Welcome to The Nietzsche Podcast! In this first episode, we introduce Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), through the passage, "How the True World Finally Became a Fable", from his book, The Twilight of Idols. In this passage, Nietzsche sketches the history of a particular error in Western philosophy: the error of metaphysics. Nietzsche establishes himself as an anti-metaphysical philosopher, who is against all doctrines of a "True World" that lies beyond our own. In this episode, we touch upon the ideas and historical context of Plato, Descartes, Kant, Schopenhauer, and others. INCIPT ZARATHUSTRA!
Indeholder reklame for Frederiksbergmuseerne.
En 16-årig pige var alene hjemme en formiddag i juni, efter at hendes forældre var taget på arbejde. Sommerferien var lige begyndt, og hun nussede rundt på sit værelse, da hun pludselig hørte en puslen ved husets ulåste hoveddør. Den episode blev kun den første af en lang række mareridtsagtige overfald i byen. Bagefter handler det om en ung mand, der trådte indenfor på et værtshus på Amager og fortalte, at der var sket noget forfærdeligt hjemme i hans lejlighed. Men hans historie var for brutal og usandsynlig til, at de øvrige gæster troede på den.
Assisterende research: Sandie Larsen
Assisterende klip: Anders Eske
Musik: BensoundSag 1: 00:01:15
Sag 2: 01:04:11Obs: Episoden indeholder omtale af selvmord. Hvis du har tanker om selvmord, har de lokale psykiatriske skadestuer døgnåbent, også på telefonen. Livslinjen er åben for telefonrådgivning fra klokken 11 til 05 på telefon 70 201 201. Hvis du har akutte tanker om selvmord, skal du ringe 112.
Et ægtepar fra Holte var på gåtur gennem en nordsjællandsk skov en lun aften i juli, da de pludselig hørte en ildevarslende klynken fra et buskads. En 17-årig pige lå på jorden, skjult af tæt bevoksning, og hendes ansigt og hoved var slemt forslået og blodigt. Bagefter handler det om en af dansk kriminalhistories værste serieforbrydere, som de færreste husker i dag. En mand, der både begik stribevis af indbrud og grove overfald og voldtægter gennem mere end et årti. Desværre skulle der lig på bordet, før han endelig blev afsløret og standset.
Assisterende research: Sandie Larsen
Assisterende klip: Anders Eske
Musik: BensoundSag 1: 00:05:15
Sag 2: 00:44:31 -
Adolf Hitler, now a national celebrity, begins his jail term. Besieged by well-wishers, he has faith his time inside will be short. To keep the Nazi flame burning, he decides to write a new book. “Mein Kampf” will one day make Hitler a best-selling author and a multi-millionaire. But how will it be received right now, in the new thriving Germany?
As featured on Real Dictators.
A Noiser production, written by Jeff Dawson.
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Munich, Germany. November 1923. The Nazis have just attempted to launch a revolution. But instead, Adolf Hitler now finds himself on the run from the law. Unless he makes it to the border, the firing squad beckons. But in fact, as unlikely as it seems, Hitler is about to take Germany by storm.
As featured on Real Dictators.
A Noiser production, written by Jeff Dawson.
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The Nazi leader launches his very own assault on power: the Munich Putsch. Under cover of darkness, the SA prepare to storm locations across the city. Hitler himself prepares to kidnap a senior politician. Will the Nazis take over Germany? Or will they fail and fade back into obscurity?
As featured on Real Dictators.
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The Nazis kickstart their media operation. Desperate to be an icon, Hitler pens a secret autobiography, where he compares his own rise to Jesus’s resurrection. French and Belgian troops cross the German border, while the economy goes into meltdown. Amidst the turmoil, the Nazis plot their very own coup d’état…
As featured on Real Dictators.
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Hitler decides he needs an army of his own. The Nazis create a new paramilitary unit - the Sturmabteilung, or SA. These hooligans take National Socialism onto the streets. Hitler assembles an executive team of deputies. They include Ernst Röhm - an army insider with a stockpile of weapons. And a celebrity fighter pilot called Hermann Göring…
As featured on Real Dictators.
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Hitler is sent undercover, tasked with spying on a band of extremists. But he soon falls under their spell and breaks cover to join their ranks. They will soon become the Nazi Party, and this new recruit their leader. Under a new mentor, Adolf Hitler finds his voice. His march towards power is grinding into gear…
As featured on Real Dictators.
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The Great War ends. Hitler despairs. The Kaiser does a runner. Revolutions break out across Germany. Discharged from hospital, Hitler returns home to Munich, desperate to keep his army job. The Allies gather in Paris to settle the tab for the War. Hitler drinks in far-right conspiracy theories.
As featured on Real Dictators.
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June 1914. Sarajevo. An assassination on the street disrupts the entire balance of power in Europe. World War One explodes into action. Adolf Hitler relocates to Munich. After dodging the draft, he later embraces life as a soldier. But then, serving in Flanders in 1918, a traumatic injury threatens to end his rise to power before it’s even started…
As featured on Real Dictators.
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We begin a deep dive into the early years of a man who became the very embodiment of evil. Peeling away Hitler’s own myths about his childhood, we explore how he emerged from obscurity. The future German führer isn’t born in Germany. Growing up in Austria, he clashes with his father but idolises his mother. Abandoning schoolwork, young Adolf dedicates himself to the artistic life, hoping to make it as a painter. But then tragedy strikes.
As featured on Real Dictators.
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To kammerater drak eftermiddagskaffe og lyttede til radio sammen, da den ene pludselig fortalte, at hans gravide forlovede var dårlig hjemme på sofaen. Vennen blev bekymret og mente, at de straks måtte se til hende. Bagefter handler det om en kvindelig hundelufter, der gjorde en uhyggelig opdagelse i Østre Anlæg i Aalborg en tidlig morgen i juli.
Assisterende research: Sandie Larsen og Signe Fage Jensen
Assisterende klip: Anders Eske
Musik: BensoundSag 1: 00:10:02
Sag 2: 00:49:46 -
Throughout the history of the world, there have been many cases of what is known as collective hysteria - groups of people, usually young women, who all exhibit the same physical symptoms of non-existent conditions. Is it psychosomatic? Is it group think? Find out in this classic episode.
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The winter of 1941 brought devastation in Canada's Belcher Islands, nine people were killed in what some say happened under the influence of "Satanic Panic".
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Intro music made by:
In the sixth episode of British Murders Season 3, I tell the story of Graham Frederick Young aka The Teacup Poisoner.
On July 5, 1962, at the age of 14, Graham Young was sentenced to serve 15 years in Broadmoor Hospital for maliciously administering poison to his dad, sister, and school friend Christopher Williams.
After serving just short of 9 years, Young was released from Broadmoor on February 4, 1971.
He went on to poison around 70 of his work colleagues, killing two of them in the process.
On June 29, 1972, Young was found guilty of the murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
He died of a myocardial infarction at Parkhurst Prison on August 1, 1990.
For all things British Murders, please visit my website:
Intro music:
David John Brady - 'Throw Down the Gauntlet'
My recording equipment:
Shure SM57 Dynamic Mic
Focusrite Scarlett Solo USB Audio Interface
Edited in:
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019
Mastered in:
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Det skulle have været et gensyn med fortiden, da en kvinde gik ind i en forladt baggård på Vesterbro for at kigge sig omkring. Hun havde boet i den nedslidte ejendom og ville bare lige have et frisk glimt og tænke tilbage. Men oplevelsen blev en anden, for foran hende på brostenene i den øde gård lå en person død med bukserne nede om knæene. Bagefter handler det om en ældre mand, der sad ved sit skrivebord i sin herskabslejlighed i det indre København en sen aften, da to fremmede mænd pludselig stod foran ham.
Assisterende research: Signe Fage Jensen
Assisterende klip: Anders Eske
Musik: BensoundSag 1: 00:03:45
Sag 2: 01:08:12 -
Quiet please!
Vi skyder Sportshjerte SÆSON 4 i gang med et afsnit, som jeg i 1.5 år har arbejdet på at få i hus. Det er med ingen mindre end, Clara Tauson!
Clara har spillet tennis siden hun var bare 4/5 år, har ligget nr. 33 på WTA ranglisten og ligger i skrivende stund nummer 91 — i en alder af bare 21 år!
Vi snakker om ligestilling i tennissporten, "hverdagen" som topatlet og om Clara's store interesse for bagning, fodbold og dart.
Vi kommer bag det polerede glansbillede af tennissporten, spiser Toby's surdejsboller og får sendt Clara godt afsted mod Australian Open og den nye 2024 tennis-sæson.
God fornøjelse. -
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D. 30. april 2009 kyssede den 15-årige Therese Johansson Rojo med Tim fra parallelklassen til en fest lidt uden for Stockholm. Et kys, der umiddelbart virkede som en uskyldig og flygtig teenageflirt, men som skulle komme til at få dramatiske konsekvenser - og 38 dage senere kulminerede i begivenheder, der chokerede hele Sverige.
Tekst og research: Emil Hansen. Oplæsning: Barbara Gjerluff Nyholm. Tilrettelæggelse og produktion: Christine Runøe, Cecilie Wortziger & Mikkel Weinell.
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En kold decemberdag i 2016 blev to lig fundet i skolegården på Wild Minne Skole i Kristiansand. De var begge døde af blodtabet fra de mange dybe knivstik. Det ene offer var en spinkel 14-årig dreng med afrikanske rødder, og det andet en 48-årig børnehavepædagog. De havde intet tilhørsforhold. Så hvem var gerningsmanden, og var mordene tilfældige?
Manuskript: Janne Aagaard.
Indlæst af Emilie Westh Wold.
Produktion: Signe Haahr.
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