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    In this episode Renaud and Jonathan share their tips and thoughts about the first season of The Lonely Pipette podcast.

    Renaud and Jonathan tell their own ‘origin stories’And we discuss the origins of the podcast and what we have learnedWe talk about non-linear careers in scienceWe discuss the #HSDBS mission and how we are both committed, in our own ways, to helping scientists do better scienceWe talk about highlights from Season 1 and share some of the joys of listener feedbackAnd we make some promises for Season 2

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    To find out more about Renaud

    To find out more about Jonathan

    To learn more about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

    To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :

    Twitter : LinkedIn : Twitter : LinkedIn :

    More about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

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    Last summer, we were honored to host Magdalena Skipper, Editor of Nature, to share her tips with the community. When Nature announced its new Open Access policy in November 2020, we asked her to come back for another interview in January 2021, to discuss these specific issues. This episode is in two parts: the classic interview with Magdalena sharing her stories with the community and a second part with an extended discussion on the recent announcements made by Nature. As a consequence, this episode is longer than usual, but we believe that it includes enriched content that you will appreciate.

    In this episode Magdalena Skipper tell us about her role at Nature and her personal thoughts about editing, publishing and communicating science

    Magdalena offers tips to authors, including thinking about why you want to share your story, what the message of the paper is and who the audience isWe discuss a metaphor for the publishing process in which the author feels like a Medieval knight throwing the manuscript over the castle wallMagdalena sees herself more as a facilitator and reminds us that every stakeholder in the process is humanShe stresses that editors and publishers need to work to make the publishing process more transparentShe makes the point that the objective of peer review is to make the paper better and we talk about new models for publishing and sharing dataWe discuss how impact factors can be mis-used and what alternative metrics existMagdalena tells us how she feels as the first woman editor at Nature and about prizes for women scientists.

    She mentions these journals and institutions :

    MRC Laboratory of Molecular BiologyCancer Research UKNature journalNature Research

    Mentoring in Science Award

    To find out more about Magdalena and her journal

    Nature editors150 years of Nature: A century and a half of research and discovery.Magdalena on WikipediaMagdalena on Twitter

    To find out more about Renaud :


    To find out more about Jonathan :


    To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :

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    More about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

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    In the first episode of the new year we talk to Oded Rechavi about his unusual way of doing science and new ways of sharing science.

    He tells us about his meandering path from painting in Paris to studying epigenetics in wormsOded repeatedly highlights the importance of not over-planning one’s career or path in science He stresses that it’s important to keep encountering new ideas, testing and failing and reacting with spontaneity. Like Maria-Elena told us, he says “sometimes you have to just go for it” He advises young scientists not to wait until you are completely ready but to apply for new jobs as early as you canOded has a deep commitment to challenging established dogmasHe tells us about why he spends so much time on Twitter and his use of the #physiologicallyrelevant hashtagOded tells us about the origins of the unusual “Woodstock of Biology” meeting

    He mentions these labs and events :

    Tel Aviv UniversityColumbia UniversityThe Woodstock of Biology“Transgenerational biology” Oded’s talk at TEDx

    To find out more about Oded visit his website or follow him on Twitter

    To find out more about Renaud :


    To find out more about Jonathan :


    To learn more about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

    To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :

    Twitter : LinkedIn : Twitter : LinkedIn :

    More about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

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    In this episode Wendy Bickmore shares her personal thoughts about mentoring, recruiting, publishing and making mistakes

    We discuss about establishing and maintaining relationships with mentorsWendy offers thought about how to recruit members to your teamShe also comments on the craziness of the current models of scientific publishing and peer reviewWendy says sometime you just have to learn to ‘wing it’ and accept compromisesShe tells us how she chooses priorities that will make an impact We discusses how she became the institute director and her leadership visionWendy also tells us about her need for quiet time and learning to be a better listener

    She mentions these labs and institutions :

    MRC Human Genetics Unit (MRC-HGU)University of EdinburghThe Lister Institute of Preventive MedicineUniversity of OxfordDouglas HiggsPLoS Genetics

    To find out more about Wendy visit her lab website and her Twitter account

    To find out more about Renaud :


    To find out more about Jonathan :


    To learn more about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

    To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :

    Twitter : LinkedIn : Twitter : LinkedIn :

    More about the soundtrack :
    Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler