
  • Agriculture companies are using new methods to change the genes of plants to produce more productive crops.


    The process of gene-editing is gaining attention from people interested in agriculture. It makes changes to the existing genes of a plant, such as wheat. That is different from genetic modification, which produces what are known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. That process introduces completely new DNA to a plant’s genetic information.


    Regulators and scientists believe gene-editing is less risky than genetic modification. They say it is closer to traditional methods of plant breeding. The process permits scientists to target several genes for editing.


    A state-run company in Australia is preparing for a major trial of gene-edited wheat. Australian seed breeder InterGrain recently imported thousands of wheat seeds created by the American agricultural technology company Inari.


    InterGrain chief Tress Walmsely said the wheat imports included hundreds of new genetic variations. Walmsley said the seeds are growing in a testing greenhouse in the state of Queensland. The plan is to create more seeds which can be planted across Australia in 2025.

    InterGrain的主管Tress Walmsely表示,这些进口的小麦包含数百种新的基因变异。Walmsley说,这些种子正在昆士兰州的一个测试温室中生长。计划是到2025年生产出更多可以在澳大利亚各地种植的种子。

    "Our job is to work out which gene combination gives the best results. Our goal is at least 10 percent yield improvement. These seeds have the potential to achieve that," she said.


    The company believes it could be selling seeds to Australian farmers starting in 2028.


    Inari uses artificial intelligence (AI) to consider a huge number of possible edits and then uses the CRISPR gene-editing tool to change more than one gene at a time.


    InterGrain and Inari believe the program could result in stronger wheat and bigger crops with a process 10 to 15 times faster than traditional plant breeding. Plant breeding happens when scientists mate two plants with desirable characteristics. It can take years for the best version of a plant to arrive.


    Some gene-edited crops already exist. Most of them offer small nutritional improvements or have an increased ability to resist disease. The new wheat plants in Australia will have many of those qualities.


    "We want to solve food security, climate change and farm profitability at the same time," said Inari’s chief Ponsi Trivisvavet.

    Inari的主管Ponsi Trivisvavet说:“我们希望同时解决食品安全、气候变化和农场盈利问题。”

    Australia is working to ensure that it can export the gene-edited wheat. Some countries, such as the U.S. and Japan, have already said they believe gene-editing is not very different from plant breeding. Officials in those countries will be more likely to approve the Australian wheat.


    The European Union is expected to make a similar decision and China approved a gene-edited wheat plant in May.


    Inari said it is working with agriculture companies in the U.S. on a gene-edited soybean that will produce larger crop yields.


    Many countries have already accepted genetically modified soybeans because they are mostly used to feed animals. Officials, however, have been slower to approve the modification of wheat because much of it is used in products made for humans.


  • Reduced treatment for three kinds of cancer can make life easier for patients without hurting results, doctors reported recently at the world’s largest cancer conference.


    The findings are part of a long-term move toward studying whether doing less surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation can help patients live longer and feel better. The latest studies involved ovarian and esophageal cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma.


    Thirty years ago, cancer research was about doing more, not less. In one example, women with advanced breast cancer were pushed to the edge of death with large doses of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. The treatment did not work any better than chemotherapy and patients suffered.


    Now, in an effort to improve cancer care, researchers are asking: “Do we need all that treatment that we have used in the past?”


    It is a question, “that should be asked over and over again,” said Dr. Tatjana Kolevska of the Kaiser Permanente National Cancer Excellence Program. Kolevska was not involved in the new research.

    这是一个“应该一遍又一遍地问”的问题,凯撒永久国家癌症卓越项目的Tatjana Kolevska博士说。Kolevska并未参与新的研究。

    Often, doing less works because of improved drugs.


    Dr. William G. Nelson of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine was also not involved in the new research. He said, “The good news is that cancer treatment is not only becoming more effective, it’s becoming easier to tolerate and associated with less short-term and long-term complications.”

    约翰霍普金斯医学院的William G. Nelson博士也没有参与新的研究。他说:“好消息是,癌症治疗不仅变得更有效,而且更容易耐受,并且与更少的短期和长期并发症相关。”

    The term complications means to make a medical problem worse or to cause new medical problems to appear.


    Studies showing the effects of reduced treatments were discussed recently at an American Society of Clinical Oncology conference in Chicago.


    Here are a few key points:


    French researchers found that it is safe to avoid removing lymph nodes that appear healthy during surgery for advanced ovarian cancer. The study compared the results for 379 patients.


    Half had their lymph nodes removed and half did not. After nine years, there was no difference in how long the patients lived.


    Those with less-extreme surgery had fewer complications, such as the need for blood transfusions. The research was financed by the National Institute of Cancer in France.


    A German study looked at 438 people with a kind of cancer of the esophagus that can be treated with surgery. Half received a common treatment plan that included chemotherapy and surgery on the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Half got another treatment that includes radiation, too. Both techniques are considered standard. Which one patients get can depends on where they get treatment.


    After three years, 57 percent of those who got chemo and surgery were alive, compared to 51 percent of those who got chemo, surgery and radiation. The German Research Foundation financed the study.


    A comparison of two chemotherapy treatments for advanced Hodgkin lymphoma found the gentler treatment was more effective for the blood cancer and caused fewer side effects.


    After four years, the gentler chemo kept the disease in control in 94 percent of people, compared to 91 percent of those who had the more powerful treatment. The trial included 1,482 people in nine countries — Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia and New Zealand.


    The study was financed by Takeda Oncology, the maker of one of the drugs used in the gentler chemo that was studied.


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  • "Take your brolly, it's chucking it down!" The UK is famous for its rainy weather, and Brits LOVE to complain about it – particularly when the arrival of spring teases us with warmth and light, but with them come the 'April showers', lovingly shared by Britain, Ireland and some of coastal northern Europe. What exactly are they, and why do they insist on coming every year?

    “拿起你的雨伞,它正在把它扔下来!” 英国以多雨的天气而闻名,英国人喜欢抱怨它——尤其是当春天的到来给我们带来温暖和光明的时候,但随之而来的是“四月阵雨”,英国、爱尔兰和一些沿海国家都喜欢分享这种天气。 北欧。 他们到底是什么人,为什么每年都坚持要来?

    Meteorologists differentiate between rain and showers. The UK's national weather service, the Met Office, says that rain is precipitation brought by a weather front, is usually long-lasting, and stretches over large areas, whereas showers fall from individual clouds and are characterised by intermittent patterns. So, it can be sunny one minute, and the next you're getting caught in a large downpour, but then ten minutes later, you can put away your waterproof jacket and get your sunnies out!

    气象学家区分雨和阵雨。 英国国家气象局英国气象局表示,降雨是锋面带来的降水,通常持续时间较长,覆盖大片区域,而阵雨则是从个别云层中落下,具有间歇性模式。 所以,可能前一分钟还是阳光明媚,下一分钟就下起了倾盆大雨,但十分钟后,你就可以收起你的防水外套,拿出你的太阳镜了!

    So, what's responsible? Rob Thompson, meteorologist at the University of Reading, says that as the hot air rises, it forms the cumulus clouds that produce showers. These are then driven by the jet stream – strong winds that move northwards during spring – creating rather unsettled and unpredictable weather. Besides the drizzle, we're just as likely to experience snow as we are to feel sun as strong as that in late August!

    那么,责任是什么? 雷丁大学气象学家罗布·汤普森表示,随着热空气上升,它会形成积云,从而产生阵雨。 然后,它们受到急流(春季期间向北移动的强风)的驱动,造成相当不稳定和不可预测的天气。 除了毛毛雨之外,我们也可能会遇到雪,就像八月底那样强烈的阳光一样!

    With all this in mind, would it surprise you to hear that April is actually one of the driest months of the whole year? In 2021, data company Statista recorded 137.6mm of rainfall in January, compared to just 20.1mm in April, with similar results for the last four years. That's because while there are lots of rainy days in April, the showers are scattered, and there aren't as many of the long downpours we see in the winter months. But, this is likely to change as the world warms up. Weather that causes flash floods is predicted to be four times as frequent in Britain by the 2070s, according to a study by Elizabeth Kendon and colleagues, published in Nature Communications.

    考虑到这一切,当您听到四月实际上是全年最干燥的月份之一时,您会感到惊讶吗? 2021 年,数据公司 Statista 记录的 1 月份降雨量为 137.6 毫米,而 4 月份仅为 20.1 毫米,过去四年的结果相似。 这是因为虽然四月有很多雨天,但阵雨分散,而且没有冬季那样多的长时间倾盆大雨。 但是,随着世界变暖,这种情况可能会发生变化。 根据伊丽莎白·肯登 (Elizabeth Kendon) 及其同事在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications) 上发表的一项研究,预计到 2070 年代,英国引发山洪的天气频率将增加四倍。

    There is a British proverb that goes "March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers". It is a reminder that, despite our complaints, April showers can be a symbol for renewal and new beginnings. So Brits, instead of complaining about the drizzly days, why not romanticise that pitter-patter sound that brings us the colourful spring bloom?

    英国有句谚语:“三月风,四月雨,生五月花”。 这提醒我们,尽管我们有抱怨,四月的阵雨仍然可以成为更新和新开始的象征。 那么英国人,与其抱怨毛毛细雨,不如将那为我们带来色彩缤纷的春天花朵的淅淅沥沥的声音浪漫化呢?


    brolly 雨伞
    chuck it down 下瓢泼大雨
    shower 阵雨
    meteorologist 气象学家
    precipitation 降水
    weather front 气象 “锋”
    intermittent 断断续续的
    downpour 暴雨,骤雨
    waterproof 防水的
    sunnies 太阳镜,墨镜
    cumulus 积云
    jet stream 急流,喷射气流
    unsettled 变幻莫测的
    drizzle 毛毛雨
    rainfall 降雨(量)
    scattered 分散的,疏疏落落的
    flash flood 突发性洪水
    drizzly 下毛毛雨的
    pitter-patter (下雨的)啪嗒啪嗒声

  • Boeing launched astronauts into space with its delayed Starliner spacecraft for the first time Wednesday. 


    The launch marked the company’s entry into competition with SpaceX to provide service for the American space agency NASA. 


    NASA test pilots Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams lifted off in the Starliner spacecraft for the International Space Station (ISS) from Cape Canaveral in Florida. It was powered by an Atlas V rocket from the United Launch Alliance of Boeing and Lockheed Martin. 

    NASA测试飞行员Butch Wilmore和Suni Williams乘坐星际线飞船从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角起飞前往国际空间站(ISS)。该飞船由波音和洛克希德·马丁公司的联合发射联盟的Atlas V火箭提供动力。

    Boeing designed Starliner to fly without human assistance. But the astronauts can take control of the spacecraft if necessary. The test flight calls for Wilmore and Williams to take control of the vehicle on the way to the space station. The trip to the ISS is expected to last 25 hours, with arrival on Thursday. The two astronauts will spend just one week at the orbiting laboratory before heading back to Earth to land in the western United States on June 14. 


    Wilmore and Williams are former Navy pilots and long-time astronauts. The two have spent a combined 500 days in space over two ISS missions each. Both said repeatedly before the launch that they had full confidence in Boeing for this flight after so many delays. 


    The launch came two years after Starliner completed its first test flight to the ISS without astronauts on board. Last-minute problems had delayed the Starliner's first two launch attempts with humans. 


    NASA halted a planned May 6 launch two hours before liftoff because of a problem with a rocket. Another attempt last Saturday was halted less than four minutes before liftoff because of a problem with a launchpad computer. 


    “I know it’s been a long road to get here,” NASA’s commercial crew program leader Steve Stich said before the weekend delay. 

    “我知道到达这里的道路很漫长,”NASA商业载人计划负责人Steve Stich在周末推迟前说道。

    Boeing and SpaceX are both paid to carry NASA’s astronauts to and from the space station. The space agency wanted two competing U.S. companies after ending the space shuttle program. 


    In 2020, SpaceX became the first private business to launch astronauts into orbit. Only three countries, Russia, the U.S., and China have launched humans into space using their own systems. Since then, SpaceX has taken nine crews to the space station for NASA and three private groups for a Houston company. 


    If the Starliner mission goes well, NASA will use both SpaceX and Boeing for flights, beginning next year. 


  • NASA's Lucy spacecraft visited a little asteroid called Dinkinesh last November. The visit, scientists say, unlocks a surprisingly interesting history of the asteroid along with its companion, Selam.


    Asteroids are ancient objects from the beginning of the solar system. They offer clues about how Earth and other planets formed about 4.5 billion years ago.


    The U.S. space agency launched Lucy in 2021 on a 12-year mission to study asteroids. The mission is especially interested in Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, two groups of space rocks that lead and follow the giant planet as it orbits the sun.


    On the way, Lucy flew past Dinkinesh and Selam in the inner edge of the main asteroid belt. The spacecraft observed ridges, trough structures and other features on Dinkinesh.


    Dinkinesh has a diameter of nearly 720 meters. Selam is made up of two similarly sized lobes, one about 230 meters wide and the other about 210 meters. Selam orbits Dinkinesh once about every 53 hours at a distance of about 3.1 kilometers.


    It appears, the researchers said, that a big piece of rock broke free sometime in the past from Dinkinesh. The rock was about a quarter its total size, creating a trough on its surface and sending debris into space. Some of this debris, they said, fell back onto Dinkinesh's surface to form a ridge structure.


    Other materials came together to form Selam, becoming what is called a contact-binary moonlet.


    Katherine Kretke, from the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado, is a co-writer of the study published in Nature. She said that “a contact-binary is when it appears that a single body is composed of two objects that collided gently enough not to become disrupted.”

    来自科罗拉多州西南研究所的Katherine Kretke是发表在《自然》杂志上的这项研究的共同作者。她说,“接触双星是指看起来由两个相互碰撞且碰撞力度足够轻不会破碎的天体组成的单一天体。”

    Kretke said they are common in the solar system, but Selam was “the first time a contact-binary has been observed orbiting another asteroid.”


    Simone Marchi is another co-writer of the study. He said, "A planet like Earth formed by the accumulation of countless small bodies. Understanding the properties of small asteroids such as Dinkinesh and Selam helps us to have a better picture of the earliest phases of planet formation.”

    Simone Marchi是该研究的另一位共同作者。他说:“像地球这样的行星是由无数小天体聚集形成的。了解像Dinkinesh和Selam这样的小行星的性质,有助于我们更好地了解行星形成的最初阶段。”

    NASA's spacecraft was named for the Ethiopian fossil of the extinct human relative Australopithecus called “Lucy.” That fossil has provided information about early human beings, much like asteroids provide knowledge of planetary formation.


    Dinkinesh is the Ethiopian name for the Lucy fossil, meaning "you are marvelous" in the Amharic language. Selam, the Ethiopian name for another Australopithecus fossil, means "peace" in Amharic.


    Lucy will next visit the asteroid Donaldjohanson in 2025 in the main asteroid belt. The spacecraft is expected to visit 11 asteroids in total.


  • Robert: Well, there is another opportunity that might be more appealing… 

    Robert: 嗯,还有一个可能更吸引人的机会……

    Jessica: Ookaay, I’m listening…

    Jessica: 好吧,我在听……

    Robert: So that’s the classic hedge fund. High risk, high reward. But I wonder if you’d be interested in a newer product… a different kind of hedge fund. More distributed risk. Longer play. 

    Robert: 那就是经典的对冲基金。高风险,高回报。但我想知道你是否会对一种新的产品感兴趣……一种不同类型的对冲基金。风险更分散,周期更长。

    Jessica: But still… I’d need at least 250K? 

    Jessica: 但我还是需要至少25万美元吗?

    Robert: Not with this one. It’s just twenty-five thousand. And this is like a fund of hedge funds. It’s more of a long-term strategy that beats the stock market over time. Much lower risk than a classic hedge fund, and registered with the SEC. And get this: it’s a 1% management fee, with no performance incentive. 

    Robert: 不是这个。只需要两万五千美元。而且这就像是一个对冲基金的基金。这是一种长期策略,随着时间的推移能够击败股票市场。风险比经典对冲基金低得多,并且在美国证券交易委员会注册。而且你看:管理费只有1%,没有业绩激励。

    Jessica: That’s… interesting. In a few different ways. But… I wanted to ask about something else I’ve been reading about: corporate bonds. I’ve seen some pretty good numbers… like returns of over 10%. That sounds pretty good to me. 

    Jessica: 这……很有趣。从几个不同的方面来说。但……我想问一下我最近读到的另一件事:公司债券。我看到了相当不错的数字……比如超过10%的回报。听起来很不错。

    Robert: Yeah, corporate bonds… there’s a ton of stuff online about those. But not everything is 100% reliable, just as a note of caution. Kind of depends on the source.

    Robert: 是的,公司债券……网上有很多关于它们的信息。但并不是所有的信息都100%可靠,这只是一个提醒。这有点取决于来源。

    Jessica: Sure… I get that. I looked at several sites that touted the benefits. So I was just curious if that was part of the strategy? 

    Jessica: 当然……我明白。我看了几个宣传其好处的网站。所以我只是好奇这是否是策略的一部分?

    Robert: Well here’s the thing about corporate bonds: it’s a big investment in a single entity. Which is pretty much the same risk as a classic hedge fund, if you see what I’m saying. 

    Robert: 关于公司债券的问题是:这是对单一实体的大笔投资。如果你明白我的意思,这和经典对冲基金的风险差不多。

    Jessica: Hmm. Will have to think that through some more. 

    Jessica: 嗯。我还得再仔细考虑一下。

    Robert: You know, rather than corporate bonds, you might consider REITs. Or Real Estate Investment Trusts. Basically a company with diverse real estate holdings that pays dividends on a regular basis. Pretty stable, and pretty attractive returns. 

    Robert: 你知道,与其考虑公司债券,你可能更应该考虑房地产投资信托基金。基本上就是一家拥有多样化房地产持有的公司,定期支付股息。相当稳定,而且回报也相当吸引人。

    Jessica: Stability and returns… something to think about. So…that different kind of hedge fund you mentioned. The one with the low fees. “Fund of funds”didyou say? That might be appealing too. 

    Jessica: 稳定性和回报……值得考虑。那么……你提到的那种不同类型的对冲基金。低费用的那种。你说的是“基金的基金”吗?那也可能很吸引人。

    Robert: You know, there’s absolutely no need to rush on this. Your investments are doing fine for the time being. Just looking for some ways to dial up earnings without taking on too much risk. Anyway I’ll send you some things to read and we can circle back on it later. 

    Robert: 你知道,完全不需要急于决定。你目前的投资情况很好。只是寻找一些在不承担太多风险的情况下提高收益的方法。不管怎样,我会给你发一些资料,我们可以稍后再讨论。

    Jessica: Great, I’d appreciate that. I need to give it some thought. 

    Jessica: 太好了,非常感谢。我需要仔细考虑一下。

  • Michael: The news isn’t great I’m afraid. I know all of us had very high expectations for the launch, but we’re going to have to come to grips with the situation. 

    Michael: 恐怕消息不太好。我知道我们大家对这次发布都抱有很高的期望,但我们需要面对现实。

    Rachel: Sorry, but I don’t quite see what you mean. What are you getting at? 

    Rachel: 对不起,但我不太明白你的意思。你在说什么?

    Michael: Well, Rachel, what I’m saying is... we’ve had a closer look at the numbers, and it isn’t pretty. 

    Michael: 嗯,Rachel,我的意思是……我们仔细看了一下数据,情况不容乐观。

    Ryan: I see. So in other words, you’re saying it’s been a complete failure? Is that right?Ryan: 我明白了。换句话说,你是说这完全是个失败?对吗?

    Michael: That would be one way of looking at it. I prefer to see it as a challenge. But to salvage this situation, we really have our work cut out for us. 

    Michael: 这是一种看法。我更愿意把它看作是一个挑战。但要挽救这种情况,我们确实需要付出很多努力。

    Rachel: What exactly do you mean by “salvage?” Do you think we are going to have to scrap the whole product line? 

    Rachel: 你说的“挽救”究竟是什么意思?你认为我们需要废弃整个产品线吗?

    Michael: I’m afraid so. Actually, I’m thinking about how to salvage the company. It’s going to take everything we have just to keep this company afloat. 

    Michael: 恐怕是的。事实上,我在想如何挽救公司。我们需要竭尽全力才能让公司维持下去。

    Ryan: Is it really that bad? I mean, we do have strong investor support don’t we? 

    Ryan: 真的这么糟糕吗?我的意思是,我们有强大的投资者支持,不是吗?

    Michael: Let me make sure I understand what you mean. You’re asking if our investors will stay with us through this, is that right? 

    Michael: 让我确认一下你的意思。你是在问我们的投资者是否会在这期间继续支持我们,对吗?

    Ryan: Yeah, that’s right. I mean, they’ve been very enthusiastic from the beginning. There’s always going to be a few problems along the way. 

    Ryan: 是的,没错。我的意思是,他们从一开始就非常热情。一路上总会有一些问题。

    Michael: Well, unfortunately, it’s not that simple. They want to know who is going to take responsibility for this mess. They want to see some major adjustments, you see.

    Michael: 不幸的是,事情没那么简单。他们想知道谁会为这场混乱负责。他们希望看到一些重大调整,你明白吗?

    Rachel: Wait a second. What do you mean by “adjustment”? We’re not talking about redundancies here, are we? 

    Rachel: 等一下。你说的“调整”是什么意思?我们不是在谈论裁员吧?

    Michael: Actually, it’s funny you should mention that, Rachel. You know, no one has contributed more to this project than you have. And we all really appreciate that...Michael: 实际上,Rachel,你提到这个真的很有意思。你知道,没有人比你对这个项目的贡献更多。我们都非常感谢你……

  • The fox was about the size of a German shepherd dog and lived across much of South America, only going extinct a few hundred years ago. A near-complete skeleton of the animal was found in a human grave dating back to 1,500 years ago.

    这种狐狸和德国牧羊犬差不多大,曾生活在南美洲的大部分地区,直到几百年前才灭绝。考古人员在一座距今 1500 年前的人类坟墓中发现了一副近乎完整的该动物骨架。

    The study, by researchers at the University of Oxford, shows the fox ate a similar diet to ancient hunter gatherers, suggesting it lived alongside them and might have been a highly valued pet or companion animal.


    There have been other finds of fox teeth in the area, which adds to the evidence that foxes were highly revered by our ancestors and may have formed a strong bond with humans long before domestic dogs came along.



    German shepherd 德国牧羊犬
    extinct 灭绝的,绝种的
    dating back 追溯到,距今(时间)
    hunter gatherers 狩猎采集者
    highly valued 高度重视,认为非常有价值的
    finds 发现,考古发现
    revered 受尊重的,可敬的
    ancestors 祖先
    strong bond 牢固的纽带
    domestic 家养的,家庭的

  • Imagine a future where we can tuck into meat, but no animals have been sacrificed in the process. 16% of the UK population enjoy a meat-free diet, according to statistics website Finder.com. It seems there is an appeal in lab-grown meat as an alternative to traditional meat consumption. But, despite years of anticipation, this futuristic food is still not on our plates. Why?

    想象一下,未来我们可以吃肉,但在此过程中不会牺牲任何动物。 根据统计网站 Finder.com 的数据,16% 的英国人口享受无肉饮食。 实验室培育的肉类作为传统肉类消费的替代品似乎很有吸引力。 但是,尽管人们期待了多年,这种未来派食物仍然没有出现在我们的餐桌上。 为什么?

    One of the biggest reasons is cost. The first ever lab-grown hamburger was unveiled in 2013 by Dutch scientist Mark Post. It was created from beef cells and cost more than $300,000. Lab-grown meat production stretches from thousands to hundreds of thousands of US dollars per ounce – that's the weight of about two chicken nuggets. This expense is partly due to the cost of raw materials that 'feed' the cells – a combination of sugar, proteins and other nutrients are added to the cells.

    最大的原因之一是成本。 荷兰科学家马克·波斯特 (Mark Post) 于 2013 年推出了第一个实验室培育的汉堡包。 它是用牛肉细胞制成的,成本超过 30 万美元。 实验室培育的肉类产量从每盎司数千美元到数十万美元不等——大约相当于两个鸡块的重量。 这笔费用部分归因于“喂养”细胞的原材料成本——添加到细胞中的糖、蛋白质和其他营养物质的组合。

    In 2023, US-based company Upside Foods received approval from the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration to start selling lab-grown meat. In order to do this, the company has had to take on significant economic losses so that they can price it fairly compared to traditional meat. An investor in Upside Food, Lisa Feria, told Forbes magazine "Profitability is very much years off because the biggest challenge ahead of them is can we make it at millions of tons a year and ultimately remotely compete with conventional meat".

    2023 年,美国公司 Upside Foods 获得美国农业部和食品药品管理局的批准,开始销售实验室培育的肉类。 为了做到这一点,该公司不得不承担巨大的经济损失,以便与传统肉类相比能够公平定价。 Upside Food 的投资者丽莎·费里亚 (Lisa Feria) 告诉《福布斯》杂志,“盈利还需要很多年的时间,因为他们面临的最大挑战是我们能否每年生产数百万吨,并最终与传统肉类进行远程竞争”。

    There are also environmental costs. A 2023 study by the University of California found that the process of producing lab-grown meat could have a four to 25 times higher impact on global warming than beef, which is generally the highest-polluting meat. This is mostly because of the emissions needed to create 'feed'.

    还有环境成本。 加州大学 2023 年的一项研究发现,实验室培育肉类的生产过程对全球变暖的影响可能比牛肉高 4 到 25 倍,而牛肉通常是污染最严重的肉类。 这主要是因为制造“饲料”所需的排放。

    So, it seems unlikely that we'll be eating lab-grown meat just yet, and we possibly never will. 



    tuck into 尽情吃
    meat-free 无肉的
    diet (日常)饮食
    lab-grown 实验室培育的
    traditional 传统的
    consumption 食用,消耗
    plate 餐盘
    hamburger 汉堡包
    beef cell 牛肉细胞
    production 生产
    ounce (重量单位)盎司;1盎司约等于28克
    chicken nugget 炸鸡肉
    raw material 原材料
    feed 给…提供养分
    conventional 普通的
    highest-polluting 最毁坏环境的

  • Most recent cars have an electronic key that lets the owner get into and start the car. 


    The electronic key is called a “fob” to those who know about the technology. The fob sends a short-range signal to the car. As the owner gets close, the fob unlocks the door. 

    对于了解该技术的人来说,电子钥匙被称为“遥控钥匙”。 遥控钥匙向汽车发送短程信号。 当主人靠近时,遥控钥匙就会打开门。 

    But the new technology also makes it easier for criminals to open the car without the key. 


    When you lock your car and take the key with you inside your home, the fob does not stop sending its signal. 


    Thieves, who have special equipment known as scanners, will pass by streets with a lot of cars. If the scanner shows that a fob is sending a signal, the thieves use a device that clones the signal and opens the car doors. 

    拥有被称为扫描仪的特殊设备的窃贼会经过有很多汽车的街道。 如果扫描仪显示密钥正在发送信号,窃贼就会使用克隆信号的设备并打开车门。 

    Government officials around the world have asked carmakers to warn car buyers of the risks of the new technology. They also have asked them to make the fobs more secure. 

    世界各地的政府官员已要求汽车制造商警告汽车购买者新技术的风险。 他们还要求他们让密钥更加安全。 

    Until then, what can you do to prevent your car from being stolen? 


    Steve Launchbury has some suggestions he shared with the Associated Press. He is the head engineer of automotive security company Thatcham Research based in Britain. 

    史蒂夫·朗伯里 (Steve Launchbury) 向美联社分享了一些建议。 他是英国汽车安全公司 Thatcham Research 的首席工程师。

    “It’s relatively easy for drivers to protect themselves,” he said. 


    The first tip is to put your key into a protective container or bag when you get home. One kind is called a Faraday bag. They are not very costly. The bag is made from a special metal material called mesh that blocks the signal from the fob. Just do not forget to put any extra keys you have into that bag, too. 

    第一个建议是回家后将钥匙放入保护容器或袋子中。 一种称为法拉第袋。 它们的成本不是很高。 该包由一种称为网状的特殊金属材料制成,可阻挡来自遥控钥匙的信号。 只是不要忘记将多余的钥匙也放入包中。 

    Some advice that is easy to find online says people should put their keys into the microwave or freezer to prevent their signal from being stolen. Launchbury said that does not work and it could harm your key. 

    一些很容易在网上找到的建议称,人们应该将钥匙放入微波炉或冰箱中,以防止信号被盗。 Launchbury 表示这不起作用,而且可能会损坏您的密钥。

    You may have seen large locks that go across the steering wheel in television advertisements many years ago. It turns out they are still useful. They may be considered “old school,” but the presence of big locks that are easy to see makes car thieves turn away. The only problem is that you must take extra time to unlock the device and put it away before you can drive away. 

    许多年前,您可能在电视广告中看到过横跨方向盘的大锁。 事实证明它们仍然有用。 它们可能被认为是“老派”,但很容易看到的大锁的存在让偷车贼望而却步。 唯一的问题是,你必须花费额外的时间来解锁设备并将其收起来,然后才能开车离开。

    Some car makers permit owners to deactivate the signal sent out by the fob. For Ford, Honda and Audi, owners can use their car’s touchscreen system to find the correct way to turn off the signal. For Toyota, you can turn off the signal by pressing a combination of buttons on the fob. 

    一些汽车制造商允许车主停用遥控钥匙发出的信号。 对于福特、本田和奥迪,车主可以使用汽车的触摸屏系统找到关闭信号的正确方法。 对于丰田,您可以通过按遥控钥匙上的按钮组合来关闭信号。

    Read your car’s owner’s manual to be sure how to do this. 


    Some car makers include motion sensors on their key fobs. If the fob has not been moved in a while, the fob turns off. 

    一些汽车制造商在其钥匙扣上安装了运动传感器。 如果密钥卡在一段时间内没有移动,密钥卡就会关闭。 

    If you buy a used car, some experts suggest that you get your keys reprogrammed in case the earlier owner still has a key. 


    Launchbury said some cars have a new system called a controller area network, or CAN. The network permits different parts, or components, of the car to communicate with each other. He said some thieves are trying to join the CAN through some physical electronic connection to unlock the car. They can do this by removing a headlight and plugging in a device that lets them in the car’s network. 

    Launchbury表示,一些汽车有一个称为控制器局域网(CAN)的新系统。 该网络允许汽车的不同部件或组件相互通信。 他说,一些窃贼试图通过一些物理电子连接加入 CAN 来解锁汽车。 他们可以通过拆下车头灯并插入一个允许他们进入汽车网络的设备来做到这一点。 

    The device can send a signal, such as “unlock” or “start” to the central system. 


    Launchbury said this is where the physical lock can cause thieves to change their mind and force them to move on. Owners can also consider electronic immobilizers. These devices prevent a car from moving even if a thief gets into the internal system. However, immobilizers can be costly. 

    Launchbury 表示,这就是物理锁可能导致窃贼改变主意并迫使他们继续前进的地方。 车主还可以考虑电子防盗器。 即使小偷进入内部系统,这些设备也能阻止汽车移动。 然而,防盗装置的成本可能很高。 

  • They are six-legged, hairy home invaders that will not die, no matter how hard you try. 


    Cockroaches are experts at surviving indoors. But they did not start out that way. 

    蟑螂是室内生存的专家。 但他们一开始并不是这样的。 

    A recent study uses genetics to examine cockroaches’ spread across the world, from beginnings in southeast Asia to Europe and beyond. The findings cover thousands of years of cockroach history and suggest the pests may have spread across the world by getting a ride with another species: people. 

    最近的一项研究利用遗传学来研究蟑螂在世界范围内的传播情况,从最初的东南亚到欧洲及其他地区。 这些发现涵盖了蟑螂数千年的历史,并表明这种害虫可能是通过与另一个物种(人类)搭便车而传播到世界各地的。 

    “It’s not just an insect story...It’s an insect and humanity story,” said Stephen Richards of Baylor College of Medicine. Richards was not involved with the study.

    “这不仅仅是一个昆虫的故事......这是一个昆虫和人类的故事,”贝勒医学院的斯蒂芬·理查兹说。 理查兹没有参与这项研究。 

    Researchers studied the genes of over 280 cockroaches from 17 countries and six continents. They confirmed that the German cockroach — a species found worldwide — has its beginnings in southeast Asia. The creature likely evolved from the Asian cockroach around 2,100 years ago. Scientists have long suspected the German cockroach’s Asian beginnings since similar species still live there. 

    研究人员研究了来自六大洲 17 个国家的 280 多种蟑螂的基因。 他们证实德国小蠊——一种在世界范围内发现的物种——起源于东南亚。 这种生物很可能是在大约 2100 年前从亚洲蟑螂进化而来的。 科学家们长期以来一直怀疑德国小蠊起源于亚洲,因为类似的物种仍然生活在那里。

    The research appeared recently in the publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 


    The cockroaches then spread around the world on two major paths. They traveled west to the Middle East about 1,200 years ago, perhaps living in soldiers’ food storage containers. And they may have gotten on Dutch and British East India Company trade ships to get to Europe about 270 years ago, the scientists’ findings suggest. 

    然后蟑螂通过两条主要路径传播到世界各地。 大约 1200 年前,他们向西来到中东,可能住在士兵的食物储存容器里。 科学家的研究结果表明,他们可能在大约 270 年前搭乘荷兰和英国东印度公司的商船到达欧洲。 

    Once the creatures arrived in Europe, inventions like the steam engine and indoor plumbing likely helped the insects travel further and get used to living indoors, where they are most commonly found today. 


    Researchers said exploring how cockroaches conquered past environments may lead to better pest control. 


    Modern-day cockroaches are tough to keep away because they evolve quickly to resist pesticides, said the study’s writer Qian Tang of Harvard University. 


  • Researchers in Australia recently announced the launch of a new device that, they say, absorbs water from air to produce drinkable water.


    Researchers at the University of Newcastle call the device the Hydro Harvester. They said it can produce up to 1,000 liters of drinkable water a day, adding that it could be “lifesaving during drought or emergencies.” 

    纽卡斯尔大学的研究人员将该设备称为“水力收割机”。 他们表示,它每天可以生产多达 1,000 升饮用水,并补充说,它可以“在干旱或紧急情况下挽救生命”。 

    The Australian team said that unlike other atmospheric water generators, their invention works by heating air instead of cooling it. 


    The device absorbs water from the atmosphere. Solar energy or heat from other industrial processes can be used to produce hot, wet air. After heating, the air cools, producing water for drinking or watering crops. 

    该装置从大气中吸收水分。 太阳能或其他工业过程产生的热量可用于生产热湿空气。 加热后,空气冷却,产生用于饮用或浇灌农作物的水。 

    Behdad Moghtaderi of the University of Newcastle’s Centre for Innovative Energy Technologies told VOA how the technology operates. 

    纽卡斯尔大学创新能源技术中心的贝达德·莫塔德里 (Behdad Moghtaderi) 向美国之音介绍了该技术的运作方式。 

    “Hydro Harvester uses an absorbing material to absorb and dissolve moisture from air. So…we use renewable energy..." Moghtaderi said. He added, "When you condense water contained in that air you would have the drinking water at your disposal.” 

    “水力收割机使用吸收材料来吸收和溶解空气中的水分。 所以……我们使用可再生能源……”莫格塔德里说。他补充说,“当你冷凝空气中的水时,你就可以使用饮用水了。” 

    The researchers say the device can produce enough drinking water each day for a small rural town of up to 400 people. It could also help farmers keep livestock alive during droughts.

    研究人员表示,该设备每天可以为一个最多 400 人的乡村小镇生产足够的饮用水。 它还可以帮助农民在干旱期间保持牲畜的生存。 

    Moghtaderi said the technology could be used in parts of the world where water is limited. 


    Researchers thought their device would be useful because Australia’s climate is dry. 


    "More than 2 billion people around the world, they are in a similar situation where they do not have access to…high-quality water and they deal with water scarcity,” Moghtaderi said 

    “全世界有超过 20 亿人面临着类似的情况,他们无法获得……高质量的水,并且面临着水资源短缺的问题,”Moghtaderi 说 

    Studies of the technology will be done in several Australian communities this year. 


    The World Economic Forum (WEF), a nonprofit group based in Switzerland, says water scarcity continues to be a problem worldwide 

    总部位于瑞士的非营利组织世界经济论坛 (WEF) 表示,水资源短缺仍然是世界范围内的一个问题 

    The WEF said getting water from the atmosphere is a “promising emergency solution that can immediately generate drinkable water using moisture in the air.” 


    However, the group warns that the technology is costly. It estimates that one mid-sized device could cost between $30,000 and $50,000. 

    然而,该组织警告说,该技术成本高昂。 据估计,一台中型设备的成本可能在 30,000 美元到 50,000 美元之间。 

  • The baobab tree is a special thing to see. During the dry season, its leafless branches look like roots coming from a thick trunk. It appears as if someone took a tree from the ground, flipped it on its head and put it back into the earth. 

    猴面包树是一处特别值得一看的东西。 在旱季,它光秃秃的树枝看起来就像从粗大的树干上长出来的根。 看起来就像有人从地上取下一棵树,将其翻转,然后将其放回土中。 

    That is why the tree is sometimes called the "upside down tree." 


    Baobab trees grow in Madagascar, mainland Africa and Australia. The origins and history of the baobab have been something of a mystery. But a new study that looked at all eight recognized species helps tell the baobab's story. 

    猴面包树生长在马达加斯加、非洲大陆和澳大利亚。 猴面包树的起源和历史一直是个谜。 但一项针对所有八种已识别物种的新研究有助于讲述猴面包树的故事。 

    The baobab originated in Madagascar about 21 million years ago. It reached the African continent and Australia sometime in the past 12 million years, researchers found. Madagascar, an island off Africa's southeastern coast, has a large ecosystem. It is home to many kinds of plants. 

    猴面包树起源于大约 2100 万年前的马达加斯加。 研究人员发现,它在过去 1200 万年的某个时候到达了非洲大陆和澳大利亚。 马达加斯加是非洲东南沿海的一个岛屿,拥有庞大的生态系统。 它是多种植物的家园。 

    Two baobab lineages went extinct in Madagascar. But the lineages established themselves elsewhere, one in mainland Africa and one in Australia, the study showed. 

    马达加斯加的两个猴面包树谱系灭绝了。 但研究显示,这些谱系在其他地方建立起来,一个在非洲大陆,一个在澳大利亚。 

    It appears that baobab seed pods floated from Madagascar to mainland Africa, located about 400 kilometers to the west. The seeds also traveled to Australia, nearly 7,000 kilometers to the east. 

    看来,猴面包树的种子荚是从马达加斯加飘到了以西约 400 公里处的非洲大陆。 这些种子还到达了以东近7000公里的澳大利亚。

    "The plants almost certainly got to Africa and Australia floating on or with vegetation rafts," said plant expert Tao Wan of the Wuhan Botanical Garden in China. He is one of the writers of the study, which appeared recently in the publication Nature. 

    中国武汉植物园的植物专家陶万说:“这些植物几乎肯定是漂浮在植被筏上或随植筏一起到达非洲和澳大利亚的。” 他是该研究的作者之一,该研究最近发表在《自然》杂志上。

    Wan added that the seeds were able to travel to Australia because of the Indian Ocean gyre, an oceanic current. 


    Baobab trees provide food, shelter and nesting places for wildlife, including bees, birds and various mammals. Their fruits also provide important nutrients and medicines for people. Baobab leaves can be eaten, too. 

    猴面包树为蜜蜂、鸟类和各种哺乳动物等野生动物提供食物、庇护所和筑巢地。 它们的果实还为人们提供重要的营养物质和药物。 猴面包树的叶子也可以吃。

    The trees produce large, sweet-smelling flowers. Their sugary nectar appeals to nighttime pollinators like fruit bats and hawk moths. Their flowers also attract two kinds of primates -- lemurs in Madagascar and bush babies in Africa. 

    这些树会开出大而芳香的花朵。 它们含糖的花蜜吸引了果蝠和天蛾等夜间传粉者。 它们的花还吸引了两种灵长类动物——马达加斯加的狐猴和非洲的丛林宝宝。 

    Ilia Leitch is a plant geneticist at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in London. He is also a study co-writer. He said baobabs can grow to be very large and live for thousands of years. 

    伊利亚·雷奇 (Ilia Leitch) 是伦敦皇家植物园邱园的植物遗传学家。 他也是一名研究合著者。 他说猴面包树可以长得很大并且可以存活数千年。 

    Their very large root systems “play an important ecological role, helping to slow down soil erosion and enabling nutrient recycling,” he said. 


    Baobabs are a water source for local people during the dry season. But Africa's baobabs are at risk from elephant damage. The animals sometimes cut the tree trunks with their tusks to get water. 

    猴面包树是当地人旱季的水源。 但非洲的猴面包树面临着大象破坏的风险。 这些动物有时会用獠牙砍断树干来取水。 

  • Huge teeth like daggers and positively demonic, that's how one researcher describes the giant sea lizard that lived alongside dinosaurs about 66 million years ago, just before they went extinct. 

    长有匕首大小的巨大牙齿,犹如恶魔。这是一位研究人员对这种巨型海蜥蜴的描述,大约 6600 万年前,就在恐龙灭绝之前,这种海蜥蜴曾与恐龙生活在一起。

    The creature was some eight metres long with powerful jaws able to swallow and rip apart even enormous prey. The lizard was the top predator of the ocean in warm seas full of food, and was an ancient relative of today's komodo dragons and anacondas. The findings are based on a skull and skeletal remains uncovered at a phosphate mine southeast of Casablanca in Morocco. 



    daggers 匕首
    demonic 恶魔般的
    extinct 灭绝
    jaws 颚,鄂部
    rip apart 撕裂
    prey 猎物
    predator 捕食者,掠食者
    uncovered 被发现, 出土的

  • 150 minutes of exercise a week: that's how much we should all be doing. Does this mean that gyms are the best ways to guarantee our health? Maybe, but they are not without their own health risks. 

    每周锻炼 150 分钟:这是我们都应该做的量。 这是否意味着健身房是保证我们健康的最佳方式? 也许吧,但它们并非没有健康风险。 

    Recent studies have suggested that some gym-goers' hygiene standards leave much to be desired. Bacteria that can cause serious illness, such as food poisoning or pneumonia, was found on the surface of gym equipment. Sweat and the increased temperature caused by exercise can help dangerous bacteria grow on the skin, which can be transferred to our clothing. 

    最近的研究表明,一些健身爱好者的卫生标准还有很多不足之处。 在健身器材的表面发现了可导致食物中毒或肺炎等严重疾病的细菌。 出汗和运动引起的体温升高会帮助危险细菌在皮肤上生长,这些细菌可能会转移到我们的衣服上。 

    It might not just be the microbes at a gym that could be toxic. Toxic gym culture may be leading people to feel judged or intimidated. In a 2019 US study, over half those surveyed felt anxious when going to the gym. 

    有毒的可能不仅仅是健身房里的微生物。 有毒的健身房文化可能会让人们感到受到评判或受到恐吓。 2019 年美国的一项研究显示,超过一半的受访者在去健身房时感到焦虑。 

    This feeling of being judged, and an overly competitive atmosphere, could create pressure to over-exercise. The Cleveland Clinic distinguishes between overreaching and over-training. The first is the result of a single instance of over-exertion, which leads to little more than muscle soreness, while the latter is more long-term and can have more serious consequences. Over-training has been linked to injuries, fatigue, reduced appetite and problems with sleep or weight gain. 

    这种被评判的感觉以及过度竞争的氛围可能会产生过度锻炼的压力。 克利夫兰诊所区分了过度伸手和过度训练。 第一种是单次过度劳累的结果,只会导致肌肉酸痛,而后者则是长期的,可能会产生更严重的后果。 过度训练与受伤、疲劳、食欲下降以及睡眠或体重增加问题有关。 

    When exercise becomes a compulsion, it can also be dangerous for our mental health. Writing for CNET, wellness writer Taylor Leamey warns that feeling guilt at missed gym sessions or trying to use exercise as a way to control our bodies could be signs that exercise dependency is a problem. This can be linked with having a negative body image. 

    当运动成为一种强迫行为时,它也会对我们的心理健康造成危险。 健康作家泰勒·利米 (Taylor Leamey) 为 CNET 撰文警告说,因错过健身课程而感到内疚或试图通过锻炼来控制身体可能表明锻炼依赖是一个问题。 这可能与负面的身体形象有关。 

    Of course, we shouldn't forget that exercise can really help our physical and mental health, as long as we can maintain a healthy relationship with it. 



    health risk 健康风险,危及健康的因素
    gym-goer 常去健身房锻炼的人,健身房常客
    sweat 汗,汗水
    judged 被评头论足
    intimidated 发怵的,胆怯的
    anxious 焦虑的
    competitive 好竞争的
    over-exercise 过度运动
    overreaching (短时期内)训练过度
    over-training 训练过度
    muscle soreness 肌肉酸痛
    injury 受伤
    fatigue 疲劳
    weight gain 体重增加
    compulsion 强烈冲动
    exercise dependency 运动依赖
    negative body image 消极体象,消极地看待自己的身体

  • The American artificial intelligence company OpenAI has removed one of its ChatGPT voices. The move came after actor Scarlett Johansson said the voice sounded “eerily similar” to her voice in the movie Her. 

    美国人工智能公司 OpenAI 已删除其 ChatGPT 语音之一。 此举是在演员斯嘉丽约翰逊表示这个声音听起来与她在电影《她》中的声音“出奇地相似”之后做出的。 

    In a post Monday on the social media service X, OpenAI said it is “working to pause” Sky. That is the name of one of five voices that ChatGPT users can choose to speak with in its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. 

    OpenAI 周一在社交媒体服务 X 上发帖称,它正在“努力暂停”Sky。 这是 ChatGPT 用户可以在其人工智能 (AI) 聊天机器人中选择的五种声音之一的名称。 

    In a statement, Johansson said that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had asked her last September if she would lend her voice to the ChatGPT system. Johansson said she declined the offer.

    Johansson 在一份声明中表示,OpenAI 首席执行官 Sam Altman 去年 9 月曾询问她是否愿意为 ChatGPT 系统发声。 约翰逊表示她拒绝了这一提议。 

    Johansson said, “When I heard the released demo, I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that Mr. Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine.” She added that her close friends and even the news media “could not tell the difference” between her voice and the voice of Sky. 

    约翰逊说:“当我听到发布的演示时,我感到震惊、愤怒,难以置信奥特曼先生会追求一个听起来与我如此惊人相似的声音。” 她补充说,她的亲密朋友甚至新闻媒体都“无法区分”她的声音和天空电视台的声音。 

    Johansson said OpenAI agreed to take down the Sky voice after her lawyers asked about the process by which the company came up with the voice. 

    约翰逊表示,在她的律师询问 OpenAI 提出声音的过程后,OpenAI 同意撤下 Sky 声音。 

    OpenAI said in an online post that the voice of Sky belongs to a “different professional actress.” But it added that it could not share the name of that actress for privacy reasons. 

    OpenAI 在网上发帖称,Sky 的声音属于“不同的专业女演员”。 但它补充说,出于隐私原因,它不能透露该女演员的名字。 

    In an email sent to The Associated Press following Johansson’s statement Monday, Altman said that OpenAI selected the voice actor behind Sky “before any outreach” to Johansson. “The voice of Sky is not Scarlett Johansson’s, and it was never intended to resemble hers,” Altman added. 

    在约翰逊周一发表声明后发给美联社的一封电子邮件中,奥尔特曼表示,OpenAI 在“与约翰逊进行任何接触之前”选择了 Sky 背后的配音演员。 “天空的声音不是斯嘉丽·约翰逊的,也从来没有打算与她的声音相似,”奥特曼补充道。

    OpenAI added voice capabilities to ChatGPT last September. The feature is called “Voice Mode.” It permits users to have a conversation with the AI assistant. In November, OpenAI announced that the feature would become free for all users with the mobile app. 

    OpenAI 去年 9 月为 ChatGPT 添加了语音功能。 该功能称为“语音模式”。 它允许用户与人工智能助手进行对话。 11 月,OpenAI 宣布该功能将免费向所有使用移动应用程序的用户开放。 

    Last week, OpenAI showed off its latest AI model, called ChatGPT-4o. The program lets users speak to the chatbot and get real-time answers. The chatbot now has emotion in its voice and even tries to understand a person’s emotional state by looking at a selfie video of their face. 

    上周,OpenAI 展示了其最新的人工智能模型,名为 ChatGPT-4o。 该程序允许用户与聊天机器人对话并获得实时答案。 现在,聊天机器人的声音中充满了情感,甚至试图通过观看人脸的自拍视频来了解他们的情绪状态。 

    The capabilities have brought comparisons to the 2013 movie Her. The film follows a man who falls in love with an AI assistant, which is voiced by Johansson. 

    这些功能与 2013 年的电影《她》进行了比较。 这部电影讲述了一个男人爱上了由约翰逊配音的人工智能助手的故事。 

    Altman appeared to make the same comparison. He wrote the word “her” on the social media service X on the day of GPT-4o’s release. 

    奥特曼似乎也做出了同样的比较。 GPT-4o 发布当天,他在社交媒体服务 X 上写下了“她”这个词。

  • The American space travel company Blue Origin announced that it sent 90-year-old Ed Dwight into space, making him the oldest space traveler. 


    The company said Dwight was the first Black astronaut candidate and was picked personally by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. But it said Dwight was not chosen to be among the next group of astronauts. 

    该公司表示,德怀特是第一位黑人宇航员候选人,于 1961 年由约翰·F·肯尼迪总统亲自挑选。但该公司表示,德怀特并未被选为下一批宇航员之一。 

    Dwight spent a few minutes of weightlessness with five other passengers on the Blue Origin spacecraft. It reached the edge of space for about 10 minutes. Dwight called the flight “a life changing experience.” 

    德怀特和其他五名乘客在蓝色起源飞船上度过了几分钟的失重状态。 它到达太空边缘大约10分钟。 德怀特称这次飞行是“一次改变人生的经历”。 

    With the flight, Dwight passed Star Trek actor William Shatner as the oldest person to reach space. Shatner’s flight took place in 2021. 

    通过这次飞行,德怀特超越了《星际迷航》演员威廉·夏特纳,成为到达太空最年长的人。 沙特纳的飞行发生在 2021 年。 

    Dwight joined four businessmen from the U.S. and France. The cost of the trip for each was not released. Blue Origin said Dwight’s flight was paid for by Space for Humanity, a nonprofit group based in Denver, Colorado. The group aims to send people of many different backgrounds into space as “citizen astronauts.” 

    德怀特和四位来自美国和法国的商人一起。 每人的旅行费用并未公布。 蓝色起源表示,德怀特的飞行费用是由总部位于科罗拉多州丹佛市的非营利组织“人类空间”支付的。 该组织的目标是将许多不同背景的人作为“公民宇航员”送入太空。 

    Dwight was in a test pilot program at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The program called “The Right Stuff” was the training ground for early astronauts. After being passed over, he retired from the military in 1966. 

    德怀特正在加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地参加试飞员计划。 这个名为“The Right Stuff”的计划是早期宇航员的训练场。 被淘汰后,他于1966年从军队退役。 

    He later became a sculptor who made statues of Civil Rights leaders including Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and others. 


    The U.S. space agency NASA announced Guion Bluford as the first Black astronaut in 1978, Bluford first reached space in 1983. The former Soviet Union placed the first person with African and Cuban ancestry, Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez, into orbit in 1980. 

    美国宇航局于 1978 年宣布吉安·布卢福德 (Guion Bluford) 为第一位黑人宇航员,布卢福德于 1983 年首次进入太空。1980 年,前苏联将第一位具有非洲和古巴血统的人阿纳尔多·塔马约·门德斯 (Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez) 送入轨道。

    The stories of Dwight and Bluford are among those told in the documentary movie from National Geographic called The Space Race. It is about Black astronauts. 

    国家地理纪录片《太空竞赛》讲述了德怀特和布卢福德的故事。 这是关于黑人宇航员的。 

    Dwight’s flight on May 19 was the first launch with a crew for Blue Origin in nearly two years. All flights were grounded after an accident in 2022. Flights without a crew restarted last December. Sunday’s flight was the seventh to carry space tourists. 

    德怀特 5 月 19 日的飞行是蓝色起源近两年来首次载人发射。 2022 年发生事故后,所有航班均停飞。去年 12 月,没有机组人员的航班重新启动。 周日的航班是第七次搭载太空游客的航班。 

    Businessman and founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos also started started Blue Origin, a company that seeks to make space tourism popular. 


    After completing his flight on Blue Origin’s spacecraft, Dwight said, “I thought I really didn’t need this in my life,” but added, “But now, I need it in my life…I am ecstatic.” 


  • The World Health Organization recently authorized a second dengue vaccine. The move could provide protection for millions of people worldwide against the mosquito-borne disease. 


    This year, several dengue outbreaks have happened in places across the Americas. 


    In a statement on May 15, the U.N. health agency said it approved the dengue vaccine made by the Japanese drugmaker Takeda. 


    Takeda’s dengue vaccine is known as Qdenga. It was previously approved by the European Medicines Agency in 2022. The two-dose vaccine is given three months apart. It protects against the four kinds of dengue. The WHO recommends its use in children between the ages of 6 and 16 who live in areas with high rates of dengue. 

    武田的登革热疫苗被称为 Qdenga。此前该疫苗已于 2022 年获得欧洲药品管理局批准。两剂疫苗间隔三个月接种。它可以预防四种登革热。世界卫生组织建议居住在登革热高发地区的 6 至 16 岁儿童使用该药物。 

    Approval by the WHO now means that donors and other U.N. agencies can purchase the vaccine for poorer countries. 


    Studies have shown Takeda’s vaccine is about 84 percent effective in preventing people from being hospitalized and about 61 percent effective in stopping symptoms. 

    研究表明,武田的疫苗在预防人们住院方面的有效性约为 84%,在阻止症状方面的有效性约为 61%。 

    WHO’s Rogerio Gaspar is director for the agency’s approvals of medicines and vaccines. He said it was “an important step in the expansion of global access to dengue vaccines.” 

    世卫组织的罗杰里奥·加斯帕 (Rogerio Gaspar) 是该机构药品和疫苗审批主管。他表示,这是“扩大全球登革热疫苗获取范围的重要一步”。

    The first dengue vaccine that the WHO approved was made by the drugmaker Sanofi Pasteur. The vaccine was later found to increase the risk of severe dengue in people who had not been infected with the disease before. 


    There is no exact treatment for dengue. It is a leading cause of serious illness and death in about 120 Latin American and Asian countries. About 80 percent of infections are mild. But severe cases of dengue can lead to internal bleeding, organ failure, and death. 

    登革热没有确切的治疗方法。它是大约 120 个拉丁美洲和亚洲国家严重疾病和死亡的主要原因。大约 80% 的感染是轻微的。但严重的登革热病例会导致内出血、器官衰竭和死亡。 

    Last week, the WHO reported there were 6.7 million suspected cases of dengue in the Americas. That is an increase of 206 percent compared with the same period last year. In March of this year, officials in Rio de Janeiro declared a public health emergency over its dengue epidemic. Brazilian health officials began giving out the Takeda vaccine with the goal of protecting at least 3 million people. 

    上周,世界卫生组织报告美洲有 670 万疑似登革热病例。与去年同期相比增长了 206%。今年3月,里约热内卢官员宣布登革热疫情进入公共卫生紧急状态。巴西卫生官员开始分发武田疫苗,目标是保护至少 300 万人。 

    Infectious disease experts say climate change and the increased range of mosquitoes that carry dengue are partly to blame for the spread of the disease. 


  • Scientists in Thailand have released a group of endangered sea turtles in an effort to save the wild population. 


    A total of 11 baby leatherback sea turtles were recently released into the Indian Ocean from Thailand’s vacation island of Phuket. The researchers are hoping the one-year-old turtles will get strong in the wild and return in 20 years to reproduce. 

    最近,共有 11 只小棱皮龟从泰国度假岛普吉岛被释放到印度洋。研究人员希望一岁大的海龟能够在野外变得强壮,并在 20 年后返回繁殖。 

    The release follows an intense conservation effort in recent years that centered on improving longtime survival rates for the sea creatures. In 2018, scientists discovered that leatherback sea turtles had returned to lay eggs in southern Thailand. 


    Some stronger members of that group successfully entered the ocean, but others died after hatching. So, a program was launched to help the weak baby leatherbacks grow, said Pinsak Suraswadi. He is the Director-General of Thailand's Department of Marine and Coastal Resources. 

    该群体中一些更强壮的成员成功进入海洋,但其他成员在孵化后死亡。平萨克·苏拉斯瓦迪 (Pinsak Suraswadi) 表示,因此启动了一项计划来帮助体弱的小棱皮龟成长。他是泰国海洋和沿海资源部部长。 

    Thailand is one of five countries – including Sri Lanka and Canada – that has been able to keep leatherback turtles in good health through their first year. Usually, a leatherback will lay eggs after 20 to 25 years. 

    泰国是能够让棱皮龟在第一年保持健康的五个国家之一,其中包括斯里兰卡和加拿大。通常,棱皮龟会在 20 至 25 年后产卵。

    The baby sea turtles, released last month, have satellite devices attached to them to follow their progress. The release was part of an international effort by the nonprofit conservation organization Upwell Turtles. 

    上个月释放的小海龟身上装有卫星设备,可以追踪它们的进展情况。这次释放是非营利保护组织 Upwell Turtles 的国际努力的一部分。

    Pinsak told Reuters news agency that it is necessary for researchers to study the animals’ travel path in order "to understand where they are going.” This helps the group know which measures to launch to protect the turtles’ hatching process. 


    Leatherback sea turtles are believed to have developed more than 150 million years ago. But the animals are now extremely endangered in the Pacific area. The World Wildlife Fund estimates the current population in the Pacific to be fewer than 2,300 adult females. 

    据信棱皮龟是在 1.5 亿多年前就已经形成的。但这些动物现在在太平洋地区极度濒危。世界自然基金会估计太平洋地区目前的成年女性数量不足 2,300 名。 

    While in the ocean, the turtles face dangers from fishing equipment, eating plastic waste and coming in contact with poisonous substances. 


    "I'm happy to know whether our effort in nurturing the leatherback sea turtles for a year proves fruitful or not," said Hirun Kanghae. He is with Thailand’s Phuket Marine Biological Center. 

    “我很高兴知道我们一年来培育棱皮龟的努力是否取得成果,”Hirun Kanghae 说。他在泰国普吉岛海洋生物中心工作。

    "If they survive it answers everything about the conservation and population restoration of the leatherback sea turtles in the best way possible," Hirun added. 

    Hirun 补充道:“如果它们能够幸存下来,就能够以最好的方式解决有关棱皮海龟保护和种群恢复的所有问题。”

  • Mexico City’s Tacos El Califa de León recently became the first Mexican taco stand to get a Michelin star – an award presented by the famous French restaurant guide. 

    墨西哥城的 Tacos El Califa de León 最近成为第一家获得米其林星级的墨西哥玉米卷摊位,该奖项由著名的法国餐厅指南颁发。 

    Chef Arturo Rivera Martínez recently stood over a very hot grill when Michelin representatives came to present him with one of the company’s heavy white chef’s coats. But Rivera Martinez did not put the jacket on. 

    最近,厨师阿图罗·里维拉·马丁内斯 (Arturo Rivera Martínez) 站在一个非常热的烤架上,当时米其林代表向他赠送了一件公司厚重的白色厨师外套。但里维拉·马丁内斯没有穿上夹克。 

    In this very small, 3-meter by 3-meter business space, the heat makes the meat. And the heat is strong. 


    At El Califa de León there are only four things on the menu -- all of them tacos. The food business has been doing the same four things since opening in 1968. 

    El Califa de León 的菜单上只有四道菜——全是炸玉米饼。自 1968 年开业以来,食品行业一直在做同样的四件事。

    “The secret is the simplicity of our taco. It has only a tortilla, red or green sauce, and that’s it. That, and the quality of the meat,” said Rivera Martínez. He is also probably the only Michelin-starred chef who, when asked what drink should go with his food, answers “I like a Coke.” 


    Other than perhaps one street food stand in Bangkok, Thailand, El Califa de León is probably the smallest restaurant ever to get a Michelin star. And half of the small space is taken up by a solid steel plate grill that is hotter than the salsa. 

    除了泰国曼谷的一家街头小吃摊外,El Califa de León 可能是有史以来获得米其林星级的最小餐厅。一半的小空间被一个比莎莎酱还要热的实心钢板烤架占据了。

    Thousands of times a day, Rivera Martínez gets a fresh, thinly sliced piece of beef and puts it on the hot steel grill. 

    里维拉·马丁内斯(Rivera Martínez)每天数千次拿到一块新鲜的切成薄片的牛肉,然后将其放在热钢烤架上。 

    The heat is one of the few secrets Rivera Martínez would share. The steel grill has to be heated to 360 Celsius. 

    炎热是里维拉·马丁内斯愿意分享的少数秘密之一。钢烤架必须加热到 360 摄氏度。 

    Asked how it felt to get a Michelin star, he said in classic Mexico City slang, “it’s neat, it’s cool.” 


    The prices at his stand are quite high by Mexican standards. A single taco costs nearly $5. But many customers are sure it is the best in the city. 

    按照墨西哥的标准,他摊位上的价格相当高。一个炸玉米饼的价格接近 5 美元。但许多顾客确信它是城里最好的。 

    “It’s the quality of the meat,” said Alberto Muñoz, who has been coming to the place for about eight years. “I have never been disappointed. And now I’ll recommend it with even more reason, now that it has a star.” 

    “这就是肉的质量,”来这个地方大约八年的阿尔贝托·穆尼奥斯 (Alberto Muñoz) 说。“我从来没有失望过。现在我会更有理由推荐它,因为它已经有了一颗星星。” 

    His son, Alan, who was waiting for a beef taco alongside his father, noted “this is a historic day for Mexican cuisine, and we’re witnesses to it.” 


    It really is about not changing anything — the freshness of the tortillas, the menu, the design of the restaurant. Owner Mario Hernández Alonso will not even tell where he buys the stand’s meat. 


    By law, following the coronavirus pandemic, Mexico City restaurants have been permitted to open up street-side seating areas. But El Califa de León does not even have a sidewalk where customers could eat because of all the street vendors. 


    Asked if he would like them to make room for a street-side seating area, Hernández Alonso said pointing to the street vendors, “As the saying goes, why fix or change something that’s alright? You shouldn’t fix anything... It’s the way God ordered things, and you have to deal with it.” 
