who rampaged through the San Francisco area between the years 1974 and 75, targeting gay men. His MO was to strike up conversations with potential victims and then lure the men into sexual encounters. Once alone, he would stab them and leave them to die on beaches or in parks. The reason why he was dubbed as the “doodler” was because he was said to have drawn sketches of the men right before assaulting or killing them.Support the show
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  • 5 Most Terrifying & Chilling Murderers EverWhat's most unsettling about serial killers isn’t that they prey on the innocent. But that they strike in a cold and calculated manner and have no remorse for any of their actions. These are the 5 Most Terrifying and Chilling Murderers Ever. 5. Grim SleeperKnown as the "Grim Sleeper," Lonnie Franklin Jr. grew up in South Central LA. He was married once with two children and described by his neighbors as a quiet, friendly man. Nobody ever pegged him to be a serial killer because he didn't fit the profile. About 80% of serial killers are white males between 20-30 years old. Lonnie Franklin is a black male who committed his first known crime at 32 years old. He also chose his victims very carefully, hunting black women in the sex trade – people the public and law enforcement often overlooked. 4. Southern Pacific Railroad AxemanIn 1911-1912, the axe was an item found in nearly every home, so it’s no surprise that it became a weapon for a serial murderer as well. The first reported axe killing was on January 1911 in Rayne, Louisiana. The victims were a mother and her 3-year old child; both were hacked to death while they silently slept in their beds. By February, the killer struck again,10 miles away in Crowley where 3 people from the Byers family were killed. Less then two weeks later four people from the Andres family were mutilated in LaFayette. Every single one of the victims was murdered in their sleep using an axe. 3. The Stoneman The title of The Stoneman first appeared in the English-language print media of Calcutta. It was used as a moniker for a serial killer who had a penchant for smashing his victims' skulls using a stone while they slept. The murders concentrated on two major areas in India: Bombay and Calcutta. Although no one knows for sure whether it's the same killer, the similarities in the crimes make it highly likely.In 1985, the first hints of the Stoneman appeared and continued for two years. The killer would carefully choose his victims, picking those who were sleeping alone in desolate and dimly lit areas. 2. Javed MughalOnly $2.40 or 120 rupees, that was the amount Javed Mughal proclaimed as the amount of money he spent in disposing one child. On December 1999, 45-year old, he wrote a letter to a local pakastani newspaper confessing he had murdered 100 boys, mostly beggars and runaways that were between the ages of 6 to 16. He would lure the children and gain their confidence before drugging and then raping them. Afterwards, they would be mutilated, their bodies cut into pieces before being placed inside acid vats to dissolve. After they were fully liquefied he would dump them into the sewer and later in the Ravi River. 1. Ted BundyOne of the most notorious serial killers of the 20th century, it's no surprise Ted Bundy is top of this list. His good looks and charm made it easy for him to win over his victims' trust, resulting in over 30 murdered women but many believe the numbers could be higher. Theodore Bundy was born in Burlington Vermont on November 24, 1946 to a young unwed mother, named Louise. Out of embarrassment, his grandparents decided to legally adopt him, passing themselves as his parents and telling him that his mother was his sister. so those were the 5 Most Terrifying & Chilling Murderers EverNo one knows for sure what motivated these killers to brutally torture, mutilate and kill without remorse but it remains a fact their methods and tactics are some of the most disturbing anyone will ever see.Support the showLearn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Scary Mysteries of the Month is a compilation of the weird, disturbing and downright baffling stories currently happening in our world. From UFOs to serial killers, ancient sites, mysterious creatures and even ghosts – these are the strange and Scary Mysteries of the month for June 2018. Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: and Scary Mysteries of the Month - June 20185. Wife Charged with Murder 17 Years LaterFor 17 years, Denise Williams lived as a free woman in Tallahassee, Florida - working at a desk job in Doak Campbell Stadium at Florida State University. Seventeen years ago, on December 16, 2000, Denise’s husband, Mike disappeared while supposedly going on a lone duck hunting trip at Lake Seminole in Jackson County. Denise said he likely fell from the boat and probably got eaten by alligators. She played herself off as the grieving widow and asked for her privacy to be respected during her time of mourning. Mike’s mother, Cheryl and much of the local law enforcement however, never bought her story. 4. Search for Kimberly King It was September 15, 1979 when 12-year old, Kimberly King from Detroit, Michigan, left home to stay overnight at a friend’s house. She had told her parents she was staying at her best friend, Annie Kim’s house which was just across the street from where her grandmother lived. However, this was a lie. She meant to meet up with her older sister at her grandma’s house to go cruising around town, But plans changed and her sister couldn’t make it. Kim found out the plans were off, but she still headed out anyway. 3. Mysterious Wolf-Dog Creature ShotOn May 16 a rancher in Denton, Montana shot a large canine creature that came within a hundred yards of his livestock. After killing the animal, he reported it as required by law but to their surprise, no one could identify what type of animal it actually was, and news about it spread fast around the internet.The carcass was brought to the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks facility and then to a lab in Bozeman to be studied. It was determined to be a young, non-lactating female from the canid family which includes dogs, coyotes, foxes and wolves. 2. Teen Killed While on the Phone with her MotherEvery time 15-year old, Baleigh Bagshaw, arrived home from school at 3 PM, she would call her mom to let her know she arrived sfaely. On May 7, 2018, it was no different and when Bagshaw arrived at the families Salt Lake City, Utah home, she immediately called her mother. However this time, something horrible happened. While still on the phone, someone snuck inside their home and brutally attacked the 15-year old girl. Her mother was on the line while the attack was happening and heard part of it before the call was abruptly disconected. Her mom immediately called a neighbor and then, 911. 1. Serial Killer ConfessionA proclaimed Mexican Cartel hitman, Jose Manuel Martinez, once lived on and off in Richgrove, California. In 2013, he was captured in Arizona trying to hop over the border to Mexico. At that time, he had an outstanding warrant in Alabama for killing a man - execution style. His reason for shooting him was because he made a rude remark to his daughter. When Marquez was arrested and incarcerated in Alabama, he began bragging to his cellmates about his murderous lifestyle, claiming that he had killed more than 40 people all over the country as a hitman since 1980’s.Support the show
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  • There are places all around the world that claim to be haunted. But some places, for whatever reason, are considered to be much more sinister then others. The homes on this list once belonged to real families and over time they’ve gained a seriously scary reputation. These are the 5 most haunted houses in the world. Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: MOST HAUNTED HOUSES IN THE WORLD5. Borley Rectory - EnglandDubbed as the “most haunted house in England,” the Borley Rectory sits on the outskirts of England, in the desolate little town of Borley, close to Suffolk. Built by Reverend Henry Bull in 1862, this structure was built in place of an older rectory that had mysteriously burned down years prior. Legend has it that a 13th century Benedictine monastery once stood on the gorunds. One of the monk had fallen in love with a nun who served in a nearby parish and when the two tried to elope together, their love affair was discovered. 4. The Haunted Vicarage - Sweden First built in 1876, this old vicarage sits quietly in the small village of Borvattnet in Northern Sweden. For over 90 years, the vicarage lay peacefully but in 1927 that all began to change. Then head chaplain, Nils Hedlund had moved in during that time and reported experiencing various things he could not explain. In one instance while doing laundry, he went to the attic to gather more of his clothes and when he looked outside, he could see an unseen force pulling clothes from off the line. 3. Chaonei No. 81 - ChinaAlso called the Chaonei Church, this old French Baroque building with its distinct red brick walls has become celebrated as “Beijing’s most haunted building.” Historically, it’s unknown who built the actual structure but over the years it’s has served as various government offices during the early years of the People’s Republic of China. By the 60s, the Red Guards stayed in the building but for some reason they made a hasty departure – some say because of the structure’s haunted status. Today, the building is in the care of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Beijing, hoever it still remains abandoned. 2. Rose Hall - JamaicaStanding beautifully with its stunning Georgian architecture, you wouldn’t think the Rose Hall Mansion was haunted. By day, it’s a stunning tourist attraction with its white stone walls and impressive stature. But by night, the 650-acre property becomes the object of horror stories and scary tales. 1. Monte Cristo Homestead - AustraliaIn the Australian town of Junee in New South Wales sits a wonderful and charming Victorian home known as the Monte Cristo Homestead. This two-story manor features a gorgeous ornate wraparound balcony and sits on top of a scenic hill overlooking the gorgeous town below. So there were the 5 MOST HAUNTED HOUSES IN THE WORLDSome houses get passed down to various owners through the years without incident. Others, like the ones on this list, have had such horrific pasts, that the original owners, or those they scorend, refuse to ever leave.Support the show
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  • When a crime occurs, police immediately set out to solve it and catch those responsible. Some cases get solved right away, others can take weeks or even years. Then there are those cases that go decades without being solved, but through a stroke of luck and a little digging authorities are finally able to solve them. These are the 5 Cold Cases Solved Decades Later. Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: COLD CASES SOLVED DECADES LATER5. Tracy Gilpin – (31-32 Years)On the night of October 1, 1986, 15 year old Tracy Gilpin of Kingston, Massachusetts headed to a party nearby her house. By 10:30 PM, her and her friends decided to leave, Her friends walked with her until they reached their own houses. Shortly after dropping them off, Tracy went inside a convenience store and bought a pack of cigarettes. The clerk remembered her and said she called someone on the payphone while there, she had called the owner of the house that threw the party. She asked her if she could pick her up at the convenience store and drive her home because she didn’t want to walk alone. 4. Death of Richard Phillips & Milton Curtis (40+ years)On January 22, 1957, El Segundo, California police officers, Richard Phillips and Milton Curtis, stopped a vehicle after it ran a red light. Once outside the car, without warning, the perpetrator pulled out a gun and shot both officers three times before fleeing the scene. Officer Phillips fired three shots into the vehicle and radioed for help before losing consciousness. Officer Curtis was pronounced dead on the scene. 3. Murder of Maria Ridulph (55 Years)Snow had begun to fall on the evening of December 3, 1957. Seven-year-old Maria Ridulph begged her mom to let her go out and play with her bestfriend and neighbor, Kathy Sigman. It was dark out, but the two went out on the street and played a game called “duck the cars.” Kathy would later tell police that it was then that they were approached by a young man named, “Johnny.” He said he was 24, unmarried and asked if they liked dolls, then He inquired to see if the girls liked piggyback rides. Maria accepted and after Johnny gave her a ride, she went inside their house to grab a doll she wanted to show him. When she came back, Kathy went to her house to get mittens but when she came back out, Maria and Johnny were gone. 2. Diane Jackson (34-35 Years)Diane Jackson was a 25-year old single mother from Houston, Texas who left for work on the day of December 14, 1969. She pulled up her car intp the company parking lot, but she never made it into the office. Later that day, a man named William Bell, saw another man walking away from a shack located near the office building. Curious, he decided to look inside the shack and when he peeked in found the dead body of Diane Maxwell. During the investigation, police discovered the woman had been raped, strangled and then brutally stabbed to death. 1. Jacob Wetterling (27 Years)On Sunday, October 22, 1989 Eleven-year-old, Jacob Wetterling, his brother, Aaron and another friend, Aaron Larson, were riding their bikes on the way home from a convenience store in St. Joseph, Pennsylvania. Right before reaching home, a man with a stocking cap mask and an unloaded revolver jumped from a driveway and ordered the boys to throw their bikes in a ditch and lie with their faces on the ground. The man asked the boys for their ages.Support the show
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  • For this week we focus on a terrifying New Mexico Serial Killer and the mysterious disappearance of a young boy. Get ready for Scary Mysteries, Twisted Two's.Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: Mysteries TWISTED TWO's:The West Mesa Murders and Johnny GoschTales of hauntings, murder and scary mysteries. Every week Twisted Two's dives into a pair of uniquely terrifying true stories that are worthy of a more in depth look.#1 The West Mesa MurdersIn February of 2009 a woman was walking around a Mesa with her dog when she stumbled upon a human femur bone. She called the police and that led to one of the most shocking discoveries in New Mexicos History. Various scattered bones were collected over a 92-acre plot of land. The bones belonged to 11 different women that ranged between the ages of 15 and 32. It took the police over a year to identify each one of the victims, uncovering the likley hood that a serial killer was on the loose. Sitting outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico, West Mesa was a desert region back in the early 2000. It wasn't until 2006 when real estate developmers began putting up housing there. But the housing bubble burst in 2008, which caused many projects to halt unexpectedly overnight, sometimes even before anything could be built. Because of flooding in the area, a retaining wall was created that forced storm water into a detention pond. This is ultimately what helped pushed the buried bones up to the grounds surface. #2 Johnny GoschIn September of1982 in Iowa, 13-year old Johnny Gosch went out on his morning paper route . Normally he knocks on his father's door before heading out so he could accompany him but on this particular morning, he decided not to. Instead, he took the family's dachshund. Multiple paper carriers saw Johnny collecting his papers at The Des Moines Register. This would be one of the last times he would ever be seen. Shortly afterwards with a red wagon filled with newspapers in tow, along with his dog, Johnny was stopped by a man in a blue two-toned Ford Fairmont who was asking for directions. A neighbor saw the interaction through his bedroom window but he couldn't hear anything they were saying. Johnny was with another paper carrier and he apparently told one of the older boys that he was going home - visibly unnerved at the encounter with the unknown man. Little did he know that a second man already following him on foot. It's believed that the moment Johnny was out of sight from the boys, the man forced Johnny into the vehicle and took him away. The other paper carrier, a 16-year old who was with Johnny when the stranger in the car asked for directions said he lost sight of Johnny when he turned a corner to his home but he distinctly heard a dog growling, a car door slam shut and then the screeching of tires. He then saw the same blue car beating a red light and speeding off toward the Interstate. So these were two of the most frightening and scary stories around. The world can be a crazy place and Twisted Two's is sure to show you why.Support the show
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  • 4 Very Scary and Creepy Hauntings with Proof! VERY SCARY!Please support Scary Mysteries! Check out our Patreon at - There's a lot of cool access, giveaways and even a custom episode!Buy awesome original shirts made by Scary Mysteries for Weekly Videos here: EXTREMELY TERRIFYING AND SCARY REAL HAUNTINGSWe hear about ghost stories and hauntings all the time. They're shared by campfires and told in the nighttime in order to maximize their effectiveness. While the majority of the tales are nothing more then stories meant to scare, sometimes they originate from something real, something very frightening. These are 4 extremely terrifying and scary real hauntings. #4 The Myrtles PlantationMention the American South and you'll picture large plantation houses. These iconic structures embody the beauty of the American home and many also hold a unique past. One such home is the Myrtle's Plantation.Built in 1796 by lawyer, Whiskey Dave Bradford, the plantation was passed down to his daughter Sara and her husband Judge Clark Woodruff. The property has withstood the test of time and has seen wars come and go; switched between multiple owners; and also experienced multiple deaths. It's these deaths and the souls of the spirits that remain that has dubbed the Myrtle Plantation as "one of the most haunted homes" in America.The home is said to be haunted by about 12 ghosts, some of which died on the property, while others are strongly associated to the home and families that lived there. One of the most prominent stories is that of a servant slave named Chloe. #3 Tale Of Resurrection MaryChicago is a large city with it’s fair share of haunted houses and creepy graveyards. But one terrifying ghost haunts the highways of the area and she is known locally as Resurrection Mary. More than three dozen people have encountered, Seen and even spoke with Mary over the years and they all report similar accounts. On such is that of Jerry Paulus in 1939 who was at a local dance hall when he spotted a beautiful girl. He approached her and they spoke, laughed and danced for hours. He described her as rather quiet and also noticed she was cold to the touch. #2 La Laurie House in New OrleansOne of the most famous places in New Orleans, the La Laurie House has lived on in infamy, not just for it’s beautiful historical structure but also for what went on inside. Owned by Madame Delphine MacCarthy, who was better known as Madame La Laurie after she remarried, the house sits on a corner in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The family first moved in - in 1832. Madame La Laurie was among the most influential French-Creole ladies in the city, known for her business skills, beauty and wealth. Her two daughters were among the finest dressed girls in the city and her family was well respected.#1 Bachelor’s Grove CemeteryThe Bachelor's Grove Cemetery looks like any ordinary cemetery. Worn out gravestones peek from the Earth here and there while the surroundings area is covered with trees. The grounds around the cemetery were once home to immigrant settlers. It's asserted that the first burials there happened around the 1840s. However, others suggest that the land had been used as a burial site for German immigrant workers who got killed on the job as early as the 1830s. The area is also believed to be a favorite dumping ground for Chicago mobsters during the 1930s and 40s. A small lagoon in the back of the was said to be the place for hit men to kill and dump snitches or anybody that crossed them. So there were 4 EXTREMELY TERRIFYING AND SCARY REAL HAUNTINGSSupport the show
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