
  • Евгений Стаховский читает рассказы и повести известных и не очень известных авторов.

  • Подкаст «Английский по песням» поможет вам учить английской язык нескучно. В каждом выпуске мы слушаем любимые песни, разбираемся, о чем в них поется, и запоминаем оттуда полезные слова и фразы, которые могут пригодиться в жизни.

    Мы в Телеграме:

  • Actor Ethan Suplee was an aspiring plus size model long before it became trendy and now sets out to examine our current obesity crisis. On American Glutton, he’ll talk to everyone from experts to the average Joe, exploring all the diets he has been on over the last two decades, taking us on his journey from obese to svelte and back again, examining what worked and what made him gain everything back plus 50 pounds. Sharing his ever-lasting search for the next quick fix, we’ll delve into the joys of suffering, relativism, dogged determination, and the proper way to braise a pork belly.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Друзі, привіт. Мене звати Катя Гайдут і я автор подкасту “Людині потрібна людина”.

    Кожен тиждень я спілкуюсь з близькими по духу людьми про емоції, самопізнання, критичне мислення та психологічну гігієну.

    Також у мене є Patreon. Долучайтесь та підтримуйте український контент.

  • In this new original series from Somethin' Else, Claudia Winkleman and Professor Tanya Byron identify struggles faced by real-life parents and family members by inviting them in and hearing their story, in a one-time unscripted session with a real person. Claudia listens in to the conversation to discover how Tanya begins to unlock the story behind the issue and help find solutions.

    With topics ranging from parental estrangement, gender identity, domestic violence, trauma, inheriting mental health issues, family dynamics after cancer and raising a severely disabled daughter, How Did We Get Here? is a passionate, insightful and moving experience with clear outcomes to each episode.

    This podcast doesn’t tell people how to raise their children, or reconnect with family members, rather it helps people understand why, as perfectly competent adults, they can’t put into practice what they know they should do.

    Each episode passes on useful links and contacts which listeners can find in the programme notes.

    This is a Somethin' Else production.