The one and only sex-positive podcast in China
Each week on the Bad Girl's Bible podcast, your host Sean Jameson interviews experts and professionals and everyone in between to teach you the tips and techniques you can use to improve your sex life and relationship or marriage. You'll also learn powerful insights on how to improve your dating and love life.
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BDSM ist absolut unvernünftig - Macht aber unglaublich viel Spaß!
Dieser Podcast über BDSM von aktiven SMern für Interessierte und alte Hasen. Ganz ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger, lustig, intim und manchmal kontrovers. Ich habe mir für jede Folge einen neuen Gesprächspartner gesucht und wir plaudern über alle Themen, die uns vors Mikrofon laufen. Switchen, Spuren, Bondage, Technik oder Parties und Missgeschicke. Hier ist der Platz dafür. -
A psychology podcast that is both educational and entertaining.
添加私人情感分析师微信xfssq24,解决更多情感难题。关注微信公众号xfssq520,每天获取更多幸福绝招。不管天有多黑、路有多远,我们陪你蜕变、陪你收获幸福。 -
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"The hosts are insanely smart and insanely dumb" Garet Giovacchini
The Huntington’s early American historical collections are important resources for the study of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, the drafting of the Constitution, and the Civil War. Among the holdings are hundreds of autograph letters written by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as the manuscript of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. The Huntington can also claim the largest collection of autograph manuscripts of Abraham Lincoln west of Illinois. In conferences, seminars, and lectures, curators and visiting scholars discuss their subjects in depth.
Steve说是心理咨询师和心理学科普作者史秀雄(Steve Shi)的个人播客节目。这是一个通过深度交流,拓展意识边界,提升自我认知的谈话类节目,主要关注心理学科普、个人成长、亲密关系等话题。
Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges
1, 2, Many podcast tells the stories behind veteran suicide. Hear from veterans, their families, and medical professionals about this important topic.
The microbiome. It dictates so much of how we move through the world – from how we digest our food to the mates we choose as we spin around the globe. On this show, we’re investigating how the things we do everyday impacts the bugs of our bodies.
The Microbiome Report is powered by BIOHM Health. -
孙洁,中医基础理论,中医师承双博士,浙江中医药大学附属第三医院副主任中医师 ,第五批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作继承人。 中华中医药学会内经分会委员, 浙江省中医药学会内经分会副主任委员。